The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 18, 1887, Image 1
the CONYERS WEEKLY volume X. V, -- ’\ k A .\ THE “AGREE” .‘srr -; 2.; E [1/ \{f‘f‘j‘p PA 7'0. FEB. 2. was. i \., \V/ ix “ \ / #5 , ~.. \ f‘ uafl Bram ' E Ea E sedan g art 9 \ \\\ ~ ‘ / The Favorite of 1‘ \\ \°‘ \“-:,\ "I ~ Farmers, Trainers and Horsemen. 7 ‘, \ / ' Unsurpassed by any cart, on the xtlnrket tor univarsnl v” \ ‘ . “ n -‘ ; "’ 3:3; :3c53513°1‘..f?§ix:‘1253 '33:};3‘;:1?.‘.§‘.’.'§§I‘.£:‘I3X-I§I x ,U. SEAMANS. DENTIST. ICES WHITEHEAD HOUSE Conyers, Ga., RUG STORE. DR, M, R. STEWART, MMERCE STREET, CONYERS, GA. resh Line of Drugs and Fancy Goods just received, and will from date be kept constantly on hand. All kinds of DRUGS, VIE DI¬ NES, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES- TOBAC ). CIGARS, STATIONERY, FANCY TOILET SOAPs. nd in fact every thing - to be found in a hst Class DRUG STORE. My terms are STRICTLY CASH! And on this account I can offord to sell my goods low, in fact CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST MY PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE! An all prescriptions sent to me will be promptly and carefully Compounded. I Sell The Famous A. Q. C. ^°ficeeded to be the best blood purifier known to the science :U y° u want any thing in my line call H VERY TRULY DR. M. R SThWART i CONYERS GEORGIA CONYERS. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 , 188 T, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. ! This Magazine portrays Ameri¬ can thought and life from ocean to ocean, is filled with pure high-class literature, and can be safely wel - | corned in any family circle. PRICE 25c. OR $3 A YEAR BY MAIL. I Sample Copy of current number mailed upon re* eelpt of 25 cts,; back numbers, 75 ets. Premium List with either. Address: B. T. BUSH & SON, Publishers, 130 & 132 Pearl St., N. Y. TH0S E BROADNAX. IS AGAIN AT HIS LIVERY STABLES And desires us to say to the public that he is prepared to fur¬ nish the BEST TURNOUTS at the LOWEST PRICES Ever offered in Conyers. NEW BUGGIF FANC Y H0RSS Horses Boarded Cheap. He keeps on hand a large lot of Columbus Buggies. And STOCK which he sells or trades, just to suit the purchaser. Call and see me at my old stand, T. E. Broadnax, Conyers, Qa £ i\ BEETH ORGAN C > DIANO e? mLi Owners and Operators of the is Who sell the entire products bf their immense factory direct to the public, ............................... &»» tPOn UHft lit am JOB ... can ...d,,,.. purcaase liVsml UDRU liwi MDI ........................... ™ *«* n <" !S " w «™ err _.______—--, 1 WARRANTED FOB S 1X ~ - Catalogue and full particulars free. lYrite us before purchasing. Address, men tioning name of this paper, ■IH.W.I1.I-MIITO8 ...... ..-__;_ : _ ■ally 111 Eat? SlibI9A8§ll?fl1l BlEi Mi Bit SJj If you have an Engine that needs repairing, do not delay, for “A stitch in time saves nine.” but have it fixed up ir before you need , it. ., We have SKILLED MACHINISTS and guarantee all work. We also Veep a full supply of Engine and BOILER FIXTURES. We are prepared to do all kinds of Engine work in the best of style and at prices as low or lower than Atlanta. Send your work at once. H, D. Terell & Co, Conyers, Gf GREIADES, 2wo SIStS—iintB and Quarts. |\\ Over Sixty Millions >i <*— Sold. ■— PRICES. mliw Pints, Quarts. - - Per “ Doz., “ $10.00. 15.00. “STAR” m Tinlar Fire EitiieisSer. m Glass Tube, 19z2£ in. Helds 1 quart. the tST’In BEST this QUALITIES device we combine of oiu famous Grenades with the i NEW feature of having an ar¬ m ticle that can be used by Sprink¬ ling. for It in is designed Passenger especially Coaches 1 use and Dwellings. It is^elegant Is in ornamentation. It is cheap and reliable. No rust; no corros¬ 1 ion possible. Plain, OrnamFd.iS.OQ $12.00 Per doz. per do z. I The “Star” EXTINGUISHER It will Holds force 5g-alions,and a stream through 6 feet of hose 45 feet with our pump* which is the best ever made. Needs no attention until used. Will of not order. freeze, explode or get out No rust or corros¬ ion. Can be used by anyone. Price, S8Q.OO Each. u STAR^CHEWSICAL. is Just what needed in every l village, lumber m yard, XTully ware house, equip¬ etc. ped Ax, Crow with Hose, Bar, Lantern, etc. It vFP is cheap, and re¬ ft liable. Wt. 450 lbs. S20QJ0EACH.I ^ Four years of practical use ha7e demonstrate! these to be the only reliable and thoroughly We effi¬ the cient Hand Fire appliances made- use same chemical liquid iu all, and guarantee Send fully. Liberal discounts to agents. for circulars and testimonials. THUma HMD G 8 ENADE CO. Ql &53 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT THE OFFICE OF THIS PAPS? < THE EXCELSIOR I i - j COTTON 6IN : FEEDERS AND « CONDENSERS ■Guaranteed Itbe to be Kqnal Seed to Best. Flelu the I Clean. Gin* Fast and Make* f The*Circular a Fine Staple. Boll Box is Patented, and no other ma¬ nufacturer can use it. Send for Circular. No ' n trouble to communicate with parties wanting these mt P | Old Gins Repaired at short Snotice and cheap. ■Massey Cotton Gin Works, MACON, Ga. A BRAVE OFFICER - “ MOTHER 2 ™ 1 MM IZmSmT BADLY WOUNDED. Alexandria, Vet., Excited Orer the DeviUik. hes» of a Gnus ofBflfslar* Julian Arnold, a pdliceman, was killed hurt, and Ernest Alexandria, I, Padgett, a companion, while trying was at Va., lot is to arrest burglars. Near the circus a sa!ooi h kept by Sefer Blouse, who had taken in considerable money during the stay of a circus. Between 11 and 12 suspiciously, crept up near Enough to of overhear them plan the robbery While discussing; what _ Blouse’s saloon. it was best to do, the officers were joined by another policeman and Padgett, w for to had been an unsuccessful candidate l? lice superintendent at the last election. IS Sf B ,o“ ,„b saloon, and thus the four should inter rupt the burglars. In following out this plan, Arnold and Padgett discovered two men lying flat on their backs in the circus ring. They called to the suspected forward bur glars to surrender, and rushed to capture them. As they did so, the two men drew revolvers, and one of them shot Arnold in the breast and escaped, Padgett knocked the other man down witli a stick, when a life and death strug gle ensued, the robber endeavoring to kill or disable Padgett with a revolver shot. One of the bullets fired inflicted a scalp wound just over Padgett’s ear but ho held on to his assailant until the other officers arrived and captured him. The murdered man had been on the force six teen years. When but fifteen years of age, he left home and.entered the Con S 5 y K , 9 .'rSdK die ii. Alexandria is in a state of fever ish excitement, and threats of lynching reported are made on all sides. It is that the policemen themselves were pre ! vented from lynching Curran, one of the burglars, by their superior officers. an unhappy lord, Made So, by an IrUh Editor. At Montreal, Can., Mr. O’Brien the Editor of the Dublin United Irishmen, had a great ovation and made a speech offer of¬ m which lie said : “I come not to fense to any section or class of the Ca¬ nadian people. Quite the contrary; I come not to meddle in Canadian affairs not to deal with the career of Lord Lans downe as governor-general, but as the exterminator of five hundred human beings. This being a free country, we cannot expect everybody to agree with us . but I believe we have such a strength of justice and truth upon our side that when all have heard our story, all will be convinced. And that the Oanidian peo¬ ple will stretch out their hands and save the lives and properties of these five hundred poor tenants of Luggacurran, for both are at this moment at your mercy and in your hands.” It is feared the Orangemen will meet Mr. O’Brien’s argu¬ ments by violence, and ample bloodshed. preparations ;\re being made to prevent NKW CORPORATION. Judge Clarke, of the Superior Court, Atlanta, Ga., recently granted a charter The in¬ to the Atlanta Construction Co. corporators are E. P. Barns, W. K. Park¬ ins and James A. Barns. The objects are contracting, building, etc., etc. The capital stock is $10,000, with the privi 'ege of being increased to $100,000. 1UOTIS & MW, HAT TERS, AND t it t s Jfttritisfjfrs. THE BEST §1 SHIRT IN THE CITY. Valises, Umbrella __ , -n » S etc. x ft 9 PEACHTREE PEACHTREE STREET STREET. ATMSfA 980. SOUTHERN NEWS. Birmingham, Ala., has a ful-lfledg'etl dl Atlanta, Ga., until Detective pre ? tj ni Buch¬ anan laid him low with a pistol shot. Incendiaries tried to fire several hofises qj, Capitol avenue, Atlanta, Ga, out happily failed in their dastardly work. RomePh Rubiera, national secretary of the Cuban federation of cigar makers, who was expelled from TaifipM for attempting Fla.,.by the v joilance committee, has to to organize the cigar makers, gone Washington J>. C. to enter a claim for Z”.} y s expnlsion. Sam ^ ,. onfxrcs?a ti 0 M greet Rev. j onM and g a m Small at their serviceg iu R om e, Ga. Ho weirs compress j iag | jeen g p ec ; u lly fitted up for this pur- [ | gg \ and w ;|] comfortably seat 5,000 )eo A11 the ra i lr0a ds and steamboats SUSdfr SffiS * ‘‘Jack, *- u »—?* the Rabbit,” one o ® n !Y groes chargedI with the murder of Pope Wooten, in Walker County, Ala., has been arrested at Birmingham. The Piedmont Fair at Atlanta, Ga., is booming, and the city has paid eighty ovei $15,000 to its management. In days the buildings Will be ready lor oc cupancy. the murderers of Albert Turner, one of j enlde Bowman, has been indicted by t ] ie grand jury at Louisville, Ky., tried un( j er h; a confession of guilt and sen tence( j to p, e Ranged July 1st. Thirston Taller, ’ a member of the Cen Church gu nd ^ hool of Macon, Ga attended its first picnic, and batli & “ OcmuWee was seized with P and drowned h c was the sole 8 fc q{ a widowed mother. paper - was sold recently ■»x£S5Xr or $105,000. A negro woman who claimed to be 200 years old, and said her name was barah Kiefer, has made matters pretty lively at Toccoa, Ga. The British government City emphatically Guards of refuse to permit the Gate Atlanta, Ga., to go to London with arms or uniforms. The Milledgeville Cadets won the first prize, the Southern Cadets of Macon the second prize, the Moreland Park Cadets the third prize, at the Macon, Ga., drill. L. W. Couch and T. N. Burdette had a difficulty at Senoia, Ga., about chick¬ ens. Couch shot Burdette with a pistol, and the latter brained him with a hatchet. Couch died at once and Burdette cannot live. Allen Warder Hatch, who many years ago was the merchant king of Wiscon¬ sin, and who resided in Milwaukee, died at Chattanooga, Tenn. He was 84 years of age. He came to Chattanooga a few months ago for his health, but he was broken down in every way and never re¬ covered. Mr. Hatch was worth more than two million dollars at one time, but he died penniless. Invitations have been sent by the Press club and chamber of commerce, of Bir mingham, Ala., to Jefferson Davis and his daughter, Miss Winnie, asking them to attend the meeting of the state press association, as guests of the city. Goodson Hillyer, alias Bill Goodson.of Monroe, Ga., who was pardoned out of the penitentiary two months ago by Gov. Gordon, died from hydrophobia. Shortly after his return home, he was attacked by a mad dog and the wounds healed up, but recently he became delirious, and died in great agony. Peter Tripp and Alexander Caldwell, of the town of Catlettsburg, Kentucky, well-known fanners, quarrelled about a fence, and parted threatening to kill each other on sight. Both armed themselves, and met on the road near town, and at once opened fire on each other. Tripp was instantly killed. Caldwell lived un til the next morning. meeting in New Orleans. Grand Chief Conductor Wheaton praised strike. mem bers for their action in the last j Twenty-one new divisions have been formed since the last annual meeting, and 2,386 new members added to to the order, which has a membership of 10,330. A bill was presented providing for the li¬ censing * of railroad engineers and con ducto > and a resolution appointing action a committee to secure congressional of 200 to on the bill was passed by a vote 10 . J. W. Fitzgerald, a fugitive from jus¬ tice in Abbeville county, 8. C,, was ar¬ rested at Westminster. H. B. Ziminer I man, postmaster at the latter place, re I ceived a letter a few days since from Thomas L. Moore, trial justice at Ninety Six, asking him to look out for a man calling for letters addressed to J. W. Brown, 8. 8., or J. W. Brown, D. W. Mr. Zimmerman had been delivering let ters for some time with such au address, and he had no trouble in having Fitzger aid arrested at once, He has served one sentence in the South Carolina peniten¬ tiary, and there are now several warrants against him, the most recent of which is grand larceny. Fitzgerald escaped while from the officers of Abbeville county they were carrying him to jail. CHANGED HER MIND. Mr. Nun of Cumming, Ga., while plowing, turned up a nest of young rab¬ bits which he carried home, giving odb to an old cat that had lost her kittens. She tenderly nursed it a few days till probably concluding it too great a strain upon her imagination, ate it. NUMBER 12 . LATEST NEWS. Melonite the new explosive invented by the French is a failure. The governor of Pennsylvania has signed the high license bill. Minneapolis has a genuine case of lep¬ rosy brought from Norway. Mrs. Grant, wife of Ex-President TJ. S. Grant nearly died from diphtheria lately hut is now recovering. Over 2,000 engineers and artisans of Bolton, Eng., have gone on a strike, and it throws out of work over 10,000 work¬ men. The _ Pope , has informed . . , „ Rev. Dr. T . Mc Glynn that unless he presents himself at Rome immediately, he will be turned out . .. n a tholic Church So many incendiary fires have taken place in Minneapolis, Minn., that police men with Winchester rifles are guarding mills, lumber yards and factories. Clinton J. Farrell receiver of the Bank era and Merchant's Telegraph company of Hartford, Conn., has sued the Western Union Telegraph company for $1,000,000 for damage caused by cutting their wires' two years ago. The English government, acting on in¬ formation from secret agents in New York, has sent the cutter Orwell to Car rigaholt, Ireland, to watch for the arrival of an American vessel with a cargo of arms and explosives. The subject of home rule in Cuba was brought up in the Spanish Congress at Madrid with considerable vigor. It has been a long time since there were any indications of the renewal of open rebell¬ ion on the island, hut the feeling that greater independence is desirable is never¬ theless growing. Never in the history of New York have the Sunday laws been more rigidly en¬ forced than they are now, and those who have heretofore defied the police, had to close Sunday. Miss Lily F. Brown, of Oakland, Cal., inherited $50,000 and expressed herself desirous of marrying a sick man, who would soon die, so that she could be a gay, young widow. She met up with a young printer named Frank McKee, who was thought to be dying with consumption. They were married, and the ideas of the lady being made known to the printer afterward, he not only refused to die, but Lift his wife in disgust. One hundred and forty thousand Aus¬ trian soldiers are under arms in Dalmatia, prepared for the campaign. Mrs. J. D. Pughand and her mother, Mrs. Jackson, were fatally poisoned at Portage, Wis., by eating head cheese. The French government has closed a velocipede factory at Maransville, near Tunneviile, the property of a German named Schmeitzer, who employed men belonging to the German imperial army. The steamer City of Rio de Janeiro, which arrived at San Francisco, Cal., from China and Japan, brings confirma¬ tion of the news of a disaster in the strait settlements to the steamer Benton, ply¬ ing between Singapore, Penang and Malacca. Of 200 persons on board, only , 50 thus far have been saved. j Another tragedy has just been enacted , at Lake Stamberg, Munich. . 1 wo young ladies of Munich, Baroness Anna and ; Baronegs Louise, of Guttenburg, rowed in a boat to the spot where King Ludwig, of Bavaria, met his death and delibe, ately threw themselves into the water and were drowned. They were found , c i aS p ed ln eac h other’s arms. Both were pretty? rich and cultured . Gov. Hill, of New York, has signed the half-holiday bill. Hereafter, every Saturday afternoon will be a legal holi¬ day in New York. The high license bill passed the Penn¬ sylvania Senate by a vote of 36 to 11. The bill was at once returned to the House for concurrence in Senate amend ments. After a brief discussion, the House concurred in the amendments— yeas 122, nays 57. The Gettysburgh Memorial Associa¬ tion, who declined recently to assist in the erection of a monument to commem¬ orate the magnificent charge of Pickets at Gettysburg’s great battle, is a pri¬ vate corporation and has no connection with any veteran Union organization. No doubt the association will be “sat down” upon very emphatically by the Union soldiers, who at all times show a disposition to recognize Confederate he oism. GONE DOWN. The American ship Charles H. Mar¬ shall, which cleared from London Decem¬ ber ath, for Philadelphia, has not been heard of since, and has been given up for losi with her crew of twenty-three men,