The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, February 25, 1887, Image 2
THE WEEKLY, R, J, GUINN, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR, $1,25 PER ANNUM. Entered at the Conyers Post Office as second class mall matter. Advertising- rates made known on Demand, Job Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. The best evidence we have that Cleveland wiU'behis own successor is that the republicans are labor¬ ing hard to defeat his renonination. --«-——»♦ • ............. - The Supreme Court of Georgia has just decided that but two things are necessary to make a marriage valid. One is a license from the State, and the other is for the par¬ ties to the marriage to declare be¬ fore witnesses their intention to live together as man and wife. Sam Jones says : ‘-If I wanted to get a good square judgment on something I had done, I had rather goto a newspaper office for it than any other court of justice. I know the justice of journals, their integ¬ rity and the purity of their motives. I know that they probe into men’s characters. No man whose charac¬ ter is pure need fear the presses in America. The way to be safe from so-called newspaper attacks is to be a Christian. Tho reporters are the best detective force in this country. They have brought more criminals to justice and punctured more shams than all other ugencies com¬ bined.” We can lick England with one hand tied behind us, and while we are not anxious for such a struggle we could clean up all Europe if it would undertake to subdue us on our own ground. This is all very nice, of course, hut let some one suggest that we can clean out the entire world with our skill as man¬ ufacturers, and immediately some paid agent or some fool friend of the Pennsylvania monopolies cries out that we cannot compete with these barbarians. Not even in our own country can we meet them on even terms. Wc can whip them anywhere in the savage art of war, hut in the field of commerce, man ufacures. science, skill and ingenu¬ ity they can beut the life out of us at our very doors.—Griffin News. AWAY WITH PROTEC¬ TION. The daily press of this State with some exceptions, is industriously circulating the impression that Georgia is a Sam Randall State, and looks upon Carlisle as a dream¬ er and a theorist. This is con¬ stantly being done notwithstand¬ ing the fact that our ten Congress¬ men are pronounced tariff reform¬ er. We can understand how some manufactures desire a heavy pro¬ tective tariff to exist—because it means money in their pockets, but we cannot understand bow any man in moderate circumstances or any poor man especially can favor a high tariff. Take one article for instance— tin plate, the duty on it is 33 per ad valorem. Now all of our roofing, our gutters, our stoves, our kitchen utinsels, most of our cut¬ lery, every can that holds toma¬ toes, meats, fruits, vegetables of any description are manufactured from tin plate. Every day in a thousand and one ways we use tin plate in some form or other, the tanner and mechanic drink out of it. the dairy maid puts her milk into it, we boil our co ffee and cook our vegetables in it, we cover our houses and preserve our fruits and vegetables in it; it enters into a thousand manufactures An I yet by reason of the present tariff we have to pay for every article into which tin enters as a composition an amount over the actual cost of the article that would buy it were the tariff removed. We have cited this example because to us it seem «*d one that- would most nearly ap¬ proach the pocket of every rfjkh. It affects rich and poor alike, but falls heavier on the poor. Now what arguement is there op¬ posed to the reduction of the duty on tin plate ? Simply this; if the duty is taken off, so many men now in the manufacture of tin plate ware will be thrown out of employ¬ ment. If the duty is removed it will injure the tin plate ware man¬ ufacturers. Let it throw so many men out of employment, let it in¬ jure a few manufacturers, if gov¬ ernment is organized for the benefit of the people w r ho are to live under it, the doctrine follows that the good of the many is tho good of all. It is not Democratic doctrine to foster and encourage monopolies, it is not Democratic doctrine to ad vocate protection, A tariff for revenue oply is the declared plat¬ form of the party and on it we stand and by it we swear.—Banner Watch mao. We clip the following extract from an article in the Atlanta Cap¬ itol under the head of “Southern Manufactories,” which if faithfully practiced would prove a great ben¬ efit to our citizens. Justafew months ago Conyers established her first manufactory, since then a strong manufacturing interest has been manifested here. Every home in¬ dustry needs and should receive the most zealous and enthusiastic support of every citizen : “The in¬ crease of manufactures in the South in the last decade, while encouraging is by no means commensurate with our wants. Commencing with 1880 there has been a rapidly growing interest in manufactures, and wherever the opportunity has been offered our people by well organ¬ ized plans for their establishment, manufactories have sprung into existence as if by magic. It will be noted that this has been accom¬ plished by a concert of action on the part of leading citizens, and that in no instance has it failed to accomplish the ends aimed at. In our comparative inexperience in the laudable efiort to supply our own wants—a concert of action is the only possible means by which manufactures can be established and successfully maintained. Neither home, nor foreign capi¬ tal, can make a success of manu¬ factures in the South without the financial and moral support of the communities in which they are lo¬ cated. By financial support, we mean the patronage of home pro¬ ducts in preference to the foreign article, and monied aid" when need¬ ed. By a moral support, we mean an active, personal and collective interest in the success of each and every manufacturing establish¬ ment in our midst. Home manufactures are entitled to our support at all times. Their investments tend directly to in¬ crease of population who are pro¬ ducers of new values, to an increase in the value of real estate, and keeps home millions of dollars that must otherwise be sent abroad, im¬ poverishing us, and enriching oth¬ If we fail to give them the sup¬ which their importance de¬ mands, we simply take the surest most direct means of damag¬ ourselves. We are often derelict in our duty to them and strangely neglectful of our own interests. It is by no means an unusual thing for us to place our orders with North¬ ern manufactures, when the same goods fully equal in quality and price could be furnished by our own factories. We discriminate against them, when at the same time they are working to build up home industries and enhance the value of our property. We need not go far to find discriminations of this character. Our own city can furnish them to the amount of thousands of dollars and that too in the last few days.” Congress has passed a law to re¬ deem “trade dollars” with “stand¬ ard dollars” dollar for dollar. Atlanta having failed to get the state fair has determined to have one of her own. Hurrah for At¬ lanta's pluck, is our cry. GEORGIA RAILROAD. STONE MOUNTAIN ROD IE. Okorgia Raii road Co., 1 Office General Manager. 18, 1886. }• Augusta. Dec COMMENCING SUNDAY, 19. just, the following Passenger schedule will he operated. Trains run by 90th meridian time. FAST LINE. NO. 27 WEST DAILY. Lv Augusta 7.40 am ] Lv Athens 7.45 am ArConyersl 1.57am j Atlanta 1.00 pm NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2.45 pm ] Ar Athens 7.40 pm Ar Conyers 3.40 pm j Ar Augusta 8.15 pm NO. 2 EAST DAILY. NO. I WEST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8.00 am Lv Augusta to. 50 am Lv Conyers 9 19 am Lv Macon 7 10 am Ar Athens 0.20 pm Lv Mil'd’vl 9 19 am “ Wash’n 2 20 pm LvWash'n n.2oam ‘‘ Mil’d’ve 4 11 pm Lv Athens 9 ooam Ar Macon 6.00 pm Ar Conyers 4- 2 4 pm ArAugusta3-35 pm Ar Atlanta 5-4 5 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 6.10 pm Lv’n 0.4O am Lv OiiyersS.oo pm Lv Convers6.i2am Ar Cov'gt'n8.3o pm Ar Atlanta 7.5$ am NO. 4 EAST DAILY. no. 3 west daily. Lv Atlanta 7.30 pm LvAugusts 9-4° 5.ot pm LvCony’rs 9.08 pm Lv Conyers am Ar Augusta 5.00 am Ar Atlanta 6.40am Train Nos. 27 aud28 will stop at and receive passengers to and from the fol¬ lowing ptationa only: Grovetown. Har¬ lem, Llearlog, Thomson. Norwood, Barnett, (Jrawfordville, Union Ponit. Greensboro Madison Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, Stone Mountain and Decatur. Train No. 1 cornects for all points West and North West. Train No.,2 connects for Charleston and all points East. No. 27, for all points West and South West, No. 28 for Charles¬ ton and Savannsh. No. 3 for points West and North West. No. 4 for Charleston, Savannah and all points East. .JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Man. ER. DORSEY, G’n. Pass Agt. Geo. A’. White. Gen. Trav- Pass. Agt. LOST POWER AND SEXUAL WEAKNESS, however induced, net only relieved but PERMLNANTLY CURED without medicine. IT COSTS NOTHING to send for particulars, which we will forward free in sealed envelop on appli¬ cation. Don’t miss this opportunity Address, M B. A. Co., 1267 Broad tray, New York CitY, HUGHS k LAW, hat HH tees, AND (Bents Jf imt i is fu r s. THE BEST §1 SHIRT IN THE CITY. Yalises, Umbrella’s etc. 9 f;PEACHTREE STREET, ATLAS V A Q80. A J STROM urATPUMAUvu WATCHMAKER XT. iX 17 O IJ V Y t-j-LJ 1 Vi All kinds of jewelry made to order. >ld ol „ all sty , les, rings ^ rpnairincr repail tug ill 111 lho LUL lipcf. W.SL manner. liirtiniLi. Sat- oat , isfaction in work guaranteed. Office on Center street, Conyers, Ga. IVM. J. ALBERT, Attorney At Law, 2 1-2 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. Prompt attent.on given to all busi¬ ness. tf. RHEUMATISM AND NEURAL¬ GIA CURED IN 2 DAYS The Indiana Chemical Co. have dis¬ covered a compound which acts with truly marvelous rapidity in the cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia. We guar¬ antee it to cure any and every case of acute Imflamatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 Days, and to give imme¬ diate relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On receipt of 3O cents, in two cent stamps, we will send to any address the prescription for this wonderful com¬ pound, which can be filled by your home druggist at small cost. We take this means of giving our discovery to the pub¬ lic instead of putting it out as a patent medicine, it being much less expensive. We will gladly refund money if satisfac¬ tion is not given. THE INDIANA CHEMICAL CO., Crawfordsville, Ind NOTICE. I will be in Conyers the first Sat¬ urday in every month, patients wishing to see me will find me at the hotel or at Dr. Lee’s drug store. Dr. L. G. Bbajjtley. T.J. KING. The Boss* Boot and Shoe TVT o lr at* HAS OPENED A SHOP AT WIN BURN'S OLD STAND. Repairing done Neatly and Prompt y Fine Sowed and 'Pegged work done. PRICES GUARANTEED. GIVE ME A TRIAL. STEWART’S !• Q. C A purely vegetable blood purifier prepared under the direction cf Dr. J. A. Stewart, who has had an expe¬ rience of more than thirty years in the active practice of medicine. Cures CATARRH, ECZEMA, SYPHILIS. WHITE SWELLING, and removes taint from the blood. Send your orders to the A. Q. C. COMPANY, Sole Proprietors, Conyers, Ga. Or to Charles 0. Tyner, Druggist, Atlauia, Ga. Price 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. 13 AGAIN AT HIS LIVERY STABLES 5 And desires us to say to the public that he is prepared to fur¬ nish the BEST TURNOUTS at the LOWEST PRICES Ever offered in Conyers. N W BUGGIF, FANCY HORS S, Horses Boarded Cheap. He keeps on hand a large lot of Columbus Buggies. And STOCK which he sells or trades, just to suit the purchaser. Call and see me at my old stand. T. E. Broadnax, Conyers, Ga { W . Y fjHj H ® IgSffiSr 1 « N 'i & 6 now ofii SS'ffiSSSsSS directions how to them. tables grown, with grow cATep^TCuredNsfthprioso^ach^Fms’bo® of 10 and the 10 cents mau<§ bede tree on receiot cents, xnay ducted from the first order who sent desires us. good, Every fresh one inter- seeds, ested in a garden, this work. or We refer to the millions who should have seeds. Bay only Vick’s Seeds at haTe u99d our quarters. JAMES VICK, SEEDSMAN, Rochester, N, Dr. F. H. McCalla SSHTIST, Office up-stairs in the Cain building— next door to Dr. W. H. Lee,s store. CONYERS. GEORGIA. DR. J. J. SEAMANS. DENTIST. OFFICE 3 WHITEHEAD HOUSE Conyers, Ga., MONEY TO LOAN! Rates greatly reduced—Don’t wait but call at once to see J. S. Daniel, Conyers, Ga. MRS. A M- LEE NEXT DOOK TO G. W. CAIN OPPOSITE DR, LEE’S OLD STAND. DEALER IH All kinds of millinery and fancy goods. Those wishing to purchase hats, bonnets, Robbins and other goods in the millinerp line, will find it to their interest to inspect her goods and prices before buying. Still On Hand i -:W1TH A:- Full, Complete Stock :OF NEW: |3r-Andwel assorted goods of every kind. Dr> Goed*lNotion*„'a» :o: CL el •< r ^flT“Are selling as low as the lowest. Wh en you want_yj Fine Cigars & Thaccos, ^iS7T nn< unions, l ie8 ’ yiekles, oysters, fancy, nuts, sardines, oranges, canned apples, raisins, mince meat *^’i Pr8clt0rf: £“*£■ jelhe9 and everything in this line. We tomatoes, beansnine vmfTO -e«: Vi et et no no house pay more for barter. Call and see us. can Respectiully, accommodate r.A U iilhrKR 1 6 ’ y rj RICHARDSON & COWAS. We invite .indention to our elegant line of Fall and Winter v-ir II CASH. ,taai®S«ns LOW AS THE LOWEST, got them very low, and WE ARE DETERMINE!) give our customers THE ADVANTAGES OF 1 LOW PRICE® ^ and see us. Truly y ' Call S. J. RICHARDSON AND C0WAI CONYER GA CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, AT J. YST. Langford’s. COFFINS, Repairing, Painting and trimming done on shrrt notice JlGradJ CASKETS and METALIC BURIAL CASES, of BURIAL ROBES For Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls and Infants. N» charge for fii ting up coffins on Sunday. Hearses are furnished in city uid '■minty fre of charge. All of the above goods cheaper than ever 1 ff>re offt <i ; Conyers. solicit Thanking my customers and friends for past favor- by fair ‘k a continuance of the same. Very ID gpeeVaHr J. 1ST. LAITQFC BI Conyers Ga., May, 14,1886. MISS ANNIE DAVIDSON & CC DEALERS IN Of every kind. We make specialties of Hats, B3n?i3i;3 Ribbons Trimmings Neck W6a.r, Laces, and. Hanflksrcliiefs. In SRort, Keep every Thing Usually Found in a tip top FANCY STORE. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST When you want any thing in the Millinery line call and examine 01 goods before buying. Very Respectfully, MISS ANNIE DAVIDSON 4 CO LUMBER! LUIBE Persons wanting eith® pine, ber, oak or hickory In® onc< can be supplied at ECKL1 by leaving their orders with & OWENS * if Mill locaed four miles from yers on Irwin’s Bidge road. Lumber delivered at Mil- or Conyers. For prices aud terms c °n us, Orders left witlL Cain will recs^P . attention. ECKLES & OWESS’