The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, April 06, 1888, Image 2
THE WEEKLY.' R.J. GUINN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR $1.25 PER ANNUM. Entered at the Conyers Post Office as second class mall matter. Advertising rates made known on Demand Job Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. Poliliciil matieis in Rockdale are moving along nicely. There is nothing in the world that makes a politician so hair-tear¬ ing mad as to have the people pack a convention on him. — Four times has the White House been draped in morning since Pres¬ ident Cleveland became its occu¬ pant —'for Grant, for Hendricks, for Arthur and for Waite. The United States spends annu al!v $16,000,000, so it is said, for products that can be made at home from materials now considered use¬ less. The Princeton factory, situated hear Athens, is soon to be increas¬ ed to 1.200 spindles. The mill in¬ terest of Athens is on a boom. The Georgia factory is enlarging to 10, 000 spindles. A new cotton mill is Vicing erected at Barnett Shoals, be¬ sides improvements being made on the Athens factory. Sonator Blackburn is very much pleased with the recent endorse mentsby Grand Army posts of his speech is* reply to Senator Tngalls. He say* they attest tiro approval given by brave men to his efforts to defend the memory of the brave dead. In the meantime Ingalls goes on writing vindictive letters. Mayor Abram Ilewitt, of New York city, is said to be nursing presidential aspirations. Mr. Ilew¬ itt is a pretty good democrat, and a politician above reproach so far as honesty and sincerity are concerned. But President Cleveland is so un¬ mistakably the choice of the dem¬ ocrats all over the country, that Mayor Hewitt’s ambition for the nomlnaton is hopeless, if not mis¬ chievous. Hon. Roswell P Flower, of New York, who 1ms been represented as fin opponent of President Cleve¬ land's renoniination, says that •‘things have been so arranged that Gov. Hill is in full accord with the administration and, moreover, Gov. Hill will bead the New York del¬ egation at St. Louis. Tammany and the County democracy will work together beautifully this time, and every other issue will he sunk to get a big majority in and about New York.” Those wishing information on the tariff will read with profit Sen¬ ator Colquitt’s speech published to day. The speech is a master pro¬ duction and ihe senator presents bravely the main issue on the tar¬ iff question. By actual figures he shows how the people of the whole country have been oppressed with grievous and unreasonable taxation to support mischievous schemes and jobs. The speech hi a word is one worthy of careful study. If this respect is paid it, the tariff is¬ sue in this section is settled at least fo rsome time. From the edition of Geo P. Row¬ ell A; Co’s “American Newspaper Directorjq’ published April 2d (its twentieth year), it appears that the Newspapers and Periodicals of all kinds issued in the United States and Canada, now number 16,310, showing a gain of 890 during the last 12 months and of 7.136 in 10 vears. The publishers of the Di¬ rectory assert that the impression that when the proprietor of a new.- paper undertakes to state what has been his exact circulation, he does not generally tell the truth is an er roneousone; and they conspicu¬ ously offer a reward of ? 100 foi every instance in their book lor this year, where it can be shown that the detailed report received fro' a ^ruUUaher was untrue. The Delightful Liquid Laxative. Syrup of Figs is a most agreeable and valuable family remedy, as it is easily taken by old and young, and is prompt and effective in cur¬ ing Habitual Constipatation and the many ills depending on a weak or inactive condition of the Kid¬ neys, Liver, and Bowels, It acts gently, strengthens the organs on which it acts, and awakens them to a he;dthy activity. For sale by Dr. W. II. Lee «fc Son. TTio Great Wonder The 8th wonder of the world is that I can give you a square meal fur 25 cents at the White House restaurant under the Masonic Hall at any hour, day or night. Re¬ member the White House and me. .1. W. Flemisteh. Marcli 8th 1888. MILLINERY. Having recently purchased entire stock of Millinery and Fan¬ cy goods of Mrs. Cowan and ardson, I am constantly menting the same with new fresh goods of the best quality and styles, and hope the well merited patronage of the old firm will extended to their successor. The public will find my low and stock com]ilete, consisting of Hats, Bonnets, Laces, Flowers, Hosiery, Plumes, Collars, Cuffs. Ruching, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. 1 have engaged the services of an experienced trimmer. It will pay you to call and exam¬ ine my goods and and prices be¬ fore buying. Very Rcspt'ly, Miss Fannie Riley, At Mrs. Cowan and Richardson’s former stand. Conyers, Ga. A- J- & G A. Elack —LUMIUSR DKALEUS— CONYERS, GA. Wo have lumber of all kinds. Sell at mills or deliver, Terms reasonable. Now located at Hen¬ ry Wilson’s in Sheffield, All or ders will bo promptly filled. A, J. it G. A. Black. Co.vykrs, Ga. Jan, 18, 1888. A CAPTAIN’S FORTUNATE DIS D 1 SC 0 VERY. Cant. between Coleman, Atlantic schr. Weymouth, ply¬ Y., ing City and N. had been troubled with a cough induced so that he was unable to sleep, Discovery and was for Con¬ to try Dr. King’s New him instant sumption. allayed It not only gave relief, but the extreme soreness In his breast. His children were similar¬ ly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr. King’s remedy New it Discovery is now the standard the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free trial bottles of his stand ard remedy nt Dr. ’V. H. Lee’a Dru£ Store. ABOLISHING OLD ROAD. GEORGIA, Koekdalo county— Whereas application having: boon in ado to the court of Ordinary for the passing of an order abolishing so much of the old Plnc-log road ns is lying between the Covington and McDonough roads, startingat. the point where the Old Vinclog road crosses the Covington road, crossing the Geo, U. R., running by the Geo. W. Halo place and D. Vaughn and inter sooting McDonough road at the south corner of said Vaughn's lot. This is to notify all persons concerned that if no valid objections arc Hied on or Before the 20th of February an order will pass abolishing that much of said road. This January is, 1888. ■n O. Sxa.maxs, Ordinary. HENRY SCOTT. An Old Experienced Barber In Conyers. Henry "Scott, a noted Atlanta barber, is now running a barber shop in the Night building, second floor. He is prepared to dress the hair in the latest styles. Sharp ra¬ zors, clean towels, and a full outfit always on hand to accommodate customers. Give him a trial and be convinced that Henry Scott is in point of fact a neat barber. HUGHES t MW, HAT \ TEES, AND nrit is^ers. THE BEST SI SHIRT IX THE CITY. Valises, Umbrella’s etc. 9 PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA GEO, FREEHALL ■ * % Our 1llwt/rated Catalogue m complete of ico i*ag<ss, assortment containing of the a m best Pj an *S; Roots. Bulbs. Vines,Shrubs and seeds la % ^uitivrlion. Satisfaction guaranteed. NEUNERi Address, 3HA2S35 & L. Louisville, Ky,_ Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world for ° T hn ;r’’ ““'"'."'t 8 ’, Snlt Uheurn P I-ever sores, letter, ped hands, Chilblains ’Corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat or money refunded Price 52cts per box. For sale by DR. W. IT. LED & SOX. LADD’S LIME. Positively the best lime on the mar¬ ket can ho had cheap by calling on A. J. PlEIll’E. Conyers Ga, Oct 12th. tf A NEW BOOK Full of new ideas and •ON valuable information. Although actually worth CABBAGE many dollars to growers, a copy will be mailed free to any person who will send two —and- stamps and the adaress of CELERY. three or more extensiveCnb bago, Cauliflower or Celery growers. Address ISAAC F* mLINCHAST. Pa, ¥ .p. Plume, Lack’*! Co., .SftESTC P. STRATTON, wMmMK msmswSMm 3 m ---- -- Headquarters for Harmonicas, TRADE 49 r/iaidon Lane, New York. T. J. King, Maker of Boots and Slioes and Har¬ ness. SHOP ON COMMERCE AND RAILROAD STREETS. Is prepared to execute promptly and neatly all kinds of Boot, Shoe, and Harness work. Prices guaran¬ teed and work as good as the best. I keep the very best stock in the market and consequently do good reliable work. Fine shoes and durable harness a pecialty. All kinds of repairing done with dispatch. T, J. KING, Conyers, Ga., Feb. 1st, 1888. Bring your job work to the Weekly office. Atlanta pricesdu iicated and work guaranteed. Rockdale Nursery, A CHOICE SELKCITON OF FRUIT ;TREES AND G RAPE VINES. All the Leading Varieties. Best adopted to this clima'e. Propa¬ gated a-d for sale nt my Nursery, one and a half miles east of Conyers, Ga. My trees this year of all varieties are the finest and best grown of any I have ever put upon the market. Jesse M. Welborn. Conyers, Ga., Jan 18S8. For Sale, 15 acres of land with fine wt er power Flouring mill's, saw mill, and cotton Gin, all in good condi¬ tion. Situated five miles east of Conyers Ga, for prices and terms apply to J. S. Daxikll, Conyers Ga. NOTICE. I will be in Conyers the first Sat¬ urday in every month, patients wishing to see me will find me at the hotel or at Dr. Lee’s drug store. Db. L- G. Bka.xtley. DR. J. J. SEAMANS. DENTIST. OFFICE 3 WHITEHEAD HOUSE Con.vers. Ga.. 60 YEARS IN USE. A Physician says, a sovereign remedy for worms. Having used the original “B. A. Fahnestock” Vermifuge in my practice for many years, 1 have no is saf hesitancy reliable in recommending: and efficient it as all a remedy where which f, m cases a Vermifuge is needed. Observe Thos. particularly H. Handy, that M. tne D.,Cambridge^Md. initials are B, A. thus avoiding iroitatiosis. PrlaiiiaiG Of every description DONE NEATL1 AND PROMPTLY, D. Summers’ Popular prices Will draw the trade. lie gives the following quotations this week : all must go VERY LOW Beautiful line of scrim at Summers. See lhat nice Satine at Sumineis New Spring Gingham at Summers. Spring dress goods at Summer*, New Spring lawns and linens at Sum 1 - mers. New Spring Nainsook at Summers. Barents see those childrens school shoes at Allen D. Summers. New Spring Prints at Summers. 20 cts buys a yard of the best all woo] . jGftnF. 40 eta gets a Jersey jacketat Summers’ 15 cts will buy a good working shirt. 45 cts gets a splendid linen front gtdrt. 25 cts will get a shawl from Summers, 25 cts buys hat we sold for 75 cents. ATS HATS! Splendid line of the very latest style of hats just received at Summers. Hats we sold for 70 cts now 25 cents. NOTIONS $1. 95 will get yon a splendid all wool coat. Our clothing must go. Beautiful line of odd pants at Sum¬ mers. Cheapest line of notions in the city. 5 cts buys 3 spools of thread from Sum¬ mers. 1 » We have a few odd coats slisrhtly im¬ perfect at about hair price at Summers. Big drive in trunks and ladies plush hand hags—some are beau lies. FOE SHOES We have had a splendid trade in shoes. Those custom goods are perfect every pair warranted. The price in a!i slioes cut 20 per cent. If you wear shoe it will pay you to see Summers. Table damask at 40 cts, cheap at 55 cents—Napkins to match. WO RSTEDS Another big cut in all worsted dress goods. We must close out to make room for our spring goods. 400 yards woolen dress goods at 10 rts cheap at 15 cts, All others proportion¬ ately cheap. You will find these popu'ar prices a splendid New Year greeting. Beautiful line of edging from 2 to 45 cents at Summers, GROCERIES Fancy and heary groceries of all kinds some named below: Try a sack of that A No. 1 patent flour. 65 cts gets a beautiful lamp at Sum mers, 3 large bars (6 lbs) of soap for 25 cts. Best cream cheese at 15 cts. Preserves and jellies at io cents per pound. 05 cts buys a pound of good tobacco. 30 cts buj’S a gallon of prure apple vin¬ egar. Glass Ware Splendid line of gloss ware, full and complete line in every particular: Oysters, Saraiues, Crackers. Candies Pickles, and can goods of all kinds at Summers. Best New Orleans syrnp and Dove Brand hams at Summers. big mm We expect another big rush to morrow Come early. Buy your next bill of Summers an! save money by doing so, 00MET0DAY IWn t forget we are making a specialty of ladies and childrens' shoes, all fresh anu good. New shipment of gents fine shoes just received at D. SUMMERS N<- TICE. Costers, Ga,. Jan. 6 Hi,1SS8, The firm of A, S. Black & Tiros, is this day mutually dissolved by A. S. Black withdrawing from the firm. The business will ho run in the future by A, J. Biack & G, A. Black* and they have assumed aK the indebtedness of the firm and are authorized to collect all debts due the same. A- S. Black, A. J, Black. it G. A, Black, WM. J. ALBERT, Attorney At Law, 2 1-2 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. Prompt attent.on given to all busi¬ ness. If. I B W. mu grsesaaa 4 Son, CORNER Center and Commerce Steels CONYERS, GA. DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS MUmci^ES, CHER/UCALS PAINTS OiLS VARNISHES, GLASS’ AND POTTY GARDEN SEED STATIONARY. SCHOOL BOOKS, SPECTACLES- &££&& ©SUCKER’™- None gonalna unless Don’t waste rubber tamped with the above Is yonr money on a gum or coat. The FISH I’.RAND SLICKED TB APB MARK, Askiorthe^’FISH absolutely uater and BRAND” wind proof, and will keep you dry in tlio hardest storm ,, suckkb and take no other. If your storekeeper does ot have the , “ma braxp”. send for descriptive catalogue to A. J. TOWER. 20 Simmons St. Boston Mass ♦ The man who has invested from three JPJlL We ^ffer the man who wants service to five dollars in a Rubber Coat, ami (not stylo) ft garment that will keep at his first half hour’s experience in «B|i *533 15899 Mm dry in the hardest stonn. It is a storm finds to his sorrow that it is KZ- E§ M called TOWER'S FISH HRAXi* hardly quito n better protection than a mos- WW w ® “ SLICKER,” a namo familiar to ever / at being netting, so badly not only taken feels In. chagrined but also ff H §S£3 {!» B the Cow-boy only perfect all over Wind the laud. and Waterproof With them feels i f he do es not lm>k exactly liko . Coat is “Tower’s Fish Brand Slicker.” Ask tor the “ FISH BRAND ” Slicker u ■ U la and take no other. If your storekeeper does not have the FISH brand, send for descriptive catalogue. A. J. Towf.k, 20 Simmons St., Boston, Mass. GHlAx 7 1 7 TC_: f V-SutsJ*' . -2-r;3 Yrvpx? Ul t J2J Everything in stock to suita trading public. Our line of goods of everygkind is the best, newest and cheapest. No old goods rusting on our shelves. Everything fresh. Our line of hats of all grades is simply wonderful. The best hat of any kind for the least money ever offered in this market. Shoes of all sizes in countless yariety. Latest, styles. Ready made clothing f—1~ 0 sui and to lit from the leasr to The HUDSON BROS, Ga. March 28, i88S, ,8 T •whiiis WM sSssSfc . : mm m mm «n m SPECTACLES, lnave the largest and best as¬ sortment of speetaces ever brought to Conyers. All prices from 2f,e }>er pair up. Gold, silver and steel frames, pebble glasses. Brices twenty five to fifty per cent cheap er than the same goods are sold in Atlanta. Dr. V*, rl. Lee.