Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 14, 1896, Image 3
F INSURANCE, TILLEY j p. ageni. 'I repre sent the BEST com es in the world. a fen U, ^ __ PARAGRAPHS. ncerning Pep le and Events. ur readers will find an ac L Laos of the killing of Dr. J. J • in St, Louis, on the [page L Ve of make tho Weekly apology this for (typographical errors in the L (without column. It chanced to get going through the Ids of the proof reader. ir* Jones made a business to Monticello this week. , L. Ly, Mart Fwing, of the is very unwed, and her [ilr. Load, Fd Fwing, of the Ga. she is at home until ■overs. Wanted, all the Peas and corn I have to sell H. P. & D. M. Jnand & Co. Kiss Ola Fuller, of the Mil [g [geville Normal family college of is Mr stop- T. with the J Brodnax. ■Jr. Dave Albert of Atlanta, 1 several years a citizen of Is Iny place is here. Dave has friends in Conyers. (Mrs. Dr. McKown and daugh |r, letiie Miss Lillie of Jonesboro, family of guests of the |e writer. I Allen Summers can fit any pingiu the shhpe of a man or ly in clothing. [The town has ordered four 6w street lamps and they will p put up as soon as they arrive. We have a Good New stock of loes, hats drygoods, crockery [id glass-ware at reasonable reces come to see us - t. P. & D. M. Aim and & Co. [The best bar soap 34- cents at tale & Sigman ’s. [Conyeis is the best town in le World— every-boddy says p and what every-body soys bust be true. Always Pays to use Edy stone ruano. Lost or Mislaid. Two package—Hat in one and ak paints in other—Bought of ■H. Alraand & Co. Anyone pturning HU same to A, M. Helms be rewarded . S653ST” BSh sets' Georgia State Standard can ! bought of Smith & Lifsey. ptan r^ien Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. (When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. ®C0VCiC ^ IMtccI ftzicz |. "5s And "feker LM ■ Otiice ii Johnson’s tin ! jmop on Commerce street. 'Repariiig ct an kinds fljne promptly. ^rmg in your time-pieces and have them putin good I order. PAInts. Paints —We have made ar¬ rangements with manufactur¬ ers to sell Paints at wholesale. Tilley & Quigg. A Ssd Suicide. A man hangs himself because lie failed to get the Balding Guano. Almand & Stewart. We have it that our young friend Rob Galley rather bested Mr. Henry Penn last Sunday. It was just a, little trip to tlie country with a most charming young widow as the magnet. Whether Rob’s team was the swiftest or he took the part of the “eaily b : rd,”we didn’t learn However, there is no question but that he reached the goal in abvance of Mr. Penn. We have now a comfortable private room in our office where we can entertain our friends and transact matters of “State. ” Call on us. A mule ran away with Mr Joe Williams last Saturday. His wife and little baby were with him in the wagon. All were thrown out, the wagon falling upon Mrs, Williams and the lit¬ tle baby. They were thought to be fatally injured but at this writing they are said to be re¬ covering . Mr. Fudox McCalla, of Decatur, Ga. was here Thursday. This is his old home and he meets only friends when he visits our town Arbuckles roasted coffee at Hale & Sigman’s for 224 cents. Come and get it. Marshal Smith,s indisposition clings to him rather persistently. We hope he will soon grow strong again. -RAZORS We sell the celebrated “IT H H” warranteed. Marbut & Reagan. We are glad to announce a gradual improvement, in the condition of Rev. H. F - Buch¬ anan With the coming of spring vehope he may grow in strength and good health until ho feels again the vigor of younger days. You will find the best variety of fresh garden seed at Dr. W. IT. Lee Drug store. The city fathers have about decided to make some long needed improvements in the side walks on Academy street. i k .n. High grade first class Guano If .von eat ivhat you want and digest it, you will surely be strong and heal¬ thy. But if you we!l don’t digeot it,you might, good almost as not eat, for what can your food do you if it doesn’t nour¬ ish you? that it, If you find you ern’t digest there is a simple help for your stomaee. It is Shaker Digestive Cordial, made by the Shakers of Mount Lebanon. It has never failed to cure the worst case of indigestion. Strength anti health come from the food you ear, after it has been digested and has gone into the blood. The best t,onio is digested food. The best aid to digestion, Shaker Digestive Cordial. When you have acid eructations, nausea, headaohe, wind, dizziness of¬ fensive breath, or any other symptoms of dyspepsia, S'taker Digestive Cordial will cure you. At druggist. Trial bottles 10 cents. The great cotton grower. Lawful Notice. [ hereby forbid hunting or otherwise tresspassing upon my Feb.*29ih, premisis. 1S9G. This Jno. F. Almand. LAWFUL NOTICE. GEORGIA, Rockdale County; hunting We the undersigned forbid or otherwise trespassing on our lauds *" 611111 L ° Un <J. T. Smith, J. H. Peek, F. M. Chandler. VV . H - Camp, 31 P. Bradford, K- V. Camp. A. D. Phillips, J- F. Peek, sr. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ■w ANTED (-Several trus worthy gentlemen or ladies to travel n Georo-ia for established reliable house. Salary $780 Enclose and reference expenses and Steady position. stamped envelope The self addres-ed Third F Oma¬ Dominion Company, -mr, ha Bleg., Chicago, Ill. COAL. See us before buying your coal. We can save you mon ey. TILLEY & QUIGG. Rev Mr. Partillo, of Lithonia, attend' <i services at the metho dist church here Sunduy night,. All last, winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon, Conn., was badly afflicted with rheumatism At teme it was so severe that he could not stand up straight., but was drawn over on one side. "I tried different remedies with¬ out receiving relief, ”he says until about six months ago I bought a bottle of Chaimber laitTs Pain Balm. After using it for three days my rheuma¬ tism was gone and has not re¬ turned since. For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee Druggist. We print the advertisement of Miss Fmma Riley’s Millienery store in this issue she has re¬ ceived her stock of new spring goods. ReA, Dr. Ragsdale being in South-west Georgia, Rev. A. J. Becit, of Lithonia will preach next Snudav. All cordially in¬ vited to attend the service. Mrs. Luther Turner, of El berton, is on a visit to her mother-in-law, Mrs. Turner of our city. The latest styles of bloomers "is a sort of square deal in pants Summers has the best styles— for men only. Ceiling broom with handle 10 ft long for 35c at Marbut & Reagan. We call you attention to the advertisement of Mesdames Mc¬ Donald & Haygood in this issue. They are receiving their new Millenery. We think we voice the Scnti ment of a large portion of this towm when we say Allen Sum¬ mers’ clothing and prices can’t be beat in the State. Our store is alway open for bargain seekers. Marbut & Reagan FOR RENT OR SALE One of the most desirable dweeliugs in Conyers. L. A. Lee. Not To Be Trifled With. (From Cincinnati Gazette.) Will people never learn that a “cold” is an accident to be dreaded, and that when it oc¬ curs treatmen should be prompt¬ ly applied? Tnere is no know¬ ing where the trouble will end; and while complete recovery is the rule, the exceptions are terribje frequent, and thou¬ sands opon thousands of fatal illnesses occur every year usher¬ ed in by a little injudicious ex¬ posure and seemingly trifling symytoms. Beyond this, there are to-day countless invalids who can trace their complaint to “colds,” which at the time of occurrence gave no concern, and were therefore neglected.— When troubled with a cold use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is prompt and and effectual. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Dr. W. H. Lee Druggist. SAW MILL FOE BALE. Deloobe’s improved mill, Ratchet head blocks, lever dogs, inserted tooth 48 inch Olen saw, at one-half price . J. M. B. or J. A. Goode. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles, Tilley & Quigg. n I have opened an oftiee in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a share of the patronage of the people. R. A, Joxics, Dentist. Last season Ike L. Hall, druggust of West' Lebanon, Indiana, sold for gross of Cham¬ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di¬ arrhoea Rimedy and say every bottle of it gave perfect satis¬ faction- For sale by Dr. W. II. Lee Druggist. A canvass among the drug¬ gists of this place reveals the fact that Chamberlain,s are the most poplar proprietary medi¬ cines sold. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, espedially, is regarded as in the lead of all throat trouble remedies, and as such, is freely prescribed by by physicians. As croup Medicine, it is also unexcelled, and most families with young children keep a bortle always handy for instant use. The editor of the Grphic has tepeatedly know Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to do the work after all other medicine had failed.—The Kim¬ ball S. D. Crophic. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Dr. W. II. Lee Druggist. Little Tom tobacco at Hale & Sigman’s for 40 cents per pound. LaFayette Aim and lias moved his family into the house vaca¬ ted by Mr.*Pliny Cain across from the Methodist church IxflIPPS Marbut & Reagan sell them for a song and sing it, A good broom for 10 cents at Marbut & Reagans’ Friend Bob White has been with triends here for days this week. Fairbanks Gold Dust 3 ages for 50 cents at Hale & Sig* man’s. Dont make the streets im passable and at the same time “odor ollensive by dumping your trash and old slop upon them, Men are taxed two dol¬ lars and a half a year to keep up the streets and it is too bad that they should be filled with old slops. It is an offense against the city anyway. Blood and Bone Guano for cotton. F. L. & 5. J. Bouey Co, Dyers cleaners and repairers. We make old clothes new. All work guaranteed. Give us a trial. Cnnyers Ga., MM SIAM: Guaranteed to give Satisfaction Children Cry to* Pitcher’s Castoria. Now. This goes to prove that Bald¬ win’s guano is the best; Peo¬ ple who have used it name their boys after it. Sold by Almand & Stewart. Fits From US. Journal of I MMnt Prof. W. H. Peeke, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cur¬ ed more cases than any living Physician; is astonishing. his success We have heard of cases of ao years’ standing Cured cured by him. He publish valuable esa work on this dis¬ ease, which he sends with a large bot We advise anv one wishing a cure to address Prof.w. a. fZZKl; Pi V:> 4 CcOargt., ITc*FTsr4 Resolutions of the Ladies Aid Society of the Pres= byteriar. Church. The committee appointed bv flic¬ llies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church to dr.-ut resolutions oxpre-sive of the society’s grief at tlie dentil of their beloved Pre-ident. Mrs. T. D. O’Kelley, report- as follow - : 1 na-ioiu h as it has plea-ed our Om¬ nipotent tend lo move from ctmh 10 heaven our friend and to worker, Mrs, T. D. O’Keilev ; Kesolved l-t. That in ihe Mrs.O’Kelley, our soeiety lias ms! a in< st zealous member. one who was al¬ ways ready ami willing to perform the all duties lequired of her and o lio felt grefUest interest it. the work of the t-’esoivei 2nd That the church has lost H consecrated member and her Sun her 1 'iss, welt lieve she is enjoying the blessedne.-s of a pnr’r society where eternal love and progress ream. VV e ,,rollr. bv the lessor, of her life—a life thatis her he-t eulogy. Kesolved 4tli. That our hearts go our, in sympathy to her bereaved husband and children in their sad atUiction and we commend them to our Heavenly l-’ather and pray that He mav comfort them anil enable them so to live that they may meet the sainted wife and mother in that brig-lit and beautiful home beyond the stars, and hi that home where tliere will be no more separation, May thev be an unbroken lamily—a home circle m heaven. Kesolved och. Thar, a page of the re¬ cords of our society be inscribed to her memory and these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and published in the town papers and the Christian Observ¬ er and that a copy of the same be fur¬ nished the family of the deceased. Mbs. A. B Ozbornk. Mrs J..! W. Glunn, Mtss Cabrik Pokes, Mrs. Vannib Qujgq. Committee. Children Gryfoi Pitcher’s Castoria* Mr. and Mrs, Charlton Mel¬ ton , of Abbeville, is on a visit to the former’s father here. Fresh cucumber pickles 10c per quart. Marbut & Reagan. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Winburn spent several days in Walton countv,near Jersy, last a, the bedside of M, Mabry, brother of Mrs. Winburn, who has been quite sick foi some time. Bring all your Beef Hydes to H. P. & D. M. Altnaud & Co. be¬ fore the worms ruin them they Bring Good price now. Mr TaImage Richards will move his family to Gainesville sometime next week. He will enter t } 16 drug business in that city We veget to i ose this cx cel lent family, Wo have bouget from our customers this week about one Hundred dollars worth of Country lard and meat. Plant blenty of Corn to supply yourself and when you have corn you can raise your meat. II. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. In order to protect market men the council has passed an ordinance to prohibit the ped¬ dling of fresh meals in the c'ty save on Tuesdays and Thurs¬ days. This is justice to the licensed market men. We have received a big lot of pocket knives at extremely low prices. Marbut & Reagan. [q. SIMMONS Rsg REGULATOR £ V THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons Liver Regulator. Don’t forget to take it. Now is the time you need it most to wake up your Liver. A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don’t SIMMONS forget the word REGULATOR. It is LIVER REGULATOR you want. The word REG¬ ULATOR distinguishes it from ail other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator work, of the Liver, keeps it properly kept in good at condition. that your system may be FOR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS liver Regulator, it is the best blood purifier difference. and corrector. Look for Try the it and RED note Z the on every package. You wont find it on any other medicine, and tliere is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS Ll'/ER REGULATOR—the Kingof Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. a. H. %eilin & Co., Philadelphia, P*. DOTS OF INTEREST COTTON REFORT. BALES. Previous receipts 7,082 This week’s 4 ( 50 Total to date 7,120 lV'ce for middling 6$-c, Deaths. Yesterday morning at o’clock. Mrs. M. V. Plunket, wife ()f Mr> William Blanket deceased, died at the home of her SOU ill-hl'V Mr. J, W. Btlt I*f 'far ilhvM dated "nly fiotll last Saturday . Mr. Pink pJi w „ s s j xty years old. Was a consistent ■ . , tnembei , Ot e .1 the Gon- ,, yers Biptist church and a most ’ vxu lit ,, in, f taut. i i Funeral services will he hold at lue ., p,., IsaptlSs n tiqf /."lurch G.nncn 111 in tills this city to-day at eleve /1 O clock a ft,er which the intemnent "’ill ... OCCUl' in tho ,, Rockdale __, , , Cortl tery. The WEEKLY extends sym p r a (,hy J j,o the bereaved, The little infant of Mr. W. C. McDonald died last Wednesday at 12 o'clock and was hurried Thursday evening at 2 o’clock in the Almand grave yard. Rev. J. F. Wallis conducted the burial service. The little one had been sick for some time. We synq athize with the parents in their afflictions. Obituary. The grim monster death has sadened the hearts of many by claiming for it’s victim Mrs. Lou Rice one of our best Chris¬ tian ladies. She was sixty-sev eh years old at .the time of her death . Her sufferings were beyond expression yet she boro them witli Christian fortitude until the angel of death bent her sulleling foitn and bore the spirit to the God who gave it and to the loved ones in their heavenly home beyond the mis¬ ty clouds. The old adage that “death loves a shining mark” is fully verified in the departure of Mrs. Rice. She will bs greatly missed in this community, but far more missed in her home where she was the ’ight of the household. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist church for many years and lived a Chris¬ tian life; one that should be followed by many. She has now won the great victory and is gemlely resting in the arms of Jesus. J. T. M. • •» Mr. B. C. Grenade was thrown from Ins horse last Thursday and before he hit the ground the animal succeeded in kicking him on the head and in the side. accident occurred near tho home of his brother, Mr. E. O. Grenade and he was carriec lie was so seriously hurt that jt was deemed 1 est not to re¬ move him to his home. We trust that his injuries may not prove over serious, and that lie may soon be out a gain. HOES Scovil and handle cheaper any where this side of the factory at Marbut & Iicagan ,s Georgia M Mri: The leading high grade Fer¬ m j THE INTELLIGENT 8 FARMER il ss.r.Ari; 1 ".,-- in > I I 1 j I- j trade with ,he leading ‘arnwrsot inK i V this so tion. v* Boots, Sash and Blinds M i 1 are article, of constructing necessity to the new farmer huiUJ (or use 'll oM buildings-an repair of he is wise in wanting those and good quality —made to took well well. We warrant ours. r.'/ft wear 1 .iffl— free. Jv? Send for our Price AUGUSTA LUnBEK CO., m m * the Maher' AUGUSTA, GA. “Buy ( ■ms Stirling: Brand." 209 ) ESS • Buy -