The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, January 04, 1888, Image 2

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* 1.25 PER ANNUM.
Entered at the Conyers Post Office
as second class mall matter.
Advertising rates made knownon
JebWork Neatly and Promptly
Because it i? more convenient <o
ourselves as well as to our patron?,
and because we can make for our
readers a better paper by issuing
on Friday, we have this day chang¬
ed our publication day from
Wednesday to Friday. We hope
to furnish our patrons with the
very latest and freshest matter each
week, and make for Rockdale and
Conyers one of the very best papers
in Georgia, We have commenced
this year with renewed zeal, and by
your help and encouragement we
expect to achieve an enviable suc
cess in the newspaper business
right heie in Conyers.
The Salvation Army.
The Salvation Army has come
and gone after three weeks of the
most arduous, persistent and self
sacrificing labor for the souls of
men ever given to our people. No
hardship, weather or opposition of
any kind had the least effect to
turn them from the single purpose
of soul saving, which was literally
pursued day and night with hut a
few hours sleep each night after 12
Their doctrine, character and
mode were wholly misunderstood
by our citizens when they first ap¬
peared here, it being the first time
they ever visited us. The only
knowledge we had of them was ga¬
thered from the random newspaper
accounts, and these written by
wicked unconverted editors and re¬
porters, or lazy, dead professors,
and starchy D. D? •, who were
shocked and offended at the plain,
direct and earnest way these des¬
pised people assaulted the devil s
kingdom, and filled them with envy
and rage to see them so mighty
through God in pulling down the
stronghold? of the enemy and de¬
molishing hi*kingdom, where pro¬
sy sermon? and sleeping professors
had failed to make an impression
for years.
These people have accomplished
more here towards the stirring up
of saints and sinners to seek a high¬
er and better life in three weeks
than the combined preaching of all
our pastors in the five churches
during the past year, Such an in
terest in religion has not been wit¬
nessed here for many years, and
there is no telling to what extent it
would have gone, had not Christ¬
mas intervened, and with its hilari¬
ty and noise put a stop to it. The
■weather too has been exceedingly
bad. The seemingly impregnable
walls of prejudice and sin crumbled
to pieces as by an invincible power,
and the whole town, especially the
solid business men of the place be¬
came deeply interested and many
were converted and came out bold¬
ly for Christ, welcoming these des¬
pised people as the messengers or
God to them. All their houses
with two or three exceptions were
thrown open to them. If the Holy
Ghost fell upon the people under
their preaching, what are you, op
posers, that you should ‘‘withstand
An extract from Sam Jones on
these people may not be out of
place here. K.
Extract from a sermon preached
by Rev. Sam Jones in Amusement
Hall, Nashville, Tenn:
“I have got a note here signed
by the officers of the Salvation
Army of America, asking me to at¬
tend one of their meetings at their
barracks. I want to say that it is
not possible for me to do so, though
I wish it ware. And I want to say
that every preacher and every
chlUU&u iu Nashville ought to
pary and work all he can for
the Army. We have got some
preachers down in Georgia who
don’t like the Army. Those
fellow's I have learned are the ones
that ain’t doing much good, who
are too lazy to get downright hard
to work. You take a redhot
preacher, one that flights the devil
with all his might all the time,;
and he will stand up for the Salva¬
tion Army till his heels fly up from
under him. Many a blue shirted
Salvation Army fellow is going to
have a front seat in heaven, while a
lot of those old I), D.’s who des¬
pised him here will be in some lone¬
some corner Do yon hear that?
T1 e Salvation Army is a living,
working, shouting rebuke to Chris¬
tians in Nashville, If you had
done your duty there would be no
need for these people, But the
churches have just driven those
that the Salvation Army wants to
reach out of their portals. The wo¬
men by their fine dress and the
men by their stuck up ways.
I tell you it, ain’t decent to dress
up and go to church. I heard a
mighty good lady say once she
would no more think of dressing up
fine to go to church than of stick¬
ing on fine clothes to go in her din¬
ing room.
Do any of you girls put on your
frizzes and bangs and tight laced
corsets and menagerie hats to go to
your father’s houses? Ain’t the
Lord your spiritual father, and
ain’t the church His house? I tell
you it ain’t decent or respectable
to make a display of fine toggery
in such a place.
'- I’ve got on a suit that cost me
about $11, and, thank God, I feel
as good as if it cost $500.
If you would use some of the
money you put in clothes in trying
to help some of the poor creatures
around this city there wouldn’t he
so much need of the Salvation Ar¬
my, and if you’d devote some of
the thoughts you give to diess to
what God wants you to do there
would be a little more enthusiasm
in the churches which is show n in
the Army. I’ll ventire the asser¬
tion that there have been more con¬
versions in Ilyman’s Hall, a little
room down by the river where the
poor are welcome, than in our own
church in town.
Put your shoulders to the wheel
every one of you and help the Sal¬
vation Army out in its grand work.
Some of you are too decent to he
religious. Thank God that ain’t
the way with me. If I came across
the Salvation Army marching along
the street I’d get right in the pro¬
cession, and what’s more, I’d get at
the head of it and if I could, get
inu a horn too. They do more good
in twelve months than all the
churches put together in six. Good
Lord, give me more of the Salvation
Army grit.
If I had to leave the Methodist
church because I am talking as I
do now, I would be willing to walk
out for a good word for those des¬
pised people.
Here a gentleman in the rear
part of the hall, who, it was under¬
stood afterwards, was aCampbellite
in North Nashville, who preached
a sermon against the Salvation
Army a few weeks ago, interrupted
Mr. Jones. Ho could not be heard
distinctly,.but it was evident that
he was taking issue with the evan¬
gelist on what he had been saying.
The reporter heard him allude
to the preaching of the women.
Mr. Jones quietly waited for a few
minute? and then said : Say, friend
sit down. We’ll hear you tomor¬
row night. Wild laughter and ap¬
plause followed this enterresting
incident, which deserves a place by
the similar occurrence in Mufrees
bero two years ogo.
During the uproar the rebuffed
pretender took his seat. When
quiet was restored Mr Jones contin¬
ued, “I love all Christians and I
love the Salvation Army and am
going to pray with them, work
with them, and if needs die with
them.” He then took up the
thread of his discourse of the afte -
noon, alluding to the multiform
calls of God to man to lead a better
life. #
If you want the prettiest New Port
scarfs you ever saw go to Cain’s.
a 5E&SB«S®i HSEM XSX 3 fell
Receiving: Cl? his
second stock for
the season.
Come and 'see
my unequaled
Quantity Iarge 3
(Quality ITnsur
passed prices low
OQ - L J__i H ) ■*_
Large hstoek of alljfgrades and
styles at prices to astonish the
whole population, 40 per cen
1 ss thanher regular price.
Young gentlemen now is the
time and this is the place to buy
your tali and winter neck wear,
All kinds and prices
and Mits,
And every tiring else you need for
the winter season.
And Anything
Else you want.
In addition to thes big stock I
keep every kind of fancy and heavy
groceries, Hardware, glassware,
crockery—In fact everything Iliac
anybody can think of.
If you don’t believe that Conyers
is on a boom, ands that I am sell¬
ing goods cheap, try me and be
Yours Truly,
,... . I
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Stewart & Esrx CO f
Progress and enterprise may bo as well or bsttershown. in the n ;r
chantile as in any other vocation, Stewaet «fc McCall a have gptferr
sufficient evidence of their thrift and enterprise by purchasing the Les&
selected and most varied stock of goods ever opened in this city.
Not only have they the best stock, But they are absolutely selling
them cheaper than any body. Thay most certainly have
Our stock consists of every thing t’o be found in a general mer¬
chandise store.
The editor informs us that he connot give u? space to mention all
our stock unless he issues an extra eight page edition. But we could
not afford to wait for that, as we are anxious to have our friends know
that our house is the place to get goods.
Among other things we keep always on hand the best and, cheap¬
est lot of dress goods..
The most complete line of notions
The prettiest and nobbiest lot of Sats and caps. The cheapest
and best line of clothing.
The best and most complete stock of gents furnishing goods.
Our reputation as the biggest shoe house in town needs no com¬
ment from us. We can beat the state on selling a fine durable shoe'
cheap. Call and see our $2.50 shoe.
Any thing you want. Trunks, Valises’ Jeans, Flannels, Bleach
ing, jewelry, perfumes, toilets, soaps, cutlery, rubber goodsj and
any and everything you could wish for.
In this room we keep a complete line of Fancy and Staple gro¬
ceries. Anything from a pound of soda to a box of meat. From a
$3 musket to a $50 breach loading gun.
We can sell you more for $1 than any body Come to* see us
We will convince you