Newspaper Page Text
5oNYERs7gA. MA Y 2), 188 8 .
>Iiss Lula Peek is visiting in the
city. coming in
Marble playing is
again. time
Candidates now is your to
Sheriff Austin is a good and
faithful officer.
Capt. Terrell is a crack marble
player. be looking
Base Ball seemes to
up some now.
Still the legislative candidates do
’Squire Helms has returned from
Remember to attend the Library
meeting next Friday night.
I The school at Cross Roads Acad
cmy is taking a two-weeks vacation.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. G.
W. Clemmons still continues quite
Mr, William Pearce, son of Col
Samuel Pearce, is here looking af¬
ter his quarrying interest.
The Jury Commissioners will
meet at the court house on the first
Monday in June.
Mayor Barton is verily a terror to
evil doers. We announce ourselves
here and now, in favor of his re
The sentiment among the mer¬
chants seems to be in favor of clos¬
ing at six o’clock.
Mr. Jos. H. Almand is erecting a
handsome residence on Decatur
street* near Mr. W. V. Almand’s.
Mrs. G. H. Hull is dangerous! v
ill. But little hope is entertained
of her recovery.
It is thought by some that the
recent cold rain has been injurious
to cotton.
Esquire Willis Irwin, J. B. Gra¬
ham and Capt. Jno. M. Zachry are
said to be certainly in the race for
legislative honors.
Chief Henderson is the most pop¬
ular marshal Conyers ever had.
While Deputy Smith is a boss sec¬
The question now is, will theie be
more than 12 candidates for the
A deaf and dumb man named
Jones was killed by a train at Li
thonia Wednesday.
Rev.A. J. Jarrell has assumed
editorial charge of the Way of Life,
a religious paper published inAtlan
The Literary Aid Society is now
in progress at the Male and Female
Academy. The boys take a good
dealof interest in it.
There will be a match game of
Base Ball this evening between
the Town loafers and the Oakland
school boys.
Miss Georgia Richardson, of Cov¬
ington, is in charge of the telegraph
office here during Mr, Tilley’s ab¬
sence on his farm near Crawford
We hear it stated upon good au¬
thority that Mr. J, I. Coleman will
be a candidate for the legislature.
He is one of our most brilliant
young men, and Rockdale county
would not lose anything by mak¬
ing him her representative,
Mr. J. P. Tilley left Wednesday
to attend the marriage of his broth
® r > J. Robt. Tilley, which event
transpired Wednesday at the home
of the bride’s parents in Greene
Mr. J. R. McCord has sold his
residence on South Railroad street
to Mr. M. C. Summers. Possession
will be given in a few days. The
’Squire wiil, we understand, make
his home at his son, Henry’s.
On account of the inclement
weather, there was no meeting
the inilitarycompanyMonday night
last. Next Monday night some very
important business is to be tranact
and Mr. T. E. Broadnax will
"set the boys up”. Every member
is earnestly requested to come out
Rockdale Library.
A meeting of all the members of
the Rockdale Library is called for
Friday night, June 1st at the Court
House at 8 o’clock, sharp. Some
business of importance to every
member is to be transacted and ev¬
erybody is urged to be present.
A movement is on foot to get our
merchants to close doors at six
o’clock in the afternoon. We hope
they will all consent to do so. A
great many have expressed not on¬
ly a willingness but a desire to do
so. Clerks need rest and recrea
tion. Mei chants need the same.
“All work and no play makes Jack
a dull boy” is an old saying, but
a true one. Few men are worked
as hard or as closely as merchants
and clerks. Most of them get to
work by 5 o’clock in the morn¬
ing aad work till from 8 to 10
o’clock at night. Let the merchants
get together and make an agree¬
ment to close at six and take rec¬
Death’s Sad Roll,
The infant of Mrs. Balls, of
Thomasville, died at this place
Tuesday night last. Mrs, Balls
was visiting her brother-in-law here
Dr. H. Y. Hardwick, and while here
her little child was taken suddenly
ill and died. The body was carried
to Thomasville for burial.
Died. —On Sunday morning the
20th inst.,Willie the 17 year old son
of Mr. Frank McDaniel. He had
been sick for a long time. He was
a bright and promising lad and his
death was a severe stroke to his
family arid friends. His remains
were interred in Rockdale cem itery
Tuesday morning. Dr. H. Quigg
preached the funeral at the Presby¬
terian church. The bereaved have
our heatfelt sympathies.
We are pained to chronicle the
death of our most worthy and high¬
ly respected citizen, Mr. H. L. Ship
ley, which sad event transpired
Wednesday night last at 11 o’clock.
He was taken suddenly ill Sunday
the 20th, inst., with hemorrhage of
the bowels and died in just four
days. Mr. Shipley was one of our
best and most substantial citizens
and his death will be a great shock
to the entire county. He was a no¬
ble-hearted man, a loving husband
and a devoted father. He was for¬
ty-two years old—just in the prime
of manhood. He I laves a heart¬
broken wife and five devoted chil¬
dren, and host of relatives and
friends to mourn his death. In Mr.
Shipley’s death Rockdale county
loses one of her best citizens and
most successful farmers. His re¬
mains were interred yesterday in
Rockdale cemetery. May the sod
rest lightly on his breast, and may
God temper this affliction to the
heart stricken family. The bereaved
have our sincere and heartfelt sym¬
Another good and true citizen
has been called away. On Wed¬
nesday morning at 1 o’clock, Cap.
tain Notley W. Maddox died at his
home in this place of paralysis.
For a long time Captain Maddox
has been afflicted with this dire
disease, and on Wednesday it ac¬
complished its dreadful work. He
died without a struggle, surrounded
by family and friends. He was 61
years old. He was a good citizen
in peace, and a true soldier when
his country’s rights were involved.
His career as Captain in the Civil
war was brave and manly. He nev
flinched for danger when duty call¬
ed. He has served several terms,
with great credit, as Alderman of
Conyers, and his place
though humbly and unassumingly
filled will be hard to fill again.
He leaves a wife and five children
and a large circle 01 family connec¬
tions and friends to mourn his de¬
mise. His remains were laid to
rest in Rockdale cemeteryyesterday
morning at 10 o’clock. To the
grief stricken family we extend our
heartfelt sympathy.
I will be in Conyers the first Sat¬
urday in every month, patients
wishing to see me will find me at
the hotel or at Dr. Lee’s drug
Db. L- G. Brantley
Mr. T. E. Broadnax offers a
treat to the Conyers Volunteers
next Monday night provided all
the members are present. Come
out boys all of you, or you will
miss a rare treat.
On the second Sunday in June,
the regular day in course at the
Primitive Baptist church Elder
Isaac Hamby will preach the funer¬
als of Messes, Jacob and Warren
Prof. Lester’s school picniced at
Almon last Friday. It was a splen¬
did success in every particular. A
crowd of perhaps five hundred was
in attendance. The day was every¬
thing that could be asked, and the
dinner was simply magnificent.
A hundred pounds of red snapper
fish was bought for the occasion
and cooked on the grounds. The
day passed off very pleasantly for
everybody. Several of our citizens
For Sale—I have two milch
cows with young calves, and a lot of pigs
for sale. P. H. White.
Atlanta Weekly Journal.
This is the great political year. The
battle for tarifl reform is to be fought.
The Atlanta Journal is the only genuine
tariff reform paper published at the oap>
ital of Georgia. The Weekly Journal
will contain all the world’s news, excel¬
lent editorials, splendid miscellaneous
and special articles, stories.—fifty-six
long columns of good reading every
week. You can have the Weekly until
January 1st next for 5o cents. In other
words, you can keep posted on politics
and the news, and be entertained be¬
sides, all the rest of the year, for half a
dollar. Sample copies free. Addresss
Atlanta, Ga.
New Store Is Headquar¬
For Lemonade, Ice cream, Soda
Water, Cigars, Candies, Can goods,
and almost everything in the con¬
fectionery line.
Call and see him when you want
anything cool to drink or any re¬
Pay your subscription the first
time you are in town.
When you want first-class shoe
or harness work cdl n T. J. Kino
By authority of the State School
'onnnissioner I appoint Wednes¬
day and Thursday the 30th and
31st inst. for the examination of
applicants for public school teach¬
ers licenses- This the last oppor¬
tunity for the present year.
G. M. Jones, C. S. C.
Conyers, Ga,. May 5th, 1883.
Syrup of Figs
Is nature’s own true laxative. It
is the most easily taken, and the
most effective remedy known to
Cleanse the System when Bilious
or Costive; to dispel Headaches,
Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habit¬
ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles,
etc. Manufactured only by the
alifornia Fig Syrup Company,
San Francisco, Cal. For sale by
Dr W. H. Lee & Son.
Georgia Rockdale County : —
To all whom it may concern. All persons
interested are hereby notified that if no good
cause be shown tithe contrary an order will
be granted by the c>urt of ordinary on the
25th day of June 1888, making and establishing
a change in the road known as the Paper Mill
road commeucinging at the top of the hill
near the residence of T. M. Thomason on the |
East of Yellow river an ! turning to the right 1
going in the direction of Black’s cross roads
and running through the lands if Mrs. Mary
Moon, John S'mom b, W T. Pi k and Ralph
Neal and intersecting the ! oad now in use
about one hundred yards w - .t side of Carr F
Gin branch a distance of about one and a half
miles. Also to abolish as a bublic road so
much of the now in use that is lying between
the two points of the contemplated change
in said road. This May 21st 1888, O. Seamans,
Manufactory, Baltimore, M.d„ Washington. D, C,,
15 S. Howard St. Cor. 7 th and E. Streets.
Manufacturing Clothiers,
Tailors, Hatters and
17 and 19 Whitehall Street, r?
Atlanta- G&£
Keep Your Mouth Sweet.
lh).yon wake up with bad taste
in yolir toouth? If so, brush your
teeth well, night and morning, with
a soft brush, moistened with DeleC
talave, then rinse thoroughly with
Delectalave which svill neutralize
any acidity in the saliva, and keep
your mouth sweet and clean. For
sale by L. F. Scott and Dr. W. H.
Lumber, Lime and SHifcrGLks—
Parties wanting either lumber, lime
or shingles will do well to consult
me before buying. A. J. Pierce
Con} r ers, Ga. April 6th ’88. tf
Farm Loans
W. Scott at Covington will nego¬
tiate loans on farms in Newton,
Walton and Rockdale counties on
five years time. Try farming for
cash; see how you like it. Interest
will cost you less than credit.
W. Scott.
I am prepared to fill all orders
for lumber of all kinds either by
delivery or at the mill.
JohnA. Hamilton.
Conyers, Ga , Feb. 17tb, 1888.
J. W. Johnson.
Jan, 1st 3 mo.
Tax Receiver’s Notice
I will be in Sheffield the first
Monday in April, May and June.
I will be in Honey Creek the sec¬
ond Saturday in April, May and
I will be in Lorraine the third
Saturday in April, May and June,
I will be in Conyers the remain¬
der of the time when not otherwise
My office will be found in Stewart
Bros, store.
Yours truly,
R. L. Hudson, T. R.
Kuhns Life Size Permanent
Bromide Portraits
Something new, finest picture
made for a low price. Any person
who has had photographs made ei¬
ther cards or cabinets by Wm,
Kuhns at Conyers or by W. T.
Kuhns at Atlanta can from the
same negative have a fine Life Size
portrait made, put up in a fine
frame, either gilt or bronze, 5 1-2
inch moulding latest stt'le at $12
Whrreas J. N. Glenn as administrator of
Thomas N. Hammock represents by Ills peti¬
tion that he has fully discharged ail his duties
as such administrator and asks that he be dis¬
charged from his said trust. These are there¬
fore to cite and require all persons concerned
to show cause on the first Monday in August
next against the granting of the discharge as
prayed for.
This the third day of May 1888.
O. Seamans
GEORGIA, Rockdale county—
To all whom it may concern: Whereas Mrs
Mary A. Black of said State having made ap¬
plication to me for Letters of Administration
with the wiil annexed on the estate of Wii lam
Moor, late of said county, deceased. This is to
cite ali and singular, the kindred and credi
tors of the said William Moor, deceased, to be
and appear at the Ordinary’s office in said
county on the first ^Monday in May at lo
o’clock a. m., then and there to show cause, if
any they can, why letters of administration
with will annexed should not be granted to the
said Mrs. Mary A. Black or some other fit and
proper person on the said William Moor es
tate. Witness my official signature. This th
3rd of April 1888. O. Seamans,
Conyers. Ga..
IT 1 isn’t everybody that can name the Winning Nag in il horse rang
but there is an invariable rule, a r ever failing one, that is sure to tell irt
any and line of is, business. I claim but one advantage over toy Cotopetitorsq
I Beat Them Buying
This is what is telling, and the people are finding it out. One lady
tells her neighbor who comes in and finds out for herself, and so it is
going the rounds from mouth to mouth, from house to house. Yes, t
beat everybody buying and this is the great secret of my success. I
know hoW to buy cheaply, if this docs sound like flattery myself.
Ceo. W. Cain.
Just a few words now about what 1 have to offer, Yeti want tW
best goods for the least money. There is where to get them, Don't
take our word fer it but come and see for yourself.
Dress Goods.
This department is Unusually attractive with me this sensor);
There is scarcely any new thing in Wool dress goods that I can’t show,
from the surest weight and most artistic designs and exquisite novel
coloring, down to the cheapest fabrics.
Ask to See
Our special drives and leads in dress goods when you' are in and
prepare foi a shock when name the prices,
Dress Trimmings
A perfect mystery of beautiful novelties in irridesceht, steel, braid,
and tinsel effects. Trimmings to match every piece of dress goodii
I have in the house and the very largest and most handsome stock ill
Conyers. No mistake.
I have a big stock. Pretty goods, New novelties and til G
partment is full of leads and bargains.
Any body can SAY big Things
in an ‘Ad,”bu Give me Your At¬
tention and 1 wall sell You our
G. W. Cain justly has the reputation of selling white goods and -eirt
broideries cheaper than any house in Conyers, and this season I amin
a condition to outdomself.
Gloves and Handkerchiefs
with full line of Hosiery
The very latest things out. FANS are a side iseue, but I curry
an elegant stock and all very low. Come and see me and go away
An immense line of spring and summer clothing and prices to suit
everybody. Come and see them.
Never has there been as large and as good assortment of hats in
Conyers as G. W. Cain has this season, both fur and straw goods.
Parasols and Umbrelars
A novelty stock, Parasols and unibrellars bought 40 pet cent
less than regular price. Don’t fail to see them before you buy.
Fifteen dozen of the best and pleted front shirts in the market'
Collars and cuffs of latest designs.
Indies gold watches, necklaces, bracelets, finger set rings, ear
drops, cuff buttons to suit you.
Goods On Time to GOOD Parties,