Newspaper Page Text
,sU>V \\ fillK 15 •
published MORNING
jjf]fWALLl Sl 1887.
fpS, G A APR- lst -
j^alYtemsT ”
W tict »,
r bCw the blizzard of
; *■»
[j vegetables- Sunday at the
ping next Dr. J- L
is t church , By
Lather °f Monday did not
L much like pic-mcing.
f l Bob t Fowler and Joe in
of Covington, were
Way- Ljvia of Smyr
Swann, one
L a nd Mrs J- - ■ Bosser
it is making
AT Lovements jjs, I. Coleman his place,
iuthwest Georgia large num
Milli. If young melon vines Were
for ■jy the cold.
| s ‘ 0 . Guinn, the of city. Covington,
■Sunday in
Lonie Brisendine, an indus
jvoung farmer of this . county,
harried last Wednesday to
Eliza Ozburn, of near Atlanta.
* ail L the young couple a life of
[happiness and prosperity,
are sorry to hear of the se
jH„e S s of Sheriff Austin’s lit
In, L Tommie.
Oxford boys passed through
L Tuesday, and we are glad
|ydeported themselves as per
[gentlemen. [ that Unlike have hitherto several
[dour classes
town, the present sen¬
ilis a handsome, intelligent
well behaved body of young
>ports from most sections of
joimty tell ns that the fruit
is badly injured if not totally
■a!.J. Pierce has opened up a
■ class general merchandise
Hmi Decatur Street, at the old
■ell stand. He says he in
■ to sell goods cheap and will
■lad to see his friends any time.
Ir. B, I). Crossley has purchased
[entire [per stock of goods of U. F.
k Bro. and will run a “spot
I” store. He will keep a fresh
Ik of dry goods and groceries
[ays on hand. M’c wish Davis
■Then you wish goods cheap call
■A. .J. Pierce.
Bingham plaid, at 8Ac per vard.
Bo pretty line of Chambrays,
Brsuckers, lawns, nainsook and
fc new style dress goods at
ImrtL’ McCalla’s.
■Miss Nannie Wallis has returned
inn a visit to friends and rela
■cs in Rutledge.
|A. |°und J. to Pierce invites him. all his friends
see He proposes
I sell goods cheap. Remember
|e place—the Mayfield corner.
[After |th relatives a pleasant stay Rutledge, of a week
in Miss
r®ie Scott returned to her home
P this county last Friday.
|Hne line of ladies custom made
P oe s, common sense and opera,
Non and lace at Stewart & Me¬
Mr, Joseph Goode, one of
'ost our
popular young gentlemen,
ill com menee work with H. P. &
• M. Al niand & Co. this morning
U ei s a capital fell ow.
I RV Hudson proposes to see
H' chea P he can sell goods this
I a5011 ’ Call and see him.
.hast Tuesday afternoou at 4
bf - e phenson, °fk at the Miss residence of Mr. J. C.
jammed Hope Thrasher
to Mr. B. E. McDonald.
MisUf 87 Dr ' ^ uigg officiated,
«**.**. and oh °Y aS a ^ ady of refin ement
hu nosupe
Mr ’ M ° D0n -
fanner- A the most sub stantial
Smarted lddle Georgia ine
wishes. C0U Pfe have our best
U-afQQ ^member that H. P. M
ftockof k are receivii . ;
spring . goods. OQ P a is
H. P. & D. M. Ainiand & Co.
have opened up a large stock of
spring hats.
Another lot of Shoe samples
from the factory we traVel for, at
half prices at Stewart & McCalla’s.
Notice is hereby given that a bill
will be introduced at the adjourned
session of the legislature in July
next entitled, “An act to charter
tne Long Shoals and Rockland
Railroad Company,” define its
powers and privileges and for other
Conyers, Ga., March 30 1887.
Buggies for cash and on time
with good notes at Stewart & Mc¬
Valises and satchels, towels, nap¬
kins and table clothes, stvlish and
cheap at Stewart & McCalla’s
As usual, the mass meeting last
Sunday was a most interesting ser¬
vice. The Methodist church was
filled to its uttermost, and a spirit
of perfect harmony and Christian
unity prevailed. The music was
excellent and the talks made by
Capt. Zachry, Dr. Quigg, Mr. W. E,
McCalla and Col. J. C. Barton were
both interesting and instructive.
The following delegates were elect¬
ed to represent the Sunday schools
of the town at the State Sunday
School Convention; W. E. Mc
Ca.lla, D. M. Almand, J. D. Win
burn and R. J. Guinn. The Con¬
vention meets in Americus, Ga.,
sometime during the spring.
Several nice overcoats unsold.can
now be bought at cost. Also un¬
derwear same way at SiewaH &
Alexander kid gloves at
Also fine hook kid gloves and
Also pretty lisle hose at 10 to
all colors for ladies and children
Stewart & McCalla’s.
Box soap with 3 cakes for 10c
Stewart & McCalla’s.
Col. J, N. Glenn is off this
on a pleasure trip through
Mrs. Shaddox, mother of Mr.
Cook Shaddox, an aged and.
spected lady, died Wednesday
Covington. Her’ remains
brought here and interred in
dale cemetery yesterday
We are sorry to know that Mr.
T. J. Deal lias been quite sick this
Misses Cano and Carrie Marbut
are visitsng in Atlanta this week.
Air. S. D. Night has the
patch of wheat we have seen
Clothing of all grades and sizes
at D. N. Hudson’s.
Absolutely the prettiest gentle¬
mens neck wear will be found
D. N. Hudson’s . Go and see
fore buying.
Since “Scooter” left Frank Smith
looks somewhat lonely.
Mr. C. Hamby, of Cobb county
and Miss Mollie Preston, of this
county, were married yesterday in
Lorraine district. Esq, Frank
Cook officiated.
Mr. J. K. Stewart though young
and small is one of the best book
keepers in our town.
Colonel Thomas E. Broadnax
attended court in Covington this
Judge Geo. W. Gleaton attended
court in Decatur this week.
Politics being at a low ebb. the
summer promises to be rather dull.
Col. George P. Tilley’s lectures will
liven things up a little however.
Parties desiring weeding hoes,
brooms, farming implements
any kind will do well to call on H,
P. & D. M. Almand <fc Co.
Remember that H. P. & D, M.
Almand & Co. have a fresh stock
of meal, flour, meat, syrup, Cuba
molasses, just received.
For furniture, chairs etc., call on
H. P. D. M. Almand & Co.
Mr. Joseph Goode will be in the
employ of H. P. & D. M. Almand &
Co. after April 1st where he will be
pleased to have his many friends
call on him.
Dr L. A. Lee was able to be
down town one day this week after
a severe tussle with a fine large
case of mumps.
Prof. Jus. i. caloiuuit visited in
Atlanta this week.
Mr. Ike Sheppard, of the fast
train, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. John McCollum spent last
Sunday in the city.
Mumps are quite prevalent in
the county at present.
Mr. J. K. Smith, of this place,
but at present a student at David¬
son College, is we learn, confined
to his room with a case of measles.
The editor of the Weekly ex¬
pects soon to make a trip over the
entire county, see everybody in it
—write up his trip and thus give to
the world as best he can, a pen
picture of Rockdale, her citizens
and what is being done within her
The loss to truck farmers in Sa¬
vannah and Charleston by the re¬
cent cold snaps is said to have been
very large.
The remains of Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Hollingsworth’s infant child,
which died Wednesday in Rut¬
ledge, were brought here yesterday
and interred.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Stovall,
Atlanta, visited in the city this
While the ground is in order we
would suggest that some work
done on some of our
You may now plant your
without fear of having early
tables killed by the cold.
Mr. D. M. Almand asks us to
thank the string band for their
lent music at his house last Satur¬
day night. He says that he
“transported by the sweet
of music from things earthly to
things celestial.”
Closes after a Successful ITerm
Five Months.
Last Friday the school at
na, which for the past five
has been under tho skillful
ment of Prof, Jas. I.
closed with very inieresting
tortaining exercises.
The forenoon was occupied
the examination of the
which was entirely satisfactory
reflected great credit upon
teacher and pupils.
During the entire tor in the school
has been well attended,
at one time about eighty
Such a showing speaks well
community and for the energy
perseverence of the young
The afternoon was devoted
recitations and declamations
the delivery of the prizes
for spelling. Prof. Coleman
ered the prizes to the
contestants. The first prize
awarded to Miss Jennie
the second to Johnie Waldrop,
third to Miss Ora Bohanan, all
the above prizes were gold badges
elegantly designed and beautifully
engraved. A prize of a silver
lar was awarded to Miss
Clotfelter, and a book each to Ear¬
nest walker and Minnie Hollings¬
The recitations and
tions were well rendered. "We are
sorry that , , a want . of „ space prevents ,
us giving all and in detail the men
tion that each and every one so
justly merits.
After the speaking w. were in
troduced to deliver the annual ad
dress. Upon this point we can
1? »y it«•**>* «ytw»t t
the pleasure and entertainment
the occasin, or impressed one sin
gle good thought whereby some boy
or girl will be encouraged and ben¬
efited we are only too proud of our
effort. In this connection we must
return our thanks to the Solid
South for the high compliment
paid us last week.
Concluding the exercises Prof.
Coleman made one of his charac
teristic speeches, which of course
was brim-full of good thoughts are
The entire exercises were well at
tended by an audience for
and , appreciation . . Smyrna
tion as
alone can give.
The sociable . , , at , mgut . , ,
was a
enjoyable affair,
L)x. x'. ii. ii.uOa.iid .s in luo city
this Week.
Remember that the Weekly will
be issued on Wednesday from this
time forth.
Mr. Billie Harden visited Mr.
John Scott last Sunday.
Dr. J. P. Rosser was riding
around in this vicinity last Sun¬
day looking after some of his pa¬
Messrs. John Parker and Walter
Cornwell hitched their horses at
the cross roads last Sunday. That’s
right boys get near the cross.
Gussie Veal is supporting a
handsome mustache.
Mr. Jno. Ilardin and lady visited
Mr. Jno. Burns, of Newton county,
last Sunday.
Mr. Wardie Ogletree and lady
visited his grandfather near here
last Sunday.
Mrs. J. H. Parker is quite ill this
The martins have made their ap¬
Misses Eugene and Abbey Dark¬
ness are visiting Miss Cora Penn.
Miss Ellen Oglesby is teaching
school at the Gasett schojol house
in Newton county and has a fine
school. Miss Ellen is an excellent
Distributing guano now com¬
mands the attention of our farm¬
The fruit crop was badly injured
by the late freeze.
With the next issue of the Week¬
ly our publication day will be
changed from Friday morning to
Wednesday morning Therefore
the next issue of the Weekly will
be on Wednesday April the 6th.
We deem this change advisable,
since in towns where there ar:
two Weekly papers we think it bet
ter for the patrons of each as well
as the community in general to
| have them issued as far apart
possible, thus giving the news
regular intervals during the week
ciTATion rsa lettsss of
Georgia Sockdalk County:
Whereas T, 0 . Swann administrot-..
of T. D, Swann, deceased, represents t
the eouit in his petition duly filed a;>d
entered on records, that. heha 3 failya l
ministered T, D. Swann’s estate.
is therefore to cite all persons concerned,
heirs and creditors to show cause, if any
they can, why said administrator shout i
not be discharged from bis cdaunisira
tion and receive letters of dismission or.
the first Monday in July 1887. This
March, 28 , IS87.
O. Seamans, Ordinary.
Parties"having demands against
the estate of Charles Hudson de¬
ceased, will present them in terms
of the law. Parties indebted, will
make immediate payment to me,
D. N. Hudson, Ad’mr.
Conver s, Feb.25, 1387.
Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, ply
ing between Atlantic City and N. that Y„
! had been troubled with a cough so
he was unable to sleep, and was induced
to try Dr. King’s New- Discovery for Con
sumption. It not only gave him instant
j ] y affected and a single dose had tfc,
same happy effect. Dr. King’s Nev
schooner. Free trial bottles of his stand
ar< l remedy at Dr. W. H. Lee’s Drug
For the use of man 01 Worn a'
The most useful article ever invent
ed. Price $1. Put up in neat bo;
with full directions.
M. E. A. Co., P. O. Box, 1993. N
V. City.
Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave,
Ky., says he was for many years badly
afflicted with Phthisic, also diabetes;
the pains were almost unendurable and
would sometimes almost throw him into
convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters
“d got relief from first bottle, and after
taking six bottles was entirely cured and he
bad g;iilied j n flesh 18 lbs. Says
poistively believes he would have died
had it not been for the relief afforded by
Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 cents a bot
btlc, at Dr. W. H. Lee’* Drug Store.
Tins Fttvoiive Album of Songs and Bulbuls, I
thirly-two pieces of choice and
miisi..', full sheet music size, w,th j
words and music and piano acoom- j
finely printed upon heavy paper i
a very attractive cover. The following
the titles of the songs and ballads contain¬
in the Favorite Album:—As I’d nothing
Else to I)o; The Dear Old Songs of Home;
Mother, Watch the Little feet; Oh, You Pret¬
Blue-eyed Witch; Blue JF,yes; Katy’s Let¬
The Passing- Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing
Kate; Won’t You Tell Mo Why, 1.1 obin; The
Old Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving
Lindens;FadPd"Ler,ves; Ali Among the Sum¬
mer Boses; Touch the Harp Gently, My pret¬
ty Louise; I really don’t thihk I shall Marry;
Dreamintr’of Home; The old Cottage Clock;
Across the Rea; A Year Ago; Bachelor’s Hall;
Buth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year
A»o; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn
Gate; Jack’s Farewell: Polly; Whisper in tho
Twilight, This is a very fine collection of real
vocal gems, and gotten up in very handsome
style. Published in the usual way and bought
at a music store, these IS pieces would cost
you $11.20. We bought, a job,lot of this music
at great sacrifice .,nd as the holidays are past,
we desire to close out our stock at once.
Will send you the entire collection well
wrapped and postpaid for only -filets. Send
immediately. Address
Toe latest art work among- ladies is known
the “French Craze,” for deco ratio «r china*
glassware, etc. It is somethin,sr entirely new,
and is both profitable and fascinating. It is
very popular in New York, Boston and other
Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn
the Art, we will find an elegant china placque
(size 18 inches,) handsomely decorated, for a
mode),!together with box of material, 100 col¬
ored designs assorted in flowers, animals, sol¬
diers, land-scapes, etc., complete with full in¬
structions, upon receipt of only PI.00. The
placque alone is worth more than tho amount
charged. To every lady ordering this outfit
who encloses the address of five other ladies
interested in Art matters, to whom we van
mail our new catalogue of Art Goods, we will
enclose extra and without charge, a beautiful
•JO inch, gold-tinted placque.
Address, The EMPIRE NEWS CO.,
Syracuse, N. Y.
YOU can money live at at work home, for and us, than mnlte at more any
thing else in this world. Capital not needed;
you are staeted free. Both sexes; all ages.
Anyone can do the work. Larjro earning®
sure from first start. Costlw outfit and terms
free- Better not delay- Costs you nothing to
send us your address and find out: if you are
wise you will do so at once- II, & Co.
Portland. Maine.
T weight smoking tobacco 5cts
at U. F. Harper & BrO’s. Try it.
To all who are sufforicg from tho errors an '
indiacrotioiia of youth, nervoua weakness, ear!;.
flecay, lossof manhood, &e., I will send a reel, <
that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This grin
remedy was discovered by a missionary in bon :
\snerica, f eud a tielf-addressod envelope to tV
REV. Joseph T. INDIAN, Station D, New York C.-ty
Citation for Letters of
GEORGIA Rocxdalk Coe:.
Whereas T. J. I>uy, admiui-t utor a
trustee of Mrs. Elizabeth Lacy, re;.-.
sent ? (a the court in him petition ib.-i
filed and entered on record that L
fully administered Mrs. Klizubetb L
estate- This is, therefore, to cite <
persons concerned heirs am creU
to allow cause, if any they can, wh;
administrator and trustee should not t
discharge from his admihistmlion
trusterthip'and receive itiier of di-:;i
sion on the firs’ Monday in April 1887
This the 31 d dev of January 1887.
8tn. O. SEaMaNh, Ordinal y
Parties wishing to F>-.
tiiizers should call on me L» f
buying. I sell the
INTairassa Ghiaxit
ir.J Acid. It needs no reeom;-.
dalien. The best Fanner?, her
use it and pronounce it firet-clasi
j. p. til ,r.
“vaihiSf ^UnKPffl
m m
F 75
tes?! wmti&bx \
' ’ • K' *■ .> *. .iJM'
i Ml
iVl u j , Y !*KU ■ it ;6 HA. C.
yon 'n •> soractE S»-tMU YUMO fli
ym1,thHt. will t y»<u in i.»nsN
w--s whi«#i wili hr'.nvr you in ■mro tuwi.e.v rip-G
away than anything elp< in Oiir world. At
one can do the work arid ii oat home, billin',
sex; all ag-es. Some!hip^’;ie,v, that, just coins
money for nil workers. \V- will start, you. 1
capital hot needed. This is or.r- of the gam¬
ine, important chances of a lifetime. Thoab
who are ambitious and cid :rrprising will noi
delay. Grand outfit free, Address Tats & 0
Align s', a, Main.
When yon want any
work in the harboring
line cs.ll on Ike.
Buckle it’; v Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail
Nun Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect sat
or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Dr. W. H. Lee.
, 8
..... (TYf Jn V k ;!/
I have tiie largest junl best' as¬
sortment of specta
to Conyers. All prices from 25c
per pair lip. Gold, silver and steel
frames, pebble -glasses. Prices
twenty five to fifty per cent cheap¬
er than the same goods sicsohbn
Dn. W. II. Lee.
‘ /,\- /,_, : V‘ “,5- /_\ . ‘ @233 - 3.321 kg “flfiiflfia
,/ \ f K ‘M x: _________. m.
’\ / \ r "-31% 3 ' :sz
\~ ., x : ; , ,v «o g~% 1 ‘~\. r~ Y7}: , -«§i _ r “mg; _: mzffifim‘sfigfiaw 55%; i. PA 7’0- ”‘9' " .-.,.wr-.~«v— ”’58 _ v,“
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/ 1,. ' \‘ ‘Nfl’ ‘ .
,/ , g “x , ‘ \ ‘ - ' Tho ' Favorite of Farmers, "framers I and h‘” ‘ f" serum :1 ‘ l '
,..1" 2/ ,
. ,
’ x .3, \\ ‘ ' ‘ , 1" ' tnmrpassed by "y ca rt on the market for univerflaz. -
. \ ‘ " ‘ A perfectly “8’11“": me» and balanced tha‘
- . . /‘ us“. so n°
‘7 ~ , :- ;-:.. N», v ‘ 1*” . A weigh‘ comes upon the 3M9 13me be.t mflte‘riil
M‘.\\‘ V, . \ ??%;m -_ . in anddumbuity. .n its puts. It Write h" n; 131%“ 1 for novelty. and Prices. Simpl‘cny
> 1'
‘- ‘1‘“ A ‘ - , ' l ‘