Newspaper Page Text
The aacthlg,
En 1 ' <' , |,o*ti llicf at Conyers as
• load mat
i i.-- er.
Sa: J i>av Cor. 3, 1896.
3 mo. 0 mo. 12 mo.
1 incii *1,00 ; * 6J 0
2 7 60 16.00
3 “ 20.00
i/j column 10.00 25.00
Vi Vi 55.00
• ( 3 50 00 | 100 00 -
Locals 5 cents per line Ur first mser
tion geLtion • 2',* for each subsiquent inch in
" Regular adv. 50c. ) or tot
first insertion ; 25c lor each subsequent
One year, in advance.. ..$ 1.00
Six month, in advance . .. ,50
For President,
IF BR YA JVof Nebraska,
Por Vice-President,
A li TU UR UK 1 VA LL, of Main
For Governor:
For tSecrdari/ of State:
For Attorney- General:
For Slate Treasurer:
Ear Comptroller-General:
Commies io of PjilTT. Agriculture:
R. T ,V 4
United States Senator:
For Congress. 5th District:
For Stale Senate, 27 th District:
J. A, S'lL WARE.
Fur Represenativc:
For Ordinary:
For Citric of Court:
For Sheriff:
W, El. M. A UST1N:
For Tax Receiver'.
G. il-, HULL.
lor 7 ax Collector:
For Comity Treasurer:
For Surveyor;
For Coroner:
Wednesday, October 7.
Next Wednesday, October 7. the
election of state and county officers
takes ;.luce and we would earnestly
urge every democrat in the county
who has the interest of his state at
heart, go to die polls and vote
the straight ticket. It may be tha1
you are not pi, used with some of
th 7 * candidates and feel loth to vou
for them, hut you should bear in
mind that more depends upon the
success of the democratic piarty in
Georgia than jou can afford to
j* op auiize for the sake of personal
ill-will toward one or more of the
party nominees. You have a duf ;
to perform regardless of personal
pique, and your patriotism should be
pushed fonv,. this instance at
the sacrifice etc a el more important
interests than political animosities.
This is a time when you owe it
to the party regardless of any
man or set of men, to stand, by the
the banner of democracy, and we
respectful y urge you to go to the
pods and vote and work for the
success of the ticket on Wednesday
l ext.
The straight ticket will suit
Highest of all in Leavening Strength.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
Editor Weekey:— Please al¬
low me space in your columns
to reply to a communication
which appears in the Rockdale
Banner of Oct. 1st, signed ‘ Non
partisan,” in which the writer
takps occasion to advise the vo¬
ters of Rockdale county to
support my opponent on the
ground of incompetency on ray
part, asserting that I have no
legal ability and am not a “rep¬
resentative man ”
In replying to this charge I
wish to state to the voters of
my county that 1 lay no claims
to “legal ability,” but from
choice cast my lot with the till¬
ers of the soil, which, accord¬
ing to the logic of “Nonparti¬
san,” would disqualify me or
any other man for the office of
representative unless he be of
the legal profession.
Now, I shall attempt to re¬
ply to this lengthy communica¬
tion only in part. As regards
myself and my ability I prefer
that the voters of Rockdale
county shall speak.
.As concerns Mr. Irwin, for
whom this strong plea is made,
and who is held up before the
public as the great embodiment
of wisdom and ability, I have
this to say: He has figured
among our people as farmer,
merchant and lawyer ; in which
of these has he developed such
great powers of mind? Did he
succeed as farmer? Did he suc¬
ceed as merchant? Has he
risen to emminence in the legal
profession? If so the public
has failed to take cognizance of
the fact. The inference, there¬
fore, to be drawn from “Non¬
par! isan’s” argument is that
when a man fails at all else he
is qualified for the office of rep¬
As to the writer of this cow¬
ardly communication, coming
on the very eve of the election,
and published in a journal
where 1 will have no chance to
reply, and the author hiding
himself behind a nom deplume,
I am satisfied the public will
treat him as all traitors deserve.
Stating in one sentence that he
is a democrat, and signing him¬
self “Nonpartisan” brands him
as a man unworthy the confi¬
dence and esteem of any one, as
well as respectable notice.
As Mr, Irwin has failed so far
to publicly disclaim the state¬
ments and insinua tions of “Non
partisan” the public is to infer
that the article in the Banner
meets his approval and that he
is virtually responsible for it,
and should be held so by the
public until he disclaims it.
Faking this view of it Mr. Ir¬
win falls from the exalted plane
of honesty his “Nonpartisan”
friend places him and stoops to
permit Ins own questionable
virtues to be paraded and at
the same time tries to under¬
value the merits of others.
Now the plain question is: Is
Col. Irwin a representative man?
If so in what? If I am not
why, and in what respect? Is
it true that between us Mr. Ir¬
win is the one honest man? If
this is not “Nonpartisan's”
view why is it he is so careful
to direct so much attention to
l this one point of honesty in Ir
win? Could it not be inferred
that it ... efiort to fortify _ .*
is an a
weak po>nt? It may be a re-
1 cent discovery, that he is lion
t i
est, on the part of “Nonparti¬
san. ”
As for niv own part I have
never insinuated that Mr.
Irwin was dishonest, it has
been unnecessary, nor has it
been necessary for “Nonparti
san” to boast of his honesty or
Irwin’s and berate mine.
R. H. Cannon.
Conyers, Ga., Oct’ 2,1896.
We are told that there are
ninety-one young men in our
county who will cast their first
ballot on Wednesday next.
They have reached their ma¬
jority since the last election.
Your democracy should be
worn proudly next Wednes¬
It is said that Seab Wright is
a full-fledged gold bug,
ronsumpiioD % A and its ^curb
To the Editor : — I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
send two bottles free to those of your readers
who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 183 Pearl St., Hew York.
Bgy The Editorial and Business Management of
this Paper Guarantee this generous Proposition.
Ike registrar-- have completed
their work and announce 1406
properly registered vo’ers in Rock¬
dale. This is a sufficient number
to make an interesting election in a
small county like this and we have
every promi.-e that Wednesday Oct.
7, will be a day of much interest.
The Use of Leather.
Somet mes 1 have wondered and asked
myself whether
The people could possifly do without
It’s used, in the wallet that carries your
And you’ve posibly found it in board¬
inghouse hash;
You’ll find it in looking your library
through ;
It’s made inti saddles forbieycl s tio;
There’s leather in hundreds of things
that you use,
But the best is always put into our
exerts a wonderful influence in
strengthening her system by
driving through the proper chan¬
nel aii impurities. Health and
strength are guaranteed to result
from its use.
My vrile was bedridden for eighteen months,
LATOR for two months, is getting well.—
J. M. JOHNSON, Malvern. Ark.
Bold by all Druggiata a* $1.00 *»•*• bottle.
Seab Wright.
The Rome Hustler, Mr. Wright’s
home newspaper, is handling the
populist candidate for Governor with
out gloves. It charges Mr. Wright
with seeking to foster the barroom
business in Rome, and reproduces
grand jury persentments, of that
county,condemnatory of Mr. W right’s
unsatisfactory services as a county
official of Floyd county. The Hus¬
tler is red hot and declares that Mr
Wright is incapable of filling the
responsible position of Gov rnorof
tliQ gieat sta,t(? t of Georgia
Asye%Mr Wlia , tor Rny ot hia
f r ; etK j s . have sought to refute the
charges made by the Hustler.
]{ vou are not a reader of the
Weekly yours is the lo^s in dohars
and cents.
For Sale.
I have 130 acres of land im¬
proved, located in Sheffield dis
rict, near Costley’s mill, that
l will sell cheap for cash, Foi
further information address:
Jim Thomason.
Piinceton, Ga.
diseases op the shin.
The intense itcliing and smarting inci¬
dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other
diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by
applying Chamberlain s Evo _anu Ski..
Ointment. Many very bad cases have been
permanently cured by it. It is equally
efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem¬
edy for sore nippies; chapped hands, chil¬
blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes.
Yor sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.
Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they
are just what a horse needs when in bail condi¬
tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge.
City Market.
I w 7 illkeep all kinds of fresh
Meats, Fish, Oysters and Vege¬
tables from now on till further
Beef by the quarter—
Four quarter 3J to 4 cents.
Hind quarter to 6 cents.
Prices on other articles close.
Call on me.
Fire Insurance,
I write all kinds of city or
town property—country dwell¬
ings, barns, gin houses etc.
Good reliable companies and
honest rates. See me.
A. M McElvany.
F. M. AYERS, *
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and
choice Family Groceries, Con¬
yers, Ga.
We keep a nice line of all
kinds of Lumber and Shingles,
Tilley & Quigg.
T have ODen«d an office in the
uiiamg formerly occupied by
Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a
share of the patronage of the
R. A, Jones, Dentist.
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up.
I will buy your fat beef and
milk cattle. Also your dry and
green hides. A . B, Ozborne
Tuft’s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Doctors Say;
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in miasmatic dis
tricts are invariably J accompan- r
led . - by derangements _ of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health,
/pi The - v liver is . the .1 great , hi driving * •
wheel” in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the , whole , , system ^ , becomes de- .
ranged and disease is the result.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles,
[Announcements $5.00; po¬
litical communications favoring
candidates 2£ cents per line—
strictly in auvance.]
Co the voters of Rockdale:
I hereby "representative announce myself a eandi
late for of Rockdale
County in the next general assembly
- Respectfully.
K. if. Cannon.
T am a Candidate for reelcction to the
office of Sherriff of Rockdale county
t appreciate highly the conti euce ami
support the people have given me in
,he past and auk there coni-iileraiion
in this race, It elected 1 will seive
the people as earnestly and as taithfu 1,
as heretotore- Respectful!
II. M. Austin-. v,
for treasurer.
To the voters of Bockd tie county:
I am a candidate for re election to
the office of County Treasurer, I feel
under many obligations to my friends
who have suported me and I again so¬
licit your help- If elected 1 will dis
chargE niv duty to the best of my abil¬
ity. Hoping that you will elect me a
gain I am
Yours to serve,
John E. Whitaker
To the voters of Rockdale :
I hereby annonnee myself a candi¬ for
date for the office of State Senator,
the 27th Senatorial district of this sta‘e,
ibelieve in thefree and unlimited coin¬
age of both gold and silver on a parity
with each other.
J, A, Stewart.
To the voters of Rockdale county :
Thanking you for your past support
I herebv announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Tax Col¬
lector of Rockdale county, I Will hear¬
tily appreciate any support that the
people see lit to bestow. I also pledge
myself not to ask for re-election at the
next succeedinG term, and if elected
will fill the office to the best of my
ability. Very Respectfully,
E. F. Cook.
To the voters of Rockdale :
I hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for re-election to tin office of Or¬
dinary of Rockdale county.
A. M. Helms.
To the voters of Rockdale County.
I am a candidase for Clerk Superior
Court. Will appreciate your assistance
for said office. Election Wednesday,
7th day of October 18U0.
Kespectulllv, Huson.'
IV. T.
To the voters of Rockdale: I take
this method of notipyrng you that 1 cm
a candidate For the cdfice of Tax Re¬
ceiver, and earnestly solicit your sup¬
port in the same. I ask believing that
ir elected I can fill the OFtice in an ae
ceptible manner and with credit >o niv
selF and county My health has been
on the decline Far the past Fe - .v year
so that 1 have not been ab’e to be at mv
present post of duty regularly. Will
ThankFulIy appreciate your support
and help.
Yours veri 7 respectFullv,
II. Hui.n.
Letters Dismissions,
Georgia Rockdale Co.
Mrs. W. J. Mann, guardian of Bulah
Edwards, nee Mann, has applied for a
discharge from her guardanship of said
ward. This is therefore to notify all
persons concerned, that I will pass up¬
on said application on the first Monday
in Januaiy, 1807, and if no good cause
to the contrary be shown the same will
be granted. This Sep. 30, 1897,
A. M. Helms, Okd.
Agreeably to an order of the Court
of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will
be sold at auction at the court house
door of saidcounty,on the first Tuesday
in November, next, the following prop¬
erty to wit: Fifty acres of land, more
or less, being part of land lot No—,
16th district of Rockdale county, ad¬
joining lands of John W. Butler, Wil¬
liam Turner, E. L. Turner and Jesse
Robinson. Said land sold as property
of Harvffi Miller, late of said county,
deceased. Terms cash.
This 28th day of Sept. 1S9G.
Adv ’ g * 3 - H.H. 51illeh. Adm’r
oi?i{wSf^M.te d wu 0 n^?. eC wmbJ
sold auotiou the court house door
of said county, on the first Tuesday in
November, next, within the legal
raining eighty-eight acres, more or less
and part of land lot 212 in the 11th
dUtrict of said COUijty> bourded bvJ
M. Earner, G. W, Walker, Bud Craw
and J - T - A . McCollum sold a* the
property of J. T, WeavKr, iate of said
county, deceased. Terms cash.
G> " ■ Walker holds a collateral deed
on said land, but will make quit da : m
upon pay ment of his debt. Tins 28th
day of Sept, 1S96.
Adv.g $3,99. S. F. Bohaxax Adm’r.;
Ordina Agreeably jrof t 0 !!! 0, ' ,ifcr ° f the c|
s«ld to the hjghe,; l' , i ■■■ ^
house (loo-, b) c O'nors : -t tki
an the fh st Tuom) ‘aid
next, hdtv . n MO if, sal.l ■y “ xov3
'he f111:,w i O'VS 0
>v i f: One h: ■ ! c Propp,
- • ‘ 1 a.trov '£ l&mi
r less, sami being r,f*i
latm No. g-m • r
in the disJ
originally li ury D nalb J
and bout dell ‘ e
: . JOWg • ( hithe
hy .1. A M- I’S, on l!)|> "nth
C • P ■ Ella t h T
low River, p ramfiJ '■'‘■‘I h y s
!v a t i
Sod m t,» 1, 1, HlUa Hiring
land r- v tu ,r >a c. '"•e-half
one-lalf in u “'•"'e.-tiJ
h t re t f ■on, , t
annum. Rad l»r C.-i
tor tubs to i'Urcfl
At he same t .tu ■ ;; d plane
bly to sa .! or . - 1 . " i - a.- k ip;
dred and ivyainv-e'-ght fi,e
le Hares i,|
more or s, k;e us t:
,)li le ■
' ' v h
and dale being county in the lb ), -i rict '|B
and bounded as f 0 |i
On the north by C. IF [> 1
urner 1
east by O. TV. Chandler ami ffi .
Owens, on the south by G.'l-jJ 0,
and on the west by Mrs,
Sold as the property of Tubal C ]
ley, late of said county, dece
l’erms of sale of thist u-t, one l m d
and fifty dollors cash, the tewai
to be paid in three equal annual
ments with interest from date at
cent per annum. Band lor titles
purchaser. This Sept 23, ISOG.
Colley. Adv’g $0 , Adm’r estate of Tub]
Georgia, Rocndale County,
To whom it .may com.-, rti
airs. Jolin Elizabeth S« a . . adm inL . \
tor ot J, Swann, 1 1 oceased
due form applied to the umlerdgfflP
an order to sell the lands of < i |J
ceased, and I will l b
plication the firs' pa-* Mtr.-my upon s ,ijj
on jj « I
her. IS (5 Gi» on unde iijy hand*
official Ailv. signature, thi* Aug 31 ) J oil
$3. A. 51. Helms, I
Georgia, Rockdale County;
To T nil ho*. whom f>. it may concern, lias in [J j
Stewart due pj
applied to the undersigned for with]
cent letters of administration,
will annexed ) on the esuite of.lohj
Stewart. late of said - unity, deed
and I will pas' upon -aid apply
on the fiyst Monday iu October W
Given undei my hand and o'S
signature this 8iu. day i. of SepteJ
183G. A. Uklms, Ori
Adv. $3.
Sheriff Sale.
Will be s 'id on the first Tuesday'
October, ISt.'tJ, at il, courthouse
Conyers, within the le al hoa»«N
to the highest but.:, i .-B, Twentv-t the fij ■
lowing property ro v ;
acres of land, more , r iess, part of
No. 206, bounded i Ft- r by J Fi .
Audyrsun, uth V. WhitaU
Noit , by d . Ij. I'fi a Wed by
Whitaker, all in s id i oui tr of Roc
dale, being the bird d.-onhedia del
irom N. W. & M, Mmtilox to
7. 1). Stewart, 1>< 4 h.
filed by Stc arts for purpose of
and sale, Said Ian I it', ed on as tl
property of Janie* A. Rohir.son totl
isfv two executions is-u d from tl
Justice court 47iiih <tistrict of
county in f. v.u «.t v- • art !’> os.
against the siid Ja
Fanies in possession i,,"i tied of tl^|
levy. This Sep, 2nd, 1890.
W. il. 51, Austin,
Adv. $4 08.
i rued.
Ail persons having demands again
the estate of Mrs .Mary George, liertb late;
Rockdale county ce 1 used, demands are
notified to render in tli dr
the undersigned accor ing ro law:an
all persons indebt id to •aid estatew
required to make inline i ito pay men
This 8th dav of Sept ,1830. S. C.
W T. m. V.
Adv’g $3. Adm’i's of ii - Mary Georg
GEORGIA Rockdat.k County.
To all whom it may v n -orn W.T
Huson administrator "> .Mrs. -'tat
npplied ,
George, has in do f n»
under-ign. d for leave t '. /,
belonging to the e.strte o. - l(l le
. , 0 -
and said app'ication in « 11 ; L r JI
the first Mcndai c , ° ’. 0
Given under mv limJ a_“
nature, this Sept - h. >'90.
Adv’g U. A. 51. Iji Ordinary.
GEOIiOrA, Fee::: a •’ ° :intv ;,
Agreeably to an r h r -4 t! ’ e ( °“ ,
of Km d.o3 jlbe
Ordinary ho U se
fold at auction at n " • • ,.^1 rr. jayi»
of said countv on to/ - iei(
mti n. hour.
October next, f t0 «it'
ot' sa*e, the full'-' !!1 - .treet,
One house and 1 - ;
street on the “ nor r b° h • "\n ■ » north ..imerce «est
by Almaud south ul’ey cast M...U Y! < . a stbe
street, a'd lot • v -bout - one
Butler im, • and rooa
fourth acre - - ' , ago o4
dwelling, with cel r o (m
locality, ~ Sold as tin'
Francis Kennon, cash- This Sept-h
deceased. Terms
1896, ^ V Almas® acd
Kkxxox, Kennon.
Adv’g $4,20. Adm’r-of F ranas
An ad ven ,, 0 in
Weekly gi v u , business
the prom inence it needs.