Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, September 10, 1892, Image 8
Fault finding ia a cheap aDd eaey son of erinicism. The mo-t ignorant bearer can ti d a Haw ; the ben seri moflp. $J man ever yet I veil so well that one did not criticise a aver sly his words and deeds. The life of Jesus was perfect yet fa 1 It was found of almost every step betook Canting bypocri ei complained because He showed Limself a friend of sinners and pointed what tiny considered un ' pardonable sins in His not 1 >st deeds of mercy and healing. Fault-finders never contribute anyihing *o the ^ piogiess of t 'u : L and righteousness 2,228,672. These figures rep. the number of bottles of Dr. King’s New Discov¬ ery for ConsurrpGoii, Coughs and colds, which were s< Id in the United states from March t)l to March, 92 Two Mil ion, Two Hundred and Twenty Eight Thousand’ Six Hun¬ dred and Seventy Two bottles sold in ore year, and ea<h anil every bo! tic was sold on a poHive guar tee that money would be refunded if satisfactory result did not follow its use. The secrate of its success is plain. It never disappoints and can always be depended upon as the very best rt medy for Coughs Colds etc*. Price 50c and $1.00. At Dr. XV. H. Lee & Sons Drugstore. Coopers, Ga. Dixon got $30,000 and Skelly got licked. That's the- way the worrel gots, as Brer Rabbit would say. TILED ALL THE TIME,” Is tbe comp’aint of many mortals, who know not where to find relief. Hood’s Sareparilla pussebea just those elements of strength which you so earnestly crave, it will build you up, givi* you an appetite Strengthen your stomach and nerves. Try iL A TRUE LAXAT IVE PRINCIPLE One of I he plants used in manifac turing the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Figs, has a permanently beneficial effect on tbo bunion system, while the chtap vegitable extracts and mineral solutions, usualy sold as loGoicim b, are permanently injurious Being well informed, you will use the true remedy only. Manifactured by the California Fig Sarup Do. BUCKLER’S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp ed Hands, Chilblains Corns and alj Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guar janteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 ecu' s per box. For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee & Son. Of nil tbe litavy bin dens the heav¬ iest is ignorance, unless you are to abject as not to comprehend die position you are in. And when to others your situai ion comes to light, they pronounce you clear out o’ sight. STRENGTH AND HEALTH I' you ere not fee ing strong and lealiht, try Electric Bitteos. If “La Gripe” has left you weak and weary, u-e EU-ctrc Bitters This remedy acts directly on the Liver. Stomach and K’dncyp, gently aid¬ ing t hose onions to perform theirjfunc. tious. If you are afflicted with Sick Headache’ you will find speedy and peimauaut relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you tha>- this is the remedy you need. *•1 would like to souud the praise of Hood’s Sarsaporiila over the universe," writes Mrs. Longeuecker of Union Deposit, Penn. I hereby amovin' e myself a candidate for iv-clection 10 the office of couuty It* usurer. I feel under many* oblLa tnn- fov the kindnes-shown me 1 eroto Uivt‘ snd I h‘ pe you will c ntimie the til e qpb I v* r i pledge it yself to i-erve ) i and dis* barge the duties of fi t i Rice ’o tite bi'st of my al>i ity. ill S[K t- A . G. Clotfelteb. HAVERTY ’C J \ 111 u FOR SEPTEMBER. “BIG SALES AND SMALL PROFITS” IS HIS MOTTO. PARLOR, EE I*) EOOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN AND HALL FURNITURE, AT LOWEST - PRICES - IN - ATLANTA. Ladies’ Desks, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Combination Book Cases, Roll and Flat-Top Desks and other Furniture AT COST. Rattan and Fancy Chairs, Lounges and Cots, Feather Pil lows, Mattresses, Lawn and Veranda Chairs, AT SUMMER PRICES. Furniture Polish furnished with our Furniture. Don’t forget the place. Place your orders with us, and we will please you with Goods, and save you 25 per cent, lv£. HAVSETT, “ THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE MAN SOUTH ” 77 Whitehall auc! 64 South Bioad Street,’ Atlanta, Georgia. MALLARY BROS & CO MACON, GA. DROP US A LINE AND GET ESTIMATES ON GINS, PRESSES, BOILERS, SAW & GRIST 2vdZZZ_nLS, OR ANYTHING IN THE 2s^CaiClta-iKLex3r ZLilne A POSTAL CARD TO US MIGHT SAVE YOU CON SIDERABLE MONEY. TRY IT. Mallary I3ro’s & Co »» Macon, Ga. 8 @ 0 »Mention this paper when 3*011 write. Tfj^ 3(ai|(lar4 ^aslj ^Patented in United States and Canada.) Bs a Practical machine, Apprecia¬ ted by Practical IS (tailless men. m v G It is a liandsomely furnished Combination Desk- Money Drawer and Cashier, with Com¬ bination Lock and Registering Attachment. It records both cash and credit sales. ' ' It records disbursements. - It itemizes paid in account. enables money transactions on dis¬ It you to trace in pute. will keep different lines of goods It separate. It shows the transactions of each clerk. It makes a careless man careful. J Jt keeps an where honest man honest and a thief % 1^.. will not stay it is. It will save in convenience, time and money, enough machine to pay for itself many times over. Eacli boxed separately and war ranted for two years. For full particulars address STANDARD MFG. <2 O •9 ilb;, 1 EAST STROUDSBURC, PA. ” V ”' ■ "./ •<<»/ u’JJa v W i ; •.-*» V • ' ,4i i.., 1 1\ -vu —"TT- ' •* > -XT-v»>:r?.1 ■'V. \ $W 4 siiii no I . A \ i \ v .EETHHjQS G f I V ; *•*f ii-.i u-'rv.'.j t ‘ * r ~. y' * 1 : T\ / ‘xzzm nvsH ■ y A 'tTimii ■L- v ; :x JSTisvi ...ij -- \r LT t '-*' 1 ~7 -n .- - r , ; -r o -*r ~r rr , Jx X \J..X I .«'A 1 A 1 • : : ,\ TT >' ■ .- •> LACRANCE, LAGRtoU, FEMALE COLLEGE GEORGIA. i I.Urrainrr, ffrapliy Music Dlntii*. and Art. Art Hemnl unsurpassed. <*«arw. VOICK I>Tei>smakinB. ll LTt BR tyjwwritine, A *1*K !lil st,*n CIAL.TT, lloukkenpiufi. h*rmony. physi,*! rulturs/r«r. Bww toil uni Growth. ljfj-u. 1S91-9J. form. Send for catalnsue. Enroll si 104 S43 , 'Boarders iluwu Pupils ea «« i~- IS I UBR«B. GL DRY GOODS, %*OTIO?T«s, : ctOTHT\o ect. ' , ______ UlI 189 ’K, l I ! Lang 'Ot V ---CARRY A FINE LINE OF GENERAL MDSE. — « 0 — —— They return thanks u their many customers or the and can say to th *ni that they are prepared t0 5 P good goods on good terms. Call and again se see them. _____—- ’c D-- 1 - Almand & Langford, Conyers. 6 mmm turn m MERCHANTS: National Union Com pany. Center St General Merchandise. G. W. &JA. P, Cain, Center St., Gen¬ eral Merchandise. Summers Bros , Center St., General Merchandise.' Stephenson & Turner, Center St., General Merchandise. Johnson & Almand, Center St., Stoves Tinware, Manufacturers and Roofers. G. W. Weaver, Center St., General Merchandise and Express Agent. H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. cor. Center and Com. General Merchandise. G. A. Lucas. Center St., General Merchandise. Ain and & Langford Commerce St. G e ti eral Merohandi? e. -”W V Almand, Commerce St. Carriage Manufacturer and Undertaker. County Officers O Seamans Ordinary. W. H. M. Austin, Sheriff, John M. Diiy, Deputy Sheriff. W, T. Huson, Clerk. W. 1>. Clotfelter, Treasurer. R. L. Hudson, Tax Receiver. D. YV. Murdock, fax Collector. T. D. O’Kelly, surveyor. E. J. Argo, Coroner. Druggists. Dr IV H Lee & Son, Commerce. St. Oils, Paints, Duggs and etc. Dr M R See wart, Commerce. Street Druggs Paints, Oils and etc. Job work of ail kinds done at this office. Prompt attention given to all orders. Address, Hale’s Weekly, Conyers, Ga. BUSINESS COLLEGE. its*: Wmm ill M muM a ATLANTA, GA. - - 24th YEAR. An established business school. Book keeping and Shorthand taught by ex¬ perienced teachers. Tonsands of students in good paying positions, Term mode- I rate. Students received dailys Send for circulars, SPECi'ACLES.El’O. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRADB MARK. Csillty Tim and Always. m * u I: m J$zg G. W. WEAVER, has tbe exclusive sale of these celebra¬ ted glases in CONYERS - - GrEOGIA. KELL AM & MOORE, 1 1 The only manufacturing Opticians in j ‘ theS £jP“Petld!ers onth. A Hants, Georgia. are not supplied with hese famous gla sses. j IT P ______ | -Li L i\. f. ±J. I i Al V [ i I IllJ . iY Uo , , 1 , . , ctotUnT 1 a “ ew ' 6,11 t I City Ollicers, John R. Maddox, Mayor. M. R. Stewart, Mayor pro tern. Arnold Whitaker, St. Comniitiee. A- J. Ogletree, ) Dr J A Guinn, > kamtary Q ., A N Plunkett, > Committ W V Almand C’hr. Finance Commit •1 W Almand l lty Clerk. W H M Austin Marshall. tv' B Smith, Pep. M arshall. Lawyers. A M Helms, Office Court House J G Barton, Office Almand BnM A C McCaiia, Office Court House j G W Gleaton, Ko m a Night Buiifl JR Irwin, Room 1 Night Buildiii*. J N Glenn, Office Court House, ’ A C. Perry, Office Court House. Churches. ------------------------------ BA Pi 1ST‘.—Preaching 2nd aid 41 and Sundays. Swanson. Pastors: Rev A J Gasan Dr Sabbath scliool, II o’clock a. m., d C Stephenson,Sup, METHODIST:—Preaching Sundays. Pastor: 1st andh Rev M 11 Dfe Sabbatli school at a o’clock p. m., 1 H V Hardwick, Superintendent.) PR 1MITIVE BAP 1’IST:—Preadiiw every 2nd Sunday. Rev J F Almano Pastor. PRES BYTERIA N: Preaching 2nd ad Sabbath 4tn Sundays. ol, DrH H o’clock Quigg, Pastor Sch' !) 1-2 a, in.,'! D (J’Keb \, Superintendent Physicians Drs. J P Kosser & J A Guiun, Hotel! Drs J A it M it Stewart, Commerce! Dr II 0 Turner. Step’aon & Tamed NOTICE. I will be in CONNER s the fir-t Sat¬ urday in each month. Patients desiring to see me will II LEE find me & SON. at the brag Stosj of Dr. VV. BRANTLET. I I)K. L. G. LAW CARO. -,v/A/V J. it IRWI1 Attorney At Law, In tbe Night building first roam on t ett, up stairs. CONYERS - - GA. WHI-KY. WINES, ETC. BUNK PLACE AND EESTADHANf Under C-ato City Bank, Cor. Ala. and Pryor Sts., Atlanta. FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA RYE XS L T CKY SOUR mash wins KIES A SPECIALTY* I niported ami Domedir V NO. J P* Buckalew Proprietor J J. SEAMANS DENTIST Conyers Georgia. WATCHES, JEWFLKY, WM.BOLLMANN . ’ S YVAT CH E' CLOft" PEGTACLES, > JEWELRY' Whitehall AND SILVERS Street, AR Atlanta, ^’ fa No. 10 ^ gsTlndip*tlon. BROWN'S pn^S^i,uity- IRON 5^3^ ciacs ria. Nervou recomineud S i 1 e^,audoenerHy*, it. Al ' y ljr taatnida uiArii ^ cms*s* ^ ^