Newspaper Page Text
Sami'tiinr.Hi.Franimiy m Thrnw it iwai
liaiiier tkau Hake a i’stiuiu* si n.
[Prom Harper's Bazar, j
“Whenever it is possible to economize,
I’m sure I do so,” said Mrs. Palmer, a
little surprised at her aunt’s suggestion
of economy in household matters.
“You mean whenever it has seemed
possible, Fanny; and you have made
just the mistake thousands of women
i made before you. Yon probably
thought it was economy to make ilmt
bread pudding yesterday, all hough °
neither e er vnn J? unr 3 ?! RreH / patm 4 * 8 10r inr if ”
,.v “Yes; I disliked * to .u throw away that ,, .
plateful of bread, aud didn’t know'what
else to do Wilh it."
"Do you * always ^ eat all the pud- "
rtina ,*U v”
No, auntie; .• r I always i ! have to , throw .,
part of one away,” Fanny J replied, r > a lit
tie rueful I v
"Nu* liJ.1 ’’said Aunt Ruth ir.'f'i” “bow much
bread urcjui UMfi you—Half von a „ Join'
•’Count “Nearly—it was a small loaf."
it at four cents, .hen, at the
usual “"~T price for lor baker’s DK “ er ® bread ureai V How
much did you use of other material tc
convert “1 that into a padding ?" aiming at,
see what you are
auntie,” Fanny exclaimed, langlnng a
little. “1 used a quart ,.f milk, a cup
Of sugar, -wo eggs, a little i:,.. spice „„;i and
salt, 1 wauled to use another egg and
a be cup of raisins, but thought it would
extravagant, although I reallv think
we should have eaten more of it if I hud
done so"
“Mistake number two, counting the
making of the pudding at the first. The
sfwSK-ts £ 25*'' tail
bread—four ccuta — makes niueteeu
cent* which you wasted instead of lour,
had you thrown away the bread in the
first place, Asides the time spent la
making the pudding and (lie dissutisfac
tiou Wished of having made although something no do one
to eut. Now, 1 not
advise auy one to throw away a plateful
of stale bread, it is sometimes the most
economical thing to do with it, espe¬
cially in hot weather, when it is very
apt to mould. At other times I should
advise you to cut off auy brown crusts,
break in small pieces, and dry—not toast
—it in the oven when the lire is very
low. T ien pound or roll it rather fine,
aud put it in a piper l ag, which should
be hung in a cool dry corner of your
pautry. You will find it very conven¬
ient to use in preparing a dish of scal¬
loped all oysteis, meat, eggs, or tornadoes— tliun
for of which it is far nicer
emoker crumbs—for bread sauce, and
many other things. Tue bread may be
nsed in various ways. If the slices are
not broken or too thick, they make do
hoions browned sandwiches, which I
make very often. Chop very fine pieces
of cold meat — roasted, boiled, or
broiled. A smaller quantity thau will
suffice for anything except a meat ome¬
let will be sufficient to make a plateful
of these. Put the chopped meat into a
saucepan with sufficient cream, milk, or
boiling water to moisten it; season well
with butter and salt, add a tiny bit of
Cayenne pepper, a Ji;tle dry mustard,
aud a drop or two ot' celery extract. It
is impossible to give the quantities, as
tastes differ, ami the quautity of meat is
to sma 1, but t .-li mid be well seasoned.
Let it heat thoroughly, taking care it
doeB not scorch, and remove from the
fire. Beat two eggs well, anil add to
them a tea-cupful of milk aud half a
tea-spoouful of salt. Cut the dry crusts
from the slices of bread—the above
quantity of egg and milk will be suffi¬
cient for eight slices—aud if they are
thiok, split them with a sharp, thin
knife. Spread a slice with a thiu lnyer
of the chopped and meat, together. cover with Proceed a slice
of bread, press bread
in this manner till ihe meat and
are used, aud cut each snudwich iii
halves. Place them ou a plate, aud pour
the milk aud egg over them slowly, dip¬
ping it with a spoon from the plate, and
putting it over them uutil it is all ab
“Put a heaping tea-epoonful of butter aud
on a large griddle or frying-pan, the oaud
when it begius to brown, place When nicely
wiches carefully upon it.
browned, add a little more bolter, and
turn them, lettiug them brown qniekly
ou the other side. Serve as soon m pos
ailJ.o. This makes a delicious breaku.-t
dish, and may be used to advantage to
help out’ a soauty dinner.
“We often use the stale dices of bread
without the meat, just soaking them iu
the egg and milk, and browning uice'v.
It is one of the favorite metbols A
using, stale bread in our family. From
broken slices we ofteu make a pudding,
simple, it is true, but very nice.
“Remove all the crusts, and chop the
bread, but not very tine. T > a quart of
the crumbs allow fifteen tart, juicy ap¬
ples or eighteeu peaches, fully ripe.
Peel the fruit, si cing the apples, or cut¬
ting the peaches iuto eight or ten | ieces,
•coupling to the «n ltutter a pud.liu <
pan which will ho. •’ two quarts, or a lit
tie more, and cover tho bottom with a
layer of bread-crumbs,
••p.ll the dish with alternate layers of
fruit aud crumbs, having a layer of the
latter on the top, Then pour over it
very oarefnlly, aeustani made as follows;
one pint of miik, two eggs well beaten
and a scant tea-spoonful of salt- rut
bits of butter over the top—a generous
tea-spoonful cut flue will be sufficient—
and steam one honr if apples ure used;
whm peaches are used, the pudding
should be cooked fifteen or twenty mill
utes longer. Serve with whipped cn am,
sweetened and flavored, or with clear or
other sauce, A favorite sanoe for this
or any fruit pudding is made by beating
a cupful of 6ugar—ooffeo sugar is bast—
and a heaping table-spoonful of butter
to a cream; then add the white of one
egg, beaten to a stiff froth, and beat to¬
gether till very light. IjW 01 ' wi'h va¬
nilla for peach, and lemon or grated nut¬
meg for apple pndaing. This is one oi
the ‘eoonomy’ puddings, but it is really
very nice.”
“Plzase help the blind,” pleaded a
beggar, who had a little dog with him
attached to a string. “You are not
blind; you can see as well as I can.”
“I know I’m not, but the dog is. It
. would be tough luck, indeed, if both c/
I us were blind."
VVbnt ir Costs to Klin :1 ,. Ampoiffn-OpiniO!)
(Roche* er. X. T. Democrat.)
“Five midion dollars!”
“Ves, sir, five mi. lion dollars, of which .... two
millions are spent tor fireworks an 1 three
notions for uniforms, ete.,evgry pi evidential
Ca S'^'id Mr. James Palmer, the Rochester
fireworks mal er, t. our reporter s inquiry.. fire
“The average f * v- in off years ior
svorks is over one million do Ian-.”
<‘Do wf’mairihe we import the bulk ^t of our fireworia^
em in thi< mu. ry.
r i’h re are only ten fireworks establishments
m Ame i'i.' P»ncrinterul-nt _ mjt ,
! cri Upon it Fite .nvi Fi ation liner, the of reporter inspected tho
j palmer es»aU:.< m nt no*, without some fin
and trcml 1 ng at first. When ill super. i
Undent h • lmd fe-n blown up .w.ce, t. e
reputur furtively asked:
•• I< iii t this busiie m a little risky? connder*
y„. I ,-n,-, .8* it would Ur so
iv 'im out J i.h s. bu' 1 lnve en-oantcrod don grootor feci
than any I find hem and t
am«rn.d.” catch , mennin,? . _
*• J do i t unite your this hiisiii many
“ Well, I have l-o-n in ws
vcare nn i u,,. rousiant I hough uncoiis su.lenng was
nrivc u-strain hns i n l greater
t | a -t the oxplo-ioiis I I a<; -taken!' Many
« day I w.m d bo very dizzy, an I every
thing would get dark, /.t other .lines 1 ou
, ,, Vc nr ...i v ap’d 1 mv?i he Ir>m rhokin e: s nsa ions.
I'Z „ my li’elo-s. he le t mo and l grew .hi:.
and l w, d-.wsy by day and
«ake!ull.y nigh'- My s da pain'd bloared n.e, my
b,,c • arlicd, ' my hubs bum d. I
r , *u”o , . d^pcm" L r 0 t oarabzed For u n
Uphysictas I ■ d ly mid two prone
gave me up tor a dead
m.m, sure.” T
;;Y°u don t look i now
“Xo, Hints so. ini it was a la q juo ins
m „ ivhen I loundout my trouble,I at once
.omrtvl tn Warners snim-uiv and a dozen
tsittl s put mo in !>•*■e i m oftfiobest h a th j
I ever e pr-i.-d t. m.loy. an I I was pro
‘‘ ' nse *»'»« 1 '; ‘ tlK lllost one ■ul “Sue ia ;
"''q'n utd. You mo a fortunate fireworks man. business Is !
lien; any lading off m the
* i *'"*'* ° ,i •ts'* «**•
n ”
American P<x>pIo «r*» vv tin^ quite as ton l of
display as them r ! r- ni liman, and ey
™| <> »•> L ^ fVst >? wgli’t^cover L’S incide.Un! ®I Vccio
it tho
, )tl Jitical expenses of a inmiiiltBiiai campaign.’
The Ilritlsli I’ossrgSKHij.
bJlis ’
At , file ,, lata , . meet of . the Bnlisli _ ... , As- .
socialion in Moutreal soma remarkable
statisl'cs were presented in regard to !
lie British empire; the area of the 1
f >)*•, ”■>, * >“'< aji-,
lioiiH of rquare lniles, liut tiiere is null
rect domination over euougli more to
make tin) total ten millions—one fififi of
the land surface of the globe. Of i his
only oue hundred and twenty thousand
-quare miles are included in the United
Kingdoms ; and of tlie ten million oulv
two million square miles are cultivated
or occupied in the widest sense of the
The total population of the empiro I
direct is three hundred aud five millions
soulp, of whom only one-seventh
are Christians, while Hinduism—ttie
whole of which is subject to the British
crown—includes fully a half; of Bud¬
dhists there are seven millions. The
force regularly under arms, including
the native Indian soldiery, amounts to
about oue million, besides liaif a million
policemen. The comparative paucity of
this land-army is accounted for by the
predominance of the navy, which num¬
bers at present sixty-three irou-clads. of
which twenty-five are at sea, aud nearly
two hundred other vessels of war, carry¬
ing fifty-seven thousand officers and
men. Through empiro her mere holds unde marine
the British about one
third of the entire trade of the world.
'i'iie manufactures of the U dted King
dim w»re valued by Sir Bichard Temple
at £8 8 UOO.OnO sterling, or one-third of
I hose of all E trope put together; but
ihis figure is rivalled by she United
States. The wealth of the United King¬
dom, reckoued at £8 721,000,000, is ex¬
ceeded nearly a milium pounds sterling
by the total wealth of the United States,
fiie sum of British wealth represents
seven tunes the annual income; aud
the total British debt, governmental aud
municipal, is now £1,312.0 0,000.
In the statistics of thrift and educa¬
tion, there is room to uote only the United 11 it
teriug statement, that in tUe
States a miiliou more pupils are enrolled
*egnlarly iu school than in the whole
British empire, oar number reaching
ten millions.
in Oliver Twist Stiiiy.
niE EVDPitllRN’Ora OF A Onto \GO LAD WHO
An Oliver Twist story enmo out in the
Polios Court of Ciuoiniiatt, when J-»lui
R/uu was nrraigueil for vagrancy. His
accusing witue.-s was George Gilbertson,
12 years oh!, who lives in Chicago. Hb
intfier died several years ago, and one
year ago hie mother died, leaving him
to fight, tlie battle of life alone. He is a
fair haired boy, aud pure-minded, as
everybody who heard his story believes.
He was employed in a tannery in Chica¬
go until a short time ago, when dull iius
"u ss caused him to be discharged.
While wauderiug around he met a man
■ >u the lake front who gave his name as
John Ryan, lie iuduoed the bov to
come with him ou a trip toward Cincin¬
nati, a;id, to disguise Ins identity, told
him to take the name of E i Ryan. After
tl ey started ou their trip Ryan b< c veral one
very cruel ami beat the boy s
limes ou the sliglitest pretext. Rvau
aud the boy “beat” their way on trains,
and when oom[veiled to stop iu a town
the boy was made to beg money and
food. lie made several attempts to in
Juoe Ihe boy to enter liou-es for fi>e
purpose of robbery, but without avail.
When they arrived in Cincinnati, the
boy attempted to escape. He was
caught, and Ryan gave him a sound
thrashing aud ordered him to again go
begging. He met a Cbristiau lady, Mrs.
Delorae, on the stre t and asked her for
assistance. The kind woman took him
to the Children’s Home, where he was
cared for over night. Oue morning
Rvan appeared at the home and demand¬
ed the boy, saving that the lad was bis
brother. He was detained until a police¬
man aiT ved and arrested him. In the
Police Court the tramp told a contradic¬
tory story, and was promptly given three
months in the workhouse {oi vagrancy.
The boy has been provided for by the
managers of the Children’s Hume,
Oppression In Morocco.
A correspondent of the London Tine*.
at Tangier, wrote that au American gen¬
tleman had just related to Lim the fol
lowing story: in Morocco, speaks
He was born ana
Mogbrcbiu like a native. II; said that
some months ago he with Ids wife
to pay a visit to a relative residing in
Cnna Blanca, and one day, while tiiere,
a ^Joorihb youth oi about eighteen years and
or go> paJe aud th,u with want
misery, in tattered garments of fine
texture that Fj»oke and of entreated better nays, her Iell to
at lija wife’s feet his
lMke |,j m i„ to her servii-o to save
hie. . She »ue sDnke sp Ke to t her - husband, and an
investigation to ik p < f
, fol- ,
Obtain Co .b, winch ‘to . ,
lowing fact*: 1 be Jmi a father WHS ex*
IremeJv i«m«y wealthy and lent large b sums of
money to a Irma m ?‘ r 5. lil •
interest, in return for which he . received ,
French proUct.on; but after some years
tliey -U liud a disimte, and the Moorish
keiiiit urn t only „i j refu-ed to advance
any more m ney, > . of . the ,.
payment of at least somo portion boaid
debt then due to him, and was on
a ship 1 on his way to Mecca, when the
Frenchman , bargained . 1 „:.u »«b the Ann Gov
ernor of 11re ilistr let to withdraw French
protection from the rich Moor, Ins cred
tfor ’ f or the mm $3 000. J The Moor
™ ff ,ze<1 , 0D t'h.phoard, . , i brought „ , . ,, back
and thrown mto prison charged with
being concerned m some crime. A s
movable property was for hwith seized
ftu d sold, aud it is said at leai-t, $40,000
,j contbcuted. * His wife, ’
"Mil her sou, fi d, and , a price . was
offered tor their discovery, but happily
the ‘ 1,8 scene, An,er,can ai d 1 f? the ,, « lad e, ! ,aM was n *’If fortunate 1 ^ °"
enough to get to the lady and tell his
tule. the gentleman nt once took ad
™is e .ldSLoiS.z£m:
of .Li-..u,e G „ ; r„„r
tin d to buy the Ud, and actually offered
(he Anoencaii tffCO ) for bun. It is ueea
h '! * 88 1o tempi 8H - V ,1)llt nous lL, refusal ( s Vll , e °?', J he r lad s w,th poor
father died ill the l.omble dungeon to
which he had been consigned.
A TiniAuhs in Corner l.ntv
is what, most men desire, cut to keep from
filling a grave in a cemetery lit ere half your
days are numbered, alway.-t kee i a sii])|> y of
Lr. Pierce’s ’’ Gold -n Medh al Discoveiy ” by
yovL When tho first s/mpto ns of con-unp
lion appear lose no lime in pa ting yourself
under the treatment of this invaluable undL
cilie .- cures when nothing else will. Eos
sssftj: s srys
i,ut li r the pleasa test to take. It tiu purifies
and enriches t ie blood, strong hens sys
tem, eurer blot B li druggists, s, pimples, eruptions and
other humors.
'I la postal of the United States cost
$46,225,900 this yea r.
I mportxmt.
When you visit or l**nvo New Y »rk city, save haws:
ex jresvwge nnd c trr age hire, and stop at th flGfi
I'ninii II tel, upp site Grind Central dep >t.
6>K) oleg 'nt rooms, fitted up at a c >at of o one mil lim
d 1 ars, ffil and upward supplied p r day. with the European best. plan II Ele
ynt'T. Restaurant railroads all »rv F undies • cars,
Hugos and elevate i t » depot**. Grand Union
i“»n live better for less money at the
11.,tel than at any other fi st-class hotel in the city.
If i"iioi-nnce is bliss some people must be
(X remoly happy.
My aon,
ngetl nine years was afflicted with Catarrtl, the
use of Ely’s Cream Bairn ertected a c-miplete
cure.—\V. E. II'amman, Dniggist, Eiston, l’a.
60 cts. a package. Sec adveriisement.
h leading question—Dispute as to who goes
Cbnppc 1 hands, fare pimples nnd rough skin
cured by using Juniper Tnv Soap, made by Cas¬
well, Hazard & Co.. New y."k.
l’rnfeasor Curtis has collect d 180 varieties of
wood in Florida to exhibit at Now Orleans.
The Mason & Hamlin company, long th“
most let nous mauu.actui-evs of reed organs)
ihe wor.d, have common ed the inanuiactur
,f upii„ht pianos, laving effected un iir
provoiuent which tliey regard as the mos.
in portant introduced in many years. A,
ingenious arrangement fes ens ihe strings di
recily to the iron plate of the instrument
giving greater cleai n;ss und purity of fine
with ubsem-e of till mere noise. Al the sum
lime it rerun's the instrument more duraU.
less lint le to get out of order. The Mason A
Jiamlin pianos are certain y these exquisitj thoroughly instin
mi nis, tn.d, coming irom be dejoende l
well known m tkers. may upoi
to be ad tney le present them .—BoU u,
The rich are able, but not liberal; the poor
are generous, but lack ability.
Young and middle-aged men suffering from
nervous deoility, premature old age, loss of
memory and kindred symptoms, should send
three U tter s amps lor large il u nrated trea¬
tise suggesting sure means of cure. World’s
Di peasary Medical Association, Buifalo,
The governor of each one of the territories
receives $1,700 per year.
“ ROI’VII ON coticns."
Ask for "Bongli on Coughs’” Troches, for Coughs
Colds. Sore Thro.t, Hoarscuess. I5c.
Liquid, 25c.
Where tliere’s a wilt there’s a way—for the
lawyers to get around it.
Young Men!—Read This.
The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall. Mich.,
offer to send their celebrated Electro-Volta *c
Belt and other Electric Appliances on triai
for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted
with nervous d bility, loss of vitality and man¬
hood, and all kimbed troubles. Also for rheu¬
matism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other
diseases. Con plete restoration to health, incurred vigjr
and manhood gua an teed. No risk is
as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them ai
once for illustrated pamphlet free.
No woman is educated who is not equal to
the succes-ful management of a family.
Mullein vs. God Liver Oil.
Dr. Quillian, the leading authority While of Great
Britain, on lung diseases, only says : pounds one ot
his patients gained oil, she gained seven thirteen by the
use of cod liver over hv
the use of mull in. The old field mullein mad,
info a t-a aud combined with sweet gum pre¬
sents in Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet
Gum and Mullein a pleasant and effective cu t
for Croup, Whooping Cough, Colds and Con¬
sumption. Sold by all druggists at 25c and
$1.00 a bottle.
It is reported that the walls of the great cav
era composed under Lookout variegated at F-ort marble. Payne, Ala., w e
Children, slow In development, Health puny, lieuewer.” scrawn,
*nd delicate, use “Weils’
Betting is no argument, yet it will do in the
place of a better.
“ \Vo U W>rit, AYdtV.w
How many women there are working to¬
day in various branches of industry—to patient say
nothing of the thou an-Is of bouse
wives whose fives are an uuceasing round of
toil—who are martyrs to those complaints Their task- to
which the weaker sex is liable.
are rendered shoneueiC doubly hard and irksome aaJ
their lives yet hard necessity com-
1 e s them .» keep oil To such Dr- i ieree'j
"Fe'oriW Proscription ’’ oTers a sure means
of relief. For ail female weakueoses it is a
-.i-rtaiu curd. Ail dru p puts.
Texas increased her assessed property $73,
000,UUO this yean__
I irrnilH recoin in end
iSIv'b Cream Balm to any one having Catarrh
or Catarrhal A thma. I have suffered tor five
years so I could not lie down for we- ks at a
tune. Hi nee X have been using the BUtu I can
lie down uud rest. I thank God that you ever
invented such" a medieme.—F H. Bcb
FAiiningtou, N. H.
Rich he ’s of iron ore have b|en discovered
,t Duck Hid, Miss. The deposits are said to
Le very large.
catarrh of the beadder.
StineiiiR, irritation, inflammation, all Kid
nf-vandUiiiiary Complaints, cured by “Buchu
p aiba.” w.---
Work p ’• •greasing OU the new custom \
Louse a-t lVnsaeola. ”
Fnrth brings the bitterness of pain
Yet worth the crown of peace will gain;
And thousands speak in accents fine
Tlio praises iff our Carboline
There is talk of building a momitnent to the
memory of President Po.k, at Columbia, Tenn.
A Rem.arknblo Cordial.
It is a well known fact that gum camphor is
one of the best remedies for bowel troubles,
and combined in a cordial with peppermint
and the active principle of the huckleberry, it
presents in Dr. Diggers’ Huckleberry Cordial
stores the little one suffering from the effects
of teething, ami cures Dianhma, sale Dysent all rv
and all bowel troubles. For by drug¬
gists at 50 cents a bottle.
There are seventy-two banks in New York
Li-st year’s fashions are out of date, but lost
year’s friends *-ie still our own. 'Jhisisvhy
Mrs. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound never
loses tVvor; every lady who knows its worth
(and who do. s not?) feels that the kindly lace
ot Mrs. P.nkham is that oi an honored friend.
There are 6,987 Americana in Paris as resi
den ts.
Purest ano rest coo-liverotl, from selected
livers, on the seashore, ypure’and by Caswell, Hazard A
Co., N.Y. Absolute sweet. Patients
who have once taken it prefer it to all others.
Physicians declare it superior to all other oils.
The total length of railways now open in
Japan is 240 miles.
Porous aud strengthening, improved, tho
best for backache, pains in chest or side, rheu¬
matism, Neuralgia. 25c. Druggists or mail.
veloped Aligator fanning Florida. is th- latest industry de¬
Cri- SEND fi'ty (50) ct«. to W. H. SISSON. Wells
aitd jre, Fiity-two N. Y., and receive oy return mail Throe alite. Hau
(06^) Scrap Pictures, no two
! wA in l° e
2» v/|>- ri jnir^C Ut * 1 8 floanaiiik- o r b e d , the effectuall head of
M 'oA'TH IlrflnJ oatirrhal
,,A W virus, causing
f ( fjprot^t, healthy Beerotions. It
HAYFEVER Jw£ S|| .Y/fljy trom lresii 6 £2ne colds, U n& com
v/A jrafl pletojy liesls the sores
/ MB nnd res ores the sense*
f ol taste and emeil.
Not a Liquid orSnuff
^v#k A . treatment lieve. Agreeable A few A applications to thorough will use. cure. Send re¬
rl AY-FEVER lor at druggists. circular. 50 60 cents cents
,P .JS-gSV^., ,„.„ ggigrg , Qwego, N. Y.
Hj ,y :-T gteSKAMlE aSKsMBi Wide are to mak 3^0U MONEY YOU king awake per from MAKING ? Agents month $100
selling t he original
r yv».vw s«dd. A P lT<"iI r\v m-ijiciplo. h. Matlo Saving of metal. ot Clothes, Control
tervit or. Mend'tig giv«-n. and Write for terms and circulars.
K Itn'i. STkA31 W.ISHKH CO.. »00 N.aialn St.,St.Louis,Mo. Chitago.
Tilt MO. STKAII IYASHKU CO., :!13 Slate St.,
Le Conte
iii!" i m W I ai & A . I^arscry The lar
EBPPVfiji H CQHV\ ®j?est nr
LPt : 2'1|jy gaf *rr
w i jr of those
fit'iu*uir8, buy no ubiier «n<i av »nl Blieht. Cata*
Smithvilli% C«a.
r 1 ItEMEDY.
I' Removes from the
Lv mM: •J fficw «s Freckles, all blemishes, Mot *, 8“ch Tan
and Pimp complexion w>, and gives the
to tha
rehlinese of youth. is
I his Is not a paint,
prepared from th® pre
tcription of a celebiated physician, and is wairantod to
contain no lead. DOOLITTLE SMITH, „
Gen. Ageota, Boaton, Maas,
Southern Agents,
DILLS OF TANSY IkSS particulars
’ ■ i. ii Sealed 2 etc.
Wilcox Mcdicmv Go., I'unuaelphia, i'o.
CONSUMPTION. abtvo dlseaae; by
I have a positive reioody for tho its
uso thousan s of cases oi the worst kind and of long
standing have been cured. Indeed. • ostrong Is my faith
in its efficacy, that I wi i send TWO BOTTLES FREE,
together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this diseaoe
to any sufferer. Givoexpress and P O. addr sn.
1)11. T. A. SLOCUM. 1 st P-arlSt.. York
T>OR 1’ SAI.I-i—Vnlukhle Improve>l and Unimproved
1. AN IIS- Cun .apply tlie wnma of Ihe rich ornoor.
W A. COt.LI MS, Ba fctrup. La.
BesiCc-.igli S.vrup. Tastes good.
Use in titac. So.d by drucKists.
18«3-1SS4. THE LARGEST beTtjtifuT.
BK EAIlLI PEAR. R pening in Gen-
1 N*-\r York early in July, an ^ sells at
S Prices. Send «*r hi.-tory of
^rlxlual Tree. lOO Venrs old.
Ta /a pllT 1 PearSj Ileadqimrtrrs Furry Strawberries, f<»r KieT**r Wil
~Lu/\ IJi .1 1 e«n, Paspbo »lr., Btaokberr es, 3Iurlboro
s=- riM, Grapes.
Wm. Parry, Parry P.O., N. J.
Highest Cash Paid for Old Goill
and luted Silver* 3Inti« Arc.,
(no ing plated but solid ware)noth¬ goods.
ISH Whitehall Siaen.
jiU £, 0 W Fro r-vtjp.tld' rwet.ow, s *u!-d iyar.lm lai p»- J _o
e ..
. «a»*. C r.>.r L K. u SSIT ii A «(K. Ac Bf<. t aiaiiac.
Drt. LINTPUlSir’S ,
ft^MSSpiual fprayf’Waist,.....$1 75
HC Spinal iJtai£s5SSS3s*.i?i Cor-et,..............3 00
Aj ff liecommecded by leading physicians,
delivered free anywhere in tho U. fi.
on receipt of price. lady Agents Wanted. York.
l>r. Licqnist’s&jmalCarset Co.. 4i2B’way. Hew
Pensions SSSSgi&SM
VARICOCELE S 22 ‘^X,.Zi»i 7 .n
Sv-nd ammp for our New Evy-fir on
’ Rmnrs. L. Bm’GllAM. P t
eutiLu mar. lubingun. D. U‘.
Gilbert Mfg Go.’s
OLO l'il wheT* -? T eat strensjta i is combined with a to it,
tatiii satisfaction, tin sh snould T-iey also, tuey want iiniugs their silks to^ive
recoin mend.for the
Siveraign Twills,
Bayal Twills, Twills,
Improved Royal
C tble T Wilis,
S .tin M irveUleux Twins, Twills,
Q -os Gvain
S it in 01 ssigue Twills.
SiLESiA Many a silk has bee i condemned because the common
-r a p »or waist lm ng has been used;
V i-u shoul 1 Hi so ask f,r ihe
a Cloth *3 guarantee to be fast black, and thet PER
al^iRAl lO 1 or ACIDS W.H n«>t cimuje, cau it
t>.' ma ;e t • CROCK in the SLIGHT^ T UEUitPiE.
You wiiJ tin i ourinitiali on e ich yar I, repies^ntirg
^Mnd^y.nJs, all Leaf tnus: C.-- A X --Al.--1 y.)., Look and
mi; oc-aerS go»d> d.*e an imitt.iion. for
the letMrs G. <t .vi. n selvuife, n ne ..thefs jiregerR ue.
VN 3 I’i cg
fl? I '
; J
; 51.}:
too mum S22 TO
STYLES §900.
Only American Organs Awarded -sif-li at auy.
For Cash, Easy Payments or Rented.
presentir* such iubtrumeuts; very tiigticst ad excellence k\\ previous yet attninril impr
ill iuiu to <ve
nientts one of grea er value than any; * ctffinf? most
pur*-, refined, idinff mubiod ft nes en.i increased durability;
especially tiated Uatalogues av< li.tbiliiy to get out of tune, lilus
Mason & Hamlin Organ aiift Piano Co.,
Bohio n, 154 Tremout St.; N* York, 46 E. 14th
St.; < iiicutfo, 149 Wiibn^li Ave.
A BIG OFFER To introduce them, we
Self-Operating . .are going to Give A way
1,000 YTavhing Machines. If yon want
one Beni us your name, address, anti express offic- at
once. M. J. STODDART &G0., Chambers SL, N.Y.
3, m M
|M* fttsS
Gold Bend Mofs RoBe
Bec< r ted 'Toilet f>et.
P. O. Box
tor the new book TII lKl'V -THREE YEARS AMONG
OUR WiLS liillis
B.v Gen. DODGE tiul Gen. SilERM.vN. Tho fastest filing
hook heridan, «>ut. Indorsed by I’rcs of t Arthur Eminent Gen’s Grant, .^henrmn,
and thousands Judges, i lergymen, 7-Mian
Editors, etc., as k ’ The, Best and Finest Illustrated
Booh Ever Published .” It takes like wildfire, end Agents sell
1 <> to 20 a day. 0^“?5.000 Bold Its Great Authorship
and Solid Merit make it the ho ming hook for Agents.
(tj’Send for Circulars, Specimen Plate. Extra Terms etc., to
A. 1>. WORTHINGTON As CO., Hartford,Conn.
Railroad Agents’ Business
SITY, Attaiita, 44a. Bend far Oircalars.
RAZORS We will mail to any address
m the United States, a Flue
Razor on receipt of money.
Eric s irom 50 ci*m« to
New JfiST.50. La. Address, JANEY
iX: GO.. Orleans,
Rmto SIMPS quickest Greatest shipments, Variety, Lowest best Prices, made;
mammoth catalogue and circular, witn discounts, free.
Agents wanted. I'Ualmuu Jfl's C.'t> . Baltimore, Jld.
r Ji' . Lorillard’s Climax Plug
:U hearin g a red tin tag; that Lorillard’s
Rose Lent'fine cut; that Lorillard’s
Navy Clippings, and that Lori!bird’s Suufis, are
the b*;st ami cheapest, quality considered ?
Sri Aiude wanted. i!e AW . FILEK. nar by \\ C 1"Tl .b.Nav.'xou i’N' with fc»entb7 Ik. NEWTON’S K-\"ZtBc ’ . .ore^rcul«r. l„ llle.Ct. Agents Patent V] ,5
5 Sure Cure Mouth Wash and Dentifrice &S bad orfoul
Sore Mouth and Ulcers. Cleans the P. Teeth, keeps HOLMES, the Gums Dentists, heilthy, Macon, cures Ga.
breath. Prepared solely by Drs. J. A \V. R. Lam-ir,
and recommended by leading dentists. For sale by all Druggists and Dentists.
Rankin A Lunar, Macon, Ga., Howard A Candler, Atlanta, Ga., Wholesale Age its.
Everybody who sends as directed gois a preser,! worth from 20 cents to $500.
well The known proprietor and popular or the paper ILLINOIS more widely AOI2ICULTUKICT circulated and Introduced being Into desirous houses of having where the It Is already not al¬
ready known, has deicrmiued to t hrow o,T all profit this vear, and In addition use a portion of hi* capi¬
tal for tho sole purpose of increasing the circulation to iOD,*-GO copies. After deciding to more ex¬
tensively advertise than ever before We the following plan has been adopted by book us: and mall the ILW* _
Ca)< rur vJL? OiOPY'S’Ca wc! 1 to XOIS will AGISICUI.TITKIST enter your name on our subscription regularly to 8 months on trial
Immediately send numbered Receipt, which holder you of the following pre®'
and a receipts will be'sent will entitle the subscription to one will be entered up
ents. months. If any This one desires oile is two ood only till they January for $1, and their
six r g 1,1S85.
10 J3 U. U. S. S. Government Greenbacks of Bonds $503................... o£ $500..........$5,000 EiOO
10 U. S. Greenbacks of $W3.................... 1,0,0
I 1 Nickel Grand Square plated Columbia Piano........................ Bicycle............ IDO tM
1 Grand Cabinet Rockaway....................... Organ......... 200
1 Three scat 200
1 Silver Dinner Service....................... 100
6 Top Bugsne*...... Greenbacks of ........................ $t l.CCO
20 U. 8. 0 each............... 1,000
10C0 Autograph Albums, $1 each................ 2, 00
2 VI.lags Carts................................ 2J0
Gents’Scarf Pins, Fans and Chains, nnd S3.421 other presents, valued from 20 cents to tl.
makes a grand nrprepation of 100.000 presents, thus guaranteeing a present to each and every new sub¬
scriber who sends us 50 cents. All of the above presents will be awarded in a fairandimpartlalman
ner. Presents will be sent to any part of the United States or Canada. The 50 cents which you send
us Is the regular price be in for three months’ subscription, and therefore we charge nothing for the present.
o«ir prolit will your future patron3geanat.lie increasedratewewillgetfurouraavertisingspacc
T our Subscription Free. Get five of vour friends to Join you by cutti ngt his out and showingittotnem
Send ns® I.Si>andwe\viHsendyo’jt£ieILLIh.GIS receipt for each of AGRIClTLTfJItkSTfcrthreemonths.andone postponement.
numbered •«b»cri'»r» with your S5 subscribers,and one extra tor your trouble. No
Send ten BA1 SON LY.—TMiotfer and we will hold send you 13 subscriptions and thirteen limit receipts. the
FOIE GO subscriptions 100,000, will stood for sixty days only, as we shall
number of new to so we would advise all our friends to forward subscriptions ILLINOIS at an
early date, as iu no cese will they be received later than January 1, 1SS3. THE
AGTK1C1 LTL KIST is the best and ablest edited paper in the country and already has a circula¬
tion of 20,000copies, and only requires 80,000 more to get the desired number. It contains eight pages.
You Gen
Get This
Sold Watch
For 50c.
^ 20,000 Subscribers, and is hackery ample capita',
so that everyone of our subseribvrsmay he
getting what we premise. Indeed we couid bo*
afford otherwise with a paper that has alreaay se¬
a cured 20,000 subscribers ou its merit. Lndoubtea
ly some who read this new departure will think sa
w 'A * offer (ogive away saxetflin presents isinost unrea¬
■■ sonable ami unprofitable; but let us say to 8 ' 1 ??,® 11
mr [ S': persons that it costs anywhere fromsSACCO to
OU) to secure a large circulation to a paper. wees
wm Scnow In of avuhlisherthat free copies spent^O.OCOin and advertising one tnip,
1 m • m giving and av. ay well spent, for it seen.-!
m per. the money was that paid g°° a
for him an established circulation nowacay*
vp Interest must either on the bedone Investment. extensive Publishing scale or no.
on an and jus-
all. It costs just as much formatter, editorialaery
much for Illustrations, electrotypes, forepart,
lees, rent and for setting up the type ,.n bo-O-c
of lCOcircuIatioh as it does editions, for a psperw each one ot tn
circutation. On small single craiann
above items swelsthecostof a par
fj ingly, but cm very large editions, the 'A,
spread over so many papers that it Is
tireiy lost: thus you can see that; bus&evs. Surge P ru I ,’ nw„ 3 ; , n be made only by doing a large the ILLsau.
pr<wS«e)v wl^a^wtywvmosc doing with
once Onlv go to work and help us to increase onr list, bv AGKICULtCbiST this grand and geDercus offer, months. Kid . —.
yitllj uu 50 Hants w®nH C Secures elpt good the for ILLINOIS one present. One number of tho paper three la w0 "bdoubletne-
tcrlpiion price. At to reliability we refer these tcho do not kn^wt* to any Rank or McrcantM tkens
i Presents to our Subscribers given to ^
IT tnaiy Free. latter , at .-Cen'. our risk; _ Pottave larger Stunm should tnbeo. be sent by MoneyInsamaof Registered litter 81 orPoetal orlesamay Note. pesentina aBflad" 9 *®" ^
In e?ery town can ohtf»in an illustrated
SSO pape Stoiy Book as a
Ser.d 3 two cent st amps to the Pub'ishsn
I I of the best of all thi BOYS & GIRLS’
Magazines, YVI HE AWAKE) and get
ilb rue ions at ONCE.
Address, D. LOTHROP Jb CO.,
33 Franklin St., BpgfONj M >es.
tying truth Afrentt* can’t ^ELLiiidtoi)
tue about Jones. Put your
Ues^on^mper and^ign if you dsre.
$ 60.5 TON
Beiw.i Box. Taro Beam Freight
Paid. Free Price List. Every Sin.
bin&raaiton.n. y.
12 ladies i
Greatest inducem^r.ts ever of¬
fered . ow’s your t in to {jet up
orders lor our celeix tad Teas
and ful Gold V'otl Band ceSjand Moss secure Rose a beauti¬ China
Ter. JSet, or Hands ine jjecit.ited
L'lnner or txoid Band xVloss
Ft r toll particulars address
ol and LU Yesey fct., Ne;v York.
Loss and Gain.
chapter l
“1 was taken sick a year ago
With bilious fever.”
“My doctor pronounced h p-tina me cured, but i got
sick again, wit terrible in my back and
sides, and I got so bad I
Could not move!
I shrunk!
From 228 lbs. to 130! I had been doctoring
for my liver, but it did me no good. I did
not expect to live more than three months,
l began to use Hop Bitters.
Directly my appetite returned, my pains left
me, my entire system seemed renewed as if
by magic, and alter using several bottles, I
am not than‘I only as sound before. as a sovereign,but To Hop weigh
more did Bit.ers 1
owe my life#” B. Fitzpatrick
Dublin, June 6, ’81.
chapter n.
“Malden, Mass., Feb. 1, 1880. sick Gentlemen
I suffered with attacks of headache,”
Neuralgia, female tr.ruble, for yews in the
most UrriUe and excruciating manner.
No medicine or doctor couid give me relief
or cure, until I used Hop Bitters.
1 ‘I be first bottle
Nearly cured me;”
The s icond made me as well and strong as
when a i hi Ul, been to this day.”
“And 1 have so invalid for
My husband serious was an twenty
years with a
“Kidney, liver and urinary complaint,
“Pronounced by Boston's best physieians
“Ii:CUL•able! ,,
Seven bottles of your Bitters cured him and
I know of the
“Lives neighborhood of eight persons” that have been saved
In my
by your bitters, using them with
And many more are groat
“They almost ?” Mrs. E. D. Slack,
Do miracles
How to Get Sick.—E xpose yoursjlf day
and night; eat too much without exercisi;
work too hard without rest; doctor all the
time; take all tho vile nostrums to know advertised, how to
and then you will want get
well, which is answered in three words—Take
Hop Bitters! without abunch of
SggrNcne genuine label Shun all the graen vile;
Hopson the white
poisonous stuff with “Hop” or “Hops” in their
VeplaWe Cupnri
m For Female Complaints and
Weaknesses so common to
* ’V'-T'* / f oar best female population.
It iviir enra entirely the worst form of Female Com.
plaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Uicerv
tion, Falling and Displacements, and the adapted consequent to ta»
Spinal Weakness, ana is particularly
Change of Life.
It will dissolve and expel fumors from the uterus in an
early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous
humors there is checked very speedily by itause.
It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys aU cravlne
or stimulants, and relieves weakness of the Prostration. atomacln
o cures Bloating. Headaches, Nervous Images,
Ocneral Debility, (Sleeplessness, down, Depression eausingpain, and weighs
tion. That feeling of bearing cured by its use.
and It wtli backache, times is always and under permanently all circumstances act la
at all Female sys.em..
harmony with tho laws that govern the
For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either ser, this
Compound is unsurpassed. Price SI.00. Sixbottlesfor®5.00,
family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAWA
LIVB* PILLS They cure constipation, biliousness and
torpidity of tho liver. 05 cents a box at all druggists.
Consumption Can Be Cured!
Gough, Si<mrsc5JCM*i, Kii«l all AMtDiua, i)i»eaneki ^roup, of the WU(W|»|n|
Organs, it soother and heaU the Aleutht'tfne
oi tue ifliiigM, iitlla-iued aiad poiuoued by hf?
disease, tightiiens ami pie vent* client tue which ni^ht sweats accompany
aero hm the iucumhle malady.
it. MAIL’S v oiiniiuiutioEi in not wiil. an aid tails. cure you.
treatment. B ok on treatment nent COOK,
W. A. GA. .
48 Marietta Street, ATLANTA,
A-.A.b...... .........Fort) -eight. -'8L
1,000 IPonyPhttton............................... Pocket Silver Fruit Knives................ 1,» A’fJ J
J,0 1,030 0 Cent’s U. Greenbacks pocket Knives...................... of $1 each............... I,?-® 1,0®
S. Movement *-
10 Gents’Gold Watcbea, Enellsb T “
10 Ladies’ •• •• ‘
10 Boys’ Silver “ American ”
S S Patent Solitaire Harvesters.......................... Diamond Finger Rings......... 1,“” f 9 ”
.,000 Elegant ArtGems......................... I,® 999 9
5 Raw Silk Parlor Suit Furniture........... I,
1,460 Gold Finger Ricgs, Ladies ' Breast Pins,
la making up the above list of SSO.OOO In Presents, we
decided^to , reserve K,0ou be divided equally among the
oae the first reeelpt good for sn^prtmenefand ’ftrmu tills beautiful letter is waten. amo I s
500 received you wiil be entitled to ILLINOIS
If e will print in full in the February issue of the
AGKIODLTI KIsT the names and addresses of the winner*
of the 500 Ho A V. arches. This offer is bona fide snd wrt be
carried out to the letter.- Send now. don't wait. The ILLINOIS
so having