Newspaper Page Text
* c» > V aalcckiw.
J. N. HALE, Editor.
Axxo ( xcr. v.'EKT.A:—For Congress, ten
dollars; for .State Senator, seven dollar*;
for County Offices, five dollars.
Corbett knocked out Sullivan
in the 21st. round. Black and
Watson are still in the ring.,
Park-root, Prickiv-ash and
Potasium will never have much
political success in Georgia.
It is said that Peek is easy to
cry. Perhaps his head is full
of bladders instead of brains.
Livingston and Watson will
be here on the 19th of this
month. Lookout for the wolf
Invin is now called the great
India Rubber Politician. He
has such a way of stretching
If Joe James could hit as hard
with his fist as he does with his
mouth, he’d knock Corbett out
in one round.
John Candler is throwing hot
shot into the P. party this week.
Go it, John, grit and brains are
sure to win.
The newspapers all over Geor¬
gia are doing noble work for
the people. They are subsidized
now and don’t you forget it.
Even the brilliant candidate
for Governor on the 3 pat ty
ticket is at a loss to advise
about cotton. He once knew.
Clayton county Democrats
are enthusiastic. Kimsey
is a fine leader for bis party and
Joe Wallis is doing good work
with his party.
Blaine and Sullivan: Poor
old seals ! They standing on
the ragged edge of ruin and
despair waiting for Harrisc'
and Billey Peek.
“If Mr. Watson is the
sentative of the Third party,
his party and himself are not
and friends 1 advise to the colored people not people,| to '
vote for him. my j
Charles L, Brad well.
Tiiere was a piebald political
meeting at the court house
Thursday night. White men(?)
and Ida ok men. It is said to
have been a S party move.
Alas, poor Yank, and hast thou I
to this complexion come at \
As between Nor then and
F*eek for Govornoi* the Repub¬
lican leaders of tlie State are j
almost voliuiv in favor of the
former. The rocotxl made by!
the pirn nt Democratic State} un-j
administration is absolutely
impeachable from the stand
point of good citizenship, and,
mo course of the lea CVS m 1
fiUfri'tion is simpb a public j 5
. logidl mi of the far; . •—Fyavia !
Ib.q \\ o.ui ward !
1 ion i _tim 1> G 00 u wm
.tut?: for niavor -.if
I v v 11 io both i'u 1 ♦*»“'
X 1 and ralist'd ueuc u
('* ■
W vlS bom
w i
u »v -
The. Slate Giiiery
•s now in charge of Mr E. A
.Yeary, a find machinist’ who
has put all the machinery in
picnic condition and can gin
your cotton making tye pret¬
tiest lint posible. He will gin
as cheap us anyone. See him
before you have your gining
1 will pay the highest cash
prices for old cotter, seed.
Open up the tenth day of Sep
t inker.
1 pay special prices to gi li¬
ners and controllers.
W. O f Cooper.
Agent for Gate City Oil Co
Cons Ti Attsatoin
We have opened a first
class Blacksmith and repair
shop in rear of the Hotel and
near the Livery Stables, and
are prepared, to do your work
in first class order, at reason
,» ble prices. Horse shoeing a
specialty. All work warranted
try us. Respectfully,
L. T. Frrill & Co.
Mr. G. P, Elliott formerly of
firm of G. P. Elliott, Con¬
yers!, G&., wishes to thank all
ot his old friends and custom
ups fpp 1 heir past favors and
patronage, and inform them
that lid has just enterrd into
his new and elegant store room
in Litbonia where he can be
found with tlie new firm of G.
P. Elliott Son & Co. and would
i.-e more than glad to have any
m ] }l H 0 f his old frier ds cal*
and »eo him. The new firm
proposes to double the a
mount of stock carred by the
old firm of 0, P, Elliott. Any
0 r ;e Living barter to dispose of
will find it largely to their in¬
terest t*o call on him as iLitho
nia is the best market for bar¬
ker <m toe Georgia railroad.
Will be ofi’erd for rent to the
highest bidder tor the season
01 ISO2. and 03 before the
court bouse door in Conyers
on Thursdav J the 15th inst.
' lecs otoei'WAe disposed of
before ,
mat. tune. J. erifis lii-i'i ■
known on tha: day. Lira
Sept. 5, 1892.
r- buperentciidm.h ,
Public Gincry.
1 1 : m.'Li .. . t for n, Lie . ft.*
Cloth, an-t vv ill g a grantee satis
faction as I have always done,
I thank mv ■■sh r ... '
. • * ■
~ l ' ' xv ±
^Kt-mue ih me.
Ydurs 1
. P. Sawyer.
trii <i;% 11 farm
Co ^ ,
an oa tegc
A -
Hon. L. F. Livingston, of Newton
for keprusicntatitk
Of Rockdale count}*. Dr. J. A. Stew
James C Fart n will ask the. support
of the v-f rs of the people of Rockdale
fo- the office of Ordinary H ft will a
b-de the dem'c’-atk* n'-minCFa.__
1 hereby announce my=elf a candidate
for the office of county Treasurer and
a-k the support of every citizen of onv
county. I will abide the Democratic
nomination, if any- if elected I will fill
the office satisfacrhrll' 7 1 1 all. Respcfc
J. E. Wei taksb.
To the voters of Rockdale entity : I
ask your support lor re-election to
Clerk "f the Superior < ourr. subpet to
the Democratic primary i hanking you
for past favors, Very Eespcfc,
VV. T. Htjson.
I hereby announce myself a dnndidate
for re election to the office of Tax* Col¬
lector for Rockdale county. I will abide
tlie Democratic nomination, if any, and
promise faithful service if elected.
Thanking the people for past favors, 1
am, Resuet.
Daniel W. Murdock..
This is to notify the public that I m
a ciiudidafce for re-election to the office
ot Sheriff of Rockdale conniv, subject Thank to
a Democratic nomination, if any.
ing the people of this county for past fa¬
vors, I promise if elected, to try to do
my duty in the future as in th<* past.
Vv . H. M. Austin.
To the voters of Rockdale < 'oirntv :---
1 hereby announce my s-IC as a eancli
date for election to tlie Ordinary’s office
l feel under many obligations to: the
kindness shown me here ofore and hope
you will continue ihe same favor. I will
pledge myself to serve the people to the
beat of my abi'i .y. 1 "ill abide the
acts of this demoratie primary.
O. Seamavs.
I anuounce myself acaudicate for re
election to the office of Tax Receiver of
Kockda e county. subject to the nomina¬
tion if any is had If elec re u I will dis¬
charge the duties of t !| o office to the best
of my ability. Thanking the people of
this county for their kindness in the pa-t
l again solicit their support. Very Re¬
spectfully, R. L- Hudson.
To the people of Rockdate: Haying
been u "fortunate in health airl h’rs of
stock, 1 ask the support of tue people of
this county for one term :>s e-mivy
* I will abide the Democratic
nominotion if any. i earnestly solicit
the aid of my ffillow m m cud will at¬
tend to the office it entrusted to my care
iu a manner that, will give satbffi-rtion to
all. Re-pec fully, J. E. Maddox.
.* :«y«] n vumr,,
C’aa You Find the Word ?
There this i- a 8-iach this display week, which adyeriise has
ment in paper,
VO lWO words alike except one word.
The same is fr'u of each new one ap¬
pearing each week from the Dr. Harter
Medicine Co. This house places a
‘‘Ore-cant ”011 everpibing they make
and publish. word, Look-for and it, they sendphem will the
name of the return
Book, Beautiful Lithographs or Sam¬
ples Free.
Is tlie price of health. Bui with all
cur pt ecantion there’are enemies always
larking about ou systems car.- war
joy a favor?b’e opp urtu uty lo assert
them-e’ - , s. Lnpurit es in the bloo i
mar be niddeu for years or even for
generations and suddenly break fordi,
underm n ng her t 1 a.nd lxasteu'ng
d nth. For all Diseases arising from im¬
pure blood Hold’s Sarsaparilla is i he un
equal I ed a" d unap p roat bed re medy. It
is Liug ot them all. for it conq > is dis
?;, sc
■____ :—
YPiU you L. ibv lug. 'i iu- siynrj
perhaps if the -i:ro • approach <*: 1
more terrible disease Consumption .vsk
yourselves if vou can afford fot the sa-'C
)£fenw lTi „ ; .. nIikl .. ]o
vot-Liug f*,- i.._ ttte i;uo-.t from 1 .
oeru-nee that builohs Mire will cure
your cough It This exoluin®
] 'why ruoro tb »i * i I ' ;Jf,-ii • • : ' . V.
|soldth« whooping w>uah oa.. at u 1 Vk Mothers, * U
; one . UO
1 uot be witiiout it. Lov lame back, side
or chest use 8 ! 5 Porous Piaster,
sold by I >r. \Y. H. Lee A r on.
| to Is free it not worth i of the sn all yvmtoui sum of of these 75c.
, ymr-e every
eauplai; t- i! v .. rhmk s<'
’ cm; c our stoic •:ml ir t - bogie ol Shi¬
& 3 's i a fan, ever, bate
. a a au. a* OTi 'A ITN
VO -1 Oil-
GEORGIA, Rockdale (Vnnty.
1 hi* is to notUy Christian at; person-- concerned
that Mr. ,T. I has applied for
the setting apart a twelve mon h sup
port out of the estate of Rufus < hristian
deceased, said application will be pass¬
ed upon on the 12rh day of September
1892. This Aug.
4 t. O. Bramahs, Ordinary.
Georgia Rockdale county *
To all whom it may concern : whems
J - Langford and W. P Langford, H. Langford, dis¬
adrainis irators > f -I.
eased, h o in dne form applied to the
undf.isigne 1 le .ve to s-ll the laud b»~
ionging to tin estate of sdd diseased,
I wid hear s-id application on the first
Monday in October 18- 2.
O. Seamans
All persons having demands against
the es’ate of S. U. An ler-on. late of
Rockdale comity, deseased, are hereby
notified to render in their demands to
tha undersigned indebted ac ord'iug sd! to law; and
all persons to estate are
relinked to make immediate payment
This May 4th., 1«98.
John H .Almand,
. H Anobkso.v, deceased.
By virture of an order issued from the
court of Ordinary of Rockdale county
on the 1st Monday in July 1892 will
be sold be£<-re the court house door in
Conyer-, Rockdale county, on the first
Tuesday in November 1832, within the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
all ot the f>Mowing described property
to v it: Onetra-'t or dm red of land con¬
taining ( 151 ) one hundred and fifty one
acres, more or less, b ing part of land
lots number 541 and847. lying and be¬
ing in the Kith district of originally
Newton, now Rockdale county, and
bounded as follows; On the north by
the other lands of S. K. Anders n de¬
ceased. on the south and east, by the
public raod leading from Goa vers to
Gee’s Mid and on the west by the lands
of Nelson Overbay. This tract of la ud is
known and recognized as the home
place.” There is on it one good, sub
stantial, 6 room frame dwelling, well
built and arranged, all necessary out
buildings, stakes, barns, gin house e e.,
fine in good orchard condition, of choice splendidly fruit etc,, watered, etc.
Forty acres of this place b in Oiiginal
fores'. This farm is iu a hi Mi state of
cultivation and is known in this sale as
farm number oue.
At the same time and place there will
be sold the following described proper¬
ty to wit: (151) one hundred and fifty
one acre? of land, more or Jess, being
parrs of lots number 841 and 347, original lying
and being in the Kith district of
lv Newton now Rockdale county, and
bounded as f-Hows: * hi the North by
M iss Flor l'a Car.- and others’ on the
cast by the public u-ad leading from the
town of oonyers to Gee’s Mill; on t'ie
.-outli i>y 1 ho lands described above in
farm known as farm number one; on the
west by the lands of Nelson Overbay.
This farm is also in a very high state of
cultivation. T ere is 011 it two tenant
houses, good water, orchards etc. Twen¬
ty five acres in woods and ten acres or
more in good bottom land. This place
is known in the advertisement and sale
as farm number 2.
At the o ametime and place there will
be sold the following described property
to vvjt: being (82) Eighty land two lot acres, No. more or
less part of 3(58 and
lying and being in the 10th district of
originally Newton now Rochdale conn
iy and bounded as fodows; On the north
by the lands i f Messrs Ta.dor and Moon
on the east by the lands of th<» Mis-us
Overton; on the sontn lyv the lands of
the Hargrove estate and on the we-t by
the public road leading fr »n the town of
Conver- to G e’- . Ml. The farm was
formerly has a part of the Ahijah Overbuy
place, two settlement- ; line water,
two good or bar's etc., and is aV • iu a
fine state of cultivation. This farm is
known in the advertisement and sale as
farm ruunbea 3.
a r.o,
At the same time and place will be
sold the followin.- de'crib< a pvopetty t >
wife; (114) one hundred and fourtee n
ecrc- of land uv re or lee ’ being parte of
land lots No’s. 867and 36S. lying an>l be
iu-4 in the I6ihdistrict of originally Now
too now Ho kdale eoun'y and bounded
us follows; Oil the north by the lands of
Mrs. s. 1Summers; 03 the ea 1 by the
lands formerly owned by James Griffin
and Dr. Means; on the south by t he
I j lauds ot J. M. Zciekry and on the Wjj -t
by the tends of J . H
j Haiicroy-t
! ;ii.out -U) a- res of hue pine iore-t: ai-o
fine fan iu a splendid stats Ot
"lion and is where John * p
This iann is kno - n in riiefBtle Cm*, a
v-.:rtiscmeiit as farm miinb -v -i.
A ii ot tue abov•• o .s<
sol<I as the. nroneity o- ' II
po-e ot on i«.<a among me <n
i -•aid estate. ' trias of s-ah g-e rs follow;
j Uae third cash; one third :.» be paid r.he
| first d gv of November ibb<i; one t iird to
b * i- ud the lirwt day of >•'•--vemher L-bt.
i will Kiviii r r cti.t iuturesr fnil: , aeeof .sale
! ] I'v
Livon purchasers
I Y l: ' it 0l ’ })a - d ’ l!: t a: v time before
| ul L‘ • j , m lgao
I xi *- a utU * - *°* —
> . *- L
> ...
1 J.1 - V
Tax "*****n : i
iW-ktia'e eou '-'L tH ^^
Pot ot 0,;
wu, 1
trm * of i Ut , ••
=0i in
fad ,
taxable, prop.,,^ dl 'f
y^rl89 °* ordinary 2 P S 0E °;'hrbli >n3
‘be 0 f p ,|
*«*of '^•reUrSbvmy*®, R Jckd ti
forth l^Sforthepu^f, and that h ^K
<>rfi,-e KjvkJaecoan v ^ of
treasurer by y tte. 1 fj tin. ,
1892. " Vjia d t'i
r building I
or au j H 1
«ud other , ..
V I 2 ’ tbirty-two. e-nte ^
feC county. 1,hs ««^ Pity
Dor II
1,u grand and to*** .
hoodred Tear 1892. dollars
of the
erty m Rockdale county. - J,e
Dor the support mi
of poor for the Shim* u
the hundred -,ear 1892 ofe
on dollars
property of Rockdale olf’'
3t. fill!
Conyers, Will be so'd at the fcJJi, I
first Tuesday Rockdale county
in OctoberLI
and of land lot in lot Gonyera, No 2D, said in I)i lot nk»"] j’
county, mtainiiig stne mZ
c an sire,
Sam Henry -, bounded Hendersoii’e on the Nii*' 2
lo . on tb ’
by Mrs. R. A ,1 one's uul T.
tain’s lots, on the. South, by Win
er’s lot and x.-ontiag North stej,
West side, sale to satisfy a ft! |j
(.g <7 N *yienu agaiust WiDwuiy
wife. Mrs. Wo. H. Paul,:- iy
who are now in the p osseasion a
house ana lot. Thk Svpt. 2, d
K W H M Ansuv, iy
ALL person- having deanndsM
the es'ate of Rufus Chrhtmn, lecl ill
are hereby notified undersigned to remler aewsfiJ
same to the sijl
Inw and all p tsou- indebted to
tats are required to nuke irngj
payment. H. A^mand M.
John and R. dfj
administrators of Kufoa Chri«ian »
This Aug. 9 189f. Aw
Gcfrgia Rockdale Comity ;
To all whom, it may coaed
Whereas William Ogiefcrie haviag j
proper form applies to the cour: of Q
dinary for permanent letters of aliaid
tration on the estate oi H* H. OgM
late of said coimty disease! ?b4I h
pass on said appli ation oa tae W .H»
day in October next. Tlib 80:h by
August 1892. O, S)!.iiU5S, Orim
"’ill be let opt lyv swlail PjVb
the lowest bidder lii
Shoals Bridie Uy.U^x^a oty
S-pecificatiin 18 a 2 the buildiagol of .sam piuyo mcu. a'• a yj y*'
to be entered ante. y l;i
calling on the Or li taw 1 L
Newton take and p'ac-e Kockdae couaufoj
bids will w... d- .' L ai
Bridge at id Oclocx ^
above, set apart no coi.tcaeu .
_ ^
requested to give hoa-.u-uud g 0! * y .
for the full comp fim: cp t. Ha
enter d into the ordinaries c ' UM
right -A auj one a A w
nffi, toe f> to a <’•
p* t'i v tha: -' prop-.n- - ; j
W, N. Nelson. T'i
v l m ra- { :' 1
j. Andar-oe,
XToarwI of c^mmiss'-o.-er-.
rained the Mayor '*
Bo it on l'rob
,-y of Coi'.yers that
fS,. «•: - . -i .0 fhie orffi'i.mice. w nay
ioiif Rave, build «*> ■eet
wire ot feuets dsrocs Afi fil
nintr along any p
witbiu thecorp
This ordiru aai H v>
l ■Uf
TOO .(J*
sac a lenac- ■ d
<ie -i.v cooue fj r
victlon Let £ i pity*
i*.->aa) c:' ,
A<ioiu-:«.' -x
— 1
N ext
' < 'A
r.‘ CIU
11 ■ -T2)h‘:? t