Newspaper Page Text
Are the talk of this country, and justlv so,’for it is really astonishing
to go through his large and commodious store rooms, and see the piles
of goods, and throng of customers anxious to be waited upon.
nnns m v if® 5 Witt o 9
The best line of black cashmeres ever in Conyers, at the lowest pri¬
ces. A big stock of fancy plaids at extraordinary law prices. Beauti¬
ful line of Nuns Veiling and any kink of dross goods you can imagine
at astonishingly low prices.
1500 yards of Victoria lawns at 5c. 1500 yards Victoria lawns
at fi 1 -4c. 1500 yards Victoria lawns at 8c. 1500 yards Victoria
lawns at 10c. 1000 yards Victoria lawns at 12 l-2c. 1100 yards
Victoria lawns at 15c. 1000 yards of India linen at 15c. 850 yards
of India linen at 16 l-2c. 800 yards of India linen at 20c. 700
yards of India linen at 25c.
Not one of the above prices can be matched for less than 3c to 5c
per yard by any house in this section. You cannot afford to buy
before you have examined this stock. Remember I have a big stock
ofNansooks, etc.
z&m Wiinn 1
In this line I have four times as many goods as 1 have heretofore
ke t, and the prices arc much under their real value. In fact I have
Machine Torshan. Hand made Torshan, Vaiensities lace, Oriental laces
in great variety, from 7c. to 50c per yard.
In Embroieries, I have then on Jacksonct and Mull, in all widths
and prices and will guarantee the prices as low on this line of goods
as cheap as any house in the state, as I buy direct from the Import¬
ers in these goods, and get all the discounts, hence, I can sell and will
sell as cheap as anybody.
Gents’ Furnishing Goods.
This stock is brim full of new goods. SHIRTS! SHIRTS!
Plaids bossoms in three prices. The best 45c shirt in (Georgia—This
shirt is worth 65c. but I am just running it for an advertisement. A
big line of colored shirts in all prices and colors. Suspenders. I have
a lar gelot of suspenders that we arf elling for less money than other
merchants pay for the same goods, and it is easy for me to show you
why I can do this. I buy in such quantities and get all the dis¬
counts, The prices on t hese good are 5c 10c 15c and on up.
Tb at this time favored with a run of patronage never before equal¬
ed. This stock is simply complete and the prices asked are extremely
low, and there is no end to the shape and styles. HATS ! HATS ! in
Straw, Wool, Cassimere, etc, in all shapes, colors and prices.
OLOTnnra s®
I hav« by far the largest stock in this line, I have ever carried, and
my sales are very large this season and I will say if you think of buy¬
ing atock. a suit or a pair of pants do not think of buying before you see
ray I will sell as cheap as any retail house in the State.
My stock of Groceries and Hardware is fall and complete in every
particular and will sell as low as the lowest. Full line of farming
tools etc.
The highest market price Jk
paid for all country pro
duce. Tours Respt.
a: w. am
A New Vocal Chord,
“Wbat is the matter, deaf?” asked Mr.
Sbrinkem of his wife, who was tacking
down a carpet in the next room. “Are
you hurt? if pain.” I thought 1 heard you cry
out as in
“I was practicing a new vocal chord;
that was all,” she replied, as she took
her thumb out of her mouth and ex
amined a bloodbiister beneath the nail,
and spitefully kicked a poor inanimate |
tack-ham toer across the room.
Look It Up in Summer.
“Mr. Flipkins,” said Clairette Cosh
onnigan, “I wouldn’t publish that article
<>n the cholera at this season of the year
if I were I’d keep it tititll summer.” '
you. do
“Can't it, Clairette; I’m short of
copy. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll
put it in print with a postscript to it, re- j
questing my subscribers not to read it
until warm weather.”
Gen'l Samuel I. Given, Ex-Chief of Police,
Philadelphia, Pa. wri es: “Years ago I was
permanently cured by St. Jacobs OH. 1 have
hadno occasion to ti-c it since My fami ly
keep t oh hand. Its healing qualities are won
derful.” hold by Druggists and Dealers eveiy
Miss Julia E. Forneret, of New York, was ,
installed as deaconess in the Episcopal church
by Bishop Potter. She is the first deaconess
admitted to tlie church in 400 years, and the
first ever created in America. Miss Forner- :
eti8 of Canadian birth. ;
The proprietor of the “Plain Dealer,” Fort
Madison, IoWa, Mr. J. H. Duffus; writes: “Two
years ago 1 was cured of rheumatism in my
knee by St. Jacobs Oil: have had no return;
t ■ o app {rations did the work.”
Philadelphia papers call upon all persons j j
having maims against Keely, the inventor of
a wonder-working His machine motor, to present finished, them at
once. is about and
he wants to square his accounts before revo- ;
lutiomzing the scientific world.
G. M. D.
Walking down Broadway is very pleasant
when you feel well,. nd T-K-never felt
better than when his friend asked him how lie
got “Ah rid of that boy ” seveie 1 tough “G of h s so D. speedily. did it?’*
my friend said —, M.
And his wonder *d Want G. M. D. meant.
He knew it did m t mean a Hood dozen Many Doc- ;
1ora for T-K----had said tried a In vain. !
head, “I have it,” he, U t hitting uolden the ttailon Medical the
Discovery,’ “ydtt mean Gold !>'■ Medal c’a Deserved, j
,f- or as my by
friend S--always dubs it.” Sold .
A cat.t'e syndicate, with a capital of $25,000,- j
000, will flKht the Armour crowd.
Delicate Children. Nursing
Mothers, Overworked Men, and for all diseases
where tho tissues are wast ng away from the
inability to digest ordinary food, or from over*
work of the brain of body, all rttch should I
take Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil
oh with lady Hypophosphites. delicate, “I i:*;d and the threatened Emulsion j j
a who was
with Bronchitis. It put her in such good h alth
fi f ^ 1 \v uIdfiT^^d"
sion sion I ever used. —L. I P - Waddell, M. I)., (
Hugh 1 ! Mills, S. C.
A has started paper at Austin. Tex.. 1
man a |
which lie calls "The Confederate Colonel.”
We accidently overheard the following dl«r
logue on the street yesterday: stop that dis
./ones. Smith, why don’t you
gu-ti Smitn. g hawking mid I? spitting: You I
IIuw can know am a mar¬
tyr to ratnr: did. h. had the disease in its werst
J. Do ns I I
torm hut I am well now.
■S'. What did you do fur it? It
I ti e I Dr. Sago’s Catarrh Remedy
cured me and It will cure you I’ll try it.
S. J. I’ve heard of it. and by ail Jove the drue store*
Do so. You’ll And it at
in town.
F. M. White, for fifteen years president of
the Mississippi, Tennessee R. R.died recently.
Food makes Blood and Blood makes Beauty.
Improper digestion of food net essarilv pro¬
duces bsd blood, resulting in a feeling of full¬
ness in ihe stomach, acidity, heartburn, sick
headache, and other dyspeptic symptoms. A
closely confined biliousness life and causes loss indigest of io.i, con¬ To
stipation, trmhles there is appetite. remedy
remove these no
equal to l’rickly Ash Bitters. It has been
tried and proven to Vie a specific.
A Profitable Investment
(’an be made in a postal card, if it is used to
seud your address on to iiailett & Co., Port¬
land, Me., who cun furnish you work that you
can do and live at home, wherever yon are
located; few there are who cannot earn over
$5 Tier <la\, and some have made over free. $50.
Capital not required; you are started
Either sex; all ages. All particulars ire*.
Daughter*, Wives nml Mother*.
Bend for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free,
securely sealed. Hr.-T. B. Marchiai. Utloa. N.Y
Few of the tigers of India weigh more than
six hundred pounds.
Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription” is th*
debilitated woman’s best restorative tonic.
Carrier pigeons have been sent to the French
Congo region.
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬
son's Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c per bottle
Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses
of Piso’s Cure for Consumption and rest well.
You fiieed <t Now
This Is the best time to purify your blood, for at no
other season Is the body so suscsptible to benefit
from medicine. The peculiar purifying and revlvln*
qualities of Hood’s Sarsaparilla are just what ar«
needed to expel disease and fortify the system
against the debilitating effects of mild weather. Ev¬
ery year increases the popularity of Hood’s Sarsapa¬
rilla, for it is just what people need at this season.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
44 For years my blood was in an unhealthy condition.
My legs, arni9 and face were covered with scrofuloui
humor, and all the medicine that I received of tho
physicians did me no good. I was advised to try
Hood’s Sarsaparilla. After taking four bottles tho
sores were all healed up. And after using six bottles,
which cost nr ■ i'-.Cy five dollars, I was well and
healthy as I ever was.*’—F red J. M. Wjsbbkr, Lincoln,
Creates an Appetite
*’ With the first bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla my
headache entirely disappeared, and where before I
could not muster up an appetite for my meals, I can
not now get enough meals to satisfy my appetite. I
am at present taking my second bottle and feel like
a different person.”—W illiam Lansing, Post 49, G. A.
R., Neenab, WIs.
„ MOOCl S S3 TSO pa rill a
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $3. Prepared only
by C-1 HOOD Jfc CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dol lar
in $100" h their own §309Spys ho^es an > give their - hole --.ably time to
the t-nsiness Si-a-e mome: H may •- 1 1 em
ployed »l*o. A fe>v va m ies in torv„ a id elites.
B T. JOHNSON * rD.. n’l; Main St..Hlohu.or- Vt
pEHSIOHS,HSSB I CO fee. Write for circular* and new iaw«
1 A. W. SlcCormicU A- -son. Wnshington.D.C.
Education a spec laity at UOOlUl’S III’SI NESS
IMVlKSITV, %«!•»ntit. <**. «tl. One of the best
•cboois in the Goantrr. Se ml ror Cir remans.
’ 31. KOI KL. P. O.
Atlanta, i«a,
He Was a Fine Watch-Hog.
“So you are anxious to sell that dog,
are you?” quired a city gentleman of a
‘•Waal, I dunno’s I’m zactly anxious;
hut ef I kin git er good price fer him I’ll
sell,” answered the yokel. “Air ye wan
tin iq ter buy good-natured er dog, mister,” dog?”
s he a
“Tolerable. He never bit nobuddy as
I ever hecrd on.”
“Is he good for a watch-dog?” tech
“Waal, now, thet’s jest whar ye
on his fine pints. He’s the best watch¬
dog yer ever seed. Yer kin alius tell
when er stranger is endywhar’s around.
Ther moment he sees cr ’spicious kitchen sort er
person he comes riejht inter ther
an’ gets behind ther stffye.. Yes, sir,
he’s a tine watch-dog, he is.”
Agony Is Courted
By person, who, attached by a mild form of
rheumatism, neglect to seek prompt reliet
Subsequent torture is prevented by an imme¬
diate resort to llojtetter’s Stomach Bitters.
gllght expo gdfe an occasional draught, will
bege t this painful malady, where thefe is a
^redfaposition to it in the blood. It is not diffl
cult to arrest the trouble at the outset, but
„ i?h imposs i W e to eradicate it when ma
tureJ No evidence in relation to this superb
blood deporent is more positive than that
which es' ablishes its efficacy as a preventa
t and , remedy , for rheumatism. , .. Not XT , only ,
ve a
is it thorough, but safe, which the vege able
and mineral poisons, often taken as curatives
of the disease, are not. Besides expelling the i
rheumatic virtisfrom the system, it overcomes j
fever and ague, biliousness, conitipatioh and
The most hideous industry in this country
is a snake farm near Gallon, Ill.
The _ removal ~ of ~ Prof. ~ ~ Sanborn, 7 of N. , _ H.,
alter being pronounced incurable bya score
physioians frone Los Vegas, N. M., to his
li°me wastffectedby administering Dr. him Har
ter s Iro i i onic, which has restored to
ms rormerg oon neattn.
A Wonderful Machine and Offer.
To introduce them w * give away 1,000 Self
operating Wasting Machines. No labor or
washboard. Best in i ho world. If you want
quo, write The National Go., 27 Dey St, N. Y.
^ Backache, Tlhaomatlem, W«akna»s, Lniubfigo, Coldfl (n
the :.-st and ail Achee aadHtrains. J
r A
f|w7.srrr,^|| j i n mi■ ■ Bewmoof imitations underBlmflsr______
. .
pjlfw IjMSTPjlli -OTH..
If 1 U K *' «j5c. 1 >l FifOV ill R GOT i*££lt JACK
sparkling AGE8> Makes 3 gallons strengthens of a delicious
temperance blood. beverage, and
commend purifies the it alL Its Sold purity everywhere. and delicacy TRY of flavor IT*
PATENTS I sToiwv book cb"\v.lih'
ington, I). C. Send for our of instruction*.
gfkg" day. Samples worth $1.90 FRBfc
wL n Lines not under tbe horse s feet. Address
iiHuvfS'Tic&’s SA-jrary Kkin Holper, Holly. Mich
¥ ................. 9 iJimm.
w 1 ilnmiwiti
li m ■ ills
i r ■■
n IWw -■ -
fills .W 'Mm ‘A m frx-'. I 5
VI' ri
m C
fjm r
i 'i7? sa
^ .■ ‘ 1 i»r : i i 1 m
, ,
restored to thorn by th6 use of this world-famed medicine.
John E. Sugar, of Milienbeck, Va., writes:
Ml AA “ My wife had been suffering for two or three
years with female weakness, and had paid
m • out one hundred dollars to physioians with
IHROWN iiiuunn AWAY ft out relief. She took Dr. Pierce’s good Favorite
k hi ■ p rescr i D tion and it did her more than
ail the medicine had given practicing to her by the physi¬ her.’
cians during the three years they been upon
HMownmnnHaMi Mrs. Geohgk Hkrgeb, of Westfield, IV. Y.,
Tm- THE finriTro. GREATEST writesI was a great sufferer from ieucor
FARTHIV LfininU RnnM feet ‘Favorite health. Prescription’ I treated with restored Dr.-, me to per- for
nine months, without receiving any benefit,
The ‘Favorite Prescription n ’ is the greatest earthly boon to us
poor suffering women.”
Many times women call on their family another physicians, suffering, exhaustion as they imagine, prostration, p 11 ? from another dyspe^ia, w anotbfr^^ v dijtinct 0 r the*
another from liver or kidney disease, from nervous or over-busy doctor, s p tP #n( j <*'>*“JS -
this wa ly they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent, or they.are^ -mptoms The*™
for wh ich he prescribes his pills and potions, assuming them to be such, when, his in reality, practice tu.“5*?Plications. ApMJ?®®])
womb disorder. The physician, ignorant of the cause of suffering, encourages consequent Un compi •“
patient gets no better, but probably worse by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and disease, diapellmf
! like Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, directed to the cause would have entirely removed the
distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery.
I *11 .......JJ PllVSimm Mrs. E. F. Morgan, of JVo. 71 Lexington St.,
East Boston, Mass., says: “Five years ago I
» ii I uiumivj was a dreadful sufferer from uterme troubles.
FSIl ■ aii.L.u. HI sicians. Having I exhausted completely the skill discouraged, of three and phy- so
weak I could Pierce’s with Favorite difficulty Prescription cross the room and
alone. I began taking Dr. ‘Common Sense
using the local treatment reoommended in his
Medical Adviser.’ I commenced to improve at once. In three
J months I was perfectly cured, and have had no trouble since. I
wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mentioning how my
! health had been restored, for and them, offering to send enclosing the full particulars mped-en
to any one writing me and a sta letters.
uelope for reply. I have received over four hundred
In reply, I have described my case and the treatment great used,
we earnestly advised them to * do likewise.’ From a
many I have received second * letters of thanks, stating had that sent they the
had commenced the use of Favorite Prescription,’
$1.50 required for the * Medical Adviser,’ and had applied the
local treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein, and were
much better already.” *
The treatment of many thousands of cases
of those chronic weaknesses and distressing
ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids’
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y„
»r. Pierce’s Favorite result, Prescription of this
is the outgrowth, or great
and valuable experience. Thousands of
testimonials, received have from tested patients it in and the
from phvsicians who
more aggravated and obstinate cases which
bad baffled their skill, prove it to be the
most wonderful remedy ever devised for
the relief and cure of suffering women. It
is not recommended as a “cure-all,” but
as a most perfect Specific for woman’s
n.rn.'S 'xftvssah,«»«.,...... g st«a
pendages, in particular. debilitated For overworked, teach
“worn-out," “run-down.”
ers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, moth
“shop-girls." housekeepers, nursing Dr.
ers, ar.d feeble prescription women generally. is the
Pierce's Favorite s&Esss&g. great
»a digestion and assimilation of food, ii
ternal s^B^asssaaws heat. -is: pages pgt ybsjs^;. «reet, filL***^ * *
By using COIT'S OJHS-CxSaT BUGGY Pai.VT. Paint ^Mkrd^with^a Friday, run high it to Church Sunday. Six Fashionable Shades: Black, ^ ^ S’- ^
Wagoa Greens. No Varnishing necessary^ ^D ig»s GIms. Tip top^for Chairs^^un L r ure . ^
DuK^ash Bitters
otneh EmiAUYEfFfflwrr biwedies
1 It has stood the Test or Tsars,
Jin BBtea, Curing all Diseases of the
CURES ______
King-bolt in fdar at axle, prevents accidents from
broken king-bolts, never rattles and leaves axle full
B trensrth. Before you buy a Butt? send for free
pamphlet describing this valuable Improvementt
THE HEBBRAHD CO., Fremont, 0.
SHd WIp^5as. WAL u;q AS ES.
Ask Tor Illustrated Pamphlet. Nashville Tenn
Of Druggists or ) y mall, postage prepaid. symptoms, All eto.. In¬
valids should send account of rase, GOOD. Address
with order and we will Do YOO I>.
Dr. WM. M. BA1UD, Washington,
. . . -
/,TK “ ’
pr £N 5 IO NS Washington, D, n C ,
PATENTS -Patent Washingt D. C
■ UA>1 > Lawyer. on.
Nona gei nuine nnless
tamjwd wi ill tho above
cures nausea, weakness
gestion, bloating and eructations of gas.
As a soothing and P^cnption strengthening ”
nervine, “ Favorite is un
and other distressing, nervous functional symptoms
commonly attendant upon and
organic disease of the womb. It induces
refreshing sleep and relieves mental anx
letv Br. and Pierce’s despondency. Favorite ^ Prescription _
is a legitimate experienced medicine, and carefully sgiUlul
physician, compounded and by adapted an to delicate
woman a
organization. composition and It is perfectly purely vegetable harmless in its its
y&s sss ssMsssttrej-. seixg&&&&
excessive flowing at monthly periods, pam
ful menstruation, unnatural suppressions,
prolapsus or falling of the womb, weak
back, “female weakness,” antevereion, chron- re
troversion. bearing-down sensations,
io congestion, inflammation and ulceration
ELs.&V Invigorate* It Purifies the
Blood, the Sys and
Clean ses tem.
disappear at once
its be neficial btA ueaee.
It its is purely cathartic a Medicine
as forbids its proper¬
ties nse as a
beverage. It is pleas
to the taste, and as
prickly ash bityersm
Sola Proprietors,
Sx.Louisand Kaiisab Cm
T tew Away
SUPFORTEB. J the. time I a,1S “
■ supporter most of
aside, and feel as weU es I ever did,” : -$$$&
. B Mrs. MAY GLEASON, Of FaW««
. „. WORKS ”Your
II T nUnkO g Mich., has work writes: ed wonders in TO
Wonders. gained t ie1«e my he health ‘«e wonderfully.« gssgfciB ^
ment of myself and friends. I can now be
attending* to the duties of my household.
JEALOUS , l°f I A Marvelou# Mich., faiM''
UC.ul.UUO I crystal, weakness, leucorrbea sp
f errm ] e , ^ j, pe p
of persuaded money, but received to try your no lastin^b^e medicines, • . j was the J oa ^LJ
me against it hem. a hust*clq
because I was prejudiced
time. X have not had to take abT 131
four years.”
r *8!
r V tty n
IR 0
.X < TON!
lEfti, Mb
ssssasiftsiSS (asStr'S^s*!"
Woh&’sks* %
•'■Leuii, Ms.
J jffi E
lewd f or Catalog,^ s
r whetheryouWs
It will ptf m to writ# to
For Catalogue (Utt) ATLANTA, IU„
»nd Prims. M«ti,
OPIUM Ml cured Book B, | ! M, waisKfv of it! pArti-siiuii Woolii Vr
Whitehall Street. Mention Atlantn.
this p&p*.
< //U*V for Circulars k Specimen ,n
SIS I Wwith Stewart Flat A fixtures. Co-.ftK top No. Vfhitedallfk., 7 Sradforciti OookiJtOTi!
7‘ ::l
a. N. i) Mu
is a.rnowr and 'pojtf
up in W
of t ]? 4 t Kgordeal. ” Prescription, y#
<( Jravow xr r ; l ® b the
fit Golden wmnecton^j aieui jjiscore&i&z.tftW pj e 6 rwejaaff
ttve jdo»™. p r _ erc Dt*J-£jgei
0-ittle Li' er^ pyjj) tfheir cures 1
Bla< ^tfL pj^od pg taints, _ sndl 8 ?: #oa
remo'fs ‘’ u -^ofulous oUB"
cerous an »i* t9 *J
system- suiSVsfcsg , prescript 1 ®"^ ^tP
f un ”ff ’ This tle-wrappc guarantee r -Lorft,,!
on tne hot no years^y^pale*
ned *1,00, man y ° r
H 00 aoew v ^ ‘c- r S
ten cen
in time. bvdru