Newspaper Page Text
of the Christmas tur
nff %d tbeHwwl
, e in
state that Its J S
| R d to fast..
proving very
lti0 n and care given our
one 0 f the smallest
g of
Ter heard of
iiiblish the tribute re*
Ka:ie Anderson mxt
n filly has one of the
[ thoroughbred real beauty. horses in
ije is a
sR. R has not, as yet,
island pipe at this place
ftvdiness ?
L did not preach here on
[ but we had a good ser
; r w ortbv minister, Mr
L i s coming up well and
F,e. It is to be hoped
slice will favor us with a
C. McCall*,' G - w -
Col. J N G'ennatu nd
court iu Atlanta this
. e Fen but few marriages
tv this year. The ordi
[sub that the number is
lau half the usual amount.
irs are having beautiful
arranging their farms
pat’s crops, Remember
nnot prepare too we!'.
itton factories at Augus
I in that vicinity have
le price of goods 1 4 cent
ke mills are running on
■•via railroad is said to
I 3,147 pas engers 10 At
friday, to the big jubilee,
be A. Hutchins was mar
s Fannie H. Hodge, at the
' Mrs. R. E. Wright, in
by Elder J. M. Brittain,
day night.
nany of our people are in
tws and the Sheriff’s
■xpec't d to do some pret
rk soon. Come up folks
taxes and save cost.
rt Oslin, one tf the Ga.
crest employees, was in
y, last, ylsitUig his old
I family of Mr J. WI
ler mercliHn’i, Mr. J. H.
I beui serious y ill, but
I to 1 -aril ihao he is a good
to- day.
are notified that they are
n in this place, and that
Ms and po ice will take
r vagrancy. Betier keep
r three candidates have-'
"I- cornered, the other
the latter were unarmed.
Mh succeeded in making
hunters have somewhat
of late. Like many
Igs the profits bird hunting
powder, shot and caps,
(chants have have made a brave
sucseeded very well
fng and arranging, their
p as to go cn another year
lating tbe people. Con
iany clever business
A small nurse containing
issue'’ twenty dollar bill.
win be liberally reward*
(“g the same at this office.
[a hig considerable amount
going on around here
Hie whipping post should
“ed for the thief.
u want a horse, buggy
4any or
kind go to the livery
ramie Morris is one of the
hoys and he al ways treats
irs right
Hay good has moved to
lr, u as it custodian, and
will commence moving
Many that are now on
i fcever go to the farm.
1 ' % °f the whistle makes
of a certain sweet little
I dwells on Decatur street,
rj he it at) ached to service
Pad or way freight. They
F e ciou s packages for her.
■ 0 owe the Weekly and
founts in the
1 collection need not be
not only need our
utust have it. Necessity
We aro glad to learn that Mr.
Alien Summers is rapidly impioving
If you love me, said a dear creat¬
ure, say ;;o: but if you love me and
don’t waut to say so, squeeze mv
Two negroes, it is said, atteoipled
to rob Rev. G. W. Simmons, the
other night. I 3 it possible that, our
county is infected with highwaymen?
Is there any one who can say
ought against Billy Austin as a man?
Is he not tre nominee of an homsi
Democracy ? Answer these ques
tious and deposit your ballots.
It is gratifying to be able to sav
to the young foiks that any' repoit
to the effect that Simla Claus was
recently' drowned in crossing the
Atlrntic, is alt >g tlier u itrue.
It is with pleasure we note the im
provement of our worthy citizen, Mr
Nowron Hollingsworth, who has
been suffering with a severe attack
with rheumatism.
Mr. H. L. SShipley will kill nearly
3,000 pounds of h- me rai-ed me
this fall, and as his go on lady is one
of the best in the county for having
things nice at heme, good times may
be exp. cted at Ins house. Rockdale
has few better farmers than Hes !
Shipley. . ;
Nothing is s> reliable, as Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral tor colds, coughs,
in short for any and all derange
men!8 or the respiratory organs,
which tend towards consumption. In
all ordinary cases it is a certain cure
and it affords sure reh'ef for asthma
and consumption, even in advanced
The election on Saturday resulted
in the election of Hon. A. M. Helms.
Mavor and lions. D. N. Hudson, J.
P. Tilly, T. D. St<-wart, II. W. Harr
m^ck, G. W. Cain and John II. Ai¬
na aid, Aldermen. A good board.
Col, Jack Robinson Mad ox, (for¬
merly the Jersey Bui’,) of that tre¬
mendous institution, toe Solid South,
sees fit to make some very pert re¬
marks in regard to this paper, its pre
sent, past and future management.
Col. Mai ox (formerly ihe Jersey
Bull) is well known by the people
of this section, and we know that
upon the face all must appear at least
a. faint smile wi en he ironically r *
fets to a man as having a “giant in¬
tellect” or cairying on tremendous
business. Six ounces of brains would
not burst the skull of a Jersey Iu 1,
nor fracture the cranium of a Mad
ox. Yet we feel that we speak truly
when we say 2 ounces more would
cause a tearful explosion in the edi¬
torial room of the Solid South.
Liberty Chapel Dots.
< liristmas is coming.
We h:ve rad a splendid rain and
the farmers are happy one more time.
We paid DeKalb county a flying
visit last Sabbath.
The most of our farmers are trying
sowing wheat, although they coc
tinue to plow, breaking land.
Professor Frank Chapman has re¬
turned from a visit to the ‘‘land of
James Parker killed a pig the
other day that weighed 520 lbs net.
A specimen of the stock law. So
hurrah for the slock and old Geoigia
the empire State of the South.
There was quite a nice sociable at
Henry Park’s last Monday evening
Will be sold on the free hold of
J. M. Zachry, 476th district G. M.
of Rockdale county, on the 16lh ol
Dec. 1884, one stray cow of dun
brindie culler, some white on the
shoulders, belly and legs. Split in
left horn—about ten years o’d. Ap¬
praised at twelve dollars.
Georgia, Rockdale County;
To all whom it may concern.
Adaline A. Beolly having in due
form applied to the undersigned for
permanent Letters of Administration
on the estate ot Joseph E. Bently,
late of said county, deceased, and I
will pasd upon said application on
the first Monday in January, 1885,
at 10 o’clock, A. M. This Dec. 4th,
1884 . O. Seamans, Ordinary.
Attorneys at Law,
81 1 E, Alabama st., Atlanta, Georgia,
B&.Practice in all the court*.
_,_ 3‘33. '2 ‘3‘" “’93 '43:]; ., ~ 33,... 2 r . , v 3 , 3;? . Vflég
. ,3 3:3; ES :2 13, 3g 9772,33, 1'25." ' 2'53 5 ' 7'2 ” ' ' f 36;: r “-2" 34’4" 33:; ‘
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3“. ~ ..- ,,:_--; ":\-,r‘-_:. 2:2": 2421'» _ 7*. «2 ~33": 2"}; 1 .- f. ,_ ., ,2 33’ “K. <5 1», 3 $21.4 - 7k"! ' , 3 ,
“WEE ' : ' ' - - 'i’i’ '
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“2' 3:; 3 ,
2,, J fit? .42 2, . A 4 332.3,.“ . - ». 2 3 ,3 . , "b" 3 If“ M ’5‘: 2,6, ,2 n. .34,“ 3 " «
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= $5.131- '22: gag: 12?: ” 3:222 '2‘": a: a , 5:2 2 '. ‘ - ' '3‘ {£32 2;» 7 .2242 2’42» “5‘ ‘
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e“:.:.'ar ‘2‘ “2.2::- :. * 3.3.1:; cur», '23-'- 2-35, gg 1 2-; 3 1‘ '. _, - .3 . -’ " , >7,- gyw 22'»; ; .1; i '-3,‘ 243“:
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i 2-2-2 l ~ .. _ ,
Mariied at (he residence of the
brides lather Mr. John D. Maddox
on last Wednesday night, the Rev.
' F
11 F. Buibarsnu officiating, Mr :
J T „. MeLamell . to ... Mss T Ltibe . n . Alauox.
We extend congratulations. v
The mill ... of « Hon. vrr W. -r L. r> Peek 1 was
burned on last. Wednesday night,
Loss $6 000 ; nsurance $ 3 , 000 . This
ig a sad misfortune to one of our
best citizens. Col. Peek mil rebut ,.1
at once.
II. P .& D. M. Almand & Co have
Ju-t received their new improve 1
Wheat scourer and it is a perfect
Machine it cleans t' e wheat clean
that make very fine white flour our
of ordinary wheat we especialy ask
every one that has wheat to grind
to come and get good flour out
your wheat all we ask is a (rial and
you will be highly pleased.
We take this method of informing
our friends and customers that we
are now receiving our fall and winter
stock, which will embrace everything
usually kept in any first-class store,
and as our motto has always been
quick sales and short profits we will
sell as low as the lowest. We feel
thankful to all who have patronized
us in the past and kindly ask a share
ot their trade in the future.
Please bear in mind ! that in or¬
der to close up our old business, our
terms will be Strictly Cash from Oc¬
tober the 1 st. until January the 1 st.
1885, after which time we will ac¬
commodate all who have come for¬
ward and made satisfactory settle
men s.
We hope none will ask us to vary
from the above rule as we mean what
we say. We don’t want to hurt any
one’s feelings by retming to credit
them for so short a time. Remem
ber money has been ve>y scarce and
we have had a hard time to get
goods through the summer to furnish
on time,but we have faced the storm
and trust that we have almost reach
soqed the re.
We believe all we have furnished
has and does appreciste it and will
come forward and pay off their notes
and accounts as soon as they possi
| bly can, remembering that prompt
! pay -makes good credit and secures
I ^oods at the lowest cash prices.
Trusting that we will be remem¬
bered, we remain, most Res’p’tly,
j J H Almand Son and Co.
W9 a ffiatches 3M" 30 QUIGE’S
@bOne Set of Fine China Ware left. at CAIN & QUIGG’S.—-———
1% EU Y? UUUUUU mmwo.
T’ADIES and Gents Rubber (.Tircumrs. Fu-e custon made Shoes. An
C,;/ Elegant line of
6&4? Z2? M nggé’.
Baby caps and Hoods Just received 500
pounds candy. Fine lot ot Christmas candies,
fruits, &c. Silk handkerchiefs. Just received
ear load bran—will sell cheap. Water ground
meal. Apply to QU’GS
CM &
Horses and Mules
Apply to CAIN & QUIGG,
comas* g?
moiling Piles—Symptoms and Cure,
The symptoms are moisture, like per
spiratjon, intense itching, increased b>
vervdistressing, particular
ly at night: seems as if pin worms were
cratyling in and about the rectum; the
private pares are sometimes affected. If
alioweil to continue verv serious results
( s a pleasant, sure cure. Also Totter,
Ttch, «alt. Rheum, Seaid Head, Ervgipe
T ,s Barbers’ I fch, Scotches, all scaly,
D» "»T««
& SON, Phila. Pa. Sold by Druggists.
Conyers Ga., Sept. i0t.Vi 1884.
Hammock, Parker & Co. successors
to H P & D M Almand and cotnpa
U y ? 'Ware housemen and ginners, re
spectfully notify the public that they
are prepared to run said business
successfully, and shall make it their
business to meet out evenhanded
justice to all, thereby building up «
business worthy of confidence and
patronage We are re-ponsible foi
all seed cotton received antil baled.
Bagging and ties furnishec low tor
the cash. We respectfully ask the
public to give us a trial.
Hill W Hammock, Manager.
Cough*, Colds, Catarrh, Consumption
All throat, breast and Lung Affections
cured by the old established ‘‘Swayne’s
Wild Cherry ” The first dose eives te
lief, and a curse speedily follows. 25
cents, or fl.oo at Druggists.
State of Georgia, Rockdale county :
Whereas, J D Scott, guardian of
E. J. McDaniel, (formally Scott)
having made application to the Court,
of Ordinary in his petition duly filed
for Letters of Dismission bom his
guardianship ot E, J. McDaniel, re
presenting that he has fairly and
fully discharged his duty as guar¬
dian, and tullv settled up with bis
said Ward. This is therefore to cite
all persons concerned to show cause
if any they can, whv said J D Scott
should not be discharged from his
said guardianship and receive letters
o< dismission on the fiist Monday in
March, 1885.
Liver, Kidney or Stonmrh Trouble.
Symptoms, irregular impure blood, costive
bowels, appetite, sour he'ching
pains in side, back and heart, yellow
urine, burning when urinating, clay col
ored stoMs. had breath, no desire for
work, chills, fevers, irritability, Whitish |
tongne, dry cough, dizzy head, with dull
pain in back part, loss of memory, fogey
sight. For these troubles “Swane’s Pills” i
are a sure cure. Box, (to pills), by m»il
25 cent', for 5 Si.00. Address, DrSwayne j
& .Son, Phila. Pa. Sold by Druggists. I
That Hacking Cough uan oe sit quickly'
cured bp Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee It.
Witi You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver
Comp aint t Shiloh s Vital izer is guaranteed
o oute you.
StEEPLEs* Nights, made miserable by than
ter Glue cough. Shiloh's Cure is the rCmedX
for you. '..
Catarrh Cured', health and sweet breath
secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. Nasal Injector free.
For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh’s
Porous Piaster. Price 25 cents.
ShiloH’s Cough nod Consumption Cure is
sold by us on a guarantee. It tarns consump¬
Croup, Whooping Cough and • Bronchitis
immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For
Sale by Dr. M. R, Stewart, Conyers, (la.
Shiloh’s Vitalize 11 is what you need for
Constipation. Los* of Appetite, Dizziness and
ail symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75
cents per bottle
Wheeler & Wilsons
New No. 8.
I |V mm $ EM.
Shuttle Machine.
Agents wanted. Send for piioe
Ml'g Co.,
J Lined l-tf. Atlanta, Ga.
Notice This.
We will inform tnir friends and
customers that we will receive mu
new goods iri a fen days and you can
purchase Millinery goods cheaper,
from 11 s this season than they have
ever been sold in the city. We will
ki ep nsua Iv kept, in a
first class Millinery house. Many
i lia ks for the past and hope you wi I
give ns a call. We will sell Strictly
for Cash ftom Out. the lust until
March the 1st 1885. Hope none will
ask us to break our rule we mean
what ne say Cheap, Cheap for Cash,
call and tiear the low pines, so cheap
you cant he p buying, you will save
momy by so doing call and see lor
your self.
S. J. Richardson & Cowan.
We are offering for sale the farm
Known as the “David Th asher home
place” at a ba gain on easy terms. The
place contains 270 acres. 25 acres in
creek bottom. 2o;acrew in original for
est. balanc in cultivation or easily
cleared—it is 12 miles from either Con¬
yers or Covington 9 miles from Met* >n
ough, and | rni.e of Futlers bridge on
South river—adjoining lands of Frank
O. Fielder. Thos- Pool. Geo. VV T .
Gleaton and Dr. Dan W. Fcott. Cal
*0 see us. J. A. & 3 ’. D. Stewart.
-0 URK D
Bv local treatment. No liquor. None
of the present remedies are employed to
they tmver have proved a success Givi
it a trial—no charges made- All chronic
complaints treated withoul medicine.
Correspondents must enclose stamp.
Address, Mrs. M. C. ’Valter
King House,
Stone Mountain, Ga.
Fire Insurance
JGSTMr. Daniell represents a large
number of the very best Companies
doing business in this State, and cm
write up policies on nil kinds of pro
perty. Rates as low as anywhere.
Everybody should have their homes
and business insured and that with¬
out delay.
After the 1st of October I will
close my books and sell no more
goods on time to anyone until next,
spring. I have been selling on time
now tor five years and must have
some time in which to dose up and
mate settlement. This applies to
all and I hope no one will fed hurt,
as I am forced to take this method of
closing up rav old accounts. To all
who come forward and make satis
factor -V settlements I will sell again
next season I ani now receiving a
fine Une of f a q and winter good
which I am selling as lo* an can be
f oan ,j aDVwl.ere. Call and s- e me
Respectfully. D. N. Hudson.
trnr~-‘ ««ral
*• ^ctverti&omenvs.
Georgia Pnekdale County:
Whereas J. C. Fanner KtF«mtor on ’lie
last Will 6f W. J. Hudsn) Dersd Repre-•
ents to the eourt, of Ordinary in hia
Petition duly tiled that he bas fi ]y
administered W. J. Hudsons Estate*
Thin, is therefore to cite ail ‘person
concerned Kindred and creditors to show
;*A«»e if any they can, why said Execti-r
should ”ot hr- discharged .from his Ex¬
ecutorship and Re< ei ve 4 Nfers of d ism is
-ion on 1 lie first Monday in December
Sep. 1 I884 O. Seamans
CK BIR 1 S 84 .
Bv virtue of < n order bom the court
f Ordinary of R«ck<la’e conntv, will be
■!<>]d on the first Tues lay in December
next, at th° court house door im Gon¬
ers Georgia, at public outcry between
he le-al hours of sale, one hundred and
lift)*-five acres mote or less of land,
known as the home p'm-.e of Abner A.
Turner, deceased, and all of said tract
■ >r paieel of land (except the dower laid
1 fl to the widow) being parts of lob,
Vos. 2oj, 217 arid 200 in the 161I1, dis->
trict of originally Henry then Newton,
now said county of It ckdab . The land
of said h«me place bon 11 led as follow*,
>n the North by land of Tlios. E. Chupp
East by lands of G. 'V. J,din-on and the
widow Keagi", South by widow' Reagin,
Went by lands of W. II. Braswell and
lames Chupp. Also one bouse and lot
in the city of Conyers, containing o<nt
and one-half acres, ljing on the East
side of Decatur street, known as the E.
Thorn place, a’so one Intent'* same
street, containing one acre with house
and appertenances. known as theM.
d. Hudson lot. Sale for benefit of heirs
and creditors. Teimscash In less oth¬
erwise made known on the dwv of sale,
VVm. J Turner,
H. A. D. Turner,
Administrator of the estate of Abner
A. Turner, Deceased.
Conyers Ga.,Oct-, 23 d. 1SS4.
August term 1884.
Virginia K. Lows
•Limes M. Lowe
Rockdale Superior court, August
term 1884. The foregoing petition
tor alimony being read and consider¬
ed, it is ordtved that, the said James
\1. Lowe show cause before me on
Monday the 29th clay of September,
A. D. 1884, at die court house in
Conyers, Ga, why the above stated
petition for alimony etc., should not
be granted as prayed for.
It appearing to the court by the
r* turn of th • Sheriff in the above
stated case that the defendant does
not restde in this county, and it furs
tiler appearing that he doe* not re this state, It is thcrefme or¬
dered by the court that service be
perfected on tho defendant by the
publication o' this order, once a
month tor four months b fore the
next term of this court in the Con
vers Weekly, a newspaper published
in said county. This Aug. 23, 1884.
A C McCalls. Geo W Gleaton, pllffs
a tty. Granted. John D Stewt
art Judge 8 C F C. A true ex rae
from the minutes. Aug 25 1884.
J. II. McCord, Clprk.
More Popular Thun Ever.
The Recen 1 Improvement Made in The
White Sewing Machine •
’» ■
fim r , mm 8
imXmm i
Add much fo the many excellent
qualities of this
* < uperior MachiDr .
It is an Especial Favorite ef La¬
dies. Tailors and others, who use
them for the many advantages they
possess over other Sewing Machines
----EVERT —
White Machine
Warrcnted for 5 years.
J. D. & T. F. SMITH,
Wholesale an I Retail Dealer*.
5 (i Broad street. Atlanta, Ga.
H. P. & D. M. ALMAND, Agents,
Cobyers, Ga.
Libel for divorce
and petition for
attorney etc., i t