Newspaper Page Text
rl represent the BEST com
ies in the world.
Is k id i
yj l
ncern ing People and
(AllBOU ncements $5.00, po
jeal eonini unications favoring
ndidates 2 T cents pei • line—
F0K representative.
L the voters of Rockdale .
r 11U a candidate for Representative
L, k your support in the will Dcmocrat- do
InrimarY. If selected I my
L lead the Democracj of Rockdale
Vmeess; if defeated, I will fall into
^ra,.bs and my successful support him opponent more
fell hard no one to
irnestlv than I. I will not, it elected,
for another term,
jespectfully, J. X. Hale.
to tbe voters of Rockdale :
I am a candidate for the oiilce of
beastlier of Rockdale countv aud will
,bide the action of the democratic pri
Inary. All know mv ondition pbys
Jcally and aUo niv condition financial- ,
|y having to depend upon an aged
widowed mother and sisters for not on
ly support, but often troublesome at
I feel that I can conscicn
place my claims before the good
of Rockdale hoping and be
that thev will tome to mv sup
port. Respectful!, Jas. A. Dears.
To the voters of Rockdale :
I am a candidate for the office of Tax
Collector and respectfully ask the sup¬
port of the people in the Democratic
primary, to which I will abide. If
elected I will, to the best of my abilnY,
discharge the duties of the cilice
Thanking my many fiiends for past
favors, I am most respectfully,
Card of Thanks.
We desire to return thanks to
our friends and neighbors who so
kindly rendered their services
during our dear mother’s ill¬
ness. Every kindly act tender¬
ed us was highly appriciated.
Very Respertively
Mrs. II. A. Moon.
Mrs. T. R. Rice.
The sermon of Rev. Mr. Beck
at the Baptist church last Sun¬
day was most highly appreciat¬
ed by the large congregation
Mr. Bagby of Covington, was
iu Conyers a short while this
You can get Coats thread and
a , beatifnl picture at Hale TT , «te „
Mr. C. M. Taylor has moved
into the house with Judge
Our Wend Walter Wood lire
= .ded himself with
H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co.
have just received a large lo fc
of rocking chairs,
mattreses and springs.
To The Ladies.
Mrs. W. J. Bakes, the accom¬
plished and talented milliner for
J- J. Langford, attended, this
week the first, and only opening
of the season so far, and will on
March 30-31 and Apr. 1, attend
the other opening, and keep
abreast wRh all the very latest
styles. And tne ladies can
ihe future, as in the
past, assure theraseves that
Langfords millinery will in
style, quality and price, far
pass anything ever before shown
in*Conyers. '
PA lets.
PaisTs—W e have made ar¬
rangement 3 with manufactur¬
ers to sea Paints at wholesale.
Tilley & Quiog.
inri m
Blood and Bo.; Gaauo for
*■” '
Mr. xl. P. altnaml, of Ingle
side, was. in Conyers
Jttdge A. 0. Me Cal la spent
Wednesday in Atlanta.
Biggest and best Confers Tine of
chewing tobacco in
Marbut & Reagan’s.
Mr. J. W. Pope', of Blossom,
here Thursday. He’s a
farmer well fixed—needs only a
Rev. R. A. Eaks will preach
at the Methodist church Sunday
morning and Dr. Quillian at
,5a Lemon and Vanilla ex¬
tracts at Marbut & Reagans
You can’t vote unless you reg¬
Mr. J. A. Dukes is a candi
date for county Treasurer.
jp n ’ s dever, affable manner and
his unfortunate affliction will
win for him many friends in
his race.
A tacky is one who fails to
buy his spring suit, shoes, bat,
and neck wear at the Blue
If you want office say so.
The people are giving them a
way and you may get one, See.
Competitors may scoff to
rise, and give a prize to bait
them, but iu cheap goods your
interset lies, and that is where,
we beat them.
The Blue Front.
By way of consolation to Rob
Gailey and Mr. Henry Penn we
would quote. “If at first you
don’t succeed try, try again.”
Fiiend Will Everette intermedi¬
You’ll rob jour own purse if
you don’t go to the big whole¬
sale and retail house of Sum¬
mers this week.
If the? boy’s iniend to play
ball in Conyers this season it is
high time some arrangements
were made looking to organiza¬
tion and the securing of a suita.
ble ground,
Langford’s Milliuary is up to
date in every respect.
Mr. W. G. Clotfelter has an
announcement in this issue. He
. g a candidate for Tax Collector.
If you Jem’t think he is going
to run well just enter the race
with him.
Rockdale will soon be in the
™dst Supena: court «a-
1 ££ if v J ady
for the term and everybody is
anxi0a3 for the coming of the
new judge and Solictor,
It is just 31 miles from Sum
iners store to the nearest com*
petition in dry good, clothing
and shoes -
All last winter Mr. Geo. A.
Mills, of Lebanon, Conn., was
badly afflicted with rheumatism
At teme it was so severe that
he could not stand up straight,
but was drawn over on one side.
“I tried different remedies with
out receiving relief, he says
until about six months ago I
bought a bottle of Chaimber
Iain’s Pain Balm. After using
ft for throe da vs my rheuma
tism was gem and has not re
turned since. For sale by Dr.
W« H. Lee Druggist,
See us before buying your
coal. We can save you mou
High grade first class ~ Guano.
Those who desire to run for
office are, hereby notified that
we liav/t private or consulta
tion room in which wo are lia
ble to issue “free transporta
to those meeting ail re
Hadn’t you better
People who will be in attend*
auee upon Court here during
the first two weeks in April are
invited fo make their head-quar¬
ters at our store.
Mar but & Reagan.
There seems to be an epi¬
demic of sore throat in our sec¬
tion. We know of a number
who are thus afflicted.
“EE—M.” Smoking tobacco
aud Catarrh cure on sale at
Marbut & Reagan’s
We are sorry to announce
that Mrs. S. D. Almand contin¬
ues very ill.
Hon. Thos - D Stewart, of Mc¬
Donough, was in the city this
week. He is a candidate for
State Senator in his district and
the prospect for his election is
very bright.
A thing of beauty and a joy
forever is the spring suit you
buy as the Blue Front.
Early gardeners didn’t bar¬
gain for the sleet this week.
Thursday was a rather rough
The bit dog howls, competors
growl,but we go on as ever—•
The Blue Front.
Is it possible that the military
boys are losing interest iu their
com pay? Get a move on you,
boys, andhave an amateur en¬
campment of your own this
Help the poor; especialy the
poor fellow who was stopped
before he got to the wholesale
store of Summers.
Anybody who will bring to
this office three nice hens can
get for them one year’s subscrip¬
to the Conyers Weekly.
Miss Kate Warren, of Litho
nia, was the guest of Miss Nora
Plunket last Sunday.
Langford’s Millinery is di¬
rect from Baltimore and of
course he can give you the Lat¬
est styles finest quality at the
lowest prices.
Mr. Talmage Richards and
family left Monday for Gaines
^ille, tl.ek new home. Mr.
TttaTthrMiig city.
have no doubt that he will
meet with abundant success,
He is familiar with the medi
cine business and wiil work it
to the best advantage.
Ladies: don’t forget that
Langford’s is head-quarters for
your Easter Bonnets.
Clever snd genial Tom Bryant
is always on the go, never at
home much, but he assures us
that he will be with the boys
this summer when they begin
to toss the sphere acrost the
Last season Ike L. Hall,
druggust of West Lebanon,
Indiana, sold for gross of Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Rimedy and say every
bottle of it gave perfect satis
faction - For sale by Dr. W, H.
' Druggist.
Previous receipts 7,: "N O
This week’s A « CC O
Total to date 7,150
Price for middling 7^c.
This is a busy season with
our people. Conyers enjoys a
good trade and farmers are
supplying themselves for the
making of a new crop, so it is
that our town usually presents
a busy scene on all sides.
After a short visit to our
town, Mrs. Dr. McKowti and
daughter, Miss Lillie, have
turned to Jonesboro.
Mr. Clyde Langford has en¬
tered Sulivan & Crichton’s Bus¬
iness college in Atlanta. He
will take simply a business
course. Clyde is a bright young
lad aud will make noticable
Messrs. J.P Tilley and J. S.
Johnson attended the Sam
Jones meeting in Atlanta last
Monday ovening.
If you are not a reader of this
paper come in and subscribe.
John Hollingsworth, Marbut
& Reagan’s efficient salesman,
contemplates forming a matri
monial alliance so soon as Cupid
succeeds in dazzling his vision
with the perfections of “Daugh¬
ter of the Gods, divinely fair
and most divinely tall - ” John’s
friends are becoming anxious
because of his precarious condi¬
tion .
Young men as well as young
ladies should remember that
the choicest “bows” are at the
Blue Front.
There is not a more heartily
good-humored, good-natured,
genial, whole souled young law
yer iu Georgia, than Col. Jno.
R. Maddox, of our town. He is
gradually winning his way at
the bar to the eminent satisfac¬
tion of bis numerous friends.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher’s Castoria.
The newest things are those
at the Blue Front.
Mr. W. U. Wallace has re¬
turned from Port Royal where
he went to witness the docking
of the big war ship. Owing to
an unfortunate accident the
ship was not docked and Mr.
Wallace was one of many hun¬
dreds who were disappointed.
Summers reports business
good—much better than last
Mr .T. N’ Hale, of the firm of
Hale & Sigman aud previously
for many years editor of the
Weekly, one of the best known
men in our county, announces
his candidacy for representa¬
tive of Rockdale in this issue.
Mr. Hale has many staunch
friends in the county and will
make a strong race for the nom¬
A canvass among the drug
gists of this place reveals
fact that Chamberlain,s are the
most poplar proprietary medi¬
cines sold. Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy, espedially, is
regarded as in the lead of all
throat trouble remedies, and as
such, is freely prescribed by by
physicians. As croup Medicine,
alsit is o unexcelled, and most
families with young children
keop a bortle always handy for
instant use. The editor of the
Grphic has tepeatedly know
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
to do the work after all other
medicine had failed.—The Kim¬
ball S. D. Crophic. For sale at
25 and 50 cents per bottle by
Dr. W. H. Lee Druggist,
Do you remember the adage that
“Preventi n i« better than
This is just tiie time of the year to ex
ercise a little earo to prevent si. - kne £ s
fto get some Simmons Liver Regulator,
liquid or powder. »nu t:ik« it to rid
rour body of inv poison and tone up
the system. “It is « safe and reliable
medicine, and a great pri ventive of
sickness. ’— liev. Jas. Rollins, Fairfield
We regret to announce the
continued illness of our friend
Dr. Lewis A. Lee. We hope
that he may soon be entirely
The old chimneys in the tear
of Stephenson Turner's store
have been torn away.
Mr. Geo. Jones, who has been
in Alabama for some time is
here with his family for a few
Regular meeting day at Yt-1
iow River church fifth Sunday.
Services begin at 11 o’clock a. m.
Miss Laura Denman has re¬
turned to her home at Molin,
Ill., after a pleasant sojourn of
several weeks with friends in
our city.
H. P. & D. M, Almand & Co.
Want to buy a good milch cow
with young calf.
Mrs. Blanch Golden, of At¬
lanta., is on a visit to her sis
Mrs. Auther Sharp, near
Cora, Ga.
II. P. D. M. Almand & Co
wants all'the eggs, chickens,
Geese’ ducks, Guineas and Tur¬
keys you have to sell
Several of oui leading barris¬
ters have been in attendance
upon Newton, superior court
this week.
H.P&D. M. Almand & Co.
will buy anything that is mark¬
etable at market price.
Millinery; Millinery
Lowest prices: Latest styles at
The finest made and at tbe
lowert prices.
Marbut & Reagan,
GRINS gafns
Incut srjstfr bu*' ness ?f“ r '^ 5 n l - y 1
Q/ON5 in U'* s P ee
I bundling out goods ,nd moth
1 luw—^jatsae better goods
jssan—• „„ c0
••Pry ,f Ik, hUk,r"
..p.y SUrUnt Brand."
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
^■■jj"^ANTED:-Several W trus worth?
gentlemen or ladies to travel
in Georgia for established reliable
house. Salary $7S0 and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and
self addressed Btampcd envelope. The
Dominion Company, Third F*eor, Oma¬
ha Blog., Chicago, 111.
j. if. almand co.
Always ou hand a full fin of DRY GOOES, NOTIONS, HATS
and Complete line of
Groceries. Hardware and Farm Supplies.
Don’t buy your sup¬
plies etc., until you see
We respectfully solictt your patronage.
X B. 1MIMD & CO.
Mr5. Tucker, Wife 01 Mr. b.
F. Tucker, of Blossom, Ga. died
at her home last Monday after
about live weeks illness. Mrs.
Tucker was a most exeelent
Christian lady and a consistent
member of the Rockdale Bap¬
tist church. After the furuerai
by liev. Martin Defoore, the re
mains were interred in tlie
Smyrna burying ground last
We sympathize with the be¬
reaved relatives and friends.
Be sure aud attend the dem¬
ocratic mass meeting at die
courthouse on the 28th
Mr. J. L Norman is very un¬
well and left yeterday evening
for his heme at Norwood. In
his absence the business of the
depot will be looked after by
Mr. Bell, of Harlem.
If strength is what you wan% you
should study what causes your week
1 1 is practically lack of food .
But you eat three meals a iay, and
all you can eat at a time.
Yes, but do you digest it? It
Food undigested, is not food. is
not nourishment.
It doesn’t create strength. Shaker
To digest your food take Di¬
gestive Cordial at meals. After a
while yo i will digest your food w ith
out it. Then you will get well, and
strong and healthy.
Shake. - digestive Cordial cure* indi¬
gestion and all its symptoms, such as
nausea, headache, eructations, pain in
the stomach, giddiness, loss of appetite
etc. It makes your food u<>uri-h you,
and make you strong and fat and hear¬
ty- Druggists sell it Trial bottle 10
Rev. Dr. Ragsdale is at hero" again
after a trio of several weeks duration
through south-west Oeorgia.
Rev. Buchanan has been conlined to
his room for several weeks and as w e
go to press we are told that hrs condi ¬
tion is posstb y a little improved. His
numerous friends hope for bis complete
and early a«covery.
The time for plantingannounceme n ts
is at hand. /©I^You can Get oi e for
tive dollars cash in advanct—try you -
Not To Be Trifled With.
(From Cincinnati Gazette.)
Will people never learn that
a “cold” is an accident to be
dreaded, and that when it oc
curs treatmeu should be prompt¬
ly applied? Tnere is no kuovr
ing where the trouble will end;
and while complete recovery is
the rule the exceptions are
terrib|e frequent, and thou¬
sands opou thousands of fatal
illnesses occur every year usher¬
ed in by a little injudicious ex¬
posure and seemingly trifling
symytoms. Beyond this, there
are to-day countless invalids
who can trace their complaint
to “colds,” which at the time of
occurrence gave no concern, and
were therefore neglected.—
When troubled with a cold use
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
It is prompt and and effectual.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale
by Dr. W. II. Lee Druggist.
We keep a nice line of all
kinds of Lumber and Shingles,
Tilley & Qltgg.