Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, September 17, 1892, Image 5

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    ioc al! N e ^ s ‘
) prepared to lend
p. Tilley is Rockdale
tflta farms in
; N J low me of six per cent
tie him.
annum. gee
L L the best. The all country kinds
of Agents selling
P de coal at any price,
m want the best coa
leu y« u
\ me- J P Tilly.
U^jr^g^ards He was up
thus "this week. is a
„t excellent gentleman and
H be our next state senator
ja large majority.
L Joel Stewart, son of Dr.
Stewart, was buried here
t Sunday. We extend sym
.jjv to the bereaved ones.
Summers Bros., 'the cheap
chants as they are called,
several advertisements in
■ e
5 issue. Read them.
)r. M. H. Melton has purchas
the livery stable of Mr. D. W
idnax and will run it in the
un , Dock is a good man
the place and will give our
pie good service,
ijenry [man McCord made a fine
for the grand jury.
L McCord and Miss Hall
[ted Atlanta Thursday.
Read the notice of Hull &
bin cotton factors of Augusta
this issue
ie corn whiskey made by
I George Swords, of Coving-
1, is said to be the most per¬
il corn whiskey m |the coun
[ id When you need^something
of the kind address or call
: him at Covington. Mr.
ordsis a pleasant, reliable
itieman and you will always
i him punctual t to fill your
ping to the fine policy
Ipted by our officient Ordi
h, Judge Seamans, Rockdale
low in tne best condition as
pds bridges of any county
peorgia. |i look An Ordinary that
after the interest and
[fare of the people as he does
pe at help to any county.
f foe e handsome call attention this week
pat live business house, G
& A. P. Cain. They have
p the best lot or goods ever
Ma this |ma v ket and they
jelling them at bottom pri
| Gome to Conyers and see
pourt presided over by Judge
|haL(l Clark, and run by So
r -andler, the grand jury,
P 1U Austin and his bailiffs
[ turning off business
F e rapidly |this week. Many
; s have been ^found and
bd r - ies tried. We will give
a -eounfc of the business
Aed next week,
i ’. • a ’lb ba? just closed a
l ” 0 un'y Line church
• fu<etnt)trg.
vro open and you can
‘' - ar.hu is visi’icg
■ o . A. Murray a-. Ash
■•“o’ a.
' , “*auvU L*ei lii i-:.
m® KWK'
p-.- *
k |i. 4 g;
sss &S£MBHvUI as
for Infants and Children.
“Castorla is so well adapted to children that
I recommend itas superior to any prescription
known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. I).,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Thk Centaur Company, 77 Hurray Street, N. Y.
uu ^ 3Ta,Ir rB^rToarian. ”
Siat Fox Triae Elegance
In Dress Goods And Trirnings to Match, Every Laly Will
find that which their
IbTat-cEra,! G-oocL Taste ZDe
mands at
Every gentleman and boy in this county to call and see our
Fall and Winter clothing, any style of sack or cutaway coat ,
We can flit a “ giant, ” or, if we had a little chap Ilk 3 “ Tom
Thumb, ” we could clothe him too. Don’t buy a suit nnfij
you see what we offer. Yours for Business,
Slices, Shoe*, Shoes, Shoe-, Suoes, Shoe?, shoes, Shoes, sno-.-s, Shoes, Shots,
3J mur. Mb— »
Shoes, Shoes, Shoe?, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes.
dim uuAu msmmmiu
^grrJr. Joo w. V'.'r! I- L :,t is agent for the ! ' ■
Insurance Cc*., o f Georgia, tne only one iut ■ jj*0 <■4
he is h>>w ready to inscTo your horses. I no rates
in the reach of all. No fai r ' r ith goo
inburance. UR LIVES.
Mo is also izent for the famous M ,1 Res-r
social ion of New T r’ on of the rno-fc reha
*na the cheapest i rid. The rates
edrev a few khocss n 3 ,-.i 3’S. Call on or ad
. .
before y ,u insure."
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
Without gestion.
injurious medication.
S\J [r.- . 11 V A‘35 * -*%Er
1 A &
Stomach^Liver Cure
The Most Astonishing* Medical Discovery of
the Last One Hundred Years.
It is Pleasant to the Tasto as the Sweetest Nectar.
It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk.
Til's wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into
this country by tie Great South American Medicine Company, and yet its
•Treat value as a curative agent has long been known by the native inhab¬
itants of South America, who rely almost wholly upon its great medicinal
power? to cure every form cf disease by which they arc overtaken.
This new and valuable South American medicine possesses powers and
qualities completely hitherto unknown the problem to ike medical profession. This medicine has
solved of the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and diseases of the general Nervous System. It also cares all
forms of tailing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the Great
Nervine Tonic qualities which it possesses and by its great curative powers
upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy
compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and
strengthener of the life forces of the human body and as a great renewer of
a broken down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in tha
treatment and cure of diseases of the Lungs than any ten consumption rem¬
edies ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nervousness
of females of all ages. Ladies who arc approaching the critical period known
as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic almost
constantly for the space This of two or three years. and It will carry them safely
over the danger. great strengthener curative is of inestimable
value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will
give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of
many of those who will use a half dozen bottles of the remedy each year.
Nervousness and Broken Constitution,
Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age,
Nervous Headache and Indigestion and Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach,
Female All Diseases Weakness, Loss Weight of A and ppetite Tenderness in Stomach*
of Women,
Nervous Paralysis, Chills, Frightful Dizziness and Dreams, Ringing in the Ears, i
Nervous Paroxysms and Weakness of Extremities ard
Hot Nervous Flashes, Choking Tainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood,
Palpitatiou of the Heart, Boils and Carbuncles,
Mental Despondency, Scrofula, Scrofulous and Ulcers,
Sleeplessness, St. Consumption Swelling Lungs,
Vitus's Dance, ‘ of the
Nervousness of Females, Catarrh of the Lungs,
Nervousness of Old Age, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, (
Neuralgia, - Liver Complaint,
Pains in the Heart, Chronic Diarrhoea, ^
Pains in the Back, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, *
Failing Health. Summer Complaint of Infants.
Ail these and many other complaints cured by tins wonderful Nervine Tonic
As a cure for every class of Nervou3 Diseases, no remedy has been nbh*
to conipare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless ir»
di its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individ¬
ual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments and to impaired which the human family When is heir, Is ar®
dependent or nervous exhaustion digestion. there art
insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of
the brain, spinal marrow and nerves is the result Starved nerves, like,
starved muscles, become strong when the right kind cf food is supplied, and
a thousand weaknesses and ailments all the disappear by as which the nerves the vital recover. forces As of tkcv th®
nervous system carried must it supply is the first power suffer for want of perfect nutrition
body Ordinary are food does on, contain sufficient to quantity of the kind of nutriment
not a
necessary to repair the wear our present mode or living and labor imposes
upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food bn
supplied. This recent production of the Couth American Continent Las been,
found, by analysis, to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissues
is formed. This accounts for its magic po^er to cure all forma of uervoua
/>Ai*OT'rror' ---
OrA iv fop. ns vtt.lv, Tnt>.. May 19,1886.
My daughter, twelve years old, had been af¬
flicted for several months with Chorea or St,
Yit'tF’s 1 • -nee. Sho was reduced to a skeleton,
cou) . . walk, could not talk , could not swal
lo v anvthing but r Uc. i had to handle her
like an infant. Do: >r and neighbors gave her
up. i commence 1 giving her the South Ameri¬
can Nervi -o T.-mc: the off is were very sur¬
prising. In three days she was rid of the ncr
veu: ness:, and rapidly improved. Four bottles
cured Her completely. X thin.li the nouta
American Kervine the recommend grandest remedy ever
discovered, and would it to every¬
one. MBS. Vc'. e. JEKSttlKQXB.
Slate of Indiana, > „.
Mo/d,; *. : -yCrmnfy.r-; and sworn to Tutors . me tliuj May „
IS CdiAS. H. Tra via, Notary Public.
Tns Great South American Nervine Tonic
•Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy train of over disc®*
ert d for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast symptoms
ikl horrors which are the result of disease and debility of tne human gtonx
* jewel of incalculable value who h,
acb. No person can afford to pass by this
affected by disease of the Stomach, because the experience and testimony of
thousands go to prove that this h the one and only one great cure in the,
world for this universal destroyer. There is no case of unmslignant clisea^
< f fJe ' ■ ---di which can resist ino vonciestul cuial./c j\. lis oa .uc d -/utn
A uT-ricrn Nervine Tonic.
Hall, of Wn.ynotown, Inc!.. e?ys:
] j fto The Or'-'/iX South Axr.\eti<’na,
A W.t ki bed for five months eb, 1
isof an - x u ustod Storr.i 1 -
traiica whole &n1 st generul Had
jaof my well. system. IT :H tried
all l esofp .ting Tue first bottle cf
much Ilia. I
ar ......... . - cured
br,?6 utodieitie in
iu m3tui it too Xih,nly.”
lit; :iew< rid. I
to do
;r^- th both ; 3y.
s u a
tmzp Lfe tt 3 * ,i TV ' T iy?r*
«>;v# W K- j n i A U
w A jJ * *A r J A
\J JL %) .. * .
Ckawfordsvili.e, Din., June 22, 18ST. *
My daughter, eleven years*old, was severely *
afflicted with St. Vitus’s Ounce or Chorea. W«
gave her three and one-half bottles of Southr
American Nervine and sho is completely re*
stored. I believe it will cure every case of fit.
Vitus’s Dance. I have kept it in my family for
two years, and am sure it is the greatest rem¬
edy in the world for Indigestion and Dyspep¬
sia. all forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing?
Health from whatever cause. Joan X. Hisa.
Slate of Indiana, 7.
Subscribed Ilont'jcvnirry and Counl-j, f to before tt :in June.
sworn me
22,1X87. Okas. W. Wright,
Notary Public^ 1
Tffla .».Hraft,)Ti Kcw, lndltirrf i)j& 9
sr.yo ck.i not '.»■ > v/ hiVK-i 1 <>V,C |.i>
Ner-irm Iont<*. >n\ xvv.?> completaffr gin win
- i Utered, V < f iit ii.z Gg first
spitf-ieg^uo »
< L.imitd
a throu; T hc.vwBt
t -ri
u.-< ;■ <, rbont six iv p
r . •.. A. It ia the t
Bwj.u!.'.cb a.-'! iui-j:.: i i U' - a ever stcu.
F.rl i To., Trritos;
"i J i i,f.r i “ y> wa*
!tiV - j • fcoiiih IV-t Amariuoa, pounds
. I comment r
N‘ iric. I iiA'j u and ir
?h 130 pounds. < 1 IT5CC -oDgor amt
l>< i rex
would not have ■ I. hii nsi'i
I n ot seen rod tl i o’and Cwgerijf.
w-8.t it baa dr t.' L -.p is