The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, January 16, 1885, Image 2

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o veicial organ city ok oonyfks.
One month and a half and then—
farewell nigs.
Chinese Gordon Mahdi but he has
not so far.
The new capitol will not be built
within five yearn.
*** 'w r ,Oil Uli, -jo*n -«»'»■» moot myoiM
Athens has a good editor in Larn
Gantt and a goo 1 paper in the Ban
cHwzT’-r-wr v^raearx tgj^jrm emmn a km ^yrmmt
Somebody ought to give Cleveland
flu* itch and sue what he would do
about shat. g uppose yon try him,
brother Hawkins.
The Telegra| h call.- Harry Hill a
peg for a prospective hole, Whe:
it comes to stoppers the Telegraph
is well posted.
Aut Jimmie Anderson, 4o<' Harris
and Lurry Gantt are the three graces
of tin* Georgia Press.
v *«yK(ft-f*rt«r*r/'#rjcmjrw»jai
Toombs once said u Joe Brown
rises as lie rots.” If be continues to
rise as fast as he rots, he will soon
out tower the Washington, monu¬
*«B»w. • wiouf/T«i>-' mnvMniiit' «awm*
S:im Jones is preaching a week in
Brooklyn. It will be a hard week
on the circus men.
Smith of the Piedmont Press says
ho is as large as Glessner of the
Gridin News. You can put them
both in Dorse Alevaoder’s boots.
r «M»n«iL wjum ttjr +*mv
We notice that the country press
is giving considerable attention to
farming matters. This is right. The
city press should assist us.
A e look for many eve Ion os tins
year, and tlie man who possesseth
no* a hole in the gsound, is poor, in¬
xrmnm vm wn un sft
It is now laying time, politically
speaking. Thousands of young pol¬
iticians will be hitched out in tho
spring of ’ 86 .
The Jonesboro News says broth¬
er Brownof the Henry County Week¬
ly “ lent his face to the citizens of
Jonesboro ” the other clay. Look
here Brown, if you get to lenting
out your beautiful froatis piece, you
won’t have anything to run at the
About 12 o’clock last night a
terible cyclone passed ever the east¬
ern portion of Jones county about
tliroe miles north of Haddock’s
station, going in an easterly direc¬
tion. As far as heard from no great
damage was done until it s’ruck the
place of D. W. Lester. Fortunately
none of the houses were in the way,
and the damage to the place wns
slight. The next place was that of
II. D* Lester. Here the cvclone
scorned to go nearer the group d and
swept away every thing in its track.
The grove around Mr. Lester’s
house was composed oflarge oaks
These were twisted and bceten about
as it they had beeu so many straws.
The orchard, a large one find Oiled
with valuable choice fruit trees was
almost destroyed. Every outhouse
on the place except one was blown
away, hardly a vestige being left.
The dweling house was greatly dam
aged. The roof on one side is al
most a complete wreck. Both
chimneys were partly blown down,
Al 1 the colutns under the front porch
except two wore wrenched out, and
this side of the house was demolished,
The cyclone passed directly through
the front yard, and, but for the
strong manner in which tlie
was constructed, would have suffered
much more damage. None of the
inmates of the hotse were hurt ex
eept Mr. Lester, who was iu front of
the fireat the time.
Hurled Against The Mantle.
He was throne with great violence
against the mantlepiece and received
a slight wound on the forehead,
There is not a rail left on Mr.
Lo 3 ter's place, and at tills writing . .
it is difficult to estimate the loss.
The next place visited was that of
Geo. Perdue. He lost two horses,
and all hU corn and fodder was
blown away. From bore the storm
r-»'"•>■■■ Idowing off tlie top of the house —
went into Baldwin county. It struck
doing great damage and devasting
everything in its track. The
lowiug list of casualties and tosses
have been reported up to this
At the place of Lid Williams,
colored, on the old Cobb
j the dweiirig house was blown down,
i ar » ( * a ^° the stables, cribs and all
I the outhouses, with corn, and fodder,
etc. Williams was badly hurt about
the shoulders by falling timbers.
The gin house of Andrew Banks
was blow away.
A couple of negro cabins on John
'Roy’s place were . demolished• Mr.
j Tatnra lost his gin-house and all of
; his cabins. The chimney to the
dwelling house was blown down and
a colored woman in one ol the
| . ins on the place was badly mashed
by lading timbers. A negro man
was badly braided about the
WiliiB Hawkings ba-i his stables
blown down, and lost a valuable
horse and bad three mules badly
cripple, l-T had a cyclone policy
on hi* stock,
The path of the cyclone paasaed
witidn a mile of town, sfricking the
the upper edge of * r . L. Cariog
a* a i .
ton's and M r. Jake G u m m \s pi aces,
but doing no damage of any conse¬
quence at the two latter places, j
Here the rain poured down in torrents '
and the lighning was fearful. The
News correspondent was about eight
miles Irom the path of the cyclone
and could hear the roar distinct
A s tor in rpgcd in Macon about
midnight. Tho wind Was tierce and
strong. Noise like distant thunder
was heard over the city, and this
must have bt-en the roar of the cy¬
clone oil its way through the upper
portion of the county. About 12
o’clock or a tew m.nutes thereafter
rain fell in torrents. No damage
was done so far as it has been posi
hie' to learn, except a slight da range
to the roof of the City Hall mule
lot. The wind rolled up a portion
of the tin roofing like a scroll, and
tore out, one of the props. As the
mules belonging to tha city are quar¬
tered uoder this roof, they stood in
great danger. Workmen were en¬
gaged to-day in repairing the dam¬
Selma, Ala., Jan. 12 . Specia 1
report that a cyclone passed through
Dade, Perry, and Bibb, counties in
this state last night. Great damage
•was done to houses and fences in its
path, which was about a mile wide.
In Bibb county, ii“ar Centersvivill.
a man is reported to have been killed
and Mrs. Mason received serious
injuries. Several mills were wrecked,
and near Randoph two mules were
kiLed. Houses a mile away from
the path of the cyclone shook so
that the inmates thought that treine.
ling was caused by an earthquake.
Tho damage to houses and other
property will roach thousands of dol¬
lars. Forests were greatly damaged,
n arly l , - 000 trees are lying across
the road near Randolph.
Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 12 . A
cyclone last nighi, about fifty miles
noioh of thi^ city, swept down tiai'
ber for a width of half a mue. » 1 A
number of houses were blown down,
but so far only one* death has been
reported. Trains on* the South and
North Alabama Railroad were de
layed several hours. The cyclone
came from the southwest and went a
northeast direction.
The cyclone of Sunday night was
not confined to one section of the
State, but has been heard from in
several localities. In Macon county (
ab.ut 40 miles eaM of this city, three
men were killed. In Western Ala- ;
bam a great damage was done in
way ot blowing down timber and !
houses, and several lives are repor -1
ted to have been lost,
Birminghom Ala., Jan. 12 .
cyclone crossed the Louisville and
Nashville Railroad last m_> t about
forty miles south and forty-five miles
north ot Birmingh ara ' The track |
ot the tormir was half a mile wide.!
Near Jemison a dozen trees were;
blown across the track. A north!
bound freight train struck one of the j
trees and the engine and five cars
2, woro d 2*4 :i ' '
------- -- I
° or Correspondents will begin
-s;;- ^ irdU;il LMlih canturcd a lot of
gooos lor Brand of Lithonia
this week. i
Rev. John L. Stewart, of Con J
spent last Sunday in Covington,
With his sons Messers Josenli and
and Jeff. Stewart. He is a* grand
old gentleman, and his life has been
a most noble and honorable one.
May his da vs on earth vet be lono
and full of sunshine.—Covington
Rev. Father Wilds
Tji© Itev. Z. P. "Wilds, 'wt'J.-liuown city
missionary in New York, and brother
of tii© late eminent Judge Wilds, of tho
Massachusetts Sapreme Court, -writes
as follows:
“73 L. Mth Si., Ketn York, May 16, 1882 .
Mess ns. J. C. Ayes & Co Gentlemen :
Last winter 1 was troubled with a most
une ,■•'tertahle itching humor affecting
Ill o ally night, my limbs, whieh itched so
-Ht anti burned so intense
ly jould scarcely bear any clothing
I was also a sufferer from a
carrh amd catarrhal coughmy
YUS poor, and my system a good
down. Knowing the value of
Sarsaparilla, and by observation of
uer cases, from personal use
r years, 1 began taking it for the
above-named, disorders. My appetite im¬
proved almost from the first dose. After
a short time the fever and itching were
skin allayed, disappeared. and all signs My catarrh of irritation of V
and CO'
were also cured by the same means, ■
my it general health greatly improved, u.
is now excellent. I feel a hundred p,
cent stronger, and I attribute these results
to the use of tho Sarsaparilla, which
I recommend with all confidence as the
beat blood medicine ever devised. I took
it in small doses three times a day, and
these used, in facts all, legs than two bottles. 1 place
at your service, hoping their
publication Yours may do good.
respectfully, Z. P. Wilds.”
The above instance is but on© of the many
constantly coming to our notice, which provo
the perfect adaptability of Ayer’s Sarsa¬
parilla to the euro of all diseases arising
from impure or impoverished blood, and a
weakened vitality.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
cleanees, enriches, and strengthens the blood,
Btimuiates the action of the stomach and
bowels, and thereby enables the system to
resist and overcome the attacks of all Scrofw
ions Diseases, Eruptions of the Shin, Rheu¬
matism, Catarrh, General Debility, and all
disorders resulting from corrupted
blood and a low state of !.
Dp. J.C. Ayes*& Co. J - Mass.
Sold by all Druggists; pr; bottles
/ . r”3
mskm c.™ ABT10
Best SHsrgatSv© Si^edicme
cure Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, raid !
all Bilious Disorders.
Sold everywhere. Always reliable.
Amm WAiTEi,
For “History, lioinance and phi¬
losophy of Great American Crimes
and Criminals.” The most startling
baok of recent years. Biographical
Pictorial 161 Superb Engravings
with Personal Portraits of the CM e
brated Criminals, 659 Royal Octavo
pages. Low retail price, $2.50. it
is a work of art as well as of thrill¬
ing historic interest* Is bound to
produce a profound impression.
Agents sell it by the thousands, A
grand chance for canvassers.
Send for full partienlsrs, and be
convinced that this is the most sala¬
ble and profitable book published;
or, to save time, eend 15 cents at
once for Canvassing Book, and state
your choice of townships. Address,
N. D. Thompson & Co., Pubs., St,
Louis, Mo., or New York City.
Jte§ F RE El
tarrM'Si noted A. and favorite successiul prescrintion specialists of in one the cf U. t,Lo
most H.
(new retired) for the cure of Servott9 S>ehtMty.
FjO& io(3, Weaknes&eaxd ISeets cf. Sens
inpiainseaied envelopejV«e. Druggists can fill if,
Address DR. WASD & CO., Louisiana, RSo.
1 V. ■
.*■ -f • > v
4 ',Azf ;t U t |
& ii LA vV:--;
Sj5». fTv fsJ*-2k ^ -AJ y
V. fasts zmzmv.3
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ff •Hi TONIC,
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use 15 *1
s-o'-rn:- r<- IS.
; ; o rtu iso m-v. I..; LA
Dp tr.iiu Uovvt
? U --C lenuu * :U 1 coniriaji\t3
ir a -j x w l \ 1 Bug in
Kr . uud «Dept1
C ' upleraon
ihe \aiue of 11;;.
•'tuesit ■ P 13
i'd to thetjvpiuar
Al ily tlcsire I;ualtii
■■ r.-LYG. T
q\r *tw .y: »* *a
nation, i:ec. f'
5&5p^FREE-Wr5®L in vYSHle to *
descrip4ioas and directions for plaatiae’aH
—— ------—
S) I BlflpSIk S,u,tSi 4
^ H^^LOiauuw ^ m rj Secure Healthy
^8 0 a ^ ° *
YLT.--- rv^rVeseteUa; ---zuimi- fToublc-V Zr^tisls,
HoGripicg. rricj 25:. All
r.-v t) 75 K 38 a HP fit is Ska A 1I1L4
•^“Undertakers Goods of every
kind from the
to the Cheapest box. I am
Give me a cal 1 .
It- —£3r U hen you want good wagons,
buggies, carriages, etc., etc., call on
Conyt rs, Ga.
n. n n m a ga fi V U ; M
y l « U s t, & tfvs i b. H fc &
V : \ > -,>• : r , ■ A SPECIALTY
ACID for composting Ch* sup
tai f$l m (. is. mm
Apply to J. H. DAB NEY,
Dec. 6 t,f. Cor. vers, Ga,
*/ •
- ^ €f if th If 9
$ g CELEBnaTED ^ k j %
sm. Mr ^
'TSifNlf if
« 0
’^il ifcp.® 3
Hostetter’s Stomach Bittera is tl le article
for you. It stimulates the failing t mergies,
invigorates the body and cheers t he mind.
It enables the system to throw off the de¬
bilitating effects of undue fatigu e, gives
renewed the' vigor to the organs of d igestion,
arouses liver when inactive, renews
the jaded apetite, and encourages healthful
repose. Its ingredients consist are in safe , and its
credentials, endorsement , whieh of the class hearty of
of persons every
society, are most convicning. and D ealers
For sale by all Druggists
GEGORIa railroad.
Georgia Baili to ad Co., 1
Office General M anager, j
Augusta, No ?. 8, 1884.^
the-following Passenger sche iule will be
operated. Trains run by 90 ; h meridian
time, twenty two minutes : slower than
Atlanta time.
Lv Augusta 7 . 40 am j
Ar Wash’n 10 4 O am j
Lv Atlanta 2.45 pm
Ar Wash’n 7- 2 ° pm
Ar Conyers 3-42 pm
Lv Atlanta S .00 ara
Lv Conyers 9 19 am
Ar Athens 4.40 pm
“ Wash’ll 2 20 pm
“ Mil’d’ve 449 pm
Ar Macon 6.45 pm
Ar Augusta 3.35 pm
Lv Atlanta 5.50 pm
Lv Cor.yers7.4o pm
Ar Cov gt’nS.lo pm
f 7 Atlanta 8.2O pm
LvCony’rs 9.58 pm
Ar Augusta b.lo am
Train Nos. 27 and 28 wilHsiop at and
receive passengers to and from thefol
lowing stations only; Grove town,
Berzelia, Harlem, Dearing Thomson,
Camak, Barnet, Crawfordville, Union
Point, Greensboro, Madison, Rut¬
ledge, Social Circle, Covington, Con¬
yers, Stone Mountain and Decatur,
Connects at Augusta for all points
East and Southeast.
JOHN Yv. GREEN, Gen. Man.
E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pass Agt.
n / TT\ / r 1 iUl.
wU i 2L I
C U B E l)
of ^By the local '.resent treatment. remedies No liquor. employed None
are as
they it trial—no never have charges proved made. a success; -All chronic Giv,
complaints treated without medicine.
Correspondents must 31. enclose stamp.
Address, Mrs. C. Walter,
King House,
Stone Mountain, Ga.
Fire Insurance
•BY r
CS^Mr. Darnell represents «*•, a large
number of the very best Companies!
perty. I dates as low as anywhere.
Everybody should have their homes
aat ^ husineas insured and that with
out delay. i
Lv Ath »ns 8.00 ara
Lv Wg sa’n 7 S5 am
Ar Atla ata 1.00
Ar Ath ens 7-3-5 pm
Lv Wai ih’n 4 .10 prn
Ar Aug usta 8.15 pm
Lv Aug’3sta i o. 50 a m
Lv Macon 710 am
Lv Mil d’vl 910 am
Lv W ae li ’ n 11.2o a m
Lv Ath pns 9 30 am
Ar Con j T ers 4 22 pm
Ar Atlanta 5.40 pm
Lv’n 0.4O am
i.v Con >;ers6. i2 am
Ar Atlanta 7.55 am
NO. 3 west daily.
Lv Augusta 9.I0 pm
Lv Conyers 4.51 am
Ar Atlanta 6.40 am
I| $% ^sa L ;3| ■, rs gn m in aw 4", K i M1T
«a tv fi M
Sa II III 3 1 !
Man u fact u rc d by -
rig warn* mum eow a y,
--cf ‘Wilmington, N. C.
~T\ T- ' 7 / n ACID phosphate
1 /
kJjfl , ,_ v COTTON guano.
Guaranteed as good as any sold m this State. For prices, terms and
analysis, apply " "i* to
13 *-£•* * ttt.t w* 3 Sr »r-V JkA .vkw. my u*U«M<W *iam Conyers Ga
7 J »
We refer to the gentlemen who used it this :
P 7? n - t~\ onaii), > 1
J W Iloi’gsw’Si,
G W Warren,
II Yi Hammock,
\V G Ciotfelter,
) /'
• /
V v__ y F t7 tia/i am a ,
HnfiQf ps a fi g m\ pPiHfiPi O
a S lisyy- 5 f, I ' 3 Sillily I Hi 31i6l 1|| 111
FOR SALE BY D. N. Hudson
faggroa eCTWrn nwnrro %rsaw*r3WJarjtiei^-a»«ij scs - *: vmwr w crerv;»an. hW'»rri
Id a Company
II II ws Ml Ekill •A* sfa *Wt«I v-**. S3 jp e i
Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sts. C0H YLB3. Ga
A & WArf mM iL x (7 w II i,
General Merchandise at Bottom PrieeS.
©sIT We sell the NEW HOME Sew in.? Machine, fist*?”'We keep all kinds ol
T feado t uarters F' of .j School all School Oommisisk-ftera Books ud( of pfod this by county. the B ard
mru T) -1 Q 1 IVJ a r.....! i
<X A- L J
—Dealers In—
A11 K incl of General M e rchan d ise 1
(At: d. Id. Maddox’s old Stand, Centre St., Conyers, Ga.) Stock!
Having opened business Here with a perfectly new and well assorted HardwreJ
of Dry Goods, Noth ns, Hats, Boots Shoes, Groceries of everv kind.
to Glassware, call and Crockery, We &c. bay We invite goods all for of SPOT our friends CASH end and 1h 1 public sell generallvj cheap j
nee ns. our can as as
any one. We want your barter and will pay the very highest prices hr the Famed
We are going to keep
GENERAL And we are going to sell them low, MERCHAND1SEI so when you want anything in the May of j
Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction, lie member the ])lace, J. E
Maddox’s old stand next door to Weaver & Bro. *
Tf a Wi iriiir'ii'Q m
Premium Steam Dye "W orks.
No. 7, West Peters Street,
Atlanta, ca
Crape, Si‘k iSteha arid and Woolen Cask Goods of Shawls, all descriptions Silk, Merino Dyed and in Mousseline a superior Dresses. style. LadUsj Gen*
tlemens’Cloaks, tainin? the business Coats, Pants and Vests handsomely cleaned. Everything appeH the!
to punctually attended to. Particular attention paid to
cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, Luce Curtains, Blankets, &c. Goods received and ex¬
pressed to all Darts of the United States. May 912m.
EIAKB NEW t^.T<n ¥¥ 533^00®,
And will completely cfessge tho Blood in the entire syr-tem hi three months Amy per*
Pon xvlio will take 1 FIJI each night from l to 1” wesito, ut&y be restored 4« ftounil
Jiealtii, if such 3 thing be possible, lor enring Itemale Complaints these Filla have a®
<teRitl. Physicians us© them in their practice. Sold eve rywhere, or sont bj mail for
2 B ets. in stamps. Send for pamphlet. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., BOSTON, H1A8&
fl ■IIJlIWssaarASri’tt. M
■■ ■
Nci-rslg, JOMKSOK’® .laensa, Eore Ln AFIODYME I’fie- LINIMENT Coach, MSS WhoupteR ,
, I- ,;rs. Ur.r at tha Lancs,Chroria noarser^M, Hacking
Chronic libeumatism, Chronic DiaiThoea, Chror.ic Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Kidnoy Troubles, JXteases of uio
Spine and Lamo Back. Sold everywhere. Send for pamphlet Vo I. fi. Johkson d; Co., lioerox, Mass.
it fa a well-known fact that most of the a >3. fi a ma p fL
Horse and cattle Powd&r said in this |S| ■$ tk m
M |U
V.??v valuable. Nothing on earth “ “
Will lauke hens lay like Sheridan’s Condition Powder. Dose, one teaspoonfnl to each pic*
food, bold everywhere, or sent by mail for 25 cts. in stamps. I. S. Joh>:soh 0; Co., Boston, iUss*
D u n tt H a 0 i
1 I )
Italian and Rutland Marble Monuments’, Box Tombs, Head and * 00
Tombs. Yfocd and Matallie Casket 3 and Cases.
Tf oi]-Tvy iia U4 ‘upY m..-, im WM M 4
s&A* ; A, W ■ -v l
Sizes and Prices furnished on short notice >y CO.
Church Street, Stone Mountain, Ga.
J W Hu mil; on,
A H Summers,
J II UimMoX,
F II McCalla,
J W Johnson.
W J Williams,
A I) McDonald,
AT Scott,
A B Lanieil,
W K Downs,
H L .Ship] '■ V.
G W Guinn
J Y Hill.
W L Peek.
T D Swann.