Newspaper Page Text
7<)t : AL msR
Bns seding at two dollars a
ft target r^poor daring the
VB. adjourn
Legirhv ure¬ will not
ter next July
epe at that all true democrats
port the uominces
hovingt n Enterprise is
[- for th« nominees C trreot.
[realestate "eek has at cm fair nged ,-rices. hands
jthe L last in the aacen
an d colds are
frurk Ayers will move to the
rhich he recent iy purchased
ipp-r nv i of Decatur street
'.U:as promises to be uuufeu
,,, The money is 'ackiug.
niirjh complaint c-f bad colds
throats in this county at
ere bants will all pull through
any fail uses.
„ho bought coal for a hard
f iH certainly be on the sate
Ly wiil play a festivities. very small It
bur Christmas
siioul 1 he.
James L. Lupo has been sent
ir of the Methodist Church at
g Shoals.
fegram from Miss Laura Hay
Luounces tfiai she and j-aity
rived safely iu China.
, be afraid 0 !' ihe candidate
as innocent and harmless as
|i:y Iprobibiting fathers should pass an or
tramps from pae
fcmei: the town.
io-dtrade lias been very light
Iter for which we with many
Ire very thankful.
Lew board of aldermen will
f ik enough to keep them busy
pie if they attend to their du
k-y should.
r folks are wide awake for the
L It s. our wish that- they
[get Lmely many mcr 1 -resents and
happy. *
(bonli^thf'Se who nave come
| and ; aH us tor Lhc’r paper
lil find it an iini-rovc-m-nfc m
i|f-p-r will have no time »ul w
* «f-ci this year. It we ha e
subscriber he mus: pay in
Haywood will now devote lorn
llustvi-ly to tic Slater fuuri
welfar» -if hi- hrotiicrs and
a black We have no jec
p are son.e r- u i-> 'h's tv
petiaie* appea r to be de, n>
puat oilier f:in<‘« appi" r 10 he
cans, ihe man who is re
ui, ever, is democrat never.
ire u will receive tittle political
't- irotc the people of this sec
1 to sleep with. -G II W.
|'ii and honey—j u»! a gallon*
r* f ^ e ' uine, bona fide cry ba
D S.
! w bottles of anti-fat.—J J L
Muter dog md leave of ah
hH Y M.
F ro ”K- ts de in —T E R.
M y carriage fo, four.—R ?.
je embroidered slij. ers, jbout
P—T li B.
■whole stats.— J E M. & € W
'r of tramps__L S B.
which I will hardly get.—F
pte 000 of more cali brains — S S.
Thos. swipe ot the Queen
t-xes on iquor dealers,—Our
J tunnrl to Bill Hardin’s.—
r e ree *» tin bucket and red
[R [ ee,t A A.
Me.—v^ »o light to bunt for nay
w nose. One through which
llK wheezing.—L J.
1 backbone -__W A W
.'rof ears laige enough to
^ith cor
the rest of my ana o
odification of nay prospective
wlamation.—G A.
.uow the difference between
gtb of my i egs aQd tfae length
^ there is any.—D M A.
f° d socker hole.—R <fc S.
fybody to be happy.—T
Christmas is at the door.
Cleveland carried Texas by 135,000
Mrs. W. B. Welch, of Wano, was
in town this week.
* Si Hawkins is a clever fellow and
sets out a good paper. Long live
the gallant Hawkins
W hat has become of all the patent
•■Lu»ii tiieii ? Hus &n epidemic hit
’em ?
Mrs. M. T Swann h&s moved into
Mr. Sam Night's house on McDon¬
ough street. We welcome her to the
There will i e planted next year
the largest cotton crop ever seen
in the South and 'somebody is going
suffV*' 1 .
Pat Langford says that a fellow
who wouldn’t walk five miles such a
ay as last Sunday t© see his sweet
iie&rt won’t do to tie to.
Ask Lewis Beilah what he thinks
of tramps stealing from the night
Brer Rabbit is now enjoying the
whiter with discontent made hot as
sitinme: by the sen of Ham.
Tii accomplished Miss Ida Downs
of 0;;k Hill, Newton county, will
teach school at Lake City, Florida,
this winter. She has our beet wishes
for t uccess.
These will be two marriages in the
city during Christman, One young
•ai d one old couple.
The new Methodist church will
proably cost about $1000. This
amount ought to build a handsome
The Star is devoling much space
to blowing Covington. We have no
Wi ld of disapproval tor the Star.
The best time to attend the New
Orleans exposition wdl be after
Christmas. Th n everything will be
in running ortter.
Our. peopL cannot be too careful
about having their homes insured.
Pou can not afford to be without in¬
Provisions a;e now cheaper than
we have ever known ikeru. Happy
ie the man who has the money to lay
in a year’s supplj now.
Timt has been a considerable
quantity of cotton in during the last
two weeks for wbieh the sllers have
recnvi-d as high as ten cents.
Come to the polls and like true
democrats cast your voies for ihe
nominee* of Democracy.
Hoik: swapping is being indulged
in to a considerable extent ot late.
A large number of the participants
have lost money.
Ai: iloyal has been sentenced to
the cnain gang for twelve years. He
ought to be hung and the jury that
made the verdict of volumary ma -
sDugbU r sent to the chain gang tor
12 years.
Through kindness Marsha! Beilah
permitted two tram (is to stay in the
bell tower the other night. When
morning came they had to be toiced
out After their departure investiga¬
tion shewed that they bad carried off
■i pisto belong ng in the tower. Thus
is a kindness rewarded.
We think there should be a change
in uur municipal government. We
have special charges to make against
u > on> t ot. there surely is misman¬
agement somewhere. Our streets are
rougher than th*- roads leading iDto
the city ; the cemetery has been tn a
fearful condition all the year; no
oil in our lamps and but little money
in ihe treasury. Reform and im¬
provement is needed.
County Treasurer.
It would be a source of considera¬
ble gratification to our people to
have the county treasurer publish a
staiement of the money received by
h m and what for; how it was paid
out, who to and what for. The peo¬
ple have a right to know what goes
with their money and it would cost
but little to gratify them.
The Weekly.
We will state for the benefit of the
raaDy w lio seem to have a great, in
te.est in this paper, its editor and its
management, that it will continue to
be run at its present office, upon the
same terms as heretofore, but some¬
what improved. It will be th bought
organ of no party, man or measure ;
it and its editor will ask favors of no
man, men or corporation, bat will
grant a I in their power. The paper
is able to take care of itself in every
res, eet and will pay no more attention
1 o th -insinuations and lies of its lit¬
tle brained enemies than to the bark¬
ing of so many mangy curs.
I recollect how grieved I was
When Cousin Amy married;
I thought hei very cruel because
Eor me she had not tarried.
She gave to my affection green
Encouragement in plenty,
For I was under seventeen
And she was five-and-tweuty.
Fair Amy is a widow now,
Her sorrow fast outgrowing;
’Tis very singular, I vow,
The way the years are going.
With me at allegro rate;
With her, a graceful lente—
Now I am insuring thirty-eight
And she is s-.x-and-twenty
I should be gratified to know
How others, like my cousin,
A twelve-Hiomh older only grow,
One year in half a dozen.
Oh Ohronos, tell the secret to me.
The power superhuman,
That causes time with man to flee
But bids it wait with woman?
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla acts directly
and promptly to purify and enrich
the blood, improve the appetite,
strengthen the nerves, and brace up
the system. It is therefore in the
truest sense an alterative medicine.
Every invalid ohould give it a trial.
Liberty Capet Dots.
Wheat and oats are looking well.
A.n average crop l as been sown in
this vicinity,
The accomplished Miss Lula Rid¬
dling. of Doraville, is visiting friends
at this place.
The Rev. M. McKinney preached
at the Chapel on last Sabbath. He
is an able divine.
Rev. G. A. Hill will serve Liberty
Chapel as its pastor another year.
Thomas Hailey has sold out his
plantation and will more to South
We welcome Mr. David Guddy,
formerly of Doraviile to our commu
The young ladies are busily en¬
gaged making their Christmas appa¬
rel etc.
Mrs. W. E King, of Roswell, is
risiting her father here.
I would like to hear from “Sambo”
the accomplished County Line cor¬
respondent to the Henry County
A correspondent of the DeKalb
News is using my name. As this is
a penitentiary 0 flense I advise him to
drop it.
Prof Chapman left last week for
Lost I—A small nurse containing
one “gold issue’’ twenty dollar bill.
The finder will be liberally reward¬
ed by leaving the same at this office.
Hawkins writes a long article on
“ How we Stand. ” Had the article
appeared a few years earlier it would
have made us curious as to its con¬
Lookout for illegal voters at the
coining election, Grandjury m en
should be on the watch.
Owring to our limited space we can
only publish short communications
from onr contributors. Write what
you wish to say in as few words as
Mi A Davis is not at present con¬
nected with this paper. J. N. Hale
is editor, primer and will remain as
Rustles are now larger than they
have been for sometime. It takes a
good backbone to cany the average
bustle gracefully and successfully.
Those who want this piper next
year must pay in advance. There
will be no exceptions.
--— mmrn- mttm, -
There are one hundred and twenty
thousand offices within the gift of
the new administration, and now is
the time for those seeking public em¬
ployment to take proper steps to se¬
cure one of these lucrative positions.
To this end the United States Blue
Book will prove an indespensable
guide and assistant. The Blue Bo< k
is a regiarerof all Federal offices and
employments in each statp and terri¬
tory, till District of Columbia and
abroad, with their salaries, emolu*
ments and duties shows who is eli¬
gible for appointment, th* civil ser¬
vice rules, questions asked at exami¬
nations, how to make an application
and how to push it to success, and
gives besides a vast amount of im¬
portant and valuable information
relative to government positions nev¬
er before published. Send 75 cents
to J H Soule, Publisher, Waihiugton
D C., and secure a copy of the Blue
Book. Agents wanted.
Turkey shooting is being induced
in. The boys want cheap fowls for
chritmas dinners.
There is a family in Sheffield by
the name of Strickland tint is in real
distress. The Ordinary has given
them seme assistance.
Mr. Haygoo I has moved to the
poor farm and is ready t'» receive
the paupers. We think but few will
go there!
Conyers is sadly in need of some¬
body to do a banking business, ii
is-a matter of impossibility to get
money here, no matter how good
your papers, unless you pay about
three rates ( 1 interest to some mod¬
ern Shy look.
Quite a number of young ladies
are visiting friends here.
Rev. H. F. Buchanan has moved
into Judgi* Beamans’ bouse on the
south side of the city. We welcome
him among us.
The heavy rains on last Sunday
did considerable damage to Finds.
Mr. Thomas Almand, the gold
digger, has ceased to tm roh&ndise in
Sheffield and returned to town. He
doubtless made a fortune and will
now purchase a v ill 1 and retire.
There was a colored marriage in
Sheffield this week.
On Friday id 7 lit last, an unknown
negro, about 18 yean; of age, was
killed by norno of the early night
trains, three miles below town. He
was fearfully mangled, his arms, legs
and head being cut to pieces. Coro¬
ner Oakes held an inquest but found
out nothing as to who he was,
A great many of our people will
attend the New Orleans Exposition.
You will find a fine lot of the very
nicest, Christmas goods at G. W.
Weaver & Brother’s. Call and see
t : em.
Christmas trees give the best sat¬
isfaction to the children. The more
the better.
Conyers will be full of those who
once lived here and are now in oilier
places, Christmas. We will be tdud
to see all of our old and young friends
Married, at the residence of Mr. J.
W. Grenade, last night, the bride’s
father, the &ev. H, T. Buchanan of¬
ficiating, Ml* Miben Hollingsworth,
jr„ to Miss Ida Grenadp, all of this
county. We extend to the happy
couple our earnest congratulations.
We regv t to state < hat Col. M. D.
Irwin, of the Solid South, is sufler
witb a severe attack of plurisy.
and assess to customers free-^ orlaet year witFout ' < *i»
descriptions ordering it. It and contains directions illustrations, prices,
for planting at)
D. Vegetable Wl. FERRY&CO. and Flower SEKDS, BULBS, D£ etc.
i££ 3T
H. P .& D. M. Almand & Ca have
Just received their new improved
Wheat scourer and it is a perfect
Machine it cleans the wheat clean
that make very fine white flour out
of ordinary wheat we especialy ask
every one that has wheat to grind
to come and get good flour out of
your wheat all we ask is a trial and
you wilt be highly pleased.
Pictorial History, Romance and
Philosophy of Celebrated American
Among the announcements of new
publications for the present season is
one embracing the tragedy of Ameri¬
can history from the foundation of
the republic to the present day.
American History has in every pe¬
riod been distingvisbed by startling
phases. Boldness of conception,
breadth of plan, energy of execution,
tenacity and courage characterz
her anna'-s. These traits are illus*
trative not only of her laudable
achievements, and of those who ad¬
vance her civilization—her com¬
merce, schools, cburche*—her mate¬
rial, moral and intellectual pro peri
ty, but they characterize as well those
whose efforts have been to pull down
and destroy. That the latter consti¬
tute a material portion of that histo¬
ry, one ot necessary instruction and
interest to every thoughtful reader
and student who would be informed
in bis country’s annals, is a fact
which all will recognize.
“The proper study of mankind is
man ” wrote the Poet and Moralist,
Alexander Pope. This work pre*
sents man, the moKfc ecu p ps of all
Subjects, in bis startling phase*, and
as a feature of American history, apt
in its scope and design, it is of ab¬
sorbing interest.
Gibbon picturing truly the crimes,
effeminaccy and lasciviousn ss of the
later Roman Em pin—Gillia pointing
ont the terr.ble degeneracy of t ie
demagogues of Athens, and Hum"
pic Bring ’lie brute 1 crimes of Eng¬
land <>i the 111 h, 14th and 15th cen¬
turies, performed the part of wise
teachers in warning their country¬
men against similar lapses from the
stra ght and narrow p- ths of* honor,
honesty and truth. In a similar
spirit has the author of “History,
Romance and Philosophy of Great
American Crimes »nd Criminals”
portrayed the typical crimes and
criminals ot the various eras of our
The work is in the nu u Biograph¬
ical anti embraces among others the
Crimes and Conrpi;a<ies of John A.
Murrell, the great South-western
Land Pirate; the Gigantic Schemes
of Col. Monroe Ld wards, the Napo¬
leon of Forgers, etc., etc.; the Moun¬
tain Meadow Massacre; Murders and
Burglaries of Ruloll, the Great Phil¬
ologist: the Murder of Dr. Park man
by Prof. Webster; the Cunningham*
Burdell Mystery; the Lowery Gants,
the Swamp Angela of North C rol -
na; the Colt-\dams Murder; Hi l
Evans Feud in Kentucky; Carerr of
Cul en Baker, the Arkansas I> * pe
radp; the Belt n Jewett-Frank Rivers
Murder; Ben Fhompson, of T*xas,
the Man-Slayer; the Bender Family,
the Kansas Fiends; James and
Younger Brothers, etc., etc.
Its pictorial feature is one of move
than usual attraction—embracing 161
superb engravings including personal
portraits of the celebrated critn na’.s.
It is sold by subscription. The
canvassing agent for such a work
will find the latcbstring out, and a
patronage that will mate bis busi¬
ness assuredly profitable. N. I).
Thompsou & O'-., St. Lonis, Mo.,
and New York City are the enter
prising publishers. We advertise
t,heui in another coin mo.
Tribute of Respect.
The committee appointed by the
superintendent of this Sunday school
to draw up a suitable tribute to the
mem ry of MissLatie Anderson, beg
leav to submit the following:
It is with sad hearts that we at
tempt to express our appreciation of
her character. Ami hie and cheer¬
ful she was a favorite with all ot her
associates. At home and at school
she was always the same obedient
and affectionate child ; ever ready to
speak kind words and perform acts
of kindness that only loving hearts
suggest and loving bauds can do.
She died when just blooming into
womanhood, but her short life had
been well spent Under the influence
of home religion, aided and directed
by the instructions ol die Sabbath
school and the services <>f the ea ct
uary, Katie gave her heart, and life
to Jesus when she was about twelve
years of age. The gentleness and
purity of her life demonstrated the
sincerity of her professions, and the
beauty of her Christian character en¬
deared her to all who knew her. She
was sick only a short time and suf¬
fered much, but she was submissive
to the will of God and not afraid to
die. Surely she did no» live in vain
nor did she die in vain ; for, short as
her life was ; she had shown all the
beauty of a lovely 8; irit, had made
many friends on earth, and. we con¬
fidentially be'ieve, she has secured,
through faith in Jesus, a homo in
Heaven, where we hope to meet her
“ in the sweet by-and-by. ”
Theretore bo it resolved,
1. That, in her death, the caurch,
the Sabbath s«-ho >], the home circle
and the community, have lost a e
loved and useful member.
2. That we tender onr heartfet
sympathies to the he eaved family
and pray God to j/raut them gre,c
to sustain and Comfort them, in this
and all other trials ot life, a, d p re •
pare them to meet Kaiie in Heaven.
3. That w- will mr cherish her
memory a* d, while we „&dlv 3j.'Ss
her sweet face from our m dst, we
feel that our loss is lie eternal gain
4. iliat this r port he spread uiion
the minutes of the Sabbath school,
that a copy he furnish d the bereav¬
ed parents and the city papers be rc
quested to publish it.
Mrs. J. C. B irton, I
“ G. W. Gi-uton, Commitee. I
Miss Lula McCord
legal Adver
Georgia, Rockdale County:
To all whom it may concern.
Adaline A Bently having in due
f rm applied to the undersigned for
permanent Letters of Administration
>n the estate of Joseph H. Bently,
late of said county, deceased, and I
will pass upon said application nn
the first Monday in January, 1885,
at 10 o’clock, A. M. This Dec, 4th,
1884. 0 . Ska mans, Ordinary,
State of Georgia, Rockdale county ;
Whereas. J D Scott,, guardian ot
E. J. McDaniel, (formally Scott)
having made application to ihe Court,
>f Ordinary in his petition duly filed
for Letters of Dismission from his
guardianship ot E. J. McDaniel, re
presenting that he has fairly and
fully discharged his duty as guar¬
dian. and fully settled up with hie
said Watd This is therefore to cite
11 persons concerned t<. show cause
if any they can, why said J T> Scott
should not he discharged from his
said guardianship and receive letters
ot dtsmi.-8Mn on the fiist Monday in
M v eh, 1885,
(leorgi* Rockdale County
Whereas J. F* Wal ls administrator of
L li Brown represents to the court in
hi,- prtitioti duly filed that he has fully
administered L. II. Browns estate. This
is therefore'e ad persons concerned
heirs and creditors to show cause if any
ltu»v (’110 whv nnid administrator should
not he discharged tr'in his administra
rjon and letters of dismi 'rion on the 1st
.Monday in February 1884
O Sea »iicns
TO THE PUBLIC. the 1st of October I wiil
close my hooka and sell no more
goods on time to anyone until n< xt,
spring. I have been s-liing on nine
now for five years and must have
some time in which to close up and
ma c sottlet ent. This applies to
all and J hope no one will feel hurt,
as I am forced to take this meth *d of
closing up my old accounts, To all
who come forward and make satis¬
factory settlements I will sell again
next season lam now receiving a
fine line of fall and winter goods
which I am selling as low as can bo
found anywhere. Call andfl'e me.
Respectfully. D. N. Hudson.
Conyers Ga., Sept. 10th 1884.
Hammock, Parker & Co. successors
to II P & D M Almand and compa¬
ny, Ware housemen and ginners, re¬
spectfully notify the public that they
are prepared to run said business
successfully, and shall make it their
business to m*et out evenhamled
justice to all, thereby building up a
business worthy of confidence and
patronage We are re ponsible for
all seed cot* on received until baled.
Bagging and lies furnishec low ior
tiie cash. We respectfully ask the
public to give us a trial.
Hill W Hamm ck. Manager.
— *V*n*-*
We take this method ol informing
our friends and customers tliat wo
are now receiving our fall and winter
stock, which will embrace every • bing
usually kept in any first-ola*a store,
and as our motto has always been
quick sales and short profits we will
sell as low as the lowest We feel
thankful to all who have patronized
ua in the past and k ; ndly ask a share
ol their trade in the future.
Please hear in mind I that in or¬
der 10 close up our old business, our
terms will be Strictly* C-sh from Oc¬
tober the 1st until January the *»t.
1885, after which tone we wil ac¬
commodate all who have come for¬
ward and made satisfactory Settle
men 8.
We hope none will ask us <>. vary
from the relea-' we a < an hat
c- say We don’t want tu lain a y
one’* feelings by re'u ing ,0 c . < 1 i*
them for so short a time. Rem -m -
her ii-oiity I as been vc-y scarce and
v>e have had a hard time to g, s
g *ods through the S'nnmerto fiimi.-h
oa time bn <«■ i>av, f k; d t;>e storm
and Lust tint w- 11 : 47 - di- o- t •*«-. *.
so ,cd the re.
Wo t cliere a'l *e have fo -tc <
li .1 and lioes appr- cisi it. n.. . *» ••
com- for warn an-' p v offHw-i- r< t
end account* a <v*n a a thy 9
biy can, remember nv t'-at -
pay wakes eo<>d tf«l’ •*r*#j ..
^oo-Ih at til* i.ia _■* ► * ■ j>r!e *.
Trusting tha- w- »-iM rnz.t'JL
bored, we lemam. tu B,e *n’
J H J LWvND ’on no C;
Coui-b*, In t old-, b»«. Culurrli, Cou-i’in-j
*,i ut, -t ■ 1; l.uny ;«> cj„
cured f> the old e- aleisbed S'- ion Uberrj ” t’i* fir*’ «l , e
lief and a curse speed>!v tolio-.v- -i
cents, or fl.oo at Drugging.