Newspaper Page Text
A Guessing Novelty.
A recent Washington letter to the
luncheons Philadelphia Record, says: A novelty for
has just been introduced. It
first appeared at a very elegant luncheon
for ladies given on Friday. .Midway
beautiful through the menu, the servant passed a
bowl filled with bright-colored
California beans. Each guest was asked
to guess how many beans were in the
bowl, the one coming nearest to it and
the one coming farthest from it to get
prizes. Mrs. .Senator Stanford guessed
the exact number of beans in the bowl—
200—so she got the first prize. Mrs.
Senator Palmer got the “booby' 1 prize.
But then Mrs. Stanford had seen Cali¬
fornia beans before.
A Homo for Women.
Beatrice P. King gives many interest¬
ing ing details the in Woman as to the new build
of Young Women’s Christian As¬
sociation of New York. The society,
which commenced work with but thirty
one tive members, members and now numbers 202 ac¬
and 1015 associate, the latter
being those who are unable to do active
work, but who aid the society by an an¬
nual contribution of not less than five
In fifteen years the work grew to such
have proportions that it became necessary to
larger facilities for usefulness.
Thousands of self-supporting women
came to its doors to seek both temporal
and spiritual aid. Its class rooms were
not only full, but overflowing. The em¬
ployment rooms were pressed beyond
their utmost capacity, and it was finally
decided (hat the increased work de¬
manded more commodious quarters.
Twenty-five thousand dollars was im¬
mediately subscribed ami the work of
menced. demolishing the old structure was com¬
A house on East Twelfth street
was leased for fifteen months so that the
work should suffer no interruption, and
here the greater part of the woik was
carried on until the of the
new The building. plan of
the members was to have
their association hall built free of debt.
To do this $ 125,000 was needed. Various
plans for raising this were suggested,
and it was finally decided that the best
way to get it was to ask for it. The re¬
sult proved the wisdom of their course,
for before January, 188(1, $80,000 was
collected, and in a very short time not
only was the remaining $15,000 paid in,
but enough more to completely furnish
the house, to equip it with all appliances
for work, and to leave a surplus of $10,
000 for future alterations.
The new building is a worthy monu¬
ment to the brave and noble-hearted
women who exerted all their power in
order that the self-supporting women of
New York might enjoy more advantages,
and might be enabled to better their eon
dition of life. The structure is of rough
brown stone and brick, five stories high,
and elegant and artistic in its every de¬
A Girl Drummer.
A trim litllo woman skipped lightly
from tho steps of a Baltimore & Ohio
passenger coach at the Chestnut Street
Station the-other night. Walking ahead
of her were Senator Thomas V. Cooper
and wife, who came in the same car from
the Washington. There was something about
female that would attract a second
glance as sho hurried off in her noat
lower ntting, plaits long plush coat, showing just th <’
of a stylish woolen t raveling
dress, bonnet and a jaunty bit of a brown velvet
bobbing with her head as lively
as the convenient gripsack rattled which
she carried in her hand.
“That’s a traveling saleslady,” re¬
marked a train hand. “Yes, she’s a
regular the road female drummer. Sho travels on
quite home regularly, in and makes herself
at the car. She's not over
eighteen years old, though if you heard
her talk you’d think she was twenty or
more. She’s as bright as a dollar, and a
lives very in pleasant Pittsburg, and ready talker. Sho
travels for a millinery
house and is very popular with her cus
tomers. ’
In all her traveling alone, between
Washington, Pittsburg. Philadelphia, she Baltimore and
is said to have suffered
no nnnoyanee or insult. Though quite
free to make and pick acquaintance with
fellow-passengers ries herself with of lady-like her own sex,sho car¬
yet her might dignity, and
manner spem a trifle fa¬
miliar to strangers unacquainted with the
fact that she virtually makes her home in
the cars. It would be hard to tell just
how many newcomers on the line have
had their journey shortened by tho
pleasure of her company. It is said that
her bright and interesting chat has
touched sparks of friendship in the
bosoms of many fair travelers whom she
has met. Mrs. Senator Cooper and she
parted great friends. An incident which
shows her composure occurred on her
last trip South. After traveling some
distance with a party homeward bound
from California she seated herself beside
one of the women and opened up a con¬
versation with some remark about the
“I don’t think I know you, miss,” ex¬
claimed the woman, with a haughty air,
and drawing herself away as if from a
thing unholy.
“Excuse me, madam,” said the young
daughter flash, of trade, jumping up like a
“I thought I was addressing a
lady. ”—Ph ilaJetph ia Knq u irer.
Fashion Notes.
Scotch and zephyr ginghams were
never before so exquisite, either in tint
or texture.
New French satines are of an exquisite
finish and are almost as soft and pliant
as India silks.
Dotted stripes are seen among new de¬
signs for in cotton, silk and woolen fabrics
spring wear.
This may be called a ribbon season, so
profuse is the use of ribbon for the deco¬
ration of gowns.
Fancy bengalines promise to play an
ictive part in making the spring cos¬
tumes gay and bright.
Round waists and shirred basques are
the features on the new suits made of
embroidered muslins.
ed Very Russian in effect are those braid¬
gowns of white chudder cloth
| trimmed with brown otter fur. The
braiding is in gold braid.
"Nasal Voices, Catarrh and False
A prominent English woman says the
American women all have high, shrill, nasal
voices and false teeth.
they Americans don’t this like nasal the twang, constant and twitting yet it is
get about
a fact caused by our dry stimulating atmos¬
phere, and the universal presence of catar¬
rhal diffiulties.
But why should so many of our women
have false teeth?
That Is more of a poser to the English. It
is quite impossible to account for it except
on the theory of deranged stomach action
caused hy imprudence in eating and by want
of regular exercise.
Both conditions are unnatural.
Catarrhal troubles everywhere prevail
and end in cough and consumption, induced which by
are promoted by mal-nutrition
deranged stomach action. The condition is
a modern one, one unknown to our ancestors
who prevented the catarrh, cold, cough and
consumption by abundant Warner’s and regular Cabin use of
what is now known as Remedy lx>g and
Cough and Consumption old fashioned Log
Cabin Sarsaparilla, two reme¬
dies handed down from our
now exclusively put forth under the strong¬
est guarantees of purity and Warner’s ellicacy safe by the
world-famed makers of cure.
These two remedies plentifully used as the
spring and summer seasons advance give a
positive assurance of freedom, both from
catarrh and those dreadful and, if neglected,
inevitable consequences, pneumonia, lung
troubles and consumption, which so gen¬
erally and fatally Fisher, prevail among our people.
Comrade Eli of Salem, Henry Co.,
Iowa, served four years in the late war ami
contracted a disooso called consumption by
the doctors. He had frequent hemorrhages.
Alter using Warner's Log Cabin Cough and
Jan. Consumption I'Jth, L888: remedy, “I do he not says, bleed under at the date lungs of
any I do more, my cough does not bother me, and
not have any more smothering spells.”
Warner’s bog Cabin Bose Cream cured his
wife of catarrh and she is “sound and well.’
Of course wo do not like to have our women
called nose talkers and false teeth owners,
but those conditions can be readily overcome
in the manner indicated.
Hail Been Doctored.
fashionable A wealthy house old widower in boarding said at a
the city is to
be anxious to marry again. Of courise,
he wishes to be loved by some young
miss a third as old as himself. Recent¬
ly a well-dressed and fashionable young
lady engaged rooms at the same house
and began casting sly glances at the
wife seeker, who was invited to call at
her parlors one evening, which he did,
finding his youthful admirer with bon¬
net and gloves on, or as she explained
it: “Just came in from the bank.” Ho
was asked to make himself comfortable
while she went to tea, leaving her bank
book spread open upon the centre table.
Of course it was natural that a man
seeking a life companion should satisfy
himself ns to her ability to purchase a
suitable bridal, and he therefore
peeped into the bank book, where lie
found a group of figures as long as big
finger. The old man forgot his age and
gave a jump for joy. It appears that an
intimate friend of the ex-benedict is a
clerk in the bank where the adventuress
kept her money, and upon looking over
the account at the wisli of the widower
lie discovered that only $5 had ever been
deposited, hook and that fictitious. the other Whereupon figures in
her were
the attachment grew cold, and the old
gentleman is Btill in the matrimonial
market —Albany Journal.
Empei’or William’s Monument.
Much discussion has arisen already in
Berlin as to the location of the great
equestrian monument which will be
erected to the late Kaiser. Public pref¬
erence is about equally divided between
the Parisien Platz, which is at the west
end of the Under den Linden, and a po¬
sition in the Operahaus Platz at the east¬
ern extremity, where Frederick the
Great’s splendid memorial is already
reared, or in the space further along in
front of the old Schloss. The Vossiche
Zeitung declares, however, that the old
Kaiser long ago decided that the location
should he in the Thiergaien, near the
column of Victory.
The Cows Were Watered.
“Mamma,” said a Connecticut avenue
girl, just returning from a visit to a
Maryland farm, “you are always talking
about nice country milk and how much
better and richer it is than tho milk you
get in the city, but I think you are mis¬
“I don’t think I am,” replied the
“Well, I know you are, for they used
to water the cows twice every day while
I was at Aunt Ann’s.”
The poor mother went up stairs and
shed a few scalding tears.— Washington
Leading the Professor On.
“You sketch with a free hand, Mist
Rack bay,” remarked the professor, whe
had been critically examining her port¬
“Entirely free,” said the Boston young
lady, as she cast down her eyes in soft
confusion and waited for the profcssoi
to follow up the opening. — Chicago Tri¬
bune .
Why I.anra Lost Her Bean.
Iiaura once had an affluent beau,
\\ ho called twice a fortnight, or bo.
Now she sits, Sunday eve.
All lonely to grieve.
Oh, where is her recreant beau.
And why did lie leave Laura so?
\\ hy, he saw that Laura was a languishing,
delicate girl, subject to sick headaches, sensi¬
tive nerves and uncertain tempers; and know¬
ing what a life-long trial is a fretful, sickly
wife, lie transferred his attentions to her
cheerful, healthy cousin, Ellen. The secret is
that Laura's health and strength are sapped
by which chronic weakness, peculiar to her sex.
Ellen averts and avoids bv the use of
Dr. l’icree’s Favorite Prescription. This is
the only remedy, for woman’s peculiar weak¬
nesses and ailments, sold by druggists.under a
positive guarantee from the manufacturers,
that it will give satisfaction in everv case or
money will be refunded. See guarantee on
bottle wrapper.
Since tho Independent Order of Good Tem¬
plars was started 5,000,000 persons have joined.
Long's Pearl Tooth Soap prevents decay.
Try it. 25 cents a box.
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thmnp- bottle.
son's Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c. per
Drubbists.anoDealers.Eyerywkere; EhaS’A’VogeierEo’Baltd’Md*
The Flan of Campaign.
tersburg A German correspondent his opinion thus at St. Pe¬ the
gives on
probable movements of Prince Moltke
against the Russian army in case of a
continental war: The chief of the
Prussian staff would seize Russian Poland
according to the following tactics:
Threatening and Wilna on his extreme left
Kiew on his right; at an unforseen
moment he would force the attack upon
Brest Lilovski, and would shut up in
Warsaw all the Russian forces in Poland.
Meanwhile the Austro-Hungarian army,
already Ruekowina, concentrated in Galicia and
would advance having entered Lemberg,
by the river Bug to at¬
tack Brest Lilovski on the south. Si¬
multaneously, and still more rapidly,
would be advanced the torrents of Ger¬
man troops from Konigsberg, Danzig and
Thorn, covering all northern Poland,
and crossing the now useless barriers of
the Tistula and Bug. Thus the Russian
army corps would be completely sur¬ and
rounded in less than two weeks,
driven towards Germany, where they
would meet fresh German troops, and.
finally, far from their country find and them¬ the
base of their stores, would
selves either forced to surrender, or be
crushed and destroyed in detail at Ivan
Bermuda grass will grow on lands too
poor for other valuable grasses, and is
doubtless the very best grass for pine
A Flat Contradiction.
Some one has told you that your catarrh is
incurable. It is not so. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh
Remedy will cure it. It is pleasant to use and
ii always docs its work thoroughly. We have
yet, to hear of a case in which it did not ac¬
complish a cure when is faithfully used. Catarrh
is a disease which it dangerous to neglect. A
certain yourself remedy of before is at the your complaint command. Avail
it assumes a
more serious form. All druggists.
Paper dipped in camphor and alcohol be¬
comes transparent and is used as window panes
Itching Piled.
Symptom*— Moisture; intense If itching allowed and
stinging; worse by form, scratching. which often bleed and to
continue tumors Swayne’s Oint¬
ulcerate, becoming itching very and sore. bleeding, heals ul¬
ment stops tile
ceration, and in many cases removes the tu¬
mors. Equally efficacious in curing all Skin
Diseases. DR.SWAYNE & SON, Philadelphia.
Sent by mail for 50ets. Also sold by druggists.
f'otiHiiinption Surely Cured.
To Die Editor:—Please inform your readers
that 1 have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use thousands of
shall hopeless he glad cases have Hend been two permanently bottles of cured. remedy I
to my
rifEE to any of your readers who have con¬
sumption it they will send me their Express
and P. O. address. SLOCUM. Respectfully, M. C., 181 Pearl St.. N. Y.
T. A.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
1 Medical and scientific skill has at last solved the
problem of the long needed medicine for the ner
vous, debilitated, and tho aged, by combining the
best nerve tonics. Celery and Coca, with other effec
tivo remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease,
restore strength and renew vitality. This medicine la
VS&Y ^(.Paine’s
Itlills a place heretofore unoccupied, and marks
a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles.
Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of
nervous prostration and weakness, and experience
has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the
strain and paralysis of the nervous system.
Recommended by professional aDd business men.
Send for circulars.
Price SI.OO. Sold by druggists.
WELLS, RICHARDSON 8t CO., VT. Proprietors
AlffANTJED— \ WAN: Can Ulonth Earn ! n We Salary
Ml from energetic &100 to 9200 who is » afraid of work, want a
• W live, in the man, Southern States, not Such m
every make county the above amount, handling goods. No a mnnean capital
required. Work the year round, II* C. HUDGINS
X CO.. IMiblimbers, ATLANTA, GA.
II D CD oil Symptoms and Conditions tills
uU Specific will Itelieve and Cure.
If Van U U have nervous or sick headache, at om¬
it I ooliaehe, backache, spineache, bloating,
internal heat or scalding urine,
If Ynn Uli hare chronic weakness, bearing life-change, down
II I or perversions incident to
If Vnn UU have uterine catarrh, ovarian suppressed dropsy, or
III painful periods, or
II |f Ynn I UU have suspicious growths, hemorrhage, disposed to
humor or cancer, or
I* Di, Irlo «P quickly a run-down constitu
II DU lUo tion and brings refreshing sleep.
|f U/f | dispel those dull tired looks and feel
II III ' I beauty—restores lugs, and bring tho back youthful system. bloom
and nervous
Mnthoro mUlllClO Giro it Not to yonr veatige w«t of anti impure delicate Blaad daught car
era. o
eacapo its healing and purifying influence.
If V*m lUU value good health, and hope for long
! life, use “Female Remedy.”
066 Can Symptom* "Guide to continued Health," with free. certiflcatee Also ndnee of free. cure.
Dr. Kilmer * Co. Bingha mton. N.Y. Drug gbis ?
■PPHEly’s Cream Balm,
AY-FIVER in Head, Snuffles
'5st”?^Apply |Qy Bros.,*335Greonwicli Balm iuloeach St..N.Y. nostril.
HUS Ut« at hots* and make more money working for o« fhu
» at a«T*fi«n|r«lsp •« th* world I :th*r aox CostWo ntfit
rkkk Taruttf 1RKL. Ad.!*-***, let’** Co., Auju.u,Mi aina.
New Fodder.
The properties of the “Cytisus prolife- It is
rus” are fine, considered as forage.
a shrub from the Canary islands, from
four to six metres high, with long boughs
spread out, and thick foliage, which can
be cultivated with advantage, animals. principally The
for the food of ruminating and the boughs
shrub must be pruned, to be consumed
cut as they grow, so as also calls the at¬
green. M. Louis Tassy
tention of agriculturists to a new article
for forage, “la Gesse Svlvestre,” “Lathy
rus silvestris, ” which has been tried with
success in Germany.
--- -
Let no farmer place sole reliance on
corn, fodder and oats, but add one or
more of the well-tried soiling crops. Millo
meize, kaffir corn, cat-tail, sorghum,
collnrds, forage corn (Indian) are ail
He ate green cucumbers;
But They he made him quite “Pellets” sick;
took a few
That cured him right quick.
An easier physic
You never will find
Than Pierce’s small “Pellets,”
The Purgative kind.
Small but precious. 25 cents per vial.
The English brewers use Spanish barley in
preference to all others.
Imng Troubles and Wasting
Diseases can be cured, if properly treated in
time,as shown by the following statement from
D. C. Freeman, Sydney: “Having been a great
sufferer from pulmonary attacks, and gradual¬ af¬
ly wasting away for the past two years, it
fords me pleasure to testify that Scott’s Emul¬
sion of Cod Liver Oil with Lime and Soda lias
giver, me great relief, and 1 cheerfully recom¬
mend it to all suffering in a similar way to
myself. In addition, I would say that it is
very pleasant to take.
A Father’s Protection.
Father, it is as essential for you to provide
a safeguard against that their night-fiend hunger. Taylor’s to your
children, Cherokee croup, as to Gum and Mullein
will Remedy coughs of Sweet and colds.
cure croup,
I ■
We want one perion in every village, town and tovrnehip, to
keep in their homes a line of our ART SAMPLES; to those
who will keep and simply show these samples to those who call,
we will send, froa, the very best Sewing: Machine manufactured
in the world, with all the attachments. This machine is made
after the Singer patents, which have expired. Before the patents
run out, this style machine, with the attachments, was sold for
it now sells for $50. Header, it may seem to you the most
WONDERFUL THING ON EARTH, provided but you can secure application one of
these machines ABSOLUTELY' FREE, your
comes in first, from your locality, and if yon will keep in your
home and show to those who call, a set of our elegant and ua
equaled art samples. We do not ask you to show these sam¬
ples for more than two months, and then they become your
own property. Tho art samples are sent to you ABSOLUTELY
FREE of cost. How can we do ail this?—easily enough! We often
get as much as .$2,000 have or $2,000 remained In trade from even could a small be place, for
after our art samplew where they seen
a month or two. We need one person in each locality, all over
the country, and take this means of securing them at once. best
Those who write to us at once, will secure, FREE, the very
Sewing Machine manufactured, and the finest gen eral assort
ment of works of high art ever shown together in A rica. All
particulars FREE by return mail. Write at once; a po atal card
on which to write to us will cost you but one cent, and after you
know nil, should you conclude to go no further, why no harm is
done. Wonderful a* it seems, you need no capital—nil is free.
Address at once, TRUE JsCO., AUGUSTA, MAINE
When l say cure I do not mean merely to stop them
for a time and then have them return again. I mean a
radical EPSY cure. FALLING I have made SICKNESS the disease life-long of FITS, study. FPIL' I
or a
warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. receiving Boca use
others have failed is no reason for not now Free a
cure. Send at once for a treatise and fc Bottle
of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office.
II. G. ROOT# 1)1« C\. 183 Pearl St. New York.
MM WATFNTR I C, l« a S> obtained STON <& by CO., E. H. Wash- GET
I lugton, I). C. Send for our book of instructions.
■infr FRCC By return mall. Full Description
ft?*?# SkoODYACO^SnLbT
S230S articles res* JA into ts N Wanted. So Id. 1 sample 90 best Free. sell* CA.
PfH 1 is PROPRIETOR bn s Qr Sam!* W"* - -n ^Mtoy m m I
i Vu. s
( % For a case of Catarrh In the Head which they cannot cure.
3 I
Wm \
1 m . SO CENTS. •> gdllf
SVItlPTOHS OF THE OTSEASE.-Dull, heavy headache,
obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the
head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at
others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bioody and putrid;
the coughing eyes are weak: there is ringing expectoration in tho ears, deafness, offensive hacking
or to clear the throat, of mat¬
ter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and
has a “nasal twang"; the breath is offensive; smell and taste
impaired; hacking there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depres¬ the
sion, a cough and general debility. Only a few ox
above-named of symptoms are likely to be present in anyone case.
Thousands cases annually, without manifesting half of the
No above symptoms, is result in consumption, deceptive and end in the grave. less
disease so common, more and dangerous,
understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians.
fl........ n_„._ If you would remove an evil, strike at its
LUMMQH uummufi NrnSt wtnofc ro catarrh °t- -' LS is. the in predisposing the majority or of real cause of
TOCIITUCMT weakness, impurity, otherwise cases, faulty some
I ntU I men I or
• condition of the system, in attempting to
cure the disease our chief aim must bo
directed to the remoral of that cause. Tho more we see of this
odious disease, and we treat successfully thousands of cases an¬
nually at the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, the more do
we realize the healing importance of combining with tho use of a local,
soothing nal of and blood-cleansing application, and tonic a thorough medicines. and persistent inter¬
In curing catarrh and ail the various diseases with
11 which it is so frequently complicated, as throat,
Dri bronchial, nnd lung diseases, weak stomach, ca
IILLIAmul, liunr tarrhal deafness, weak or inflamed eyes, impure
blood, scrofulous and syphilitic taints, the wonder
ful powers and virtues of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med¬
ical Discovery cannot be too strongly extolled. It has a specific
Size of pellets.
£ o o o
pleas££J tE $00- The ORIGINAL <
W wm |_
Beware of Imitations, which contain Poisonous Minerals. Always ask for
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which are little Sugar-coated Pills, JL
or Anti-bilious Granules. ONE PELLET A DOSE. <s ££*Bh
Sofd by Druggists. SICK HEADACHE, m
being purely 25 Cents vegetable, a Vial. Indigestion, ments lieved Bilious of and Headache. the permanently stomach Billow and Dizziness, Attach*, cured bowels, by are and the Constipation, promptly ail use derange¬ of Dr. re¬ $1 t
Pierce’s Pellets. In explanation of their remedial
Dr. Pierce's Pellets operate without disturbance to power over so great a variety of diseases, it may universal, , not . a
the system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass truthfully gland tissue be said that their action upon the system is
ble. viais, As hermetically gentle laxative, sealed. Always fresh and relia¬ or escaping their sanative influence.
purgative, a they give the most alterative, perfect satisfaction. or active Mannfartnred by WOBLIPS DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,
Now is the Time
Now is the time to purify your Wood and fortify
y .jur system against the debilitating effects of spring
weather. Serious consequences often follow this
lassitude,which degenerates into debl'ity n.ost favor¬
able for the appearau ie of disorders. You are run
down. No specific disease has manifested itself, but
the condition of your system is low and your blood
is in a disordered state. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla
now, before some serious disease gains a firm hold
upon your system.
Purify Your Blood
"I was troubled with an eruption of my skin,
which covered nearly my whole body. I doctored It
for a year without help: then I began to take Hood’s
Sarsaparilla and two bottles completely cured me.
I cheerfully recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla for any
similar disease.” M. £. Clarke, Decatur, Ill.
“For some years I have been nftlleted with eczema
of a very stubborn form. Three bottles of Hood’s
8arsaparllla cured me. I am now well and praise
this excellent remedy.” Mart L. Owens, Troy, Ind.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $3. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, One Lowell^Mass. Dollar
IOO Doses
i wgm
don’ti HniiSl ;
Gone Where the Woodbine Twineth.
Rats are smart, but “Rough on Rats” beats
them. Clears out Rats, Mice, Roaches, »V ater
Bugs, Flies, Beetles, Moths, Ants, Mosquitoes, Bugs,
Bed-bugs, Hen Lice, Insects, Potato
Sparrows, Skunks, Weasel, Gophers, Rabbits, Chip¬
munks, Moles, Musk Rats, Jack
Squirrels. 15c. and 25c, Druggists.
“ ROUGH ON FAIN ” Plaster, Porosed. 15c.
“ ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Coughs, colds, 25c.
“Rough on Itch” Ointment cures Skin Hu¬
mors, Pimples, Flesh Worms, RingWorm, Tet¬
ter, Salt Rheum, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Itch,
Ivy Poison, Barber’s Itch, Scald Head, Eczema.
50c. Drug, or mail. E. 8, Wells, Jersey City.
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protrud¬
ing, Bleeding. Internal and external remedy
in each package. Sure cure, 50c. Druggists N. J.
ormaiL E. S. Wells, Jersey City,
SEH0 FOR OUR clrcu CASH KM'eVi will send, describ¬
mo: e housekeepers, BA STINE, a showing ar we 34 fresco designs ia
ing A LA telling peopl how to decorate their
Interesting, Alab&siine appropriate • without borders
walls. is Aiab' • a ;
wall-paper Is not stine makes pe rman ent
coats th t harden with age. Sold by paint uealers.
Don’t take kalso:nine as a substitute.
ALABASTiN'o CO., Grand Rapids, Mich.
one-half, GINNERS.H by'ordering 3 of the SS,.. Chicago ve Scale Mer- use
or more, wholesale
Co. 1,000 other useful articles, at and less Dealers than supplied.
prices. Catalogue free. Agents CO., Chicago, 111
UlSiS J 9 S 0JBI_ liiiiS* Great English Gout and
Rheumatic Remedy.
Oval Box. .34; round* 14 Pills.
«Ei r e 8 no'lute,,feTo^ 7e^ h ^e FREIi
ty&p Brewster Safety Iteiii Holder Co., Holly, Mich.
effect upon the limns mucous membranes of the nasal ftnfi other
air-passages, promoting the natural secretion of their follicles and
glands, thereby softening the diseased and thickened membrane,
and restoring it to its natural, thin, delicate, moist, healthy con¬
dition. As a blood-purifier, it is unsurpassed. As those diseases
which complicate catarrh are diseases ot the lining mucous this medicine mem¬
branes, or of the blood, it will readily be seen why
16 SO well calculated to cure them.
. Asa iocal application for healing the diseased eondi
IflfilL ku i. tion all comparison in the head, the Dr. best Sage's preparation Catarrh Remedy ever invented. is beyond
MUCH ftPCHT I*- is m h ( l end pleasant to use, producing no smarting
I • or pain, and containing no strong, irritating, or caus
fj 0 (jrug^ o r other poison. This Remedy is a power¬
ful antiseptic, and speedily destroys all had smell which accom¬
panies so many cases of catarrh, thus affording great comfort to
those who suffer from this disease.
rSiST! H i uai.iHiib.iM h not only cleanses, “a^ purifies, C0 regulates, C^ Remedy. and builds l,r R
8 | Pjinrq (Junto. 3 I up the system to a healthy standard, complications, and cen
quers ivhen throat, bronchial, and but,, lung from specific
rnmammammmmmmmmm any such exist, its
effects upon the lining membrane of the nasal passages, it aide
materially in restoring the diseased, thickened, or ulcerated mem¬
brane to a healthy condition, and thus eradicates the disease.
When a cure is effected in this manner it is permanent.
Both Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Sage’f
Catarrh Remedy bottles for are sold $5.00. by Dr. druggists Sage’s the Catarrh world Remedy over. Discovery 50 cents;
$1.00, six bottles $2.50.
half-dozen to
A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving valuable hints mailed, as
clothing, diet, to and address, other matters of Importance, will be stamp.
post-paid any on receipt of a 2-cent postage
Address, World’s Dispensary medical Association,
No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla li prepared irora Barsaparlj,,
Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Plpglssewa, Juniper
Berries, and other well known vegetable remedy
In such a peculiar manner as to derive the fjg
medicinal value of each." It will cure, when lath,
power of medicine, scrofula, Balt rheum, sores, boll,,
pimples, all humors, dyspepsia, debility, biliousness, sickhey'.
ache, indigestion, general catarrh, rh ell
matism, kidney and liver complaints. It overcome,
that extreme tired feeling.
Build Up the System
“Last spring I seeme 1 to be running down (j,
health, was weak and tired all the time. I Vxifc
Hood's Sarsaparilla and It did me a great deal ct
good. My little daughter, ten years old, has sulterej
from scrofulaandcatarrh,agreatdeal. Hood's Sana
parilla did her more good than anything else we have
ever given her, and we Have tried a number of medi¬
cines.” Mrs. Louisa Co nr. Canastota, N. Y.
N. B. If you have decided to take Hood’s Saraapa
rlUa do not be induced to buy anj'othw.
Sold by all druggists. SI; six for $5. Prepare! only
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
issued March and Sept.,
each year. It Is an ency.
clopedia of useful infor¬
mation for all who' pur¬
chase the luxuries or the
necessities of life. We>
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in various size;;, -
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these things
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a few
estimate of the value of the BUYERS'
GUIDE, which will bo sent ut'ow
receipt of 10 cents to pay poEtegc.
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Ill.
I* llljpjg^ind Don’t buy until you
out the new
Iffl I Improve
|1| | meets.
Save the ^ H jiT' IN
(ST Sc ml for Catalogue.
47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga.
Do you want “ES? iSSfjSS 1 * Inspirator?
/''T OLD is worth $500 per lb. Pettit’s Eye Salve ia
VX worth $1,000. but is sold at 25c. a box by dealers.
A. N. U.... .......Fourteen, ’88.