Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, September 17, 1892, Image 1
Sales VOL. X. NUMBER 33. “ any as cheap as Gi Kas guarantee as ton Le else. We e “ m ‘ app vohinery in out’ !it Utiou, us a gUFF BROS. klnion LOST and Conyers Package containing rt. Finder will be leaving same at IJJ RENT. j ^ouse with a small state of cultivation ; For terms apply j. W. Johnson. Ujj^Sactespecial’y L,using up it from torpid iral duties, cure ccn >n. G. W. & A. P. CAIN i f —ARE STILL— THE T ,hi A 1> ® JE OF TIJE BEST SS 06 FJ OF GrOODS EYEi^ SEE!] II] OOFYE^S —IS NOW IN— THEIR ELEGANT STORE ROOMS. —AND— It the old style of high prices, so popular in some towns, and are sell Hide in their house for Profits Smaller Than Ever Known In This bra. Their goods are from the best markets, of the best grades and lyles. They are agents for the celebrated Domestic and Davis Sew 'Go To^A t?ant^ 111 aivva ^ Conyers' S iU St,OC ^' alG G suit anywhere but come to and see Cain when v on want a \o matter who for, a man or boy, and you can save 25 per cent. If lioes, if you want hats, if you want shirts-top or bottom-anything thing line they have it and at special prices- They have a line line for ladies and shoes for them the thousand and the ■W. & A. P. CAIN. CONYERS, GA„ CENTER ST. ROWS. ie attractive surburbof Atlanta. BfESaia THEBE. r ss an, i Close proximity pMany pQie-jseekers. Advantages to 8 tion m Georgia are attrac¬ than Ingleside. JUit it is one of the Ur bs Atlanta, and a i^g money there’ es tea Ize large dividends plaint From present ^ Ropes wil. tie fully ! i nu g e ment L Lj ^ io “*» oe . I --.leitst to Lome r l0wa was s'aided only CONYERS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY SEPT. 17, 1892. CONYERS, GEORGIA SEPTEMBER 19th. 1892. mm SC a A'LTJ l Ni \ m mm WS5j m ®m A battle royal between the political heavyweights We’ll give the result next week. a short time ago, yet there are fi f teen houses already erected and plen ty more in proces c ion of erection Tnis week the company sold over six thousand do'lais worth of property. This shows the business being done at that place. The property was purchased by shrewd financiers who know a good thing when they see it. Mr. D. N. Hudson, of Con¬ yers, ha» purchased a few lots, and will this week begin the erection of a handsome home. In a very few days four other parties will begin their buildings. IVhere so many peop'e gather and where so much interest is manifested there must be something of an extra ordinary character U> attract ihem j g doubted if there is a more beal thy or a more be iunful spot in Geor gia than Ingleside. It Js high and dry, undu’ating enough to make it a pleasant site for residences. Loca ted on the Georgia railroad only a f prettiest and most stylish line of dress goods la Middle Georgia, No use to go oh-they can furnish you cheaper and better than you can be furnished else where. Their stocks are full and you can select to suit you their stocks of gro cedes, hardware,^rockery, glassware, canned goods, etc., etc., goods of every Come to see them, compare their goods and prices and you will see how they knock the block out of anything you have se m in. years. Their clerks are clev er, polite, honest and show goods with pleasure Cam will buy your cotton or other produce and give you the top price, They have a big stock and tney are going to sell them it lo v prices and deal ing will do it. Remember the place : few minutes ride from the center of the city, a ith all the transportation facilities possible, it is the very place for those who desire to live in the suburbs. Then another thing, Atlanta is growing. A great many people think that before many years, we will have from two to three hundred thousand pepulation. That being the case, dirt’around Atlanta in a radius of ten or twelve letters, will be very valua is able. located Now, only the fact short that distance Ingleside .from a Atlanta ^insures a good return to those who invest their money there. It is a wise person who “salts down’ his money in Atlanta and suburban real estate The Iogleside Land Company affords investors a opportunity. 1 If you desire to know more of t the woikings of tins mstitu lion and to see the new town, call at the Iogleside company’s office m the Equitable building, Room 203, 4 Mr. Dabney will take pleasure in waiting PRICE 1.00 A YEAR STUENHTH A.M) HEALTH I' you ere not fee ing strong and heaMr, try Electric Bitteos. If “La Gripe” has left „vou went and weary, u-e E ectrc Bitters. This remedy acts directly on the Liver, S ( inach and Kidneys, gently aid¬ ing those oryons to perform theirjfune ions. If you ate afiiieted \vih Sick. Headache’you will timl speedy and perm Bitters. naufc One relief trial by will taking convince Eietti^ you that this is the re wed v you need. *•1 would like to sound the praise of Hood’s Sarsaporiila over the wavers**,'* writes Mrs. Longonecker of Union Dep< sit, Perm. Fault finding is a cheap and easy . t i mu cis n. The most ignorant turner can find a flaw in the best seri mons. No man ever yet lived so well that one did not criticise ad vet sly his words and deeds. Tho life of Jesus was perfect yet fault was found of almost every step he took Canting J hypocrites complained because He i,owed 1 i nself a friei d of sinners md pointed what they considered un¬ pardonable sins in His noblest deeds ,t mercy and healing. Fault-finders ever contribute anything *'o the i< gre-s of tm h and righteeusnes upon you. Fr< e ride to anti from j Ingleside. xvtagtH P. S. This company has a few moie lots which they will sell at !juo each. First come first served. Tt-iins to suit purchasers Dixon g it $>),)>) ri l SkeJlv go licked. That's the way the wen el goes, as Brer Rabbit, would p-ay. TIRED ALL THE TIME,’’ j g (.(Tnp’aint of many mortals, w ^ 0 j- uow no t, where to tied relief. jj o0( p s fhm gru d a jicsseses just thog6 elc . meilt8 ot .tnngifa which you a0 earnestly crave, it will build a - ye « AOU nE appetite g.^pgtfcen^your stomach &Ld n*rv»*. Xry { I hereby announce myself a candi- ati* for re-election ro ike office of c-nuty Tr , asnror , I feel under many «bli a tion^ for the kindnesi shown ice f er. to ^ e *J^ r h ySge icypeli ‘ to^-ene tU, ‘ i* e ?i >le aa ^ Y ax ? e tilJ uJ the ollice to the best of my abi , lty. itespet- W.G.Cuimanii!. A l RUE LANA 11\ E PRINCIPLE Ouh of the plants used in manifac ur j ng ,]je pleasant remedy, Syrup of [jas u ptsruianautly beneficial .. fie 1 1 on tba human system, while the t-Leap vegitable extracts and nine,a ' W)1u hcns, usualy sold as noticin' s, are permanently injurious. B- ins' W( Ji informed, you will use the iae i. rm dy only. Mauifactured by the I a ifoima Fig Snrup Do. BUCK LENS ARNICA SALVE. i} . ie Best ^alve m . the world for L ™ 1SeS ’ 5-orc s, Ulceir, Balt Bneum, lever Sores, Tet er, Chapp L* ’ Clj!lt,,a,Us Corns and al( Sam L* aption,, and positively cures 1,1 » or u ".^ n 11 i<j ^ aar * anted to give pe:ct sa isfacion, . . or Ul0 oe' refunded Pri«c 2o c.-n‘s tier 1 box. Fo sa e by Dr. H . H. I if-it ^ OF F”m8P v. ..;,,.,, ,