Newspaper Page Text
0 nYEKS weekdy.
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FEB. 25., I 887 -
f£RS, GA
local i®Su—
r F" for The Weekly.
pace, of Govtogtoo.
Secort this f «'« small ek ; pox are re
ee cases 0
UU were pleased week. to see Mr. Jno.
air 0 * 3 t this
Farmer, of Covington,
-thecity Jim th-.s wee
D visited by a heavy
j r 1 4onwas Sunday morning.
storm last dam
cent heavy rains have
, re around the;city.
the jno. gardens I-Hall, of Griffin at
Po rb' during the week.
i# the clerks
V Carr manages and’dispatch.
I with m ucji skill
I Onfoir preaches at the'
lyterian church next Sunday,
t" regret to learn that uncle
L Oakes is critically ill again.
John McClelland, of Stone
ntain, spent last Sunday, in the
tv. A. J. Goss will preach at
(Second Baptist church next
1 Ctias. W. White, our own
Charles, is in the city this
he small boy will now com
to bank his nickles for the
many friends of Mr. G P
e he
v w ill be glad to learn that
[artbquake shocks were felt al
[throughout all Europe last
lie **g are four canidates an
need for Tax Collector of New
county. .
o\. F. A. Irwin, an able young
prof Marietta, was at court
fcMs week.
ffenhenFelker an aged and res
led citizen of Walton county
H last Friday.
Borne Rite one remarked that Charles
and Jim Tilley were at the
■ter supper.
Itr, Jno. T. McCollum, of New
I county, spent the week here
Kb Mends,
lol.E.J. Reagin, McDonough’s
1st brilliant lawyer, was at court
ling the week,
br. F. H. McCalla, of Monroe, is
er this week shaking hands with
[numerous friends.
Solicitor Wammack was at the
fcter supper last Wednesday night
a very large majority.
[The bckdale’s present, in keeping with all
grand juries, is a
pdsome and intelligent body.
[Mrs. pntlv Conyers, of Covington, has
made about ten thousand
pars in Chattanooga real estate,
pr. J. M. Lindsey, of Crystal
pngs Ga. was in town this week
pbiting his compost distributor,
pi. Wm. J. Albert, one of At
r 38 m °st prominent young at
lfJe ys. attended court here this
[Mr. N F. Vaughn, one of the oldes,
most respected citizens of
p’ton Pg the county., week. was in the. city du
Me learn that the heavy rains
' lr * n g ihe week have done consid
ftble damage to the land in some
arts of the county.
Jud ? e J no. D. Stewart, of Griffin,
^ Congressman elect was down
^ends .' shaking hands with
and attending court.
heHaven’s mammoth circus snd
“onagerie will pitch their tent at
place on Mar. 2nd. and give
ight 0 performances, afternoon and
biiHp! p , 5 I Ming
* w s to purchase
> can he accommodated by
on me.
c °nyers, A. J. Pierce.
Ga. tf.
The criminal docket is 11 nasual¬
ly light this term;
Mr. W. S. Marbut, of Almon, was
in town one day this week.
Mr. J. C. Shaddox, of Atlanta, is
in the city this week.
Mr. Wm. G. Cotfelter is clerk¬
ing for Mr. G. W. Weaver.
Dr. S. J. Hillyer, D. D., of Deca¬
tur, will preach at Rockdale church
next Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Johnie Holllhgsworth is one
of the most popular young sales¬
men in Conyers.
Conyers.needs just five hundred
shade trees planted on her streets,
: The weather being too bad for
work, a great many of our farmers
have been spending the week at¬
tending court.
Miss Emma Fowler, of Covington
and Mrs. Flora Thomason, of Mad
isan, are visiting Mrs. Grier Quigg
this week.,
As we go to press we can not give
a full account of the Rev, N. Keff
Smith’s entertainment at the Pres¬
byterian church last night. We
are however assured of its success
both financially and otherwise.
The string band will soon be
able to furnish our citizens with
some first class music. Our peo¬
ple will fall far short of their du¬
ty, if they fail to give the boys pro¬
per encouragement.
The “Western Four” gave two
entertaining performances at Al
mand s Hall last Thursday and
Friday nights. The show was as
good as any that have held the
boards this season,
Mr. L. A. Sharp and lady, of
Lawrenceville, passed through the
city last Sunday en mute to the
home of his father in Newton coun¬
ty, where they will spend some
Mr. Phillip D. Armour the pro¬
prietor of one of the largest pork
and lard establishments in the
United States, is doing the South
on a pleasure trip, Mr Armour
speaks well of the Gate city.
A negro has been appointed a
road oyerseer in Honey Creek dis¬
trict. We learn from one of the
commissioners that the reason was
that there was no white man on
the road to take the position.
Miss Ida Bohanan, a most lovely
young lady, of Harmony Grove,
who has been visiting in the city
for several days past, returned to
her home this morning, much to
the regret of several of our young
All persons are hereby notified
not to hire or harbor my son John
Ship, p. o. c., a minor.
Shelton Ship.
Conyers, Ga., Feb. 25, 1887.
Corner Center & R. R. Street,
Makes a specialty of the follow¬
ing goods, a full and complete
stock always on hand: Garden
seed, glass and putty, violins, vio¬
lin cases, bows and strings, station¬
ery, school books, lamps etc.
One of the most enjoyable social
gatherings of the season was a sup¬
per and valentine drawing at the
■residence of Dr. John F. Albert 011
the 14th inst. in honor of Miss Lu¬
la Robinson of Norcross. Miss
Lula has won many admirers du¬
ring her stay in this vicinity, and
captured many of our young gal¬
lants hearts. t
Joseph W. Graham was killed at
Paxson’s saw mills, near McRea Sat¬
urday. He was running the shingle
machine at the mill at the timeof the
accident, and by some means his
foot and leg was caught in the cog
wheels of the machinery, horribly
crushing his leg nearly up to the
knee. Drs. Swinney and Blanton
and Hunter amputated the limb,
but the shock was too great, result¬
ing m death at 12 ‘.80 o clock Sat¬
urday night. Mr. Graham was
formerly of this county, where his
father and mother and most of his
relatives reside. He had been with
W. O. Paxson in the saw mill bus¬
iness nearly five years, and was a
faithful and efficient employee, and
has made many friends since he
has been in the county. He
a wife and five small children.
Mr. W. C. Hudson, of Atlanta,
is in the city this week.
Miss Nannie Graham is visiting
in the city.
Lewis Ilenslee is a splendid bass
In behalf of the Ladies Aid So¬
ciety of the First Baptist church
we are requested to return thanks
to the Conyers String Band for
services rendered on the night of
the oyster supper.
If you don’t believe that Tom
and Dink King make good shoes,
try them.
Judge Boynton by his ever cour¬
teous bearing, lias made hosts of
friends since he assumed the duties
of Judge of the Flint circuit.
Mr. J. M. Day and brother have
returned from Alabama where they
havo been trapping tie past few
months They had fine success.
We notice that some of our cit
tizens are planting shade trees
around their premises. If every
one would do this our town would
present a much more beautiful ap¬
pearance within a few years.
Mr. C. E. Bostick, of Atlanta, is
in the city.
There was quite an enjoyable
party at the Butler House last
Wednesday night after the oyster
The handsome Solicitor General
of this circuit devours oysters with
the same avidity that he recites
Ruby’s piano playing. -
Frank Smith in the role of Judy
is a decided success. Frank can
destroy as many punches as any
A second hand clothing store
was opened up in the Bryans build¬
ing this week.
The late rains have put the new¬
ly worked roads in tho county jp a
wretched condition. While the
ground is soft we think a little work
on our city streets would not be out
of place.
The Covington Star dropped in¬
to the right channel when in its
last issue it voiced the following
sentiment: “Good schools will
pay Covington better than new rail¬
roads. New railroads may cut off
trade and carry off country patron¬
age. Flourishing schools will fill
all unoccupied houses with good
patrons and useful citizens.”
----< re ♦ --
Court Proceedings
Rockdale Superior Court is in
session this week. His Honor,
Judge Boynton, with his usual
grace and dignity is presiding. So¬
licitor Wommack is working round
making criminals “go slow.”
Judge Boynton’s charge to the
grand jury was good, and was ren¬
dered in a clear and forcible style.
A good deal of business has
been disposed of. Among the cases
tried and settled are the following :
Geo. W. Knox, Adm’r, and E. M.
Biand, transferee, vs, Geo. W.
Gleaton, deft. Verdict for def't.
E. M, Brand transferee, vs A. P.
Mitchell def’t. Verdict for def’t.
Crawford Holmes, vs Sarah
Holmes. Libel for divorce. Both
parties released.
Saphronia Hale, vs G. W,
Hale. Libel for divorce. Divorce
granted to Mrs. Hale.
Maddox, Rucker & Co. vs J. W.
Moore, et al. Claim withdrawn by
plt’ffs attorney.
Fricks & Co. vs W. G. Alexand¬
er, deft. Verdict for def’t.
The criminal docket will be ta¬
ken up to'-day.
The Covington Star of this week
publishes a full list of the “Newton
Independent Horse,” a company
which left that place in May, 1847
under the command of Capt. Jno.
Loyal. The company was mustered
into service at Columbus, Ga., and
left there on the 20th of luly for
the Mexican frontier. The compa¬
ny did gallant service in Mexico.
Some of its officers were the captors
of Gen. LaVaga and Prince Itetr
bide. There are several of this
company still living in Cov
ingtoD, and all will be entitled to a
pension under the bill recently
passed by congress. Almand has Jer
Mr. J. F. o\d some
sey pigs six weeks that will
weigh 26 pounds each.
T3ie Entertainments
Notwithstanding the heavy rain
and disagreeable weather, there
was a large crowd at the Masonic
Hall Wednesday night to partake
of the supper prepared by the la¬
dies of the First Baptist church.
The tables profusely decorated
with flowers fruits and other deli¬
cacies were placed on the west side
of the building, each table presided
overby one, or more, beautiful and
fascinating young ladies. Indeed,
so much so, that a person never
thought about expense, but only
howto manage to keep eating so
as to enjoy their kind attention
and excellent company as long as
The supper which consisted of
oysters, fresh fish, fowl, chicken
salad, cakes of all kinds, ambrosia,
fruits and etc, was tastily and ex¬
quisitely prepared, and was served
with that grace and ease which is
possessed only by Conyers young
ladies. By way of parenthesis we
remark that there was more mate¬
rial for good wives in that hall
than we have seen bunched togeth¬
er in sometime. Music was furnished
by part of the Conyers string band,
which added much to the pleasure
of the occasion.
After a song, Col. Wommack
who was present and had, on ac¬
count of his lovely personal ap¬
pearance, made such a profound
impression on the ladies present,
was loudly called for, responding
he told one of his rich anecdotes,
and regaled those present with the
best recitation of “How Ruby play¬
ed” ever heard in Conyers,
The gross receipts were about
The affair was well managed and
the crowd was orderly and well be¬
haved. Besides being all in all a
grand success, the occasion was
one of social enjoyment for all.
The prayermeeting was conduct¬
ed by Mr. Ed Swann last Sunday
Earnest Seamans is very sick with
Miss Ruth Butler from DeKalb
is visiting in this community.
L. D. Brisendine visited Fulton
county this week.
Mr. Wm. Stowers, of this vicini¬
ty and Miss Jessie Deal of DeKalb
were married Wednesday evening
at the residence of the bride’s fath¬
er, by the Rev. Sam Scott. May
peace and prosperity attend them.
The publishers of Rutledge’s
Monthly offer twelve valuable re¬
wards in their Monthly for Februa
ary, among which is the following :
We will give $20,00 to the per¬
son telling us which is the middle
verse in the New Testament Scrip¬
tures, (not the revised edition), by
March the 10th, 1887. Persons
trying for the reward must send
20 cents in silver or postal notes,
(no postage stamps taken) with
their answer, for which they will
receive the Monthly for April in
which the name and address of the
winner of the reward and the cor¬
rect answer will be published, and
in which several more valuable re¬
wards will be offered. Address.
Rutledge Pdblising Company,
Easton, Pa.
Fox hunting is largely indulged
in by our huntsmen at the present.
The measles have about disap¬
peared from this section.
Mr. Charley Kennett and lady
visited Mr. J. F. Piper last Sunday.
Miss Dosia Crow visited in this
neighborhood last week.
Mr. Robt. Hardin, of the Gate
city paid friends in this community
a pleasant visit this week.
Mr. Anse 'Willingham cut his
leg seriously with an an axe the
other day while cutting wood.
There was a hop at Mr. Thos.
Hardin’s last Wednesday night.
Peachtrees are blooming in this
This Favorite Album of Sofllrs and Ballads,
containing thiriy-two pieces of choice and
popular musi.:, full sheet music size. With
complete words and music and piano accom
paniment is finely printed upon heavy paper
with a very attractive cover. The following
are the titles of the songs and ballads contain
ed in the Favorite Album:—As I'd nothing
Else to Do; The Dear Old Songs of Home;
Mother, Watch the Little feet; Oh, You Pret¬
ty Blue-eyed Witch; Blue ;F,yes; Katy’s Let¬
ter; The Passing Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing
Kate; Won’t You Tell Me Why, Robin; The
Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving
Lindens;FadcdJLeaves;Alt Among the Bum¬
mer Roses; Touch the Harp Gently, My pret¬
ty Louise; I really don’t thihk I shall Marry;
Dream ingot Home: The old Cottage Clock;
Across the Sea; A Year Ago; Bachelor’s Hall;
Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year
Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn
Gate; Jack’s Farewell: Polly; Whisper in the
Twilight, This is a very fine collection of real
vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome
style. Published In the usual way and bought
at a music store, these 33 pieces would cost
you $11.30. We bougkt a job lot of this music
at g-rsat sacrifice *nd as the holidays are past.
we desire to close out our stock at onee.
Will send you the entire oollection well
wrapped and postpaid for only 40cts. Send
immediately. Address
YOU can live at home, and make more
money at work for us, than at any
thing: else in thi9 world. Capital not needed;
you are staeted free. Both sexes; all ages.
Anyone can do the work. Large eartiing?>
sure from first start. Costlw outfit- and terms
free- Better not delay Costs you nothing to
send us your address and find out; if you are
wise you will do so at onee- H, HallsTt & Co.
Portland, Maiue.
( Cf 2Et?L
To all who are Buffering from the errors and
indiBcrotions of youth, nervous weakness, early
decay, loss of manhood, to., I will sond a recipe
that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great
remody was discovered by a missionary In South
America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the
Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, York City.
Positively the best on the mar¬
ket for general use. For sale by
P. G. Tucker.
m 1 M IN rn 1 TyY iUlN vr I ! wo are now prepared with to
furnish all classes em
pioyment at home, the whole of the time, or
for their spare moments, Business new, light
and profitable. Persons of either sox easily
earn from 50 cents to $5.00 per evening, and
a proportional Bum by devoting all their time
to the bdsiness. Boys and girls earfi nearly s
much as men. That al who see this may send
their address, and test the business, we make
this offer. To such as are not well satisfied
we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble
of writing. Full particulars and outfit free.
Aedress George Stinson*Co.,
Portland, Maine.
For the use of luan or woman
The most useful article ever invent¬
ed. Price $1. Put up in neat box
with full directions.
M. E. A. Co., P. O. Box, 1993 N.
Y. City.
MONEY to be made. Cut this out and
return to us, and we will send
you freo something of great value and im¬
portance to you, that will start you in busi¬
ness which wili bring you in more money right
away than anything else in this world. Any
one can do the work and live at home. Either
sex; all ages. Something new, that just coins
money for all workers. We will start you:
capital hot needed. This is one of the genu¬
ine, important chances of a lifetime. Those
who are ambitious and enterprising will not
delay. Grand outfit free. Address True & Co.
Augusta, Main.
Mexican Soldier’s Pension
The undersigned having had consider¬
able experience in obtaining Pensions,
offers his services to the Soldiers of the
Mexican war in getting Pensions now
allowed them by Congress. J, N. Glenn,
Jan. 27,18S7. Attorney at Law
The latest art work among 1 adies is known
as the ‘.‘French Craze,” forMeeorating china,
glassware, etc. It is something entirely new t
and is both profitable and fascinating. It is
very popular in New York, Boston and other
Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn
the Art, we will find an elegant china placque
(size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated, for a
model,together with box of material, 100 col¬
ored designs assorted in flowers, animals, sol¬
diers, land-scapes, etc., complete with full in¬
structions, upon receipt of only $1.00. The
placque alone is worth more than the amount
charged. To every lady ordering this outfit
who encloses the address of five other ladies
interested in Art matters, to whom we can
mail our new catalogue of Art Goods, we will
enclose extra and without charge, a beautiful
30 inch, gold-tinted placque.
Address, The EMPIRE NEWS CO.,
Syracuse. N. Y.
Parties wishing to purchase Fer¬
tilizers should call on me before
buying. I sell the
Navassa Guano
and Acid. It needs no recommen
d ation. The best Farmers here
use it and pronounce it first-class.
Parties having demands against
the estate of Charles Hudson de¬
ceased, will present them in terms
of the law. Parties indebted, will
make immediate payment to me,
D. N. Hudson, Ad’mr.
Conyers, Feb. 25, 1887,
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The Bert Salve in the worlcl
Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Chapped Rheum*
Fever Sores, Tetter.
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect sat¬
is fac a ti on, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Dr. W. H. Lee.
Office General Passenger
AUGUSTA GA. Feb. 1st 1987
Tickets to Hillman, Ga.
Notice is hereby given that Tick¬
ets have been placed on sale at all
regular stations on the line of the'
Georgia, and Gainesville, Jefferson
and Southern Railroad to HILL
MAN, GA., n flag station on the
Washington Branch. Parties de^
siring to visit HILLMAN and go*
to the “Electric Shaft,” can noW
purchase Tickets to' that point di¬
rect, instead of stopping at Ray¬
town^ Sharon), and taking private 1
conveyance from that point. The
Shaft is located just half mite from
Railway landing. Trains stop at
landing only when signalled, un¬
less passengers on board desire to
stop there.
General Passenger Agent
Citation for Letters Of
GEORGIA Rockdale County,
Whereas T. J. Day, administrator and
trustee of Mrs. Elizabeth Lacy, repre¬
sents to the court in his petition duly
filed and entered on record that he ha#
fully administered Mrs. Elizabeth
estate- This is, therefore, to cite all
persons concerned heirs and
to show cause, if any they can, why
administrator and trustee should not be
discharge from bis administration and
trustetethip and receive letter- of dismis ¬
sion on the first Monday in April 18&7.
This the 3rd day of January 1887.
3oi. O. Seamans, Ordinary.
I have the largest and best
sortment of spectacles ever
to Conyers. All prices from
per pair up. Gold, silver and
frames, pebble glasses.
twenty five to fifty per cent
er than the same goods are sold
Dr. W, fl. Lee.
mixed paints.
If you wish to paint your
house, waggon, buggy or
it will pay you largely to call at
Dr. Lee’s drug store and get a
ple card of different colors and
prices of his ready mixed
This paint is ready for use and
can be applied by any one whether
he be a painter or not.
been mixed by machinery it is
perior in finish and durability
paint mixed by hand. It has
sold to hundreds in this town
county who will testify t6 its
rior quality.
Dr. Lee has received fl large
of Valentines both comic and
timental call and see them,
GEORGIA Rockdale, Co:
To all whom it may concern,
411 persons interested are hereby
tified that if no good cause be shown
the contrary, an order will be
by the Court of Ordinary, on ihe 7th
of March I887, establishing a new
lic Road, as marked out by the
si oners appoinfed for that
commencing at McDaniel’s mills in said
county and running a northeasterly di
reetion tbrongh the land of W. H., J.
and G. W. McDaniel and G, W.
land and to intersect a new
ted road leading from Liffaonie, at
line of Rockdale and DeKalb lines a 3is
tanceofabmt three-fonrths of a mile.
This Feb. 4th 1887,
O. Seamans, Ord’ny.
W. D. H«yt &Co., wholesale and re¬
tail druggists, of Rottm, Ga., says^ We
have been selling Dr. King’s Bucklen’s New Discov¬ Arni
ery, Electric Lifters and
ca Calve for two years. Have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or have give
such universal satisfaction. There
been some wonderful cure* effected by
these medicines in this city. Severe!
cases of pronounced consumption have
been entirely king’s cured by use of a few bot¬
tles of Dr. New Discovery, taker
in connection with Electric Bitters. Wo
guarantee there *]Way*. Bold by Dr, W.
H. I-e*.