Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, September 17, 1892, Image 7
* *3 I I f i,WM RDEN “Ur// a - i . itV, * l r L m mm BRfe .'v em U m Impest hay perhaps crop. the cheap morass “* is The tist can 3 be grown 'early for hay. as as May, but it r jj 2 sown On rich land, farm weather. in >di5 % sown in June or even yield well. It entails no ban to plow the land, har and sow. The cost of the JJ, flittle. Itisacheapcrop.lt I *5 of a ^op taken of early off for peas market or being Times. ^.-Chicago UILK TESTS. w^e composition of milk gives " of the amount of nourishment from k. There is usually about P er cent, of water, with ■yen of solids. These irteen per cent, the nutritious part of the ie consist of fat or butter, nd they and certain . c beese, milk, sugar valu hlk is thus naturally more it possesses greater quantities solids. We often speak of the of milk, and this means that it a larger proportion of fat solid of the other substances. Al¬ tos fat is the most valuable com • the casein has as much real s value. . rated jalue fount of milk, however, is of fat or cream, and this l brought about largely by the production of butter, to which ilk is used. The other rating solid at jes scarcely receive any test of twice Sk [fat that will show a as another lot is valued at much more. Some cows, and fo, vary in the amount of this heed in the milk, and the ani [breeds have come to be rated U to the amount of fat which luce in their milk.—American In’ SELECTING THE FLOCK. mg means a little more than be flock, and is the most direct |ble way of improvement. The Ler that expects to improve his I having all his good sheep will Keep on doing so. The import laving a well-defined standard ■per sheep for the business in fed the circumstances surround plant cannot be overestimated, this standard all the selection is ■ condemnation is discovered, of selecting once or twice a ■dice it every day with unre 'igilance. No matter how good hay be in one or two points, if , a and paying sheep it should be one put in its place that -American Farmer. ,TT 0P ARSENICAL spraying. examinations have been made of the fruit and foliage of sprayed trees at vari¬ ous intervals after spraying whieh in¬ dicate that after the water ha3 evaporated the poison soon entirely disappears, either through being blown off by the wind or washed off by rains, so that after fifteen days hardly the minutest trace can be discovered. In tbe line of actual experiment as in¬ dicating the very finely divided state of the poison and the extreme small quan¬ tity which is used to each tree, Professor A. J. Cook, of the Michigan Agricultural College, has conducted some striking ex¬ periments. A thick paper was placed under an apple tree which was thoroughly sprayed on a rather windy day, so that the drip¬ ping was excessive. After the dripping had ceased, tbe paper (covering a space of seventy-five square feet) was analyzed and four-tenths of a grain of arsenic was found. The whole matter was well summed up by Professor Riley in a recent lecture before the Lowell Institute in Boston, in which he said: “The latest sensational report of this kind was the rumor emana¬ ting from London within the last few weeks that American apples were being rejected for fear that their use was un¬ safe. If we consider for a moment how minute is the quantity of arsenic that can under the most favorable circumstances remain in the calyx of an apple we shall see at once how absurd thi9 fear is, for even if the poison that originally killed the worm remained intact one would have to cut many barrels of apples at a meal to get enough to poison a human being. Moreover, much of the poison is washed off by rain, and some of it is thro wn off by natural growth of the apple, so that there is as a rule nothing left of the poison in the garnered fruit. Add to this the further fact that few people eat apples raw without cutting away the calyx and stem ends, the only parts where any poison could under the mo3t favorable circumstances remain, and that these parts are always cut away in cook¬ ing, and we see how utterly groundless are any fears of injury and how useless any prohibitive measures against Ameri¬ can apples on this score.—New York World. , FARM AND GARDEN NOTES. Feed your table refuse to the laying hens. aLLLA UOOU A ir is lettuce; it grows quick and gives a good yield. Some one remarks that a deal of calcu¬ lation is required to make a dollar from poultry. The same remark applies to any business. Generally if matured fowls are to be marketed the sooner they are sent to be marketed the better, as often prices get Nothing Got Away. An old deed recorded in Pettis county over tration fifty yews sgo contains a good illus¬ of the legal verbiage common in Buch instruments in early times, la ad dition to forty acres of land sold for a consideration of fifty dollars, the docu naent conveys : ‘all und singular—appurt finances, appondages,advowsons, curtailages,- cowhouses, benefits, commons, corn cribs, dairies, dovecots, casements, emol¬ fixtures, uments, freeholds, features, furniture, immunities, gardens, homestalls, improve¬ ments, limekilns, meadows, marshes, mines, minerals, orchards, parks, pleasure grounds, pigeon houses, pig styes, quarries, remainders, reversions, rents, mills, rights, ways, water courses, wind¬ together with every other necessary right, immuuitv, privilege and advavta-ge of whatsoever name, nature or descrip¬ tion.” The Very Worst. Fanny’s mother had company to tea— a gentleman with whom the child was a great favorite, and at whose request the little girl wa3 allowed, contrary to the general During rule, to have a seat at the table. the progress of tho meal the little woman was unfortunate enough to tip over her bowl of bread and milk. The disaster w^s so appalling that she settled back in her high chair and gazed at what teemed to her utter ruin. At last, as if the full extent of the catastrophe had just dawned upon her, she drew a long breath and said, “And the best table¬ cloth, tool” After sponging patent leather with warm water and letting it dry, while still warm rub just a little sweet oil iu it, then rub it well out of it. Bulrushes Shaken by the Wins! I>o not vibrate to the passing wind more readi¬ ly than weak nerves vibrate to the slightest noise or other trivial cause of their disturb¬ ance, which would be disregarded by the vig¬ orous. That benignant strengthens tonic, them Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, restored through the medium of super-sensitiveness. digestion, and Malaria thus remedies their kidney cured and liver Bitters. complaint and constipation are by the , The matches made yearly are worth 0185,000,000. Fob Impure or thin Blood, Weakness, Mala ria Neuralgia, Iron Indigestion, Bitters—it and gives Biliousness, strength, take Brown’s making old persons leassant feel to young—aud yoang persons strong; i take. In 1859 Bonelli devised a method t. Being electricity in weaving. A Matter of I.ife ot Death. Do you know that the state of the blood run¬ ning in vour veins is the cause of your sickness or your health ? This is a most important mat¬ ter, although overlooked by otherwise. people who show Your a great deal of good sense hlood has to be kept pure, or vour whole system gradually becomes a wreck. It costs very little to check disease and correct the state of the blood if the matter is taken up in time; but it costa a great deal, and is often impossible, if taken up after disease has gained a foothold. If you are troubled with Syphilis, Itch, Hu mers, Swellings, Skin Disease, Rheumatism, Indigestion Cured “ I have for years been 4 yi my troubled stomach with and distress indiges¬ in M mm m Hood’s tion. When Sarsaparilla I took the e£ect was surpris- Sample Package Mailed Free. Address Small Bile Beans, New York. The St. Louis Chief of Police requires the 1000 Chinese in that city to be photographed. canjpe Long spells of sickness and heavy doctor bills prevented by using in time Bile Beans There are 525,000 Congregationalists in the United States. as far as liver pills and cure oftener —Small Bi le Beans. _ A million dollar sugar refinery is to be built at Brooklyn, N. Y. To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bean after eatin g. 25c . per bottle. There were 1500 railroad accidents in New Jersey last year. Constipation cured by' Small Bile Beaus. Some of the Afrioan tribes pull their fingers till the joints crack as a form a salutation. disorders, Fob Dyspepsia, Brown’s Indigestion, Bitters. and Stomach The Best use Iron the Tonic, it rebuilds the system, cleans Blood ic and strengthens weak debilitated the muscles. A splendid ton¬ for and persons. The thermometer has been proven to be the invention of Galileo in 151)6. 0 .4 if! m r .o ', 1 llO: Hi n \ ENJOY® Both the method and results when and Syrup refreshing of Figs is taken; it is and pleasant to the taste, acts gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, cleanses on the Kidneys, the effectually, dispels colds, head- sys¬ tem acheS and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup kind of Figs is the only duced, remedy pleasing of its ever and pro¬ to the taste ac¬ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular Syrup remedy of Figs known. is for sale i 50c and 01 bottles by all leading gists. Any reliable hand druggist will who may not have it on pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. I)o not accept any substitute. give German Syrup my most earnest commendation.” © "v i . ■A u Con sump lives and people r . who hare weak lnngs or Asth¬ A ma, should n»e Plso’s Cure for - Consumption. It has eared it thousands, it has not Injur¬ ed one. it Is not bad to take. .4 It ts the best cough syrup. C5r. wwwhArn IT IS A DUTY you oweyour- the best self and family to let Econo value for your money. I I mize in your footwenrbypnr chasing \V. L. Douglas the Shoes, bout Eon which represent rgked. villus: («at emcee as ' l WTAKE onenn s N0 w SUBSTITUTR; test . BENTLEME', THE BEST SHOE III THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY. a" , A genuine sewed shoe. that will not 115», the cell, seaml-lse, % smooth lnllde, nexlble, more oomtomble,uy lsh and durable tum ff,” ' \ any other shoe eve: sold st the price. Equals custom made shoe. 1/4 \ , oostlng from as Hendaewed, m 35. line as)! shoes. The most stylfi ,7/1’ *9?!" , ‘ $4 my and end 85 durable shoes ever sold at these prloes. Theyeq {2’4 ~ fine imponed shoes costing Item .8 to or; and an other! who ">714 v., $3 50 Police Shoe, worn by lumen soled, edge shoe, 5. r’ ‘1 I want. a good heovy eslt. thm sud extenelon ! my to walk in, and wlll toe? the teat dry warm. Shoes $2 50 Fine Calf. 82.10 and 83 Werklncmen’s than osber nuke. ‘ I wlll mega he more was: to: the money any that wax. v The lncteulng ssles show I. ...' ‘_ “ They no mung for service. mu out. , T: ;;-;’-"/r“ All“ '41}; Eta; ' . lngmen B OYS’ hsve .‘ sud Youths’ 31.75 School Shoes no : g worn by txh e be ye everyw h ere. T hemostsen‘oe A ’, ra' ,, 1- , m 9 ‘ ; ' "" ‘ able shoes sold ac ese pr Hand-sewed. ces. 82.50, 82 and 81.15 l- A D I ES! calico: 83 togegrleslsefire made at the mm Don -' eon» g‘ ’ 3:1; forzable 91.. or fine , 8| . ey are very my nude //= , , The .3 shoe eqnsls‘S‘zzwm fl? Vila _ and durable. Lsdles who woman.- 3% shoes coma ‘ {tom $6 to 06. nodlna thls out. 1 fl/g . footwear are - . 4;; ~\ if “ ‘- , mlze m UTION- that. ,Beware of dealers subnltutl’ggshoesmth. i” I A ‘ 163%,. ; "’ =\-\\‘~\;§ \ ‘; $~ "‘ \ out CA W. 1.. Douglas' heme and the ptleeelem onbol a, substltudons ere trendulent and subject to DOUGLAS , SHOES. Such obwnlng money under “new ' ASK FOR VI. L uon by law tor 333%,??? s?» sodium ‘ H "*“n‘nnld‘whfnnfiue ' If not £0? sale 0 free. in yowlflluie of ye send exc 'dirpct naive to en 3:30:13 9 W. L- 13qu grew £3; no agents. Write for Caz-log» '' I DO NOT BE DECEIVED Paints which stain with Pastes, Enamels, and the hands, injure tho iron, and burn off. The Rising Sun Stove Polish is Brilliant, Odor¬ less, Durable, and the consumer pays lor no tin or glass package with every purchase. fir mss liver PI IE, “ PILLS GRIPE SOU SICK® DO SOT m ACELK, impaired digeatioa, consti¬ i pation, vital torpid glands- They arcusa dij organs, remove nausea, Kid¬ 20 a liness. Magical effect on neys amibladder. Conquer dis loo bilious nervous Establish h. orders. nat¬ ural Daily action. blood. Beautify Purely complexion Vegetable. by purifying Tho dose be too is much. nicely Each adjusted vial to contains suit case, 42, as carried one pill in vcet can never man’s pocket, like lead pencil. Business great convenience. Taken easier than “Crescent.” sugar. Soldevery whare. All genuine goods bear Bend 2-cont stamp. You got 82 page book with sample. DB. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. SI. Louis. Ma AN ASTONISHING TOMO FOR WOMEN. m. cES-BLEJS’a WINE OF CARDUI >’ 5 It Strengthens the Weak, Quiets the Nerves, Relieves Monthly Suffering and Cures FEMALE DISEASES. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ABOUT IT. $1.00 PER BOTTLE. CHATTANOOGA PED. CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies — OR — Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of K W. BAKER & CO.’8 11 HBreaMastCocoa iff which is absolutely regulate • Complexion, Brad Peeling, and# or d&oasa resulting from intestines* impure# j by the stomach, livernr •to perform their benefit propi I \FSkSStmS!E^t over-eating are