Newspaper Page Text
fakM and garden.
Pork for Home Use.
It may, possibly, pay best to have
large, fat porkers for market purposes, to
suit the needs of the packers of pork, but
who want the large, heavy pork,
when it comes to the home supply, we
want our pork with but breeds a small of-pigs, portion
of fat. There are some
noticeably so the small English York¬
shires, which produce a while very they large pro¬
portion of fat, and, may
please the eye of most persons, when in
the living fonn,wnen kiiled and dressed
the large proportions of tat makes 1
meat undesna j e foi mos p e.
does not pay to raise pigs so eh, o -
most so for lard h ith the exception
well-known’ brads'of pigs are" in their
purity, rather too much inclined to lay
on fat to make them desirable for home
use, and we have for a number of years
been experimenting to find out woublVst bow to
produce just such porkers as
meet, the requirements.', While the breed -
ing has a great deal to do with having
P nhffs *• a°very important ‘ 1 ’part* U l and the
quality »f - the pork depends m a great ,
measure hftvinw on proper feeding. confined We de not
11k.. Itke having Ihf. the rtnrlrora porkers confined to tn small small
pens, even quickly though the pigs have may fatten
up more than if they plenty
Of exercise room, hot let them have the
run of a good clover lot during the sum
mer and fall, ringing the pigs so that ;
they cannot with destroy the sod, different then supply
them grain, in forms, ,
daily, with plenty of fresh water, at 1
least once a day, as much as they will
drink. ITogs can be* kept in fair condi
tion on plenty of clover and water, but
to make tliem improve as they should,
grain should be given. A good summer
feed is oue made by having corn and
oats ground together, say in proportion
of one bushel of corn to two of oats,
then making a slop ot this. Our plan is
to half fill a barrel with this mixture
and then‘moisten the mass (with cold
water in summer and hot in winter), do
ing this in the afternoon or evening, and
then feeding it, diluted to the proper
consistency, next morning, by which
time it will have soured sufficiently.
It is well to add a couple of handfuls of
salt as well as a half peck or so of bits
of charcoal. I hi^ charcoal can readily
be secured on the farm, where wood fires
are used, by sieving-^ie wood ashes and
using the bits ot charcoal which remain
in the sieve. Breeder*' Journal.
Cultivating the Pear Tree. m
V1 "f mt *V estin S l> a ptT was
read ‘ recent meet the Horli
a a ini' ol
limit, out belongs to Luiope ana Asia,
where It may be found in its wild or
primitive state. There it exhibits more
tnrilt tnan t lie apple, and grows t°
greater dimensions. From the East it
hiw b«en carried to our continent, wlier,
it has found a sou adapted to its growth,
develop the fruit Z-! CUl rh The d pear t0 n, is - 0rc said ™! to y
of seasons r‘m^ for <>00 years SUrVi r,. (pi o bah | 1C n y that
was before the introduction ot blight),
and to attain to an enormous size, as
wbifh st, f ° “ er ° 0, lU ’
which shades b halt an acre and 1 lias pro
?™lf d oftl 0I, ‘ f season ,S trC ° 600 ln thC bushels V1C1 f ty
•Hil TT’ o the T • ° °r U f f, f* T V ./ e ,™’ C ° UUtry P ro ’ -
, bU * , M ; 1S (, f f la,r fr ; nt ? bev r;
, , V
ably heavy clay loam, with heavy clay
subsoil, well underdrained, although
some varieties do well on a gra\ r elly sub
soil. In fact, the pear will succeed in a
greater variety of soil and climate than
anv anyotnei Other of OI our 0U1 tuitivatqailtuts. cultivated fruits There IJiue
fore, ll you have the most desirable
situation, all will be well; if not, select
the best you have. J laving determined
where and how many trees we will be'de- plant
thc selection Ftht of varieties obS should
plant!* term ned 1 markct^I would'phnR for which w«.
If for few
varieties, say Madeleine, for very
Bartlett, Duchessc. Beurre d'Anjou and
Lawrence. If for amateur purposes, or
for home use, 1 would plant aboiit as
follows, which 1 will name in the order
of Sheldon, ripening: Madeleine, Tyson, Bartlett,
Seckel, White Doyenne, Ducli
esse, Beurre <TAnjou, Lawrence and
Beurre Easter, or some other late variety.
This will give us au abundance of
choice fruit the season.
If possible, go in person to some rcli
able nurseryman and have him take two
or three stout assistants to his two-year
old trees (have have none it older); select in a good j i
stocky tree, taken up your
presence and immediately mossed, that it j
may not dry or come in contact with the i
air for any length of time, for therein
lies the length ol life and thrift of your j \
trees. Then pay the nurseryman well
for his extra trouble. The ground hav-1
plowing ing been in previously the fall, turning prepared under for deep lib
eral supply of manure, aud marked
twenty-live feet each way, deep, dig two feet
square and one and a half till with
rich loam to the proper depth to receive
the tree, which should be a very little
deeper that it stood in the well nursery. The the
soil should be tramped around
roots aud watered,' if dry; then two
inches of dry soil should be put on top.
The soil should be carefully cultivated
for a few years, or until thc trees com
menee top-dressing, bearing. Then, w witi ith be an oeca
sional and they able invite to
care for themselves, you may
your friends to accompany you to the
pear orchard, where, with honest pride
you may call his attention to the golden
tints of the Bartlett, the magnificent size
°f the Huchesse, and tlic rich brown
russet ol the ever loved Iseckel: and
there HU your basket: carry them to
your better halt, and then to the better
half of your friend, and together enjoy
a feast fit for the gods. In closing I
must add that most varieties are better d
ripened in the house, especially the lattei
sorts, although there are exceptions
>hf ui!e.
Farm and Garden Xotps,,
. It is . always , , better to teed the surplus
of the farm than to sell a off the same.
The bull thisde. unlike the Canada
thistle. d(K*s not propagate from under
ground r»>ots. but eau easily be got rid of
in two season 5 by not allow ingany plants
to go to seed
The better farmers understand botany
the better success might attend their
sowing seed, and better fruits and crops
might be grown.
The manure made upon the farm
should all be employed first, and then if
there is a deficiency, resort to artificial
means of supply from without.
If farmers , fully , „ they appreciated would , , take the , better value ,
of wood ashes,
care of them, and spread them upon mow -
ing land or apply them to growing crons,
They contain the essential inorganic elc
meats of plants.
Those who have mulched tree trunks
during the summer, to retain moisture in
the soil, should be careful to remove the
arse litt in t ; me or ; t w ju become a
refugef ormiceduring the winter. Again,
j he re be so much mnhhihg done ns
t0 mchne . roots to come loo nea. the sur
Because „ pigs huddle together a nig ^
f."' 1 th " s Jmn’ fo'r
,uk lat ft 5 rt int
Jem J than J. oi J ^ • { alw;( ' £
mt ted 1Vo m wind-.' The
P*S 1,as littIe hair on its Uody, mid is
more sensitive to colcl than any other
f arm stock. . .. Aitci After belli" bein huddled nuoaiea ■up un
u,1 ^ er cover il ‘* m £ ht > tllC,l exposure in
o ig * all thc more Ukely 3 to be in
. .
J ullous - -
It has generally been supposed that
tomatoes which, matuic (lining cloud \ or
rainy seasons are more acid than those
that mature in bright, hot sunshine. We
have found, however, that the late to
matoes, which were picked those off to which ripen
under cover are notso acid as
ripened on the vines. they still are notso add
Wgh-flavored, it is true, but abundant less
Nearly all the tomatoes ripened now under so
in the markets are cover,
and they are larger, more shapely, with
less crack and rot than the earlier supply.
-Rural New Yorker. ,
Roots for table use should not be al
lowed to freeze, or shrink from drying.
The supply for the kitchen may be packed dry
in barrels or boxes, covered with
earth, and placed in the cellar. Large
quantities should be stored in trenches.
Cabbages may also be stored in trenches.
Onions may be placed in barrels and Jha
whole deeply covered with hay. Onion
sets are best kept by planting, if the soil
isopen. Parsley may be iiad when
wanted, by planting roots in a box ot' !
soil and keeping it in the kitchen or other
light room whore it will not freeze.
We have long thought that much of the
soft com almost wasted in fattening to'cows, pork
Iniiffiit he more profitably fed
; The well-fed pig rejects, the soft green
co p which in this stage has a good deal
01 .Hi 8 digestion, good contrary ttut to Of
P»""i" i>»“'. » “t »S 0 .
the cow. (five the fattening pig n greater
J () t j 00( ] iUlr l ] ie will not only
thrivc better but make more healthful,
jf not quite so fat, pork. The corn judi
~i l^ter'returnB, mis lv fod tn keepiBglhcm'fromgrow- milch cows will u-ive far
: 1U r poor ns cows are ant to do at this
when not given extra feed.
w from lon? experience
and observation that a groat mistake is
| j tl ordering ^ large f? size 6 to 4 year
]d f it treps j n ' re rc „ce to a smaller
y f 0 kl the freight
or express ‘r charges are double. Second,
j la trees .ire more likely to die be
f .„use of poorer roots, in proportion to the
size of the tree. Third, they can not be
packed as well and tret”s. go a long journey as
safely as smaller In our long ex
H we have found that a medium
\ ir, m rjtji
kke mysteiy of the foimatron of the
scab is explained by the Connecti
cut Experiment Station: the skin of Die
potato is a layer of cork-cells, and when
injured it heals by the formation ol anew
cork layer. When thc tuber grows IU
•• hcr
watei, . net sou,_ .. tne 1|u coik ,, layer
or in a .
thickens at various points, pioducuig
numy little warts on the surface, andien
dering thc cuticle less resistant of decay.
If the excess of water continues fora con
»iderable time, decay sets in and the
starch and tissues of the tuber become
discolored. Hut it the deca\ u auesten,
the cork layer iorms between the dc
caved and healthy parts and the potato
I s scabby.
Some farmers have tried especially banking the up
the basement of barns,
roadway to the doors, with loose stones,
covering the whole with dirt. This
makes a dry roadway, but the objection
is that these covered stone heaps become
the harbor for rats, and it is almost im
possible to destroy or drive them away,
The best rule is to keep farm tools housed
when not iu use. If, however, they have
been left out until now, uo time should
be.lost in getting them in.. The wastage
from exposure of costly implements respousi- is
enormous every year, and it is
ble for considerable of the hard times
that some farmers complain of No mat
ter how soon tools are rusted out, the
farmer cannot escape paying for them,
The principle is well settled that it is a
mistake to have a great variety of apple
trecs i n the same orchard. There is
even danger that a near neighborhood jurious of
maU y kinds will lead to in “cross
jug” 0 f qualities by thc implantation of
differing kinds of pollen orchardists in thc of same New
C alyx. The great
York, on thc Hudson, who used to ship
thousands of barrels annually to the Lon
don market, planted and engrafted but
f cw varieties, and brought their fruit to
fjreat perfection. Better have an orchard
of one thousand trees of pippihs "ten hundred or some
otke r specific kinds, than
t ree>g) each hundred of differing species
disposed hap-ha/.ard over the ground,
even though planted systematically forty
An ohio apiarist . x lr . H . H . Buff, says
cellar-wintering; it is.essential to j
^ the bees very quiet, in perfectly
ters< and that a cel ar ca>
liee ^ e( j to the dwelling-house, where I
vc „ etabks and other things arc kept,
doit. A cellar containing bees, he
adds< sWd „ bp visite d except for
tbe A , mrpose K e f examining into their con
di( n If we expPl . t to winter bees in
tbe ce ]j ar we can let them remain on
their summer stands until cool weather
sets in. at which time we have every
thing ? in readiness. The cellar should be
so a ranffed lhat W( . rau nMe nd to the
wants of any colony that mav need pur
attention. The hives sDomd be so
qrranged that uo adjusting of them is to
j )P done alter 1 enter ing them to the
Hands All Bound.
A curious ending of an ancient ven¬
detta is reported from Bitti, Sardinia,
where, in the presence of the Archbishop,
Perfect and other dignitaries, 670 mem¬
bers of two families knelt in church, for
mally foreswore their long-standing feud,
and received the prelate's benediction.
TM whole popu iation of the vicinity held, was
present, and later on a barbecue was
w jj ere p en oxen seventy-fonr pigs and ;
two hundred weight of macaroni were
consumed ’---»-——_—
One of the most paying features of some
farms has been the raising of geese. The
best quality of feathers can be produced
for much less cost than the poorest quality
of wool, and will bring readily in our
markets four times the price of thelatter.
Thebe was more money made, in pro
portion to amount of truck shipped, at
0s vka > Miss -> last season, than at any
other point on the railroad. They
watched the markets and shipped nitelli
How to Save Money,
and we mi&ht also say—time and pain as well,
in elieniU our advice the to good housekeepers necessity existing and ladies al
, g r ea t
Ways lent to the have a perleetlv and safe remedy of conven- the ail
for relief prompt cure
nn-uts peculiar to woman—functional trregu
iariiy, constant pains and all the symptoms
Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription”—woman’s
best friend. It will save money.
wit)lin six years a 12-mile Alpine tunnel
through the Simplon, will be constructed,
.J.'wlm had headache o"f«en be sub-' uni
jeet to const ip.ition. As these seem to
^^SSt^SSS advdee maybe m order,
.viih n luscatmg purgative pills, etc., which
-icken and debilitate, when such a pleasant
^jj, ^mfitliy’and and 3 ’ bowels, effectively and ^on at the the liver,
kidney,-stomach same
listressiug evils to quickly disappear,
tiou surely Cured,
To the Editor.-Flease inform your readers
mat i have a positive remedy for the above
shall ^^‘S^shavlteenpermaiwn^^ed?^ be glad to send two bottles of my remedy
fkee to any of your j^ders who have
address 8LOCUM, Respectfully, M.C., lol Pearl SU, N. Y.
T. A.
lt( . hi)lg 1>n ,. s
sytnptnms— Moisture; intense itching and
linking; worse by scratching. If allowed to
tent s^opp the itching and bleeding, heals ul
efficKfn &SON, STaMK Philadelphia.
Diseases. DK.SWAYNli druggists.
rient by m ail for Spots. Also sold by
iceeiy, the motor man of Philadelphia, calls
hfsmoiiey drawing power,vibratory sympathy.
.„ a
„,t Bliglit 000,1,
iu morning, or on first lying down at afflicted night,
should be looked to in time. Persons
with disordered liver, leading to bad digestion
and imllefrect assimilation of food—hence the
IKSSS.'SS that SX, blood-cleansing, %?SZ
use ot greatest ol’ all
Tile Kentucky Court of Appeals has affirmed
that drunkenness Is no excuse for crime,
Many imitators but no equal, fi ts Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy.
Dr. Hell and Thomas Edison are going to Jaw
to decide who invented the phonograph.
The Ulna in lEie.ttoon.
How does the sailor know there is a man in
t he moon? Because he has been to see (sea)
and states that whenever he has a coug li or
void he takes Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet Gum and Mullein.
We are all liable to err and every one is who
does not realize for Catarrh. t lie full value Pamphlet of Taylor’s free IIos- 264
oitnl (lure at
Broadway, New York.
If afflicted with ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp
son’s Eyewater. Druggists sell at 25c. per bottle.
Last Winter
tUm , ray feet and limbs swelled out of all proportion,
Iwasconflnedtothe hollse fOT several weeks and
, vaaa very great sufferer, scarcely able to walk at all.
After trying medical acivico and various prepara
tions.aii to no purpose, i was induced to give Hood's
Sarsaparilla a trial. I have taken two bottles, with
the best results. My pains aud aches have au teit
than i do now. 117 appetite is first rate, for rdi of
which 1 give credit to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.—t rank
L .x b. hatch, 73 North Third st„ Brooklyn, N T.
HOOCi’S S31*33 pOPI lid
S nid by ail druggists. $1 ■, six for $>. Prepared only
by o. 1 . hood & co., Apothecaries, Loweu, Mass.
| OO DOSOS Otl0 Dollar
m a
|| It has stood tha Test of Years,
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ELS, &c. It Purifies the
BOTEES T&ASHi: } Blood, Cleanses Invigorates the System. and
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STOMACH It its is purely cathartic a Medicine
AND : as pxopex
BOWELS. -- ties forbids its use as a
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i HRUGS^S _ ! ren as adults.
PRICE] OOLLAB 1 Solo Proprietors,
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Gives relief atonce and cures
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Not a Liquid or Sit ul?.
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GFiUi Morphluo Habit Core* 1 b 1®
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Ur. J. Utepbeo*, Lebanon. Ohio.
I^O!S£. X*^kX3*.
CURES Sciatica, .
Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
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The following words, in must praise be of of Dk. interest Pierce’s to every Favorite sufferer Prescription from ^atadies. as a remedy ^ey for aje thore f delicato V diseases whicfi an^^
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---nine months, without receiving any benefit.
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SV** 3 Physicians " immmnr Mrs. E. F. Morgan, of 1 Vo. 71 Lexington St..
Fill i Hikku. FII sieians. Having I exhausted completely the skill discouraged, of three and phy- so
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The treatment of many thousands of cases
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It As imparts a powerful, strength invigorating to the whole system, tonic,
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Fierce’s earthlv Favorite Prescription being is the great
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When L say cure I do not mean merely to atop l
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Laws se nt f ree. A. W. McCormick & S on. ^ash«»s <on 4 D
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S BOOK.yet. by josiah allen’s wife, things. agents they faMe*#
£M ~'s7z he, angrily, Them dumb fooh believe in supernatural bo^ Why can't
sunthin' sensible. Why can't they be Methodists ."-Extract from “ T
■ mj same delicious humor that has made her works a joy jorever "
There are parts so excruciatingly funny we have had to sit back aud laugh till the tears
m came”— Weekly Witness. “ Unquestionably her best.’’-D etroit Free Press.
MMff.. N E A R L Y 50,000 SOLD nin It It takes takes off off S&rato ^aratosa follies, tolhcs, flirta- mru*.
1 ... tions, low necks, dudes , pug dogs, etc.,
/' AGENTS are taking THOUSANDS of ORDERS killing." The (100) pictures Peonle by “Opper” are it# “just
for HOLIDAY GIFTS. crazy to #et.
....... . ■ ———a A«u Mrs Sophia F. Bo3WHll,
Threw r»
oUrrOnTER. n "“L
r»T Tn ',. j,,,. your medicine. I have had to wear la*d a
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and feel ns wed as i ever did.” t
(f J WflRyTl WORKS e%^gondersJn Mkh' writc^^You'r ° f FOTO?ite ’’pSscription’’
Wo^ my case ^
“ “ T, ^ ^ day,
at^nfflng'tHhe , dlffiesof^y lo”C w be on my feet aii
i A Marvelous Cni-e.--Mrs- G. P. SPRAGira.
persuaded me to try your medicines, which I wm
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they would do me no good. I finally told IjmKltry* 0
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against the advice of my physician. He got
four years.”
cures nausea, weakness of stomach, mdi
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“Favorite Prescription” complicated is a and
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ful menstruarhm. unnatural suppressions,
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troversion, bearing-down sensations,
ic congestion, inflammation and ulceration
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Tare Beam and Best* Box Hi
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m HlASr S n;|g-. rllSSa Great EnglishGouiawv
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p AT ENTS ston&T co.?’wS»I’ instruct!'
8 ington, I). C. Send for our book of onf
Wv « R u d n a df; tStff
Brewster Safety Rein Holder Go.. Holly, Micb>,
v --—---—---- 7 -----
A MONTH. Agents Wanted. 90 best xeU ’
O Ir I) iS worth $n00 sold per lb. 25c. Pettit’s Kye by Salvo “ »
worth $1, 000. but is at a box (ionlorf.*
, N. U......... .Filiy-hvo. ’81
Ill precrnaiicy, ** Favorite Prescription naiise®;
is a “mother’s cordial,” relieving distressm?
weakness of stomach and other it
symptoms common to that condition
its vise is kept up in the latter mom - - O’
gestation, it so prepares the system for •
° f “Favorit^F're C scrlption,’’when taken
in connection with the use of Dr. Pi f r t
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Bladder diseases. Their combined use a.w
removes , blood taints, .and 'abolishes can
cerous and scrofulous humors from me
ssjjtenL Favorite *»w>aci-i-Dtioii Presc P ” is druggie- the only
medicine for 2"^*°?°-. bT the
under n positive j from
f? anu ?® c ^SS fr sstiefac
> or money will be re
tion fun dcd. m c This vcrj guara has faithful! "been nrte T d
tb e bottle-wr-..,-', 1 ' ew¬
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or eix bottles for
gw aosesi for Dr.
Sena __, ten S? ln stanans Ofr
Pierce s large, in nstrated Treatise
Disease: 8 w