Newspaper Page Text
ii ®0®TUUV ’ agent
represe nt the BEST com
fgrl So»" ,0 ' r °'
k % __ As*
Concern h people and
Qni w in preach e-pccia’iy to
Dr - of of the ti r community on Min
Kfff ;1": parents r “»““ j..,. olinre h.
d “ >*
Uliest mud we have struck in
The nun mud at the depot
long time is that
,jlroad crossing.
[ F0 r the pad ten davs Mr. Htigh
has been suffering severely with
ivh-'te Lmathm. glad to announce
We are
[hat be is now much better.
jj s. D. Knight, who has been in
r time past, is
feeble health for some
Somewhat improved.
Mr. Robt. White, of Atlanta, has
visiting his parents here this week.
>een National Building
Sob represents tire
s Loan Association and has Georgia
or bis territory.
For unco, since the palmy days of the
late Duncan King. Conyers has a good
[barber, See Henry Reagan's card in
Lis paper and go get your hair cut.
We thank our friends for the
quantity of job work they have given
for the past two or three weeks,
guch patronage encourages us and
makes us leel very kindly toward
these gentlemen.
Read the advertisment of Mr. Jas.
Swann in tills issue and call on him
the old J.ivery stable stand.
I Our new city clerk, Mr. Mari¬
on Plunket, is filled with great
and meets his frie.nds
an expectant air. His
little girl baby is the acme of
perfection in his eye. We con¬
gratulate him.
Messers. Smith & Lifsey have an ad¬
vertisment in this issue regarding their
fertilizers, See it in another Column
Rev. W. D. Winburn, while at work
a pair of shoes Saturday, was the
victim of an unfortunate accident. In
scraping the. shoe sole with a piece of
glass, the glass broke an 1 several par¬
ticles llew into his right eye The
slurp edges cut the eyeball considera¬
bly. aud were extracted by Dr. Stone
and Dr, Adams.—Madison Advertiser.
Messers Almand & Stewart are adver¬
tising thsir guano business in this is¬
sue. See the ad on another page.
"Marriiiges continue on the in¬
crease. The issuing of license
is becoming such a constant task
upon our efficient Ordinary it is
rumored that he is seriously
thinking of securing for
self a helpmate.
Our young-friend, Mr. Luth¬
er Still, is receiving the congrat¬
ulations of his friends—it’s a
nice little baby girl stopping at
his home.
Mr. Ira Farrill of Kings
spent Sunday with his parents
lieie. Ira is a new reader of
the Weekly.
It will pay you to read every
line, advertisments and alleles,
in thispaper this week. You will
find the advertisments more in¬
teresting than the reading no¬
tices—they are messages direct
to you.
Mr. S. L, Almand is doing a
good business at Covington.
His success is surpassed only by
his energy.
Mr. J. P. Tilley’s second son,
Alex, is critically ill. The
young gentleman has been un¬
able to leave his bed for the past
ten days. We hope that he may
get well soon.
You can get Sweet and Irish
potatoes and Turnips fiom D.
M. Almand cheap.
We are glad to announce the
convalescence of Mr. Norman
Jones. He has been seriously
sick with pneumonia for some
Other local news on thW
column, editorial page.
Or the afternoon, of the 35 th of .Jan
ua.-y, by the Rev. Dr. Henry Quigg.
Mr. Benjamin Walden anti Miss Marti a
!l Ro’ge-L at tire home of the b’.Uleh
brother, Mr, Sidney Ro llers, of this
county. May peace, happiness and
prosperity a tend them on thoT - jour¬
ney through life.
„ For the chest . ^
a pain in
piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain’s Fain Balm and
bound , , on over the ,, seat . of the
pain, and another ou tho back
between the sliulders. will af
for(i prompt relief. This is es
pecially valuable in cases where
the pain is caused by a cold
and there is a tendency toward
pneumonia. Lor sale by Or
W. IT. Lee Druggist.
A first-class cheap for cash.
Call at this oflics.
It will be an agreeable sur¬
prise to persons subject to at¬
tacks ot billious colic to learn
that prompt relict , i-ii be had
by taking Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. In many instances the at¬
tack may be prevented by tak¬
ing this remedy as soon as the
symptoms of the disease ap¬
pears. 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by Dr. W. H. Lee Drug¬
Owing to the serious illness
of his brother Mr. John Tilley,
of Oxford, is here at his bed¬
Lot a few who read what
Mr. Robert Rowels, of Hollands,
Va., has to say below, will re¬
member their own experience
under like citcumstances:
“Last winter I had lagrippe
which left me in a low state of
health. I tiled numerous rem¬
edies, none of which did me any
good, until I was induced to try
a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy. The first bottle of it
so far relieved me that I was
enabled to attend to my work,
and the second bottle effected
a cure,” For sale at 25 and 50
cents per bottle by Dr. W. II.
Lee Druggist.
Miss due Pittman, of Cedar
town, returned to her home
yesterday after a pleasant visit
to her friends here.
Mr. Collie Irwin, the young
gentleman who was accidental¬
ly shot in the knee a few days
ago, is having considerable
trouble with the wound.
Many merchants are well a
ware that their customers are
their best friends and take pleas¬
ure in supplying them with the
best goods obtainable. As an
instance we mention Ferry &
Cameron, prominent druggists
of Flushing, Michigan. They
say: “We have no hesitation
iu recommending Chamber¬
lain’s Cough Remedy to our
customers, as it js the best
cough medicine we have ever
sold, and always gives satisfac¬
tion,” For sale at 25 and 50
cents per bottle by Dr. W. H.
Lee. Druggist.
Left For Texas,
Last Tuesday our young Meeds,
Messrs James McDonald, HeniyStan
seil Howard Turner and Joe Sims ‘Get
sail” for th3 lone star state. These
young men arc ail highly conticcied,
and the homes they hnvc left,to so forth
into tho world to seek their fortune, are
as <rood as can he found in toe land.
These young gentlemen are worthy,
ambitious and industrious, and any op¬
portunity that presents tfself to t-ieno
will be eagerly grasped . Me hope the
boys may have smooth sailing an :.,ong
and somejday return to their old home
crowned with success.
Tli 75 itching and smarting inci
dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other
diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by
applying Chamberlains Eve and
Ointment. Many very bad cases have been
t?!# For sale by druggists 5 at s:-§i 25 cents per box.
a n ■
Or Thursday, at 8 o’clock
i’. M. at the Second Baptist
(■iuii'cli, Fourth and Virginia
A vc., S. E. Washington, D.
Miss Mary Ellenor L'oylo to
Mr. Jos. B. Sparks.
Mr. Spsu ks is an old
. hoy, one woo . went to "seea , *, .
fortune in other than his native
fields ai;: 1 in the surprise lie
given ms . • numerous friends, r ■ >
by this early announcement of
his success, the WEEKLY cot)
gratulates him most heartily.
His known good judgement
leads us to presume that he
has indeed secured a treasure.
Mr. and Mrs. Sparks will be
at home .*», Fob. l 8t , at
q tocieiitli, ovp .a. y. k_-i. o . y/.
(64 pages) for mea and women who are
afflicted with any form of private dis
ease peculiar to their sex, errors 01
youth, contagious diseases, female trou
bles, etc., etc.,
Scud 2 two cent stamps, to pay physi- post¬
age, to the leading specialists HATHAWAY and
clans in this country. Dr.
& CO-, 22/2 So. Eroad St., Atlanta, Ga
J. I). ilLVjUJND V GO.
Always on hand a full line of DRY GOODS, NOTION?, HATS,
aud Comp > te line of
Unifies. Hardware and Fail Sips,
V oU C [3”
plies etc., until yOU S8G
We respectfully solicit your patronage.
3. B. 7ibIMI]D % 60.
The firm of .T. II. Almand & G<'.
have thi-i ( ay di-s lived co-partnership.
Mr. It W. TucK<r retiring settled from said
firm. Ail liabilities will bo by
J. H. Almand & Co. who will e< ntinue
busii ess at the old stand.
.)« s FT. Aim md,
Jti hard W. Tuckei.
Luther J, Alma ul.
This Jan. 1-t., 1 ? 0 C.
Mr. Will Dabney, of Ingle
side, has moved to Winder and
will be associated with Dabney
Bros. Will is nn old Conyers
boy and we wish him success.
Farm To Rent.
Paper mill farm to rout chca 1 apply
I). M. Al.M 4 .VP
President of Union Paper mill.
I have a fine mule fd-sale cheap for
ea*b, or on time, with good
Six years old.
A. WniTAKJiiJr.
See us before buying your
coal. We can save you mon
' Our prices ou. advertising.
You want to make money !
— - O 'in iL-y f I - ■=•
Stoves, Organs, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Tinware etc.
Repair and furnish any part to any Sewing Machine. Nee
d j f EV ERY KIND Swap NEW for OLD Machines,
Get Mr intis Mott In Be
---- -
33 A I KS.
_. . 0,797
TitiJ ' ' P ^
xvoek’s . > ‘25
J’°. L t'.ce tal for c to dat middling :°, _ v -.Vc. ti 822
Ilore i« a diamond, here h piece
vIih>-« o.»l. Both <*arb >u: vot be:wren
them stands the mightiest of magi-lam*
_ Xatw> T1;ef<> ij( , a , mn . t hh> „ ud
your om tody: tier crt;!!. the same;
b.itwcwi the two s:and* the (Ires
the arb’ter of growf* nr
■ i'eor d a h.
»Ve ra*-«ot make a diamond ;
not make flesh, bl od and b.-i.e. N»
,l,,t b y tu, ‘ Sh: ‘' ier ‘^ CPtie
(Jerd«;\l-,vc i.-isn e: a'-le 'Ac s-.i-nuirh to
forms of dynpepsla nud incipient <on
sumption, with weahne-s, los» <.f tie.- h,
t hit) blood, nervous pro.-t r.-.i.'on the
Cordial is the tu-vesMul i -medy.
en wilh food it. relievi s : t once, it
nourishes a!1( ] H , sist , nature t. > nour
. , •' , hot.-e ,
!f 1 111:1 cnon^n i» -.d.-a
its merit—10 cents .
I.AXOL is the best medicine for
Ail Ten- Doctors rejomuieiil it in
place of Castor Oil.
DhaEdren ©Byftsi
Pitcher's Castona,
ll, best rrgul tt-»r to regulate a peo¬
ple, R Simmons l.iver KegiiLtor. Ii
regulates ti c livtr an-l tho liver regu¬
lates tsc person, if t e liver I* regu’ar
ihcii health i- good, but if s’oggisii or
diseased ih 11 l!'.cro i; const nt Bil
i iusn s J , Ihdigestiop, Headarh* au.i
all 1 he diaoTdors of tae tt'-loach that,
one hears of. 'Try Shnin.'iis Liver
Regulator and prove this.
Children Qey fo»
Pitcher’s Castorig,
Mr. C. P. MoT u'n. Acwcuth, Ga..
says: “Severd years ago my wife suf¬
fered from attack* of bilious colic and
indigestion. Sieu-ed different medi
vines and t'ied scvrial dO( t"! s but all
without pmcam nt brnellt. Slie used
Royal (•' run tucr some 3 cats ago, and
it lias given her more r lief than ail
else, and the recommends it to ihc af
fMote-J.'’ Write to The Atlanta Chem
; cal Co , Atiai.ta, for -8 page bo .!<
giving full information, lice. N i w
package, largo bottle^, 108 doses*D.
For sa'-j by Dr. VV. II. I ee.
When Baby was slok, we gave her C&Btoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorfa.
When she became Bliss, she clung to Cosloria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
I n (ifirtiMPfs mlml 5 LlilllllAWo. lipiljljm
oi u
Wo " ;ii he :n the mas hot tJji -3 season representing th»
•Southern Fa: (ilia >;■ Co suit* peers to Comer Hull & Co. and Geo.
W. Scott Mfg C. Wo will havo some twenty five difft.-n nt
brands and can give you any grade of goods you desire. Among
o tr leading brands may be mentioned:
■josypiuiu n * *• * Georgia S at c
A Cotton I>Oi 5 i,
t UlKIttl .•» U
/ Jill \ S „ ,1 He 1 ab 1 ^ 9 H IJ ort Royal
W • nnmta o( otho,,. Also «m.l brands HIGH GRADE
, 1D witn Ot vithou.- 1 otash.
Thanking the people for past patronage and soliciting your
Savors for the future, weave yours truly,
C***) -p-p-i p-K ^ <; Dr. Lee’s Drug Store, Conyers,
«.-»r-i«i rA« Ssn' >.«y IW I T. J. Corley’s Book Store, Covington, Ga.
■1 mmt x jili
A y ear that is clestin
to become noted in the
political history of our
country CC EZ S 3 a yeai • in iv hick
political battles will he
wasrec sL' a fierceness
hitherto unknown.
W'i I BJ IP fi¬ #
Will be in touch With
every tiling 1 and prove it¬
self an invaluable paper
to those desiring' to keep
As an advertising me¬
dium the Weekly shall
stain « ^ i' the top.
A large circulation is
an incentive to advertis¬
ers, therefore our sub
scristion list shall large
!\ increase.
4 k l|lh\vKKlihV.