Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, August 06, 1892, Image 5

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    j | jNgy^s.
ney prepared to lend
is in Rockdale
irove farms
.unties on five years
of P er cent
A rate
See bi m -
best. The country
nts selling all kinds
« e price
lecoal at any
want the best coal
J P Tilly
NOTICE, mill and
rent my saw
swap it for a house and
J. E. Whitaker.
Lg lots itt cleaned Rockdale off
i] j^e tlitw
Ljse they will be cleao
j city at a cost of 25 cents
a, J. A. Guinn
o Chr Sanitary com
hree new sewing ma¬
le or exchange.
5 Davis $40»00
B White 3250
9 Wheeler & Wilson $35
tbesatne machines that
I] from 40 to 50 dollars
L bargain call early at
i scarce.
re all the go.
Iwany iiews tell it to us.
■coal until you see us.
I. D. Summers & Bro’
Knt t. coal always see me
Ti 1 Jey.
fanii the best coal see
lore plentiful this year
|>een for years,
let as good coal for much
lee Summers A Bro.
ppmeeting Iby was largely'
Conyers last Sunday,
ll you Alabama coal
r one. Tilley.
rietta Cowan, of Atlanta,
natives and friends in the
ps- J. D. Robinson, of
Ny visited in the ci’ y
piniers & Bro. are
F le celebrated Ala
bntler and family, of
r. pis are visiting Mr. B P
D'lnn, after a few days
11 iu Crawfor&vilie, re-
1 Tuesday.
ill?. i aFaye-tte AUnand
C-' ives and friends at
1 ntew a i’S of Staunton,
the family of Dr. J. A,
is caused K bv loss of
of the bowels
ttore this action and
■ liver.
meeting at the
acted by Rev. J. F
have Wednesday moral og.
keen added io the
Tar n*r, died at MeDon
v and whs buried
^orn and raised
and no one had more
10 °nel Turner.
?3 ' Pitcher’s Castoria.
Mr. D. M. Almand’s new dwelling
is now completed and he is moving
into it
Atlanta’s base ball team is now in
the lead and is hopeful of winning
the pennant
Summers is two-thirds gone and
Summers is selling his summer fab
ricks at two thirds off.
Miss Julia Thweatte, a lovely
young lady of Forsyth, is visiting
the family of Mr. C. M. Taylor.
Mr. John W. Hollingsworth, of
Atlanta, visited relatives here and at¬
tended campmeeting this week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hollings¬
worth, have gone to Starrsville on a
visit to their daughter, Mrs. J. T.
Little Ramsey McCalla, who accB
dentally shot himself last week, we
are glad to note is getting along
Joseph Ruby, of Columbia, Pa.,
suffered from birth with scrofula hu¬
mor, till he was perfectly cured by
Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
M is9es Lena and Lucy Price, two
charming young ladies of Flippen Ga
are visiting the family of Judge Geo.
\V. Gleaton in this place.
Miss Libbie Hoi&ngsworth who
has been spending several weeks with
relatives and friends here returned
to her home in Harlem yesterday.
Mr. J. C. YVooley v.ad family, af¬
ter a protracted visit to his father,
Mr. E. Wooley and other relatives,
returned to his home in Texas Mon¬
Miss Lemma Jackson, one of Star3
ville’s most beautiful young ladies
has returned home after a visit
several days to relatives and friends
in the county.
Mr. David Yaugbn and daughter,
Miss Lizzie and little grand daughter
Miss Ada Whitaker, after a pleasant
visit of a week to relatives in and a
round Jug Tavern have returned
Miss Deni Johnson, of Sheffield dis
trict, and Mr. Albert Sigmar, of Wal
ton county were married last Sunday
at the residence of Mr. W. C. Nowell
i i Newton county, Mr. Nowell officG
When Baby vras sick, we cave her gastcrla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castor!*,
When she became Miss, she clung to Casfcorio,
When she had Children, eas gave them Castoria,
Minister (to small boy caught in
the orchard)—Doesn’t your con
.-science ever trouble you after you
have stolen fruit, my son?
Small Boy — No, ski; but my stom
ache often does.
Mr. T. C. Cowan is teaching a
class of about 30 in penmanship at
Oakland Seminary. Mr. Cowan has
won a reputation in the art of pen¬
manship every where he has taught
as one of the best m the state.
Last Saturday evening about four
o'clock ’Squire J. R McCord, one of
our oldest and most highly respected
citizens, died at the home of his son,
Mr. H. Y. McCord. He was dan¬
gerously ill but a few days. He was
buried Sunday morning at 10 o’clock
in Rockdale cemetery, Rev. Mr.
Budd, conducting religious exercises
at the grave, The bereaved ones
have our sympathy.
Commends to public approval ibe
California liquid laxative remedy,
Syrup of Fig'S. It is pleasant to the
taste and by acting gently on thexid
neys, liver and bowels io cleanse the
system effectually, it promotes the
health and comfort of all who use it,
and with millions it is the best and
only remedy.
Mr. Ed P- Guinn now has the
management of the W ueki-V job of
fice. All wojk jtdaced in his hands
wi I reerive prompt a'ten tion.
There will be a meeting of the S.
P. & G. Railroad Co. at the residence
of Mrs. A. J. Pierce Monday evening
at 8 o’clock. Important business be
fore the meeting.
I offer my residence on Deca
ture street for sale or rent at a
bargain. It is one of the best
located lots in the town and in
good shape. Respct.
Charley Elliott.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has the most
Hood’s Sarsaparilla has won une¬
qualled Succk-s.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla accomplishes
the greatest Cukes.
Is it. Dot the medicine for you ?
We desire to say to our citizens
that for years we have been selling D
King’s New Discovery for Consump
tion, Dr. King’s New Life Pills
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and Electric
Bitters, ann have never handled rem¬
edies that sell as well, or that have
given such universal satisfaction. We
do not hesitate to guarantee them ev¬
ery time, and we stand ready to re
fund the purchase price, if satisfacto¬
ry results do not follow their use.
These remedies have won their great
popularly purely on their merits.
Sold by Dr. VV. H. Lee & Son, drug
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less than one million people
have found just such a friend iu Dr.
King’s New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs, and Colds.—If you
have never used this Great Cough
Medicine, one trial will convince you
that it has wonderful curative powers
in alt diseases of Throat, Chest and
Lungs- Each bottlo is guaranteed to
do all that is claime or money will be
refunded. Trial bottles free at Dr.
W. H. Lee & Son’s Drug store. Large
bottles 50c. and $1.00.
These exceptional people! Here’s a
medicine—Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med
ical Discovery for instance, and it's
enred hundreds, thousands that’re
knowD, thousands that’re unknown,
and yet yours is an exceptional case!
Do vou think that that bit of human
nature which you call “ 1 ” is differ¬
ent from the other parcels ol human
nature ? “ But you don’t know my
case.’’ Good friend, in ninety-nine out
of a hundred cases, the causes are the
same—impure blood—and that’s why
“ Golden Medical Discovery ” cures
ninet\-ninehiut of every hundred.
You may be the exception. And you
may J not But would * you r ther
the exception, or would you rather be
weil ? If you’re the exception * it costs
nothin^,, ;
you you get. your money
back—but suppose it cures you ?
Let the “Golden Medical Discov
ery ” take the risk.
The management of the Con¬
yers Oil & Fertilizer Co. offer for
lease for a number of years the
property and franchises of said
The plant is in good condition
and with proper management can
be made to pay handsomely.
Parties desiring to lease will
hand in their bids in writing to
the undersigned, on or before
August 10th, 1892.
Done by authoriiy of the Com¬
pany and its Board of Directors.
This July 27, 1S92.
J. P. Tilley,
There is no place in town
that offers better opportunities
In any special line of goods
than can be found
All persons having dmnands against
the estate of Mrs. N. C. Carr, dead, are
hereby notified to render in their de¬
mands to the undersigned according io
the law; and persons indebted to >ai I
estate are required to make immediate
pay m rut.
This June 24, 1892.
James C. Barton, Administrator for
tlie estate of Mrs. N. A. Carr, Deceased,
All persons having demands against
the estate of S II. Anderson, late of
Rockdale county, deseased, are hereby
notified to render in their demand- to
the undersigned according to law; a d
all persons indebted to said estate are
rebuired to make immediate payment
This May 4tli., D92.
John H . At.m.vno,
S. H. Anderson, deceased.
Letters of MnMton.
Georgia Rockdale Count}' :
To whom it inav eoii“tm: Whereas
M I <' nristian and John H A Inland have
in proper form made pet'tion to the
court of Ordinary for letters of adminis¬
tration on the estate of Rufus Christian
late of said conntv decease, if t o goo i
casse be shown to the eontrdry I v\ih
said application on the first Monday in
August 1892. Given under my hand and
seal the 27th of June 1892. O. .Seamans.
GEORGIA, Rockdale County.
To all whom it may com ern:
Whereas, James C. Barton, Admr. of
Mrs. N. A. Carr, dead, has in due f< rin
applied to the court of » <rdinary foi
leave to sell the land belonging to the
estate of the said dece ised and said ap¬
plication will be heard on the lirst .Mon¬
day in June August, 1892.
This 28, 1892.
O Seamans, Ordinary.
Georgia Rockdale County, To all whom
it may concern: All persons interested
are hereby notified tha r if no goon cause
is shown io the contrary an order will
be granted by the couit 1892 of ordinal y on
the 1 r.th day of August establishing
a new road as marked out by the com¬
missioners appointed north for that purpose,
commencing a little of Min Janie
Scott’s residence and running a southe )•_
]y direction along a private Mrs wav t rough
the Leads of the .-aid Scoit and the
lands of A L Neat. Air J () S» oU, Airs J
L Scott Mrs M J K Baily and through
of Mr William nj U t<> the
county line ot RoGid'ile eouty inters-ct
ingtlie Covington and old McDonough 1 mad dis
J1( ar J°hn L .‘-cott- store j> «■ a
tanre of about three miles This -I u l.v
pjp, jgyg. U ."eamans, Ordinary.
WJLL be sold, on the first i uesday
in September next, at the court ho s,
door in said comity, within the legai
hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property to wit:
One house and lot in the city of Con¬
yers, being in the Kith district of origi¬
nally, Henry, now Rockdale county,
containing one-fourth of an acre more
or less, arid hounded as follows; »i > i
north by lot of i . J. Christian, a nth
by lot now occupied by ! aul Rogers, > n
the west by North street, and known as
the Sorrows lot. ."aid h use and lot
levied < n as th pr< pe ty of Henry Hen¬
derson, colored, to swiis’y threeexecn
Hons issued from toe justi e court of
476th dis:,rict, G. M., iioeadale counts',
in favor of L. J. Almami and • tin rs,
and assigned toJ. H. Dabney, colored. against
said Henry Henderson,
W. H. M. AUSTIN, sheriff.
light A good work. mule Will or he horse well to cared uoj
tor. „ „ lerms; his . teed _ , , l.OU , i
per week. Call at this office.
Patrolmnn Julius ZeUller
Of the Brooklyn, N. Y., Police Force, gladly
testifies to the merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
His wife takes it for dizziness and indigestion
and it works charmingly. “The children also
take it with great Benefit. If is without doubt
a most excellent thing for That Tired Feel*
lag. 1 cheerfully recommend
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
and Hood’s Pills to every one who wishes to
have health and comfort.” Get HOOD’S.
HOOD’8 PlLLS cure liver ills, constipation.
MUousuujs, Jaundice, and sick headache.
Can You Find tlie Word ?
There is a 3-inch display which advertise¬ has
ment in this paper, this week,
no i wo words alike except one word.
The same is tr'’e of each new one ap¬
pearing each week from the Dr. Harter
Medicine Co. This house places a
•‘Crescent”ou publish. I.ook everything: send tliev them make the
and for it,
name of the word, and they will return
Hook. Beautiful Lithographs or Sam¬
ples Free.
Is the price of health. But with all
cur lurking precaution about there system* are enemies only always wait¬
our 5
ing themselves. a favorable Impurities opportunity the to assert blood
inav be hidden for years or even for
generations and suddenly break hastening forth,
uuderm ning health and
death. For all diseases arising from im¬
pure blood Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the urn
equal'ed ami unapproac lied remedy. It
is King of them all, for it conquers dis
because the higher they rise in society
the weaker they find themselves the belly.i
Bisley’s Philotoken controls nerves,
aids nature in her various functions, and
thus combats with many ills of woman¬
kind successfully. If your druggist lias,
not got it he wi 1 order it for you for $1
bottle, from ' has F. Risley, Whole
ale 1 rug-gist, 62 Cortland t St., New
York. Send for a descriptive pamphlet from
with directions and certificates
many ladies who have used it and can’t
sy en ugh in favor of l isley’s Pliiloto
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps if the Hire approach of that
more terrible disease Consumption. Ask
yourselves if you can afford for the sake
of saving i)0o , to run the risk and do
nothing for it. We Know from ex¬
perience that Shiloh’s ♦Cure will cure
yo”r cough. Itnecerfo.il. This explains
why more than a Million Bottles were
sold the past year. It relieves croup and
whooping cough at once. Mothers, do
not be without it. Lor lame back, side
or chest use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster.
Sold by Dr. W. H. Lee «fe Son.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp¬
ed Hands, Chilb’ains Corns ami all
Skin Eruption?, and positively cures
Pi'es, or no pay required. It is guar¬
anteed to give perfect sa’isfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 eon's per
bux. For sa e by Dr. W. 11, Lee A
bv local applications, they cannot
fach the deseased pm tion of the ear
t here is only one way to cure Deafness,
and tuat Is bv co' .st tnt’on il remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
ditiou of the rnucoii- lining of the Eu¬
stachian Tube, when this tube gets -
inflamed you have a rumbli i.l or
imjierf. ct heading, and • ! > en
tire y closer! De fne.su i- p _ and!
mile stiie infiam.atPn i a out
and this tub ', rest r d f • . .orm i]
condition, hearing wiM b . v d for
ever ; nine ca-esout *of f j ( used. 1
b>. catarrh, wh • h I; in
flamed i-oudi i m <• aces;,
we will gi-** i for
ea-e of c :,.rih)
cannot j , ., 4 ' 1 a. anli
S u i
F. J. . /el*', O.
Sold by
If you w.:iff cheap -Alabama
see Tilley. lie will sell it
..heap as ciy t .
Mikes tlie lives of imny peojJs miserable,
an<! often lead-- to ?elf-<!<-stri:'-Uon. We know
Vl-i successful
■ gently, yet
surely and efficiently, tones tlie stomach and
other organs, removes the faint feeling,
creates a good appetite, cures headache, and
refreshes the burdened mind. Give Hood's
Sarsaparilla a fair trial. It will do you good.