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Job Work Neatly and Promptly
Constitution -ys. The Tariff.
The Atlanta Constitution’s influ¬
ence is being intentionally, igno¬
rantly, or unintentionally bent to¬
wards the defeat of the democratic
party in the approaching national
election. The democracy has pro¬
nounced the tariff principles herald¬
ed hy’the Constitution as unsound
’and detrimental to the best interest
of the people as well as the grand
old party. For some cause or oth¬
er (we are not in a position to
■state what) the Constitution has so
nearly aligned itself with the mo¬
nopolists who call themselves pro¬
tectionists that their principles are
tinctured highly with republican¬
ism, and savor smartly of corrup¬
Jt. is a mystery to us why a dem¬
ocratic people, whose best interest
is a heavy reduction of the tariff
taxes, will give support to an in¬
stitution that labors so hard for
the defeat of their cause, and that
strikes so many venomous blows at
the very vital parts of the demo¬
cratic party. We have often been
made to blush by the charge that
the Atlanta Constitution carried the
state of Georgia at will. Whether
the charge be true or not, there
must certainly be some reasonable
ground for it. If it bo true in
whole or in any part it is a dis¬
grace to our grand old state. The
Constitution’s zigzag course in the
tariff movement leads us to remark
that a more corrupt leader than it
could not be found within the bor¬
ders of our state.
The question of a tariff reform is
a matter of too much gravity to
pass by with indifference. It is a
matter of dollars and cents to the
farmer, and consequently to us all.
Tt is a matter of vital importance
to the whole south, and the union.
Then let it be studied carefully; let
it be weighed in all its bearings,
and when the verdict is rendered
let be the voice of the people, and
not the warped and deformed sen¬
timents of a journal whoso honesty
of purpose may be questioned.
Grover Cleveland is almost cer¬
tain to succeed himself as Presi¬
dent. An administration as
straight-forward as his demands a
unanimous endorsement.
The Constitution is sending out
feelers on the tariff business. It is
poor consolation they would get if
all the state was like plucky little
Hon. John l) - Stewart, our con¬
gressman, has introduced a meas¬
ure, which if passed, will prove of
incalculable benefit to our farmers.
The bill is to make real estate a legal
basis for loans in a national bank.
Should it pass a farmer who owns
liis land can borrow money at a
low rate from national banks.
School Matters.
Mb. Editor :— I take this oppor¬
tunity of explaining, through the
columns of your valuable paper,
that part of the public school law
and the action of our County
Board thereupon that bears upon
the Text Books to be used in the
The 23rd Section of the new
school law provides that the Coun¬
ty Boards of Education shake pre¬
scribe the text books to be used in
the public schools of the county,
and the same Section says that no
teacher shall receive pay for any
pupil who is allowed to use any
other than the prescribed books.
Section 32 of the same act says
4i>at the County’ Commissioners
shall visit each school in his coun¬
ty at least once during the school
term and shall see that none but
the prescribed text books are uson
5533 ‘4
by the pupils.
Our County Board of Education
at its meeting on the 17th of De¬
cember last prescribed new books
to be used in the schools for two
1st. Because the old books had
been used five years—the time pro¬
vided for by law.
2nd. And as a matter ofeoncoiny
Because new books can be
bad at exchange and introductory
prices, that being a great saving to
the people as a whole.
Now, as to the 1st reason. I need
only to refer you to the law and re¬
As to the 2nd reason, I will illus¬
trate by taking each bock and com¬
paring prices and see if the facts
will sustain the reason: 1st, We
will take the grammar. Quacken
bos’ two grammars cost 1st 50c ts
and 2nd 90cts, making in all $1. 40
Reed & Kellog’s grammars newly
adopted cost 1st 3Gets anu 2nd GCcts
ror both QGcts, a saving in gram¬
mars per set of 44cts. And by
bringing an old grammar which
nearly every one has that is too
much worn to use, you can get the
1st for 20cts and the 2nd for 30ctS,
still another saving of 46ctsper set
Total saved by exchange on gram¬
mars alone of 90cts. Now there
are 275 grammar pupils in the
county, which multiplied by 44cts,
the amount saved at introductory
prices per set, gives a saving to the
people of the county $132. 00, and
by exchanging old grammars there
is a saving of $247. 50 (275 x 90)
in favor of the new grammars. So
much for that.
Now take arithmetic—Sanford’s,
4 books cost at retail price $2. 80.
The newly adopted arithmetic, El¬
ementary and National, (only two)
and they cover the whole study of
arithmetic, cost at introductory
$1.05 (oOcts for the Elementary and
75cts for National) makes a sav¬
ing of $1. 75 per set, and by ex¬
changing old arithmetics you can
get the Elementary arithmetic for
IScts and the National for 45cts,
making for both 63cts, a saving of
$2, 17 per set. There are 810 pu¬
pils in the county studying arith¬
metic. There arc not over one
third of said pupils who are sup¬
plied, but for sake of argument ad¬
mit one-half, that will leave 405
to buy new books and 405 times
$1.75 equals $708. 75, saved at in¬
troductory price and at exchange
price there will be 405 x $2. 17,
makes $878. 85 in favor of newly
adopted arithmetics.
Now take the readers and on the
same hypothesis as the arithmetics.
There being 1,200 pupils in the
county studying reading, at intro¬
ductory prices there is a saving of
$1,110, 00 and at exchange prices a
saving of $1,746. 00 in favor of the
newly adopted readers.
Now take the geographies. 330
pupils in the county studying ge¬
ography and following the same
reasoning there will be saved at in¬
troductory prices $60. 00 and at ex¬
change prices $171. 00 in favor of
the newly adopted geographies.
Now these look big figures, but.
they are below what the facts will
justify. It is true, no doubt, that
here and there will be found a fam¬
ily supplied with books, but where
there is one that has a suffici¬
ency you will find five, yea, I may
say, ten unsupplied. In my visits
to the schools I have found many,
many instances where 2 and 3 pu¬
pils would be using only one book.
This is no longer permitted by the
law as it says positively each pu¬
pil shall use the prescribed book.
Now, taking it as a whole and the
Board has saved the people of the
county a great deal money by
adopting a new set of books., That
all may see the prices I will give
them as follows:
Intro. Ex.
1st Header 20cts IScts
2nd “ 33“ 21“
3rd “ 50 “ 30 “
4tll 70 “ 42 “
5tll 90 “ 54 “
Elementary Geography , 60 “ 30 “
Complete “ 51 25 75 “
Klein on tary Arithmetic. SOctS IS “
National “ 75 “ 45 “
Reed X Kellogg's 1st gram, 36 “ 20 “
“ “ 2nd “ 60 “ 30 “
G. M. Jones, C, S. C.
Politics will be hot this year.
The voter should keep cool.
Legislative candidates are begin
i niug to sniff the breeze.
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Slower! £ KcCalla’s.
Progress and enterprise may be as well or bettorshown. in the ,n»r
cbautilc as in airy other vocation, Stewart & McCalla have given
sufficient evidence of their thrift and enterprise by purchasing the best
selected and most varied stock of goods ever opened in this city.
Not only have they the beet stock, But they are absolutely selling
them cheaper than any body. They most certainly have
Our stock consists of every thing to be Pound in a general mer¬
chandise store.
The editor informs us that he connot give us space to mention nil
our stock unless he issues an extra eight page editiou. But we could
not afford to wait for that, as we are anxions to have our friends know
that our house is the place to get goods.
Among other things we keep always on hand the best and' cheap¬
est lot of dress goods.
The most complete line of notions
The prettiest and nobbiest lot of hats and caps. The cheapest
and best line of clothing.
The best and most complete stock of gents furnishing goods.
Our reputation as the biggest slice house in town needs no com-
ment from us. We can beat the state on selling a fine durable shoe
cheap. Call and see our $2.50 shoe.
Any thing you want. Trunks, Valises’ Jeans, Flannels, Bleach¬
ing, jewelry, perfumes, toilets, soaps, cutlery, rubber goodsj and
any and everything you could wish for.
In this room we keep a complete line of Fancy and Staple gro
ceries. Anything from a pound of soda to a box of meat. From a
$3 musket to a $50 breach loading gun,
We can sell you more for $1 than any body Come to see us
We will convince you