Newspaper Page Text
The SHttldg,
®“ 1?,c i2 f CS matter / 61 * 6 “
Saturday, Jan. 18, 1896.
8 n’o. 6 n:o. !2mo.
1 inch $2,50 $4,00 * u.‘ 0
2 4.00 7 50 10 to
4 “ 7.50 12.00 20.00
>4 col u li. n 10.00 15.00 25.00
x 18.0 i 50.00 55.(0
3 i.oo 50 00 1(0 00
Locals 5 cents per line L r tir.-t Riser
t : on ; 2J£ cents for cacti subs< ijueut ir>
seitioi/J Regular a lv. each 5‘)c. i subsequent er inch for
first jnsirtion; 25c lor
One year, in advance............... ,41 00
Six month, in adtacce............. .. ,50
Those who are in any way
indebted to the Weekly are
hereby notified that the same is
to be paid the present publish
cr. No one, other than our¬
self, is authorized to receipt
for past indebtedness and we
trust that this notice will fur¬
nish sufficient information for
all those who are behind with
the paper. We make this an¬
nouncement because of many
inquiries regarding same.
J. II Wallis, Pub.
Editor Shaver is making the
Dalton Aagus one of the bright¬
est and newsiest weeklies in the
• • •
The National Democratic
Convention will be held in Chi¬
cago on July 7tli. Chicago won
on the 28th ballot .
All the papers are talking of
prospective candidates, naming
available men and making many
predictions. The time seems to
be always iipe for such sub¬
The old Liberty Bell will be
carried back to Philadelphia
next week. A committee of
Philadelphians and a committee
of Atlanlians will escort the old
treasure (0 its home.
Speaking of eligible men for
the supreme court bench, it
would lie a deserved compli¬
ment to Judge Richard II.
Clark to place that distinguish¬
ed jurist in such an honorable
position, and lie has the expe¬
rience and ability to sustain it.
—-Rome Tribune.
Morgan’s jail is a joke, and a
stale one at that.—Madison Ad
So is Rockdale’s bro.lier, but
we have an Ordinary who, iu
our opinion, will look into the
defects of our pretentious look¬
ing rock palace (?) at an early
The Morgan Syndicate lias
dissolved. It succeeded in dis¬
tributing about 200,000,000 of
bonds among its members and
now considers its duty perform¬
ed and steps aside—so says J.
Pierpont Morgan. Where
comes the benefit to the people
from this exhibit of J . Pierpont’s
The Rome Tribune is a “hum¬
mer” every day. Editors
Knowls and Folsom have their
hands full, but the paper is al¬
ways good reading from begin
ing toeud, advertisments and
all. Rome is to be congratu¬
lated upon having a paper that
reflects the town so perfectly
each day.
We would like to have your
name on our subscription list,
MomtMy Report.
Tlicre seems to be a growing
desire on the part of
some of our citizens, to have a
tiller knowledge of the business
affairs of the city, and looking
toward the gratification of this
desire, they are advocating the
of a monthly report
by the city council. Without
employing argument we say
that this is the proper thing to
do and we have been assured
that at the next regular meet¬
ing of the council this question
will be considered. Both may¬
or and council are new, having
been installed only a short time,
but the personal of the body in¬
spires us to remark that the
very best interests of the citi¬
zens and town will be promo¬
ted, and advancement made
wherever and whenever possi¬
ble. We have that faith in
them that forbids us suggesting
their duty.
Editor M. D. Irwin of the
Georgia Populist says: “The
fanners of Rockdale county
save from tnree to five dollars
per ton on their guano by co-op¬
erating in its purchase. Geor¬
gia farmers could save a round
million every year on guano a
lone if thev would all co-oper¬
The-Atlanta Constitution lias
sent Mr. P. J. Moran to Cuba.
Its readers will be furnished
with the latest and most reliable
news relating to the Cuban
struggle foi liberty from this
time on. The Constitution is
equal to any emergency at any
time. Great is the Constitu¬
tion !
The Cuban rebels are doing
their work well. Destruction
of towns and plantations seems
to be their hobby, and so com¬
pletely is Campos out-gcneraled
at every turn by Gomez, he
has become disheartened and
sent in his resignation to Spain.
The rebels arc succeeding ad¬
Here is the way the Madison
Advertiser speaks of the Mor¬
gan county jail:
“Last Saturday night there
was another wholesale escape
of prisoners from Morgan coun¬
ty’s patent, case-hardened, slate
covered, noucombustible, bur¬
glar-proof, double-lined, rein¬
forced, rock-ribbed, coal-rolled,
liand-forgod, custom-made,
nickel plated, water-worked e
lectric-lighted spring-locked,
broken-bottled-brick-vvailed foi
ty-five-iiundred-dollar jail.,,
If the farmer should reduce
the cotton acreage, this year, a
little every time they are
ed so to do they would make a
small crop indeed. It is well
enough to diversify the
and live at home, but at
same time the farmer is
the question softly “what will
corn be worth next year
time if we make a crop
year such as we did last?”
Corn is now worth 35 cts.
bushel. Cotton is by 110 means
tlie only cheap farm
On the 10th of
Governor Atkinson will hold
tliK special investigation of the
charges made against the
vict lease system in vogue
this state. i he investigation
will be held in the senate
ber at the capitol and the gov
eruor will preside as judge and
the state and the
will have attorneys and wit
nesses, making altogether
court of investigation, and
findings of this court will
very important, as it will give
the people of the state the true
story of the workings of the
present system.—Constitution,
Mr, J. II. Wallis of DeKalb
county was here Wednesday.
M. W. G. Brown, of Social
Circle, spent Sunday here.
Mr. W. J. Waldrop, of
ihouia, was in the city Sunday.
feveral email boys were
pciinienting with a bottle
powder at. school yesterday ev¬
ening. It didn’t take long for
them to produce an explosion.
Wo understand that Frank
Tucker was injured most.
We were shown by Mr. Lanfc
Farrill, yesterday, a copy of the
Southern Christian Advocate
printed 38 years ago at Charles¬
ton, S. (J. It contains an obit¬
uary notice of Mrs. Rachel E.
Crage, wife of Ira IT. Oage and
daughter of William and Chari¬
ty Keziah, of Moclenburg coun¬
ty, N. C. The death occurred
at Snapping Shoals (then in
Henry county) Feb, 18th, 1858.
This lady was Mrs. Farrill’s
mother, and this leads us to ex¬
plain that the lady now visiting
her is her step-mother.
Another Wedding,
The marriage of Miss Mamie
Stewart, of our town and Mr.
Dwight Green, of Henry coun¬
ty, was solemnized at the home
of the bride’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Stewart, last Tues¬
day evening. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Pharr,
of Henry county. May this
union of hearts bring to the
young couple happiness through
Happy . marriage.
In t> e forenoon of Wednes¬
day, and in the presence of a
large number of her friends.
Miss Odom Harden, daughtei
of Mr. Mrs. W. F. Harden, of
this city, and Mr. Ollie Willing¬
ham, a prominent young busi¬
ness man of Cedartown, were
happily wedded at the home
of the bride’s parents. Rev. Dr
Ragsdale officiated in his usual
impressive manner.
Many beautiful and costly pres
ents were received by the young
couple, as well as hearty con
gratulalions and good wishes,
from their numerous friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Willingham left
on the noon train for their fu
turn home at Cedartown .
The Weekly joins their
friends in wishing them all
happiness through life.
Sikot to Oeatlih
Oh last Tuesday night, at the
home of a Mr. Bornes, tenant on
Mr. W. R. White’s farm, in
Sheffield district, Mr. Logan
Bradford, twenty two years old
and son of Mr. Tom Bradford,
shot and instantly killed Mr.
John Echols, sou of Mr Joe
Echols. The dead man leaves a
wife aud one child.
The shooting occured about
° clock. It seems that quite
a number of young people had
| assombJed at Mr, Bornes’ home
to enjoy a sociable, and during
the progress of the occasion
some misunderstanding arose
between these two gentlemen
and resulted in the shooting.
Messrs. Will White and
George Gamp witnessed the
shooting. The Coroner, Mr. L.
T. Farrill, and Sheriff Austin
' v ©re notified. They went over,
the sheriff secured Mr. Bradford,
The coroner held an inquest and
fr., ln A a erdict of murder, , rr foe ,
. oun » nian was brought to
Gouyers and lodged in jail. On
Thursday be was removed from
our jail to that of Dekalb coun
tv for safe keeping,
Both of the unfortunate
- 0Un S men belong , , to excellent
families aud the affair is deeply
From U.E.Jo::rr,r_l of lleuicln9
Prof, W, H. PeeltO; who
makes a specialty of
doubt Epilepsy, has with out
treated ant d cur
td more cases lnan a b?
living: Physician; is his
success hav*c heard astonishing. of
’ v e cases
of 20 years’ standing
JF csg cured h i II3 by
x ni.
3g! publishes valuablo a
I I fig g work on
9 this diz
II] fig case, which
he sends
ygLw largo i t li bot¬ a
tle of Ins absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
We adviso 22. anv one S’, wishing !>., a. cure to address
4 cedars:,, Hsv/Yorls
T 8 M onri Oa
: ifpjf I Pi! (fill ^(lld p
t lilUB 8
My turnouts are strictly first-class and perfectly safe.
My pi ices are reasonable and my patrons always pleased.
Don’t fail to call on me when you need any kind of team.
Jas. W. Swann,
■ 5 at 5 fill 5 a
JBeef, Blood and Bone
G oods.
We are handling M. G. C. HIGH GRADE, PLANTER’S
We will sell the above fertilizers both at Conyers and Ooving
ton. See us and save money and get good goods.
Almamd Stewart,
\ II r-'
\ m u \
UUi a i
At the wa y we I •l
e/ 'i
Arc selling SHOES. Though Leather is UP our prices are
7 c.
We bought RIGHT. Come in
and let us frame your feet iu something nobby.
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
e?sin 8 1! P
We need three hundred new
subscribers. Send in your name
or come with it yourself.
<9 t
Stoves, Organs, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Tinware etc.
Repair and furnish any part to any Sewing machine. Nee
ll,es of ^ IvIM n . S wap ^>E\, „ for OLD Machines,
et Tim pees ns ra bit.
DissotatSomi Notice.
The firm of Summers & Hud
son has this day dissolved,
C • B. Hudson retiring, Allen 1).
Summers purchasing his inter¬
est in the goods,notes, accounts
and fixtures, and also assumes
all liabilities of the above firm.
This Jan, 9, 1896.
Allen D. Summers,
I will be in the Guano busi
ness this season and will sell
you first-class goods.
Thanking you for past pat- fa¬
ronage 01111 soliciting your
vors this season, I am
Yours truly,
An advertisement in the
Weekly goes into the hands,
every week, of two thousand
I s Jti4 [
am th
«p«t t0 c & id
b " to —
ask n Y friend, " 8 **
, t0 come to and cu
of an thing- Beem tnvi,,
V m a
pect to k STi ? line.
best cooking- a fm; stock
and ■ 1
I fines, 1 Mil ills
kne of! in ’•me and 0 keep
in this li;; I dy
| corae bny a! d see Jv *
serve. “
~—i.L LUHoT|j 1
of L Johnson mutual consent J J
& Alm
assuming this day dissolved, the Mr com] J
entire J
responsibilities of Sa
favors Thanking the public fJ
we are.
J- ftespecd
S. Join
D. Walter AW
This Jan. 3 . 1896
Those who owe the ]
Johnson & Alniand will
call and settle „„
at what the
J- 8. Job
■^«Al}TEl) ; -SeveraT3
Georgia gentlemen or ladies J
1 for c*»ablis).ed 1
Steady housx Salary $7S0 and refJ J
sell addressed prsinoa. Enclose «J
Dominion Company, stamped « W 3
ba Bleg., Chicago, lit Third f J
letters of disiiis.,10
W. Georgia, E. Treaihveii, Roc' Tile I'liiiin^r.rraJ Comity:!
applied estate of to John for 'i Loiters r -a SaveU, of’’ja sj
from their trust at suoh ns
tors upon of-ail their deceased,ami appifeuion | v«l|
Monday in April, 18&G, 0:1 J tbs
Conyers stmv
sii 1 county. Given nnj
ii-n-lan t t ffciai >ign:.turc this
Bill 1806.
A M Helms, Onils
1 kokgia Rockdale Cci;,vrr.«
be sold before the oomt lioiceJ
the town of Con.' cis, saui
die firs 1 , i H -d ;v in Feb, 1 SSM
ween tii • !:i"fuU:iiv hour*, ihcl
tng de* rHied | i-op-rty. towit: I
One ninth nr,divided intttMB
lot No- 247 in the Hilt DUtii-tol
inallv Henry, now Rockdale, (■
Said lot rout: inin^ two hundrell
more fr less, and bounded onlliil bj'J
by lands of J. A. 0i o 2 , No.tb
tba Lyons, deceased. West by Bin! Wj
M.itche. 1 , South by J. T,
Said one ninth interest in said !<j
land levied on as the property of!
George by virtue of two ftfasisj tbn
from the justice court of the 536
G. M„ 1 ekaib comity iD
in and & George against the
Geo-ge. Property pointed posessiol out by pi
tiff in Ufa and tenants in
tifled. This Jan. 3rd, 18U
At die same time and place, oneM
and lot in the ci y of Conyers, in tie
district of Originally Henry nowH
dale county, Ga. faid lot bounTi cootaij
oue aero more or legs and
foffows: On the North by M
street, W?et by the Oil Mill landsSa
and East lot by levied lar.d of as A. the B. pro^ OJjj
The said on
of Ella Sanders and Oliver Saute
virtue of a fifa
tice court of the 476 district, G, 5,
Rockdale counly, in favor of Jno.
Adair against (he said EIH S»"
and Oliver Sander-’. U. opertv pte
out by plaintiff in fif->
in possession notified of this -tV i"
Jan. 2. 1830. Livy made by P*
Vaughan, L. C, and turned over
mo this Jan. 2’836. Sherif]
W. H. M. Abstix.
At the game time and
five of laud, more or io f i 11
King and being in tbe 4th
originally Walton, now l
tv, and bounded as follows.
East by the T. C. Vitcbeii
and the Rally p!**; ™ !
J. L. Me Cal la and C. A. ; f" r ;
West In- the B i>. Bradford
on the North by lands of G. '
ton and William Rice.
the property of G.
to satisfy a tlia 1 '
of n
of W- E- cv r full
t sbefUh