The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 30, 1887, Image 2
THE WEEKLY R.J. GUINN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR 81,25 PER ANNUM. Entered at the Conyers Post Office as second class mall matler. Advertising rates made known on Demand, job Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. Won’t we have political fun next year? Atlanta is now wet by a large majority—1,122. Will it be easier to get whisky in Atlanta now than before? Now that Atlanta has gone wet < what efTect will it have on the pro¬ hibition cause throughout the entire country? It is not every time the case that the man who yells the loudest for liberty and personal rights enjoys these high prerogatives to the full¬ est extent. Henry W. Grady of the Consti¬ tution is receiving the praise, but Captain Evan Ilowell did the work. Howell, so to speak, is bigger than Grady, the Constitution and the temperance orators combined. So it Cleveland will no doubt be re¬ nominated, and will doubtless be opposed by either Jimmie Blaine oi Johnnie Sherman. Either c.f these self boasted patriots know how to wave the bloody shirt and deceive the nogio. The election in Hancock county Friday resulted in the success of the wet ticket by about 250 majori¬ ty. The antis carried the Sparta precinct by about 450 majority. The vote was large, ami is a fair test of the relative strength of the two factions. It seems to be the general im¬ pression throughout the country, says the Savannah News, that the first national Thanksgiving day proclamation was issued by Presi¬ dent Lincoln, but this is not the case. Lincoln merely revived the custom established by President Georgo Washington Jan. 1, 1795, when he issued his first Thanksgiv¬ ing day proclamation from Phila¬ delphia, His example was not fol¬ lowed by his successors, however, and at times several states observ¬ ed the day, there was no general observance until the administration of President Lincoln, There is a little negro in Macon named Berry Bowden, age 12 years, who has a most remarkable mouth. When fully opened the distance from the corner of the mouth to the lobe of his ear is less than half an inch. He puts his fist in his mouth with ease and can hold two eggs in the mouth with out any dif¬ ficulty. In addition to the great ca¬ pacity, he can turn his under lip wrong side outward, this gives him an awful appearance. lie seems to pride himself on the size of his mouth, and never tires of showing what he can do with it, Thursday he put a toy rubber balloon in his it and intlated the balloon to its fullest extent. Taliaferro county voted in favor of liquor last Monday by a majori¬ ty of 107. It seems that the pro hibitionistg are inactive if not dis¬ pirited. Simply because Fulton county saw proper to adopt meth¬ ods adverse to prohibition is no reason—at least is no good reason— why the temperance people throughout the country should sulk, pine or be dismayed. Rather the reverse. The prohibitionists, should be active, faithful, true, but not fanatical or tyrannical. The worse enemy to any cause is a mis¬ guided or over zealous friend. Though, after all, it does strike one as a little peculiar that people of equal education and soberness should differ so widely on the ques¬ tion of prohibition. Howevei, this is a land ot the tree and home of the brave, as many delight to sins and long may it a land of peace, sobriety and virtue. 1 T 7 H J Jl. - The undersigned would respect fully announce to the citizens of CONYERS and vicinity that he has fitted up a 1; rge tent on Decatur Street, near the court house, where he is prepared to do all kinds of FIRST CLASS photogrnph work. Copying and nlarging from old pictures to ANY SIZE desired. Being connected with KUHN’S in Atlanta, I propose to send my Negatives there to have the Photo graphs finished, which necessarily will consume several days, but ena¬ bles me to give you FIRST CLASS Work ? A proof of the Negative will be shown next day after sitting, and if proof is not satisfactory, a new Negative will be made, and if satis¬ factory, then parties are requested to' pay half of the amount agreed upon down, and the balance when they receive the Photographs, THE PUBLIC Generally and the Ladies particu¬ larly, are cordially invited to call and examine specimens. SCHEDULE 0E PEICES. 12 Minnet Panels, for $1.50 6 Cards $1.50 or 12 for 2.50 6 Cabinets, 3.00 or 12 for 4.50 6 Panels 4.00 or 12 for 6.O0 2 Tin Types .50 or 4 for .75 Groups, from 50c to $2.00, extra, hxtra charge lor troublesome ba¬ bies. Wm. KUHNS, Photographer. DR. W. II, LEE, DRUGGIST' Corner Center & R. R. Street, Makes a specialty of the follow¬ ing goods, a foil and complete stock always on hand: Garden seed, glass and putty, violins, vlo-: in cases, bows and strings, station¬ ery, school books, lamps etc. LADD’S LIME, Posit ivly thebrst lime on the mar ket can be had cheap, by calling on A. J. Pierce. Conyers Ga, Oct 12th. tf Rough and Dressed Kiln Dry Flooring. Ceiling, VVe-thei' boarding, Shingles, Lathes, Mouldings 1 etc. Write lor estimates. LUMBER, HUDSON & DOBBS, Corner Hunter St. ami Central R. Telephone 104O. WM. J. ALBERT Attorney At Law, 2 1-2 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. Prompt attent.on given to all busi ness. tf. tevvart & McCalla, our enterpris¬ ing merchants, have purchased a nice Delivery Wagon, employed a faithful colored Porter, and will de¬ deliver goods to allheir city trade. Call on them and leave your or ers APPLICATION TO SELL LAND. GEOHRGIA, To Rockdale count}'— all whom It may concern: J. N. Glenn ns administrator of Tbos, N, Hammock, de¬ ceased, has applied to the undersigned for leave tosell the lands beiongrinir to tne estate of heard said deceased, and said application will be on the tirst Monday in December next. This Nov. i, 1S87. O. Seamans, Or’dny. B J RGU RAILROAD. STONE MOUNTAIN R HJL'S ■ Geo ao 1 a Railroad Co.. I Office General Manager, j Augusta, Sep. 17, 1887. COMMENCING SUNDAY. 18, inst, the folio wing Passenger schedule will he operated. Trains run by 90th meridian time. FAST LINE. no. 27 West daily. Lv Augusta 9 45 a| " I Lv Athens 7.45 am ArConyers 11 57am ( Ar Atlauto 1OO pm NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2 42 pm | Ar Athens 7 40 pm Ar Conyers 340 pm | Ar AugustaS i 5 pm no 2 east daily NO I WEST DAILY. Lv Atlanta tt.Oo am | Lv AngustmO 35am Lv Ponyers 9 19 atu | Lv Macon 7.10 am \r Athens 5.20 pm | Lv Mil'd’v! o 19 am “ Wash’n 5 20 pin j | Lv Wash’n 11.20am “ Mil’d’ve 4. it pin Lv Athens 90O am At Macon 0.00 pm i Ar Confers 4,24 pm Ar Augusta 3.30 pm j Ar : Atlanta 5.40 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 0 .10 pm | Lv Cov’gt’41 5 4O am Lv Convers8.oQ pm ( Lv Conyers 6,12 am Ar Cov'vt’118 3$ pm | Ar Atlanta 7.06 am NO. 4 EA^T DAILY' no, 3 ri-T DAIT Lv Atlanta 9 00 pm | Lv Augustalo .15 pm LvCony’rs lo 30pm | Lv Conyers 4 55am Ar Augusta 5 00 am | Ar Atlanta 6.3O am Train Nos. 27 and 28 will stopat and recieve passengers to and from the following statons only : Grove town, Harlem, Derring Thomson. Norwood, Barnett Crawfordville, Union Point. Greensboro Madison Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, St 11c Moun¬ tain and Decatur. Train No. 1 connects for all points Wc*t and North West. Train No. 2 connects for Charleston and all points East. No. 27, for all* points West and South Wes’, No. 28 f«r Charles¬ ton and Savannah. No. 3-for points West and North West. No. 4 for Charleston, Savannah and all poists V East. JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. MaV E. It. DORSEY, G’n. Pass. Ap OE vV. WHITE, Gen. Trav. Pase. A. NOTICE. I will be in Conyers the first Sat¬ urday in every month, patients wishing to see me will find me at the hotel or at Dr. Lee’s drug store. Dr. L. G. Brantley. SAVED ms LIFE. Mr. D. I. Wileoxson, of Horse Cave, Kj., says he was for many years badly afflicted with Phthisic, also diabetes; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him int^ convulsions. He tried Electric Bitten And got relief from first bottle, and after \aking six bottles was entirely cured and had gained in flesh 18 lbs. have' Says he had noistively believes he would died it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 cents a bot* kla, at Dr. W. H. Lee’s Drag Store. A few more ladies wraps left at Cain's, _ # MB MY LOOK! am BELONGS TO jt Cress! THEY ARE TOO BUSY TO WRITE AN WD" _ * * * _ * Hs -* * THOSE CLOSE SHRVEO PflICES have captured the best cash trade of the county. S U M M E RS & CROSSLEY believe in full value and large sales. Best tobacco and cigars in town. We keep groceries of every kind. Another stock of fine oil paint ings. You will always find the cheap est confectioneries at our store. You will find the bargains and the crowds this week at S & C’s. Another beau¬ tiful line of hats The best French alpine at Sum¬ mers & Crossley Pretty dress goods at S um_ mers and Cross ley's, >L -■ mm ■ . i Wm m •L web Is the word that expres m CL> the shortest Space of time. It also INDICATES THE TIM ©SUM BA&&AXH 8 ! ---AT Stewart & Kolia's, Progress and enterprise may be as well or bettor shown, in the mi chantile as in any other vocation, Stewart <fc McCalla havepvj sufficient evidence of their thrift and enterprise by purchasing the selected and most varied stock of goods ever opened in this city. Not only have they the best stock, But they are absolutely tfllij them cheaper than any body. They most certainly have IMERE3 HIGH-PRIDES! HERE IT IS Our stock consists of every thing to be found in a general ml chandise store. The editor informs us that he eonnot give ns spare to mentioni| our stock unless he issues an extra eight page edition. But weconj not afford to wait for that, as we are anxions to have our friends Im| that our house is the place to get goods. Among other things we keep always on hand the best and cheal est lot of dress goods. The most complete line of notions The prettiest and nobbiest lot of hats and caps, The cLoipd and best iine of clothing. The best and most complete stock of gents furnishing good?. SHOES SHOES SHOES! Our reputation the biggest shoe house in town needs bo com as fhoj mentfiomus. We can beat the state on selling a fine durable cheap. Call and see our $2.50 shoe. ALL KINDS Valises’ Jeans, Flannels, Bleach Any thing you want. Trunks, goods, and ing, jewelry, perfumes, toilets, soaps, cutlery, rubber any and everything you could wish for. GROCERY In this keep complete line of Fane) and Stap^ room we a From i eeries. Anything from pound ofsoda to a box of meat. a $3 musket to a $50 breach loading gun, to set ei We sell for $1 than any body Come can you more We will convince you S: 7 EWART i M'CALLA f CONYERS GE0R*