Newspaper Page Text
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A ft. . >€
; f vj^V v
* *. r .tnS!
s*. v] vv'fa
method and se-ults wnen T
». fee is taken; it « pleasant
Affesbing « jf Figs ti taste, and acts
m ' .• e
en - •• .-it i ,oivpily on the Kidneys,
it- : ud Bowels, cleanses tha sys
■ere effei'-Utly, Lspefe colds, head
K h,.; a,id fevers iud ceres habitual
5 MP lies, byntp ot Figs is the
i c. Its sine? ever pro
j ut6( ), ::,>hg to tie taste and ac
lepiafcle to tho stomach, prompt in
js action p.t d truly beneficial in its
•ffccts, preps-red only from the most
jejifeV excellent mi i giciab.’.- qualities substances, commend its it
m , v made it the
o all and have most
lopular reined v brown. in 50c
;vn i„ ; fi-r- i? for ••.tie
ad’Sti a«V reliable all leading druggist drug- who
is;.. uv-- bund will
;sv 2 i>; Lv' • on whs pro
re * * !i >- omptly for any one
ijiaftry :t uo no z accept any
■ ,* so.
vi.V r,bsnc SCO. CAi,
m Mi if. ' -UK (tx
n- : ■r -'tt '' ' ■ V x L.
a \ - ».! Iii« r
4 %
r“ M X
b t
Tki ]
f'• i ; ran. h k
ii:v is Tri£
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! CB
. ...
ESEu : ■, • OB :* WOOD - MOHff?
i’LS , Ynoi, ,-Uu no tacK.-i •: w «s x thread
ru : iaa;io ol* tho bust Liu. calf, of stylish
iciisf v .•(' r.zctiune- t»v make more shoes this
..... oGtitf it i tuals band
’ed sfch“- coating from $4.00 u- ALUO, calf
E LemiiuD Iland-aev. i the ftnest
sbue eve..- •.tfered for f-.L uals French
.ported 00 sic. iia a :id-Se;v which cost fr-hn elf $>$/*, co $12.00. One calf,
J “s v ' uoe*
stylish. ■ -'mfurit, ■> and * '•able. The best
te ever oflerc l at mis price; samt t rade as cus
n-raadc shoe-*: -itfrom 8*5.1 .X)to fV-mroad
5© IVftieo Fai rmers, calf, Mia
Vs ted. 'ar Carriers all wear them: tine
unless, sip ’a inside, heavy three soli ea, i'xten
Hedge « . -• pah- rail'? will wear > year. yea >ffered
® .*? fine un bette Bhc. j ever at
"r* icc; one trial will -yinvinee those
K Hit a it Hli 1 t l ' .
*« 2 i'> «i: ■ : il srr. Wcrkiv.frrum’s tiuc-.: Those shoes who
• .•
ve give n t-:f n, < ’ ,a! v ib wear do other shoes make.
IftVCl A!i*.l £1*7.5 Lchool are
»yyo the‘.i' r i.t m-Teaslng Li 0 .vs«‘*.>rv hore: s'n they sell
; •. i ■ ; wales •* •••.
.... • •
portedsLo“ii S’i.G'i igti a : v to v-.-r..
■i‘>' * anil 5' ,?ii rhoe for
L'ai*iio.*. ‘ »• ;-oia. “ , L-.A.-’.-uddurable.
it ’ :-arue and
- -• i
IW V. •i- ctara; -y.\ the imttoni of eaeh aho"
L LOLHI.AS, Lirv-tLiion, , Mass.
mm xnai
\Grt l ,>si l How Regained I
i cr & Mir e£ m m m
oWVt-Ih: rsilSlsSfln^^^^Sj PHIZ 13 ESSAY on 2S EHVOUS and
1*25 of pagc-B, doth,
•L jnvaluafela prescriptions. Only $1.00
nail, dotii'.L ecaFd. Descriptive Prospect
i So&M’sFREE! wit a i. n dors emeu t s g*» c*» a ccwn now!
C<wsc:Vt<in ,n person or by mail. Expert treat*
««• IM L’LAl’.Lfi SECFKCY and CEK
^ AI.N t'eabrsv C!LL. Medical Addr*e« J v . V' r jj, Buifinch Parker, or
9Bt0U,MfU*P. Institute, No. 1 St.,
The Peabody Medical Institute Las many imi
iKrt, but no ocuul. -- Herald.
t‘w '5'JieiVje cf Fife, or Self-T ieservatlon, is i
-a?ure L ore vali.i.dle than gold. Heaci it now,
*-7’>7FA STRONG K and Medical YE v Ol’S Njan, (Copyrighted^ and learn to
: Review .
PUB mm w"- % : h
'-A m "I' mm
SBISS-" Kausea, Stoiaach Sense Disbees. of rdihiias.
_ Pain.
' siGEsrioN,
ftr-wviFJ? * ORES Tahiho Kcraal ENERGY sad.
• Pinm-.r Jj rm ,
h arms to Ibe top,
Zl^^iafCiSE Sfi.fst. bouts, m
nm £ " r -';
, ip
Wmki I
^*>w is* &
it Joseph Jlemmerich
• -ft - - -Tm-:- out of tlie VTar greatly
- Tf>ko;d Pterer, acd after being
tvt ; ilaTs the doctors discharged him
fth He has
food’s -th e ?!i . fce began to take
s arsaparilla
umr, night
ht&h i centra}
* e ' -i'iiiy reftoniU:ei»<i3 iloci's Sar
r >V: ♦*> to asnrades ia the €?. A. B.
n«tipation bj
in r. .f aftrserzuaT c*n*k
e m t "CY I 7" mtl
$ EL*'
£4 ••et
d©m«3 Si»«oiiuens of New F.h£\myi,
® rl1 aud Other Provli); l ilijirn
It matters not a brass farthing or a
red cent (which you will) whether one
lays '“grade” or “gradient,” ‘‘shiinfr
„ “switch,” “tinned” or • “canned"
lobster. American use prefers one term
English the other and that is all.
“Railroad” is at must a trifle old fash
| 0 ned here and perfectly admissible,
w e should write it ourselves without
hesitation when it fisted tiro sentence
better than “railway.” When we com*
to words of the general vocabulary
such as “clever,” “guess,” “‘reckon.’'
lome of them are New England m
western provincialisms hi their own
country, just as “canny" is or lately
was a northern provincialism in Great
Britam. They may ba adopted on
either side as part of the general stock.
It is conceivable that a word might be
freely used bv British writers without
ceased to bo in A oenca
We ennnet admit, however, that the
question oi Americanism is concluded
showing authority for the word or
Seventeenth “,f*r-«• century or earlier. hah
*ver we consciously import from Amer
lea in our own time is not the less aa
America n import here and now because
; the rZJaffit, less entitled 1 ?* to FtJZ'ZV import and use it
l, v,e find it good, because it is re»_y
of American growth. When «Vi mi
thority can be produced we are able to
answer the historical and grammatical
purists __ a.ter ««.». 41 their^own ,- 1 - ___ maimer winch ,
efteatime8 is convenient. As facts in
the history of the language diese things
are always interesting; as guides to
what our language ought to be we can
not, for our part, attach any great im
port nee w them. As Nineteenth cen
tury coinage may be good, so Seven
teenth eenluiy coinage mav be bad
Both should prevail or be roieoted on
their merits exceDt where usaseliM
already settled the word in its right of
Mr. Grander Matthews carries the
wars into our coasts and attacks “Brit
icisms” of Britain. Ho says that Mr.
Bagehot used ’ like” and Sir Charles
Dilke uses “without” as a conjunction.
and v 7 Sir Charles Dilke stand f- convicted ®Tf5
of bad Bnglish. But we must wholly
decline to be held answerable for them
or to I„ accept n .irher ..ther of -if them tliera h* as repie
senting the standard or even the aver- |
age of English os written in England
Many able man and some great men,
even some gmal men of letters, hart :
been careless writers
Again, it may be a British habit to
•ay, “Very pleased. ” It is not the
habit ot careful writers or good speak
ers. At one point wa think Mr. Brand
•r Matthews makes a definite mistake
H. „„ r a 3
meaning the ministers in office tor the
time being, as a growing neologism
tlnless our memory greatly d eaives u*
It was the common form of the iast
sentury, and "the ministry,” “'tiie gov¬
ernment” are innovations by compari¬
son. We did not know that revival of
“ministers” was on the increase. When
we have used it ourselves it lias been
witli a pleasurable feeling of slight
archaism. But if Mr. Brandor Mat¬
thews has observed tiiat it is coming
into fashion again he is very likely to
oe right. For our own port we should
wdcome it.— London Saturday Review
A Kcrmon on th6 6mal! ftoj.
llifc average boy U a discoverer as fat
jiitraiikhig Stanley aa Stanley outrank 1
• garden mole, Point me to u pairs,
pot. however discarded atai preaum
abiy emptied it nitty be. which the boy
will not discover and embellish himseli
with. Show me a uail, howsoever bid
den, which he will not fb; i and pro
seed to rend Ida garments on. Take
u,e to a -pot in the garden where s
credulous relative has plr.nted sweet
pea seed, in the fond anticipation o;
Soral return of purple, pink and white
which the boy, in company with tin
ken, hies not devastated. Have yot
buried the family cat? Give the boy :
chance and lie will resurrect the re¬
Have you found a place to hide tin
garden rake and seclude the hoe an4
the spade? He will find tiiem Anc
yet 1 adore him, provided tin-re is nt
malice in his mischief, i love to have
him around, if lie is truthful and
hi i ve and pure there is n jt u trick hi
plays nor a destructive thing lie doe,
that is not the very spice mid peppoi
to my broth of life. I: U kicking
against the pricks to try and keep a
boy spick and spandy—give it up sc
lc.r as the exterior goes, for who enrol
lor a dude under t!:e age cf ten?
But see to it, 1 charge and dotibit
diarge you, that you abate not youi
efforts by day nor by night to keep iih
ujui clean and his thoughts pure, it is
30 t soiled hands and retie trousers, i
Orimlesa iiat ami grimy slioea. ti.-ut evi
ieneo the boy’s character and training
It is the language he uses and the things
he finds to laugh at. rhe avoidance of
iruel sports and the championship oi
defenseless and timid things, tiiat set
the trade mark on your boy 's value in
th.e sight ot heaven.—Chicago Herald.
Tiriujr Us Tour Cotton
We will arin as cheap as any
bodv and will guarantee as
nice sample and as good turn
out as anyone else. We earn¬
estly solicit your patronage and
will greatly" appreciate it. We
have put all our .machinery in
excellent condition, so giv e us -
By virtue of an order issued from the
court of Ordinary of Rockdale
on the 1st Monday in July IS92 will
be •.-old bet -re the court hou-e door in
Tonyer , Rockdale i county. on the first
allot the f„Bowing described proper'y
to vit: One tract or paved of land con
tabling (1S1 ) one hundred and fifty one
acres. -ots unS”«*Sd and ’be
ingin the 16th district of originady
Newton, r ow Bockdnie county, and
bounded as follows; On the north by
X«^on public' the" smfij^nd easTw
rand leading from Com era to
Gee’s Mill and on the west by the lands
of Nelson (>v<Tbar ■ This tract of land is
known and recognized as the “home
built and arranged, al! noc sKary out
buii AinoH. stables, barns gin house e e.,
^, hi good charti condition, of choice M»lendidly fruit etc,, water.‘d, etc.
uo 0 '
SK'K.USfiSi sti
cultivation an I is known in this sale as
farm number one.
■ ALSO, ■
ty , owi! . ( 1S1 ) one hundred and fifty
one acres of land, more or Jess, being lying
pa-.»of and being lots number 34 district land 847, of original
in the 10 tb
lv Ne«toi. now RoAfiBe county and
bonnd»d as follows: i'ntha North by
SJiss Klor ;p fl On r r and others’ on the
east by the public r< ad leadins; from the
town of conyers to Gee’s Mill; on
south l.y the lands described above in
farm kiiown asfarm nurulier one; on the
Ev the lands of Nelson Ovmh;iy.
euitbidon'. r'ei^^s oifit'two'mmiiu
houses, good i•» water, woods orchards etc. 'l'wen
ty five acres and ten acres or
more knowrTin in good bottom land. This place
is the advertisement and sa e
«wfam num-er 2.
At the same time and place there will
be sold tho following described property
to wit: av£ttW8kftSrt (82) Kighfy two acres, more or
SS» ,
*S£ idrfS SmnToM, and n ortl
by the lands of Messrs Tailor Moon
on the east by the lands of the Misses
Ovei ton; on the sontn by t >o lands of
'he flararrove estate and on tlie wet by
t})(} ;b j, c 110 ,, d ] ea( p n <T f r o m the town of
ronyer , to G- e V Mill. The farm was
formerly a part, of the AM jab Oveibay
p’ace.Wtwo settlement-; tine wn‘- •
tw,good ore]“
known in the advertisement and sale as
farm numbeiV 3.
At ti e same time and place will be
so'd the follow in v de-enbrd iiropcrh -
and t&JSZA ’yimr awl be
, (md ]o( . q Xo ' s 307 868. New
i n g in the 16'hdi«t-ietof originally bounds !
to" now Ro- kaale county and 1
as follows: On the nnrth by the lands of
Mrs. 8. E. Summers; on the ea-t liv the
lands formerly owned by James Guilin
and Dr. Means; 01 the, south by die
lands of J. M. Z >ek'ry and on tire wo u
by tko lands of J . H. Smith and 'he
Hargrove estat *. There is on tiii^ n’ace
a font 40 a o res of fine pine forest; al o
fine f-rnn iu a splendid state of cultiva¬
tion and is where John Glenn now live*.
This farm is kno ’ n m the sale sud ad
vertisement as farm lutmb r4.
Nil of the above described property
sold as the p-opett-' ot s. Ft. Anderson
dece ased to'' tho purpose of paying the
debts against the esta’e and for the pnr
po-e of distribution among ibe tieb s <>t
-aidi-stute . Terms of sale are as follow-;
One third cosh; one third Io be pawl the
first d iv of November U3; one t -ird to
lie paid"the first day of November frill.
Eight per cent interest Irom pare of sale
will be charged on alt dstored payments.
Bonds for titles will be given purchasers all
It is optional with purchasers to par before
each or pay balance at any time
This July 83 1832.
J. H. Almavi-,
A dm r. deceased.
S, II. Akdkkbon,
All tlie above lands lay about 3$ ini!e« 1
south east of Conyers. j i
rWeiieTtoekddecoimtv- nrTALTnii Til SPIT F, A RTj
Geoi-a B«lS“’A whetas I
iidminiFtn-tors 1 J° Li,7 ef rda“i y W. P H Lnnefortl,
- f J. the
nnde.i’nisned raee d has in due form applied land to be
leave to s 11 the diseased,
lonHu® 1 to th"esfafce of mid
I Jjj i [jf*ar s ftppliftftJion on the first
*’ Me l dnv ' in October ' 18' 2.
O. Se'.tiufins
All persona having fieri) an-is against of
the f*s ate oi’ B H. An tier-on. late
Rochdale county, fieseased, are hereby
notified to render in their d^-ancFto
the undcisigEed ac- ording_ by i»; and
ail person- indebted to s’-i-l estate are
rehuired to make immediate paym-mt
'i bis May 4th., 1893.
Jons II .Awcakd,
. H Ashehsos, deceased.
.1,1 b.leo., bidder the Peachstone
he lowest at
tiboais B-id eon the 20th day of Sent
\w l 2 t b dltHngoI - x rock pi lar- tlie
Spccificatii of mi t pill us a id I’ontaot
to be entered iute. Can *e f^en by
callin? on the Or-inanes office of H»*nry,
iXe-ton ami Rockdale counties t< e
bids will take p’ace ar Peecli~?oue Rock
Biidcre * -, t ifi OVocA' a’:d on *he <li±y
aboveaet apart ’he -co. tractor* wifi
reqo fited to give hood and god see * -irv
for the fall completion of tie amt,a
•■oter il to ifie or linaries of Henry
il Bock alecouutiesthe boar t <)fcoan
ty <«'.!. mission of Nev toe c uuty reserv e
>u -i t. i-'ert ;»i>y one . r ab
--itte. vl! a ire
• mTnC kTI
O Se Od.
B,er! J
• •
Board of C Tumiss oi-er-.
| By virtue of an order of the Court,
of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will
bc *° ld beft ^ tile ( oim ll01 R e <*«»
3 Conyers Georgia, first , Tuesday
ill November next the billowing prop
evtv to wit: One house and lot in
he city »«*%*- of Conyers, Georgia, &«* bounded
Barton on the hast v by North sh-ect J- <1
on the South by Georgia Kail lto id
and on the West -J. C Barton, con
f ess 8 ^ ' - s 0 8.ld ?® ??) lot Mas a half on it aore8 a good ’ ™ eu-ht re ,<*
room house, orchard, vineyard and
a, first dc as wed of water. Hold as
property of Mrs. M A. Carr de
ceased for the purpose of paying the
uebts and distribution^. Ibis bept.
10th, 1892.
J a vies C, Barton.
Adrar. of Mrs N. A Carr, deceased.
Tax assessment for the year 1S!>2.
Roekda’e court of Oi.Jiaary.
For county purposes Sept. 8, 1892.
Whereas his excellency, the Gov¬
ernor of the forty***: elate of Georgia, having ha
assessed and one f
centa on tho hundred dolkru of the
taxable properly of. he stale for ihU
year y 1S92 T A It is ordered ' bv 1 ", he court
^ , ordinary ol Bockdale county, that .
he followmg as,.^meu r be and
they are hereby made as tho county
(«<•« of Riekdahi county for the ye.-u
|oot> \7 u, r n. 0 nnrni^c */, hercin-ifte** ’ V u* -J
to;tn . that, . ^tlie , be collec ed
ana saiuo
ty Li •• . 1 uidoch tax collector ol
Roebda't; comity or his successor m
“hi *“ :oul paiu OW to tho county j
UeiiMiror by the loth ot Diatom her
L' 1 -
For building and repairing bridges
at- I other puhii-r heii. :<'«£?« end far all
other cusity.purposes for the
1892, thirty two m-nts m tho hundred
doliui s ■'! .cl Uu- luxabie property ■ iu
E “ l ‘ ul0 ““ 1J i,
F« sml .ol «•»■' * j»«* fcr
the year 1892, sixteen : nts on the
hnndred dollar.; of La taxable prop
er ty •> in Rockdale eouuty.
For the support usd mamlmtiance
of poor for the t oar 11 '.'2, seven cento
0D tl 5C hi-udred dollais of the taxable
property of Rockdale conn.y.
“ ' okamana
3fc. Ordinary.
Ctfrgia !to 'kdal.i* Oo»int.V
To all whom it may concern
Whereas iVili/am Ogietr-e u.iviug in
proper form applied to the court of Or¬
dinary for permanent letters of adminis¬
tration on the edate ot IT' II. Ogletree
iate of said conntv disease 1 and I will
pass on said application on the 1st Mon¬
day in October next. This 30-h day of
August 1802. O. Srahaks, Ordinary.
A'ill ho ?o’d ft^ the oourf house in
Convorp. RockJa'e coun'i r , G’a,, on the
first- Tne-dav in <VoW>m*x\ bouse
and I"t iu f'ouyerp, wiid lot being of n part said
of 1ftrid lot No, 27 k in District
county, containing rn a 1 re, more or les* 3 -
Same bound' d on the N< r'h side by
Henry’so is lo . on the Fast ide
by tain’s Mr loff-L 3 . TI. A. the .lone’s, South and by T. Austin J. Ofiti* U*h-: 4 - j
on the
er’slor at - North stre fc on |
West side, ide to satisfy a_ fi f f J hi favor |
O f J N uknn again:.«i W illiam L’anl and S
w*fe. Mr*. Win. U Paul, defen dans j
who are now in the ^session of s .id |
house and lot 'ihmSept.2,1892- j
5 w M M Austin, Sheriff.
li,i j? <»■ It :ne*i * / t.lift Kuyor and C‘».v Conn
oil of the etty of Cony< ihur from ami aftet
1 ho adopt Ion of this on!: nines, no person or
|.rrgo»-“ sliall have, huilu "i-vrcct any t-url)-!
.. ire fence 01 fences dlreotly frontln* or run
nina along nny pi!*»ite street or side w Ik
wilbln i he corporate limit* of said city. An.J j
«r iiewon, ,h-«n eomeniplatetl <1... wecll In j
thUordEanve, luny mn liu uce or fenees ns | :
an* who al..... f.H or ref u,e
toremotesucb ri.nee reives, * tie. lieniu ,
notified by the marshal Hide v. or if any ,
person o. twreon* shat, eieet or bulM an, .
Mob fence or fence*. ;• an! i-e guiuy of dlsor •
cte-ly conduct and shall lie punl«hp<i on con- '
v-ctioi, tiefon- the Mayor as prescribed tiwee- l
tionSSofthe ameud-d ibarter of »Hi-l city. |
Adopted Scpt.fith iw.'. Jon.v R. sfsunox. I
Jobs W., Clerk. Mayor.
These figures rep. the number of
bottles of Dr. Etna’s Now Dincov*
ery for Consump ion, Coughs and
colds, which were s Id iu Ibe United
Suites f<s>m -via h hi to ifiir' h, 02
Two Mill ion, Two Hundred und
Twenty Hiaht i’housaud’Si\ Hun
fired , Seventy , 1 uottlek , . Milo .,
auo «f„
<** *»?
bottle *»•* *k<IU o*> a po-ll-e gtinr
tee ’hai roonev wmld re refnnd-d
j if Hiftotur,? re?.t '*ui not I‘"l ,
Bil ■
j The ^ec; Rc ci it m success
. plain . T (».uts • . jna nn *
io At Ik f „
i ^ rj alwajs 1 jo depended upon as the
f best roedy - foi" - , ougliJ ? / - Oa -i i
rt , -
6 t ( . Erice 50c arid $1.00. At Dr.
j w H ^ ^ ^ Drugsto ,. e .
j Coopers,
, i r&.
n MM I
for congrrsa.
Hon. L. F. Livingston, of Xewton
Of Rockdale county: Dr. J. A. Stetv
•Trmes O Lari c. will ask the support
of the v-t"rs of tin ! Rockdale
fo-the ofbee of Ordinar.' Hr will li¬
bido tie 1 done cratio nomin tiou.
pop. Titr isriimt.
1 her- bv ammunce uiys-lf aaundidatu
for tho office of county Tr< nsuver and
ft^k the supooi’t of « v yy e r (» 'u ofom*
conntv. 3 Avili abMe tl.o Pcuiocratic
iiqrtiination, office if anv. Ii clcctcJ l will fill
8fitisiueihi'il> (.■> .■■.il Hv.ijx't
J. E. W Till AKER.
V on CutTN'l V CliEUK.
To tho voters ol Rockdale county: I
ask your suppri-t for re-election to
< Merit of the Superior Court subject to
the Democratic i : r-iarv 'Tinlilting * im
for favors, '
pnst Very R.vipct,
W, T. Ift’fii.v
run tax cont-ECTOR.
. 1 , "erel.y , aunonimoinyse’f ,,, a dandviate ....
for , i.- o eehon to >he "dice of J ux fo'
,JlL <!' »ao.i ^ nit n.muuauon,»' any, and i
,,,rviei! ”
{ t'’c p<’ 0 ;-'vi for pivt favoi-s \
nni, Respct.
B'Mtt V’. Miij»>or i
fo« «w«iw,
TAj* j s to notify i, • iblie tlv.r 1 ■■
of.Sher • «uflldate t for Ivoc.r'afr re-ri fon oountr. to tho -ulyorl .oIL- “ ;
a Democratic nom,natron it any. J liank
mg tty people of'this jonnty for past la
n 'iy dnty’ii.'d.e iiiiVri' iii'ihe past! "
l.v«i-vtAiH.y, M.H.M Aihiin. ^
'fo tho lu-W''y voteis of Boekdalo <‘c"n,- ; fonutv -i-’-i' •
t •muoi-. s-“t -ub
picdo-,, gJSfiJSSattSSSS s.-!f the prople 4 IS tin.
mj fo ... ’ 11 •* will to
best of my icmcralie ability 1 abide the
acts of thr. biimary.
O. f-EAMA’ :,. !
i'UVEH ■
FOR J'A. Ri.i •
I Annonnoft niV'vlf a^iulioate for re*
election to the office n TdX ‘ eceivor ot J
RoeJr^ft e county. u- tU l ‘ n
t : on if any is had L»‘ cic.e'** ' J will d\<~ j
charge tic'hitter oi l'. ( ffiee to the he-t j
of my ability. 'I lm. k inu tfic )>* ople of I
fSaraWs?. spcctfuity, ';7' Hvkson. kre:
ft. L
To the People of Bockda'e: Having -
been unfortunate in hralth an! 1 *s of j
s this : ock, county I ask the for support, one term of the as people conn ol! y j [
'Treasurer. I will abide tlie Dcpir '“at ,
nomiuotion if anv. I earnestly a, ;f
the Hid of my fellow nen and will
tend to the --(lien if entrusted to my care I
in a manner thar will give satloia -tiou to 1
al). Hprpec-fully,
J. E. Maddox.
patent medicines.
Can You Find tin*. Word ?
There a if-i/j* h display advert i^e
rnent in thi? paper, tiiis vveek, whi' Ji lia^ j
i r , tvo u orda a'ike excepL one word.'
The |>eari«rf same each is fcr*'e eek of each froin the neiv Dr. one iTat up- ter j
M e di 0 ine Oo. This house ptaoes l ;
•< < ’re-c nt t:5 on eve•••p J king they mu-h* f
c^n<! puhbsh hook tr>' - it, 1 liG’n the
iiume of the word, and they will refui'n
Book f Be *ut ful Lithographs or Swn
pies Free.
Ib the price of heaJtl Brit wi 11 all
our pncHUti-" iher-'ar-:' ni'iu.s a J wavs
larkimr alimit on M'-.t- a:-, only w:.i f
tug a favorab’e opp'-rtn ity to us*et‘.
iheni-elv, s. f-itpurit'cs fn !b« hlw.i
mav be Hidden for ve -rs or even for
generations and suddenly break for h,
underm'ipng he-iith and lias-ten ng
d-ntii. For nil diseases' «iiM"ST from ItD
pure blood HoodBar.- -ariila r, tin- mi :
equalled ft« d unanpin:-- tied •• u;«dy. It. j
feeing of them alt, for it .......... <U
a.ista j
Will yon need the warning. • tie ig; ... ;
perliflpy it tin* hut api-ioftvii oi tiiftt j
more- terrible db-MMS* nnsiuiipiitm A*k |
yourselves if you chu atfui'il for the w •; |
of aaving: Su, to rim the iiax and do
nothing; for it. Wo know from <
perienee that Shiloh' 's Cure will cure
your cough. It ncvfrf nil. Fh*;; cxn];'.iri! .
why more than b M-hiou E- Hies were -i
sfd<l the {>3&t v car, ii relieves c-onp,
whoopintf (*ough at <»Jit Mothcri do
not bo without it. T.or! ,\.a
^l^ I“r. waft;
LVD4 V.t U \ J U’ r ) s V.T
. -
because tlw hi.-h-r ilu-y riw in 1 ■•'■■tv
v,..,,., the hid tLom^fvct- b<> ‘iy.i '
Ei-ley ^ i in -ot vnrimu- ■ r< iw rvtm.!
.i B t„re In- Itv.v SoV .
B ofBOtit be wi I or,W it for you for «■’.
a bold.-■, from ■ 1. P. Hi-fi y, ♦A »•?>
; aaie i iiiggist, ti- < oitlamU St.,
Voj’k. Btud for . . ;!> ti m ,»u!<vM
1 viith directions, and ecrtiR. **h ir>(
\ mfttiV ladies who R;: v) Ls!<> .* 5 and Fhi’oto (u
en , 1 _r| i i Q -, iv , r { ,? j k
, eu.
is it not we n,. il snm of 71c.
to free y lir e f •>: * w/T ' , y®v»mol i
t distress^ (>nn>\ v u t u n
ii '■ ITc ,«.« ji
... c.-t y, n ■ it
inK * boWb y Dr - w - H - L ■ riL,a ,i;
Mrs. Lease is doing good work
for the democrat‘7.
Senator Colquitt is very sick
and will never recover.
I.tvitt£»ston it' a loitai horse and
hard (:o curry.
Wonder if Weaver and Mrs.
Lease are connected.
Senator Hill is doing good
for the Democracy in Now
South Carolina has remained
true to the democracy. South
Carolhnt js all right.. ■
of I
Has anybody ever heard J
old man I t-ase —or is .Mr:
a poor widow .oman ? !
Put on your election garments
and <-asf. your votes for a soil'd
P mth and against Weaver and |
dirts henchmen.
be opposi-1 .
Tliere seems to no
to K *' , th 1h
lu 1 ' .
“ ' '
„ , < , •
^' u,u -- -h ' ., "
olio. ;
j i
\\‘ ,;li s wai- ov.-.i from .
Jcaesboi’O Monday . JOO 16 ■
tl'uo den\;i rat. ami i.' vtoillj; vooti
, t( ( ,| jw ... tr | ou;r i, i s ;
wa y. •’ )
Aoniv jivopir f-'ore eiirpi'i.'^tl,
Watriun v.ilk “I. (D-oy -
1 ..... ' ., ...... . , . liHL.i
God 'iiul 1 ''Hid , Isy : 'ound , t j
*>«»M.'. '
rttcvcn Ryan i,’s been reques* i j
t.;:d to iviuain in ;,.ui ci pay; i
*7 '!,(Ri(i. Stove soys ha w i!i
ht i, vo to . .i \, even unto to death i
n;l; !i:not tin' mom*' .
The ti 1 rt y poopte iu’t! v a "j| * 1 io3!’ lovi *v fo ] <»ep
iM loh. 1 11 ! fqR * 1 ,? to . LU‘- ,, ‘ H'O*
1 <» "• >
just the same.
j. vv mill have ho. u hett'H'ifiv'
V\ r al son ! he had nev or ,'drnc :
llOTO The mysterious spell has
iiiokon and tlie people find
that he is Clllly H luau and P.
verypooi specemin at that. J
Weaver is creating no enthu
sifivm in (Jeorgia. Hi« record
people -
is too had for the good 1
of iievtgia to Swallow, no mat-1
ter to whied prrty they may!
Peck soys thflt J JO will ('BlTV j
..• C<hWtl0S IH htOt£.Jd. , . .* . \ 1
tliOI’C* .H’n oil] v 137 in in Up
8tf* f" l.k'tdi *'. dociou
u Will no •
cording ...o;..,, - U> i> lack. r ,., Lr . Mold tr r .i,i .YOU!
for 11 COlltS.
It to ms t’.ovv that tiff j derno |
almost i t
crate of our cuimty are :
sofhl and unanimous in theit !
work. M en of whom it was j
said tltoy would sulk and not!
vote are now all in lino and do* '■
i rl ^ ( r 0 od WOJ'k. lYtUVvr and®
.MU rted . foUmvOm , . Bfl ...
a Lad tif/iS hre.ikillit Uw solid I
#'liit S|x ,titino
In spite of and high
water about four thou ’tUKlpoo
|>!t* coim; to Conyers last Mott -1
day to i. ir tho preat
, ijcl j -xefjii . isigsfop, the maL'h-
3S chatiipioti of Deiitocracy.
Wuteou. tlio lualdhlti!’ -v,
,.t *L* Thin! Party
.t- of ail ' 3 ,’’*>'! j
- L-.viiij: You hi. ■
tci alh tori.* V, iitS'H! uni Iji
til*-1y 1-- pre 1 .-:-. it i.- tin
•» I i'tL't ill fli! rew i TiiVU ! art
n ui J i in
• . *
, TiUJ! R h Im,!':' u ; t.”Si)- ,
|i>l. !i ti I 1, 1’ lti l) .'tit '
t ti viC, d they wer out in
..iifoii' Mo’viuv.
i math hept '- t, hf
to* heal ivp
• eon Lit-; obi ap- i
| {J 1 ;i•:. for V • D t
I plans© for J.;v;.
t mentions ipj 1 ’>)
i-but <: 1
I Billt ti >k. , tue
enthusiasm, U iv iau
and badly !■ i. at but
to be hop. •' i: . iC
jug is about over in CAP O’Vd*
i v.
J. i‘
J of SKrrKMi ::i
' RIOR CQV F'i OV ! A ' !:
j State ot ( o . ;n',) A‘ 0. Ilif il
j Rockdale County j -/ui md
' ei lt.! f. ■It
r-nn- > ’-yin * t.
j hiV Superior court. ib
t Glit ill followicg fr' j A. I ,, 1: t*W
Wo have, through the jv-per. tin
i mittecs, exiuaiut (J ; I/' of fill
• ■■■ *
tfce county tdfiw ivi.ui them
properly kept, and -,il fun in nd
matters pertaiuing to tlieir
tUl 0 pi,, ,- j: ,
W« Utai the 00!: if wry
SV'od coaitiOi; a
which * 6 recomcml i
We find the iail nr
i| .■■:!, \xd
recotaend to bo ci- ■ ,0t i Jd
ding ami sv , ;hing
W'c rc(;o>ii-'!!)> th ■ ' 1 >
gins LGn IT) ft'it fiU
the - irido' m -• so ns
t'i prevent tools or mntnirucni Irom
M*rin«- eav i thr 'i-,ii th- .»
o',: vs to escape, which
U*Vi‘ h } t hr'o
. j. I,,,,,. ,
■ F l: ten imnatiH
i ..•> * “ id live irmulcs,
1 " h ' ; ' ill femalo
; ‘ 1
•. -
:M.< \\> ... , i\,-u , , n T H fl
rutovn 1 - ■' '
ttoi tm'ldui-;"' :-re i <
v '•“ ! '“i.d iho - ••• , uing
for the kuv.t' r
IV, imen 1 'I,a! John -'lani om,
(col j end ■ ; ’ - la -nt
to fch.- r J 'arm
Wo Hi- rn- Iv' 4
ti i). !v O
;tftd (he?, pfinl* * ft*
lo 1;> A !f il
rp n a..
V’* 0
“ n *'° 1 '• i 1iu - 1
«iir J P
l i. * u <■>
by budge K
neat* Henry M■
dam tty
on lip hutuieuts ti •
Ui'di' iii'y b. havi nt < L
at ore >
We hate 1 nit 1 < inf
dm Kyuah i >Jj ul
i Iso ttv.era&i' u<
as iihown *.y T
N 4 s.
L'()l 1
y* i'"' Inin
Tl :) i • ;• iHV 2 ittf'2
ift-Cii M Vlrn V Quit Md u- :i u«,
showing au miviU.c- JUV
thouwui-J rib lat'B of
the I>oi' pit - lie!
Llpt. v Oi t ■
woi',1-1 iuiKn :! ■' of
1V« be.! fl!.)' Ill- fir »! I * i
sioi. *vtuv. fl't ' K M •« * >)• -f
Ui« fl
he v il
•V j lit ve
* i ■ B
v\ Oi i' ad
-. i * ' !• Lt)
i .-n
i< Vl ... s.
T S.
.en, 1 in
piilia:' -
i ox* Xll : f n *