The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, June 22, 1887, Image 1
CONYERS Y WEEKLY VOLUME X. A /‘“ ~ , _‘ / r _‘/ : ;~. TE fi'fi‘i'fi - "'"i’ M ~v~wrvv~—_r H —' \‘ nmaazszxrs Eazmzmmmmir f ., ‘ “WWI. ‘ > "mg?m, ‘ *V fl ““ ' ' * 9 “ \\\\\ T ’ V “ — 1‘5 m m. F53. 2. A -/ aaa ' Cm ‘ > 1/ \ ’ ‘ ;;../’5_’ \ ’1 5». /’ "/9, " \ E"! . ‘ "{:_:~EV.;>, "" . \ 1-2:: ‘\ \x ‘ I B ‘ m 1 mg '- 216 vs. ggeém 1 ! __ \,\ ,1 [I "/ /’ ‘1 ‘\ ~ ‘ ‘\ l/ \ uninEpFni:::|:eyf:f“Fft:mers, Th ' Trainers and Horsemen. , ‘ ‘. /’ FOB GOOD )B WORK GO TO THE EEKLY OFFICE. )HUG STORE. DR, M, R, STEWART, MERCE STREET, CONYERS, GA. resh Line of Drugs and Fancy Goods just received, and will from [datebe kept constantly on hand. All kinds of DRUGS, MEDJ NES, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. TOB AC > CIGARS, STATIONERY, FANCY TOILET SOAPs. in fact every thing to be found in a «t Class DRUG STORE. My terms are STEICTLY CASH! i nd on this account I can offord to sell my goods low, in fact CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST MY PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE! Lnall prescriptions sent to me will be promptly and carefully Compounded. I Sell The Famous A. Q. C. e ded to be the best blood purifier known to tbe science you want any thing in my line call on VERY TRULY 1 DR. M. R STEWART ) onyers GEORGI A CONYERS. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1887. ENGINES REPAIRED. If you have an Engine tliAt needs repairing, do not delay, for “A stitch in ve nine, . but . , have it . . fixed „ . 'up before you need it. We have SKILLED MACHINISTS and guarantee all work. We also Veep a full supply of Eligible and BOILER FIXTURES. We are prepared to do all kinds of Engine work in the best of style and at prices as low or lower than Atlanta. Send your work at once. H, D. Terell & Co, Conyevs, Ge BEEtH sik'fri' Jwy.'Jt © »• V, Owners and Operators of the Who sell the entire products Df their immense factory direct to the public, From tops can purchase upon liberal ta. THE BEST ORGANS MANUFACTURED. WARRANTED FOR SIX YEARS. Catalogue and fall particulars free. Write us before purchasing. Address, me.; turning name of this paper, □Rrcso'cnBxa’ « m ON. YVA RRE NCOTN„,' DE. J.J. SEAMANS. DENTIST. OFFICE 3 WHITEHEAD HOUSE Conyers, Ga., JAIL BROKEN INTO, Several, nights ago West McClure, a negro of Troy, Ala., was arrested and jailed for assaulting a widow lady. A mob attempted to break the jail at Troy, where he was confined, breaking all the doors until they reached the inner case hardened cell, which was proof against the sledge hammers and chisels. The jail is now guarded Rl^es, by a strong posse an< * the O at68 a local military company. PEACE WITH ROME, Prince Bismarck has promised th# Pope, Leonine his City moral and supp the stretch >rt in claiming the of territory to Civita Vecchia as a basis for reconcili¬ ation with Italy; 1 A va 1 AIHi BEAUTIFULLY illustrated* This Magazine portrays Ameri¬ can thought and life from ocean td ocean, is filled with pure high-class literature, and can be safely wel¬ comed in any family circle. PRICE 2Sc. OR $3 A YEAR BY MAIL. Sample Copy of current number mailed upon rt» telpt of 25 cts.; bach numbers, 15 cts. Premium List with either. Address: E. T. BUSH k SOM, Publishers* 130 & 132 Pearl St., N, jt. i i m Ii i HUGHS & m. HAT rnTjvrj I UlUiMt rx * , AND (& t nt 8 Ifurttisfursf. THE BEST SI SHIRT LN THE CITY, Valises, Umbrella’s etc. 9 PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA II®. GRENADES. Two Sizes—fiats sad Quarts. Over Sixty M illions Sold. kbit KM rm /// prxcbs. Pints, - Per Doz„ $10,00. i r Quarts. . “ 15.00. “STAR* TnMir Fire Eitingnislier. Glass Tufce, 19*28- in. Holds 1 quart. MSfln this device We combine the BEST Orenades QUALITIES o£ our famous with the NEW feature of having; an, or* tide that can be used by Sprink¬ ling. It is desisted especially for and use Dwellings. m f*a«senger It is.elegant Coaches in ornamentation. It is cheap and reliable. Norust;noccrcos> ion possible. Plain, OrnamPd $|2v0Operd&z, jg.QQ per doz. Tha “StaP 9 EXTINGUISHER Holds 5 gallons,and will force a stream through hose feet 6 feet with of ffuinp, 45 6 ‘Ar which is the best ever made. Needs nitration until used. Will of freeze, explode or get out order. No rust or corros • ion. Can be used by anyone. Price. ~ffe80.00.Each. ' Tr STAR 7r “eREft1lGAl. s needed Just wliat in every tej village, laiilber yard, Fully war® house, equip¬ etc. ped Ax, With Crow Hose. Bar, Ban tern, etc. It is cheap, and re¬ liable. Wt,. 450 lbs. PRICE. EACH. j 200 . 00 Four years cl practical use have demonstrated these to be the Fire only reliable, and made- thoroughly We effi- the cieat Hand liquid appliances it all, and guarantee uss fully. same chemical Liberal discounts to agents. Send for circulars and testimonials. T^HARDEH H&HS G3ENADE GQ. SI & 53 Dearborn Si, Chicago, III. THE EXCELSIOR r COTTON GIN B ; FEEDERS AND ikSfj ^CONDENSERS Iona Ithe ranteed to be Equal to Best. Picks the See* i i [Clean, Gin. Fine East Staple. and Make, a The Circular Roll Box is Hi :v- - Patf mted, and no other mar nuf acturer can use it. S end for Circular, No 9 tro'able to communicate with pa; dies wanting these ma¬ chines. Repaired short , | < Old Gins at [notice and cheap. Gin Works, 'Massey Cotton MA CON, Ga. SOUTHERN NEWS, INTERESTING BITS OF GOSSIP CAUGHT ON THE WING. | Social, Religions, society, Military nn.i Other Topics Which Interest tbe People in the South, Mrs, S, A. Gordon, of Columbus, Ga., the step mtoher of Georgia’s governor died recently. Shearman Carr, H’young man residing in Atlanta, Ga., had a most desperate battle with a mad dog, and was bitten badly by the brute. At VfirtnsborOj S. C;, an explosion of a. ynamite near the Court house cau.sed some excitehiefit, coiirt being ih Sessioii. Some think this a blundering attempt the oh the part of the negroes to blow up court house, in revenge for the conviction of some of their friends. Others think it but a practical joke. Judge 0. A. Lochrane, of Atlanta, Ga ; , iS dead. the He was born in Armagh, 1829. Ireland, on 12th of August, left lie came of a Well-to-do family, but home at the age of id add canife to this country. Adopting the legal profession in Georgia, he rose rapidly, and eventu¬ ally became a judge. He leaves an estate valued at $500,000. Ex-Sheriff Ramey, Rowan county, Ky., and his son were killed by unknown per¬ sons near Morehead, in that suspected. county. The Craig-Tolliver party are that Governor He Gordon, of Georgia, decides cannot interfere with the course of justice in the case of Jacob Leggett, of Reidsville, convicted of murder. Miss Effie Elder, of Barnesvilie, Ga., was married to Capt. I. H. Adams, of Eatonton. Sam. K. Cook, brother-in law to the bride, attended the marriage and was walking down to the train, when, midway between the bank and D. A. Stroud’s store, he suddenly fell on the sidewalk in an apoplectic fit and died. have The Gate City Guards of Atlanta, Ga., not J ct chosen a captain to succeed Capt. Burke, Who resigned recently. A prohibition club was organized in Rome, Ga Hon. Seaborn Wright was elected president, and Mr. J. F. Hillyer, secretary. William Miller, a boy of 18, sentenced a year ago to imprisonment for life for a murder committed in Glynn county, Ga., died of consumption at “Old-time” Camp, in Jcffersqn county. In the south end of Jones chapel, at Macon, Ga., in the place formerly occu¬ pied by the old front door, a memorial tablet has been plated to the memory of Rev. James Jones, foilndet of the church. Some reports against the action of the police in Atlanta, Ga., with reference to gambling implements that have accumu lated for many years, caused the author ities to direct that the whole pile be burned up. It was done in the public streets at noonday. The commissioners have decided on building a $12,000 includes jail at Waynesboro, Ga. This building and lot. They for propose applying to the Legislature the the passage of a bill allowing county to issue 7 per cent, bonds at three, six and nine years, each bond call¬ ing for $4,000. WHEAT DEALEES FAILING. Great Excitement fn the Great Center, of Western Trade. The sudden drop in wheat at all great grain centers in the West caused intense excitement, and many dealers have failed. Such scenes of wild excitement as were witnessed on ’change have never been known before. When the break came, everybody frantically tried to sell wheat, and nobody wanted to buy. In a short time, July wheat had sold off from 80f to 77J, while September dropped from 79 to 75*. THIS GREAT MAN SICK. Prince Bismarck’s condition has be¬ come worse. He is afflicted with rheuma¬ tic pains, which prevent sleep, and his doctors advise rest and change of his climate. Ilig illness, however, prevents travel¬ ing at present, NEW YORK KNIGHTS. Between July 1, 1886, and April 1, 1887, the membership of the Knights of Labor in New York city and vicinity de¬ creased from 104,469 to 61,798, the ac¬ tual falling off being 42,676, or a trifle over 40 per cent. GENERAL NEWS. Something About Ireland, Labor Troubles, Railroad Robberies, Victoria^ Jubilee, European Complication*, Etc. Nina Van Zandt, the proxy-bride of Spies, tbe condemned, Anarchist, under who is confined in Chicago, HI., sentence of death, is dying of quick consumption. Some of the Mexican papers are loud in their denunciation of Americans,claim¬ ing that American capital is quietly get¬ ting possession of all the great financial and railroad interests of the country. A jury has been secured in the case of Jake Sharp, the briber, custody. on trial at New York, and he is in The Bay State Company of New York is about to absorb all the Boston gas companies. Tne $10,000,0(W. amount of purchase money is about An epidemic of flux is raging in Bed¬ ford county, Ya A number of deaths have occurred. Scarcely a family in a large area has escaped the disease. Earthquakes visited La Roche, Sur Yon, in La Vendee, France. The people were frightened into a temporary panic, but no serious damage was done. A slave dhow attacked the launch of a British man-of-war in Zanzibar and wounded an officer and five men. The dhow was, however, sunk by the force on the launch, and the slaves upon her 48 in number, were rescued. The Yoz de An.tioquia repOfts a land¬ slide on the El Pedero farm in Concordia not Pedro far from Panama, his burying and Sen nine or at Resttepo, wile children, and the servant in the house. In all, sixteen persons were killed. Charles Burch, a Jersey City, N. J., policeman, fired three shots at his wife, fatally wounding her. He then shot himself in the head and died. The couple had been married about 11 years, and had three children, the oldest of whom is 10 years. There have been no new cases of yellow fever lately in Key West, Fla., and but one death—that of a Mr. Hoffman, who died in a private house. There are fif¬ teen sick persons under treatment at the present time, four of whom are declared to be convalescent, and the remainder are thought to be on the road to recovery. The Louisiana Ice Manufacturing Co., have asked for an injunction vs. the Mont¬ gomery Ice Co., and the Capital City Ice Co., and the Enterprise Manufacturing Co. of Selma, to restrain them from manu¬ facturing Montgomery ice, alleging infringement of patent. depends entirely on artificial ice, and two companies have a big business The famous Daniel Dickson will case, was decided by the Georgia State Su¬ preme Court in favor of Amanda Eubanks, the colored legatee. Amanda Eubanks was an illegitimate daughter of Dickson. When dying he willed her $400,000. A contest of the will, thus made, is what the Supreme Court decided, holding that whites and blacks are on an equality so far as inheritance goes. The Belgian Chamber of Deputies by a vote of 82 to 41 passed the bill for forti¬ fying of the Meuz. The executive committee of the Trades Union Congress, in London, Eng., has reported against the holding of an ground inter¬ national trades congress, on the that trades unionism in England has few points in common with continental trades unionism. Conductors and brakemen on the Union Pacific railroad have been carrying out a systematic scheme of robbery like that exposed sylvania some railroad. months Several ago on robberies the Penn¬ of the same character have been committed at Central City, Neb., and it seems that crews running east from Cheyenne are most deeply involved. Mr. Chamberlain the Unionist leader in England speaking at a banquet in Lon¬ don, said he rejoiced that the signs of the times were favorable to unionists, and the game of lawlessness and disorder was up at last. The people had examined Mr. Gladstone’s statements for themselves, and Ihe result was their faith in his rudely judg¬ ment and patriotism had been shaken. Old reactionary toryism in was dead and the hope of the future Dartford lay a union of parties to carry out the programme and other necessary reforms. RATHER SLEEPY Frank T. Ridgeway is on trial befo; the U. 8. Court, at Macon, Ga., for illic ! distilling of whiskey, and defendant his lawy te claims he is insane. The tilled in his own defense, that he had m slept a wink in 8 years, 5 months a 14 days; that he laid down at night a ■ rested, but that he never slept. Hi the toils. | I Frank Fowler was there arrested few at Rich days Valley, Ill. He went a farmer. I ago and hired as a laborer to a ! On Saturday a United States detective appeared at Rich Valley and inform <1 ! the fanner that Fowler was wanted in I Tennessee for forging checks on Gov. | Bate, thirteen months ago, for $37, out). Reports from the county of Calhoun, I j u Florida, state that an epidemic of ; rabies among dogs and cattle prevails bitten there, tieveral peisons have been I by rabid dogs. Much excitement pre¬ vails in the county, aud dog and cattle ■ killing parties have been organized. NUMBER IT. WASHINGTON NOTES. aosstrYOLBAWas ABOUT ov* , NATIONAL OFFICIALS. Somethin*' About tbe PreiMent’s Moto menti-Report» from the Department., List of Appointments, IStc., &«■ BUM FOR AFRICA. Consul Strickland, writing from Gore Daka, Africa, to the State Department,, Germans; calls attention to the way the are absorbing the African trade. They nave a line of steamers running from Hamburg to the coast, and are pushing: the English close on account of tbe ex¬ treme cheapness of their goods. “Ham¬ burg alcohol,” he says, “is offered at. thirty-two cents per gallon, and forms the basis of most of the sparkling Afri- bev¬ erages with which the Simon-pure is can loves to regale himself. It sur prising to see the enormous quantities of f»m, gin and alcohol which block up the wharves wkeu a steamer comes in. One can scarcely conceive where so much vile stuff goes to, but the capacity of the unrectitied African to absorb into bis na¬ ture this kind of rectified spirit is some J thing phenomenal. ” TROUBLESOME APACHES. The Adjutant-General received the fol¬ lowing telegram from Gen. O.O. Howard, dated San Francisco: “Gen. Miles tele¬ graphs that Capt. Pierce reports only sixteen men absent from San Carlos, and that all Indians on the reservation under¬ stand that the action of a few reflects up¬ on the whole tribe, and are anxious that the offenders shall be captured. He leaves Los Angeles to-day for Fort Grant.” DESIGNS FOR THE NEW WAR VESSELS. The board Whitney 1 of examiners adjudicate appointed by Secretary to upon and the competitive designs finished for gunboats examina¬ cruiScrS,' have their tions. Less than a dozen designs alto¬ gether, including both submitted. gunboat Two and cruiser designs, were' and Eng¬ came from France, two from land, and the remainder were from American naval architects. The majority of the designs were for cruisers; only three of four were for gunboats. A prize of $15,000 is pledged to the best design in each class. FLAGS TO BE RETURNED. The governors ot the Southern states have been notified by Adjt. Gen. Drum, that the President has approved the re¬ commendation, that all the flags in the custody of the War Department be re¬ turned to the authorities of the respective states in which the regiments which bore them were or ganized, for final disposi¬ tion. With each flag will be Bent a little history of its capture. SOOC NEWS FROM CUBA. One of the effects of the commercial agreement made by Secretary Bayard with the Spanish Government is shown by a dispatch announcing that the American ship Celina, arrived at Havana with a full cargo from the River Platte. This is said to be the first American vessel that lias arrived at Havana direct from the River Platte in sixty years, the differen¬ tial duties that ruled in favor of Spanish ratified vessels before the agreement was having excluded American vessels from this trade. qUITR AN ADVANCE. The tract of land north of “Washing¬ ton Heights,” known as “Clifbourne,” many years ago the home of John Quincy Effie Adams, which was bought by Miss A. Ober, the late manager of the Boston Ideal Opera Company, for $80,000, has been sold for $110,000. LUCKY CONSUL. John P. Campbell, the newly-appointed consul to Tam Have, Madagascar, reports to the State Department that he met with a cordial reception upon his arrival at that port. He was welcomed by the dig¬ nitaries of the island and presented with a bullock, six chickens and two geese as a token of esteem by the Queen of Mad agascar. NOTES. Two of the District police have been complained of because they stole flowers nt night from the White House grounds. The President lias appointed John C. Luning postmaster at Leesburg, I la. The office recently became a presidential one. Attorney-General Garland was fifty five years old recently, and he celebrated the event by going on a fishing expedi¬ tion a short distance in the country. Mr. Corcoran, the philanthropist, is slowly recovering from his illness. The partial paralysis was caused by a very slight effusion of blood near the junction of'the blood vessel with the brain. Brig. Gen. Wesley Merritt has been transferred to the command of the De¬ partment of the Missouri, and his p ace as Commandant of West Point will be given to Gen. J. G. Parke, of the Engin¬ eer Corps. North Carolina, A delegation from headed by Senators Ransom and Vance, and Representative Henderson, watted on the President, and asked a modifica¬ tion iff the executive order of consolidat¬ ing the internal revenue districts so that the ” districts in that state will not be changed. EXPENSIVE LICENSES. The price for a license to sell liquor in Bushnell, III., i3 $2,000, and six saloon men have applied for license. This rep resents, about $12 apiece from every man, woman and child in the town, ad 2 trouble