Newspaper Page Text
ciwT^ VviiEKLY.
EBtf»!P ffiQT1W|^_P
jj '-A U \ K.'WALLK»-^ 25 I 1887.
McCaila, Oi ' Monroe, is
r p; H.
the ' city „; f v this week.
Ell* Downs of Monticello,
Hi* t
risiting in the city
II, P. Bryans, of Atlanta, was
the city Sunday.
p_ Treadwell, of Atlanta
Mr. S. k.
U in the eity this we Q
L, fruit l^ s !1ot yet Been mate
Lj«-«A Lb MrthqnAe, byte eld ««• savs tile
f of Fnday.
, raS frit in Monroe
, , Dr. Quigg win ...... Sun
p^vterian church next
r. returned
r T. A. Elliott has
visit to relatives in Monti
lio. making
>(r j. ft'. Langford is
valuable improvements on his
jidenee- off last
Jlr H. D. Terrell was
ek traveling in the interest
I plows. spent
Jr R. J. Carr, of Macon,
Allays this week with his
ts in this county.
Messrs. J- A. & J. D. Stewart
rington, were m town one day
s week.
\\'t noticed the Ccv. R. J.
m,of Covington, on our streets
e this week.
President Cleveland was 50 years
i last Friday. Hon. Chas. Beau
brd,Hudson Is only 40.
Rev. A. •). Goss will fill his regu
appointment at the Second Bap
kchurch next Sunday.
lissTma Johnson,a most charm
g young lady of Stephens, Ga., is
siting Miss Hattie Zarina.
ftreral, if not all, of the Conyers
Wiemled Newton Superior court
I*is in session this week.
lirWestley G. Thompson, the
Hitman of L.uvrenceville bear
p'ity, was in the city this week,
pke quarterly mass-meeting of
* Sunday schools will be held in
fMethodist lemooB. church next Sunday
piss Lula McCord, one of Con
p must lovely and entertaining
pin ladies is visiting in Atlanta
[3 week.
Kr.Jno’M. Overton has, we are
peel to say, veturwed to onr
ptyand home. will make Rockdale his
C4 Geo. P. Tilley desires us to
| orni bis friends that inspite of
pillinghe pier in will city. spend part of the
0- Seamans says that he
Bed more marriage license last
r bnn any one year since he
I*filled tne office of Ordinary.
®’ Anderson was in Cov
N one day this week. In this
lion fhe General has many old
trades who love him dearly.
W ; Cha *- W. White, who has
11 in the city for the past ten
", reeu perating, returned to
° 4water Alabama last Tuesday.
Atlanta is at present, in the
°| _
/ a great religious awaken
’ We do not honestlv believe
‘f ’tide. ' n11 injure the city J one
Mt Jno-Hollingsworth, H. P.
Almand &
: 4, • & Cos., handsome
is supporting a moustaerhe
a,t is 35 fine as silk and
«as as deli
aa avera ge spring chicken.
®«srs. & B. M. Almand
®°'i ka Riade many improve-
8ir ° iut€rior _ °f their store
'■ /bey Ti, have
now one of the
f degant and spacious store
0IBs in the country
^ Q. ty. anywhere.
i Murdock has moved
tiid' r °° m Xo ' 3 ’ will in the be
his in his
/Wkrn any time - Kcis a
and we hope the
Ave him a share of their
Aiabama slings are becoming
quite numerous, in our town. The
small boys who manipulate them
should remember that there is a
city ordinance prohibiting their
use. They are a very dangerous
General Finley, the United
States' Senator from Florida, is
seventy years old and the hero of
three wars. He is very pious, very
popular and a powerful stump
speaker. Tie is the originator of
twtf-ccnt letter postage.
We are indeed sorry to know
that Col. M. D. Irwin, of the Solid
South, has been confined to his
room a few days this week with
sickness. We sincerely trust that
our brother may be up and able to
resume his work very soon.
We are requested by the church
going People, and especially the la¬
dies, of Lower Mill street and vi¬
cinity, to ask the city council to
have the side walk on Glade street
put in order. It is in a wretched
condition, and is actually danger¬
ous for a person passing that way
at night.
Mr. J. R. McCord, on last Mon¬
day employed some hands to pull
down an old stable and buggy
house for IT. Y. McCord, to give
place for new ones, and during the
day captured and killed eighty
eight. rats and two mice, quite a
large number ol the rats were full
President Cleveland is warned by
one of Washington’s most eminent
physicians that unless he takes
more physical exercise there is
danger that he will not live out his
term. The amount of the presi¬
dents brain work is enormous while
his bodily exercise amounts to al¬
most nothing.
We are reliably informed that
the managers of the Georgia Rail¬
road have decided to build another
track from Decatur to Atlanta, and
run trains between these points
every hour in the day. The old
reliable Georgia, the non-accident
railroad of the South is ever alive
to the accommodation and conven¬
ience of its patrons. .
Genuine I). &. IT. Seoville cotton
hoes cheaper than any house in
Conyers at Cain’s,
Genuine Cuba rnolasres at Cain’s.
If. P. & I). -M. Almand <fc Co.
are too busy re-modeling and ren¬
ovating their store r^ora to write
locals this week. Everything is in
a rush getting ready for a grand
opening on Saturday. We are re¬
quested however to state that not¬
withstanding the- repairing going
on you can get all the goods you
want at low rates.
Cbus. Hudson, whose personal
appearance characterizes him as a
“crusher,” will be pleased to wait
upon his friends at any and all
ti terns.
Covington is boasting over one of
her merchants having made two
thousand dollars by the rise in cot¬
ton. Pshaw ! that’s nothing. There
is a Conyers merchant who right
now would refuse five thousand
dollars for his profits, and he still
holds on.
Hudson still retains his reputa¬
tion for selling the best shoes in
the market.
There will be a protracted meet¬
ing started at the First Baptist
church on Wednesday before the
second Sunday in April. Among
the visiting ministers who will be
present are the Revs. Hawthorne,
McDonald. Norcross and Straton.
We predict and hope for a big re¬
D. N. Hudson always keeps the
best selection ot dress goods in
Charley Reagan is thinking se¬
riously of starting the cultivation
of a mustache to be located on
the fertile up lands of his upper
It will pay you to drop in at
P. &, D. M. Almand & Co’s.,
to look at their elegant store room
if for nothing else.
We have turned out a large and
neat lot of job work in the last
days. , Don’t _ H forget . . the WE
office will do you good work
duplicate Atlanta prices.
€ im&y&t ss r
L e
May yet get
the Road
“The railroad boom having bust¬
our citizens have commenced
knuckling down to solid work and
to figure rightly on the getting of
the Georgia Carolina tfc Northern.
monroe’s meeting
The citizens of Monroe met at the
court-house, and upon motion Mr. C G.
Nowell was made chairman. A. J. Ar
nold was elected secretary. By reque-t
Gapt, Napier stated the object of the
meeeting—the building of a railroad from
Athens to Atlanta via. Monroe.
The following resolutions were otiered
by T H. Felker:
Be it resolved by tbe citizens of Mon¬
roe in mass meeting assembled.
I. That the citizens are united in their
desire to secure the Georgia Carolina and
Northern Railroad, and will give ; t their
support in every respect.
II. That the road running via Monroe
besides adding greatly to our county, will
build up ibis place, which will furnish
the road more freight and passengers
than any other place between Athens
and Atlanta.
III. That it is to the interest of the cit¬
izens oi this place to work to-gether for
the said R. R.. and we hereby appoint a
meeting for io o’clock, first Tuesday in
April next, which is to select a county
delegation to the mee’ing in Athens to
be held first Thursday in April next
IV Be it further resolved That everv
citizen of tbelcoiinty is requested to at
tend the meeting here on the first Tues¬
day in April.
The above resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted by the meeeting, and commit¬
tees to receive, entertain and care for the
surveyors; to show the surveyors the
route through the county; and to solicit
subscriptions were appointed.
many expressions of encouragement the
meeting .adjourned enthusiastically.
Evidently from the minutes,
Monroe’s people are working to¬
gether with the determination to get
the road. It v c mains, therefore,
tor us to hole! a meeting and co-op¬
erate with them, send a delegation
to Athens, and offer the induce¬
ments to get the yoiid anyway, To
do this we must wake up and goto
work at once with a vim. If we
lie idleinstead of going forward we
will retrograde. To sit down and
fold our arms means that we will
never get a railroad or anything
else that is worth having. Oppor¬
tunities like the one we now have
offered us del not come often, hence
if we would perform our parts seize as
wide awake citizens we must
upon them with avidity and puli
together with an eye single to the
good of Conyers and Rockdale.
The securing of the road depends
upon immediate action. We have
done all we can do. If we fail to
get this great prize, offered to our
county, the blame will be on other
shoulders than ours. When shall
we have our mass-meeting?
C 5 >- -
1000 different styles of hose.
150 (. U neckwear,
100 « gloves.
150 i: “ suspenders.
1000 “ handkerchiefs.
Gentlemen and ladies watch
chains by the hundred.
Fine jewelry of all kinds and
styles, cheap.
Hundreds of bright and bcauti
ful dress goods.
Shoes for the million.
Call and examine their goods
They have just been received and
they guarantee prices. Come at
Messrs. Schaffer and Watson,
representing ° a first class Lightning
IlodCo, T , j are now in nllr our countv m ,. n | V
and rods erected by them am pe.
feet and can be relied upon in every
respect. They have already
rods up for some of the best citi
zens in town and ail are well
pleased with the mannerin which
t } ie ro ds are erected and the male
r jal used. They handle the latest
improved rods ind ornaments.
VVjien you want to get fitted up
in clothing go to D. N. Hudson’s
It is important that the citizens
hold a mass-meeting with refer¬
ence to the building of the Geor¬
gia Midland, and Geo'gia Caroli¬
na and Northern railroads to this,
The “fact mail” made his last
trip to Covington yesterday.
Disagreeable weather
Corn planting lias been com¬
menced in earnest.
The wheat and oat crop seem to
have chills.
Mr. Summers Freeman and lady
visited Dovaville this week.
The farmers of this community
are requested to meet at Shady
Bale academy next Saturday even¬
ing for the purpose of organizing
an agricultural club. Come out
We are glad to note the recovery
of Miss Della Stanton from a se¬
vere attack of pneumonia fever.
A light snow fell in Henry coun
ty last Friday.
Mr, Jno. Crowel is very sick this
We are sorry to know that Mr.
Jas. T. Stansell is seriously ill this
We visited County Line last Sun¬
day—had a big time—saw lots of
pretty girls—heard some good
preaching, and came home feeling
good. Dixie.
Well this week has come and
found us through planting corn.
The Cut-off was visited by a big
frost last Sunday night.
News is.“scarce as lien’s teeth”
in our neighborhood this week.
We saw something last Sunday
that we took for De Haven’s sacred
'cow, but upon closer examination
it proved to be our own Henry
Grenade with his moustache cut
Our girl has the measles and we
have got the longest face and the
stay-at-homest countenance you
ever saw.
More next time Josrr.
Geop.gii Rockd.u.k Count?:
Whereas T, Swann administrator
of T. I), Swann, deceased, represents to
the court, in bis petition duly filed and
entered on records, th it ho has fully a 1
ministered T, D, Swann’s estate. This
is therefore to cite all persons concerned,
heirs and creditors to show cause, if any
they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administra
lion and receive letter* of dismission <>n
the first Monday in July 1887. This
March, 28 , 1887.
O. Se AM a ns, Ord inury,
Parties'jhaving demands against
the estate of Charles Hudson de¬
ceased, will present them in terms
of the law. Parties indebted, will
make immediate payment to me,
D. N. Hudson, Ad’mr.
Conyer s, Feb.25, 1887.
Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, Bl.,
if.yg; “Having i-ceived so much benefit
from Electsic Bitters, I feel it my duty
to let suffering humanity know it. Have
had a running sore on my leg for eight
years’, my doctors told me I would have
to have the bor.e scraped or leg amputat¬ of
ed. I used, instead, three bottles
Electric Bitters and se-en boxes Bucklen’s
Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound
ind well. ”
Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a
bottle, and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve at 25 c
per box at Dr. W. H. Lee'* Drug Store.
For the use of man 01 woman
The most useful article evej invent¬
ed. Price $1. Put up in neat box
with full directions. •
M E. A. Co., P. O. Box, 1093 N
Y. City.
D. A. Bradford, wholesale papei
dealer of Chattanooga, Tena., writes,
that he was seriously i afilicted with a se
vere cold that gettI 0 n his lungs; had
, r ; C( y many remedies without benefit,
induced to try Dr. King’s New
Discovery for Consumption, of did few so and bottles, was
entirely cured by use has used a it ha
Sim* whichi thne he in
auiis wjaose Jives have been saved by this
Wonderful Discovery. Trial bottles free
£ Dr. W. iL Lee's Drug Store.
This Favorite Album of Somrs and Rallads,
containinsr thiriy-two pieces of choice and
popular music, full sheet music sizo, \
complete words acid music and piano aecotn- ;
pnniiaentia finely printed upon heavy paper
with it very attractive cover. The following
arc the titles of the souks and ballads contain¬
ed in the Favorite Album:—As I’d nothing
Else to I>o; The Dear Old Songs of Homo;
Mother, Watch tbe little feet; Oh, Ton Pret¬
ty Blue-eyed Witch: Blue lEyes; Katy's Bet¬
ter; The Passing Boll; I Paw Esau Kissing
Kate; Won’t You Toll Mo Why, Kohin: Tiio
Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving
Lindens O’adcdT.eavesrAli Among the Sum
liter Hoses; Touch the Harp Gently. Mv pret
t,v Louise: I really don't thihk 1 shall Marry;
Dreaming,of Home; The, old Cottage Clock;
Across tb<- Sea; A Year Ago; Bachelor’s Hall;
Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year
Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn
Gate; Jack’s Farewell: Polly. Whisper in th.
Twilight, This is a very flno collection of real
vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome
style. Published in tbe usual way and bought
rtt a music store, these 32 pieces would cost
you $ 11 . 20 . We bouarVt a job lot of this music
at irretit sacrifice .aid ns the holidays arc past,
we desire to close out our stock at once.
Will somi you the entire collection well
wrapped and postpaid for only [lets. Send
immediately. Address
Ttie finest art work amonpr ladies is known
as the “French Craze,” for decorating chins,
glassware, etc. It is something entirely now,
and is both profitable and fascinating. It is
very popular in New York, Boston and other
Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn
the Art, we will find an elegant china plaoqne
(size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated, for n
model, toy ether with hex <-f material, HI col¬
ored designs assorted in flowers, (intrants, sol¬
diers. land-scapes, etc . cnmnlete with full in
strneitions. upon receipt of only *1 00. The
plaeque alone is worth, mot■ than the amount
charged. To every lady ordering this outfit
Who encloses the address of five other Indies
interested in Art matters, to whom we can
mail our new catalotrueof Art Goods, we will
enclose extra and without charge, n beautiful
DO inch, gold-tinted plaeque.
Address, The EMPIRE NEWS CO.,
Syracuse, N. Y.
YOU ean live at home, and mnko more
money at work for us, than at any
thing'else in this world. Capital not needed;
you are staeted free. Both sexes; all ages.
Anyone can do the work. Large earnings
sure from first start. Costhv outfit and terms
free- Better not delay Costs you nothing to
send us your address and find out: if you are
wise you will do so atoneo- H. H.ii.ry.Tr & Co.
Portland, Maine.
\ weight smoking tobacco acts
at U. F. Harper & Pro's. Try it.
jQl card.
To all wlio aro suffering from tho errors and
juliscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early
aecay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a roe!;
that will euro you,FREE OF < HARGIS. Th!sgre«
remedy was discovered by a missionary In ,fcou.
America. Fond a solf-addrossod envelope totUt
Rev. T. Inman, station Neto Yt .k c
Citation for Leiier-, «
GEORGIA Rook da i.E Gun,-; >
Wlierea k T. J. I>,iy, a<L >ici !":L i a.
trustee of vlrs. Kliz.fieth L ’Cv, r"jc
sent* to the court in I,is petition (.!■,
filed and entered on record that ire hk
fully administered .Mrs. Elizabeth L hi’
estate’ This is, thi refers, p> cite
persons concerned heirs and cmditi
to shew chiis", if any they ean, v.h" sa.
administrator and trustee should not 1.
discharge from his administration aw
trn8(«rk,liip and receive letters of di-r;:’
sioti on the first Monday in April !£37
Tin's the 3rd dav of January 1887.
3m. O. Seamans. Ordinary.
Parties wishing to purehabo Fer
tilizers should call on me ;. J' .. ■
buying. I sell the
]>T airassa G a • n i
ar i Acid. It needs no reco
dation. The best Farme; s
use it and propou’-^o i' fird- -■
Hi i>: imretY;
m T«'i v
W-™ JZ V/j §
a & $ '^
'* a i u / ti
IlSSfl smI m M 3
S If i
Ill*] Ml
■ ’.ret 1 pjjpMI
T\i! 1- P) M ' I tr 1 V 1 tf> retie lv t« Oi ft'id : tiu.s will 'Hit ui<t
j ii tis. vn
you free sometbitnr of Brent value and ua
!' ""t seca t<* you the. will st'irt you in bnsj
ness which will bringyo" tr mor* mono- rl#ht
nway than anything else in tfcis world, Any
one can do the work ami li re at homo. Eitjrei
sex; all iwes. Somotliiutt new, that jugt coins
money for all -workers. We will start you;
capital hot needed. This is one ofrho (reun¬
ion, important chances of a lifetime. Those
who are ambitious and outerprisinif will not
delay. Grand outfit free, Addrere Tuck & Co.
Auiri. -ta. Main.
A t> D C* D ^ HO PI
iJnliU- * " ^ i i V I 1
_ _ ___ __
1JX£Sj A A YjLOlT,
When you want any
wA’plr ^ DlrZ iri 111 a y % T>otm fT
line call on Ike.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world
Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail
Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Riles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfacation, or money refunded.
Price 2d cents per box. For sale
by Dr. \Y. IF. Lee.
I have the largest and best as¬
sortment of specta c cs tier bilight
:o Conyers. All prices from 25n
per pair up. Gold, silver and steel
frames, pebble glasses. Prices
twenty five to fifty per cent cheap¬
er than the same goods arc Boldin
Du. W. II. Lee.
r\ tfv universal no material simplicity M
K a-H qj £ - that
CTOS r;> 1 Prises. m%m
XLD balanced hest
for novelty, p.sid
1886. XI C C.1 market the
II to so of Catclogr©
. Ts2l. | anu JIade for 00.,
IS 2 the equal
1 FEB. 2 cart ©a rider, horso. bo for CAKT
w T'U. =a El s’, fa | a any easy the upon Sift* It Write KALAMAZOO
■M | ] PA PQ s-a S 1 by Unsurpassed perfectly comes it* parts. LarubilitY.
«PC« u A weight
i o all
carJMi t- r : i and
; re in
JK/iSi IkatSS