Newspaper Page Text
the con vt KS WEEKLY.
-—— publShedT__
f.vo L ITEMS.
REoTsVfiA'HON. incumbent upon me
to the .. dutie J tl tje« the Mayor and
pursuant r ordinance pafs°meeting. I will keep
w %S» Station „ ttbe,r book J^rf "U Se registration C tv Of Conyers every
fh SA inspection " d *„ until 6
Z for «®t&e d f now
fife* Sundays 111 the 1st Saturday
W persons entitled are re*
“ Sy office IS m tsewifc R j Gmss clerk.
COSTERS,GA-. r . Nov. 9th 1887.
alining lines n,a ) h ft a d some
leayureand These PfoUt.^ _ our many readers:
lh -„ B(
living, That is true,
We -Te^S-«v;,n, are
V*^"* 1 * ridiculous, 5
Don’t fed to pay y« ur subscr P'
lion- Coving¬
|e Teems Anderson of the
fj. lC for wet A * ianta haa
ton Star is happf- returned from -
Miss Fannie Riley htt
nt visit to relatives in BuehanaV
fia. fine school at
•'"SFdF, a MM di.
(riot. excellent
I)r. Q iirs preached two Presbyterian ser
Dions last Sunday at the
! xe*fg show stopped in Conyers Friday,
one exhibition, consideied, and
Laved swee'ly on.
Col. Bob Irwin is building a handsome
Lvelimgon Mill street, just this side of
Mr Geotge Weaver's.
| Mrs, H. Y. McCord returned last week
,>m an enjoyable visit to relatives and
[friends I in Aarrentou. har
Last Monday Mr. Jiin Tilley put
ness on his l6-mont!i old co't for the
first time. The colt is a beauty.
Mr, Dock Almand enjoyed his trip to
Carrollton, Bowden and Waco, Ga„ but
Btillhe',think* there i3 no plane 1 ke Con
Editor Si Hawkins affirms that he has
jot enough of political promotion until
lie‘becoa esmore solid financially and
Little stronger menially.”
Misses Lizzie McCord and Taseie Pitt
bad, after a pleasant visit to Mies Lula
McCord iu the city have returned to
jwit home iu Butts county.
The Georgia railroad authorities are
preparing to move the depot back and
build a side track on the south side of
the main line long enough to hold some
twenty cars.
Mr. Levi Eicliardson will move his
Family to Atlanta iu a few days, and Mr.
Jehu IV. Hollingsworth of Smyrna set
lenient will occupy Mr. liiehardsou a
! Next Tuesday the incoiporators of the
Kew Life, Waterpower an-i Granite reti
o:id will meet in Aimaad’s hall for the
bit; use of organisation. The outlook
bi the road is quite promising,
[ rluukett, Mr. J, both M. Preston and Mbs Leetie
of Lorraine district- were
(nariied last Thursday evening at the
home of the bride’s mother. Eev. J. F..
Kowan o( Lorraine officiated, We wish
item happiness and prosperity.
I Thanksgiving day was not observed
pry generally by our people. However,
poser,ices pg atjtlie Methodist were held, one in the morn
church and the
pher patch, at Both night services at the Second highly Baptist
itruetive. were in*.
’ ,im (fearfully alarmed)—Hello there!
Dio George! what's the matter? what’s
e ® w itetnent? U by are the people
ushiog around so furiously?
George—(coolly)—Oh, nothing much'
fiA Irwii has just Caught one of .his
SU urban resideuters” and don’t know
l0 * to turn him loose.
Jkch honors or the lack of them seems
11 "*76 made our contemporary mad.
ii ''her and sarcastic article appeared
editorial columns of the last Solid
^ e are a f a loss to understand
i.n Brother Irwin
should write so re
I* y 0i SOme of onr best truest
o.l «■ ° lest citizens; >
,. kIgv but. we suppose,
manCan weil afford to make
nr “ei U nk d la ?S ua S e: “Several of
co U ! s h fl e ‘mmortalized them
elves and Y l thc cotnin
RI do ° g council
fell towoi« r lns ance fbere is the
enrini -, the b baad
it the Are 8 ’ - ra8s 600 «'
'°t least «iUihi; thp C0URCl1 an(l last but
Md n eSent co, ? ,lcil hnown
e a neii ‘ s 'rinTbS hal am co ° unt:l1 ng -f 1 ? e The man . - v next ’ as
’r^ecessors no ,, . t str its
in distinction.” ou 'P
^ ' ferrn hit" v ' eeR (arr v '«iUng ot Ho gansville relatives was
iends. ’ and
s °n of Newton coun
he City, 8 ‘ Vlss Johnnie Lawson in
; Hr
man's iancy
gh, ’ ono ’ < >-'
lhe muter months?
I Ed Pop p .
lJou J 6 ’' rnal 1 of ^fe paneTd P ’ dell ’ r he »ers aCC0m She Atlan- P lish -
Ed now
Next Friday night at Almand’s
hall the Ladies Aid Society of the
Presbyterian church will give all
entertainment, to which all the cit¬
izens of town and country, young
and old, are very ldndly and cordi¬
ally invited. The programme is
rich and rare, gotten up by ladies of
exquisite taste. The performance
will take in all the varieties from
grave to gay. The Garrick of
Georgia, the inimitable Womack,
will be on hand. Look out for the
spiciest thing that has ever come
off in Conyers. Admission only
ten cents. Let the hall be filled to
H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co.
have just received thd prettiest lot
of ladies-shoes you ever saw. Come
and see them.
The matter is pretty evenly di¬
vided. The rich receive the curses
and the poor the world’s sympa¬
thy—in words,
They Too many dress^goods on hand;
will he given away at about
cost to close out at Summers <k
Pay your subscription the first
time you are in town.
Judge B. F. Carr has bought a
town lot from Captain John M.
Zaehry and will build a handsome
residence, some time soon.
Remember that H. P. & D. M.
Almand & Co. have the prettiest
face vails you ever saw for ten
cents, all shades.
Our military boys are taking
considerable interest in the compa
Remember IT. P. & D. AT. Al¬
ma nH &. Co. have just received the
prettiest lot of dress goods you ever
saw. Come before they are gone.
Wc are informed that the young
people of the city are determined to
organize a literary society, some¬
thing after the similitude and lon¬
gitude of the dead but dear old
Philomathean. The Phiiomatheftn
is one of those dear old things that
is truly dead, but it liveth and it
Remember II. P. & D. M. Al¬
mand <fe Co, will receive a large lot
of bureaus and other furniture in a
few days.
Some splendid bargains in flan¬
nels this Week at Summers &
Brother Edwin Brobston, the ge¬
nial and accomplished editor of
the Madisonian paid us a pleasant
visit this week. Come again, the
latch string is on the outside and a
warm welcome awaits you within
Good kid gloves at Ii. P. & D. M
Almand & Co. at 50 cents.
Don’t forget to register. Book
in the Weekly office.
GreatYndueements this week in
dry goods at Summers _<fc Cross
Our Justice court has been in
session all the week, but this is a
beautiful world after all.
Mr. R. J. Crossley of McDon¬
ough was in town Sunday.
Two of our clever Scotchmen had
a little twist last Friday night.
Next Saturday is the time for the
municipal election. Have you reg¬
istered? If not, do so.
Summers & Crossley will not
carry over any clothing if they have
to sell them at one-half what they
are worth. Call early.
It there is a citizen in our town
of whom tve feel proud and justly
so, it is Mr. H. Y. McCord, His
noble work in Atlanta last Satur¬
day has been the subject of much
favorable comment both at home
and abroad. We do not say this
because our position on the prohi¬
bition question happened to coin¬
cide with his, but because we ar¬
dently admire a man who has the
courage of his convictions, and
whose actions in every respect are
open and above board.
Attend Summers & Crossley’s
special sale this week on dress
goods, clothing, shoes and hats.
Mrs. Sarah Turner returned yes¬
terday after a visit of some days to
her daughter, Mrs. Stovall in At¬
Common sense easy shoes splen¬
did quality at $2.00, 2.50, $3.00, at
Stewart & McCalla’s.
Subscribe, the oldest and best
paper in the count}'.
For sale—A good two-horse
wagon cheap. Call at this office.
Miss Alice Smith of Charlotte, N. C. is
visiting the Misses Lawson in the city.
Legislative Candidates
Editor Weekly 1 sre in the
last issue of the Solid South that
there are several candidates for the
legislature now in the fieid in this
county. But after a close search
we are unable to find out who they
are unless it be the honorable Edi
tor of said paper himself or some
of his folks. They are a vigilant
set, and never let an opportunity
slip, even down to the superinten¬
dency of an oil mill with my pa¬
in-law &S president. Do yoU see
anything suggestive in these ic
marks? Yours truly,
Hard Nut.
Mr. Davis Crosslcy visited Ids
parents in DeKaib county this week.
Big lot of buggies to close out at
reduced prices, also good cheap
mule and ;l one-horse wagon.
Sr.-i.v vac k, M cCallv.
Go to Cain’s to get apple, plum,
current mid strawberry jellies.
The Prince of Wales has had
the pleasure this year of meeting
Mr. Blaine, Buffalo Bill and John
L. Sullivan, and now- he wants to
know if there are any other Amer¬
icans who are more distinguished.
For Sale—A good heating stove
in good condition. Call at this
All parties indebted to us will find it to their
interest to make immediaie settlements. We
must have what you owe us and you will save
expense and trouble by immediate settlements
This notice is intended for every body that
owes us and we don’t want you to think it’s
for any body else but you,
Hodsox Bros,
Mr. Khunes from Atlanta, is here and
will put tip a photograph gallery in a few
dans next to the Court house.' Go and
see him.
All persona indebted io us must come
forward and pay atonee or make satis¬
factory arrangements as we are obliged
to have the money. VVi 1 turn all ac¬
counts over io an attorney IFc. io. So
come forward at once and save trouble
and expense,
S. J. Rich a boson & P. A. Cowax.
Conyers, Ga.. Nov. 8tli 1887.
All persons indebted to the late Joel If. Gay,
deceased are requested to make immediate
settlements with the uud> i-si#ned, and all per¬
sons haviu# demands a#ainpt said deceeased
will plcaso present them to us, properly veri¬
H. C. Gay. Executor, and Rebecca Gay, Ex
ecutrixof Joe! H.Gay, deceased,
Conyers. G,, Nov. fl, 18-S7.
Dr, If. 0, Gay will be in Conyers Monday of
each week.
Geouc.ia, Rockdale county—
To all whom it may concern: J. F. Harris
bavin# in dun form applied to the Court of
Ordinary for the guardianship of the person
and property of Stewart Harris, a minor child
of E, D. Harris late of paid county deceased,
notice is hereby #iven that ins application will
be heard in the Ordinary’s office on the first
Monday in January 1888.
Given under my hand and official sigdature.
This the 23th day of November 18!!7,
O. Seamans, Ordinary,
All persons indebted to the late E. D. Har¬
ris. deceased, are requested to make immedi¬
ate settlements with the undersigned, and all
oersons bavin# demands a#ainst said daceas
ed will please present them to us properly
verified in terms of the law.
Jar. 0 Rta rox,
Jons F. Harris,
Administrators of E. D, Harris, late of said
county deceased.
Whereas the E. application Harris, of Mrs. S. A. Har¬
ris, widow of 1). deceased, for a
year’s support for herself and one minor to
be set apart from the estate of said deceased
has been duly filed in ray office as the law di¬
rects and if no objection is filed I win pass
upon the same on the 24th day of December
next in my office at 10 o’clock n, m, setting
apart said allowance as prayed for,
This Nov. IStth 1837.
ft O. Seamans, Ordinary.
$3,000 will buy the Carr place in
Rockdale county* $1,000 cash,
the balance on terms to suit pur¬
chaser. The place contains about
600 acres. We will survey it and
locate the boundaries, give warran¬
tee titles and defend against any
pretender’s claim to any part of
the land without expense to pur¬
chaser. Apply in person or by let¬
ter to
Neal Loan & B’k’gCo.
4 t Atlanta, Ga.
All parties indebted to me for
blacksmithing, either by note or
account, must come forward at
once, and settle as I need the mon¬
ey and must have it. I hope there
may be no delay as I must positive¬
ly have my money. Respectfully,
AV. V. Almand.
Stewart it Mc
-•j •yDalla / only keep Shoe the
1 store in town,
V i where you can
s; i get all sizes
j and widths in
f good solid all
See cut of their $2.00 and $2.50
shoes. They are great bargains.
___ __ ,
RSEEiSSHB tLir-'*ZY*g9-&ta mjssrja&sm mmmm il s
Receiving his
second stock for
the season.
Come and 'see
my unequaled
Quantity large.
Quality, TXnsur
passed prices low
Large stock of all grades and
styles at prices to astonish the
whole population, 40 per cent
less th'tn'ie regular price.
?rnr i i U erw
Young gentlemen now is the
time and this is the place to buy
.your tall and winter neck wear,
If I# S' ■an I* ■n
All kinds and prices
' and Mits,
And every tiling else you need for
the winter season.
And Anything
Else you want.
In addition to thes big stock I
keep every kind of fancy and heavy
groceries, Hardware, glassware,
crockery—In fact everything that
anybody can think of.
If you don’t believe that Conyers
is on a boom, ands that I am sell¬
ing goods cheap, try me and be
Yours Truly.
6. W. CAIN.
gl&'sH 8 tji m
Til ivj the largest an l best as
sortment of spectaces ever brought
to Conyers. All prices from 2ot
per pair up. Gold, silver and steel
frames, pebble -glasses. Prices
twenty five to fifty per cent cheap¬
er than the same goods are sold in
DU. W, if. Lice.
YOU can live at home, ami make men
money at work for us. than at anj
tiling- else in this world. Capital not needed:
yod are stooled free. Both sexes: nil ttpci
Anyone can do the work. Largo earning.'
sure from first start. Oostliv outfit and term;
free- Hotter not delay Costs you nothing to
send us your address and find out: ii' you arc
wise you will do so atonee- II, IIai.l..'1't & Co
Portland. Maine.
If you wish to paint your your
house, waggon, buggy or furniture
it will pay you largely to call at
Dr. Lee’s drug store and get a sum
pic Card of different colors and
of his ready mixed paints
This paint is ready for use and
can be applied by any one wliethc
he he a painter or not Having
been mixed by machinery it is so
perior in finish and durability to
paint mixed by hand. It has been
sold to hundreds in this town and
county who will testify to its supe¬
rior quality.
C*lS H. 18 Cents
a Bushel paid for
COtton Seed deliv¬
ered at OiL Mill,
M. D Irwin, Sup fc.
Bucklen’s Arnica Sal ve,
The best falve in the world for
cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, Salt
Rheum Fever sores, Tetter, chap¬
ped hands, Chilblains -Corns, and
ail skin eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. Jl
is guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfaction. or money refunded
Price 52cts per box. For sale by
’gt AVU ® At3
Vi : fe?
I &;
m i
13 Y
Whereas the application of Mrs. Su=an
H. Stanton, widow of R 8, Stanton, de¬
ceased, for a year'K support for herself
and three minor children from the es¬
tate of said deceased has been duly filed
in my office as the law directs, and if no
objection Is (tied by the first Monday in
December next an order will be passed
setting apart a year’s allowance for the
widow and children as prayed for,
This Oct 25th 1 887 , O Sevmans,
4t Ordinary.
For Sale,
15 acres of land with fine water
power Flouring mill’s, saw mill,
and cotton Gin, all in good condi¬
tion. Situated five miles east of
Conyers Ga, for prices and terms
apply to J. S. Daniell,
Conyers Ga.
Oue good feature of Stewart &
McCalla’s business is that they al¬
ways change mdnCy for their cus¬
tomers as long as they have it
they do the banking business of
Conyers and also sell exchange a
par until further notice, also buy
Go to Cain’s and see his new
stock of , dress _ goods -j and j trimmings. . . •
If you Want the prettiest New Fort
scarfs you ever saw go to Cain’s.
I want every body who is owing
me to come and settle at onc<?,
V. W, Murdock, ot
the Light- running ho
Mad Uk'
m* .'•a:.
HHT MK m smb
\w% iiuFf, mm - Wj
mm &
This cut shows the New Style of
Wood Work that the Company is
Artistically Beautiful, With¬
out a Peer.
The new line of attachments that
arc now being placed with each
Domestic arc specialties. No oth¬
er Machine has them. Those at¬
tachments and the now Wood
Work “1 omestie’’ more
than ever, without question, the
In its Mechanical construction it
has no Rival.
A gen Wanted ill unoccupied
territory Address.
Riciixoxd, VAi
For sale by Pn.W. II. Lee.
MnWTIV iVlUl i L I to l'c wnde. Cut tliiij out ond
return to us, mill we will Bend
you free something of uveat value and tm*
portnnee to you, that will start you In busi¬
ness which will bring you la morn money right
away than anythin# else in this world. Any
one can do the work and live at home. Either
sex; all ages. Somethin# new, lmt just coinfl
money for all workers. We will start you:
capital hot needed. This is one lifetime. of the genu¬ Thost?
ine, important chances of a
who are ambitious and enterprising will not
delay. Grand outfit free. Address Augusta, Truk A Coi
Fire and death arc sure and con- 4
stant visitors. Be ready. Delay
is dangerous.
Hill,'» $300 A made MON'l working H can for he
us. Agents preferred who can fnnish
their own horses and gi'e their whole
time to the buslneBR. Spare momenta
way he profitably entploved also. A few
vacansies in towhs and cities' B. F.
JOHNSON & CO., 1013 Main at., Rich-'
mo nil, V a.
GEORGIA, Rockdale county— administrator of Ri
Whereas P, G. Tucker,
A. Jones, deceased, represents to tlie court record iu
his petition duly filed and entered on
that he has fully administered It. A. Jones' es¬
tate; this isti erefore to cite all persons con.
Rented, heirs and creditors, to show cause if
any they can why said administrator should
not be dischartred from Ms administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first Mon j
day in February 1888, O. Seamans,
fiat Ordinary*
GEORGIA—Rockdale county.
To all whom it may concern.
J. W. Alexander Guardian of Columbus Li
Rrown applies to me for Letters of Dismission
from said guardianship, and I will pass upon
his application on the first Monday in Decem¬
ber next, at my office in Conyers of said enutt'
ty. Given under my hand and seal this Nov.
1st. 1887. O. Shamans, ordinary
ALE. Lemons.
WORKING.....CLASS prepared AT- to
TNT10N! furnish wo are all now classes with em¬
ployment af home, the whole of the time, or
for their spare moments, Dusiness new, light
and profitable. Persons of either Sex easily
earn from 50 cents to J5.00 per even in#, and
a proportional sum by devotin# all their t.irad
to the brlsiness. Boys and #ir Is earn nearly
much as men. That a 1 who see this may seal
their address, and te6t the business, we mans
this offer. To such as are not well satisfied
we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble
of Writin#. Full particulars and outfit free*
Aedress Gkoiige Stinson & Co.,
Portland, Main©
GEORGIA. Rrwtktlale county—
Whereas O- IV. Quinn, admmistrtor ot
Robert Gregory, deceased, represents to
the court in his petilion duly filed and
record , ii , . hati . icilly ...
pnteierf ^ on m3 i At . ne
ministered Rohert Gregory’s e We.
This is therefore to cite all persons con¬
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause if anv they can why said adminis¬
trator should not 1 e discharged from bis
ft and receive Letters of
DismDston on the first Mondav hi Feb-*
rnary f» 8 «. This Oct. 27D1 1887.
fur Vi ' bamans Ordinary*