Newspaper Page Text
mmmsk f
i is^
nr T in
res ent the BEST corn
rj les rt'p the world.
h la
•l.D IN paragraphs.
ucernicS People and
is ca
the Weekly docs job work
yiesare always pretty ylishly hut
•are p> ■ettiest when s
L We have stylish dress
L The Blue Front.
I Vvinn, of Decatur, mother of
[p [ken p. Winn, paralysis of our last city, Tuesday was
L wiili
this writing is in a most
lai c'Udition.
Igeeing is- believing”. If
doubt our oft repeated as
Eons Laud concerning our goods
see them. The Blue
\ tat.
r. Brooks Posey has sustained
Lane L this week. His buggy
fell and almost entirely de¬
lated bis new buggy, and on
Inegday flight he had a hor-e to
outs may be a Bryan, Mc
lev, Watson or Palmer dol
[hut j it secures a bargain at
Blue Front.
|» soda 5e per pound at Lucas’.
If goods in proportion.
ee Summer's new add.
Lsifleriug tho talk of hard
If, (buyers is having a phenorn
tv-, now is flie time to get your
for winter, at Lackey’s.
p. Dr. Baesda e and family
pea led to Janesboro last Sat
iy to attend the funetrl and
lal service of Mr. ,J. E. B'alock.
Bla'oek died last Friday, the
[). psHjjd He was one prominent cf the very busi best
[siijiii in Joucsboro
|aml of new sorghum syrup at
Plunket's -
p J. F- Aim ml was on the
p Thursday after a severe
pof fever
Itbv.ciika coffee at 20c per pack¬
s' d II. Blanket s.
p M. W. Almand, of At'aDta,
I the goes' of Mrs. J. T. Adair
F E. B. Guinn is now with
Rtit Reagan and will be »g ! ad
pliis friends call o.i him.
p newest and best line of dry
p ttn d notions in Conyers are
lefouadatC. B. Hudson’s.
firs. J. \Y Johnson is on a visit
D daughter at Norcross this
F- C. C. V/allis and family
r‘ ni ou visited relatives here
f week.
|irs. Fe Mountain H. ]■' is Buchanan,* visit of
on a to
I ci hv
[ Hudson has a new add in
I s issue.
Bot“Just as Good” Tic
1 but
pETTEL. mte our
are not • ont-nt to
boons, SASH *
l year—but
3etieu; bluer, P
[BETTER I W-tnv»h-tlcrmac1i|ft ^ &
iifte&ne. better suppi* ^
B B erv, belter faciUl'.es. lumber-atv-g
| of kiln dried ^elected for ou k
the resuTs are better-better y
ffl belter for us. B
H Send for Price List. i
of ihf Maker"
' and
'"Buy Sterling Brand." (zoS
/; = ----—---■
\\ e are selling the best Grade of COAL on the market.
If yo u want a CHEAP COAL we can sell as cheap as anyone.
%+..<•* -Mis-.-;
m •>
% :>
iki $ •>
all kinds DEiiciors sum- m
$ ■t rt*
j«s Our fount turns out, the very
hes f , the moft wholesome the t
' nio.-t refreshing drinks. Y |
£ f Call and try produc- f
<- tions. i
§ DR. W. H. LEE. i
Cotton 7 5
If you would have it said of
you. “He’s a well dressed
man.” Get into our clothing.
The Blue Front.
Mr. Elder, of South west Ga,
visited his family here this week.
Mrs. Elder, of Columbus, who has
been on a visit to her relatives here,
accompanied Mr. Elder on his re¬
turn down the country, where she
will join her husband.
We are neither trust nor com¬
bine bTL our bargains bid fair
to “monopolize the trade. The
Blue Front.
Trade with our advertisers and
you will save money evtry time,
The little infaut of Mr. and Mrs
L. K Bishop died last Wednesday
night afier a short illness. The re¬
mains ware interred Thursday
in Eastview cemetery. Wcsvmpa
tbize with the bereaved ones.
.Miss Lillie McKown, of Jones
bor, is the guest of the wiitei’s
Misses Lula Ogletree of near Cora
and Ella Berry, of Stock bridge, are
•guest of Mr-and Mrs. Y. C. Almand
in the city.
Fresh chease 12 1-2 cents per pound
at Lackey’s.
See my shoos before you buy M
U .Blanket.
Mrs. Phinney. of Philadelphia, is
the guest of her sister. Mrs. A. B
Osborne, here.
Mr. Joseph Clotfelter has gone to
resume his sGtdies in the South
Caro'itta Theological Seminary
He has two more yeM’s.
Tho Hdy who buys before exam -
inir.g my dress goods is an u:mec
essary expense to her husband- L.
B- Hudson.
Mrs. A B Osborn has returned
from a visit to relatives iu Newton
The Shoo you have been paying
$1.60 for can be had for $1.25 at C.
B. Hudson's.
Husbands may be “hard run,!’
hutit doesn't cost wives anything to
look throueh my uew s'oek of Dre9s
Goods and notions. C. B. Hud-on.
Misses McDonald, of Snapping
Shoals, are guest of Miss Maud Al¬
len near Oak Grove.
Mr. E H. Fell, of Oliver, Ga
was here last Wednesday.
Read 0. W. Smith’s add.
The business man who does nt ad
vertise is like the sinner in chuich
on a back seat.
Finest green cofiee five pounds to the
dollar at Lackey’s
It’s Value Recognized By
As a rule I am opposed to pro
prietary medicines, Still I value a
.rood one, especially when such is
Hie source of relief from pain- As
topical (external) application I
a Pain Balm
have found Chamberlain’s
the best remedy 1 have ever used for
neuralgia of any kind- I '- aV6 con
scientiouslv recomended it to many
persons. Wis. S id by Dr.
D, Janesville,
W. H. Lee, Druggist,
Af-T? £1 A R E
Goins to weigh COTRtt
| ami have emploved Mr. W. It
Still as weigher. Will approci
• ate your patronage.
Tie lit
simils //
eipiaturc ~frP
c t £/ wrapper.
DON'T!) j <r FI Pel t yr* ba s - a • •
Your visit to Hudson's NEW STORE. Wo
have beyond doubt the Prettiest, Cheapest and
BEST line of 1 Dress Goods in Conyers. Ladies
willl be charmed with our patterns.
D EHI! mm DEW!!
Now Clothing, New Shoes, New Hats, and
in fact everything NEW—even our p ices are
NEW. But the very Newest thing we have is *
our NEW NOTIONS. You will bo delighted.
Come now and examine our stock and you will
marvel at our prices aiid values.
Chas. Bv Hudson.
Artnickles colfea 2! cents [ er pack¬
age at Lucas'.
Mr W. K Downs has purchased
and will move into tho E lib't
borne, on Decatur street, about the
29;h of the present month.
Honey drip syrup at S5c per gallon
at G. A. Lucas’.
Orleans syrup at 15c per gallon »t G
A - The Lucas writer \ and family spent last
Saturday and Sunday in Jonesboro.
Good molasses at 10 cents per gallon
at G, A. Lucas.’
The Association.
The South River Association con¬
vened with the Baptist church at
this place last Wednesday morning.
This Association is composed of
seventeen churches all oi which were
represented. During, tho progrss
of the meeting tome tine preaching
has been heard, and the attendance
lias been good each day. The first
sermon was preached on Wednss
day morning by Ilev Mr. Jackson,
of Henry county- At the night
service Rev. "VauNoss, of the Chiis
tian Index tilled the pul pin On
Thursday morning Dr. McDonald
preached and 1LY- W, D. Ytinbum,
of Madison, preach cd Thursday
night. of the
The bus’ness meetings _
ass ceiaticn have been tnct uraging
and altogether the oct arsiou ha3
been one of much interest and bene -
fit to all.
Ac this writing we are informed
that tho meeting will be closed to¬
day. visted by
The town has been many
good clitis!ian people during the
week and all have, presumably en¬
joyed the lime.
Mr. and Mrs. A. I*. Cain visited rel¬
atives in Lawrenceville last Sunday.
From all accounts CiiambarlaiajS
Cough Remedy is a godsend to the
afflicted. There is no advertisement
about this; we fee'just like saying
it.—The democrat, Carrollton Ky.
For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee, Druggist
Important Notice.
All parties indebted to the
firm of G.' W. & A. P. C^,in
must come forward and settle at
once. We arc obliged to col¬
lect and are going to collect all
that is due us. Your papers
will go through the courts if not
paid this. fall.
I am going to buy cotton and
p^y the brightest possible price
for it. Office in Jno. H. Al
many's Bank,
G- W. Cain-
The d-bgates have teen wit
our! this week and have ea
jojed hospitable attentiveness.
Mr. R B. Brooks has an advertise,
mont on the front page ia this paper.
Mea: and Flour going at cost .at N.
B. Lackey s.
A blaze in Mr. A- N. Blanket's
ginnery caused some alarm lost
Tuesday it wag extingushed bo
fovo serious damage was done.
Picnic anas at M II Plunket’s
1C •4'® "A a From ZT.S.Joinno? r.f T.Itdicloi
i/s-rc* /> praf. W. H. Foete, xvi.o
gjaac^ § $$%.?, MiL«i
M doubt i reatcG and cur
§ « Hi @ Xjk Jivin/v od more Piiysician; crises tlian any
IS m h
N f\ ■ ' s«ccc*B3 k\ asionishinc.
a® Y\ r o have heard of casc.j
oi : years' cured stand in L/ ;
A wtm Ho
<U 1 Ute ■
tic of his absolute cure, fveo to any r.u(Tcrers
who may send thc-ir P. O. and K:*prc.’.:> adtln addre?
We adviso any ono wishiDT a euro to
SxaLM* li. PEBKD# i? e lx s 4 Ce^arGt.» Xic^./Ycrl'
Iff \ 0 im II H n
'i i
Received one ear Fine
flour and one carol the
Best Wheat Bran and will
sell cheap for cash.
We have a large lot of
fresh cream cheese.
Lots of coffee and the
host line of Crockery,
Glassware, Tinware, etc.,
\ 1: I BUT & men f* w EAGAN.
Mi's - Dr. Glenn, who has been
prevented from business on ac.
count of her mother’s sickness
and death, wi’l begin work Sep
tember 1st. 1896. Cutting and
making men’s suits a specialty.
Thanks to my old patrons I
am myself again. Come and
me at the old Brcdnax place.
Mrs. Dr. Glean
Dr. W. Ho Lee. They Stay Dyed.
Stockings, Feathers, Gowns, Cloaks
DEALER IN ‘I or other articles dyed with
DltfUYlOllcl jbj\
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Fane m
and Toilet Articles, Stationery Dyes i m.
Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes
etc., Very Cheap. vv no ill matter retain their how often color i mm
they are washeaij>r ex- ('§©5 ■-pAi -
Mi iUlJl K iSDSiilSiSkl \ posed package Dy* 5 costs to of the Diamond only sun. ten A -
r cents tions f mu using ]>.ain acconvjsjjr three- Imp
A full linn of Paints, Oils. r an y ; • No i >r °- &
Varnishes, Pain. Brushes nn.l ~ i-jT
Window Glass. . ' the ben results.
SGHOGL books and SUPPLIES. -
Wall rFa/per.
3DE3- W. ZE3L LEE.
;ta ggfrf ML BEFEB ESSE es?r J L>.
ALMvPir pwffesj for men anti wome n win
are alliictcd with any form of private disea:- <.
Pyemic liiar to their sox, errors of youth, coatagi
DLL dis *en.-.'s, female troubles, etc., ole.
Send t wo >cont stamps, to pay postage, tc
the loading specialists and physicians in lAb
» a v. J '•» l. i TATHA W A V & CO.,
22*4 Louth lirotul St.. Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. J. TI. Dabney, of
is on a visit to relatives line.
Luju’. All kin da of canned goods atG. A.
K.uiIV of every kind at Lackey’s.
Mr. Henry Austin is with VVcod,
Siginan & Co.
The inUw,; itching and mnurting inci.
d; ui. io i./.'-i trtter. p.-lt-rheum, ana other
i ■■ ... :n<> pkin is instantly atiayed Ski.. by
applying c iuiir.iieriain a r-vu ana
Ointment. Many very bad cases have beer,
permanently cured by it. !t is equally
efficient for itching piles and ft favorite ri m
edy for sore nippies; chapped chronic hands, chil
biains, frost bit s, niyl sore eyes,
"''or sale by druggists at 25 cents per bor.
Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they
arc just, what a horse needs when in bad condi¬
tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge.
(iiv Market.
! will hoop all kinds of fresh
Moats, Fish,Oysters and Vcge
tables from now on till further
Hoof by the quarter—
Four quarter to 4 cents,
tlipd c[uavtet- 4| to 0cents.
Prices oil oilier articles close.
Call on me.
Several tears a/o 1 was fak<n
with a sieve-e r.t’ack of flux. I was
in bed about tin days and could ge
both tag to relieve me until [ us,d
h rnberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Dianhoa Remedy, which cured me
and has been a household rem<dy
with us ever since. J. C. Marlow,
uecaturvilV, Mo. F. r sale by ur. W
H. Lee, muggist.
Have you registered?
My^hop is comfortable,
ATy towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is iesj>e«-1ful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up
1 have opened on office in tho
uiKttiij formerly occupied by
Dv. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a
share of ’the patronage of tho
R. A, Jones, Dentist.
The Tax Books fo tho city of Conyers
are now open for receiving city taxes
for year 18'.Hj.
M It. Fdu.xket
City 'J’ax Keccivei.
For Infants and Children.
Tho he- jri k
___ on
I will buy your fat beef mi l
milk cattle. Also your dry and
green hides. A . B. Ozborne
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and
choice Family Groce t ies, Con¬
yers, Ga.
In a recent letter to ill" nianu'no
turers’.Mr. W. F. Benj train, edi or
of tbo Spectator, Iiushford, N. Y.
says: It m :y be a pleasure to you
to know the high esteem, in which
Chamber 1 lin’a medicines are held by
the people of your own state, where
they mast be be a, kujwn An aunt
of mine, who mi let at nexter, Iowa
was about, to unit mea few‘years
since, aril btfire leaving homo
wrote me, risking if they were sold
here, t-ta ing if they wer>- not she
vould bring a quanti y with her, as
she did n t like t < bo without them. ’
The me I id n s rvferred tbaro Cham
beibin’s Lough Remedy, famous for
its cures of colds and croup,
.amberlain s Pain Bdm for rheu¬
matism, In me back, pains ic the
side and cheat, "and Chamberlain s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrbopa Rein¬
'd/ for bowei complaints. These
medieiues have been iu constant use
in Iowa for almost a •qunrt-r of a
centi ry. The people have learned
that they are articles of great, wo th
and merit, and unequaled by any
others They are for sale hereby
or. W. H. Lee, Druggist,
A tot in Conyers. Apply to G. T,
ytuiU), Conyers, Ga.