Newspaper Page Text
State of Georgia,
* ATION^tJBMIf Atlanta, Ga., Julv 15,1898
w] ..,The General Assembly of 189-1 passed the fol
. ,,-jnl Act to amend ameutf tlie the Constitution Constitution-, of the to State wil; by adding
Act to a now
“‘ ir .]OTapl> to.article G, section 2, to be known as paragraph 8,
io'is m change number the organization of associate of justices, the to Supreme provide .Court, for elec- to
increase the
i,y the people, and for other put poses.
> Sect ion 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the
this . State be amended by adding .
(v.patifiuion of 1 a new para
"' known paragraph 3 of section 2 of article 6,
Sh to be as
shall read as follows-.
Ttic Supreme Court, shall hereafter consist of a Chief Justice
am l five associate justices. The court shall have power to hear
•uvl determine cases when sitting, either in a body or in two
^visions of three judges each, under such regulations as may
be prescribed by the General assembly. A majority of either
division shall constitute a'quorum for that division. The Chief
justice and the associate Justices of the Suprene Court shall
hereafter be elected By the people at the same time and in the
same manner as the Governor and the State house officers are
elected, except that the first election under this amendment
shall bo held on the third Wednesday in December, 1896, at
which time one associate justice shall be elected for a full term
of six years, to fill the vacancy occurring on January first, 1897,
by the expiration of the term of one of the present incumbents,
aiid three additional associate justices shall be elected for terms
expiring, respectively. January 1st, 1899, January 1st, 1901,
and January 1st, 1903, The persons elected as. additional
associate justices shall, among themselves, determine by lot
which of the three last mentioned terms each shall have, and they
shall be commissioned accordingly. After said first election, all
terms (except uuexpired terms) shall be for six years each. In
[case of any vacancy which causes an unexpired term, the same
■shall be filled by executive appointment, and the person appoint¬
ed ijv the Governor shall hold his office until the next regular
[election, and until his successor for the balance of the unexpired
term shall have been elected and qualified. The returns of said
special election shall be made to the Secretary of State.
Sic. 11. Be it futhei'enacted, That whenever the above pro¬
posed amendment to the Constitution shall be agreed to by two
thirds of the members elected to each of the two houses of the
General Assembly, and the same has been entered on their
journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, the Governor
I shall, and lie is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said
amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each
[congressional district in this State for the period of two months
next preceding the time of holding the next general election.
iSec. 111. Be it further enacted, That above proposed amend¬
ment shall be submitted for ratification or rejection to the elec¬
tors of this State at the next general election to be held after
publication as provided for in the second section of tnis Act, in
the several election districts of this State, at which election every
person shall be qualified to vote entitled to vote for mem¬
bers of the General Assembly, All persons voting at said elec¬
tion in favor of adopting the proposed amendment to the Con¬
stitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words
‘-For Supreme Court amendment,’' and all persons opposed to
the adoption of said amendment shall have written or printed
on then-ballots the words “Against Supreme Court amendments.”
Sec. IV'. Be it father enacted, That the
[hereby authorized and directed to provide for the submission of
the amendment proposed in the first section of this Act to a vote
of the people as • egnired by tho Constitution of this State in pata
jgraph 1. of section 1 of article 13, and by’ this Act and if ratified ,
[the Governor shall, when ho ascertains such ratification from the
Secretary of State, to whom the returns shall he referred in the
manner as in cases of election for members ot the General Assem¬
bly to count and ascertain the results, issue his proclamation for
one insertion in one of the daily papers of this State, announcing
[such result and declaring the amendment ratified .
Sec. v. .Be it futhor enacted, That all laws, and parts of laws
in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed.
Approved December 16, 1895.”
Now, therefore, I, William Y. Atkinson, Governor of said
; State, do issue this my proclamation declaring that the foregoing
[proposed amendment to the Constitution is hereby submitted for
ratifiiat.iou or rejection to the legal voters of the State at the gen¬
eral election to be held on Wednesday, October 7th. 1896.
By the Governor. \V. Y, ATKINSON,
J. W. VVakken, Governor.
Sec’y Executive Dept.
‘ 9
I will mo e my Gallery from Conyers about
the 15th of November.
TIME a'n^rnost D ECONOMICA^^oppommity^yet 1 offered^yoa
kM My work is guaranteed to satisfy you. It is
equal to Atbuita work and costs you about
■ any
HALF would pay for the same thing in At
lania. Get your photos uow ! 1 < Secure the shad
o w the substance facies.
MV q Y f 7-1, T, F p Y 4 fg I-.OC HTKD zfc
Over ihe rile cost post office office. It If you vou have nave no no likenesses of nositivelv yourself
or fa,... f litws efore OV ^ ^rif
^ aoom T *ha^ a f. ' ' poo n n
• qwvft
w m*
A\ 7 egetablc?reparalionfor As¬
similating the Stomadis theFoodandRegufa- andBowels of
-InIani's' -Children
Promotes Digestion, Cheerful¬
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor [Mineral.
Recipe of Old RrSAMVELPIl'CRER
Pumpkin Sixtl"
Aix.Scnna *
Jiochcllc Sails —
Anise See d +
Pppermint Hi Carbonate - Sothc
Clarified Worm Seed -
lYuite/yrecm Sugar flavor. •
A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, forConstipa
tion, Sour
Worms .Convulsions,Feverish¬
ness and Loss Of SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
J5 dos r n '~
V. [ 1 - V - -
Notice Tax Payers.
Tax Books opens Sep. 18, 18
96, for State and county fax.
Will be at the precincts as fol
Sheffield—Sept. 23; Oct 14.
nov. 4.
Honey Creek—Sept. 28. Oct,
12. nov, 2.
Lorraine—Sept, 29. Oct, 13,
Nov, 3.
Conyers—Most of the time
until Dec. 20, 1896, when books
E- F. Cook, T. C.
Rockdale county,
Office at Stephenson & Tur¬
ner’s store, Conyers, Ga.
Take Warning.
The following law was enact¬
ed and approved Dec. 2. 1895:
“That from and after the passage
of this act it shall be unlawful
for any person to shoot, trap,
kill, ensnare, net or destroy in
any manner any wild turkey,
phesant, snipe, partridge or any
insectivorous or singing bird,
except English sparrows, crows
larks', rice birds, wheat birds
and doves in any county of this
state between the 1st of April
and the 1st of November of any
year; and as to doves, it shall be
unlawful for any person to trap,
kill ensnare or destroy any dove
in this state between the 1st day
of April and the 15th day of
July iu any year; and it shall
be unlawful for any person to
sell or offer for sale any wild
deer, wild turkey, phesant,
snipe,partridge, dove or other
game birds killed, destroyed,
caught or ensnared in this state
within the dates aforsaid in
violation of the provisions of
this act.”
Sam Jones Dl .
To the Editor of the Tel ?'
graph: Sam Jones is out in
“ Georgia. 0ther ‘Yhi- Tffis i ecafis to mind a
conversation with Col. Wallace
Butler s venerable lawyer and
philanthropist. Speak
Jones’ first letter,
j is Caetoria sold is In pat balk. up ia Don’t ore-dze allow bottles only. to sell It
not anyone
you “just anything else on tho “will plea or promise that it
is 03 good" and answer every par
pose." AS-See that yon get O-A-S-T-O-E-I-A.
Wallace remarked to me.
“I have read Sam Jones’ letter.
It is a remarkable one. Did
you obseve anything pecular
about it? ) » '“Yes,” I replied,
i i very peculiar for a preacher,
for, knowing that Steve Clay’s
powers are only advisory and
not mandatory,I can’t see how
he was willing to leave a false
impression on the reader.”
You are right about that,”
answered Col- Wallace, “but
the remarkable thing I refer to
is his admission that he commit
ted peijury. ”
“I recollect his confession of
chewing up ballots to falsify
the count, but I do not remem¬
ber about perjury.”
I ( Yes,” replied Col. Wallace
“he stated he was election man¬
ager • Election managers are
sworn officers. He who chews
the ballot falsifies the count
commits perjury and if not
punished is out of the peniten¬
tiary by neglect. Sam Jones says
lie chewed ballots while a man¬
And Col- Wallace added: A
man who tampers wi h the bal¬
lots and confesses openly his
fasifying tho count should be
modest in prating about an hon¬
est ballot and a fair count and in
criticising others who are try¬
ing to do light. Stove Clay
wants a fair count aud has ad¬
vised that managers be selected
from both parties. His pow¬
ers are advisory only and Sam
Jones knows it.” Rambler.
Macon Telegraph.
A Few Facts,
, Brazil grows half the coffee
crop of the world.
One of the heaviest woods
known is American ebony
which weighs 83.18 pounds to
the cubic foot
Vifl a river just under the
nsion brid b -
It is estimated that it
two years for the water in the
X-TWCi/ber, Coal, »*.- <-*-*+ ^
We keep on hind sit all unit's Wr carry a fi»ll line nM*e.
sill kinds of Ltimbe^ Shingles, etc. I 1 <•<»’ ', Mantle-**, UJiiitls ai d
i 'ainti*.
Always see us before buyiny- ‘ He can save you. money.
Kuhns Photographs.
Still. Retains The Lead. Why?
Because they are the most prominent—The Best—Tho Finest
—The cheapest. .
"Visit Tlh-eir < 3 -siller 37 -,
33£ Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga.
Lirai Feel and Sale S lies
My turnouts are strictly first-class and perfectly saf«*.
My pi ices are reasonable-and my patrons always pleased.
Don’t fail to call on me when you need any kind <.f team.
Ja§o Wo Swann.
J. If.ftlmand \ Go,
We always keep on hand a full and complete lino r f Dry
Goods, Notions, Ilats, Shoes, Clothing, Groceries and Bagging
and Ties
See us
Before you buy your Dress Goods, Shoes, and Clothing and
in fact anything that you have to buy. We always pay highest
market price,for all kinds country produce. «.
Yours respectfully,
J. H. Almand & Co.
1 Kjgr- m if b
dsss^js^&sss&isi ' >4 $
tWiilmltelnpnro, emUcfti varJ^r, luitrft‘want kow pricon, to -write, ruperfor for onalDy Ulu^rn»**rt him line v/ovlunatioiiip o-om y xAa in K
-v vow for om Gut. iGr* M. J» Cntaii.mio TLuj in the inr?‘
® \ cf-t i*n»l bwt cntnlopno ever puo.snhed. cos.t;t(n« 2*Y* p mm t out J
f in lot* of mnp'-v towent r.ri'l i; me price*. l D"t you can AI.LIAHCB have on", fron. CAREUGB V V« ;>,«!<! ,t #$?#.», i imr ? \
CO., Gfnel.,01. vi 'o
-V A- ■■ A V, \ - j
Gulf of Mexico to 'ravel from
Florida to the coast of Norway.
A white object of any
can he seen in the sunlight a
distance of 17,250 times its di
arneter For instance, a white
ball a foot in diameter can he
seen 17.250 feet away.
Evcry ton of Atlantic watei
when evaporated yioios 81
pounds of saulti a ton of Pacif
ic water,<9 pounds Arctic an d
Antarctic watcu-s yield 8A pounds
to the ton alul Dtdd “ ca v,dt -' t
187 p01,nd8,
The human brain, according
to Cuvier, is the one-twenty
P"» ot ll,e i,od v; ,l ‘“ tof
the horse but the one-four-hun
dredth part.
———--—— --
The little Hock Gazetle
notices that ‘‘despite the hard
NO. 3 7
[times people seem to have jden
[ ty of money to waste on l’rivo
lities - Heceatly printed status
j tics show tliat 11,0 P eo P le of tho
| Ul,itea States 8 P ellt »20,000,000
[ la9t J' ear for chewing gum and
JJ foi ‘ HLycles.”
A Chica -° V ^ ,ve3 stathtic f
to prove that the average Amer
; cail ‘-blows in more cash in a
weeK than the foreigner spends
i„- ayear .»> The Kansas City
Star says that there “is hardly
;i (jay in tho year when we do
not hear from some source that
Americans are a very wasteful
people, and that we are especi
all Y lavish and heedless in re
fj J !° "* d 7 °f“' " £
Not what we eat, but what , we
do not eat and what we throw
away, is the wonder ot all for
e i gneK , withthe possible excep
tioa of Englishmen.”