Newspaper Page Text
(R;0tt0lA, JAY. 1885.
I ncATTyxws.
intention this year to
is our of worth
tin's p ; r one to our
ibeis* \Ve are going to pubs
1 the g , ood. wholesome news we
81 We v;ant to issue a
iibiy 1:4,1 • appreciate, and
the pf°!' le will
j T benefit the people. In
that ’?i !1
v& we 1 ,-ant all the relia
Ltffllg® If a man
lK ' paper l do if he is
wan thtm to so ;
1 c heerfully give it to Lira.
ertising rates will be low.
insertion, ten cents a lin<-,
monto < •ents. Special rales
Gvei'iisemerits. Ton Week
r-ffioial organ of this coun
Ix-kda )e, 5 no: lished at Conyers •
r*; of Atlanta, and
ir circulation. Moie than
\ :Js of jr population aie white
■n un d are an intelligent, reading
lie Advertisers can not find a
9 L reliable public from whom to
•it patronage than lhe citizens
section. Address, J. . Hale,
Editor and Publisher.
e man, whose bosom is not
IP \ by this, the grandest of all
n sentiments, is poor, indeed.
ay he rich, Handsome and taL
1 but without charity he is un
Itrulvonerous is the truly wise;
iJe wto loves no,t others, lives
■ unblest. ”
p should not sanction or encour
■jultsin a wayward brother or
■ting sister, neither should we
■ irslily condemn ; rather let us
■them a helping hand, be charita
Intlirir faults, and love them tor
p there is in them good.
lift blit d, tie deaf, the lame,
N I tle ignorant and the vile,
H bers, captives, slaves, the s£.me,
it us welcome w ith a smile.
Jeir conuif should not chill
■i a n l We know not, what has
|ht them down. Perhaps we,
j’ould have irHen under their
ps and misfortunes.
)' 1 gentler 8Can sis-er your Brother man,
both woman,
in ay gang a ken me wrang,
step aside is human, ”
t us Dot onl y be cha ritable to
Jring borand and the the affleted, guilty, hut also to
and there
ply a day that some object of
does not present itself to us.
many of us fail to do our duty
Ids the poor ? O, ho.vv many I
raany, lure in our very midst,
'lorthat which we could give
ll, vor miss ? Are there not some
ig us who posness thousands,
jd go cn from dav to day with
p pkg v,n S a nj °r?el to the poor, sick
at their very door ? Can
and women be good and
' e ? Weblieve
uddleton has wisely said :
1 iU lvcan be termd mine own
make mi mine own by using
member that H P & D M Al
f j* 18 ^ ie I iilca to buy goods on
f iea Pj and don’t you forget it.
r iet is their motto.
pare having a sight of disagree
r father.
H ^ reeQ »an who is at work
i; f! Sone
yehav© the best little prin
■I ever bad.
-Xk ^ ^
L ^ M A1 man’s and
[ p e elsewhere. th eir stock of goods before
tti L U !m m a,]( ^ O’KeDy not on
[J i, Sc!l001 arranged and most
e houses to be found
r) are aS competent instruct^
this action affords. If
dlQ iu there
g a child they will de
cr ^ °^e us for subscripticn
c °Qie U P and
obe that pay at once.
] at 0 cheats ft printer
ilUeverl of mgle
Cent ’
^i\ t hat heavenly land
e 01d Elijah
^ went.
% a Dter -* th
he’ll n 1086 gates—
e ll {A' c: e driven—
0^° l0lU walls ’ his time away
of Heaven.
I hay’ nt got
Qe thin to money, bring wood
9 0a r 5 eat i such hs beef
, ^
0a< 8 ’ sheep-horns, old
,r° t{e ^ ^
)otat oes, soap grease
taj anything can’t
1 maLter ^hat
a- —
Asa euchre player Jimmie lias a
p#or record.
So far there are seven inmates of
the poor house.
Billy Huson is now city clerk,
and tax collector and tax receiver.
The marshals are now the street
bosses. It is to be hoped that the
streets will get no worse.
j Go to il P & 1) M Alman’s to get
your Birt oats. The best there is.
nr i le Jug Tavern Ciazen Levs col¬
lapsed, Poor paper.
11 P & D M Altnand haw? 'plows
of all kinds already sharpen and
harden. Go there and get what you
Too tubs Aim and will taka m the
J lew Orleans Exposition soon, Bo
doubt but he can “ take in 5 ’ as much
1 a a the i: ext one
Another skumc was killed by Mr.
Dink Mitchell on the premises of
Mrs Smith this rooming.
What is lhe use in pajdng five four
or evrn three cents for Jem mo ns
and oranges when you can get all
you want at two-and-ahaif cents at
Frank Harper's.
VTq return thanks to Mayor Helms
and Marshal IF Hah for an invitation
i to a delightful oyster supper which
came off at the Battler House on last
Tuesday night. We regret that we
could not attend.
II P cl D M Aim and keeps fresh
meal and dour all the time at bottom
i rices. Call on them.
Head the advertisement of Messrs,
B F Moon Co Company in this issue.
Ben Moon is one of the best fellows
in the business and when you want
bargains you should call around and
see him.
We want our correspondents to
write every item of news that they
can possib y gather. We do not obs
jeut to little pleasantries, but they
should not make up the whole of a
communication—only a part.
We warned our readers that it was
a tine t me to begin killing dogs and
digging cyclone pits.- Our paper was
not dry before a mad dog was killed
here in town and a cyclone passes
passes through the state, 'hen we.
warn you, look ouil
Pickles from pints to gallon bottles
and cheapest to be found, at Frank
Hav pel’s.
vm, vv i icn Richard Tucker gets bold of
a one-eyed lien he cleans opt the old
ball, inserts a speckled pea and ships
her a. no. 1. o. k.
Eddie Sims left on last Monday
for Orlando, Florida, where he wi 1
mak his future home. We wish for
him improved health and abundant
success in all of his undertakings.
Canned goods, such as fresh toma¬
toes, corn, peas, beans, pine apples,
blackberries etc , at the store ot U F
Harper & Bro’s.
Remember the election for consta¬
ble for this district comes off to -icor
ro w.
The mule trade promises to be
very light this spring. Some farm¬
ers will have a hard time getting
stock with which to make a crop.
G M Jones & Co. always keep on
hand a nice line of goods, and you
should call and see them. The best
barter always on hand.
You should goto U F Harper &
Brother and get your iurnipr.
Read the advertisement of Navas
sa guano for sale by J.P. Tilly, in
this issue. Thjs is a lice fertilizer
and you should see it before you buy.
iSJfl sp ^assss& e?::> wfcas
Having secured the services of a
first-class finished painter, I am pre¬
pared to do the very best work in
this line. Bring me your work. I
have on hand a fine lot ot plows that
I will sell as cheap as they can be
had anywhere. I will now do all
manner of plantation work and solic¬
it the patronrge of the public.
Ilespecfully J. W. Langford.
NT & rzzspsz£L-ja BSSBBBB9' (PBsdga Barv'ferA Ksasaaa Van ££»
Messrs. G W Weaver & Brother
have opened a Spot Cas store at S D
Night’s recent stand, oa the corner
of Center and Railroad street in the
Night building. When yon want
goods cheap for the cash call and see
Reuben who is in charge. Irish potatoes for table use
allow figures at the live store of U F
Harper & Brother.
Buy you groceries from J A & T
D fete wart and get bottom prices.
After to-morrow the dear people
will have a rest.
Time for gardening—plenty of
The guano agent can now take the
dear people in hand.
The fellow who failed to settle with
village blacksmith will have to plow
with a dub scooter 'his year.*
There is very little serious
ness in town at present.
KiWJTKrorrjMrmif.j SiiT33C7 x137 *,T ’* l
An Answer wanted.
Lan any one bring us a case of Kid
i nev or Liver complaint that Electric
Litters will not epeeedily cure?) We sav
shey can not, as thousands of cases
already permanently cured and who
are daily recommending Electric Bitters,
Weak P r( Back, >* e . Bright’s Diseases, Diabetes,
quickly cured. or any urinary complaint
regulate the bowles, They purify ' the blord,
and act directly on
the diseased parts. Every bo Tie
guaranteed. For sale at 50c a, bottl j at
Dr. \V. II. Lee.
nf r. T J Oglesby, we are pleased to
learn, will make his home here in
the luiure. K A AImand is now with the
popular house ot G M Jones cl Oo.
for this year. Rich is a clever fels
fow, a g-ood sale sum?, and has many
friends who will be glad to give him
their trade. *
1 here is a gave of progressive ou¬
ch re in town. We say progressive,
we are not positive, but supposed it
was as they play every night till one
Buck! ends Arnica Salve,
lhe Best halve m the world tor Gets.
Erases •Sores, Ulcers, halt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilbalains Corns, and all skin Eruption
and positively cures Piles . °r no paj
required. .
It is guaranteed to give per
feet satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 2 r > cents per box.
For Sale by Dr. VV. H. Lee.
The world-wide reputation of Avar’s
Flair Vigor is due to"its healthy action
on the hair and sc Dp, through which
it restores gray hair to its orginal color
and imparts a gloss and freshness which
makes it so much desire 1 by all classes
and conditions of people.
Mr. Newton Hollingsworth, we
are pleased to learn, is improving.
BEST n 1 1
The finest Fertilizers on the mar¬
ket are for sale by Messrs. G M Jones
<& Co., of this place. Merry man’s
famous guano and acids, Sterns’ high
grade fertilizers and acids and the
popular Georgia Test. These are the
finest cotton growers and land pre¬
servers in the market and can bo had
at the same price for which many in¬
ferior brand are being sold.
Black Morgan !
One Ox the best horses in the coun¬
try will stand at this place ,u‘ the
season, commencing about the tenth
of March. Morgan is the Jim Mos¬
ley horse snd well known through
here as the sire of some of the finest
colts ever seen here. He can be found
at the Livery Stable ti.
4 m a
IWlfg M M
A T O m
LA • I
APvV TRpVTT __.Ti/ A Q c/j
C A Uc-e.i
JJ^Having opened business at the
store room Conyers, of T. H. Bryans on Cen¬
ter street, Ga., we now of¬
fer to the public one of the best as¬
sorted stocks to be found, Including,
Dry Goods & Notions,
Boots & Shoes, all kinds,
Jeans, Flannels, & Linsayg,
.Crockery & Woodenware,
Hardware cf every kind,
Plows, hoes, bolts etc.,
All kind plantation tools,
Complete stock oi Groceries,
Sugars, coffees, syrups, ect..
Meat, flour, starch, matches
—And The—
■RTTQT JjI-jGx TOR IdDcibuLO) A PCOQ P Ui-'Jixi T r \ P eOj 0
And snuff* to be had. We have
full general store and those wanting
goods for cash can buy of as cheap
«« f ram Anyone and tr P ' <- u
goods. tall t, and see us.
i\esnectruiiv, Rosnectfullv i
B. F. mOGN €0 ■a
Cheer up! Help Is at Hand.
“I’m afraid I shall have to be ta
ken to a horpital or to lhe poor
house. I’ve been sick so iocs? that
my husband, good and patient as
he is,can't stand the worry and ex
pense much longer.” Ho, you won’t
dear wife and mother. oep „ what.
Parker’s tonic will do for you*
Jy of woman as badly o ti as you
are 6 ’ have ” 8V " h b ' r-i CJ ,e * eaedhom J U
the grave by it It will build you
un i i curing all ailments of the
stomath, liver and kidneys, and is
simple, plesaut and safe.
—** ***&*& --
! Georgia Rockdale County,
x o all wh i r*11 it may concern,
J* H. A’manri has indue form a
plied ( ?o the court o Ordinary for
ifpf 3 of administration * D iUh,
xv-RSi'C 01 John 1. Ragsdale late of
said county deceased, and I will pass
upon the said application en the
nrsc monaay m E or0ary, 18Si),
This January 2nd 1885
O. Seaman.
Ague Cure
IS WARRANTED to cure all eases of ma¬
larial disease, such as Fever and Ague, Inter¬
mittent or dull Fever, Remittent Fever,
Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com¬
plaint. In case of failure, after due trial,
dealers are authorized, by our circular of
July 1st, 1882, to ref and tlie money.
Dr.J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, fVIcss.
Sold by all Druggists.
Taking - Care of The Body,
The Christian End ex, the leading
organ of the Babtist Church in the
South, publish in Atlanta, Ga., in its
issue of Dec. 4, 1884 , has the following
Too many people seem to think that
a veligous newspaper should be confined
to the discussion of moral and religous
subjects only, for geting that religon
has to do both with the bodies and SOIL
of men. Drove all things, hold fast
that which is good” has as much to do
with the practical side of life as it has
the moral side. Our readers will
bear testimony that in ad question
discussed in the Endex, the practical
has been duly set forth *T2i r T n this para¬
graph, therefore we only seek to present
an aaticle worthy of of commendation.
After subjecting it to the above test we
have tried Swift’s Specific and found it
good—good blood as a
health tonic. In this opinion wo a'-e
sustain by some of the best men in t he
church. Rev. Jessie H. Campbell, the
Nestor of the Babtist denomination in
Georgia, says: ’Tfc is my delibeater
judgment that Swift’s Specific is the
grandest b’ood purifier evey discovert!.
Its effect are wonderful and I consider
them almost , , mincaJs. . . . There is . . no rued- .
cine comparerable to it.” Dr. H, Horn
adv, one of Lie best known ministers in
our church, says: ‘-Swifts Specific 1 is
one of Lie oeSu Food purifiers m . exist- .
Those Brethem speak advisedly. But
few pieparations can brine forward
such endorsements. The Index desires
only to endorse these statements. We
ba-^e witnessed the benefieatia?s effects
of this medicine, not only in our own
households, but in several other cases
where seemingly all ether remedies
had failed. It is purely a vegetable
compound, scientifically preparted, and
perfectly harmles in its composition.
It renews the blood and builds up
broken down sistems gives tone and
vigor to the constisi uton. as well as re¬
stores the bloom of health to the suffer¬
ing. therefore, we do not deem in in«
consistent with the duties of a religous
journal to say this much in its behalf.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis*
eases mailed free. The Swift Spe¬
cific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Sire. Myra Clarke Gains, one of
the most noted of woman in Amen*
litigation, died st he home in
New Orleans on last Fridav, a^ed
about 18 years. Mrs. Gianes was
a claimant for a large tract of land,
on which the city of New Orleans is
located, and had been a litigant in
the courts to recover the same for the
past 40 years. She had received
several verdicts, which gave her
judgment for large and valuable " 1 ^ '
yroperty .in that city, but the cases
were always carried up to the su
preme court, and thus she was pre
vented from geting possession of the
property. What will now become of
her claims we do not know,
but supposed they will be none
An Enterpriseing Rsliable House,
Dr. W. H. Lee can alwava be relied
upon not only to carry to'secure in stock the best
of everything, but the Agency
or f 110 ' 1 articles as have well-known
'alwavs "enterprising, ^ pt and° U
befog seeured^the ever
: reliable. Having Agency
for the celebrated Consumption, Dr. Nine’s New"Dis
ior will sell it on
‘ ; a positive guarantee. It will sarelv thi
<*«> «a.r and ever* auction o?
Throat, Lungs, and Cpest, and to show
our confidence, we invite you to call and
i get a Trial Bottle Free.
Legal Advertisements.
Georgia, Rockdale *
rr, ..
Api: i ^ y con ^ cel'll,
AdcxOv no A. B^ntly having , in due
I form applied to the undersigned for
permanent Letters of Administration
on the estate Of Joseph II.
| 3 te of said county, deceased, and I
w: 'i pass upon said application on
I ‘ at f '' o’clock, k ”' A^ A. M. in Jaonaiy, This Dec. lbfe»>, 4th
! 1864. O. Seamans, Ordinal.
State of Georgia, Rockdale county .
\v herens, J D Scott, guardian, «*(
Mci/.'U.( ior-T.aily Scott)
having made appIie*t’on to the Court.
j or Ordinary m ins petition duly hied
for Letters of Dismission from his
i fronting guardianship ot E. J. McDaniel, re
that ho ha. fairly and
| : Lilly discharged hia duty as guar
Gian, and fully settled up with his
j said Ward. This is therefore to cite
all persons concerned to show cause
j should if any they not can, be discharged why said J from i> Scott in’s
j said guardianship and receive letters
ot dismission on lhe first Mondav in
March, 1885,
O. BEAMANS, Ordinarv,
--- - ------
Deorgi i Rockdale County.
Whereas J. F* Wallis administrator of
L. H. Brown represents to the court in
hL petition duly died, that be has fully
administered L. TL Browns estate. Tin's
is therefore to cite all persons concerned
heirs and creditors to show cause if and
they can whv said administrator shoul
not be discharged from his admi nistrat
tioh and letters of dismission on the is
Monday in February 1884.
O. Seamans
Did be sold before (he court house door
in the town of Conyers at public out cry
with in the hvral hours of sale on the 1st
Tuesday iu Fehiuary 1885, the follow 0
hag described property to wit: One hun¬
dred and five (1O5) acres of land more or
less, number not, known, it being in the
i6;h disk of originally Henry now dock
dale county, and bounded as follows : on
tbf east by the lands of G T Smith and
N II Capebart, on the South by lands of
E P Owens, on the west by lands of Joe
Wesley, and on the north by the lands
of Graham and known by the name of
Wells or Smtth place, it being the plaie
where E Humphries lived this year. Lev
iod on as the property of E Humphries
to satisfy eight L>) ti fas issued from the
Justice Court of the 476U1 district G M.,
in favor of Pierce, Cain & Quiga vs £.
Humphries, Search made and no per¬
sonal property found upon which to le¬
vy this fi fa. Property ponded out by
p’tff. Parties in Wardlaw possession notified, levy
madde by VV A L 0 and return¬
ed to me. This Dec. 31st 1884.
Will bo sold at public out cry before the
court house door within the legal hours
of sale in the town of Conyers on the 1 st
described Tuesday in February 1885 the following
property to wit: One house
and lot and a blacRsmith shop on the
said lot situate in the town of Conyers
a ' lu ^ ,0 contain D W U one fourth of
an acre more or less and hounded as fol
lows . 0d {hp 110rth east by Decatur st.,
on the north west by the Baptist church
oa the south westbv the lot of T R
^Lvans and on tho south east by lot °f
Sarah Scott. The houses and tot the
property of Jim Jones. Jim Jones in
possession of said houses and lot. Levied
on to satisfv this fl fa in favor of T H
Bryans vs Jim Jones, after paving bal¬
ance of purchase money to John Tread¬
well.. Property- pointed out by pit'ft.
This Jay, 24 1878. J II Taylor, Sh’ff.
Notice to Change Roads,
Georgia Rockdale county. To all
whom it may concern. All persona
interested are? hereby notified that if
no good cause be shown to the con¬
trary an order will be granted by
the court of Ordinary on thy 2d day
of February 1885, a change in the
road leading from II Qjjigg to A D
McDonald’s commencing at the point
where the’land line of A D McDonald
& G W vVeaver crosses the Pine
Log road and run mg west along said
lines and line of J . W Aim and to
where said land lines enter said road
distance ot about Sis hundred yas.
This Jay., 1st., 1885.
O Seamans, Ordy.
Georgia Rockdale County To all
whom it may concern all persons in¬
terested are hereby notified that if no
cause is shown to the Contrary an ord’r
will he granted by the Court of Odv
on the second day of February 1885
changing the Pinelog Road near James
Thomason residents cornenceing near
the iand line between James Thomason
j and E. M. Brand crosses the road and
South westerly direction across said Jas.
Thomason’s field and intersecting the
j j road again near some tenant houses
on said Thomason’s land distance
of about 300 yards. This Jay. 1st.
1885. O. Seamans, Ord’y.
7 u
- --- —*4BB—— 1 — ---
Georgia Kailroad Stock:
By virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Rockdale
! County, will be sold before the
Court House Door in the City of
t'onyera within the legal hours oi
I sa ^ 9 ou the nrst B tuesoay in February
j Georgia 1885, Ten( Railroad 10) Shares and Banking of the
j Company'Stock belonging to the
j sm88 H. Turner deceased,
^ ate ot ' sa ’ c " county, sold for the pur
poses of division among heirs
! at Law, and 10 pay debts oi the
; tate. Terms cash unless otherwise
“ s<le fenow “ on tac day , .. ol . sale, , , ... this
• Dcs ol
’ i st 1S8J: '
; Sarah C. Turner,
• Admx estate Jas. II. Turner.
Lo:ulon Hair Restorer—Great English
Toilet Article. Restores growth, color
gloss, and softness. Removes Dandruff,
aristocrat families of Great Britain en
dorse it. Elegant dressing. Fragrantly
performed* The favorite of fashion. At
Druggists for 3s Ud, or 75 cents in U. S.
mon( T*
“Ronab on Rats” Clears out Rats, Mice. 15c.
I stores lUaittVand'vSgror, on Corns.” for 1 cinis Corns, Uunions.^ 15c. &eT
| " dyspepsia,
: Laclies **Eoufrh on Toothache,” Instant freshness' relief, ire. vi-*
*.vbo would retain and
, SStD "* f ‘“‘
0 *» "•<■* K«ueh He
Buelm-paiba,” great kidney and urinary
Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice
cleared out by “Rough on Rats.” Do.
“Rough on Coughs,” troches, 15c; liquid,
For children, slowi” development, puny and
( LJ ^ ife '. u ' e T vol i? l?newpr -’’
Be, *
Mother Swan’s worm Syriw, for feverish
complaint- cured by “3uchu,paii>a.” i£&«r
sia^cimfS^rnyen^HSith * r v(w te T 1 d v)i Efiifewer. Hd iimesth® ,M<!yspep "
- 1 7 ft il re0
1 -
if you are failing, broken, worn out and
"SS “Bueiiu-paiba” of kSJS ASSn
is a quick, complete curt*,
Xiiv«r, KU1 suey or SSomat» 2 i Trouble.
Symptoms Impure blood, cr stive
bowels, irregular appetite, sour belching
pains in side, back and heart, yellow
urine, burning when urinating, clay col
ored sto'-ls. bad breath. no desire for
work, chills, fevers, i.iritabilitv, Whitish
tongue, dry cough, dizzy head, with dull
pain i- back part, loss of memory, foggy
siwlit. Fof these troub'es “Swane's
are a sure cure. Box, (30 pills), by m 4
2 o cent', for 5 Si.00. Address, Dr Sway no
& Son, Libia. Pa. Sold by Druggists.
Is the most complex work of the Creator
and when this complicated structure, so
exquisile'y wrought, is disturbed by dis
ease, the most efficient aid should be
sought from the most skilled physician,
for the human body is too precious to be
neglected. It becomes the question then,
What physician shall be employed ? ’
Dr. Oscar Johannenen, of the University
of Berlin, Germany, has made a lifelong
study of ailments of tho Neivous and
Genito TJrinarv Rvstem.
Any , debilitv or derangement of the ner¬
vous system, including Spermasthurea,
Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Stricture, Impo¬
tence, etc ) e<c.
Because you have been cheated and
fooled by quacks, who claim to cure this
class of disorders, do not fail to give Dr.
Johannsen’s method a fair trial before
your case becomes chronic and incura¬
ble. B3TFREE.
A Valuable i treatise, explanatory of Dr.
Johaimesen’ system, will be sent by
mail, post paid and securely sealed from
observation, to any sufferer addressing
his sole authorized agent for the United
Mates and Canada. Ufnry Vogelkx.
49 iSoutli street, New York.
fidJDdomplicated symptoms treated bom
Dr. Johannsen’s special prescription,
under the advice of a con¬
sulting physician.
All correspondence held as strictly
confidential, and advice by mail free.
SticliSng JPfles—SymptoiMs aud. Caare.
The symptoms are moisture, like per¬
spiration, intense itching, increased by
scratching : very distressing, particular¬
ly at night, seems as if pin worms were
crawling in and about the rectum; the
private pares are sometimes a heated. If
allowed to continue verv serious results
may follow. • ‘S'VV AY N E’ 3 UINTM EN X”
is a pleasant, sure cure. Also Tetter,
Itch, Halt Rheum, Scald Head, Erysipe¬
las, Barbers’ Itch, Scotches, all scaly,
crustv Skin Diseases. Box, by mail, 60
cen 4 p; 3 for $ 1 . 25 . Address, Da. SWayne
& SON, Pbila. Pa. Sold by Druggists.
That Hacxinu Cough can be so quickly
cured bp Shiloh’s Cure. We g uarantee it.
Wilt, Your Strumsn with Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint? Shiloh’s Vitalizes 13 guarantoed
to cure you.
terrible StEBr-MiSa Ihfl hts, made miserable by thaq.
for cough. Shiich’s Cure is the temedS
Catakuh Curku, health and sweot breath
seeured by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. Nasai Injector free.
For lame Back, Side‘or Chest use Shiloh’s
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents.
Shxloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure 1s
sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consump¬
Cnotrp, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis
immediately Sale relieved by Shiloh’s Core. For
by Dr. M. It, Stewart, Conyers, Ga.
ShtTjOh’s Vttauizer is what you need for
Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and
all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75
cents per bottle.
Congijs, All throat, Colds, breast Caiarrhj Donsam^tlon
cured by a v d Lung ^flections
the old established ‘Swayne’a
Wild Cherry.” The fm-. dose gives ie
cAPj IJoTat SaggiL.'“ U °' rS ' 2 *
Notice This.
We will inform our friends and
customers that vre will receive our
new goods in a few days and you can
purchase Millinery goods cheaper,
from us this season than they Lave
ever been sold in the city. We will
keep everything usually kept in a
first class Millinery house. Many
that ks fertile past ind hope you will
give us a call. We will cell Strictly
for Gash from Oct. the first until
March the 1st 1885- Hope none will
ask us to break our rule we mean
what we say Cheap, Cheap for Cash,
call and near the low prices, so cheap
you cant help buying, you will save
money by so doing call and see for
your self,
S. J. Richardson & Cowan.
| Mothers r , Oorlial , , A Parturient . Balm,
Ladies about to become mothers
should take a package ot this cordial
| as pains it certainly of child birth. and surely To relieves those who the
| have suffered, it will be a blessed re
Her. To those who have never ex
perieneed the pangs it will save many
i hours of pain and anguish.
.Thousands 1° jte of tesrimnr efficacy
t per ,,./ package by Dfesetrer. mm,! p
• r at mo ,m 's.
I and Walton streets; AD
M. T. SALTER, M. D.,
I Julj r 18 3m. Proprietor.