Newspaper Page Text
Are the talk of this country, and justlv so,‘for it is really astonishing
to go through his large and commodious store rooms, aud see the piles
of goods, and throng of customers anxious to be waited upon.
The best line of black cashmeres ever in Conyers, at the lowest pri¬
ces. A big stock of fancy plaids at extraordinary law prices. Beauti¬
ful line of Nuns Veiling and any kink of dress goods you can imagine
at astonishingly low prices.
wszys aoo®T
1500 yards of Victoria lawns at 5c. 1500 yards Victoria lawns
at 6 l-4c. 1500 yards Victoria lawns at 8c. 1500 yards Victoria
lawns at 10c. 1000 yards Victoria lawns at 12 l-2c. 1100 yards
Victoria lawns at 15c. 1000 yards of India linen at 15c. 850 yards
of India linen at 16 l-2c. 800 yards of India linen at 20c. 700
yards of India linen at 25c.
$ot one of the above prices can be matched for less than 3c to 5c
per yard by any house in this section. You cannot afford to buy
before you have examined thiB Btock. Remember I have a big stock
ofNansooks, etc.
In thiB line I have four times as many goods as I have heretofore
ke t, and the prices are much under their real value. In fact I have
Machine Tornhan. Hand made Torshan, Vaiensines lace, Oriental laces
in great variety, from 7c. to 50c per yard.
In Embroieries, I have then on Jacksonet and Mull, in all widths
and prices and will guarantee the prices as low on this line of goods
as cheap as any house in the state, as I buy direct from the Import¬
ers in these goods, and get all tho discounts, hence, I can sell and will
sell as cheap as anybody.
Gents’ Furnishing Goods.
This stock is brim full of new goods. SHIRTS! SHIRTS!
Plaids bossoms in three prices. The best 45c shirt in Georgia—This
shirt ia worth 65c. but I am just running it for an advertisement. A
big line of colored shirts in all prices and colors. Suspenders. I have
a largelot of suspenders that we are elling for less money than other
merchants pay for the same goods, and it is easy for me to show you
why I can do this. I buy in such quantities and get all the dis¬
counts. The prices on these good are 5c 10c 15c and on up.
Is at this time favored with a run of patronage never before equal¬
ed. This stock is simply complete and the prices asked are extremely
low, and there is no end to tho shape and styles. HATS ! HATS 1 in
Straw, Wool, Cassimere, etc, in all shapes, colors and prices.
I have by far the largest stock in this line, I have ever carried, and
my sales are very large this season and I will say if you think of buy¬
ing a suit or a pair of pants do not think of buying before you see
my stock. I trill sell as cheap as any retail house in the State.
My stock of Groceries and Hardware is full and complete in every
particular and will sell as low as the lowest, Full line of farming
tools etc.
The highest market price
paid • re for ye all re re country ,
pro- _
duce. Tours Respt.
How Spalding Nicely Turned the
Tables on the Washington Mana¬
Bare ball is the most delightfully un¬
certain sport in the world, says believe a Wash¬
ington correspondent, and I it
is this uncertainty that constitutes nine
tenths of the charm that surrounds every¬
thing connected with the national game.
My memory involuntarily runs back to a
series of games between the pennant-win
iug Chicagoes and the toil ending Wash¬
ingtons, The local played had in this not city done last Slimmer.
team anything to
lie bovs proud, dropped of for down some time when Anson’s
on the town. The
White Stockings, after chasing leather
until every man on the team was foot
-ore, were forced to succumb to the
powers of the local team and leave them
in possession of the field, triumphant by
a score of 7 to 0.
Mike Scanlon was so overcome by the
unexpected result that he was moved to
wire Send Spalding something that like this;
Mike’s “ unwisdom us ft team in thus can giving play ball.”
way to
the feeling of rapture that filled his
breast was amply demonstrated the
next The day. fellows from the Windy
big wiped city
turned in and up the whole of
Capital Park oclock with Mike’s aggregation.
About nine that night the genial
fx-anlon received a terse message from
the Chicago president: the earth?
. . What do you want, ”
20 The 0, score and of Mike the liad’nt day’s game w'ord had been
to a to say.
Disease and Death
Force their way into many a household that
nvght be prelected from their inroads, by the
simple protection of keeping in tiie house that
benign family medicine and safeguard of
health, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Partieu-
1 rly where there are children, shulditbe
kept on hand, as a prompt remedy for infan¬
tile < omplaints, in their outset easily conquer¬
able, but whic i. if allowed to ensriftthem
telves on the delicate childish organism, are
not easily mist h dislodge lr.esUiariljr i. and spceed ly I.rk gHetf.
< a< of. of the Loiveis, indfc
ge touand biliousness, are ailmenisof corn
mou occurrence in the household. Children,
be living in u a arious regions are m >re liable to
at lacked with chills and fever than adults,
and the ravages of that le 1 disease in their
system are speedier and more serious In re
m te lora'itiei, far from professional aid. it i*
especially desirable.
A spinster says Love’s old btch -lore .ire frozen-otlt
old gardeners in fl nvor-bed.
Is There a Care for Consumption?
We answer ur reservedly, yes! If the patient
rommencs in tine tho use of Dr. 1’ierce’s
“Golden Med cat Discovery," and exercises
proper care. If allowed to run its course too
iing all inedit ine is powerless to stay it. Dr.
I he c ■ never deceives a paient by hold: gout
af ilsehipe fi r the sake of pecuniary gain,
'ha ‘•Goldoii M< dical Discovery" lias cured
thou-ands of pa eats when i otbing elte
seemed to avail. Your druggist has it. rend
two stamp, for Dr. Pierce s complete - treat iso
on consumption w th numerous tes Imonials.
Address World’s Dispensary Medical Associa¬
tion. Buffalo. N. Y.
A fan vilu:cl at §800 ivaa presf-nted td the
Qnei-ii of Italy by some la-lies in S*idreilcei
For lllckeli, Mdrsamiis, anil Wnstlng till
orders of Children,
Scott’s BmcIcion of Col Liver Oil With
Uypcphosphites, is une jiiale 1 . Ti and e rapidity
ni h which children gain llesh strength
upon it D Very wonderful. Read the follow¬
ing: “I have used Scott’s Knmlsion incases of
(tickets and Marasmus of tong slattdirlg, and
have been mdre than pleased with (he results,
as inevery case the improvement was marked."
J. M. M us, 51. D , Now York.
The Conncouicuf L ‘gislature did not pass
»e High L eetue Bill. The Senate killed it.
Thousands of women bless the day on which
Dr. Pierce's “Favorite Prescription" was made
known to them. In all those derangements
c lusiug backache, dragging down sensations,
i ervous and geneial debility, it is a sovereign
remedy, render it of lls the soothing utmost and value l ealli to ladies g properties suffer*
fug from “internal fever,” By congestion, druggists. infi&m
m.itlon, or ulceration.
The Knights of L ibor of Cincinnati, O., Will
ho d no more Stl irtay meetings.
The Blty of Little Rock, Ark., Offers evety lh
ducement to ti e manufacturer, merchant, me¬
dian c and homeseeker. Population about
85,000, (axes low; good public schools, churches
and society. Climate temperate all the year
i ound. It is an enterprising city, has railroad,
from five directions, about a dozen contem¬
plated lines, stree: lailroads, gas, electric
1 gh\ paid fire department, tuo daily papers,
board of trade, etc. It is the capital of the
date, the eographical cen re, and the chief
city in every respect. Landiecheao, both lot*
a' dsubuiban pr p-rty being on the market.
Information in regard to LitUe Rock or Ar¬
kansas, will be fnrnishedon application to the
Real Estate Exchange, Hon. Thomas Essex,or
The Gazette, Little Rock, Ark.
kniiK I.lttle Fortunes
Maybe had enterprising by all who are embrace sufficiently the intelli¬
gent and to oppor¬
tunities which occasomlly a _ e offered
them. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, have
something new to offer in the line of work
which you can flo for located. them, and Profits live at home,
wherever you are immense,
and every worker is sure of in over single $5 day. a day; All
several have ma le over *50 a
ages; both sexes. ali Capital tieulars not free. required; You had yon
are star ed free: pai
better write to them at once.
Whatever name or designation is given to
Fever and Agueorotiier interiuittentdiseasesj disordered
it is safe to say that Malaria or a
state of the liver is at fault. Eliminate the
iiupur.t es from the system and a sure and
piompt cure is the result. Prickly Ash Bit¬
ters is the safest and most effective remedy
fur all biliary troubles, kidney diseases, and
like complaint- that lias ever been brought
before mendation. the public. A trial is its best recom¬
The Strongest Man In Ohio
It O said to 1> ■ George C. Arnold, of Cleveland,
io, who less than one j ear ago, owing to
chronic 1 ver trouble - nd Bright’s disease of
u e kidneys, weighed less than ninetv-five
pound-, but by usinirDr. Harter's Iron Tonio
has gained in strength aud weight, until now
he is admitted to be the giant of Ohio.
If the little darling is spending such sleep¬
less nights slowly and pitifully wasting away
liylhe drainage upon its syst-m from the ef¬
fect of teething, give Dr. Riggers’ Huckle¬
berry Cordial and* cure will result.
A Wonderful Machine and Ofer.
To introduce ! hem we give away 1.000 Seif
operating Wash ng Machines. No lab -r or
washb iard. Best i a i he world. If you want
one, write The National Go., 27 Dey St.. N. Y.
The total of cattle, hors, and sheep in the
U. S.. are 48,000.000, 45,000,000 an t 48.000.000.
Dr. Pierce’s “PeBetis’’—the original “Little
taeko. By druggists.
Thomas Ji-ff- r-on brought the tomato from
France, knowing il could he grown in America.
naaghters. Wives and Mother*.
Send for Pamphlet ou Fem vie Diseases, free,
(■eenrely sealed. Dr. J. B- Mnrvhisi. Utica. N.Y
ts. H. Morse, President a Boston sculptor, is making a
bust of Cleveland.
If a filleted with sore eyes use Dr • Isaac Thornp
son's Eye-water. Druggists sell atffic.a bottle.
.No Opium in Piso’s Curs (or Consumption.
Cures w here other remedies fail. 25c.
A Destroyer*
The performance of the Thomeycroft
torpedo boat built in England amazing. for the On
Spanish government the measured are mile _ _ against
three runs over miles
the tide, she averaged thirty with the an
hour. In the previous week, draught
tide in her favor and a forced
she accomplished thirty-three and a half
mile s in the hour.
A Madrid scholar, Senor Carulla, who
has been for many years at work on a
rhvmed version of the Bible, has contains just
completed his text. The work
250. OOO ver sefl.
Mr. Arthur Sbnrtleff, Parker, Dakota,writes:
"St Jacobs Oil will cure tne thing not ad' or
t^ed. It cured a wart on my finger which I
had for years. " Price fifty c ents.
Tho P ope’s jubilee gifts will be rich and
varied. The Sultan of Turkey has given him
a ring valued _ ftt $50,000. ---- The Empress of
China will send him a valuable jewel. Queeft
Victoria will send a copy of the Latin Vul¬
gate, richly bound,
_ _
A Baltimore Phi ice Officer, 30 year* oil the
force, Mr. Henry H. Durkee, says: "I suffered
With poison oak for more ihan a year. I tried
St Jacobs Oil; after second apaiication all the
Sores dried up and I was cured- I think It in¬
Key West, at the extreme southern point
of Florida, nas Utt. ar 8 a of less thftn 2,000 acres*
yet its population is 18,000, and there ato in
successful operation there 132 cigar factories.
The city is well supplied with gas, and has
about 5 miles of street railway in operation.
It Is Economy
fo buy Mood's 8 arsaparilla; foi* in it }&i g$t more
real vaiue f«- r the money thail lii any dtbfefc medi¬
cine. A bottle Of Hood’s Sarsaparilla contaiiis iOO
Doses and lasts A month, while others will average
to last not over a week, and tho superior curative
poWert of HooT’s Sarsaparilla are also well known.
Hence fflr ecbriomy, purity, strength afld health
buy Hood's Sarsaparil a,
“ All1 ask or any ohe is to try one bottle of Hood’s
Sarsaparilla and see its quick effect It takes lees
time and quantity to draw its effect than any other
preparation I ever heard of. I would not ho with¬
out it in the house.”—M bs. C. A. M. Hubbard, North
Chili, N. Y.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla Prepared
Bold by all druggists til six for to.
b» C. L HOOD ft CO., Apottiecarios, Lowell, Mass.
idO Doses Orid Dollar
IO Weshingtgn, D. C.
Mm yC|nN<S Ilvlwilv; ^Sedfdessft’ors'redieveS’.
21 years’practice. and Succcsso?- laws.
Write for circulars Sou,Washington,I).C. new
W. McCormick iV
Blair’s Pills. Great matic Gout Remedy. and Rheu¬
Oval Box, 34 1 ronnd, 14 Pills.
VfclltflUiid n&ftiQlf! JQ to Soldiers and Heirs. Sendforcir
I culars. No fee miless successful.
Es H. GKESTON efe GO., Washington, P. Q.
ooutttei ▼ sG^siidi. Teachers’ Schools vrritb Birmingham^ for Address
n Ageticfo Aid.
Jtnft np Lines luSSu day. samples worth .Lift! FREa
not tlmler tile hotee’s feet Address
BrkwstkR’s Ssfktt Rein Holper, Holly.Aliett
I — I
25 crs,_
n SKifiiia!
A’lSH’h, .
■i \ i Vl./i oim
i m illlj
m J;
% wmM
I 4 5S m
im v' ; ms
—— -.......
- - -
i :ij mh > i *: ■■..
The following words, In praise of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription as a remedy for those detarte T i *‘“ ts s ^ Ba
nesses peculiar^to women, must-be of interest to every sufferer from such Tl tiJ abfe boon of healthvH® M
j n 1
restored to them th 6 use of this world-famed medicine.
JohnE. Seoar, of Millenbeck, Va„ writes:
SI 00 “ My wife had been suffering for two or three
years with female weakness, and had paid
Thrown Away. out one hundred dollars to physicians with¬
out relief. She took Dr. Tierce’s Favorite
all Prescription the medicine and it given did to her her more by good the physi¬ than
cians during the three years they had been practicing upon her.”
Mrs. George Herger, ot WestfleULN. PI,
The Greatest writes: “ I was a great sufferer from leucor
rhea, uaily bearing-down back. pains, Three and bottles pain of contin
- n HflflN across my your
u rARTHl anmi .1 Y uuun. fect ‘Favorite health. Prescription’ I treated with restored Dr.-, me to per- for
nine months, without receiving any benefit.
The ‘Favorite suffering Prescription’ women.” is the greatest earthly boon to us
Many times call their family physicians, suffering, they imagine, from dyspepsia, aniY ^ r snaM
women on as one ; er[! or
another from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous exhaustion or prostration, another wnu h an d dlstma »
this way they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, si p , um ntm» <»S” J
for -which he prescribes his pills and potions, assuming them to be such, when, in reality, they are all on y ¥L F ma( je. W?
womb disorder. The physician, ignorant of the cause of suffering, encourages his practice until large urns ^ proper*”
patient gets no better, out probably worse by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent the disease, compm- . dispel™
like Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, directed to the cause would have entirely removed
distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery.
3 Physicians
Failed. sicians. Having I exhausted was completely the skill discouraged, of three and phy¬ so
weak I could with difficulty cross the 2*00111
alone. I began taking Dr. Pierce’s’Favorite Prescription and
using the local treatment recommended in his ‘Common Sense
Medical Adviser.’ I commenced to Improve at once. In three
months I was perfectly cured, and have had no trouble since. I
wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mentioning how my
health had been restored, and offering to send the full particulars
to >dope any for one reply. writing me have for them, and enclosing hundred a ttampedren- letters.
t I received over four
In reply, I have described my case and the treatment used,
and have earnestly advised them to * do likewise.’ From a great
many I have received seoond letters of thanks, stating that they
had commenced the use of ‘Favorite Prescription,’had sent the
local $1.50 required for the ‘ Medical Adviser,’ and had applied the
treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein, and were
much better already.”
The treatment of many thousands of cases
of those chronic weaknesses and distressing
ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids’
Hotel afforded ana Surgical vast Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.,
has a experience in nicely
adapting and of thoroughly woman's testing remedies
”or the cure peculiar maladies.
Or. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
is the outgrowth, or result, of this great
and valuable experience. Thousands of
testimonials, received from patients and
from physicians who have tested it in tho
more aggravated and obstinate cases which
had baffled th' ir skill, prove it to bo the
most wonderful remedy ever devised for
the relief and euro of suffering women. It
is not recommended as a “cure-ail,” but
as peculiar a most ailments. perfect Specific for woman’s
It As a powerful, strength invigorating to the whole tonic,
imparts the uterus, womb and system, its
and to or overworked, ap¬
pendages, in particular. For
"worn-out," “run-down.” debilitated teaeh
era, maiineHBsiHiS miliiners. dressmakers, seamstresses, moth
“shop-girls,” --,, and feeble ^-----,----------:— housekeepers, generally. nursing i Dr.
era, women
Pierce’s Pierce’s Favorite Favorite Prescription Prescription being unequalled is is the the great¬ {
est earthly eordii boon, and tonic. as an It
appetizing digest! i and restorative assimilation of food.
promotes a
«. 663 Ii»’* in
CL CD O CO o c a: m -n o ce
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use
in timo. Sold by druggists.
o o Z CD D Z V H 0 z
I _ 1
' 25 CTS‘
h _ I
The best and surest Ecmedy for Cura or
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily te the beneficent influence of
It is pleasant te the taste, tones up the
system, restores and preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fall to
prove beneficial, both to old and yonng.
S a Blood Purifier it is superior to all
others. Bold everywhere at 11.00 a bottle <
__ ’iron THE ONLY TRUE
.X iVill the Restore 0 o?f purify LIVER pIt»2S the the and H£AIz3 BLOOD KID Wan 1
P feeling on.JL.acK ab- Ql
: Strength solutely and cored: Bones,
. mus.
cles and nerves receive lsv?
force. 'a°no Enlivens the mina
Ik. SftppUe? i Brain 1 Po 'ower.
LADIES • Suffering iifen complaints lainta
TONIC a safe and speedy ^rlv^nrA. cure. flivps G iven a a clear, clear, heal- heal
fiatejperifr.ent-cet the Obwisal and Best,
8t. Louis, Mo.
KIng-boH broken king-bolts, In rear of axtg, rattles f^eveuts and accidents leaves axle fipni rull
never : free
1 1rength. Before you buy a buggy sc cd for
ptUnphlet describing this valuable improvemtftrti
THE HERBBAHfl CO., Fremont, 0.
"SSSIPIs and not but is enthusiastic over
have owd them properties. one 25 cents; 5 boxes, ft.
their wonderful prepaid. All in¬
Of Druggists or by mall, postage symptoms, etc.,
valids should send account of case,
With order and we will Do YOU GOOD. Address
ftfo WM, M, BAIKD, Washington, V. J.
$100 °S 300 preferred ^firT^S who cito fuf
nTh their own horses arid gfve their whole tlrtie to
the business. Spare moments mV bfUT 0 ^ 1 /.,^ -
Pift.taS.HJye? SSmS ^ ;amp L. BINO- for
IH«EW »*«
Her ISSsSffi&gW! for some time. I tai-e^had
*2S™: _
aside, and feel as well as I ever did.
It . u, Woks Mrs. May Gleason,
attending “o the duties of my household.
I Jealous I A Marvelous Cnns- i ml
of Crystal, Mich„ writes^ nd fi
| Doctors, | for a ff»™t _ of di 1 i 5 ;iSrS 5£3
&sa» »sisioS army s®
time. I have not had to take any m
four years.”
cures nausea, weakness eructations of stomach, of indi¬
gestion, soothing bloating and aud strengthening gas.
As a Prescription” is
equalled nervine, and “ Favorite is invaluable in allaying and un¬
subduing nervous excitability, irritability,
exhaustion, prostration, hysteria, symptoms spasms
and other distressing, nervous and
commonly attendant upon functional
organic disease of the womb. It induces
refreshing sleep and relieves mental anx¬
iety and despondency. Prescription
Br. Pierce’s Favorite
is a legitimate medicine, carefully
compounded by an experienced and skillful
physician, and adapted to woman's delicate
organization. It is purely vegetable in its
composition and perfectly harmless in its
effects “ Favorite in any Prescription condition or the » system. is a posi¬
tive cure for the most complicated and
obstinate eases of leucorrhea, or ‘‘whites,
excessive ful menstruation, flowing at unnatural monthly periods, suppressions, pain¬
prolapsus or falling of the womb, weak
back, “female weakness,” anteversion, chron¬ re¬
troversion, bearing-down sensations, ulceration
ic congestion, inflammation and ten¬
of the womb. Inflammation, pain and
derness beak” In ovaries, accompanied with
Hats Specialists treated Drop*, for «nd ThirteVn v* 8(1
assswasa phfe^ rent,
pronoM « i he*, i,
<£? 2 p.
.b^tT h**;
of owe. Name SOI.
"KS™™ 1 ’. qnSstiona, etc!**
&A mp^sj
Dr. Minor, cu*. Class or uiTivi h
i-RCV. lofeEi-i tf 437 t -
WHETHER tail li/it
it will pit y you to write to
Catalogue (free) and Prices. Me »tw«
Rend far Cat* ne.
ing, Piles. Bleed CURE nig, GUARANTEED, IJicsvatcd or Pr«i
for raid, Pilea 8vS.50.j only. {.Pliyalcians' ja»» w ei„
Price per box, 50rf.mdi
by LAMAR. druggist# KANKIN or mailed LAMAR. i«u iv-ctlpt of pried
cured at boon m
Book of particulars!
B. M. Woollt
■■■BnftBBli Atlanta, f.n.
Whitehall Street . Mention this paper.
Education a specialty st 'HOHRE’S Bl
UNIVERSITY, AlluiitR. 4>a, OnM
echoolff in fiie Country. Send for Uirculare,
M M sem 400. ' llliwial ll. lift .nil i;n 1
^y/srrJsf/TSf /l) , tJ&n get the roost Practical ft
cAtjou atGoldsmiili’hSch
incss,38.JiM Broad St.Allan
v //It/tlS tor Ci rculars k Specimen nt f
gf% ilk m ma UU a Plat top No. 7 Uook Store!
O 8 with fixtures. Send for cell
V 0 Stewart A Go. ,dH ffmwlialiSt.,
“ Soldiers & Helix
Pensions^- a to
OPIUM Habit Cured. TreautentK
Hum A n e Pjsmkd v Co„ LaR
A. f “ t ................ T«’m.M
weakness of common iaW^j
symptoms t t,e
eerous and sen »*«
i Norite
under ntanufactin*e^v a it
every or
tion in
list ^p^'send z£J?$i- 00 '