The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 11, 1887, Image 1
THE CONYERS WEEKLY VOLUME X. ,. t: .\ THE w. a M E.” - /* " "\ ‘1: ”‘7‘“ EEV'J’g" L,__ \ = 7*” 1:7“ S - wgifjiéiwv'TV—e _.A. .. ,1.“ v. .7 . ,sfi. \\ x,_ 1 ??V\§!%‘ /,1% ,/f zm/VN x- M— \\ \ ' \ ‘1 .7 PA 7-, 0» FEB 2. [865. ‘ , . _ ' - _ I \7 “-\ x, ‘ “14/ . o "fl (1' 275$ ‘ I M~ a \\"‘m $‘fid— »: _-~» \ ‘ ~ i=l “t i ' v, "\ \-\.,x \ w? ,,--==— “V ‘ , . \ " ,...-/- ,. \\,\7 -\ \ -r‘ v 1 \ ‘- \ , \_ ‘ ! ' /.,» \ \ V4 \ ,r / \, " ‘\ x \‘ ‘ 3‘, The Favorite of Farmers, Trainers and Horsemen. /. , / "x. ‘ Unnurpunsed by any (-nrt on iim nuxrket, for universal , , ' ‘\_ 3.x“. ‘ /' use. A verfoetly onuy rider. and s.) luxlunrod nun, no f ‘ ' Welcht ~ - "" ~; ‘ come. upon the liorsn. nEude ofthc hunt Inmu-riul ,. h- u“ in: para. 1t. hn- nu- egnu\ r."— nuveny. ulxnpucnv m . iU.J. SEAMANS. DENTIST. TICE 3 WHITEHEAD HOUSE Conyers, Ga., RUG STORE. DR, M, R. STEWART, lOMMERCE STREET, CONYERS, GA. FreBh Line of Drugs and Fancy Goods just received, and will from lis date be kept constantly on hand. All kinds of DRUGS, MEDI ilNES, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES- TOBAC¬ CO, CIGARS, STATIONERY, FANCY TOILET SOAPs. ind in. fact every thing to be found in 8b First Class DRUG STORE. My terms are STRICTLY CASH! And on this account I can offord to sell my goods low, in fact CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST MY PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE! An all prescriptions sent to me will be promptly and carefully Compounded. I Sell The Famous A. Q. C. C nceeded to be the best blood purifier known to the science you want any thing in my line call on VERY TRULY 1 DR. M, R STMWART 1 ONYERS GEORGIA. CONYERS. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY. MAY II, 1887. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. This Magazine portrays Ameri¬ can thought and life from ocean to ocean, is filled with pure high-class literature, and can be safely wel¬ comed in any family circle. PRICE 25c. OR $3 A YEAR BY MAIL. Sample Copy of current number mailed upon re « eelpt of 25 eta.: back numbers, 15 ets. Premium List with either. Address: R. T. BUSH & SON, Publishers, 130 & 132 Pearl St., N. Y. TH0S E BROADNAX, 13 AGAIN AT HIS LIVERY STABLES, And desires us to say to the public that he is prepared to fur¬ nish the BEST TURNOUTS at the LOWEST PRICES Ever offered in Conyers. NEW BUGGIE FANC Y H0RSS, Horses Boarded Cheap. He keeps on hand a large lot of Columbus Buggies. And STOCK which he sells or trades, just to suit the purchaser. Call and see me at my old stand. T. E. Broadnax, Conyers, (xa £ fj BEETH iV x U tnotonIwarren 5$ uiiiL Owners and Operators of the f Who sell the entire products bf their immense factory direct to the public. from to you can purchase upon liberal tern; THE BEST ORGANS MANUFACTURED. 1 WARRANTED F0R~SiX YEARS. ~\ Catalogue and full particulars free. (Yrlte us before purchasing. Address, men tioning name of this paper, aasTBovziN I I AN O ORGAN G ENGINES REPAIRED. If you have an Engine that needs repairing, do not delay, for “A stitch in time saves nine,” but have it fixed up before you need it. We have SKILLED MACHINISTS and guarantee all work. We also v eep a full supply of Engine and BOILER FIXTURES. We are prepared to do »1, kbd. of Engine work in the best of style and at prices as low or lower than Atlanta. Send your work at once. H, D. Terell <fc Co. Conyers, Gf GRENADES* (Two Slfeea—Pint* Uti tfiuit, -*■ Over Sixty L-q, Millions Sold. *_ - PBICBS. Pint*, ■ Per Dot., ......16.00. $10.00. Quart*. ■ 1 » Malar STAR Fire Extingnislef. ” 4 Ql Mtro y 19x21 in. Holds 1 quart’, i the t^TTn BESt tty QUALITIES s A ft vie* tvfe combine of our famous Grenades with the NEW feature of having an ar¬ ticle that can be used by Sprink¬ ling. fot It in is designed Passenger especially Coaches nse tnd Dwellings. It is elegant in ornamentation. It is cheap and reliable. No rust; no corros¬ ion Wain, possible* $12.00 do2. Ornamt’d, Per 15.00 per doz. The “Star” EXTINGUISHER Holds 5gallons,and through will force 6 a feet stream of I hose 45 feet with our pump, which is the best ever made. Needs no attention until used. Will not freeze, explode or get out of order. No rust or corros¬ ion. Can be used by anyone. Price. &00-00 Each. ""STAR” Just what is CHEMICAL. needed in every % village, yard, warehouse, lumber m III $ etc. Fully equip¬ \ ped Ax, with Crow Hose, Bar, Lantern, is liable. cheap, Wt. and etc. 450 lbs. re¬ It li EM PRICE, EACB. S 20 Q. 00 Tout year* of practical use hare demonstrated the** to he the only reliable made. and thoroughly We effi¬ the cient Sand fire appliances use tame ohealoal liquid in all, and guarantee Send f-alty. Liberal discounts to ag-ents. for circulars and testimonials. T he HARDEN HAND GRENADE CO. 01 & 53 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. PRINTING Of EYIBT DESCRIPTION AT THE OFFICE OF THIS PAPBB THE EXCELSIOR .• ■ o COTTON m ! i FEEDERS AKD [ j CONDENSERS Guaranteed to be Eqnnl Brad to the Best. Picks the Clesn, Gins Fast and Makes a Fine Staple. The 'Circular Boll Box i* Patented, and no other ma¬ nufacturer can use it. Send for Circular, No trouble to communicate with parties wanting these m» | Old Gins Repaired at short If notice and cheap. [Massey Cotton Gin Works. ' MACON, Ga- LABORS AGITATION. Strike* Ordered nil Over TKe Country* Bricklayers, bricklayers’ laborers and carpenters; to the number of two hun¬ dred, have gone on strike in London, Ont., for an increase of wages. House painters in all Wilmington, Del., shops struck for $2.50 per day, a raise of 25 cents. granted Two tfie of the largest atid employers is probable have that increase, will follow. and it others All the carpentets in Washington, to-day, City, numbering because nearly 300, refused quit work to give them employes the same wages for nine hours work as they received last season for ten hours. A large number of carpenters struck at Hamilton, Ont., for an increase in wages to 22 $ cents an hour all around. Printers in the Hamilton Palladium office are to refuse be called out because the the proprie* of tots to discontinue use stereotype plate matter. The Palladium is a labor paper. The glass mixers and teasers, df Pitts¬ burgh, Pa., who struck two returned weeks ago for ten per cent advance, to work at their old wages. The recent decision on the coke questiou was the principal argument against arbitration, and the fact that the Knights of Labor did not support the strike, left the men without resources; A general strike of the coke Workers of Connellsville, Pa., region is certain. One-half of the men refused to go to work, and others it is thought will strike. The operators issued their ultimatum in which they refused to make any conces¬ sion at present, but promised to consider the matter as sotm as there Is an advance in Cok for «- They are preparing tt) close | down a long and bitter fight, Sotne of the hands employed by Me j ** * &j, of wages. The demand arose from the fact t “ at tke hands employed by R. L. Bloomfield on his Clayton street improve i ments were getting higher wages. Mc ; Ginty & Co., acceded to the increase, stipulating however, that work should begin earlier in the day than heretofore, and that the stopping time should be later. KX0TTKJJENT IS FRANCE Young Men Parade the Streets af Parle and Sin* Patriotic Sons*. A procession carrying a banner inscrib¬ ed, “To Berlin!” marched to the palace of the Elysee, the residence of President Grevy, in Paris, where it was dispersed by the police. Another mob in the neighborhood of Eden theatre, where formed, Wagner’s shouted: “ Lohengrin” “ABaS^Alleniilgtie!" was being per¬ “Down with Germany!” “Vive La France!” “A Berlin!” “On to Berlin!” “A Bas Bismarck 1” “Give us back our clocks 1” referring to Strasburg. A mob composed of studpnts and gamins march¬ ed about shouting. They halted in front of the army and navy club and there cried out: “Vive i’armee Francaisel” “Vive Boulanger!” “A Berlin!” Another mob went to the building, occupied by the Russian embassy, shouting, “Vive La France!” “ Vive la Russie 1” “Vive Dal¬ liance Russie-Francaise!” The leaders of this mob then proposed to their fol¬ lowers to march to the German embassy, Place De La Concorde, singing the air, “Lampions,” to the words of the song, “Nos Pendules,” but it was stopped by the police and turned away before it could reach the German embassy. Be sure if you do your very best in that which left is laid without upon help yon when daily you trill not be some mightier occasion arises. HAT TERS, AND 0 £*ttts J'ttritisIjTrs. THE BEST $1 SHIRT IN THE CITY. Yalises, Umbrella’s etc. 9 PEACHTREE STREET. SOUTHERN NEWS. JosEriius Compton, present member of the Legislature of Alabama, has left his home mysteriously, Compton settled in St. Clair Co. four years ago, coming from his Kentucky, so he stated. He took up abode in the little town of Eden, where he followed the trade of a carpenter. His life was exemplary, and in a year or so he was elected town marshal. Last year; after a seasonable Methodist probation, preacher, Comp¬ ton was licensed as a and his sermons and exhortations were of the most fervid and eloquent charac¬ ter. It turns out that thirteen years ago he was engaged • in making- moonshine whiskey in one of the mountain counties of North Carolina and shot an officer, escaped. for which he was imprisoned, but He was tracked, and a requisition was is¬ sued for him recently, but he escaped the officers. Three hundred residences, Ala., are in With coursi of erection iu Anniston, during a prospect of twice this number, (ho present summer. The private batik of T. R. Beard at Richmond, Tex., the liabilities amount to $64,000; assets are valued at $62,000. For several years the bank has been con¬ ducted by Mrs. Beard, under the name of her deceased husband. George' 8 . Hancock and Oiik Moore, two citizens of Augusta, Ha,, had Wash¬ an altercation at the artesian well on ington street, which culminated in Han co ek cutting Mo'ofe with a knife, inflict¬ ing wounds which may iff ore fatal. A Young Men’s Christian Association Mas recently been organized at Newberry, the S. C.; there are now- one hundred on roll. Money is being raised to erect a building for the use of the association, and already more than $3,000 has been secured. The trustees of the Monroe Female ollegc at fVrsrth, Ga.f have devised a jdan,°and arranged will toon boarding tf'Cct a commodious department and well which connected with the college, sup¬ plies a long-felt ivant to that institution, and will place it in competition with the best iu the state. Capt. Burke of the Gate City Guards and William Atwood Editor of the Capi¬ tol newspaper, had a fuss in Atlanta with reference tci an article in the paper re¬ flecting on the conduct of the Captain the in connection with the European trip of flour¬ Guards. Canes and cowhides were ished around and the daily papers the mat¬ are filled with lengthy accounts of ter, It is hard to tell who had the ad¬ vantage in the scuffle. juugu Hancock sentenced Holmes lb Furyear at Petersburg, Va., to be hanged on July 15 next, for the murder of his wife by poison, The crime was com¬ mitted id Dinwiddic county nearly two years ago. Jones 8 . Hamilton, lessee of the peni¬ of tentiary, and R. D. Gambrell, editor the Sword and Shield, had a quarrel killed al¬ at Jackson, Miss. Gambrell was most instantly, having received several shots in the head. Col. Hamilton is mor¬ tally wounded, being shot through the body. The cause of the unfortunate af¬ fair wfls an article in the Sword and Shield, a few days ago, severely criticis¬ ing Col. Hamilton’s private and public character. Six negro boys, thirteen to seventeen years old, were at the wharf of the Wil¬ mington, N. C., compress, preparing rice to go across Cape Fear river to shoot birds. One named Grant Best had bor¬ rowed a double-barrelled gun from a negro man which, he says, had no caps on the tubes, and he did not know it was loaded. While in the act of blowing and out the one of the tubes, the hammer fell barrel discharged, killing instantly Ed Smith and B. Fillyaw. Ben Connoly and Ed Fillyaw were also shot and died soon. The annual parade of the fire grand depart¬ ment of Columbus, Ga., was a af¬ fair. Champion No. 6 won the first prize in the colored companies’ contest. Deputy United States Marshal John Knox, at Lexington, Ga., arrested one Adam Pope, colored. Adam is accused of cheating and swindling, thougli he claims to be blind. Fire bugs in Macon, Ga., are Recently giving the police plenty of anxiety Policeman Watkins caught Jim Williams starting a fire under a house, escaped. but two companions of the incendiary Capt. Dawson, of the Charleston, S. C., News and Courier, has just returned from Europe where he was decorated by the Pope for using his influence as a journal ist against dueling. His first action on landing from the steamer was to sue the New York Sun for libeling him. The coroner of Cartersville, Ga., held an inquest over the body of a negro, Babe Stafford, who died from the. effects of a blow on the head inflicted with a post of a chair by one Dee Stafford This was a most unprovoked murder, and the accused will doubtless suffer the ex treme penalty of the law. A shock of earthquake was felt at El Paso, Texas, recently. It was percepti a burned 'riie ri trie ns that onW invalids and the helpless were left within doors. For probably two minutes proceeding the ! £ k ,T.C ETrfMJpbt" articles While the vibrations lasted, many hanging on walls oscillated and some fell ^ to the floor, while plastering fell from Hie fronts and ceilings of many dwellings and businsss houses. Though true self-denial is harsh at the beginning, it is easy in the middle, and becomes most sweet in the end. His that injures another injures him self. NUMBER 11. LATEST NEWS. Paul Grottkan, an anarchist. who made incendiary speeches in Milwaukee, Wit., was sentenced to one year at hard labor in the house of correction. A hot sirocco blew a whole week throughout Hungary, parching vegetables and rendering them inflammable. At Tot razko three hundred houses were burned and four lives were lost. The conflagra tion lasted two days. At liuskburg ft church and thirty-seven houses were de stroyed. Many houses were burned at Maregys. At Eperies all the churches and public buildings were destroyed. William Slaughter, one of the wealth¬ iest stock raisers in New Mexico, was killed in American Valley by two men named Youngblood and Adkins. Slaugh ter was riding along the road unarmed when Youngblood and Adkins met him, and after a few words shot and killed him. Last year Slaughter was a member of the Sococro county grand jury, and a large number of men were indicted for cattle stealing, among them Youngblood and Adkins. The New York city police authorities’ learned that one of their own officers was carrying on a regular policy and lottery agency at his post of duty and in hi* uniform. The policeman named was Morris Colbert. He is assigned to a post at the Mercantile building in lower Broadway. The superintendent with a pair of scissors proceeded to cut the brass buttons off of the policeman’s coat. The stripes were ripped from his trousers and his badge taken from him. He waft than placed in a cell . France has concluded a defensive alii- atfee with certain other powers, and henceforth France will not be alone in event of aggression against her. Col. W. H. Bolton, ex-superintendcnt of second-class matter in the Chicago, III., post-office, who was convicted of the embezzlement of about $25,000, was sen¬ tenced to four years imprisonment in the penitentiary. John L. Lewis, colored, who has been a trusted letter carrier for twelve years in Cincinnati, O., was caught stealing mon¬ ey letters. He confessed his guilt. The crib in Lake Michigan is in a dan¬ gerous condition and liable at any mo ment to collapse and cut off the water supply at Chicago, Ill. The foundation® are exceedingly shaky, and an ordinary gale of wind mokes the structure rock like a cradle. In consequence of the refusal of Eu¬ ropean powers to take part in the Pari* exhibition, the French government will postpone the opening until 1890, in order to disassociate the exhibition from the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the Revolution. 1 Editor McGuire, of the Mercury, of Quebec, Can., was sentenced to six mon tbs’ imprisonment and $200 fine for libeling Mayor Lamglier and his brother. McGuire charged them with having re¬ ceived a large sum of money from a con¬ tractor for securing a contract in connec tion with city work. The Western Export Association ha* practically ceased to exist, although it* organization is intact at Chicago. Many distilleries refuse to coma into the pool. They, therefore, decided to pay no as sessments, pay no closed houses for the coming month and to reduce the price on whisky from $1.13 per gallon to $1.05, decreasing the income of the pool $ 12 , 000 per day or $2,000,000. The anti-German “ * feeling h is so strong * in Pan* that the proposed , performance of of Lohengrin has been prohibited. The Chinese government ha* ordered c \ . m ; gsionary mugt hold . . a passport from his own government, in order that his nationality may be shown, otllcr passports are declared invalid. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ed three men charged with ebbing . the , express car near Tucson, Ariz. They are „ ame( i Barrock, Swain and McCussick. ^ were sa i oon keepers. the Engle- . Rev. Charles W. Ward, wood, N. J., rector, recently accused of attempting to murder his wife,was found dea(] flt tbe jj 0me 0 f Judge Drew, his counsel, at Rockland Lake, from an over dose of chloral. H Vanderbilt used to return his f»p-v« after his death the same property was as ,e^sed at $ 10 , 000 , 000 . The executors ” _ d t0 pa * _ on $5 000,000 or move out of New York. A compromise of $8,000, 000 has just been agreed upon. Thx Divine purpose tn unclothing is only to clothe upon, He impoverishes only to make rich, becoming in secret himself the substitute for all he takes away.