Newspaper Page Text
‘ ageni.
pres e nt the BEST com
[ re world.
in the
k * * —— E
kerning People and
John Stevenson has pro
his home with an elegant
Children Cryfaj
iher’s Castoria.
| next grand jury will prob
iuimortalize itself by re¬
ading some repairs for
by was sick, -ore gave her Castoria.
WAS 8. Child, she cried for Castoria.
3 Castoria.
became Miss, she clung to
■ ,
.bad Children, she gave them Castoria,
iguano business is lively
o\v. It is being carried to
antry in great quantities.
v stock goods just receiv
H. P. &• D. M. Almand &
the past month business
iten remarkably good in
>rs. We have one of the
Dwns in Georgia any way.
L. S. Almand went to
ta Thursday and purchas
rery fine mule. Fayette is
ge of good stock.
s Hattie Wallis was out
ool this week on account
Children Cry fo»
tier’s Castoria*
yers has a new rock com
Mr • Alex Curry is put
as business manager.
i good green coffer for $1.
lb good sugar for $1.
id tobacco at 25c.
H. & D. M. Almand & -
Pliny Cain has accepted
lition to travel for the
pond [rritory Tobacco Company,
will cover Middle
[ia. Is He will go to work
firm Monday, We wish
jbundant success.
r .& D. M. Almand & Co.
Iceive next week the pret
»ne of ladies slippers ever
Bit to Conyers.
I Luther Still moved his
r to Atlanta last Wednes
jLuther lias sec ured a good
la in the city and we trust
p may succeed beyond
Indest hopes in securing
[oriels goods.
Idle remnant prints 25 yds
lor si ,00 at H. P. D. M.
Id & Co.
• friends of Mr. Collie Ir
|ere lunday. glad to see him out
Collie has been
■ since Christmas with a
■ball wound in his knee.
* 3 ? 2 \ Stmt
:h im, And
il Johnson’s ti
J- ■g in sll your Mi time-pieces ftjnii promptly. and
' iem P u t in good running
PA tats.
Paints —We have made ar¬
rangements with manufactur¬
ers to sell Paints at wholesale.
Tili-ey & Quigg.
Two or three more years and
Conyers will have a bevy of
young ladies such as any city
would be proud of. They are
here now in beautiful profusion,
but hardly of that age at' which
their mama’s are subject to
their sweet will.
Go to J. II. Almand & Co,
when you need anything and
they will save you money.
It is predicted by many that
our genial young friend, Mr.
John Hollingsworth, has enjoy¬
ed single life almost to the limit.
He is a noble young gentleman
and this being leap year the
presumption is that some wise
young lady will scoop him in
while it is yet time.
Ladies $5,00 imported shoes
at J. H.Almand & Co, for $150.
Mr. R. O. Gailey is local agent
for Lamm & Co., tailors, and
he would be glad to have his
friends call upon him and exam¬
ine his samples. He has a fine
lot and they are all of the latest
See J. H. Almand & Co’s,
bargain counter before you buy
Read the advertisement of
Marbut & Reagan in this issue.
These young gentlemen propose
to leduce their large stock with¬
in the next fifteen days and in
order to do this they are offer¬
ing some genuine bargains.
Go to J. II, Almand & Co. to
trade. Where you can find
goods to suit you.
There are many reasons why
Conyers should be provided
with electric lights, but the most
potent reason is couched in the
fact that the lights are needed
and the town is amply able to
afford them.
Goods on bagain counter at
your own price at J. H. Al
mand & Go.
In this issue the petition of
the Conyers Leather Manufac¬
turing Company, to the Superi¬
or Court of Rockdale county,
asking to be incorporated for a
period of twenty years, will be
found, We have the utmost
confidence in tho future of this
new enterprise and our greatest
wish is for its unbounded suc¬
H. P & D. M. Almand & Co.
will receive a new stock of
spring clothing, dry goods,
notions, all the latest novelties,
next week.
Miss Sadie Fowler, one of
Covington,s most admirable and
cultured young ladies, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Vauuie
Quigg, in the city.
Wo have turned out a nice
lot of job work this week, for
the privilege of doing which
we sincerely thank our friends.
The little daughter of Mr.
Fred Webber, Holland, Mass.,
had a very bad cold and cough
which he not been able to cure
with any thing. I gave him a
25 cent bottle of Chamberlan’s
Cough remedy, says W. p.
Holden, merchant and postmas¬
ter at West Brimfield, and the
next time I saw him he said it
worked like a charm, This
remedy is intended especially
for acute throat and lung dis¬
eases such as colds, croup and
whooping cough, and it is fa¬
mous for its cures. There is no
danger in giving it to children
for it contains notliidg injuri
OU3 Eor sale by Dr. W. H.
Lee Druggist.
See us before buying your
coal. We can save you mon
A week, but good-natured
brother, by the name of Sparks
who claim - to be an ex-Method¬
ist preacher, has been spending
a few days in our city. He
writes poetry and is very anx¬
ious to marry, It is said that
he proposed to several ladies in
Covington and Oxford, all of
whom invited him to get out of
their presence. We fear that
poet Parks will get into trouble
if he continues to propose mar¬
riage to ladies with whom lie is
not acquainted. —Covington
Brother Hawkins, that man
can’t be weak if he is trying to
get married. Can’t you lend
him wise counsel and a helping
Remember our slaughter
prices hold good to day. Come
in aud get bargains that are
bargains, Marbut & Reagan,
Our people are growing more
and more in habit of looking to
Dr. W. H. Lee Druggist for the
latest and best of everything in
the drug line. They sell Cham¬
berlain’s Cough Remedy, fa¬
mous tor its cures of bad colds,
croup and whooping cough.
When in need of such a medi¬
cine give this remedy a trial
and you will be more than pleas¬
ed with the result.
We are determined to reduce
our slock, that means great
bargains, Marbut & Reagan -
Our young friend, Mr. Allen
D. Summers, has been very un¬
well the greater portion of this
week and, therefore, his usual
liberal advertising in the Week¬
ly will be missed by his many
customers this issue. We trust
that his indisposition will pass
away with ths week and that
he may be at his post again s >cn
We are still selling 11 bars
soap for 25c Marbut & Reagan.
In one particular Conyers is
undeniably short, The town
needs a first-class furniture es
tablisliment. Not a firm in
town carries anything like a
complete line of furniture, aud
ai exclusive furniture dealer
would strike a bonanza in this
You can buy a pound of good
chewing tobueo for 22^c at
Marbut & Reagans.
Miss Georgia Penn has re¬
turned from a very pleasant vis¬
it to relatives in Atlanta.
100 lb nice butter at 15c
1000 nice hens at 22£c.
1 000 doz nice fresh eggs
at market price,
iooo lb hydes at market price.
1000 lb rags.
100° bushels peas,
1000 bushells corn,
by H. P & D. M. Almand & Co.
Uncle Buchanan, who has been con¬
fined to his room for several days, ow¬
ing to his extreme feebleness, is we are
glad to announce, somewhat stronger.
We hope this good old gentlemen may
soon be able to mingle with bis friends
Rambler, correspondent to tho Con
yers Banner says:
“I see the Banner and Weekly are
both in favor of Conyers having elec¬
tric lights, in fact both have expressed
tbier views as such a thing being prob¬
able. Thecity fathers should investigate
and entertain some propositions, if tney
can get any, and give us the lights if
they deem it prudent.”
Rambler is on the righ;
The question of electric lights for
yers is the most Important item in
future possibilities of the town, and
believe our people are thinking of
that way.
Several of our leading attorney
attended court in Decatur
I have opened an office in the
building Dr. J. formerly occupied by
J. Seamans, and solicit a
share of the patronage cf the
R. A, Jones, Dentist.
Col. Alonzo field, of Dekalb
county, was here ou business
this v ’eek.
Mr Jule Seamans, of Atlanta,
was here for a short time this
W. V. Almand has about
recovered from a severe attact
of grippe
Mr. Ira H. Farrill of Kings,
spent Sunday with his parents
Dr. R. L. Scott, of Atlanta,
was here this week. He stop¬
ped with his brother, Mr. John
D. Scott in the city.
Mr. Green Hull, we are sorry
te learn, is very sick. Wo
hope he may soon get well.
Mrs. Upshaw and daughter,
Miss Jessie, of Social Circle,
were the guest of Mrs. T. E.
Brodnax this week. Miss Up¬
shaw made many friends in
our city during her connection
with the Institute as elocution
Mr, Chas. Walker, of Salt
Lake City, after a pleasant vis¬
it to the family of Mr. H. C‘
Penn in our city, returned home
last Sunday. Mr. Walker left
this slate seventeen years ago
and this visit was his first re¬
turn to his old home. We are
glad to say that lie is doing well.
Hon. Joseph A, McCord.
of Atlanta, spent last Suuday
here with friends. Mr. Mc¬
Cord wa3 raised in Conyers,
and became a first-class busi
ness man within her borders.
Since leaving his old home he
has gradually grown higher and
higher in the business - world
untill now his success is assur¬
ed. His friends are always
glad to welcome him to his old
Simon S. Hartman, of Tun¬
nel ton West Va., has been sub¬
ject to attacks of colic about
once a year, and would have to
call a doctor and then suffer for
about twelve hours as much as
some do when (hey die. He
was taken recently just the
same as at other times, and con¬
cluded to try Chamberlain’s .Col¬
ic, Cholera aud Diarroea Rem¬
edy. He says: “I took one
dose of it and it gave me relief
in five minutes. That is more
than any thig else has ever
done for me.” For sale by Dr.
W.H. Lee Druggist,
Belva Lockwood savs she lias no
been kissed in 30 years Poor Belva!
But the boys must bs a right sensible
lot of fellows in her neighborhood! ’
—Covington 8tir.
Who would have thought that uncle
Jim had lime to note such expressions
fiom Belva. Uncle Jim is real cruel.
Sick stomach means sick man (or
woman). well ?
Why not be food,
Sick stomach comes from poor
poor nourishment; means poor health,
poor comfort. Shaker Digestive C <r
dial means health and a well w . fc >macii
If we c uid examine our stomach we
would understand whv it is that so lit¬
tle will put it out of order.
But, unless we are doctors, we never
gee our stomach. We only feel it. We
would f»el it less if we took Shaker Di¬
gestive Cordial. cordial makes
Shaker Digestive your
stomach digest all the nourishing food
you eat. relieves all the symptoms of
indigestion, acts as a tonic and soon
makes you well and strong again. will
The more you take the less you
feel of your stomach.
At druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents,
Lawful Notice.
I hereby forbid hunting or other* Isa
tresspassing upon my Feh,29.b, premisis. 1896.
Jno. F. Al.MiND.
Delocbe’s improved mill, Ratchet
head blocks, lever dogs, inserted tooth
48 inch Olen saw, at one-half price.
J. M. B. or J. A. Goode.
Previous receipts 7,002
This week’s 4 t ?,0
Total to date, 7,082
Price for middling Tie.
Wo call the attention of our
readers to the a Ivertisement
Mr. G. A. Street in this is-u j.
When you need the services ofa
first-class watch-maker and
jeweler call on him.
Mr. W. E. Ma.IJox Ins mov¬
ed his family to the country
He is now connect 6.1 with the
saw mill of Mr. Roland Vaughan.
Mr. Chas. McDonald has been
acting iu the place of chief mar¬
shal Smith this week.
Mr G. M. Eaks an Oxford
student, preached at the meth
odist church last Sunday night.
When the old Baptist church
shall have been torn down—a
new one erected on the old site;
when Conyers shall have been
provided with electric lights—
we will a town aud a people in
every respect worthy, noble and
Judge A. C. McCalla spe it Sunday
ia Covington.
The Atlanta correspondent of the
Covington Star ha« this to say : “Rev
Doctor Quigg of Con vers, has hosts of
friends in Atlanta, lie is verv much
like! by all classes of Atlanta people,
and dearly beloved by all the church
members of his faith and order.”
Mr. W. B. Smith, our chief Marsha 1 ,
lias been on the sick list this week.
Take Simmons Liver Regulator now.
It just the remedy for the Spring of the
year to wake tip the liver and cleanse
the whole sy tern of the accumulated
waste of the winter '‘My wife com¬
batted more Mrlatia in Alabama in 1881
with Simmons Llvor^egulated than all
thedoctors in the neighborhood. We’ve
1)ad a siege of Malarlt in our own fam¬
I ily, aul it helped u\”—W. N. Bryant
Dallas, Texas.
The Venezuelan government has or¬
dered from on artist in Atlanta a life
size portrait of Congressman L. F. Liv¬
ingston to be hung in the Venezuelan
congress'onal chamber.— Cov;ng!on
The flirtation petween une'e Lon and
Venezuela is as pershteut and ter.ti
mental as “sweet spring time gentle
An nie.”
The Doctors J. A. and M. U. Stewart
have refitted their office and are now
well fixed. The room has been beau¬
tifully papered and ihe floor covered
with matting. It is the most attractive
room in town.
Mr. fino. M. Day returned last Mon¬
day from his annual (rapping expedi
tion. rie spends the fall and winter
mouths in the trapping business and
makes it vary pio itubie.
• • •
Sad Death.
The death of little Grady Mc¬ Mc¬
Daniel, eon of Mr J. W.
Daniel, which occurred last
Thursday evening was pecular
ly sad. He was only about five
years of age and a bright little
The cause of his death v as
tumor of the the abdomen, the
origin of which the physicians
failed to determine. Dr. J. A.
Stewart examined the htt'e fel
lew about two weeks ago and
other physicians investigat¬
ed the case and it appears that
none of them understand it. It
was generally agree d that there
was no hope for the little hoys
recovery, Mr. McDaniel carried
him to Atlanta ard Drs. Cal¬
houn and Westmoreland opened
him and found the tumor, but
replaced it without further op
eratian, deeming it a hopeless
The remains were interred in
the Rockdale cemetery yester
day evening- We extend sym¬
pathy to the parreiit-s.
An Express Agent,
Mr. J. E. Mitchell, Agent S mthern
Expres Co., Griffin, Ga., Royal May Ger- 8th,
1895: “I have us?d King’s and consider it
meiuerin mv family, twed. It
the best medicine 1 have ever
has relieved me of Muscular Rheuma
tism. I also know of several othei
cases of rheumatism and catarrh that
have been cured by its use.” Write to
the Atlanta ChemiclaCo., Atlanta, Ga.
for 48 page book, giving full in forma
tion, free. New package, large bott.e,
103 doj^s, $1. For sde by Dr, W-U.
Dr. J, J. Seamans Shot
To Death.
Dr. J. J. Seamans was shot
and killed in St. Louis Thursday
by Dr. Edward A. Dill, of that
The news of the death of Dr.
Seamans was the occasion of
considerable excitement among
r people, be having been a
resident of our town from his
earliest infancy until a shotr.
time ago, when ho left here and
went to St. L iu s to practice
his profession. Ue was an ex¬
cellent dentist, and until dis¬
turbed, very quiet-young man.
He was of excellent parents and
barring his ungovernable tem¬
per, a model young man.
The following special from St.
Louis to the Atlanta Journal
gives the story of the unfortu
nate occurrence:
St. Louis, February 28.— Dr.
Edvard A. Dill, a prominent
dentist, was probably fatally
wounded and Dr. J. J. Sea¬
man was killed in Dr. Dill’s of¬
fice yesterday after noon.
Dr. 1 >ill, who is at the hospital,
says he reprimanded Seaman
for neglecting his work when the
latter became abusive and began
to tulk in a loud voice. A la¬
dy, who was present receiving
treatment, requested that he
make less noise, and Seaman
slapped her in the face, at the
same time drawing a revolver
and shooting at Dr, Dill, who
received a bullet in the right
Dr. Dill drew his revolver and
shot Seaman in the side, Tno
latter ran from the office and
dropped dead on the sidewalk,
surrounded by an immense
crowd of of people, who had
been atttacted by the shooting.
His body was taken to the
Dr. Dill was removed to the
city hospital, where the physi¬
cians are of the opinion that lie
cannot live long.
A Wondeful Man.
At Madison there is from all
accounts, a very wonderful man
in the person of Dr. Leo. It is
claimed that he haB afflicted
some mai velouse cures simply
by rubbing the effected person
'.vith his hands. One gentleman
from Rutledge, who it is elaim
e 1. had not walked in 25 years,
was cured n a platform in, the
presence of hundreds of people,
m a few minutes. Ho broke
iiis crutches, threw them away
and walked off without the
least difficultly.
Hearing of the great healing
of this physician, Mr. J.
A. Dukes, of our city, went
down to Madi on to consult him
this week. After a thorough
examination, the doctor inform¬
al friend Janies that he couhl
euro him in five months. Jim
will take treatment and we
tope that he maj be permanmt
ly cured.
Threw Away Has Game.
Mr. D. Wiley, ex-postmaster,
Black Creek, N - Y., was so bad¬
ly afflicted with rheumatism
that he was only able to hobble
around with canes, and even
then it caused him great pain -
After using Champerlain’s Pain
Balm lie was so much improv¬
ed that he threw away his canes!
He says this liniment did him
more good than all other medi¬
cines and treatment put togeth¬
er. For sale at 50 cents per
bottle by Dr, W.H. Lee Drug¬
Our prices on advertising.
You want to make !