Newspaper Page Text
*1.25 PER ANNUM.
hif.teredVl the Conyers Pont Oflico
as second class mall matter.
Advertising rates made known on
Job Work Neatly and Promptly
To morrow, the 29fh inst. will he
observed as the Anniversary o<
Presbyterianism in the 1 nited
States by the delivery of several ad¬
dresses in the Presbyterian church
in this city. The meeting will be¬
gin at 6 o’clock- After an interval
for dinner the exercises will he re¬
sinned. Presbyterianism in its va¬
ried phases will be discussed. Dr.
Quigg, Prof. O’Kellev, Iiev. Sam
Scott and Col. L. F. Livingston,
yind others, will review something
of what Presbyterianism is and has
done in evangelizing the world, in
educating the people and in work¬
ing out civil and religious liberty.
This will be the most interesting
meeting of its kind ever held in
Convene Methodists, Baptists and
Presbyterians all, are cordially in
vited. More will bo learned on
that occasion ot the largest Protest¬
ant church iu the world, than we
have ever known before.
The organizers of the >ew rail¬
road will make a big effort in^a lew’
Weeks to raise by subscription $25,
000 from this county for the‘ pur¬
pose of going directly to woik on
the road. This amount is the pro
rated part for Rockdale. The road
will (iprm'up^exhaustless rock beds
ami run by some fifteen water pow¬
ers or mill seats. Those who have
charge of the enterprise feel confi -
dent that the road will be built and
that it will he worth millions of
dollars to this immediate section.
Real estate will leap up as by mag¬
ic and a countless host of iuimi
grants will begin to tumble in to
the town and county. It is esti
nutted that Conyers with its 2,000
inhabitants now will reach the
enormous population Lands that of 40,000 sell m
fen years. now as
hard stock at from $3 to $5 per
ficre will run up like lightning to
fj*tbn $40 to $1,000 per acre. Farms,
in other words, that sell now for
$600 will he cash property at $3,
000. Everything else will leap U]
even to the astonishment of all
those who view the future prospects
*o brightly and favorably. It is
thought the prospects are promis
ing enough to drive the people will to¬
gether, and that they wall
forth hand in hand to the accom¬
plishment of the grandest prospec¬
tive enterprise ever laid before an
enlightened people. The opportu¬
nity is upon us and it beomes ev¬
ery man to rush to the support
the railroad and insure its success
The older a man gets the won
difficult it is to pull the wool over
his eyes. He has a good deal less
True: wool; you know.—Solid South.
and the younger a man is
the less wool he has. you know; ns
he only has the the place where the
wool ought to grow.
“It's an ill wind that blows n*
one good,” said the Thanksgiving
turkey, as a cyclone whirled him
from under the farmer’s uplifted
hatchet into the next county.
The largest cow in Dakota is re¬
ported from Cass county. Sin
stands si x feet high at the shoul¬
ders : and. though in thin flesh,
weighs 1,300 pounds.
it -----
Mr. Gla dstone says h« is in favor
of great modesty and simplicity,
but not ga.yety, at funerals.
The New York World prints tlte
statement t hat Senator John Sher¬
man has retired from the race for
the republican nomination for pres¬
The row on. Saturday night was
the only or-w -renee to mar the
quietest and \ fleasantest Christmas
ever spent in Conyers.
A repetition of last Saturday
night’s fracas v*ill bring about seri¬
ous trouble, I «et those concerned
take warning ntkl be governed ac
their Military Company received
new uniforms this week, and
ve-c Unr out drilling on Monday last.
"gly company fine presents an exceed
appearance and all onr
people “Conyers feel justly proud of the
week. Our town Many has visitors IbeetTTively this
dst and. eonyefs-looks are in our
m like
HU*lf again.- ^
Fall Op
A' r W
C A 1 JN’S.
Rec Giving o his
secom d stock for
the sc Yson.
Cc iffle and -see
my unequaled
offe ;rs.
Qt zantity large,
£ iuzlity Unsur
£ jassed prices Ioyy
Large ‘stock of allf;grades and
fj styles at prices to astonish the
whole population, 40 per ccn
1 ss thanhe regular price.
Young gentlemen now is the
time and this is the place to buy
your tall and winter neek wear,
All kinds and prices
and Mits,
msii s
And every tiling else you need for
the winter season.
Si® a i.-n-’l®!
And Anything
Else you wa nt.
In addition to thes big stock 1
keep every kind of fancy am 1 heavy
groceries, Hardware, glas'sware,
crockery—In fact everything:', that
anybody can think of.
If you don’t believe that Co nyers
is on a boom, ands that I am sell¬
ing goods cheap, try mo and be
Yours Truly %
6. W. CAIN
1 3 . . I .v ..,
.- -2 .
. 2 ~.‘-2 A .‘ :R 5.. 4):; 3i.” -. ff; . . 212:: :12‘. w. «1. _ ,i2fifigfluypg2pg $1733.; 2232‘. (‘1 -r-2 .6}. ‘1‘; NT- :‘
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171] oo
§ ,i il Ji 111 m
u. m w i U 5W i >
St£ AI)"
_ * * * _
* * * *
have captured the best cash trade
of the county. SUMMERS &
CROSSLEY believe in full
value and large sales.
Best tobacco and cigars in town.
We keep groceries of every kind.
Another stock of fine oil paint
You will always find the cheap
est confectioneries at our store.
You will find
the bargains and
the crowds this
week at S & C’s.
Another beau¬
tiful line of hats
The best French
alpine at Sum¬
mers & Crossley
Pretty dress
goods at Sum¬
mers and Cross-
... YVVj^'-’-r
Mm 1 m
■ML r ■>-'!
5 mi l m. si fifei in
m . fPi wA" i ffi iL - - ill ■#» I
Is the word that express,
the shortest Space of
t me. It also
i ICMIllt
Progress and enterprise may bo as well or bettor shown, in the
chantile as in anf other vocation, Stewakt & McCaua have $i
sufficient evidence of their thrift and enterprise by purchasing Hie 1
selected and most varied stock of good s ever opened in this city.
Not only have they the best stock, Put they are absolutely stl
them cheaper than any body. They most certainly have
Our stock consists of every thing to be found in a general ml
ebandise store.
The editor informs us that he connot give us space to mention*
our stock unless be issues an extra eight page edition. Butnw*
not afford to wait for that, as we are anxious to have our friem’shl
that our house is the place to get goods.
Among other things wc keep always on hand the best and. era
est lot of dress goods.
The most complete line of notions
The prettiest and nobbiest lot of hats and caps. The ehcapi
and best line of clothing.
The best and most complete" stock of gents furnishing goods.
SHOES SHOES 01 .1 r :
Our reputation as the biggest slice house in town needs no com
ment from us. We can beat the state on selling a fine durable sh<j
cheap. Call and see our $2.50 shoe.
Any thing want. Trunks, Valises’ Jeans, Flannels, Fes
you ^
ing, jewelry, perfumes, toilets, soaps, cutlery, rubber 1 I
any and everything you could wish for.
■ } m
complete line of Fancy and Staph g«1
In this room we keep a meat. prom A
ceries. Anything from a pound of soda to a box of
$3 musket to a $50 breach loading gun. Come to see s3 !
We can sell you more for $1 than any body
We will convince you
STEWART biKb- )f