Newspaper Page Text
Have opened a new and large stock of goods at their old stand on
Commerce and Railroad streets
And invite everybody to come and look at their goods and prices—
comprising BARGAINS IN •. Shoes and Hats bought from factories*
Jeans and Casimeres, Dress goods Bleaching, Sheeting, Shirting, Checks*
Flannels, Clothing, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Notions of all kinds, Button 8
and Threads to match Dress goods. Trunks, Valices, Satchels.
We will allow no one to sell under our prices, so it ’will pay you to
give us a look.
OUR TRIUMPH SHOES for men are the NICEST and BEST for
the money that can be found anywhere. A FINE HAND SEWED
SHOE for $4.50 which soils everywhere for $5.00, Then all cheape 1
grades of Solid Shoes down to 50c a pair.
Sugary Coffee, Flour f Oat Meal f Syrup,
Salt, Bran etc,
Heavy bagging at 7$cta. per yard.
BuggieB Single Seat and Buggies Double Seat, At LOW Prices,
Columbus & Cincinnati make.
Conyers — Georgia.
Fresh Line of Drugs and Fancy Goods just received, and will from
this date be kept constantly on hand. All kinds of DRUGS, MEDI¬
And in fact every thing to be found in a
First Class DRUG STORE. My terms are
And on this account I can offord to sell my goods low, in fact
An all prescriptions sent to me will be promptly and carefully
1 Sell The Famous A. Q. C.
Conceeded to be the best blood purifier known to the science’
When you want any thing in my line call on
n 0 NYERS, I
Herod Rather than Solomon.
"Do you believe ’’’ in the Use of the rod,
my dear Professor? asked a lady whose
children were making life a burden to all
the guests in the hotel.
■‘in some cases, madame; but there are
others,” glancing at her gamboling dar¬
lings, "where I prefer the revolver, ’
November, 1880, Thomas Torney, S<ott De¬
pot, Putnam Co., W. Va., wrote: “In bed wilh
eciatlca, am using St. Jacobs OiL” Oct. 2.5th,
1886, lie writes: “Three rubbings with it got me
out and cuted me. No return.”
Employer—“You In never complained 6t your
waives before. fact, you never fi&d any
cause for complaint. I have ai tVays paid you
enough to support your fffiaily respectably
and lay up some beside. ’ Workman—“Very
true; but you forgot my lodge expenses.”—
“We have used Red Star Cough Cure,”
write the sister., of ti e Notre Dame, Govans
tcwn. Ml., tor the cAire of coughs, oppression
of the chest aftl fore throat." Price twenty
five cent* a hittle.
"There’s a great deal of talk,’’ observes Mr.
•leamf's Yellowplfisb-, 'in his unpublished Jour¬
nal, “about the v O d masters.’ Now, why, in
the name Of goodness, and common sense,
don’t Somebody tell us about the old ser
“Over and Over Again."
impress Repetition truth is sometimes the only Accordingly war to
a upon the mind.
take notice that Dr. Pierce’s “Pleasant Purga¬
tive Peaets,” (the orig nal Little Liver Pills)
continue to be wonderfully effective in sick
and tion, nervous blood headach-, constipation,indiges¬
rush of to the head, cold extre mi¬
ties, and a 1 ailments arioin - from obstruction
of tne bodiiy functions. The t action is thor¬
ough yet gentle, and tne ingredients being en¬
tirely vegetable, thev can be taken with im¬
punity in o the most delicate stomach. All
To none is life so sweet as to those who
have lost all feartodle.—George Wilson.
^The Wcnksr Sex
Are immensely strengthen©! by tb© use of Dr.
K. V. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription,” which
Cures all f male derangements, and gives ton©
to the system, SoM by druggists.
Nothing the Will dissipate true love more quick¬
ly tuah smell of boiling cabbage.
Chronic Congh* throat and bolds,
And all diseases of the and Lungs, can
be cured by the use of Scott’s Emulsion, as It
conta ns thfi healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil
beautiful and Ilypophosphites in i heir fullest form. Isa
creamy Emulsion, palatable as milk,
easily digested, and can be taken by the most
delicate. Please read: “I consider Scott’s
Emulsion the remedy par excellence in Tu»
bcrculous and Strumous Affections, to Bay
nothing of ordinary colds and throat troubles."
—W. R. S. Connell, M. D., Manchester. O.
The best weather for haymaking-When
it rains pitchforks.
When everything else fails. Dr. Sage’s Ca¬
tarrh Remedy cures.
Remember jour honor, which raises you
above fortune 1 and above kings.
If you have numbness in arms and limbs,heart
skips beats, and thumps or flutters, or von are
nervous Dr. Kilmer’s irritable—in danger of shock—
Ocean-Weed regulates, relieves,
corrects and cures.
Those in want of paying employment,
should read the advertisment headed ‘’Agents
wanted” in another column.
Dnnghtew, WIV6I and Mothers.
Send for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free.
securely seated. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica, N.Y
if afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thornp
son’ti Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c per bottle
The best cough medicine is Piso's Cure for
Consumption. So <1 e very where. 25c.
ely’s BALM- data b r
thaveusedtwo bot- g (’OLE
tie* of Ely's Cream lN
Halm and consider BBy, (fA
myself cured. I suf- fHAYTfVER
fered 20 years from f “y LyS I
catarrh, and catarrh¬
al headache and this
is (he first remedy
that relief.-J). afforded T. Biggin- lasting 1/Sf TO & U.SA.
son, Chicago, 145 Latte Id. Street, HAY-FEVER
f-o A partial© Pries U 60 applied ots. by into mail each noeitril druggists. and ia agreeable Send
nrcular. tree. ELY or at for
BROTHERS, Druggist®, Owego, N.Y.
B #(CapcinEJ© 3
Highest Awards ef Hedal* In Europe and America.
The neatest, guickest, safest an i most powerful
remedy Lumbago, known for Rheumatism, Pleurisy, in Neuralgia,
Backache. Weakness, cold tbe chest
and all aches and pains. Endorsed by 5,000 Physi¬
cians and Druggist® of the highest repute. Benson’•
Plasters promptly relieve and cure where other
plasters absolutely and greaey useless. salves, liniments and lotion®,
are sounding Beware of Imitations under
Rim lar names, such as ' Capsicum,” ‘‘Oap
ucln.’* 4 ••Capsielne,” deceive. as they are utterly worthies®
an Intended to Ask for Bkksom’s aHd
TAKK NO OTHERS. All drtlgglstS.
SGABTJBY & JOHNSON. GroDrletors. New York.
DR. KILMER’S One of every five we
meet has some form of
Heart Disease, and is in con¬
stant danger of Apoplexy,
Shock or Sudden Death 1
1 HEART m neves, lieves, This corrects corret kemedy end iraulates, cure*. re¬
f tyPrepared IW Prepared at Pr. Kilmer*
6 for. dispensary. letters of inquiry Binghamton, answered. N. Y
$1.0° $5. . {,„ 00 Guide 6old to Health by Druggists. (Sent Free).
Interesting Illustrated Price List of improved
HIVES, and everyth ns needed in Profitable Bee
Culture, FREE. Nothing Patented.
TEltBT A*k SHOW for Illustrated ASE CO., Pamphlet. N’aehfllie.
C Tenn
SjcoL^BUs &. FARM WA60NS »» tin flat yw
Tb® cheapest iNider out and ihs
i kind that con be®t
n«d to old wmgonm.
A' x . an warmn&od.
i . mailed free,
St rat Aehil* So.
Columki*. Okie
Barters Bnuiok Howe, II«cenUtn,
flap ta *S»d»y. sasnptM worth *Lja r»*S
Uses not under the home’, tent Addrem
toUKSr«TKR**SA.r«tTT HK»> HOLOK&, Holt T.Miah
PATENTS SSSSi- Guido. Send itaiup L. E:!»»»- tor
8 .s. Patent Ltwrer Wa«htn»rton 1>.
OPIUM Habit HUMANT Cured, Remkdy Tre&iirem Co. , LaFe-yette. sent on trial. Ind
mi Best in Couirh time. t?yr- Sold jo. by Tast^good. Use
im druggists. $m -•?
(HOOD S / (
& i;
af m M
iii .V *
Mi- rr > m
Jp m
m W
"i 4
/:!•= S' S8j
«'« f A i )
tutstRAMU t w
l\\ Hi i \m I hilt
k . ils
m m
=r Vi
The Oft
Of the peculiar medicinal merits of Hood’s Sarsa¬
parilla is fully confirmed by the voluntary testi¬
mony of thousands who have tried it. Peculiar in
the combination, proportion and preparation of Its
Ingredients, peculiar in the extreme care with
which it is put up, Hood’s Sarsaparilla accom¬
plishes cures where other preparations entirely
fail. Peculiar in the unequaled good name it has
made at home, which is a “tower of strength
abroad,” peculiar in the phenomenal sales It has at¬
tained, the most popular and successful spring med¬
icine and blood purifier before the public M-day U
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
“I have had running sores on my limbs for five
years, so bad at times that I could not walk about
the house When I commenced taking Hood’s Sat
saparilla I was in pain so severe that I cannot de¬
scribe it I could not walk nOr sleep nights. I had
ho appetite and fell away. But Hold’s Sarsaparilla
did me is wonderful amount of good. I am well
noW to what I was when I began to use It. I have a
good appetite, have gained in flesh, and can sleep
well. My sores are almost all healed, and I can do
a good day’s work, and not break down.”—M rs.
O. F. Lord, Rover, N. H
fj. B.—Be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. »1: six for $5. Prepare! only
by C. L HOOD Sc CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mail
l OO Doses One Dollar.
$100 TO $300SHE b cS
nl h their own horses and give their whole time to
the business. 8pare moments may be profitably em
to soldier® A Heirs. Send gtamp
for circular®. COL. L. BING¬
HAM. A tt’y, Washington, D. C.
Liver -_ Disease I . Mrs. Mary A. McClure, Columbus, s&^ Kans.,
I r Uver n rl ^ I to ad heart mTM'U^ trouble, and 0 female weak
Dnl* Alin I disease, I advised to Dr. Pierce s
I ness. was use
HEARTiRflllRIP Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Pre
ntnni I nUUULC,| st rintiou and Pellets. I used one bottle
of the ‘Prescription,’ five of the ‘Discov¬
ery,* and four of the * Pleasant Purgative Pellets.’ My health be¬
gan to improve under the use of your medicine, and my work strength hard
camo back. My difficulties have all disappeared. 1 cau
all day, or walk four or five miles a day, and stand it well; and w hen
I began using the medicine I could scarcely walk across the room,
most of the time, and I did not think I could ever feel well again.
I have a little baby girl eight months old. Although she is a little
delicate In size and appearance, she is healthy. I give your reme¬
dies all the credit for curing me, as I took no other treatment after
beginning their use. I am very grateful for your kindness, and
thank God and th ank you that I am as well as I am after years
of suffering.” Mrs, I. V, Webber, of YorHshire, Cattaraugus Co.,
I Liver I of Purgative N. your Y„ writes: ‘ Golden Pellets.’ “I Medical wish For to Discovery say five a few years words ’ and previous ‘ in Pleasant praise to
Disease. severe taking pain them in I my was right a great side sufferer; continually: I had was a
WmmmammmmKmm unable to do my own work. I am happy to say
I am now well and strong, thanks to your medicines.”
Chronic Diarrhea Cored.—D. Lazakre, Esq., »o and S77
Decatur Street, New Orleans, La., writes: “ X used three bottles
the * Golden Medical Discovery,’ and It has cured me of chronic
diarrhea. My bowels are now regular ”
Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is the fountain of health, by using Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discove .
and Swellings, Enlarged Glands, and Eating Ulcers. *
Indigestion Eev. F. Asbort Howell, Pastor of "X the M. E.
Church, of Silrcrtan, N. J., says: was af¬
Boils, flicted with catarrh and indigestion. Boils and
blotches began to arise on the surface of the
Blotches. skin, and I experienced a tired feeling and
dullness. I began the use of Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery as directed by
him for such complaints, and in one week’s
time I began to feel like a new man, and am now sound and well.
The * Pleasant Purgative Pellets ’ are the best remedy for bilious or
sick headache, or tightness about the chest, and bad taste in
mouth, that I have ever used. My wife could not walk across the
floor when she began to take your * Golden Medical Discovery.’
Now she can walk quite a little ways-and do some light work. ’
HlP ■JOINT | Mrs. Ida M. Strong, of Ainsworth, troubled with Ind., writes :
ilir — um ■ disease “My little for boy two had been When he commenced the
[IlCCICC UlOtaOL. ‘Pellets,’ use of your he ‘Golden confined Medical to his Discovery’ bed, and could
■■■•■■■■■■■ not be moved without suffering great pain.
thanks to your * Disoovery,’ he is able to be up all tbe time,
Medical Discovert Consumption (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), by its wonderful i
Golden properties. For cures Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis,(‘strengthens th
ting and nutritive remedy. While it promptly the severest Coughs it » -
and kindred affections, it is a sovereign cures ^
and l? l rapidlv t builds°up the system, and increases the flesh and weight of those reduced below the usual standard
"wasting diseases.” cal Discovery’’ has cured
Ont ., writes: “ You will ever be praised by me for the remarka¬
ble cure in my ease. I was so reduced that my friends had all
given me up, and I had also been given up by two doctors. I then
went to the best doctor in these parts. He told me that medicine
was only a punishment in my case, and would not undertake to
treat me. He said I might try Cod liver oil if I
ft. .u IU liked, as that was the only thing that could possi
blVFN Hllbn IIP ur bly have any g^_ curative j tried power the Cod over Uver consumption oil last so
Jl!F far a( j TanC as a
Tfl treatment, but I was so weak I could not keep It
I u lliL. 03 my stomach. My husband, not feeling satisfied
to give me up yet, though he had bough t for me
everything he Golden saw advertised Medical Discovery.’ for my complaint, I took procured only four a bottles, quan¬
tity of your ‘ work,
and. to the surprise of everybody, am to-day doing my own
and am entirely free from that terrible cough which harrassed me
night and day. X have been afflicted with rheumatism for a number
of years, and now feel so much better that I believe, with a con¬
tinuation of your‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ I will be restored
to perfect health. I would say to those who are falling a prey to
that terrible disease consumption, do not do as X did, take every¬
thing else first: but take the * Golden Medical Discovery in the
early stages of the disease, and thereby save a great deal of
fering and be restored to health at once. Any person who
still in doubt, need but write me, the inclosing a statement stamped,
addressed envelope for reply, when foregoing
be fully substantiated by me.”
Medical is Sold
NO. 663 Main Otreet,
•100 Doses One Dollar,” so often told of this pe¬
culiar medicine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla, is not a catch
line only, but is absolutely true of and original with
this preparation ffand It is as absolutely true that It
can honestly be applied only to Hood’s Sarsaparilla,
which is the very best spring medicine and blood
purifier. Now, reader, prove it. Take a bottle
home and measure its contents. You will find it to
bold 100 teaspoonfuls. Now read tbe directions,
and you Will find that t v e average dose for
ages Is lejs than a teaspoonful. Thus economy
and Strength are peculiar to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Is the Best
“I commenced taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla as an
experiment, as I had no appetite or strength,
felt tired all the time. I attributed my condition
scrofulous humor, I had tried several
kinds of medicine, without receiving any
tut as soon as I had taken half a bottle of
Sarsaparilla my appetite was restored, and
stomach fblt better. I have taken three bottles,
mv stomach liever felt better.”—’M rs. J. F.
beare, Pascoag, R* X.
“We all like Hood’s Sarsaparilla, it is t so ^strength¬
ening.”—L izzie Balfour, Auburn, R.
Do not be induced to take any other. Get
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
sola by all druggists. *1; six for $5. Prepared outy
by C. I. HOOD Sc CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Dose9 One Dollar
EASY TER »- Little Koch, Ark.
THOS. Bi r an 1 Com’r,
PENSIONS,SSaS?* ■ no fee. Write for circulars and new Success laws. 6 ® o"
* A. W. McCormick & Son.Washington.D.C.
iEE- SEl Is
Medical Discovery’ and ‘PeUets’ havei cured me of a» t
gfTSSSV RB« S.’ sutyst SSSS Si
jHVISOBtTES ——i ttsa J-ffKrtaea!«»g! ss- oisswsH:
THE System. »ssP’A’BTiKJSfri^, much work the past summer as took]
done in the same length of time in my life. J ” jlivj?0 J
medicine the whole that system seemed equal to to tone your up Discovery the an * Tpdiets?" J 1
Dyspepsia.—T heresa A, Cass, of eoverV^cS a<
“I was troubled one J^ r Y ith xlLvLi < ^ P Bie '
sleeplessness, but your 1 Golden 1 Medical Discov 9 ery ?
and can walk with the help [lfig
I cannot find words with which to express m. s
benefit he has received through you. wi’J
Skin Di S ea*e r The‘‘Democrat
fl Terrible
Affliction nrruuliun. oTaTTEcase GoWen Medica of l % IMS'Snded z< - ,ma i j j u ttl tothe^ *
peared first in her feet este Q knee s,
. {0
covering the whole of the lower limtefro ^ prostrate M i
attacked After being the treated elbows by and several became physicians [ SO *ver, r a Tea ' i or: She two
the of the medicine n£i afl ove pqole . 00
commenced use well and hearty. _ ^ Irg
began to mend and is now ^ ber days.
vouches for the above facts.
on the Discover y,
procured three bottles of continues: your
perfectly.” Mr. Downs
thank Consumption you ftr the remarlmhle^cure^on and ®. ear * ^PYjt“veeffeetedir t*
Wasted to timesvwisbedTo of «£
» SKFI CTflM die tote out e gW
took Me five d ^^tkr^ months’ treatment ot in £&f^ ajJ-Them favorahk^Jti. Sdfe
cannot now recite how, step developed
~O a uTYSSp,l *“
was the “ Golden Medical Discovery. ^ j
Bleeding ‘^lden 88 son^lt
from Lungs. Medical uae- ts« *
. had any smee i^ y. e ii
she has been feeling w
discontinued it.” I®’ 00,
$1.00 Bottle, or Six Bottles for
Price per
Sij middleman’s'lr
p £ 9 vflTS-. GHJEX >
^ SAwSf
w»sSfE!fii swiimbfeS
gg&g&gusa ,
Ifispses A iidr s Hudginb A Tsttv ,
n will pay you to write to
For Catalogue (free) and Prices. Me 'TOionthi
PILES! 411
paid, LPliysioians' Prlueper Box, jars 50c. hj ex™3
Whitehall ■RflHHBBHBHSHP* Street. Mantion Atlanta. («a, Orn 1
this paper.
schools BsfSKifW&iffaraj. in the Country. Send lor Circulars.
f*»pp§S3§ ^ //c/sHS tor Girculafa A Specimen or Peas
AH Flat top No. 7 Cook Stoie for $jj
I S HU Any A GENtfg Bustle WA rfrwf NTEI) Combination to sell oar Sfat; ty
I sense
■i and Supporter. Send $1.0*for Fieiwb aaiuptaudi ACo.,Atl*ii
Address, with stamp, H. A.
“Seven Springs Iron-Alum Mass, will prei
appetite, strengthen you tty the cure blood, Dyspepsia, Dii tij
and all Headaches, purify and ward oHattlari*. act uu Ffij
nevs, relieve Catarrh
and $1.00 per bottle.
Dickey’s Painless Eyewater: 8 *
once, sent No by cure,no mail postpaid. pay. Ask Price tor Sm. it. Sold IHdll toji
or Manufacturers. Bristol, it
mend it to all. Sold eveiywhsr®. THY IT.