The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, December 19, 1884, Image 2
i >• i X. ; 1 is '. b. 1 l. ■ V> !, J', i. 1. .WM t * i — — — Ai t f *• u FPJ* .. , r ., ~vass C< ‘U. i Y Or 1' . ' J' l. “ l 4 * J 4 Ef 0 i'di b ary—0. fSonmans, C!p k—,T. R. McCord. Sheriff—"W. II, M. Austin. Treasurer-- 1 G. W. Weaver. Tax Collector—Lamar Wood. Tax Receiver—C. B. Tlodsen, Oroner—George Rogers. Congress is now in Region and that dear old friend, the Conuressional rec¬ ord, is as punctual as ever of yore. If Georgia i, to Iiav.-, a man in the cabinet let it he Blount or Hammomh The first as Po/itnias Gener 1 or the second as Atfornev General. Negroes in office will be a uiritv in thi State rf*er next March, This is one thing that the South will demand of the administration. The Atlanta Constitution ia tho be.-d daily in die South, and the man who talks to the contrary willingly and know*' ingly misrepresents. If tb« old State home should fall in and kill about two-thirds c*C the present legislators wouldn't it kinder throw a damper on bi-ennial sessions? We would bke to see it tried. Sfime mention o£ Joe Brown as a cabi¬ net. officer has been made We hope the honth will not he disgraced by the further promotion of this old renegade. We'd rather hear of his being in h-1 than in the cabinet. IS If (ho new eapitol of this stale can be built cheaper of foreign marble than it can of Georgia matble. vVe say let the G. orgia extortionists go. It is not right to tax (he poor of the State to put money into the pockets of a few un¬ principled marble ownem who are howl ing go long and so loud about state pride. Let the original contracts be card al out. Wo luve become perfectly disgusted t'iih those newspapers that are always heging for northern emigrants. Bo far us V.e arc. concerned we do not care whether they come or not.. The South belongs to our people; VVe have li veil here in adversity and prosperity; throu; h evil and good up and down, and we can live here stiff. If we can t develO] e ii lot it. stay undeveloped. Little would we (min by putting it in the ha: ds of the North to be developed. ... ...........mi..... We notice that Hurry Hill is an aspi¬ rant, for the position of principal keeper of the penitentiary. It would be a pleasure to us to see him have the posi¬ tion, for there is no ycung man in the State who would till it with more satis¬ faction to the State, or who is more liightoned, honorable and deserving. Tho young men of the state who are worthy of place do not receive that recognition deserved and we are to see them come to the front und go to the top. uuK farmers. The y'ar has come to a close and our farmers ba^e disposed of aff they have to spare. They can now count tip and Bee how they stand. We fear many of them will not be well pleased with their years work. Instead of being out of debt, with good stock, good tools and a years provisions, the re»erse is true Who is responsible for their failure? W* know that some lay it to Providence, tome to bad luck and otheis *0 the merchant, but no one to himself- where the fault really lies. The farmers of this county can, if they will, be as fr.e and independent as Lords. Many of them are stingy ami «dose enough with liltle things, bat ha»e no judgement 01 foresight, when it cornea to things of mmi importance. They w'll pay two prices for a Western buggy on time, and grumble over paying ten cento fm « spelling hook. They will pay from 50 to ico per cent for sewing tmu-hiues, scrap iron cooking stoves and stamped store cloti s and sell the last, egg ano pound of butter out of the tnou-haof tht'lr children. What the farniera oi this county need is a little more good sense and Judgment. Keep oui of e’-ores that seli on time, ks long as you can, and Ft alone such things as yo , are not com pel led to have. Work yuur crops and cease grumbling at PrO’idsuce, pay your preacher, school yo»r chiid-en; econo mis? ir. the right maner and you will be happy a-d independent men AG CMS WANH3. For “History, Romance and phi¬ losophy of Great American CrimtS and Criminals” The most startling baok of recent years. Biograph icai Dictori il Itil Superb of Engravings C with Persona! Portraits the ie btat- d Crimmsis, 6511 R i>al Octavo pages. Low retail price, $2.5D. It is a work of art. as wef as of thrill¬ ing historic interest. Is bound to produce a pr tound impres-dun. Ag- uts sell it by the thousands. A grand chance for canvass .-rs. AGENTS WANTED! Send for full -particulsrs, ami be convinc’ d that th:s is the most sala¬ ble aod prufinnble book published; or, to save time, eend 75 oeut-s at’ ouee for Cauva&j’sg Bock, and etat*- j roar choice of tow> ships. Address, j N. D. Thompson & Go., Pubs., St. H0B*OH8OK MiNKEVL l-uis 'NiNO i Oglethorpe Macon county Geor I g a, Aug. 25th *884 ’Alien a young man of 25 years X took mercury in pills and was tX posad to Ihe weather, b a rbi¬ road man. Tlie result was salavat-ion and the poisoning of my whole ey? tem with mercury. I suffered untold misery for years, Soma few years ago I brolt- the skiu on my right leg an< 1 the poison in my blood produ¬ ced an ulcer, from which f suffer d so much pain that amputation was rcgariled necessary. But instead of Having the operation peroim^d ulcer I commenced taking 8 8 S, The has cutir- Iv disappeared and no sympton of the blood poison left. 1 am in better health than I have been for years, and 1 have no hesi'sney in saying ’.hat it, is the best bi >od puri ff r in the world. I know whereof I pp ak. as I have given many of them a fair trial. I honestly believe that S. S S. has added t» n years to uty life. .7 II. Morgan. Painful L'Jcors. My mother, vveo is about seventy five vears old, and a resident of Dooly County, had an ulcerated ankle which gave her great pain and troub¬ le. It became aggravated to a tear¬ ful degree, and every application of known or suggested remedies failed lo bring relief Physicians pres scribed, but to no avail. A fter s : x months suffering I induced her to try 8 . 8 . 8 . One bottle lud the re¬ markable eff cl, of producing a p-r fi-ct cure, and t lie re has i ecu no re turn of the disease. P. II. Crumpltr, Of the South Ga. Cordereuce. Macon, Ga , July 14, 1884. Cancer for Many Years. afflicted A family servant has been for many year with a cancer on her nose, and was treated by 6 ome of the best physicians, and the old remedies usul •without benefit. Finally we gave i)ten her Swift’s Specific, and she has completely John cured. Hill, Druggist. Thompson, Ga., Aug. 16, 1884. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis¬ eases mailed free. The Swift Spe¬ cific Cm, Atlenta, Ga. MAN’S ORGANISM ! Is die moat complex work of the Creator ■nd when this complicated disturbed structure, by dis so exquisite y wrought, is should ease, the most efficient sid be sought from the most skilled physician, for the human body is too piecious to be neglected. It becomes ihe question employed then, vV'hat physician shall be ? ’ Dr. Oscar J-diannesen, of the University of Berlin, Germany, has made a lifelong study of ailments of the Neivous a d Hvsteiu. debility ms CURE of Any 01 d> 1 a ngenmnt the ner¬ vous sy-teni. including 8peraiatt.h»reu, Gononhea, Syphilis, Strictiire, Imj;o tence, etc , eiq. Because you have been chea'ed and fooled by quacks, who claim to cure this class of ills or lera. do not tall to give Dr. .Johannsen s method a fair trial before your case becomes chronic and incura ble. Ri&rFRKE. A valuable treati-e, explanatory of Dr. Johaiiueseti’ system, will be gent by mail, post paid and securely sealed addressing from observation, to any sufferer his sole authorized agent for the United States and Canada. Hfnry 49 South street, New A’ork. fey* To in plicated symptoms treated fiom Dr. Johannsen’s special prescription, under the advice of a duly qualili d con¬ sulting correspondence physician. held strictly All as confidential, and advice by mail free. SCROFULA ami alt scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipe¬ las, Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm, Tu¬ mors, Carbuncles, Boils, and Eruptions of the Skin, are the direct result of au Impure state of the blood. To euro these diseases the blood must be purified, and restored to a healthy and na¬ tural condition. AVer’s Sarsaparilla has for over forty years been recognized by emi¬ nent medical authorities as the most pow¬ erful blood purifier in existence. J*. frees the system from all foul humors, enriches and strengthens tho blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sore*. “Some months ago i. was troubled with scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores discharged lafge remedy quantities 1 tried of offensive matter. Ercrv failed, until i used aykk’s Sarsaparilla, bottles, of which I have now taken three with the result that tire sores are improved. healed, and my general health greatly good 1 feel very grateful for the your medicine has done me. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Ann O’Brian.” H8 Sullivan St., Mew York, June L>4,1862. ty A11 persona Interested are Invited to call on Mrs. O’Brian; also upon the Rev.X. V. Wilds of East 54th Street, New York City, who will take pleasure la testifying to the wonderful ofiloaey of Aver's of Sarsaparilla, not only In the cure and this lady, hut iu his own case many others within hie knowledge. Tho well-known tcriter on the Jioston Herald, B. \V. Ball, of Rochester, N.U., writes, June 7,1882: “ Haring suffered severely for some years with Eczema, other and having I have failed made to tiud during relief from remedies, use, tiie past three months, of Ayer’s Sarsapa¬ rilla, which has effected * complete cure. I blood consider diseases.” it a magnificent remedy for all Ayer'sSarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, renews and strengthens the vital forces, and speedily cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma¬ tic Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, and all diseases arising from an impoverished or corrupted condition of the blood, and a weak ened vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest blood medi¬ cine, on account of iu concentrated strength, and great power over disease. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dru*gUts:^price f 1 , ra bottles f *>jothers’ Cordial or Parturient Balm, Ladies about to become mothers should take a package of this cordial as it ceitainlv and surely relieves the pains of child birth. To those who have suffered, it will be a blessed re¬ lief To those who have never ex¬ perienced the will save many hours o? pain and anguish. Thousand's of testimonials can be fur¬ nished as to its efficacy. Price, $i-oo jjer package by mail postpaid. For sale onlv at Reform Dispensary, comer Broad and Waitou streets, Atlanta, Oa. Al. T, SAL TEL. M. D, July 18-3m. Proprietor. MO^EYTO LOAN I am prepared to negotiate Loans on improved farm lands m Book dale' county. A. C, McCalla, Cony’ers, Ga. S raiM l li I WML wm gSy^Undeitakers Goods of every kind from the FINEST CASKET, to the cheapest box. I am BSJJiVAftMSai Give me a calh | 3 F“When you want good w’agons, buggies, cat riages, etc., etc., call on J. W. LANGFORD, Conyers, Ga. BLACKSM ITH DIG A SPECliLTY ATTENTION FARMERS! German KAINIT and BUTAW AGID for composting Cheap torn §Asm Apply to J. H. DABNEY, Dec. 6 tf. Oonyers, Ga, .k V w. CELEBRATED :v? mm w. ■SP A HPiMlwS U. S ■'kc p STOMACH In cases or dyspeyisrn, debility, complaint, rhuema tism fever and ague, liver m acuviiy ot the kidneys and bladder, maladies, oon stipation and other organic tried Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters is a remedy, to winch the medical brother¬ hood have lent their professional alterative and sanction, house¬ and which as a tonic, disorders of the stomach, hold specific for liver and bowels has an unbounded popu t'oU-iile t*y Druggists Hostetler’s and Almanac Dealers, to lrfso. whom anmv lor lor GEGORIa RAILROAD. Georgia Railroad Co., 7 OtFice General Nov. Manager, 8 18S4. } Augusta, , j COMMENCING SUNDAY, 9th inst., the following Passenger schedule will be operated. Trains run by 90th meridian time, twenty two minutes slower than Atlanta time. FAST LINE. NO. 2 ? WEST DAILY. Lv Augusta 7.40am Ar Wash’ll 10 4O am LvGonyersli.57am NO. EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2.45 pm Ar Wa-h’n 7.20 pm At Conyers 3.4‘2 pm NO. 2 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8.00 am Lv Oonyers 9 19 am Ar Athens 4 4° pm “ W ash’ n 2 20 pm •* Mil’d’ve 4 49 pm Ar Macon 6.45 pm at Augusta 3.35 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 5 50 pm Lv C-onyers7.4o gt’nS.lo pm Ar Cov pm NO. 4 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8 20 pm LvCony’rs 9.5S pm Ar Augusta 6.lo am Train Nos. 27 and 28 will stop at and receive passengers to and from the fol¬ lowing stations only: Urovetown, Berseiia, Harlem, Dearing Thomson, Camak, Barnet, Crawfordville, Union Point, Greensboro, Madison, Rut¬ ledge, Social Circle, Coviogtou, Con¬ yers. Stone Mountaiu and Decatur. Connects at Augusta for all points East and Southeast. JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Man. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pass Agt. London Hair 5 t«s&torer~Greet English Toilet Article. Restores growth, color gloss, and softness. Removes Dandruff. Aristocrat families of Great Britain en¬ dorse it. Elegant dressing. Fragrantly performed* The favorite of fashion. At Druggists for 3s iJet. or 75 cents in U K money. “Rough on Kats” clears out Hats, Mice. l?c. “Rough on Corns,” for Corns, Bunions. 15c. Thin people. “Weils' Health Renewor re¬ stores health and vigor, euros dyspepsia, So. $ 1 . “Rough on Toothache,” instant relief, lac. Ladies who would retain freshness and vi¬ vacity don't fail to try “•wells’- Health Re nower.” and “Buehu-paiba,” great kidney urinary cure. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-hugs, rats, mice cleared out by “Rough on iiats.” 15c. “Rough on Coughs,” troeheB, 15c; liquid, Tor children, slow in development, puny and delicate, use “wells' Health Rehewer ” it. “Rough on Dentist” Tooth Powder. Try 15c, Sexual re¬ bility Nervous weakness. “wells’ Dyspepsia, Health Renewor.” n. cured by Mother Swan’s worm Syrup, for •feverish¬ ness, worms, constipation; tasteless. K5c. Stinging, irritation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints cured by “Bnchu,paiba.” SI. malaria, . dyspep Night sweats, fever, chills, s ; a, cured by “wells’ Healths Kenewer.” My husband (writes a lady) is three times the mau since using “wells’ Health Itenewer.” If you are tailing, broken, worn out aod nervous, use “ ‘wells' Health itenewer.” 51 Prevalonce of Kidney complaint In Ameri¬ ca; “Buchu-paiba” is a quick, complete cure. Si. , Itiching Pilcs—Symptoms and Cure, The symptoms are moisture, like net spiration, scratching: intense distressing, itching, increas'd particula b' very ly at night: seems as if pin worms wen crawling in and about the rectum; the private parts are so” etimes affected If allowed to continue verv serious results may follow ‘SW ANNE S OINTMEN ’ is a pleasant, sure cure. Alf»o Tetter Itch, Halt Rheum, 8 caid Head., Erysipe¬ las Barbers’ Itch. Bcotclres bv } all mail, seulv. .lo crustv 8 kin Diseases. Box cen’s; 3 for $ 1 . 25 . Address, Dp. SWayne & SON, Phila- Pa. Sold by Druggists. Iilver, Klduey or Stomach Trouble. Symptoms Impure blood, costive bowels, irregular appetite, sour belching pains in side, back and heart, veliow urine, burning when urinating, clay eo ored stools, bad breath, no desire for work, chills, fevers, irritability, Whitish tongue, drv cough, dizzy head, with dull pain i» back part, loss of memory, Pills” foggy sight. For these troubles “Swane’s are a sure cure. Box, (30 pills), by nr il 25 cent?, for 5 Si 00. Address, Dr Sway lie &S011, Phila. Pa. Sold by Druggists. CONSUMPTION . -C IT R E D of By the local present treatment,. remedies No are liquor. employed None as they never have proved a success Give it a trial—no charges made All chronic complaints tnv^ted without medicine*. Correspondents Mks. must M. C. enclose ’Valter stamp. Address, Kina House. i : , Stone Mountain, Oa. - -m Fire Insurance LIFE INSURANCE -BY J. S- DAHEELL, 1 CONYERS G A. , JB'STMr. Daniell represents a large number ot the very best Companies doing business in this Stale, and cm write up policies on all kinds of pm perty. Rates as low as any when. Everybody should have their homes and business insured and that with¬ out delay. Lv Athens 8.00 am | Lv Wash’ll 7 55 mu Ar Atlanta 1.00 pm Ar Athens 7.30 pm Lv Wash’ll 4.10 pm Ar Augusta 8.15 pm NO. I WEST DAILY. Lv Augusta to. 50 am Lv Macon 7 10 am Lv Mil d’vl 9 10 am Lv Wash 11 n.2oam Lv Athens 9301m Ar Conyers 4 22 pm Ar Atlanta 5.40 pm Lv’n Conyers6. 5.4O am Lv i2 am Ar Atlanta 7.55 auJ NO. 3 WEST DAILY. Lv Augusta 9.10 pm Lv Conyers 4,51 am Ar Atlanta 6.40 am NoticeThls. We will inform our friends and customers that we will receive oui new floods in a few days and you can purchase Millinery goods cheaper, from us this season than they have ever been sold iD the city. We will keep everyihincr usually kept in a first class Millinery house. Many tha: ks for the past and hope you wiff give us a call. VVe will sell Strictly for Cash from Oct. the first until March the 1st 1885 Hope none will ask us to break our rule we mean what we say Cheap, Cheap for Cash, call and hear the low prices, so cheap you cant he p buying, you will save mon> y by so doing call and see for your self, S. J. Richardson & Cowan. FINE FARM ON EASY TERMS. We are offering for sa ! e the farm known as the “David Thrasher home place” at a ba gain on easy terms. The place contains 27O acres. 25 acres in creek bottom. 2oJacres in original for est. balanc • in cultivation or easily cleared—-it is 12 miles from either Con¬ vers or Covington 9 miles from McD m ough, and J mite of Putters bridge on South river—adjoining lands of Frank 0. Fielder. Thos. Pool. <>eo. W. Gleaton and Dr. Dan W. SJcott. Call to see us. J. A. & T. D.' Stewart. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured bp Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it. Will YouISi i-fer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer i S guaranteed to cure you. SleepleSx Nights, mad? miserable by thai terrible cough. Shiloh’s Cure is the rturetLC for you. Catarrh Ccred, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh’s porous Plaster. Priee 25 cents. Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consump¬ tion. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. For Sale by Dr. M. K, Stewart, Conyers,'Ga. Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you neec Constipation. Doss Dyspepsia. of Appetite, Dizziness all symptoms of Price 10 and “5 oeuts per bottle. N. J. HAMMOND, J, G. ZACHBT, A N f HAMMOND tt 4 xt xrnvn ZACHRA 7 aphRV & HAMMOND, rr t xrunvn « nr A.^ l< ’ rney f a V;r; c • 1 m f A W MAJ 3fEW RICH BLOOD And will comjfi'TtoIy tike change the blood In tho entire system in three months. Aa» I***" * son who willy 1 I’Hl each Eight, from 1 to 19 weeks, may be restored to S!l health, if sufcb a thins he possible. For curing Female Complaints these Pip,3 equal. ITticians Seed use thcui for pamphlet. in their practice. S. JOSXSOK Sold everywhere, 2 CO., or sent h-ai 3 f ^ 95 ct». in jttampe. I. s BOSTON, 35 1 H $ pjj 1 fe fe * M l Si IB I JOHNSON’8 anodyne liniment rv&L* Ne»iraijs#a,Inffn«nzn, Chron;.- /Khevinaosm, SoreL Chronic imgs, i/ianrhcea* Wee&jip Qt the Longs, Ryaonterv* Chronic Cholorn HAar»*ness, ALwas, Racking, Cough, Whooitf tV' Chronic DSeases of Spine L- tci L i tno Back. Sold everywhere. Send lor pamphlet to I. S. Joiuieov & Co., Boston, Mass. ** It is a icIl-lTiWwn fact that most oc the ffl tmh%t «§ m g.f B8 HI ill 9 » oT sx/s 1 m\ ^ fell i will, irate her, , isiy like Sh? rid. .n’s Condition Powder. Pose, one liisi. Sxxi. Sold everyubat'll, ore ut bytaail 15r25c»s.iueiamps. I. S. Johnson UosroN, 1 : i l SkT.tEEKA.XIT® os. SAMUEL CO^WUrST© mm s’ BAK P-A-lv-l-L-L A -AND —l-O-l> I-i> E*-—E-0 i-A-S-H__ This Compound is Purely \ ego-table, Finch article of i n - awgg* : grecients is perfectly '.S ' harmTes in itself, A" ‘ i —' ‘t“~: I ml in combination forms one of the m.«t 'ZEPZ ^ _______ r" powerful, effk'ipv.t m m - and pleasant uredi D cines for the re>r.riv¬ al and permanent cure of Rheumatism ; Scrofula. Scald Head 11 1 K® or ! c Sores Tetter, of old all Chron- kinds, Boils, Pimple.- and -iU Diseases aris'ng m o •• fhe an Bleed. impure stale 1 El« >f It is, also goo J as an ape IT i iaor and For General m Debi it v. This medi¬ is H il FSgllSifM * ~ ...... s cine trum is ; no its secret formula ros¬ is open for inapa tionto any physician,and and we ■ invite any all j ii \mmk phvsieians examine ake the into trouble who i<s m wil to’ - its. I I\1 mmmmM ’■'j Camtbell Druggists, Bros., life Sole Manufacturers, Superintended bv I i-amuel Hodge-, Cor¬ i el - Broad and Sum nier sis, Nashville, i mmssr .Ai Tenn. Price $i.Ho a yg mmm- bottle or 6 for $5.00, AL80 M A N1’ FACff'UHER:- OF Ethiopian Pile Oin'mept. A never failing remedy for Exrt rnal, Intel . • a, or Itching Piles. Ask your Dr ggist fo. i None g nuiiu with >ut th< Trtde Mark TESTIMONIAL This H to certify that I was afflicted with Pijes h *>o years. I tried everv eewu-riy offered sr-e. Fir : l used the Ethiopian preparation Pile I Ointment used. and If wiff found, give i the very best ever almost immediate relief and will filially effect a pc mauerit cure. Gallatin. ED. A. IRELAND, form erly of Now of Green, Phillips & Co., Nashville Tent Campbell Bros Corner Bread and Summer Streets, Nashville TVin. For the hfiBicted’s benefit, these medicines are c at Office, Weekh * COXYERS, GA. •W CTO ; c n m 1 IS ES m iSSR u mma ! iU si Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sts COHYEBS, GA -HEADQUARTER? FOR ALL KINDS OF- : General Merchandise at Bottom PriceS. #@“We Bell the NEW HOME Re wine Machine. X9»We keep all kinds ^SEWING 51 lCHINE NEEDLE-*.-®* Headcmarters F->r all School Books adopted by the Board of School Commissioners of this oouniy -1 ’.J J T i J Ch H GO J . —Dealers In— , All Kind of General Merchandise (A 1 J. E. Miuidox’s old si md, Centre 8i.,Convers, Ga.) ^ Having opened business t-ere with a perfectly new and well assorted S _ of Drv Goods, Notions. Hats. B -ots Shoos, Groceries of every kind. Glassware, Crockery, dc. We invite ali of our friends and tb» public g’* 1 ’ ,i • o call and tee us. ‘ We buy o«r goods for SPOT CASH and can sell as ' m* We barter and wil! the highest prices for the , 8 •* n v one. want your pay very We are g“iug to keep ---GOOD NEW GOODS — And we are going to sell them low, so when you want anything in the , GENE R A L M E R CIH A N D1S place, T H, F I Give us a call and we will gnat an tee satisfaction. Remember the YU ddox’a old sttmd next door to Weaver & Bro. - w ▲COB S, SillS Premium Steam Dye Works. No. T, West Peters Street. Atlanta, Gil Silk and Woolen Goods of all descriptions Dvcd and in Mousseline a superior 1^ ,, Grape, Stella and CcsHmere Shawls, Silk, Merino Evev« ^ tlemens’Cloak -, C-oats, Par ts a nl Vests handsomely cleaned. ^ 5 ir rhp business pnoctuallv attended to Particular attentmn ai ,#■ t , to Blankets, &c- Goods cleanine of Carpets, R'-c-. C“-tains. pres8e<i 10 *“ 01 ““ c “ UeaEu ““- JOHNSON'S CROUP, ™ii. 5 ANODYNE tlNEJIENT ’ *“•-*! - ■ . - P Iffi