Newspaper Page Text
IVf.teffi T 5 7n;,. Y l.;,
.1 m fttf .: Er i;. .
OFVi: ,M c< 7AM OF THEO l! '
«» ton,........ t, t .
dollars; for statfl Becutor, seven dollars;
for County Office, fit- dote
From Rochester IN. Y.> Post Express. i
Fro., ...«inwr.t. .tody ot
0611 HOP statintics the New York j
Independent arrives nt the follow
ing; aonttluAions:
1 The negro population is
\ practic territory, ill.y confined and to shows t.ho little old
inclination toward a general dis
2 Th« rate of increase of the
negro ia below that ot the whites
even in the most favorable condi¬
tions. It is considerably icfs
than half the percentage of in¬
crease is not explained by unnii
gt atiou from abroad.
ft. The tendency of the black
population ia sout,westward and
not ji tiThwurd from flu border
The ;< nchtMons. V . found
eil. arb ot tin greatest. .iportaure
that the race prob¬
lem v, ■ : . on tin ne e.-:a; tlv where it
i. bov/, so far ns geography goes
Iw, (hot will each succeeding
year the min er'' d domination of
* t' " n ;to race in the south will
grow i 0 sh aiiU bat t (xine the
vhib will or , nauinate, even in
t'.IO Bt isH v,here they now me
i t i t o" drill, too, I J t
ty tuiang 1 ■ u x S cnt tend § -
do -a tak ' pi! •i it n< o
bo toward a more va'j-id do
p f in the mtmnt t. o£ the
j. ;(' • vi. negro. The Ti-.dcpoud
tivoa the present rate of in*
B of the oole rcd population
y,P) r -v cent rt \cry low figure
the i ale of increase in the ag¬
H. io population is 2 t,ns |>er
brillia With higher civilization
of reproduction will de
distr and among the Southern
terdf,,. . , for
^viilit' lruch room
spoec. civilization a d such a
court •A < tf incioaso lo start with,
of la ' 1 fv in to o to dwindle to
night, milting. i- r eaiiwl !•* cas
sno-tlf'e 'irruinotarera, increased of
and mote years
...oiYw will awaken in V o negro
bt iilc tls a erHitfar dttsiro to
h -1
l,is condition mat to sc
A Wi tog of the world, and thi j
lilt m a tendency to leave
For ate-s which have been so
olil ., be: n l UL ; home, to push j
^Trthward and westward.
OurvunU was a common soldier.
The father of Cowley was a grocer.
R you are gel' n g s trdaJ. spend «
while with Isaiah
Keep more umbrellas on hand
than j . t'fti ol y onough
The jiHRehiil** ior paling app ! I H
was devised by Contes in 1803.
There is res' for the wicked when
the ministers vo away
Man's cy'^^Wma ety&fekto'e of himself a thin
apart; tl ti v wlre’e cxis
Fnutkhn was a journeyman printer j
an 1 Hem ot a tallivv chandler and!
aoap boiler
Kansas has four cities i.. which llu j j
Unvote of the w<:UVis !ir ; t 'ii: Uth-v.
progn men
It she ! 1P " too -mat
is ceitai’ to rc ;n ttduti of thi
ly reck.
else he li- - 1, d/d ihat .. >•; gull
be at laiv'l ilV ' *7 ' vo " c the
i 0 ,j- .a.
isu’ta.ML^ ing ha« i jgjVtgks
is sitn,i^^ ^ THE TRUE
of sei.ya^ ii? --V fF IRON ONi.Y
c *
^ tilSvVt *"\l i * *t: . st!-. • ■.•aew AnJ
, In*; L
J HU !. l»J
riM,.. «1 %v tlrr-i It *-’.,
e !us Hi. a ■ •• Put-*- 7 «rA'-ii”fcirit,
’ r
. .*
!>ov.*,-r ’*>
U s ire t t** x I'.OMM. VtU;.
fD' s, r«eef ve new fcioe
■I snffcrluk ruUiT lotbeireex, from vs-:n? »* u*.
a e*f<s. enev.iy car*. Meturua
cu P.iM»k#,DC*DUflc*0©uipl#xiorH
v -U .;■> A’’- RC ual ut» bv*/
“t't i.' ’ IStru- nj 2 cvui Or j agt?
ea uiirta &«ci:! *s co.,sj. uitis. *o
is eat«. an*-i 1 TredeMiuki obtiinod, str.d xU Pal
Due ti *» Torritsi*^! for Xod«.at« fees.
G£?c« :$ Opp U.S Patent CflSce,
f *<*are patent ia lew tin;- thao tnct-e
t cf
. m.l aldBt» my St 4tte. staty. or
Hf. Addrwi*.
»frt 0»c*. WwSir.jiwt, 0 C.
fok rent.
11 1. ' Hi.*- 0 ^-a* MILL
Will he ofo H for rent to the
hicheat bidder for , the . season .
flml 03 before lh e
' !
court house door , w . Lonyers n
on Thursday the lMh
otherwise disposed of
l,eforethat time. Term. m«le!
0I1 ttat <l.y. This
^ ^ . yyy)
rubiie GIncry.
|JtI will gin l otfori for the thir¬
tieth, and will guarantee satis¬
faction an I have always done.
I thank IliV customers for past ,
patronage aial hope you will ... I j
, • ti rn
conunue 11 *
if Out’S Ilospt.
(I. P. Sawyer.
rai m ml
\V. will \_v t!.c highest cadi
price ti for cot ten seed.
Open up ih( " nth day of Sep¬
Will jttiv special prices to gin
tiers end controllers.
TIo[.U-\Ostv,,i:.!ii & Loopkr,
Agents for Gate City Oil 0\
Come fa Atfeotoin
We hive opened a first
class Black.-iri'.th find repair and
shoj) hi irar ot the Hotel
near'.lie Livery Stables, and
a re prepared to do your work
in first e'a. * order, at shoeing reason
bln prices. Hor«e a
specialty. All work warranted
try us. Respectfully,
L. T. Fhuill h Oo.
Cup'ain John A. Miller, president
of the Sou'hern Live Stock Insurance
‘ ompany, of Atlania was in the «-j
Tlmrsdt.y for the purpose of 8t t
h'itig a c'aitn on a niulo which was
•aaured in the company and wbu-b
^ mu over by the East Teuncssee
'this goes to show ihat the
''ompany is dtoroughly reliah e and
prompt in adjusting any Cairn that
may atise
IVhen you want brick, remember
Sinphwi-on &, Turner can furn¬
you as good brick as can he bad
the State fat less figures than any
can deli ft them to you in Con
v i -, and tit y can furnish them in
quantity from one brick to one
million bricks. Call on them before
/ou buy your luick.
Vhcre you going ? I uni going to
YHanto. ! nish yon would step in'o the
o'el rcU:th!t\Davc Steinlieimer and buv
t-^k'n of Pickens county sweet
mash com, here .s |3.C0 to ipay for it.
Rcmemhei '.In piece. No. 40 , M ali street
right opts site t lie depot, wail a minute
here- , another dollar for a bottle Horse
Irene. H .... c the grippe, or any
had coll, Don t forgot No., 40 Wtt'l
treet, opiMteli- the d>pot, Atlanta,
Next door to Dr. AV H. Lw-'s Dine
stme • n Railroad street, is propmrd to
make ttw best sbot .3 11 ^ 1 ! hoots nud ao at
kinds i • repairing and harness work and
guatantcvj the lowestjirrees.
One of th p n'ants used in m.tnif to
aring he pleas 1 ..t route ly, Syrup ot
Figs, l as a j eruiiutan'ly benr iicuT
ffe -1 on t l.o Ituniati system, while
he elicap vegiiuble txtrac'a pud
ineia so utiui.s. u»utv\ sold as
l e-liouti s, • re permaueu ly iujuricua.
thing "ill i; fumed, you will use
rhe true retn.dy ontv. Mt.nifsvtuted
by C e Ca tfornla Fig Sarup Do.
Between Ahnonand Conyers
a small red package
a No. Id shirt. Finder will be
rewarded bv leaving same at
at this office.
Jl P. A IV M A imam 1 . A Co
have received a new lot ot ly 1
clothing - .
Tie Whitaker Ginery
Is i.g’.v in charge of Kr L. A
N’earv, J a fin? machinist’ who
h f P uf aU the machinery in
picnic condition and can gin
Iint illk _ H e will gin
“ 5 h «I' ' Sc ' ! h,,n .
lmve y° u ’ « lran , «
King cf Medicines
&cr r Qfulou$ Humor — A C u rc
“ Almost Miraculous. }f
“ When I was 14 years of age I had a severe
attack of rheumatism, and after I recovered
had to go on crutches. A year later, scrofula,
In the form of white swellings, appeared on
various parts of my body, and for ll years 1
was an invalid, being confined to my bed
years. In thai imo ten or eleven sores ap¬
peared and broke, causing me great pain and
suffering. I tMMd I never should get well.
“ Karly in 188G I went to Chicago to visit a
sister,but was confined tomybed most of the
time 1 was there. In July I read a book ,‘a
Day With a Circus,^'In which wero statements
cf cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was so im¬
pressed with the success of this medicine that
i decided to try it. To my great gratification
the sores soon decreased, and I began to feel
l etter and in a short time I was up and
out of doors. I continued to take Hood's 6ar
saparilla for about a year, when, having used
six bottles, I had become bo fu’.iy released
from the disease that I went to work for the
Hint St Walling Hifg. Co., and since then
on account of sickness. I believe the disease
b expelled from my system. I always feel well,
am in good spirits and have a good appetite.
I am now 27 years of age and can walk as well
as any one, except that one limb is a little
shorter than the other, owing to the loss of
I one, and the sores formerly on my rb r bt !***
To my friends my recovery stems almost
miraculous, and l think Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the king of medicines." William A.
Tumrt, o N. Railroad St., Kendallvlllo, lnd.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Soldby all drugget*, f 3: nixfor)P5. Preparedcul/
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowed, Man*
500 Doses One Dollar
Mr. G. P, Idliott formerly oi
thelirmol’G P. Elliott, Con¬
yers, On., wishes to thank all
of his old friends and custom¬
ers for their past favors and
patronage, and inform them
that hd has just enterrd info
his new and elegant store room
in Lifhonia where lie can be
found with flic new firm of G.
P. Elliott Son & Co. and would
be more than glad to have any
and all of his old fVic: ds cal'
and see him. The new firm
now preposes to double the a
mount of stock carr ed by the
old firm of 0. P, Kl'iott. Any
one having bar'er to dispose of
will find i t. Lrgely to t heir in¬
terest to call on him as Litlio
rtia is the best market for bar¬
ker on die Georgia r.-ilroad.
-$160 to;$ooo---
Rdpgs and Boilers
10 SUIT. 100 IN STOCK.
I arge Ptoek of
Lombard & Co„ A ugrusta On
Good all the time. It removes 5
the languor of morning, sus- ^
tains the energies of noon, lulls §
the weariness of night f 'torf*
1 Hires Root 'Hr
t Beer
> deitoiae .. park',-it.;, appetizing.
} ; .lr- , JOT th - - »
.. t - ;:,w .'liter’.
1 7
$12 BUYS
One lbnean
One Bedstead
Ot e \A u.'ltsTiiui
t Ine L'eitfer Table
Two t'uhe Sent Ohatrs
An l Oite i-adics' Hooke!
OSLER- 7 *“S
Fly screens a Specialty,
l c. IJroau,
f rM> tUS»-OX. »*S mm IM*.
. , . ..»4‘ ? _ .. 5%: ’ 5; 3" ‘ , . ‘7' ' . ”m . iv! .4 ‘ » M. m; Q 2‘le ., , r 5 L“ -- "a % hi I “w...- *‘ 4. ‘. ' ' ~ . 3‘... m? fig .u .19; 5%: - y; J - .53. . A . .3 («a 1", . ; «‘3.» {>5 ' ' - 2p F. ' ,» . "1'“. 3:}: V“ ‘ a M ‘4 r' . P”: ‘ f5 >22 .. . ’ I ’ V
v: .' _‘- A ,r « 3&5 'f'v'f 3M; , 5 5.;— . fly} ,5} 9: 5 R .y “m. '(‘i .11“ _‘ gals. ij' , 3 f» _ 5?. px_. 1 J.V‘k'
N; '«j ' ‘.«‘- .1“ I ‘2:- w ‘ ‘ .35 ‘u. " 4'5 'L " ' “w,
"W 5 ' 4p: 11;. " . a. us. ;_ ~55; . 1252i 5 J J! n , ~42; - ‘ 1-5 r, 5". 33" ,1": :3. . :‘1 '- “x ‘ ' ' '. ,
5-9;. ‘dé”....... . J: ‘ ‘ g .5 Luv . A- __ -. #5, u... ”.9 n. :5, “a m k. 1 '- w' u. , .
5 ’ . . ‘ ‘ ‘ “L --' . . _ , ,
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_‘ A
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‘ lfil' « fl «m
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-. _ $ . “JV" . .15 ‘|
pk _ (v. , \f“ . j ‘. ‘ ' a 1N” 9. 5. .. ”N,” “mf- .‘ ”-5532" ‘3 W . N i. , -- 4": a .3 .7» 3-. 53?. 3 5. :15. , V 11 K m»; "Eff , r’1 3!“ wt. «:53 ‘ r. 5,, '.. ‘
1 A, _ ‘3" ‘ 9‘ g: . ’ ‘ ‘35.; NW ti: m, 52”.; ‘ >::,'..‘__ 1;“ ‘ «3mm m .‘ 4155’
' 9‘! M . v -\ v}. ‘; . _ 5.53 AV, «JR; . 5.. £11311 , . > v; I); - 3 9.12% 1- ., ‘ t.“ “5 ‘y m.g- 51;; . m ,3. fig». ‘ um . .: "g ’5’. . ‘ .5
’ 5 3% ' H M .. . . 5 , :,_ H "" ’ . -, . .‘ .
* Q53} "' kw? 1’ a .L ‘33 ‘~ “' .3391. -'.“:£;’3.’ ' ‘FM‘Q. )1]: .2" " $3492 1 ,
w ..-. > 7 rf'm :1“, " " _ ‘ - ....-§ ' 55“; .1 - ~14! Z’k- :77 ‘ " "' 7-5. , . . ‘ . ,. 5 , ., x '~ , .,3' v.‘ , '. 1 " “
_ _
yg if I •AND 1 i % f m WKBKBGBBaum
Stomach^Livep Cur
Ti5e m is 1Mh5S'?> Pleasant to the Taste iL.
It as the Sweetest Ct8r,! .
It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest 8Uk
This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been ; n o.„j
by the Great South American Medicine'Conmanv ,
ills cou a try “
i-c-at value as a curative agent has long been known Vtlie nato
V ITe -
! nilu of South America, who rely almost wholly upon its rtat 0eall, Jn
! overs to cure every form of disease by which they are overtaken
This new and valuable South American medicine possesses no 1
iutilities hitherto unknown to the medical profession, * This
! Complaint, fompletely solved and diseases the problem of the of general the cure Nervous of Indigestion, System. DyspeJTp] alio
heal :h from whatever It It cn-f
forms of failing cause. perf tins this \. y ^ q] .1
Nervine the Tonic digestive qualify which the stomach, it possesses the liver and and by its the great bowels. curatkl * ,*j
upon organs, y 0
compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builds'
slrengthener of the life forces of the human body and as a great renever
a broken down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value to
treatment and cure of diseases of the Lungs It than any ten consumption*
edi :3 ever used on this continent. is a marvelous cure for nenou*
of f emales of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period;®
as change in life, should not fall to use this great Nervine T<
c staidly for the space of two or three years. It will carry ft :q '
over the "danger. aged and This infirm, great strengthener because its and cuw energizing ve is of j n
] value to the great .prop^tes.
give them a new hold on life, it will add ten or lift :en years to the
many of those who will use a half dozen bottles of the remedy eaudi vest
Nervousness and Broken Constitution,
Nervous Prostration, Debility Indigestion of and Old Age, Dyspepsia,
Nervous Headache and . I
Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Lomadi,
Female Weakness, Weight and T-nderntsa in Hid
All Diseases of Women, Loss of Appetite,
Nervous Chills, Frightful Dreams,
Paralysis, Dizziness and Kinging in tL d
Nervous Paroxysms and Weakness oi i'-xtremities ms
Nervous Choking Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blow,
Hot Flashes, Carbuncles,
Palpitation of the Heart, Boils and
Mental Despondency, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swelling Thou
Sleeplessness, St. Dance,' * Consumption of the ami
Vitus’s "
Nervousness of Females, Old Age, Catarrh Bronchitis of and the Chroni Lungs., C'-nigh.'
Neivousness of -~
Neuralgia, Liver Complaint,
Pa ns in the Heart, Chronic Delicate Plan and ricrolulov-. ca (LiidrenJ -|
Pains in the Back, Bummer Complain of infants. J
Ail Failing these Health. other complaints cured by this derfih 5eni»Ia
and many v .
' As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy hateas
to conipare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very plea . it and brarf
all its effects upon the youngest child or tiro oldest and most d. neaieMj
ual Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family V heninesa
dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired blood, digestion. general state cf
insufficient Bupnly of ». rve food in the a Btrtttl
the brain, spinal marrow and nervea 13 right the result. kind of Starycu food tuppl»l
starved muscles, become strong when the is
a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nervea recover.
nei vous system carried must supply it is the all first the to power sutler by for which want the of vita, per.ectr.oiJi foreeij
body Ordinary are food does on, contain sufficient quanti ty of the land of no W
not a and
necessary- to repair the wear our present mode of living ttwffl
upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a
supplied. This recent production of the South Amen-m Continent li»®
fou v.l, by analysis, to contain the essential elements out ox win a n®?
is formed. This accounts for ita magic po~er to curt A torais e. wi
^J.-. »««u r\. r.vjafc-s — •*.
Crawfobdsviue. Isd., Hay 10,1S#6 . Csawfordstolz,»
tty daughter, twelve years old, had Uceu a!- Hy daughter, eleven ,
diet: i for several months with Chorea or St. afflicted , . wiUi jth e , vinu’s ‘ Danceorw» bottiflrf 4
'/lteVs Dance. She was reduced to a skeleton, her three and cue- h
■ou .1 rot walk, could uot talk, could not swai- gavo "-j . opr
ton- .-xvthing but milk. I bad to handle ter American Nervi e- ant «>• »
ike a infant. Doctor and neighbors gave her J t v,.lj e ve U will cure »■,.
xi... - commenced giving aertheSouth slinerx- Dance. , o' ■'■ t 1
tin n ine Tunic: the effects were vet. sur- Vitus s J : ■ In three daysshewas rid ot thener- two years, alia a: s-x- ,-- ■
•c J: 1-..S. nud rajiidiv improved, four battles edy m the wor.o - • •
t.rcd her completely. I think the South fia. all forms ot ; •
.V:uv !c_h Nervine the grandest remedy ever Heaxlh iroru wna. r - *, ■ 1 " n
Uk verc.1, and Would recommend it to every- of Indiana. I
Hid. Mss. W. b; Eksssisger. fiiate ^Knd-‘vfetol »j:
S CH ' f 3 ' ire, ;
Sc scribed Mid sworn to beforexaeth Public. !3 way 22,1867.
, l. ,7 . C'has. M..Tfu.vii, Notary DTSPKpA
The Great South American Herrhie #
Which we now offer of you, Indigestion, is the only Dyspepsia, absolutely and unfailing the vas 1 ^,^3 , s .^3
ereii for the cure debility - .
50 -ad horrors which are the result ot disease and o yj
P ch No person can afford to pass by this jewel ot iircakulah. • ^
50 iV - -J*—'*"'■* e+omach, because th& expPT'ienct
and one ^
ihoasands go to prove that this is the ONE only
world for this universal destroyer. There is no case
of the stomach which t an resist the wonderful curat'.se pc
American Nervine Tonic.
Harriet E. Hall, of Waynetown, Ind., 6$y s: Mm Ella A. BrH. ;
•I owe my life to The Great South American
N\-r .ne. i had beeu in bed for five irontua
from the effects of au exhausted Stoma: h. in
derection, Nervous Prostratiop and a .several Had stages of consami-tion^tw ..m
b t iered condition of my whole system t'A
gi en up all hopes of getting-.veil. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. The first, bottle or fuf about si- rented. iv
the Nervine I onic improved me so much that I cored. use It tethv
was able to walk about, and a few bottles cured stociach and longs
me entirely. I believe it the beet medicine in
the world. I can not recommend it too highly.
Krx M. Husaell. Sugar Creek Valley, lad.,
%£. :^go 0 oTu^ Bow both not feared tn.* '■•^
It Wats very .urprising rapidly tliey I 7-^. fcr B , tf x
improved cu its use. I recQxnmeud the modi- what .t ' A
cia« to all my neighbors. | It girca WARRANT^ gtcet fts.ou
r sgk-'v' T -’ l£U i
e-.-wmDCTiiXR, Ura., Aug.20,-ss. ! I Mr.unotae.n f r<T„T- u «
iJss.isi^Sste'iwS [ iSf:i S&iss 5:
St “y •Ppr’-ctaWe good until I« .* on aeeour t ot tr. :cglri fG
a^WtSraaa'ssrttsia S-gSafsssgas 1 .siSiii-'-wi;' essk ’iwaa J
v Bf®”* vaiueot 1 ••’'•rrous tin* STHotn if every- I ited-nvn-v'-.r,:' I fee: e* -V ,•_! not. 1 JgA
wemd nut to remeuv tjt r,r 1 jo you so l . - i.. j’ ' 2 rS . y
Rb .0 to supply the .l- at
y'OR SALE By DR W. il. i EE & "