Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, July 23, 1892, Image 5
1 1 jSfeAv’s. re P ared to lend by iS P in Rockdale drove farms counties on five years of six per cent low ra ie See him jOAL. country l )e ^' The Lents F be selling all hi- kinds J coal at any price. ffa nt the best coal „ Tilly. J P | Notice. mill and P rent my ■ and t swap house pty- J. E. Whitaker. fOP SALP. I three new sewing ma Lie or exchange. $30.00 I Io 5 Davis 32 50 3 White I 9 Wheeler & Wilson that ,1>35 m- the same machines (old I bargain from 40 ca’l to 50 early dollars at a ' ITEMS. ■si go- Summers. fcc at Summers. Ik is able to be out a gam. Is/ 10c at Summers, lion mop is very fine Im. ■ vest 8c at Summers. B 1 f shirts at 25c at Sum |e. iT’Leete, of Bb m-'nghr n ling in the city. [low prices go to Sum Mert Roberts, of Atlanta ■he city (1 is week Ids in Rod-, dale county luDimc s N. Y. store. ■r. Hide of Atlanta is down ■o relatives and fiiends. Io • brio’s to go at our I PY. diners. tiobie Hollingsworth 0 f I here rn a v bait, to relatives. I 1 '- . mmer goods at half Immrs. puli’ g of Center street p'ovel \ wonderfully. want the best coal see b 1 - McCalla is at home r g e t as g°od co:J for much ly see Summers & Bro. I A. Neary spent sever l i,u the city this week. I Summers & Bro. are l or ''he celebraTed Ala 9a!. ! •h: Jfelter and farn N relatives in Atlanta fck. let's the denom'nator of |il be enumerator of assort - ID laced profits to a sample Hide Beck Davis who has J lin - her ter Mrs. Jack W retmned home in Ccv ■oi b <■ w down a sign from ( ftoaphrys Y cash : si ore yesterday n the uriverse | ow bis prices any lower. on bedrock. (oseph AV. Wright, of A Was into see us Mon £ 13 a newly married J is as happy big as a ler —New Era. Don't buy coal until you see us. A. D. Summers & Bro’ Frank Met'alia is “ devil ” on the Banner. Camp meeting begins at Smyrna next Friday. Mr. M. W. Davis of Covington was in town Tuesday. The city received $3.50 v in fines at Monday’s court. The C Y t s and Greensboro Rifles will have a sham battle soon. Miss Eva Minor of Florida is visit inghere, guest of Miss Roe Brodnax. Judge A. C. McCalla attended the reunion of his old regiment in Athens this week. Several of our citizens intend moving to Smyrna camp-ground next week to tent. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cain visited the family of Mr. C. G. Cain at Wal¬ nut Grove last Sunday. Misses Willie Brawner and Mattie Tayl*.r have returned home after a pleasant visit to frienbs here. Miss Clyde Hall of Warring¬ ton is visiting Mrs. H. Y. Mc¬ Cord. If you want cheap Alabama coal see Tilley. He will sell it as cheap as any one, Ha! we’ve just found out why friend Richard Tucker smiles so greetingly—it’s a tan pound girl. The race for the democratic nomination of the Legislature is quite interesting. Hon. W. L. Peek of this conn ty has been nominated for Govornei bv the third party. Miss Ida Ewing, after a pleasant visit of several days to relatives and ! fiiends in Atlanta returned home Tuesday. Mr. D. M. AImancVs new building is about completed. It will be the most elegant and best equiped dwel¬ ling in Conyers. The meiit of Hood's Sarsapanl'a is not accidents 1 , but is the result of careful study and experiment by ed¬ ucated pharmacists. The Nation? 1 Union Company have suspended business at tb : s place and have moved their stock of goods to head quarters, at Thomasville. Mrs. Maggie Welham, of At lanta, is visiting the family of Mr. AY. A r . Almand. Mrs. N. T. Sureet left Yester¬ day for an extended visit to rela lives and friends in Newron coumy. Hood’s PMs cure constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the aVmentpry canal They are the best fatn'ly cathartic. Jacksonville, a suburb of Lithonia and Oak Grove will cross bats at the Inters grounds this evening at 2 o’clock. Misses Eugenia vYooten and lima Anderson have returned home after a visit of several days to relatives here. Mr. Phi 1 ! Fret we 1 ! after spending a few days with rel¬ atives here has returned to his home in Florida. Mrs. Otensity, mother of Mr. T F Owensby, died Bud day after a short but penlu' illness. She was very old. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones. The political pot is getting hot and candidates are riding; but the country man, the salt of the land, is a slipping and a sliding. We think it the duty of the city Fathers to have the rotten, dangerous old awnings tom down, no matter to whom they may belong. Conyers now has one of the nicest base ball grounds to be found anywhere and our young ball players are showing up well in their practice games. Mr. /a Carey Berry, t> an employ- , ~ ee of f the . i Georgia railroad j got , Ins right foot badly bruised the big toe of that foot mashed off last Friday while attempt ing to get on his train. Mr. Jno. II. Almand who intends running a bonking business has com¬ menced work on his room and will in a short while be ready for business A bank has long been needed and we hope the people will give it their patronage and help to make it a success Mr. Joe Wright of Covington was united in marriage to Miss Lorena Clardy of Talladega Ala., last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wright have moved to Conyers and are now .hoarding at the Lawson House. May: happiness he theirs. Rev. J. K. Smith, formerly of this place and Miss Julia Stew- j art of Covington were happily united in marriage Thursday! evening at 3 o’clock at the home of Miss Stewart’s aunt, Mrs. Carrie Stewart, Dr. E. H. Barnett officiating. We join their many friends and wish for them a long, prosperous r 1 and 1 happy life. PAY US. I It is not often that we ask our de linquents through our columns to pay ... but compelled to . up, just now we are do so. There some we can reach on- | ly reach this way-. Now, if you owe us f uything kindly come and bring it or send. Don’tthink because its only a little it won’t make ny difierence ; remember that all of our accounts are small and if all were to think that ! way we would perish. TEE 1 RUE LA NATIVE PR1 NCI PLE I Of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Figs, has a permanently F benificial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solu - 1 tions usually sold as mediciues, are ( permanently injurious. Being well' informed, you will use the true rem edy only. Manufactured by the Cal * ifornia Fig Syrup Co. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. I j j l The Colored Teachers’ Institute will be held at Macedonia church in Conyers on the first Saturday, the 6tli day of August next. The White Teachers Institute I will be held at Smyrna church Oil the second Saturday, the ISth day of August. At this time the public generally are in vito \lteu l in to nttpnd attend, anti arul -11 , n who mho come are requested to bring well filled baskets, as a good basket dinner and a pleasant time gener allv are expected. Bradwell has kindly consented to be present and address the peo¬ ple on that occasion. ; A. M. McElvany, ; U. O o S. /X \j. T» lmCKClale ill county. i. ! July If), 3t. 1 lades ARE UNFORTUNATE, | because the higher they themselves rise in society | the weaker they find bo hy.i Eisley’s Pliilotoken controls the nerves, j aids nature in her various functions, and j thus combats with many ills of woman-! kind successfully. If your druggist has not bottle, got it from he will (Jhas order F. it Risley, for you IVhole-1 for $1 j ale Druggist, 92 Cortlandt Bt., New ] York. Send for a descriptive pamphlet | with directions and certificates from . many ladies who have U 3 ed it and can’t sy enough in favor of hisley’s Philoto aen. WHAT STRONGER PROOF S a, 1 “riUu J, ti!m tile“nidre ““rf lettos' remedies 1 ad .'ailed? 1 rulj, Hood s Bar sa{ ariila \ < susses peculiar curative pew er unknov n to other medicines. The congressional race is getting warmer each day and the friends of the different candidates are putting hi some earnest licks for 1 heir favor ite>. Judge Hillyer's letter, in which ! he insinuates that it isn’t altogether e I* 1 * f° r Colonel 1TT1 Hulsey to , / oppose F him . ha3 creafced a good de of talk “nhvt right has Judge Hi I Iyer to ; claim that nobody should oppose him?” asked ODe of Colonel Hulsey’s ! friends yesterday. “That sounds very funny, to say the least. I can't see what right the J edge has to think that the minute he announces his caD 1 a< ^ * 01 e ' el >body else 1UUS l,u ^ 0 ^ e wa N No, you l us P u ^ ^ , * 01vn that Colonel 11 s ®y 1S 111 1 e iace aD( l 1U it to stay. And he s going to win, too. ’ An experienced politician rave it as his opinion yesterday that Colonel Hulsey is sure to carry Fulton and DeKalb counties “ It seems to have Hillyer's policy,” said he, “to j utu P 1U au( l capture what counties be could before Colonel Livingston f oulf ^ & et bat 'k here. hIlrt P judgement business has undoubtedly reacted upon the judge aud there is a strong sentiment throughout the district against him on this account/ _______ LEGAL ADVEKTISE.MEVTS, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITtRS All persons having demands against the estate of S n . Anderson, late of Rockdale couut.y, deseased, are hereby notified to render in their demand-to Restate are required This May to 4th., make 1S92. immediate payment .John H .Almand, Admr. S. H. Anderson, deceased. CITATION TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA, Rockdale County, To all wllom it may concern: Whereas, James C. Barton, Admr. of Mrs. N. A. Carr, dead, has in due form applied to the court ot Ordinary foi leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of the said deceased and said ap¬ plication will be heard on the first Mon day in August, 1892. 'J his June 28, 1892. O Heam.vns, Ordinary. Letters of Aliimstratioii Georgia Rockdale County: 'J'o all whom it may concern: When's M R Christian and JohnHAlmand have in proper form made petition to the court ot Ordinary for letters ot admans tration on the estate of Rufus t lmstian ot said connt> < (vea>e i t o goo casse be shown to the contrdry t "ih said application on the first.Monduy hi i^i^q^Tune* "t'f Sc'lm-ms Ordinary, ^TICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All persons having demands anainst the estate of Mrs. N. C. Carr, dead, are hereby notified to render in iheir <bi mandsto the unde 1 signed according io the law; and persons indebted to -ai I estate are required to malm immediate paymrnr. June 24, 1892. This James C. Barton, Administrator for the estate of Airs. ;•<. A. Ca.-r, Deceased, (5wk. ROAD NOTICE. Georgia Rockdale County, To all whom it may concern : AH persons mCrested are hereby notified t!ni.’ if ih> ^oo J ca’fse is show. <, the contrary an o-dev w be granted l)y the cem t o' onl na'v ou the 1 atn <1 ay <4 August 1M2establishing a new read as ma’ked ont. t>y the com commencing missioLcrs appointed ‘ittlc for h that of Mrs purpose, dame a nor. Bcoit’s residence and rnnnmg asontlmr lands of A L Nea’, Mr d O B<-otr, Mrs J L Scott Mrs M J B Baily and through the lands of Mr William Se tt to the county fine of Rockdale eouty intersect ing the Oovingcon an I Mcl^ononoli loa-d near John L seott- old -tor ■ pi me a di.s tance of about three index ThisJuly 15th 1892. O Seamans, Ordinary. ROAD NOTICE GEORGIA, Rock dal k Jouxtv : To all whom it tnav concern:— All persons interested are hereby noti fiyd tha’ if so go <1 cause he slmwn t » to the contrary, a order will b** grafPed by the court of < >rdi ar--, on the 21 sS of J t ] V) 1 892, esfahl t> inga n<-w • oad as mark ‘ t the Road e d on Commissioners ap pointed for that purp- s •, romsiK’ne.ing on the top of the hill near .L R Me' alla’s and running a North Easterly direction through the land of J li McCalla, G A Blake, G < Mitchell, T C Mitchell, G P Sawyer and G W Simongton and running along t, e old settlement road as it now . S* ‘p "if J j une op, .892. 4 ts O S.-iAiiANS, Ord’nary t si Walter., it% S’ TJtt y <£t r* •:v w (Zt "Tv. Airs. Anna Sutherland Kalamazoo, Midi., had swellings in the neck, or Goitre FromlierlOth 40 Years year, causing great suffering. AVhen she caught cold could not walk two blocks without fainting. Site took Hood’s Sarsaparilla And is now free from it all. She lias urged many others to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and they have also been cured. It will do you good. HOOD'S Pills Cure all Liver Ills, Jaundice,, sick headache, biliousness, sour stomach, nausea. BEST OF AT.L To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, ■■ lien the Springtime comes, u-e the true and bottle per fi et remedy, Syrup of Figs. One will answer for all the family and costs only 5H cents; the large size # 1 . Try it and be pleased Manufactured by the California Fig syrup Co. on|y. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps if the sure approach of that Ask more terrible disease Consumption. yourselves if you can all’ord for the sate of saving fiOo , to run the risk and do nothing for it. We Know from ex¬ perience that Shiloh’s ♦hire will cure yoor cough. It neverfaii. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. Jt relieves croup ami whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. Lor lame back, side or chest use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Sold by I Jr. W H. Lee & Son. THE ONLY ONE EVER Piil V I’El). Can You Fii.d the Word ? There i< a 8 -inch di-play advertise¬ ment in this pacer, this week, which has no two words a ike except one word. The same is tree of each new one ap¬ pearing each week fro n the Dr. Harter Medicine Co This house places a “ i Ye cut ” o i evcylhing they make anil publish. Look lor it, .-end iliem the name of the word, and they will return Book. Be nitiful Lithographs or Sam¬ ples Free. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM. PLAIN T, , fc t xvort . u the a , ]] pnm of 7 oc. , , ompiaim' ,. f . .. ... ."h'y . ... .... < think so < , )l u !ir onr store and get a l'ople oi BUi i , ’, ‘ ; ,.' i, .:\ a,,.f .,jj \, ; iru; . m tc ( u d< s l( ami if it tloo; Y ou 1,0 ?-V 00 ' ! it "'id you uo.li ing. Soldi ».y Dr. W. H. Lee. <k Bon. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. Tiie Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uic/ws, Salt Rheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapp ed Hands, Chilblains O ’ns and all Skin Eruption:- and p ! cures Pi er, or no pay ; e-.: ;ir< " is guar auteed to give pe. •f : mion, nr money refunded. Ihi.-.e :.‘d cents per box. Foi sa e by D . A . id. Lee Ar. Soil. - i „ ,,. vvr% LitLx/ •*> ' , i, v ] oca i applications, a Ley cannot lvac U the hescascd po-.ti ih ear. {’here is onlv one way 't: to m ■ 'Deafness, and t .at is l»y con:-: < jamiedics i mafutss is caused by .i i am^fi con q-tion of the mneo’ii inn g of the Eu M ,„ f ] l i aiI v hen ; mho <r ets ]jlJ, ^Z ( ,| OS o ( i De fne." i- u.t, and s the inflamati m tun 9e .alien out and conditio’:., this tub- itf-: normal hearing will U • : -r y d for (.yor j nine c i ewo-st |of t«; j aco caused j >v catarrh, wlm-li is noth'--. ? but an in f}. Haed .-oudiiio'i <>■ ,. m o ; sma'aces. vo w ju jjjve One Hundred Dollars for any cane of Deafness (can: d by catarrh) t"at cauno*, be cured By M.dlL Catarrh Cure. Suniform <-nlarfree. F. .1. CHENEY & * o , Toledo, O. X^'-'So.d by Druggists, Yfi cents. I iuL* Arsryle.Wis.fi?.!>>;! 1 * acK fff P. fore. After. Loit. the accoBjpaiiyinK wojyrlit and Bittern- at w< itw sjs n» 75II* or my ni'-aeure- c.i i:,. .33 in. io in. mt uts will show the rosalta Of ; Wniit.. 471a. tl in. 11 in. h’.v months’treatment. 53 in. 40 in. It ia. CATIE.GS TREATED BY MA. C0?JF!DENTIAL. ilarralr**, and with bo Hturrla%, iiioonvaniance, or bad eflect*. for partnul.-vs »d-ireu, with fi ccj.U in ;3. A. VI. r. SNTDtR, M’tieitEt 5 TitCftfER. SHICRO ILL Wb ‘" C * b7 ”**■' When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she Wecame Miss, she clung to Castoria, When sue had Children, she gave them Castoria.