Newspaper Page Text
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GA ...JUNE, Sst, 188Y.
Bob Edu'idge and daughter,
Mrs. visiting relatives
IPs lJjWl.tottao.ty. Annk, are
Miss Georgia Langford \ isneu m
llanta last week,
. Belle Broadnax, oi Carroll
Mrs. . eturnerl home yesterday, after
n, r relatives and
pleasant visit to
lends in the city,
jjf. Beau Hudson, of Brunswick,
in the city last week,
ns Hollingsworth and wife,
Mr. jim friends and rel
Atlanta, visited
in the city and county last
Mr.Jno. II Almand, ofLawrence
]le, was in town this week.
}[r. Ilardewick and wife, of New
county, spent a few days of
„ of Mrs.
st week in the city, guest
ardee Dukes.
j[ r John Christian, for many
successful school teacher
Xewion and Rockdale counties,
w now a resident of Newton, was
[judged insane a few the days asylum. ago
Li has been sent to
L] L ia d been in ill-health for some
before his present affliction
terfook him.
Squire J. R. McCord returned
LtThursday L from a three week’s
to relatives, friends and ac
laintances in Butts county,
fctts county was once the home
[our distinguished fellow-citizen,
|d his annual visit s to old friends
L source of no little pleasure and
lisfaction to him. It is uader
Bod the 'squire will soon make a
Ip to Taliaferro county, this state,
Id on his return will hie away to
kerse the length and breadth
Blisses Lei a McDaniell and Ella
psvisited Miss Ida Warren in
Bonin this week,
pssrs. of Edd Dahkmcga, McCord and visiting Will
pan, are
ptives and friends in the city.
pen the streets of Conyers are
ll worked, the traveling public
P accomplish their respective
irueys with more safety and ease,
ft is anything but ease to be
Bdenly dropped into a ditch 2000
F deep and bs hauled up by
ps of a derrick. Such pro
pings prch always insures small
/ol. \ ol Albert, of Atlanta, spent
1( ky last in the city.
k Daniel Murdock enjoyed
% splendidly, IVork this
^ has been pleasant to him.
J t' Ben Dennard, of Atlanta
the was
city Sunday.
^eral members of Mr. Flemis-
8 farniiy are s i c k a ' Det [ wj+h
Mollie Dennard, second
•ghter of Mr. John F. Dennard,
junglady 111 ’^ e ffield about district 17 years old,
last Thurs-
1 She
was buried in the
Q! »nd graveyard Friday. Elder
Hamby conducted the funer
^vk&s at the grave.
r - Pierce preached a me ser
iSund ay morning at the Meth
diurch irom the text: “To
hw and testimony.”
* e season for getting drowned
5 bathing i almost
s here,
Bwhile the cucumber has the
1 j* young Crenm Season will n °w open,
man henceforth
A* 4 ' «*!> hi, b eet girl
acK streets, on
as never where ice cream
situ appear.
a that “ the
L 8S U r” 0tVt Bin I sh °uld be
tJ: ln e and - 11 will w the man who
en t to = si ngwho should
D. Sing Sing.
this section c_ are
than ao°ut fifteen days
Tot, a bountiful COmrflOT1 - The out
^fromisi cr «P is alto-
11 8 a l present;
Thursday Julm F - night Tallis will preach j
next at tire Second
Baptist church.
Marie Henderson and her
sister, Miss Carrie Dyer, of Coving
ton died last week. They were sick
only a few days.
A gold mine has just been open¬
ed and work commenced with fair
prospects of success about, three
miles from Covington by J. T. Cor¬
ley and Woodruff.
In his sermon Sunday night at
the Methodist church Dr. Pierce
said there was some hope for a
drinker, but there w r as none here or
hereafter for a willful and deliber¬
ate liar. ^
In many respects Conyers is in¬
deed a city set upon a hill, well
lighted and shining for tlie benefit
of the millions, but when it comes
to defective and ill worked streets
—well every traveler by night or
day is an astronomer, that is, when
he is not on his head in a ditch.
The bad condition of the streets is
not chargeable, of course, to the
council 1
To be successful and useful in
life a young man must be reasona¬
bly industrious, upright, honest,
truthful and manly.
The picnic at Panola last Satur¬
day was a tip-top affair. A large
crowd was present, and every one
had, so it is reported, a most enjoy¬
able time. A string band, led by
old Joe Dobbs, of Atlanta, furnish¬
ed music for the dancers. The last
but not least item of the occasion
was the eatables, which was superb
and in superabundance. Our pub¬
lisher, Col. Wallis, is of the opinion
that Panola settlement is filled up
of pretty women and lovely daugh¬
ters. Major Jack McKnight was
general supervisor and did the day
in seeing that each and all had a
pleasant time. So Panola has ad¬
ded another flower to her brow.
Mr. J. D. Winburn and Mr. John
Stephenson visited in Zion church
settlement last Sunday. Rev. Goss
the regular paster of Zion, preached
Most of our farming friends are
or will be harvesting their grain
crop this week. The wheat crop is
something like a fair average, but
the oats are almost a total failure,
except on bottom land.
Mr. Jim Summers, of Orlando,
Fla., spent last week and part of
this in the city, visiting relatives
and friends.
Ira Bently, the 9 year old son of
Mr. Dee Bently of Lorraine dis¬
trict, died last Wednesday night
and was buried at Union church
The general meetings of the As¬
sociations of the Baptist denomi¬
nations of Georgia are purely busi¬
ness meetings to discuss the vari¬
ous topics and to devise the better
plan for carrying on the work of
Sunday schools, missions, etc.
Judges Jno. I. Hall and Jno. D,
Stewart, of Griffin, were in town
this week.
One fine Jersey cow for sale with
young calf at G. P. Elliott’s.
Mr. Lamar Richards is very sick
at his brother-in-laws, Mr. T. II.
Bryans, in the city.
Mr. Jeff Stewart, of Covington,
was in town this week.
The first wrong step is the hard¬
est to retrace, so Alexander Steph¬
ens once said. Therefore beware
of making the first wrong step,
which, in many cases, proves fatal.
Vinegar at 30cts per gallon at G.
P. Elliott’s.
Last week Mr. G. P. Elliott trad¬
ed Iris livery stable building and
lot to Mr. W. V. Almand for his
blacksmith shops. Mr. Elliott now
owns all the shops formerly occu¬
pied by Mr. Almand. Mr. Almand
will convert the stable building in¬
to a hardware house and will run
an entensive business.
Judge B. F. Carr paid Coving¬
ton a visit Saturday last.
There will probably be a thous¬
and cases of measles in this county
all the result of the meeting spread of of the the
disease from the
Newton County Sunday School As¬
sociation, so says the Covington
Editor J. N. Hale, of Hampton,
is sueing the Central railroad for
$2,500 damages, far ejectment from
a ear on that road when he was
sick, -
The editor of this paper, Mr,
R. J. Guinn, is hack, tic will as¬
sume the du ties of the paper to-dav
and will give to bis readers next
week a short but * graphic descrip
.. ot - his trip. . Ins •
uon companions
m . tun - somewhere ", the ,,
are m moun¬
tains, slowly hut surely " trending "
their wav home
Mr. Webster Almand, of Ailan
ta, was in the city this week.
Bailiff John W. Sorrow and wife . „
oi ,, Honey T , Creek r , district visited Mr.
Dave Almmd’s family last Svmday. ■
Mr. Z. J. Cowan and wife ot
\V lntcsburg and Miss Bettie
Reagan, of Newberry. 8. C., visited
Mr. D. M. A1 maud’s family last
week. They have ail returned
Miss Dealia Weaver, of Lithonia,
spent last week visiting friends in
Smyrna settlement, guest of Miss
Emma Clotfelter. She spends this
week in the city.
Col A, Ben Sims, of Covington
died Tuesday night last about 6
o’clock. A few days ago he was
struck with paralysis. He was bur¬
ied in Covington yesterday.
Sir. Hamp Bryans was in town
this week.
Mrs. I). N. Hudson left yesterday
for a week or ten days visit to her
son’s in Atlanta.
The tax books will soon be closed.
The receiver requests all who have
not as yet given in their taxes to
come forward and do so at once.
The case of Stewart Bros, vs G.
M. Jones is being tried this week.
Col. W. It. Taylor of Barnesville,
auditor. The plaintiff is represent¬
ed by Judges Cfleaton and Hall.
The defendant by Col. Glenn and
Judge Stewart.
Appropriate memorial services
will be held in honor of the late
Gen. James P. Simms at the Sep¬
tember term of Newton Superior
It is said that the finest and lar¬
gest flagging in the world is to be
seen in front of the Vanderbilt res¬
idence in New York. The pave¬
ment is said to have cost $10,000.
When rich men walk they don’t
like to be worried by holes in the
Mrs. Ann McDonald, of Stars
ville, visited relatives in town this
If reports bo true Lewis Ilenslee
is not the only boy in town who is
gay in spirits and at the same time
has a deep pierce in his heart.
Messrs. Joe A Stewart, of Cov¬
ington and Tom D. Stewart, of Mc¬
Donough, were in town this week
Treasurer G. W. Clotfelter is
again at liis place of business, after
a spell of sickness.
Charlie Cain usually sports a
luxuriant smile, at least this is
what we heard.
Col. Chas. T Zachry of Peach
stone Shoals, was in town Satur¬
day last.
The man who was to publish a
newspaper to suit everybody fell
out of Noah’s ark and was drown
An old gentleman in Oglethorpe
county has dreamed three times
that he would die on the 27th of
June, and he verily believes it.
A negro man named Henry Mar¬
tin fell from a scaffold on the new
capitol building, in Atlanta, on
Friday afternoon, a distance of 80
feet and was instantly killed. He
was employed as a common labor¬
er on the building, and was rolling
a wheel-borrow of material on the
scaffold, when it was turned over,
knocking him off his balance, and
causing him to fall to the ground
Conyers, Ga., May 26th., 1887,
G. P. Elliott and son having sold
out the livery business to A. J.
Pierce and dissolved by mutual
consent and the debts will be col¬
lected by either of tbenxand thank¬
ing the public for their patronage
to us we invite them all to Mr. A.
J. Pierce. He has got all the livery
business and will treat you all
right. And we have two horses
and buggies will sell cheap, also
the famous Black Morgan, known
as the Jim Moseley stallion.
Mr. J. M. King comes to the
front with the first cotton squares.
The measles are raging m
^ r - b illiam Hardin, oi Con',e.s,
paid this section a flying visit last
an -GV
'*• ^ • ^P er un fas'n
ionedmeaping . ; last Saturday. "
William Cornwell has a fine case
of ti,e “““I*
Mrs. M. E. Waldrop and Mrs.
H A< Parker are on the sick i ist
t p; s week<
Mr. J. M. Christian is in a criti¬
cal condition. His mind is badly
This vicinity was visited last
Wednesday night by a terrific rain
and hail storm.
Mr. Green Hull, of Conyers, paid
this community a pleasant visit
last Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Freeman’s house
caught on tire last Friday. The
fire was soon extinguished, and no
serious damage was done.
The Rev. Goss preached an im¬
pressive sermon at Zion, last Sun¬
day to a large concourse of friends.
Remaining in the Dost Office at
Conyers for the month of may 1887.
Bryant, W. F. Moore, A. F.
Cariey, Julie; Reeves, Miss Angie;
Dumes, Miss Ida; Ragsdale, John ;
Daniel, Manuel; Richardson, T. L;
Gilstrop, Handy; Smith James:
Gonzales, R. J .; Strong, Joseph ;
Hartfield, Sam; Sappmgton, T. H.
Hudson, Berry; Slate, Miss Lula;
Kivtley, G. G.; Wade, T. T.; Moon,
T. E.; Watts , Miss Ellen; McCai
cal; J. A.; Wilson, J. H.
GEOR3IA, Rockdale county:
Whereas E. P. Owens has applied
for exemption of personalty and
setting apart and valuation of
Homestead and I will pass upon
the same at 10 o’clock on the 22nd
day of Judc SEAMANS,’ 188 7, at my jo dice.
O. Ord’n’y.
I have a fine cow with second
calf, which I will sell cheap. Write
or call on J. 0. Hamby.
Conyers, Ga.
Ike Taylor has heen busily
honing razors all the week. He
When you wish an easy shave,
As good as a barber ever gave,
Just call on me at my saloon,
At morn, at eve, or busy noon.
I’ll curl and dress 1 the hair with
grace, of
I’ll suit the contour the face,
My room is neat, and towels clean,
Scissors sharp and razors keen.
And everything we think you’ll find.
To suit the taste and please the
And all that art and skill can do,
If you'll call I’ll do tor you. adv.
Dr, W.H.LEE.
3L M. & W. H. GARDNER.
ATLANTA m m m m m m -■GEORGiA,
by Josjah Allen’s wife. Miss Holly spent
all last season amid the whiri of fashion at
Saratoga, and takes off its follies, flirtations’
low neck dressing, pug dogs, &e„ In her in'
mitabie mirth-provoking style. Tho book is_
profusely illustrated by Opper, the renowned
artist of Puck. Will Will sell Immensely
Price S3,50. Bright Agents Wanted, Address
HUBBAEK BEOf*-, Hubs., Philadelphia, J’a.
Attorney Av Uw,
2 t-2 Marietta Street, Atlanta, G ;Y,
Prompt attent.on given lo all uusi
ness, if.
Buggies for cash and on time
with good notes at Stewart & Mc
Calla’s. i
Another lot of shoe samples from j
tlie factory we travel for, at half
prices at Stewart & McCalla’s.
Another lot of Shoe samples
tf' e lhetoy y we W vo1 for ’ at ’
half prices at Stewart & McCalla’s.
For-the use of man ot
The most useful article cvcrinvent
ed. Price $1. Put up in neat box
with full directions.
M. E. A. Co., P. O. Box, 1993 N.
Y. City.
Mexican Soldier’s Pension
The undersigned having had consider¬
able experience in obtaining Pensions,
offers his services to the Soldiers of the
Mexican war in getting Pensions now
allowed them by Congress. J, N. Glenn,
Jan. 27. »t>S 7 - Attorney at La w
Georgia Rockdale county:
Whereas J.T. Hollingsworth admin
istrator of Newton Hollingsworth repre¬
sents to the court in his petition duly
fil' d and entered on record that he has
fully administered Newton Hollitigs
woith, estate. This is therefore to cite
ad persons concerned, kindred and cred¬
itors, to show cause ,if* any they can.
why said administrator should not be
discharged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in August riff*'.
0. seamans,
Box soap with 3 cakes for 10c at
Stewart & McCalla’s.
I will he in
Wednesday’s before the 4th Sat
urday’s in Ap v il, May and 3une.
Thursday’s before the 4th Sat¬
urday's in April, May and June.
First Monday’s in April, May
and June.
In Conyers the rest of the time.
tj ml 'mm st m iY mm
Whereas II, "W. Hammock having in
proper form applied to the court of Ordi
nary for letters of administration on the
estate of Mrs. Margaret W. Baker late of
said county, deceased, this is to cite all
and singular the kindred end creditors
of Mrs. Margaret W. Baker deceased, to
be and appear at my office within the
time allowed b_% law, and .-how cause if
any they can why letters of administra¬
tion ould not be .granted to H. H .
Hammock on Mrs. Margaret W. Baker’s
Witness my hand official signature
This May 26 th., 18S7,
Os SEAMANS, Ord ny.
If you make an application lor increase of (
you Pension through me, aud will get three i
other Pensioners to apply lor Increase Claim
1 1 ough me, I will prosecute your own
foi one half the usual fee. Write to me for
my special offer. M-CHRAY.
ilOUd’j, asbiugton, It. C,
Cox 632. W
i ml ■ maf
Hag*flltS All v
| “-----------------—— if i
mmm e
HI & 'M*
iiViy %
u.m in shops
lies TAY1X)R,
When yen want any
work in the b&rberin-dj
line call on Ike.
_____ . , ,
_____ .
Ihave the largest and best as¬
sortment of spcctaces ever brought
to Conyers. All prices from 2«c
per pair up. Gold, silver and steel
frames, pel ole -glasses. Prices
twenty five to fifty per cent cheap¬
er than the same goods aresoldin
Dr. W. fl. Lee.
Rates greatly reduced—Don't
wait hut call at - nee to see
J. 8. Daniel,
Conyers, Ga’,
■■ —
Several nice overcoats unsold',
can be bought at cost. Also un¬
derwear saine way at Stewart &
Alexander kid gloves at Tocts.
'Iso fine hook kid gloves and lisle.
Also pretty lisle hose at 10 to 25c’,
all colors for ladies and children at
Stewart & McCalla’s.
Valises and satchels, towels, nap¬
kins and table clothes, stylish ana
cheap at Stewart &.McCalla’s.
Buckleti’s Arnica Salve. ,
The Best Salve in the world.
Cute, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped all
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required,
t is guaranteed to give perfect refunded sat
sfucation, or money
Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by r. W. H. Lee.
jtHfc. .TO.
To all v.’fio aro suffering from the errors ai l
JndlacrotioDt of youlh, nervous weakness, ear y
iscay, lossof manhood, &c.., 1 will send a rod e
1 hat will cure you, FLEE OF CITAP-GE. This great
remedy was discovered hy a missionary In Sou '4
Am ; n». Fend a sclf-addreesed envelope to We
KLV. U OBE2U ‘S. INMAN, Station D, New York Cilu.
tirpi ty W to Le n'lule. Cut this out ami.
1 VJ UJ' u I return to us, and wo w.lil send
you froe sometliinrf of great .value and im¬
portance to you, that will start you In busi¬
ness which will bringyOU in more money right
away than anything else in this world, Any
one can do the work and live at home. Either
sox: all ages. Something new, .that yustcoius
money for all workers. We will start yon:
capital hot needed. This is one of the genii:
ine, Important chances of a lifetime. Those
who are ambitious and enterprising will not
delay. Grand outfit free. Address Tons Sr Co.
Augusta, Main.
YOU can liveafc home, and make more
money At work for hr than fit any.
thing cfise in this-world. Cay.L td not oecdvd;
you aro s tact aid free Both fcxds; a.»l a. v
Anyone can do the work f-argro catnh
v;Jre froin /j r st start. Co.* flw ovt«i end t iv:*
free- He: ter not delay Co sts you nothing
send ns your address and find out: If you aro
wise you will do so at o:iee- If. Hall: Tt & Co
Porlland. Maine.