Newspaper Page Text
t conn 8KS
^prrRhlSHEP ^
|Y r.L~, W ALLISi
t convenes ne xt Monday,
ur extend our
old hoy. we
tfeit sympathies. almost all
, m ic valentines were
, ag e last Monday.
Leila McDaniell has been
|ss city this week.
in „ in the
i J.N. Hale is at Hampton
n “'ek his paper.
we working up
citizens give the string
S enterprise encouragement.
lie organ grinders and monkey
Li the town last Wednesday.
| of R. L- Hudson is attending
Smith's business college m
[ r y B. Osborn is, we are sorry
'arm confined to his room
|h Ln’t sickness. attend the Oyster
L fail to
er at the Masonic Hall next
jdnesday iugusta night.
had a big fire Saturday
L i aS r The total loss amounts
bout $200,000.
Jr. W. C. Hudson and family,
acta, visited his father, Mr. D.
Hudson, last week,
lon’t forget that J, S. Daniel can
you up with Wrought Iron Fen
g for yards or cemetery lots.
Hr. E. C. McGarrity, one
[ore, Marsh & Go’s, in town roost Monday. popu
| salesman, was
Part of the Conyers Odd Fellows
jge went to Covington Saturday
pit Iasi and organized a lodge at
ft place.
kdon’t have my hair cut because
Lakes those who do not know
Ink I am a distinguished gentle
L” is the reason “Scottie” as
ing for wearing long hair.
IConyers should re-organize her
[department. If not to improve done
b department, it should be
I order to dispose of the engine,
fcl and hose, which when not kept
repair are utterly worthless.
Six of our young men will or
Inize a string band to-night,
his will supply a long felt want
I our town. Conyers needs a
Ind of some kind and we trust
le young men may make a bril
ant success of this enterprise.
The ladies Missionary Society
ie First Baptist church will give
1 oyster supper at the Masonic
all next Wednesday night. The
will be 2octs. The pro
will he devoted to tbe repair
Pg of the church. Elaborate prep
Pations will be made for the occa
■°uaiid a variety of refreshments
P’dl be served. All should attend
■(’cause t will he helping in a good
lause and will be a pleasant and
Injoyable social evening for all.
I Col. Maddox makes a thrust at
P this week which is out of place
pd altogether uncalled for. We
Pfflfess that we have heavy eye
Protrs. They are natural, and we
^conditionally say that no gen
Rrnan will speak slightly of a
Pan’s physical make up. We are
pnscious of the fact that when one
58 so “beautiful” as brother Mad
fi°x he is prone to make these kind
H remarks about persons less beau
fiful, knowing at the same time
t ;at fUi perfect beauty cannot be
criticised. w.
^ r - J. T. Adair happened to
accident last
^ hile riding . near the railroad
mule l 3came frightened at an
P r oan ng train, and began
f m ping broke around, when
1 and Mr.
^*8 kfelLie thrown to the ground.
. Waa kicked in the
01 -he shoulder by the
e ha to be carried home. Dr. J.
k0 r attended him and
'He revsary attention. He has
-'inert considerably since
-L 1>£ ® °t been
a3 n able to
us bed. We hope to see
■ Auairup mm?
Mr. R- A. Aim and and family
McDonnough, were in town this
Mr. D. C. Langford and wife of
Logansville, visited in the city this
Dr. J. A. Stewart is having some
new fencing put round Ins prem
Mr. B. F. Moon, of Jackson, is
visiting his mother in this county
who is very sick.
Mr. T. E. Simes and Dr. GUI .
Turner, visited Covington one day
this week.
The ‘‘Western Four” will give
another entertainment here to-night
They gave one here last night.
Rev. Dr. J. L. Pierce will preach
at the Methodist church next Sun¬
day morning and night.
O 11 the strength of Mr. Grady’s
speech a Southern society has
been organized in New York,
Mr, J. M. McDonald has returned
from Birmingham, Ala. Mr. Me
is not much struck with the magic
A very pleasant social gathering
was participated in by a large num¬
ber of our young people last
Wednesday night at Dr, H. H. Mc¬
Some dirty miscreant, who has
not the cleanliness of a common
dog, nor we might rightly add, the
principle of the same, perpetrated
what he might call a rich joke on
us, by defacing the rear door of onr
office the other night. Who ever
you are, no one can ever truthfully
call you a gentleman.
Rev. N. Keff Smith, one of the
finest vocalists in the gouth, will
give a musical entertainment at the
Presbyterian church on the 24th
inst. The admission will be twenty
five cents for adults, and fifteen cents
for children. The proceeds in
part will go to the repairing of the
church. In view of the object of
the entertainment, as well as the
we 1 1 known reputation the Rev
Smith, a full house maybe expect
Why can’t Rockdale have an old
fashioned red and blue painted
fourth of July ? We can have just
as big a time as we can by spend¬
ing a whole lot of monev going to
some city. If we can’t do anything
better (and we don’t think we can,)
lets make big preparations and
have an old time barbecue and pic¬
nic. With a moderate expenditure
of money we can have one of the
most enjoyable social days ever
spent in Rockdale. Speakers and a
band can be engaged, and a great
day for Rockdale will be scored.
Lets have an expression from some
of our citizens on this matter.
We notice almost every day on
some street corner or other a crowd
of little boys pitching buttons at a
peg- The closest pitch wins all
the buttons. Little boys this is
nothing more nor less than gam¬
bling on. a small scale. As a
matter of advice and good
will, we ask that you discontinue
such practices, lest the game be¬
come so fascinating to you as you
grow older that the wager of a but¬
ton may grow to the wager of dol¬
lars, Remember that it is step by
step in the little vices that one is
led on to committing the most dia¬
bolical of crimes. Parents should
look into this matter and enjoin
their children against these kinds
of amusements.
Last Wednesday evening at the
residence of Mr. G. W. Clemmons
at four o’clock, Mr. C. J. Almand
of Carrollton, led to Hymen’s holy
altar, Miss Emma Clemmons of
this place and were united in mar
raige by the Rev. T. J. Christian,
of Atlanta, assisted by Rev- J. L.
Mr. Almand is well and favorably
known here and is one of the most
enterprising >%ung merchants
Carrollton, while his beautiful
young bride Miss Emma is one of
the sweetest young ladies of Con
yers, and is in every way worthy of
her gallant young husband- They
left on the 4 :30 tram for Carroll
ton, their future home. May their
pathway through life be strewn
with roses, and may success crown
a jl their laudable
“T?•P-'k'T’.T T’ : CT ^ 5 ----
The Weekky wants a good cor¬
respondent in Sheffield district.
What has become of our Smyrna
and Lorraine correspondents?
Elders Isaac Hamby and Jno. F
Aim and preached two good practi¬
cal sermons at the Primitave Bap¬
tist church last Sabbath.
Rev. H. C. Hornady’s series of
sermons preached here last week
and Sunday, produced a most pro¬
found impression on our people.
Rev. Hornady is undoubted!}" one
of the best anu most practical
preachers that has ever filled a pul¬
pit in Conyers. His sermons here
will always be listened to by a large
and attentive congregation.
Rev. M, McKinney, of Jonesboro,
preached three able sermons at the
Chapel last Saturday and Sunday.
He will serve this church during
the present year.
Miss Carrie Hardin is very sick
this week. We trust that she may
soon recover.
Our farmers have about finished
sowing oats. A large acreage has
been sown.
There seems to be a luke-warm
ness among some of the professors
of religion in this community. Y'ou
can see class-leaders and deacons,
drinking the pure “red-eye” and
swearing around promiscuously,
giving balls at their homes and
partaking of tbe evils of the world
in general. But when they go to
church they wear Jong faces and
occupy the front benches. They
may deceive man, but the Most
High is the judge.
Mr. W. G. Clotfelter, of your city
have been visiting in this section,
the guests of Mr. R. D. George.
Mr. Dock Alexander and Miss
Gatie George were married last
Tuesday evening at 4 o’clock. Rev.
FI, F, Buchanan officiated. Suc¬
cess and happiness to you and
yours, Dock.
Well, we have been very busy
“gee-ha-ing” and sowing oats of
late. We commenced sowing on
Friday and finished on Friday, so
if the saying that Friday is an un¬
lucky day be true, guess we have
missed it. But how- humble and
submissive a fellow feels after “gee
ha-ing” around all day. “Jumbo,”
you just ought to come out and
try it awhile, we think it would
make you strong and vigorus, so
you can stand the attacks of the
“Solid Southerners.”
Wo drove over about Ellenwood
second Sabbath, and on our way
we stopped at old Bethel to see the
new church dedicated by Rev.
Quillian. And we must say that
we witnessed something a little un¬
usual, which was a fellow having a
“billious spell” during services,
caused we suppose from a too free
use of “Mountain Dew.” After ser¬
vices us and the rest of them went
home with big hearted Alf Settles
for dinner. And when we arrived
at friend Alf’s hospitable home we
thought of the old adage that
'■‘when it rains it poors.” But wc
don’t know where we could have
stormed a stronger fort, for there
we saw the biggest crib of corn of
anj’ in our round.
We were up at Salem fifth Sab¬
bath to hear our own Sam Scolt
preach for the first time since last
summer, see, our pintments havent
been together for sometime. Sam
told us that he was coming by our
hall some of these times, and want¬
ed us to go with him (up iu there)
to see the ladies. Well of course
we told him yes, for we thought it
would be a kind of send off for us to
have the honor of carrying the
preacher around. So Mr. editor,
when you see our Sam tell him to
along. ,
“Jumbo,” in case of a split up in j
the “nomination,” what would be
the chance for a tired out horse?
Wg receive q a letter from Prof,
McIntosh ]agt wee k. He is now in
Cincinnat i ) a t Lane Seminary pre
■ f or the Mi ktry. h ell we ’
bought there wa - gc >od in the Prof *j
an( j ^jgh for him unbounded suc
ce<! - s j n . His mini-ierial calling, j
Respectfully, Egyptian. !
We are pleased to know that all
the schools in the county are well
The people of our county owe to
Dr. Lewis A. Lee a vote of thanks
for his untiring efforts in working
for, and standing so faithfully to
one of tiw best institutions ever or¬
ganized in the county—the Rock¬
dale library. He has been a faith¬
ful and efficient librarian, keeping
the books well arranged and seeing
that they are well eared for. Just
now we need a lot of new books for
the library. It certainly is a small
matter for every member to pay 50
cents dues toward promoting this
institution. A half dollar could
not be more wisely or more proper¬
ly spent. Our people should cer¬
tainly appreciate a good thing
enough to keep it moving on¬
ward and not let it stand still al¬
ways. Progressiveness speaks loud’
ly for any community.
It appears from the above head¬
ing in the Solid South of last week,
that they are not satisfied to part
with their “chestnut bell,” just yet.
but have had the old thing repaired
and the “bell still rings.”
As we pen this article the scenes
in the Solid South office that trans¬
pired during the writing of their
article arise before us. In fancy
we see Col. Jno. 11. De Taurus, alias
the “Jersey Bull,” prancing round
with the chestnut bell swinging on
to him.
See! He pauses! We get a good
look at him ! His hair is disheveled !
He froths at the mouth ! His neckis
curbed! Anon, he throws his head
and tail midair and bellows 1 What a
bellow! The earth trembles! Shades
of Jupiter deliver us ! Look! Now he
paws the earth and buries his head
in a pile of “Almanacs, Solid South’s
axle grease &c! Out he comes again '
His eyes Hash fire! From his nos¬
trils great streams of smoko steam
and red-hot cinders are issuing!
He opens his mouth! Great Scott!
Has the yawning, belching crater
of JEtna or Vesuvius been opened
up in Conyers? He bears every
resemblance of a mad bull, or a
Mad ox as he really is 1 Ye gods !
He makes another circuit! Hear
the applause of Jeff and Mark ! It
is deafening!
But see ! Rearing up on his hind
legs and throwing back his head he
speaks! The subject he discants
upon is “Jumbo and the fly.” Not
the “Spider and the fly,” but
“Jumbo and the fly.” List!
He continues ! Now he is interrupt
ed by the tremendous applause of
Jeff and Mark! There is a quiet!
The thundering bellowing elo
quence of Col. Jno. R. has ceased !
He falleth to the floor in a state of
complete exhaustion! Again the
tumult begins! This time it is a
wild shriek from Mark! He sees
that the Mad ox ha« fainted! Now
he revives ! His calls for “Artillery
punch grow loud and piercing! At
last he is handed the straight corn
used in his Sunday carousals. He
seizes it and gulps it down. The
Mad ox is again on his feet! This
time he plunges from his office!
Down the street he rushes with
Jeff on his back While Mark swings
to the tail! A regular dime circus !
On ! On ! they plunge in their mad
career ! Suddenly they halt! What
means that cloud of dust and awful
bellowing? The, “bull” is indeed
mad ! The “chestnut bell” is lost!
“Great Ceasars!” they all in con¬
cert, clamorously exclaim! “Our
main stay is gone !” Then a “burst
of thunder sound” something must
have “busted” or Col. Jno. R. must
be speaking again. At last they
all return to their places, looking
as muddy, scattered, tattered and
torn as their last weeks article.
With this article we bid this little
spatting adieu. Hoping that all
parties arc as free from hard leel
ings as we are.
Corner Center & R. R, Street,
Makes a specialty ] of the follow
goods, a full and complete
stock always on hand: Garden
see< l- g ’ aS -“ aud P utt y. violins,
cases, bows and strings, station
ery, school books. Lamps etc.
This Favorite Album of Sonars and Ballads,
contain”'!? thiriy-two pieces of choice and
popular must-, lull sheet music size, With
complete words ami music and piano nceom is finely printed upon heavy paper
with a very attractive cover. The following
are the title? of the gongs and ballads contain¬
ed ill !ho Favorite Album:—As I’d nothing
Else to Do; The Dear Old Songs of Homo;
Mother, Watch the Little feet; Oh, You Pret¬
ty Blue-eyed Witch; TlluelEyes; Katy’s Let¬
ter; The Passing Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing
Kate; Won’t You Tell Me Why, Robin; The
Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving
Lfndens;Fade<J"Lpaves;Ali Anion a- the Sum¬
mer Hoses; Touch the Haro Gently, My pret¬
ty Louise; I really don’t thihk X shall Marry;
Dreaming'of Home: The old Cottage Clock;
Across the Sea; A Year Ago; Bachelor’s rial!;
Ruth aucl I: Good Night; One Happy Year
Ago; Jennie In the Orchard; The Old Barn
Gate; Jack’s Farewell; Polly; Whisper in the
Twilight, This is a very flue collection of real
vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome
style. Published in the usual way and bought
at a music store, these 32 pieces would cost
you 811.50. We bought a job lot of tills music
at great sacrifice Mid as the holidays are past,
WG desire to close out our stock at once.
Will send you the entire collection well
wrapped and postpaid for only iOets. Send
immediately. Address
YOU can live at home, and make mere
money at work lor us, than at any
thing else in this world. Capital not needed;
you are steeled free. Both sexes; all ages.
Anyone can do the work. Large earnings
sure from first start. Costbv outfit, and terms
free- Better not delay Costs you nothing to
send us youraddress and find out: if you are
wise you will do so at ouco- H, HallsTt & Co.
Portland, Maine.
To all who tiro suffering from the errors ojid
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early
aocay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a reelpo
that will euro you, FEES OF CHARGE. Tills great
remoily was discovered by a missionary in South
America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the
Itl.V. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, New York Oily.
Positively the boston the mar¬
ket for general use. For sale by
P. G. Tucker.
rn 1 TVTT 1} i 1 1U M IN I wo furnish aie all now prepared with to
. classes etu
pioyment at. home, the whole of the time, or
for their spare moments, Business new, Up-lit
and profitable. Persons of either sex easily
earn from 50 cents to $6.00 por evenin'', and
a proportional sum by devoting- all their time
to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly s
much as men. Tha t al who see this may send
their address, and test the business, wo make
this offer. To such ns are not well satisfied
we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble
of writing-. Full particulars and outfit free.
Aedress Ceobge Stinson & Co.,
Portland, Maine.
For the use of man or woman
The most useful article ever invent¬
ed. Price $1. Put up in neat box
with full directions.
M. E. A. Co., P. O. Box, 1093 N.
Y. City.
MONEY to be made. Cut this out ami
return to us, and we will send
you free somethin;? of {treat value and im¬
portance to you, that will start you iu busi¬
ness which wili bring-you in more money right
away than anythin!? else in this world, Any
one can do the work and live at home. Either
sex; all ayes. Something-new, that just coins
money for all workers. We will start you:
capital hot needed. This is one of the snui
ine, important chances of a lifetime. Those
who aro ambitious and enterprising- will not
delay.Grand outfit free, Address Truk & Co.
Augusta. Mnin.
Mexican Soldier’s Pension
The undersigned having had consider¬
able experience in obtaining Pensions,
offers his services to the Soldiers of the
IW^xicpn war in getting Pensions now
allowed them by Congress. J, N. Glenn,
Jan. 27, 1837- Attorney at Law
Tbc latest art work Rinonj? ladies is known
as the “Fronch Craze,” foivlecorfitini? oliina.
glassware, etc. It is something entirely new
and is both profitable and fascinating. It is
very popular in New York, Boston and other
Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn
the Art, vre will find an elegant china placquo
(size 18inches.) handsomely decorated, fora
modeljtogother with box of material, 100 col¬
ored designs assorted In fiowers, animals, sol¬
diers, land-scapes, etc., complete with full in¬
structions, upon receipt of only 81.00. The
placipie alone is worth more than the amount
charged. To every lady ordering this outfit
who encloses the address of five other ladies
interested in Art matters, to whom we can
mail our new catalogue of Art Goods, we will
enclose extra and without charge, a beautiful
30 inch, gold-tinted plaeque.
Address, Tho EMPIRE NEWS CO.,
Syracuse, N. Y.
' Parlies wishing to purchase Fer¬
tilizers should call on me before
buying, I sell the
Nairas s a Guano
and Acid. It needs no recommen¬
dation. The best Farmers here
use it and pronounce it first-class.
Dr. W. H. Lee can always be re
lied upon to carry in stock the purest
and best goods, and sustains the reputa
tion of being active; pushing and reliable.
ISYeK aJ.dfYb "iS"!
‘ud «*«*«, w ill sell it on positive guar- J
Y"i hi YiSri, Yu vgl or^ chest! j
and ia 0jrder to prove 0 ,j r claim, we usk 1 ;
you to call and get a Trial Buttle'Free.
Bucklen’s Arnick Salve;
The Best Salve in the world
Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect snt
i-faeation, or motley refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Ur. W. 11. Lee.
Office General Passenger </o‘t
AUGUSTA OA. Feb. 1st 19B7
Tickets to Hillman, Ga.
Notice is hereby given that Tick-!
ets have been placed on sale at all
regular stations on the line of the
Georgia, and Gainesville, Jefferson,
and Southern Railroad to HILT a
MAN, GA., a (lag station on the,
Washington Branch. Parties do,
siring to visit HILLMAN and go
to the “Electric Shaft,” can now
purchase Tickets to that point di¬
rect, instead of stopping at Ray¬
town (Sharon), and taking private
conveyance from that point. The,
Shaft is located just half mile from
Railway landing. Trains stop at
landing only when signalled, un¬
less passengers on hoard desire to
stop there.
General Passenger Agent. ,
Citation for Letters of
. .GEORGIA Rockdale County;]
Whereas T. J. Day, aHmini tretor and.
trustee of Mrs. Elizabeth Lacy, repre¬
sents to the court in his petition duly.)
tiled and entered on record, that he lias
fully administered Mrs. Elizabeth Lmy’s.
estate- This is, therefore, to cite all
persons concerned heirs and creditors
to show cause, if any they can, why said
administrator and trustee should not, he:
discharge from his administ’-atioii and.
trusteeship and receive letter' of dismis¬
sion ou the first, Monday in April 1887.
This the 3rd day of January 1887.
3m. O. Seamans, Ordinary.
<v-- ■*
I have the largest and best as¬
sortment of spectacles ever brought,
to Conyers. A11 prices from 25c
per pair up. Gold, silver and steel,
frames, pebble glasses. Prices
twenty five to fifty per cent cheap-,
er than the same goods are sold in
Dr. W. TL Lee. ,
If you wish to paint, your your
house, waggon, buggy or furniture
it will pay you largely to call at
Dr. Lee’s drug store and get a sam
plo card of different colors and
prices of his ready mixed pain's.
This paint is ready for use and
can be applied by any one whether
he be a painter or not Having
been mixed by machinery it is su¬
perior in finish and durability to
paint mixed by band. It has been
sold to hundreds in this town .and
county who will testify to its supe¬
rior quality.
Dr. Lee has received alarge stock,
of Valentines both comic and sen¬
timental call and see them,
GEORGIA Rockdale, Co:
To all whom it may concern,
4II persons intpresfedare hereby no.
tified that if no good cause be shown to
the contrary, an order will be granted
by the Court of Ordinary, on (be 7th day
of March 1887, establishing a new Pub¬
lic Road, as marked out by the commis¬
sioners appointed for that purpose
commencing at McDaniel’s mills in said
county and running a northeasterly di
rection through the land of W. II., J. W
and G. W. McDaniel and G. W. Guinn’s
land and to intersect a new contempla¬
ted road leading from Lithonia, at the
line of Rockdale and D^Kalb lines a 3is-,
tanee of ab >nt three-fourths of a mile.
This Feb. 4th 18S7,
O. Seamans, Ortl'ny.
W. D. H«vt &Co., wholesale and re-'
tail druggists, of Rome, Ga., says:. We
have been selling Dr. King’s New Discov¬
ery, Electric Ritters and Bucklei.’s Arni¬
ca Salve for two years, Have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or give
such universal satisfaction. There have
been some wonderful cures effectedI by
been entirely.curedJ>y use of a few bot
in connection with Electric Bitters. Vk»
guarantee them always. Sold by Dr. W.
H- Ic¬