Newspaper Page Text
-D i ‘ H- WALLIS.
c l
adjourns to-morrow,
!ong re5S looking well.
oats al '°
rfaeat ert y was sold
ery little pi'°P -
[ 's, Tuesday¬ returned from
A. Rdey lias
[jit to Atlanta- his fam
^l.J.F.Halew s00n ill move
jo fiamptou ‘ f Covington,
j R. G- Guinn, 0
r Sunday. "
,iu the city Covington
Thos- P H° wns of
„ Sunday.
, in the city in Cu
0>V> n died last Monday
t the age ofl38 years.
s is visiting
Mrs. 51. C. Summers
[Atlanta a B d Lawrence ville.
L Thos, D. Stewart, Sunday. of McDon
ng! 1 ,vasin the city
) of Covington,
,, j A. Stewart,
town one day this week.
6S Liff in suffering
Austin is very
L with a boil on his neck.
Khenyou want job work at Atlan
Iprices call at the Weekly office.
L t Tom J- Aim and, of Almon,
in the city Thursday last.
| ’ was Henry
c ] j. N, Hale of the
0 in the Clty laSt
Bounty Times > was
janday- Hardin killed seven
Mr. Jno. day.
bail at one shot the other
Pretty good shooting.
Miss Kate Ashford is visiting in
lecity, the guest of Col. and Mrs.
1 C' Barton.
I fe have had some pretty weath
Irthis week, and the farmers are
Lttiug iu full time.
[jfr.T. C. McCalla. in the Georgia most pop¬ was
lar shoe drummer
Id town this week.
I Back Heard, the smallest man in
porgia, is running news agent on
lie Georgia road.
Mrs. Ada Roberts went to At’an
piast Sunday to attend the funer
p] of her sister-in-law,
■ If the good weather continues
■a good deal of corn will be planted
liming the coming week.
I Mr. Tip Christian, of Augusta,
■Visited his father,JWr. Rufus Chris
Itian a few days this week.
I Stewart and McCalla have just
I received a big lot of fancy dress
I goods. Call and examine.
I There was a regular old fashioned
log-rolling, at Mr. Juo. Hardin’s
last Friday, and a sociable at night.
I Miss Georgia Langford, one of
our most popular and fascinating
young ladies, is visiting in Cov¬
ington and Madison.
Mr. John F. Wallis, one of our
test mechanics, is now doing some
work in Rutledge. He will be
there some three weeks.
A pleasant social gathering was
highly enjoyed by some of our
young people at the residence of
Sh- and Mrs. Richardson, last Fri¬
day night.
Aliss coonie Taylor, one of the
prettiest young ladies of Ebenezer
settlement, visited in the city last
neek. Yv hile in the city she visit¬
ed our office.
^ e regret to learn that Mr. C.
"• Yhite has been quite ill since
he returned to his work at Good¬
lier, AJa. We hope that Charley
s °on be well again.
The Stone Mountain association
a> ' ® e Ph at Sylvesta, appointed the
Pith Sunday i n May as the time for
ihe general meeting of the third dis
J the d First . T!) Baptist e meeting will be held in
church here at the
appointed time. Some able preacli
in ^ ma y he expected this
sion. on occa¬
Kev. Dr Quigg, 0 f this place de
the oration before the grad
uailll ,
g class of the Southern Medi
J e College cannot of get Atlanta last night,
a report of the ad
^ -to press, but we know
th r made of his
speeches, - one eharaeteris
which means a good
P r °priate, and eloquent address,
Our marshals are having «oms
work done on the streets. Con¬
tinue the motion.
The string band is practicing
twice a week and. will soon be mak¬
ing some excellent music.
There will be an ajourned term
of Rockdale Superior Court on the
first Monday in May.
Mr. S. D Night has the best ar¬
rangement for protecting young
chickens we ever saw.
At Stewart and McCalla’s you
will always find the best of every
thing at the very lowest rate.
Mr. P. B. Price, of Atlanta, who
has been spending some time in the
city returned to his home Monday.
Dr. Lee’s fine new soda fount has
arrived, and has been put into po¬
sition. It is a dandy, you bet.
The new iron bridge over Dried
Indian Creek in Covington, has
been completed. It cost the city
about $2,500
A disease thought to be glanders
has broken out among the horses
at White Plains, Greene county,
several have died.
With his moustache off, our
friend Henry McCord bears a
striking resemblance to the distin¬
guished H. W. Grady,
Solicitor Worn mack made a ne¬
gro witness faint last Saturday by
stamping his foot and putting en
one of his most ugly faces.
Mr. J. A. B. Stewart has torn
away the awning from the front of
his dry goods room, much improv¬
ing the appearance thereby.
Rev. J. D. Gray, presiding elder
of Oxford district, North Georgia
Conference, died at Hawthorne Fla,
on Feb. 22. He was buried at Ox¬
ford Ga.
Preaching at the Methodist
church next Sunday by Rev. J. L.
Pierce. You miss a good sermon
ever}'' time you fail to hear Dr.
DeRaven’s show gave two per¬
formances here Wednesday after
ternoon and night. Those who saw
it say that it is the best show for
the money that ever exhibited in
The steamer W. H. Gardner one
of the largest boats phfing the Tom
bigbee river was burned last Tues¬
day three miles below - Gainesville,
Ala. Over twenty persons lost
their lives.
While you are planting your gar¬
dens, ye merchants, remember that
it is now time to plant a spring ad¬
vertisement. It will pay you.
yield some thirty, some sixty and
some an hundred fold, according to
the size thereof.
We have on our desk the first
copy of the Henry County Times.
It is quite a readable sheet. Col.
Hale, by the way, is one of the
best newspaper men in the State.
We most heartily welcome him
back into the brotherhood.
A severe cyclone struck the little
citj’’ of Eatonton Iqst Saturday af¬
ternoon about four o’clock, and
completely demolished & part of
the town. One man was killed,
several were injured, and a great
deal of property destroyed.
Mrs. J. R, McCalla, of Sheffield,
came near being seriously burned
one day this week. While standing
near the fire her clothing became
ignited and had it not been for the
timely assistance of those near,
she would have been seriously
From now on our office may be
found in Mr. S. D. Night’s
over Mr. E Roberts tin shop. We
now have ample room and one of
the best arranged newspaper offices
in the country. We invite all our
friends—the ladies especially—to
call and see us.
We heard a gentleman, who has
the wherewith to back his asser¬
tions, say the other day that if the
county would subscribe eight
thousand dollars he would furnish
the balance and put up a cotton
factory of ten thousand spindles.
Now why not go to work and see
what can be done in the matter.
While we have the bail rolling lets
keep it moving. Manufacturing
enterprises means more population,
and more papulation means more
Our town was visited last i ues
day by a ‘‘grinding” organist
We learn from Mr. D. N. Hudson
that Mr. A.W. Clay, of Walnut
Grove, Ga., now owns the mule,
‘‘Laura,” that worked to Generel
Tige Anderson’s staff-wagon du¬
ring the entire late war. The mule
during the war was one of the finest
specimens of mule llesh that our
informant ever saw, and she is now
in fine condition and full of life.
Mr. Clay bought the mule directly
after the war, from Mr. Seab Fam
brough, General Anderson’s courier.
If France and Germany succeed in
getting up their war, and Gen. Tige
Anderson goes, Laura is ready to
enter the fray with her old general.
Geokgi \ Rockdale County :
We the grand jury for the Feb.
term of the Superior Court of said
county for the year 1887, beg leave
to make the following partial gen¬
eral presentments.
We find the public roads in the
county having been well worked
and that the bridges are in a good
condition. We recommend the Or¬
dinary to confer with the Ordinary
of DeKalb county and have the
bride across South river, known as
the “Parker’s Bridge,” repaired and
kept in good condition, and the Or¬
dinary pay prorata of tns cost of
said repairs in the same proportion
that the amount of taxable proper¬
ty of this county bears to the same
of DeKalb.
We recommend the Ordinary to
have built a foot-way across the
swamp near the McCalla bridge on
Big Haynes creek.
We find the public buildings in
good order except a little repairs
are necessary in the Clerk’s office
and on the jail.
We find thirteen paupers at the
pauper home, and that they are
well cared for and well satisfied.
We have examined through our
committees, the records in the Or¬
dinary’s office, and the Clerk’s of¬
fice, the dockets of the Sheriff, the
Tax Collector’s books, the county
Treasurers books and the county
School Commissioners books, and
find them all properly and cor¬
rectly kept,
We find in the Treasury $900,29
as pauper funds, and no county
We recommend that Jack Love
col., be placed on the pauper list,
and that his wife be permitted to
go with him to wait on him at the
pauper home, and that she be cared
for by the county whilst there.
We recommend that Mr. W. A.
Mitchell be appointed Notary pub¬
lic for the 1251st district Q. M. of
this county.
We recommend the Ordinary to
draw on the county Treasurer for
$217-65, the same being for servi¬
ces rendered the county for which
there is no fee prescribed by law',
making the amount received by
him as Ordinary for the year 1886,
$293, exclusive of marriage li¬
cense fees.
We find that the dockets of the
Justice of the peace and Notaries
public are propperly kept.
We have not fully ascertained
the indebtedness of the county, but
will do so and assess the tax at the
adjourned term of the court.
In taking leave of his honor, Jas.
S, Boynton, we return our thanks
to him and the Soliciter, E. Worn
mack, for courtecies extended to us.
We request that these present¬
ments be published in the county
papers and that each be paid five
dollars for same.
G. M. Jones, foreman, IV. J. Wil¬
liams, T- T. Thrasher, W. W. Swann
R. J, Shipley, J. G. Mann, S. J.
Taylor, A. Whitaker, P. H. W hite,
M, H. Wesley, A F. Sims, H. L.
White, W. B, Reagan, B. G. Wal¬
lace, S. H. Wood, J. E. Whitaker,
J. D. Winburn, M. L. Wood, W. B.
Parker, D. Vaughn, G. W. Walker,
J. L, McCalla, B. H. Summers.
Ordered by the court that the
within presentments be published
as requested.
Jas. S. Boynton,
Judge, S. C. F. C.
A true copy from the minutes.
R. F. Cakp., C, S.‘ C.
A.-amu io gvAUiljji iiiiiitfi down
very fine. Last Sunday mgLt a
Prof. Brown, assisted anti encour¬
aged by a large number of her most
prominent citizens, desecrated the
holy Sabbath by having a regular
hurrah performance at DcGives
opera house. Even the honorable
Mayor of the city was present.
Surely such doings should be loud¬
ly condemned by the good people
of the country in general
In the Post Office at Conyers, Ga.
for the month of Feb. 1887.
Mrs. Mary E. Bollard, Jack Bur¬
ney, Mrs. Permelia Bryant, Mrs.
Oma Bailey, Jack Corlc-y col, James
Cams, Miss Ada Dumas, Miss Nan¬
nie Graves, Fannie Grant, W. S.
Grammer, Zaoh Harper, It. T. Hull,
Miss Willie Jones, W. S. Kennedy,
Miss Anna Kelley, Mrs. Dora Loy¬
al, Jeremiah McGibeony, Mrs. R.
C. Mann, Howard Moore, II. D. and
J. D. Moore, Mrs. Rodgers (music
teacher), James Reagan, Henry
Smallwood, Mrs, Eliza Spearman,
T. F. Sigman, Mrs. Mary J. Thomp¬
son, Frank Thrasher,
Grier Quigg, P. M.
Special Correspondence.
Editor Weekly : This is certainly
one of the most wide a-wake pro¬
gressive cities on earth. It is git up
and git, from early dawn to dewy
eve. Even the “coons” have caught
the fever, they seem to take as
much interest in the welfare of the
city as the whites. The sudden
rise in property has put many of
the dusky brothers in good finan¬
cial circumstances. I mefi'up with
one of the old colored citizens yes
terdey, and I asked him if he did
not think this great boom would
soon die out and leave Birmingham
a fit subject for a coroners jury ?
“Bos 3 do you see dose mountains
ober dar, well sir when dey melt
away through our furnaces
and nothing remains but a hole in
de ground den Birmingham will
collopse, but not ’till den, so do
not bo oneasy.” I took it for grant¬
ed that he was right. I walked in
and took a job of emptying
schooners and would not allow
myself to be the least bit uneasy.
There is very little difference
between the people hern and
Atlanta. Here the business men
rise earlier m the morning than
they do in Atlanta, But in Atlanta,
the business men walk a great deal
faster, which makes about a stand
Birmingham is destined to be one
of the greatest rail road centers in
the South, one of the most promi¬
nent roads leading through here is
the Georgia Pacific, which has been
extended from here to Columbus
Mi3S. It will soon be open and
under one management from At¬
lanta to Columbus. Under the
management of R. C. Anderson as
master of trains, and Mr. Garner as
superintendent, the G, P. R. R.
stands second to no road in the
Union. Business on the line is in¬
creasing rapidly, while accidents
are decreasing.
It is said in rail road circles here
that Col. J. Hamp Bryans of your
city is the boss rail road conductor
that comes to Birmingham.
Windy. *
Mr. Wm. Hardin has returned
from a visit to the “Gate City.”
Rev. Mr. McKinney will preach
at the Chapel next Sunday.
Miss. Lizzie Hardin, of near At¬
lanta, visited in this community
last week.
Mr. Frank King is driving the
tin w’agon and is doing a lively
Mr. Bin. McMichael is the O0._t
mimic in the county.
Farm work has , , been at , Stand- , i
still for two weeks ’ and our farmers
consequently getting ... , naciiy ii i do
Waldrops funeral .
Mr. Milton
will bo preached by Dr. W. Rim
strong on the first Sunday in next
May. Dixie.
li ARGt AIN IN IvNJ rilC.
Tius Favorite Album of Soagb and iB.iilada,
eontaihimr fl’.iriy-two pieces Of choice a 1 id
popular musid, full sheet music size,
complete words and music and piano accom¬
paniment is finely printed upon heauy paper
with a very attractive cover. The following
aro the titles of the songs and ballads contain¬
ed in the Favorite Album:—As I’d nothing
Else to no; The Dear Old Songs of Home;
Mother, Watch the Little feet; Oh, You Pret¬
ty Blue-eyed Witch; Blue "Eyes; Katy’s Let¬
ter; The Passing Bell; X Saw Esau Kissing
Kate; Won’t You Tell Me Why, Robin; The
Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving
Lindens;Fadod'Leaves;Alt Among the Sum¬
mer Roses; Touch the Harp Gently, My pret¬
ty Louise; T really don’t tbihk I shall Marry;
Breamingfof Homo; The old Cottage Clock;
Across the Boa: A Year Ago; Bachelor’s Hall;
Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year
Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn
Gate; Jack’s Farewell: Polly; Whisper in the
Twilight, This is a very fine collection of real
vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome
style. Published in the usual way and bought
at a music store, these 88 pieces would cost
you $I1.:!0. We bought a job lot of this music
at groat sacrifice md as t he holidays are past,
we desire to ciose out our stock at once.
Will send you the entire collection well
wrapped and postpaid for only filets. Send
immediately. Address
Y0U can live at home, and make more
money at work for us, than at any
thing else in this world. Capital not needed;
you are staeled free. Both sexes; all ages.
Anyone can do the work. Isti-ge earnings
sure from first start. Costlw outfit and terms
free- Better not delay Costs you nothing to
send us your address and find out: if you are.
wise you will do so at once- H, Halt.sTt & Co.
Portland, Maine.
To all who aro suffering from the errors and
todlscretlons of youth, nervous woakness, early
aacay, lossof manhood, &c„ I will send a recipe
that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This groat
remody was discovered by a missionary In South
Amortca. Send a solf-addreesod euvolopo to the
REV. Joseph T. Ikmah, Station D. New York City.
’T’ 1 NT IN Win 1 lUiN Ml 1 we furnish arc now allclasses prepared with to
pioyment at. home, the whole of the time, or
for thoir spare moments, Business new, light
and profitable. Persons of either sex easily
earn from 50 cents to go.00 per evening, an <1
a proportional sum by devoting all their time
to the hdsiness. Boys and girls earn nearly s
much as men. That al who see this may send
their address, and test the business, we make
this offer. To such as are not well satisfied
we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble
of writing. Full particulars and outfit free.
Aodress George Stinson & Co.,
Portland, Maine.
For the use of mail ot woman
The most useful article ever invent¬
ed. Price $1. Put up in neat box
with full directions.
M. E. A. Co., P. 0. Box, 1993 N.
Y. City.
Bncklen’s Arnica Salre.
The Best Salve in the world
Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfacation, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by I)r. W. H. Lee.
Parties having demands against
the estate of Charles Hudson de¬
ceased, will present them in terms
of the law. Parties indebted, will
make immediate payment to me,
D. N. Hudson, Ad’mr.
Conyers, Feb. 25, 1887.
The latest art work among’ ladies is known
as the “French Craze,” for decorating china
glassw-are, etc. It is something entirely new^
and is both profitable and fascinating. It is
very popular in New York, Boston and other
Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn
the Art, wo will find an elegant china plac<iue
(size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated, for a
model,ttogother with box of material, 100 col¬
ored designs assorted in flowers, animals, sol¬
diers, land-scapes, etc., complete with full in¬
structions, upon receipt of only $1.00. The
^plaeque alone is worth more than the amount
charged. To every lady ordering this outfit
who encloses the address of five other ladies
interested in Art matters, to whom we can
mail our new catalogue of Art Goods, we will
enclose extra and without charge, a beautiful
80 inch, gold-tinted placque.
Address, The EMPIRE NEWS CO.,
Syracuse. N. Y.
Parties wishing to purchase Fer¬
tilizers should call on me before
buying. I sell the
INTairassa Guano
and Acid. It needs no recommen¬
dation. The best Farmers here
use it and pronounce it first-class.
I S ■ ■ Til B b!i*» 0 3 -Sr. gV £ *
Excitement in Texas.
Great excitement has been caused in
the vicinity of Paris, of Tex., Mr. J. by Corley, (be re
markable recovery E.
who was so helpless be could not turn
j n bed, or raise dying his head; everybody A
said he was of consumption.
trial bottle of Dr. King’s new discovery
was sent him. Finding relief, he bought
« 'ty
two boxes of the pills and.two bottles of .
Kktl Trial bottles 1 irar this great 11 ““ discovery r at “■ I
Positively the best oil the muf
ket for general use. For sale by
P, G. Tucker.
MONEY to be made. Cut this out and
return to us, and we will send
you free something of groat valud and im¬
portance to you, that will start yold in bnsi
uoss which will bringyou if. more money r'ght
away than anything else in this world, Aijy.
one can do the work and live at homo. Kith.
sex; all ages. Something new, that just eofe.R
money for all workers. Yv’e will start you .
capital hot needed. This is one of the genu ¬
ine, important chances of a lifetime. Those
who are ambitious and enterprising will not
delay. Grand outfit free. Address TitUK fc Co
Augusta, Mum. .
Office General Passenger Art
AUGUSTA GA. Feb. 1 fit I9&7
Tickets to Hillman, Ga.
Notice is hereby given that Tick¬
ets have been placed on sale at alt
regular stations on the line of the
Georgia, and Gainesville, Jefferson
and Southern Railroad to HILL
MAN, GA., * flag station on the
Washington Branch Parties de¬
siring to visit HILLMAN and go
to the “Electric Shaft,” can now
purchase Tickets to that poin,t di¬
rect, instead of stopping at Ray¬
town (Sharon), and taking private
conveyance from that point. The
Shaft is located just half mile from
Railway landing. Trains stop at
landing only when signalled, un¬
less passengers on board desire to
stop there.
General Passenger Agent.
Citation for Lottery of
Whereas T. J. Day, adinniLtvator and
trustee of Mrs. Elizabeth Lsey, re pie
sents to the court in his petition dnly^ has
filed and entered on record, that he
fully administered Mrs. Elizabeth Lacy’fJ
estate - This is, therefore, to cite all
persons cowrerred heirs and creditors
to .show cause, if anj - they can, w hy said
administrator and trustee should not be.
discharge from his administration and
trusteeship and receive letter > of dismis¬
sion on the first. Monday in April 1887 .
This the 3rd day of January 1887.
3m. 0. Seamans, Ordinary'
I have the largest and best as
sortment of spectacles ever brought
to Conyers. Ail prices from 25c
per pair up. Gold, silver and steel
frames, pebble, glasses. Prices’
twenty five to fifty per cent cheap¬
er than the same goods arc sold in
Dr. W. II. Lee.
If you wish to paint your your
house, waggon, buggy or furn^ure call
it will pay you largely to at
Dr. Lee’s drug store and get a sam¬
ple card of different colors and
prices of his ready mixed paints."
This paint is ready for use and
can be applied by any one whether
he be a painter or not Having
been mixed by machinery it is su¬
perior in finish and durability to
paint mixed by hand. It has been
sold to hundreds in this town and
county who will testify to its supe-’
rior quality.
GEORGIA Rockdale, Co:
To all whom it may concern,
All persons interested are hereby no
tilled that if no good cause be shown to
the contrary, an order will he Vranted
'by the Court of Ordinary, on the ?th day
of March 18.87, establishing a new Pub¬
lic Road, a- marked out by the eommis
sioners appointed for that purpose
commencing at McDaniel’s mills in saM
county and running a northeasterly di
rection through the land of W. H., J. Vf
and G. W. McDaniel and G. W. Gninn’s
land and to intersect a now contempla¬
ted road leading from Li th on in, at the
line of Rockdale and D^Kalh lines a 3 is
tance of ah tut three-fourths of a mile.
This Feb. 4 th 1887,
O. Seamans, Od’ny.
W. D. “leanrecommendElcctricPitteiS. Suit, druggist, Bippus,_Ind., J
as the very best remedy. Every bottle
sold has given relief in every case. One
man took six bottles, and was cured of
Rheumatism of 10 years^ standing.”
Abraham Hare, druggists, Bellvllle, Ohio,
affirms: “The best selling medicine I
luffe ever handled in my 20 years expo
r i e nce, is Electric Bitters." Thousands,
( ,f 0 fh e rs have added their testimoiiyf so
uver K:<ineygor Blood . 0n j y a h al f
■» ■* w =■■ »■’
b ortt-