Newspaper Page Text
Have opened a new and large stock of goods at their old stand on
Commerce and Railroad streets
And invite everybody to come and look at their goods and prices—
comprising BARGAINS IN: Shoes and Hats bought from factories*
Jeans and Casimeres, Dress goods Bleaching, Sheeting, Shirting, Checks*
Flannels, Clothing, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Notions of all kinds, Buttons
and Threads to match Dress goods. Trunks, Valices, Satchels,
We will allow no one to sell under our prices, so it will pay you to
give us a look.
OUR TRIUMPH SHOES for men are the NICEST and BEST for
the money that can be found anywhere. A FINE HAND SEWED
SHOE for $4.50 which sells everywhere for $5.00, Then all cheape 1
grades of Solid Shoes down to 50c a pair.
Sugar Coffee, Flour, Oat Meal f Syrup,
Salt, Bran etc.
Heavy bagging at 7^cta. per yard. i
Buggies Single Seat and Buggies Double Seat, At LOW Prices,
Columbus & Cincinnati make.
Conyers — Georgia. |
Fresh Line of Drugs and Fancy Goods just received, and will from
this date be kept constantly on hand. All kinds of DRUGS, MKDl
And in fact every thing to be found in a
First Class DRUG STORE. My terms are
And on this account I can offord to sell my goods low, in fact
An all prescriptions sent to me will be promptly and carefully
I Sell The Famous A. Q. C.
Conceeded to be the best blood purifier known to the science’
Whin you want any thing in my line call on
The Best Japanese Wrestlers.
“Wrestling in Japan is always done
in tournaments that last from 6 o’clock
in the morning until about 4 o’clock in
the evening. As fast as one man is
downed another tnrns up, and the win
ller of the most bouts is the winner of
,« ■
the first c . prize. . ,,
“ How does Matsada Sorakiehi stand
' t f ooraKlCQl stana
wtfh Witn (h. tne crack wrestlers of Japan!” j
“riot verv high. He is so much I
smaller and physically weaker than the
good ones that he stands no show at- all i
Ad&ta against them The best Wrestlers ate
and tftnegatani of Tokio. They’re
about as big as Evan Lewis, but a great
deal stronger Tok o, Osaka and Eiotd
are the greatest sporting centres in Jap
an There is good reason for Sorakichi’s
inferiority J to the other wrestlers of his
race. For -r? nearly , three ,, centuries . . wrestle- ,, ;
ing has been the prevailing sport of
that country Professional wrestlers bred
tneir sons to be wrestlers, and m the
course of half a dozen generations there
was big of developed bone a class of brawny athletes,
and large of stature, giants
in every respect physically. Against
such fellows Sorakiehi stands a small
show. One feature of the Japanese
Wrestler that strikes an American at
first glance is the Aldermanic paunch
the athletes boast. In this country
where athletes train off every ounce of
superfluous flesh, a man who would step
iuto a ring with such a waist girth as
Japanese wrestlers carry around would
be laughed off the stage. The average
Jap will weigh form luO to 130 pounds.
None of the .test wrestlers scale under
200 pounds, and all stand head and
shoulders above non-athletic citizens.”
The Best Foot in Front.
“Seahere, now, I’ve heard a good deal
about the honest farmers, but what makes
you put all the best peaches on the top
of the basket?” asked a city mah of the
He stretched his head, thought a mo- j
ment, and replied: “I ’spect it’s for the !
same reason you have the front of your \
honse of brown stone, and the back
mostly swill-barrel.”
Com nissicner o Deeds for all the States,
Mr. ti. F. Heardon, Baltimore, Md., writes
tliat hesuffered for a It njtime with rheuma¬
tism, whi h yielded to no treatment until ha
applied St. Jacobs Oil.
Two smart citizens of Evesboro, N. J. un¬
dertook to play a practical joke on a colored
man, side by concealing themselves on the road¬
and rushing out at him. Instead of run¬
ning, their intended victim seized one of the
men and beat him almost to death.
Ez-Congrotsman Weaver, Postofflce Depart¬
ment, Wath ngtm, D. C., considers Ed 9ar
Ccugh Cure a remarkable remedial agent, it
contains no dangercu i narcotit*, and costa but
twenty-five cents.
A resident of Kidder county. Dak., went
into an unsettled section of that territory last
and summer, forty miles ahead of a new railroad,
cut 100,003 tons of bay. The railroad
crawled up to his stacksdurins: the fall, and
ho is now selling' his hay for $8 aton.
is . Being ©n irely vegetable, no particular care
re u r. dwhi'e us ng Dr. P erce’s “Pleasant
Purgat ve I J e lets.” They opoia'e without
a H?urbancet‘ the co: st tution, diet oroccu
p ti< n For sick h*^ La he, constipation, im
the jureb'ood, d'///. ness f-o ir eructatons from
stomach, bad taste i i mouth, bilious at¬
tacks, pain in region of kidneys.internal fever,
bloattd fto ing ai<oui st j r ach. rusn of b ood
druggists. to head, take Dr. Pierce * 4, Pelleti.” By
Sangman County, (III.,) has just paid a
wolf bounty, the first iu twenty years,
How to fi»|u Flesh nnrt StTength.
Use after eacli meal Scott’s Emulsion with
Hypophoaphites. It is as palatable as milk,
and easily digested. Ths rapidity with which
delicate people improve with its useis wonder¬
ful. Use it and try your weight. As a remedy
for Consumption, Throat affections and Bron¬
chitis, if. Is unequaleti, Please read; “I used
Scott's Emulsion in a child eight monfhs old
with [too 1 results. Heuained four pounds in a
very short time.”- THo. Pmu, M. D„ Ala¬
"Money is tight.” No wonder. So much
of it goes to the saloon.
“A Perfect Flood of Sunshine
will fill the heatt ef every tullering fir. woman if
sue ■ ill only persist in tho u-e of Pierce’s
"Favorite Prescription.'’ It will cure the
most ixcrncicting per od cal pairs, and re¬
lieve you of a 1 irregularit es and give heaUhy
a ton. It will positive y c re inte-nal tn-
1.animation and ulceration, misplace meat and
all kindred disorders. Price reduced to one
dollar. By druggists.
The woman who neglects her husband's
shirt front is no longer tho wife of his bosom
Whvteveu name or designation is given to
Fever and Ague or other intermittent diseases,
it is safe to say that Malaria or a disordered
state of the liver is at fault. Eliminate ti e
impor t es from thesy-iem and a sure and
piompt cure is the result. Prickly Asli remedy Bit¬
ters is the safest and most, effective
for all biliary troubles, kidney diseases, ami
like complaint- that has ever been brought
before i he public. A trial is its bjst recom¬
A Tribute to American Geuiua
Were the recent awards at Liverpool and Ed¬
inburgh Pharmaceutical of silve” meda Chemists, a to Seabury d & John
foil. of Be son's Capcine Planters. a These proprie
tors plas¬
ters are endorsed by 5,000 physicians and
pbar” remedy acists for coughs, as the only olds, reliable rheumatism, external &c.
Beware of nostrums advertised by quacks.
The Duty of State Legislatures.
Legisition should be effected in every State
regulating the sale and use of the their many poi
so 8 resorted to b/ wo no i in despera
tion to obtain beautiful complexions, Iron Tonic while
there exists in Dr. Harter's every
requisite necessary t« accomplish the obieefc
without injuring health or endangering life.
SoVliprs auff willows Mexican War can cret
pensions non. New law. Write at once.
Fienner & Co., Attorneys, Washington, I). C.
if «micted with sore eyes use Hr. Kmc Thomp
son’s Eye-w ater. Prmnrists s ell at 25c per bottle
A New York politician’s definition of an
honest man: "One who will st.iy houcht,”
To itself in many important particulars, Hood’s
Sarsaparilla Is different from and superior to any
other medicine.
Feculiar in combination, proportion and prepara¬
tion of ingredients. Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses
the full curative value of the best known rem. dies
of the vegetable kingdom.
Peculiar in its medicinal merit. Hood’s S&rsapa.
ri!la acoomplhhes cures hitherto un. ’vn.
Peculiar in etreogth and economy—__rj 1 ’* Sarsa
parlila Is the only medicine of which can tr- 1 -.- be
»»fcid, “100 doses one dollaj.’' Medicines in large. ;.nj
smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not pro¬
duce as good results as Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Peculiar in its “good name at home”-there is
more of Hrod’s Sarsaparilla sold In Lowell, where it
is made, than of all other blood purifier*.
Peculiar in its phenomenal record of sales abroad
no other preparation has ever attaine I such popu
larlty in so short a time. Be sure to get
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Seld by all druggists. * 1 ; six for * 5 . Prepared only
toy C. L HOOD & OO.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Man
i OO Doses One Dollar
Pretty miss (looking into a dude’s
palm)—Your hand is very soft; you are
either a barber or a gambles I can’t just
tell right away,
Notwithstanding the great number who
yearly i ;rcumb to t.u terrib.e and fatal dia¬
**Wi ”“i c h '* daiiy winding its fatal cods
a-oucd thousands wbo are unconscious of its
deadly presence. Dr. Pierce’s “Go den Medical
Discovery" w.ll cleanse and purify the blood
f scro(n l ous impurities, and cure tubercular
consumption fanes;. (wi.ich is only scrofulous disease
of the Send 10 cents in stamps and
and'kind^ed^Se^tirjns? Address wfth'^Smer World’s Di»- m
testimonials < f cures. N. Y.
pensary Medical Association, buffa .o,
There ate 1S.Q03 Operatives in the shirt; cuff
andcodar trade of Troy,
naughtera, wives and mother.,
SeD ,j for p amp hlet on Female Diseases, free, N.Y
securely aea’e 1. Dr.J. B. Marchisi, Utica,
Soldiers a; d widows , Mexican ,, War ... can g t
now. New law. Write at once.
Fieuner& Co., Attorneys, Washington, V. C:
lBI 4nnci . is t „ messenge n sent to invito
disease, pov.-rty and o-.her <-vG *
- r's-m ■. ■'
The best and surest Remedy for Cure of
all disease* caused by auy derangement of
tho Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Eowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache; Constipation,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of ail kinds
yield readily to tie beneficent influence of
It Is pleasant to the taste, tones up the
system, restores and preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to
prove beneficial, both to old and yonng.
8 a Blood Purifier it is snperior to all
others. Sold everywhere at Si.00 a bottle.
«,L.' uati oils procured all pupils when competent,
id forcirculav. We <*. C lialfeei Oswego, N.Y.
V OP3U!V? HABIT/ot°a el ASL
PAIN or self-denial. Pay when cured. Hands irae
book tree. Di*.. O. J. Weaiheiiby, Kansas City, Mo.
Blair’s Pills. »»3 s »S.r
Oval liox Sl.uUi round, ad eta.
Pensions mSS
MEXICAN &„ 80 ’diers and Widow? can now
9i siona. 31 New I-iv. Flenner d;
CO., Pension Attorneys, wars, Washington* D. C.
ImA fLiJifciipiii .
P THE FORftLL > g§F ^FREIGHTED BALMY WITH FlPR!Di\|| COMFORlff |l ^|!liiij 11 ™ ij E ,
III i 1 1 1 : ^0.
7/J Pis m
S5S mmi GROVES i B1
jgjjgjg $ Bppi 100 Orange ©rove Tracts of 40 acres ca*
> :;?®,,
200 “ “
400 “ “ “ 19
« 5 "
soo “ 2 H “ "
l G ; ' l PB mm 1300 City " Bnildiag “ lots.
. itvi 300
20,000 ■) I IJ2K to doTcKE TRACIS
u ii
K . III ment it. Every PROFIT is Word important. of BY this IT. Don’t Advertise¬ It is miss for Fill
in this day of de eptive ad ere iug we desire to
impress that this announcement means txac ■ tty
what it says: that every appi cant can secure, ab
solutely divhi .free ( f any charge for the land, one of the
above ns oi valuable Florida property. No
trick! No ju gling or words! It means exactly
that—nothing legs, noth! »g more.
We have just issueu a large sheet of detailed
House P ans, Ulus rating nine different stvles of
houses, costing tiom $0(M to $3,500 e -ch, wJiich this
C mpany is prepared to build for its patrons at Sr.
Andrew’s Bay. in order to defray at least a por¬
tion of the very largo cost of advertising, getting
up these design®, aiid executing a legal Warranty
Deed for eac)t applicant, we veil charge 25c. for mail¬
ing this sheet of House Plans to avp.icants. The
plans build are worth }5 to an v one vrho will ever desire
expressly to a house. for They If are all new from and rotten up
us. you select the Honse
Plans auy one that uits you, we will bui d th*
house on your property, end give row five years’
terest time to pay the for the of house, the ohargingyou 5 per cent, in¬
on cost house. If a ou do not care
With a broader business policy than
has characterized any other southern
•fco poratiun, we have steadily appre¬
ciated the relative t alus of land and
people. profiteer We ain are lands holding bo for our own
to sold in the
future; the balance is offered free a a
air io all who Bp ly in time.
A little more tuan one year ago the
St. Andrew’s B ay Railroad t n i Land
Co. acquired control of upward of
300,000 acres oi the most desirable
lands in the Stare of Florida, situated
around about the beiutiful b v of St.
An Irew’s,on hes uthwe-tGuff coast.
Fefore the war ilie town known as St.
Andiew’sBay ealthy le, was the home of many
w \ eo w o had sought the
scores of the beautiful b y as a l ea
lien wherj could be found in their
TAXES * w ber. 1SS7, both on its own lauds and those disposed of under
this Orreat Free Offer.
SUIPJOTY s B proved during the next two years, and pay at ^ the
rate of $10 per acre with the cost cf the building improvements added Ba that
time property wiU be worth $100 per acre.
ut^s^thTus. ho list hare In one done ian bnsi- ,he
secured following Orange of Grave applicants
, tracts
ranging in aii-e from in' S’... to 49
acres each. Space S .sood
newspapers costs too much to
give a list of all who bare re
celved free property at our
hands. Each one of the fol
lowing list can testify, if he is
2*2rs>oi busaiw. No to nr the methods absolute of
has passed between correspondence
any of
them and this office, except
B ©(CapcinEJ©
HJgWt Awards of Hedals In Earopo as iS Amcriea.
The neatest, for quickest, Rheumatism*Pleurisy, safest an 1 most Neuralgia, jDowe-rful
rem Lumbago, edy known Backache, WeakEcars, cold In the chest
and all aches and pains. Endorsed by. 5,000 Physi¬
cians and Druggists of the highest repute. Benson’s
Plasters promptly relieve and cure where 6 *her
plasters and greasy salves, liniments and lotioris,
are absoiuttlyuseless. Beware of imitations under
Sim lar sounding names, such as “Capsicum,” “Cap
ucln,’* Intended “Capstciae.” deceive. as they Ask are utterly Benson’s worthless
and to All druggists. for a $d I
take no others.
SS AB U R Y & JOH S SOX. proprietors. New York
J Atlanta, EWELe.Ro. Ga.
j Hendtof C'ntnloaue. ATLANTA
A w Saws wM §jl „ Agents Saad:ii*iS«r0r» «■»#* Repairing IM and 8 for W L.FoWEB&OoVEA^f SaW-Mfli «£s W Wf of a r.nd UfsS%WI Specialty IS Dealers R H Iff K in A S.
for c aTI1c£"“. Atlanta* Ga.
it will pay rod to Write to
PHILLIPS atlant.4, & Ok.; CEBW,
For Catalogue (free) and Prices. afeht-Wthis p aper.
PILES b£®R30B%v ?l»&n'ffio‘ni*nt of Itch
a Q will curd any “ko^ case
pYfvi H ‘ tf 1 11N ii'.y r °P 1 >”pa , r"5
, i' O !} A NT
b • <IrugJ-ists or mailed vu receipt of price by
'LAMAR, BANKIN a. LAMAR, A gt nt?. At'qnffl, f,»,
OPIUM ana WHlSlUfy without HABITS pain.
cured at particulars home sent F -Ribib.
Book of B.,
B. M. Woolley, M.
MM KBa,—— Atlanta, Ha. Office 65«
Whitehall Street, Mention this paper._
m iK 108 0 Stewart A Oo.,69 Whitatteimt.. Atlanta,Ma.
^ g | g ^ H a b! t C u red* Tf cant: en fc sent on triah
y r I Ra Humane Bemedy Co., J^aFayette, Ind.
to have a house entirely built you are not decide obliged for to do so,
you being left rree to yourseli
without in any way affecting tho gift of the property
—the property will be given to you FREE, whe hei
you have a house built or not Wltn the sheet oi
House Plans will be sent a numbered
in a envelope, sealed envelope. Upon Its receipt you will open
the sign your name in futl on the proper
Li nks, so that a Warranty Deed can be made in youi
name, and return the tame to us. A deed for the
piece of land called for by the Free Land Warrant
•will be immediately executed in your name. No
charge of any kind will be made for the Free Land
Wavrant-xhe property will be absolutely free.
JUtei'&'aS&S If your application is received c all tne lands
LOmCOLOHY CLUBS FES ns sheets and five of House Free
Land Warrants will be sent to any address, to be
distributed among friends, on receipt of $1 for the
House Flans; ten for $1: fifteen for $3; twenty for
liguts the of a Florida home. Dining the
war town was bembardeu by a
1 ederal fleet and nearly swept out of
exis:ence. The inhabitants fhd.ab un¬
coning their shatter.d homes to til? tne
tor, hand pill ge of the e emy. and
not until about ten years ego was th^ re
town. any attemj This t male to reocoupy the
eperations Company litt began active
a e more than a year
ago. Since that time there ha^ been
tlie mo t remarkable “boom” created
f r St. Andrew’s Bav t; at ha. cv-. j r
been known in the Fiower State. 3 ast
winter more than 5.00J visiters from
all part* of the country reached that
point in quest of Florida homes. Busi¬
erected ness and by dwelling the hundre houses have been
i. i’r perty se-
tiw necessary forms of busi¬
ness in applying for ami re
ieiv| °k free propertr, and the
consultation m»mes are published without
and merely io
represent the number who
receive,i Orange Grove tracts
U'ee. 6u5i at our hands, <n one day's
M. Jfc ann, Tyrone. Pa
w. a. Klnsloe. Lookhaven. Pa
Salem Hill. Schenlev. Pa
E. B. Knowles. Branford, Pa
T. Mnrphv, R-txWesser, Knntington. w. V»
J. H. Mddlet’n, Pa
TV'- L Colvin, Beatrice, Keb
I'Tank a. Snell. Acsonla. Ct
▲. Jarre it. Hutchinson, Kina
cured at the beginning of the “boom”
han been so d for from $25 to $5U) lor
ordinary settler” has Building Lots. Every “old
rea iz^d a b ndsome om
peteucy his in disposing cf a por.ion o'
lands at fancy prices. Decks have
b ea recced: hotels built and added
to from time to time ; a line of seven
boats ply regul riy between t. An
drew’s Bay and , ther ports; and. al‘ .to¬
gether. he Bay outlook promises tha ut.
Andrew’s will in a ew years be
c me the m st im ortant city of he
gulf coast. It possesses every natural
sixty-five advantage; miles a deep bay—more than
tranches—with Ion* with its various
gulf, deep channels to the
cuter at once the most charmi
and most useful body of w^t-er on the
ccast; a safe hartocr for the ffi-ets of a
3.00 living This cept .lar*lrsnn Great those at; Counties. St. who Free Andrew are TJ ’S
as There are B° Fre*
with this Great
not require.} to move there, improve
and at your own pleasure.
Lewis Brindle, Latrobe, Pa ,
Elmira Kepple. T atrobe. Pa ,
J. tv. JIcCoach. Srnta Fe. N. II
J. A. Davis. Pierce City. >Io
Jas. B. Rowley, Olathe, Kan
JL Minehan, Gurdon, Ark
Geo. A. Copp, Fisher’s HU1, Ta
W. F. Brcwton, Cedar Plain. O
Wm. C. Sampson, Goiden. Col
F B. Riblet, shinn-.ton, W. Va
JL J. Lunauest. Bir’gham. Ala
Joel P. Keys, Colwich. Kan
Jno. A. Kramer, BloomslFg, Pa
And. Knndsen, Garfield, Kan
Wm. .F. Birkelbach. Shaft. Pa
Ifioscs R. Knapp. Gwynedd. Pa
M. Mrs. B J. Lewarfc. Davia Wabakha, Hillsboro, Minn ni
r/f A m nn UB.iT !il»
J ct r IROH
hMmrnMm thycornplesicn. . . Frequent attempts VrotiEtirC
ed .%*« desirous garden of having the some South, of oar wed k*>£?,
in every in and
as fered we do, there; United are no purer or better sto-kd
in the States than ours ad’dwffi if
send us I 1 ’ 00 we wiU »*“» to any
papers of our regular size [rackets of Garden s«
(your own selection) and a quarter pound 0 f p'i
—------ price list of all varieties of field and rardeos/J *******
LC :
S> n'idtt'USa
A nesf raivraziNs
unit HARSOW,
Clod Best Crusher Tool tbe and world Levelei,
'Ill© in for prtwajf
corn, oottoft aftd other ffrounA. D.
Sole Manuf'r, 'MSI West Main St.. Lomiriit
TGHN80K A CO., 1013 Main St.,liicb& woJ
%§* llOIUHv ,21 yean'?ractic«. Siimv*
1 r. ^
i flssSSa BASS & CO., ImlIj
article used bf every
|nB Tecth perfect and Gum, Heal:
£sjs*jw day. Bampiw worth $U) Ffll
; under tho horse’s feet Adln*
’sSafety Hein Holdsu, Hoiiy im
I PATENTS Washinirton. Obtained. Inventors’ Guid«.- 3e*d D. C subjia
A. N. IJ. •SevflUI
in ssaarssSwSsyss gen iireett
tlfifS U
numbers amenc its officers and stocKQ^ ^ yiotM
the most responsible New York, and who are enii»^ heart-JWg; We
Ohio and in this great emery intt&*
o n( j pocket book Second JJttler* cinC *
business through the
and refer to two thousand await prcfPJJJ^jgaaure* your^
Andrew’s. And now we Office a ^ .wfcal
Address either our Northern atNewlork, d6l
0 - our Ka t a rn Office
•**»«%• Tn ® ^ »; r "v".' R and *9 Park Land co., K.
No. v 227 1NNATI. IHain M., O. > | ( vi -\\ yOHK’ 0 r
letter, u r
Remit by posta’-note, registercu voW' ,
wtu.ii i- be a
dratt. Do not send stamps
fruit r an( 1 E lM^ t F?S
tion —asrffSStfyasS
in oo
SST,.S£i."“j5S heme than the htste '
uLent to-
John Cord, Hanna, Ind
O. P. Fox, Jit. Carmel. Pa
C. F. strong. Gloucester, Mass
Andrew Sullivan.
Geo. W. Davis,
Jas. X. McMillan. Trans. Sta.
26th Ward, Pittsburgh. Fa IU
IF. s. Davis. Highland Park.
Robt. C. Morrison. Anch’ge, Ky
M. Kennedy. Wabasha. -Viun Ark
A. B. Davis, Eureka Sii'g*.
Jas. . as. Kavan. Kavan, Sefanyler, Schuyler Kwh.
St. Paul. Minn.
Moses Btxler, and
aSTSfeSTsabel Street
MSgS&S’ SS&'S"'
Troy, cj