Newspaper Page Text
Hav« opened a new and large stock of goods at their old stand on
Commerce and Railroad streets
And invite everybody to come and look at their goods and prices—
comprising BARGAINS IN: Shoes and Hats bought from factories’
Jeans and Casimeres, Dress goods Bleaching, Sheeting, Shirting, Checks’
Flannels, Clothing, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Notions of all kinds, Button 8
and Threads to match Dress goods. Trunks, Valices, Satchels*
Wo will allow no one to sell under our prices, so it will pay you to
give us a look.
OUR TRIUMPH SHOES for men are the NICEST and BEST for
the money that can be found anywhere. A FINE HAND SEWED
SHOE for $4.50 which sells everywhere for $5.00, Then all cheape 1 ’
grades oi Solid Shoes down to 50c a pair.
Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Oat Meal, Syrup,
Salt, Bran etc,
Heavy bagging at 7-Jcts. per yard.
Buggies Single Seat and Buggies Double Seat, At LOW Prices,
Columbus & Cincinnati make.
Conyers — Georgia.
Fresh Line of Drug* and Fancy Goods just received, and will from
date be kept constantly on hand. All kinds of DRUGS, MEDI¬
And in fact every thing to be found in a
First Class DRUG STORE. My terms are
And on this account I can offord to sell my goods low, in fact
An all prescriptions sent to me will be promptly and carefully
I Sell The Famous A. Q. C.
Concaeded to " be the best blood purifier known to the
Whm you want any thing in my line call on
A Chicago butcher admits that two
thirds of the canned meat sold in the
markets there as chicken is in reality
the meat of rabbits that have be n long
Thk jury that recently tried two sa
loon keepers of Woodland, Cal , for
grand larceny returned this verdict:
■ We, the jury, find the defendants not
guiltv, with the recommendation that
they houra leave the town within forty-eight °
Nicholas Spbab, of Hartland, Mich
went home for a week's spree one day
last week, and 1 he next morning pat
Paris green in the waterpail used by the
family. Then he for ot all about it and
drankof the water himself and died
His wife discovered the poison in the
dipper it. before any other person drank of
A Oo nMSRct al traveller eays that in
drinks Pittsburgh barrooms one can buy two
for a quarter, and if he buys fine
drink he pays fifteen cents and receives
a check which represents two and one
half cents. The next time he wants a
drink he pays ten cents and the check.
It seems a good scheme to encourage
A Traveller in one of the hotels of
Bangor, Me., put his false teeth bed in a
glass of water when he went tb the
other night. In the morning the water
was frozen solid, and as the water pipes
in the house were also frozen, he had to
take the glass to bed with him, and
t.'us thaw the ice before he could go to
Some months ago Daniel Kelly, of
Port Clinton, Pa , saw that a heavy
boulder had fallen on the track of the
Pennsylvania Ilailroad, and he managed
to run ahead and stop an approaching
passenger train in time to avert a wreck.
The other day he received a costly watch
and chain with the compliments of the
railroad company.
A Chicago drummef lells of a mer
chant in Walnfit, 111,, who, being pros
pcrotls find a heavy buyer, is well treated
by the commercial travellers, and has
many a Cigar offered to him. He always
takes principles the cigar, says business “Its against hoiirs; triy i’ll
to smoke in
light this hundred after supper,” and when he
gets a puts them in a box and
sells them to a train Doy on the Burling¬
ton road for half price.
A Young woman of Louisville was
carefully picking her way along a slip
pery sidewalk the other day just behind
an elderly and portly mau Suddenly
he slipped, and in his efforts to keep
from falling down he threw one hand
backward and struck the young lady
squarely-and The violently on the hbse.
blow stunned her so that she had to
be assisted into an adjacent store, and
an examination by a physician developed
the fact that her nose had been broken.
Both eyes had became blackened from
the injury.
Dr. Brown-Sequard is quoted assay¬
ing that one has only to harden the-neck
and feet and destroy their sen-itiveness
to by prevent taking cold. This is done
daily blowing a s ream of cold air,
by means of an elastic bag, upon the
neck, and The by immersing is fitst the feet iti cold
water. air at only slightly
cool, but is each day made colder, until
the neck can stand an arctic blast with
impunity. The feet are immersed iu
\va er at first at a temperature of about
ninety degrees, and this is gradually re¬
duced to thirty-eight degrees.
It yon have a cough or cold, do not dose
you self with poisonous narcotics, but take
Red .Star (Jough Cure, which contains r.o opl
a es, and is prompt, sate and sure. Price,
twenty-live cents a bott a.
In China a man never sees his wife until lie
is Chineso wedded to her for life. According to this,
courtships must be very inexpensive
nffairs, ing hut contain iio more fun than walk¬
two miles homo from church alone on a
dark and rainy night.—Norristown Herald.
You will never succeed in finding permanent
relief from rheuma’.irn until you have used
bt ,la ob3 Oil, the great pain cure. Price,
fifty cents.
These polite and sanctimonious members
of the house of representatives: First member
Oome, why dent you take part in tho debate?
You havn’t opened your mouth yet. Second
member—Pardon! I was yawning the whole
time you were speaking.—Tid Bits.
A Terrible Fire.
What a thrill of terror passes over us when
we read the record <>f some fearful devasta¬
tion by fire, and yet it is a fact that thousands
are daily being consumed by the mward lire of
fever, caused by consumption of the lungs,
which could he subdued by Dr. Pierce’s “Gold¬
en Medical Discovery.”
The railroad stove, dangerous as it is, lias no
terror for the legislator who rides on a pass.
A Ghost
Is a myth, hut solid reality will be known by
those who write to Hallett <S: Co., Portland.
Maine, they thereby learning, free, about work that
can do and live at home, wherever they
reside, at a profit of from $5 to $25 and up¬
wards daily. Some have earnen over $50 m
a day. Capital is not needed. Hallet & Co will
start you. All now. Delay not. Pay abso
lutely worker. sure from start. Wealth awaits ©very
Both sexes. All ages.
Prickly Asn Bittbks warms up and invig¬
orates the stomach, improves and strengthens
the digestive organs, open' the pores, pro¬
motes perspiration, and equalizes the circula¬
tion. As a corrector of a disordered system
there is nothing to equal it.
A Lady’s Unfortunate Experience,
Wa* that of one of our acq uaintam e who suf
fered from serofu'a, a yell ow com pi xion and
distress of the stomach, lor years before using
Dr.Harter’s finaliy cured her.
“ Your presents is desired at our Christmas
re lebrat ion,” was a boy's letter to his uncle.
Prepare for Spring
It Is none to early to be getting ready for spring,
and the first thing which should receive atten¬
tion is your own system. If you have not been well
during the winter, have been troubled with scrofula,
salt rheum, or other humors of the blood, you should
purify the blood by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. You
will then escape that indescribable tired feeling
whfeb Is .‘O prostrating and often so unaccountable
in the spring months. Do not put off taking are
liable medicine, but take Hood’s Sarsn-nrill* be fort
it is too late.
*• I take Hood’s Sarsaparilla for a spring medicine,
and 1 find it just the thing. It tones up my fy r^n
and makes roe feel like a different man. My VUG
takes it for dyspepsia and she derives great benefit
from it. She says it is the best medicine she ever
took.' — Frank C. Turner, Hook & Ladder No. 1,
Friend Street. Boston. Mass.
Mrs. C. W. Marriott, Lowell, Mass., was completely
cured of sick headache, which she had had 16 year*,
by Heod’s Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Fold by all druggists. $i; six for $a Prepared
by C .L HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm,
IOO Doses One Dollar
BATCMTC FH I C If I O oouuiwl. inremors' ooide. V'Ui kta L. amp Biko- for
B UJ i, Palest iawyer, VTaablagton, D. C-
H«w Shrewd ^“*y , e 2biem” <lT0 SelTed
t p r
“is there a fatality among ofteuask. our prominent It is
men?” is a question that we a
question that perplexes our leading mediea how
men. and they are at a loss to know to
WYsometimes think that If the to physicians the con
would give part of the energy
sideration of this question that they give to
^^IfcfactorUyTnswereit remind often of
xhe fl°-hts of “isms” us
the quarrels of old Indian tribes, that were
only happy when they were annihilating
“if “Allopathy makes a Homoeopathy discovery that de*
promises good to the race. itemfinence^H
rides it and breakdown Slobby
ElW SX *toemce b °° n ° ’ P Z
It is absurd that these schools should fancy
that all of good is in their methods and none
i »S n t £ ^‘isms” v for the P recognize, the merit is
whif h these wiU not
recognized by the public.and this demand public recog
nition, taking the form of a upon
the medical profession, eventually compels
^fpSe'that by shrewd business the question men? A has promi- been
answered iient inquirer, who
man once said to an
asked him how he got rich: “I got rich be
tSinfabo'urd^inf public have recognized them!“ er it P ^ what P ms ZTs this
that the it be met, while the
fatality is, and how can
medical profession has been wrangling
about it
By a careful examination of insurance re¬
ports We find that there has been a sharp (and re¬
form with reference to examinations, in¬
that no man can now get any amount of
surance who has the least development sixty o.
kidney disorder,) because they find that
out of every hundred iu this country do,
either directly or indirectly, suffer from kid¬
ney disease. Hence, no reliable company
will in-ure a man except after a rigid uri¬
nary examination. which
This reminds us of a little instance
occurred a short time ago. A fellow editor
was an applicant fora respectable amount of
insurance. He was rejected oh gxamihatiodj
because, unknown to himseif, his kidneys
were diseased. The shrewd agent, however, busb
did not give up He had an eye to
ness and to his cohimlssion, and said: “Don’t
you worry; vou get a half dozen bottles of
Warner's sa’fe cure, take it according month to
directions and in about a come
around, and we will have another examina¬
tion. I know you will find yourself all right
and will get your policy.” surprise at the agent’s
The editor expressed replied: “This point is
faith, but the latter Very insurance agents
a valuable one, many fittd
all Ovef the epufitty, this whefi they give similar a cus*
tdmer advice, rejected and eventually for he cause, gets the insur¬
ance. ”
What are we to infer from such circum¬
stances) Have shrewd insurance men, as well
as other shrewd business men, found the
secret answer to the inquiry) Is it possible
that our columns have been proclaiming, has proved in
the form of advertisements, what
a blessing in disguise to millions, and yet by
immy *Iu ignored files as find an advertisement? thousands of strong
oUr we
testimonials for Warner's safe cute, no two
alike* basis which could indeed, hot exist except published jlpori h
Of tbuth: they are
under a guarantee of $5,U0U to any one who
will disprove their correctness, and this offer
has been standing, we are told, for more
than four years.
Undoubtedly this article, which is simply
dealing out justice, will be considered as an
advertisement and be rejected by many as
We have not space nor time to discuss the
proposition that a poor thing could not sue
ceed to the extent that this great remedy has
succeeded,could not become so popular with¬
out merit even if pushed by a Vanderbilt or
an Asfcor.
Hence that we take the duty liberty that of they telling our to
friends it is a owe
themselves to investigate the matter and re¬
flect carefully, for the statements published
are subject to the refutation of the entire
world. None have refuted them: on the con¬
trary hundreds of thousands have believed
them and proved them true, andin of believing satisfae
have found the highest measure buy,
tion, that which money cannot and
money cannot take away.
Bill Nye aclvisps the Southern farmer
work his butter more and his cows less.
B ©(CapcinEjO $
fo: „ .VpvMtUilr* /s, ~ ER
Highest Awards of Hfdfili in Europe and America.
The neatest, quickest, safest an<i most
remedy known for Rheumatism, Pleurisy,
Lumbago, all Backache. Weakness, cold in the
and aches and pains. Endorsed by 5.000
eians and Druggists of the highest repute. Benson
Plasters promptly relieve and cure where
plasters absolutely and greasy salves, liniments and
are sounding useless. Beware of Imitations
sim lar names, such as
ucln.’* “Capslcine.” as they are utterly
and intended to deceive. Ask for Bknson’ S
take no others. All druggists.
SLABURY & JOHNSON. Proprietors. New York.
ajUjRni *gt. g .Jk- Arrest that
chitist or Asthma, this
wL 4J .fijlVr.v Remedy euro* relieves quickly,
WtSfillFd xaa ri 1 RfriTVlpreYDiatg permanently. lfivline, Night-Sweats It
anddeuth Prepared from Consumption.
{y at dr. kilsor’s
HlJ| distkksary, Binghamton, N. Y.
"25? Guide Letters of Health inquiry { Sent answered. Free ).
r to
SAVES YOUR LIFE. Sold by PrnggUf.
and all Headaches, purify the blood, act on the
neys, relieve Catarrh and wArd off malaria. Price,
an d $1.00 Painless Eyewater
ANDERSON, Manufacturers, Bristol, Tekn.
One Agent (Merchant only) wanted in every town
Although I was paying $32.00 per 1.000 for my
ing times 5c. brand large my sales I put are in more “Tansill’s than
as since your
5c. cigar. I could not have believed it You re
spectfully, Wm. M. Dale, Druggist, Chici ago.
Address R, W. TANSIL.L ifc CO..
Education a specialty at IMOORE’S
UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, tin. One of the
schools in the Country. Send tor Circulars,
Manufacturers of and Dealers in
Saws and Saw-Mill
Repairing a Specialty.
Agsnt* for L. Powut A Oomtant*©
Wood Working stock.
Large and complete
for catalogue. Atlanta, Ga.
Atlanta, Ga.
lend for c.taloeur.
** Can get the most Practical
SU'JTUmal Bor 466, Atlanta,
AlP vk|B% AA Flat top No. 7 Cook Stove for
IPIlIl V Wwitn fixtures. Send for catalogue.
Stewart ft Oo.,63 WhitehnUSL.
A Lost Industry.
Jay Gould, the railroad magnate, takes
pleasure in letting the -world earued know that
twenty-fire years ago he money
. £ honest industry, making g noon marks
f t at kind done
only a quarter of a century ago indicates
w h a t a short way in time we are removed
from tlie use 0 f crude, ancient devices,
It is only within half a century that the
admirable mechanical methods of Ameri
can clock-makers have brought the price not
t j me pj eces s0 low that it would
pay to go round offering to make noon
marks. The noon mark was an humble
brother of the sun dial which was a
crude method of indicating time com
P»“d to the cheapest modern time piece;
yet the dial was considered a great in
veution in its day, and the Babylonians
were honored for originating such a boon
to mankind. The sun dial might have I
still regained the leading rural time m
dicator but for the persistence of Con- j
nec ti C ut clock-makers in underselling the i !
world. When they succeeded, by the in
terchangeable stamping process of mami
facture, in finishing serviceable clock
W ovks for twenty-five cents each, the oc
cupation that gave Jay Gould his finan
cial start was gone forever,
the praises oft b. r. b. POURS IN I
Would That We Had Space to Pub¬
lish a Hundredth Part.
ROCKMART, Ga., December 24th, 1886.-~
G. M. Morgan came to my office in October
with an old scrofulous ulcer of many years’
standing. On examination I informed him,
in addition to my local treatment, he must
have a blood purifier. He preferred your B.
B. B., which acted like a charm, and with
my treatment and B. B. B. he is now a sound
I am a regular practicing physician, and this
is the first time I ever addressed a patent
medicine company. I regard B. B. B. as one
of the best patent blood medicines.
W. J. ADAIR, M. D.
p, S,—G. M. Morgan is now on E. T.,Va.
and G& ft. ft-, but was formerly supsrvisor
of bridges aud trestles cIff the Richmond and
Danville?.. B„ and is a gentleman of cou
siderable influence, being identified with the
railroads generally. W. J. ADAIR.
NEWTON, N. C., June Sf, 1886.—BloG d
Balm Company, Atlanta: Your rhoiJicTOe
was used in the case of my mother, now
about 45 years of age. who has been afflicted
with rheumatism for the past ten years.
After using three bottles, we consider that
an entire cure has been eff ected.' I used one
bottle myself for a humor of the tfaoft
which caused a disfiguring breaking out on
my face dnd all parts of my body. Tho re¬
sult is that my skiu id smooth and perfectly
free from pimpjp or blotch. A perfect cure
has been effected,
W. T. MOEEHEAD, Newtown, N. C.
BALTIMORE, Feb. 5, 1887.—Botanic
Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga Dear Sirs:
I had suffered with bleeding piles for two
years, and take pleasure in stating that I
have been entirely cured by the tisd of one
bottle of “Botanic Blood Balm” (B. B. B.)
I cheerfully make this statement for the
] benefit of the public, REINHARDT,
No. 2026 Fountain &t. :
Baltimore. Mtf.
The Great Nursery of
200 Imported Brood Mares
Of Choioest Families.
All Ages, both Sexes,
I# "M TiiY T.CY m m. m m m Wm J! ■
E Smhi ft .
from France, all recorded with extended pedigrees in the
Percheron Stud Books. The Percheron is tho only clratt
bi-eed of France possessing a stud book that has tho
support and endorsement of the French Government.
Send for 120-page Catalogue, illustrations by lie gsa
Bonheur. M. w. DUNHAM,
Wayne, DuPaga Co., Illinois.
Ask your retailer for the James recommend Means* $3 Shoe.
Caution ! Some dealers Inferior
goods In order to make a larger profit. This Is the
original knowledge $3 their Shoe. Beware inferiority of Imitations which ac
build the reputation own of the original. by attempting to
None Genuine unless bearing this Stamp*
For Oeatleaen, S3 SHOE.
Made in Button, Congress and
Lace. celled in Best Durability Coif Shin. Comfort Unex
, &
-.m Appearance seuttouswill . A postal card
t.\ v&v formation how bring to you this in
& Shoe in get
YV ^jsjvTerritory. any State or
41 Lincoln St,
Our celebrated _
of Shoes this grade factory than produces a larger quantity
of any other factory In the
world. Thousands who wear them will tell you the
reason if you ask them. JAMES MEANS*
©HOE for Borsls nrant'Fn}»f'bf««i in Durability.
»■ • M ws mam
Ask: Tor Illustrated Pamphlet.
TERRY SHOW CASE CO., Nashville. Term
gBAPESHfe Martha, Moore’s Early, Worden. Poeklington, ues free.
Diamond, Yergennes, «kc., at lowest rates. Raspber¬
ries, Gooseberries. Jessie Strawberry, Lucretia Dew¬
berry,«fec. CEO. W. CAMPBELL, ware, Ohio.
R German Asthma Care never fails to gi re
» immediate relief in the worst cases, insures com
fortable sleep: effects cure* where all others fail. A
trial convinces the most skeptical. Price 50 cte and
$1.00, of Druggists or br mail- Sample FREE for
stamp. DR. K. SdllFFMAN. St. Paul. Minn.
Keening Teeth Perfect and Gums Healthy.
OPIUM and 30 days. Morphine Refer Habit 1000 patients cured cured la 10
to to
la ail parts. Da MjLmsn.guiacy, Rich.
JsissscSss the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache c
Billons Complaints and Halaria ofaU
yield readily to the beneficent
It Is pleasant to the taste, Wj kcfitJ J
system, restores and preserves J
It la purely Vegetable, aad cannot
prove beneficial, both to o!« aej J
8 a Blood Parmer it is mpemt J
others. Sold at
[aj IS it h
Haikesville, October K j., 1
15, 1886. (
E. T. IIazeltixk,
Dear Sir: 'Warren, Pj,
I was taken with a very
severe cold last Spring,
and tried every cute
had in the store, and could
get I had no help. village
o ,r doctor
prescribe for me, but kept
getting other worse. I sawsn
.Jervis, physician Y.. and from Peri
M. lie toll
me ho used Fiso’s Cute!*
tice. Consumption in his prac¬
I bought a bottle, aid
before I had taken all of it
there was a change for the
better. Then I got my era
plover to order a i nantity
of the medicine and keep
it in stock. I took one
I more bottle, and my Cough
was cured.
Frank McKelvi.
mm &
1 H TSt© IE OSH 1151
LADIES ij§: g§!
not experiment—get ti. P!U,S.
Headache. Bamp.« no nt3 inpos»
St. Louis, Wo.
Pierce Well Excava tor Co- iY
jsliiap JOSE SB
Colored DOC BUYERS’^,,, Lj gt 1
worth, Mvfcita'ilSciS
A 811
MEXICAN ill lei their Widows. WWjlf Y inforffi« ! ®
or Zee .forblante
years’ eapenen^. Bes*’llisstel’- “.
Attorney-at-Law. P- —j-
Blajr’s --firei! Pms^„„ tagi^
--iTso!di«rt* H c0ht
OPIUM Pens!onsggg-| m
CA ' r&Xstai
Headiu .......