Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XV f.
State News Items.
[from our exchanges ]
Harry Hill and Lord Bores
ford have been pardoned by j
Governor Atkinson from the
penitentiary where they were
sent for forgery.
Miss Annie Pace, of Coving¬
ton, daughter of Capt. J. M.
Pace, and J. E. Wooten, mayor
of Eastman, were married on
Dec. 30.
me engagement is nnnotiu
ced of Miss Gussie Grady,
daughter of the late Henry W.
Grady, and Eugene Black, son
of E. P. Black, of Atlanta,
Cutlibert’s cigar factory has
begun work: and is now turn
ingout large lots for the trade .
The cigar factory is run by
Mr. Selleck, lately of Minnesota.
Mrs. Sarah. Dickenson, of
Atlanta lias brought a suit for
$25,000 against the Atlanta and
West Point railroad for the
death of her sou, who was kill¬
ed on the morning of Dec. 16.
A lot of cooyicis from this county
W 6 ie brought in Friday night.
The comity's contract with the les¬
sees bad expired, and the convicts
ff'ii be put to work on our roads.—
Walton News.
The cotton receipts at Athens
have passed beyond 60,000
bales, the total of last year’s
receipts, evnet when the season is
over will have reached at least
65.000 bales- About 8,000
bales ate on hand at the differ¬
ent warehouses.
Gen. Clement A Evans, ma¬
jor general commander yf the
Georgia (Uvisjy,., "Jf the United
e VeterajD^Tissued
-a call to his comrades to prepare
on Lee’s birthday, Jan. L>, to
send delegates to the great an¬
nual convention and reunion
which takes place in Nashville
May 5, 6 and 7.
The contest over the DeKalb
county court house has taken a
new and interesting turn.
Having succeeded in ousting the
ultra progressive county com¬
missioners, the citizens non
proceed to 1 undo the work of
that board by asking the court
to stop the collection of the
court house tax. Meantime
the question whether Decatur
or Stone Mountain is the coun¬
ty site of DeKalb remains un¬
decided. The secretary of state
and the atuotnev general still
have the matter under advise
News has reached Rome of a
tragic occurrence near Lindale
Mrs. Owen, a widow living on
the property of the Massachu¬
setts Mill company, was alone
ia her little home attending to
her household duties when her
dress caught fire from the fire
place. She ran out o c doors
screaming for help, hut ' 1 ‘-"
one near enough to af
was no and by
ford her any assistance
the time the neighbors
were attracted by her
reached her all the clothing b m
been burned fom her of borne., "““P
which was a mass
fllesh, and she was lymg on the
ground writhing in sgoay. A
physician was summoned an(i
tender hands conveyed her to
the nearest house, where
thing possible was done,
she never regained
ness au d died in a few hours.
/ m *& =«
V. * A>
IS / \ < &** ❖
o' , i > c— AH. D 9,
Catarrh The? Years.
A Cure ^TVind at Last in
It reaas lil/a novel. Every
word of it. Jywever, is prosaic
history aid exact truth. A
Voting mai has before him a
brilliant career. Chronic cat
arrh ha 1 " fastened itself upon
him. He tried many remedies
rain. At college a room-,
persuaded Pe-ru-na him to try Pe-j
cures him in
a short , time, and he goes on bis |
vvay rejoicing - Without the
Pe-ru-na the success in life
would ho impossible. Chron'c
catarrh has olasted many a ca
reer. It would have blasted
young man’s career if it
had not been for the kind sug¬
gestion of a friend. Read what
A. F. Stern, Marine City, Mich.,
•‘I was troubled with catarrh
for three years and tiled almost
every catarrh medicine I heard
of. I went down to Deleware,
O.. to attend college, when
get one of your almanacs, and
saw another remedy for catarrh
I was almost discouraged with
trying all kinds of tnedicins,
but my room-mate told me your
was all right, and so
tried it. After talcing seven
bottles according to directions,
I was cured and felt like a new
man. I recommend it to all
who are suffering with this
dreadful disease. It is the best
medicine for catarrh. I owe
my health to you. ’ >
AO catarrh'Sufferers will be
interested in a book written by
Dr, Hartman. It is an instruc¬
tive! v illustrated 64-page book,
and treats of catarrh in all its
stages and locations. It will be
sent free for a short tjme time
by the Pe-ru-na Drug Mauufac
Airing Compauy, Columbus,
The intense itching and smarting inch
dent, to eczema, tetter. Kilt.-.-heum.and other
diseases of the’skin »? instantly atiayed by
appiytr*- Chamberiain Many baa s Jive cases nave ana pki.. beer,
Ointment. very it equally
permanently cured by it. is
efficient for itching piles and a favor,terem
edy for sovo nippies; and chapped, chronic hands, sore cnii- eyes.
biains, frost bites, 25 box.
V or sale by druggists at cents per
Ivy Rr wliat Cady’s Condition needs when Powders, in bad condi¬ they
are iust a horse vermifuge.
tion. Tonic, blood purifier and
Th eFirst Dailey.
Tim Couranf, started in London
in 1702, was the first dailey pa¬
per ever pub ished, and described
bv the c-nr : 0 us contemporaries as
“the pitiful project of a poor print
er. A 1 the editooal in its first ’s ue
was a s’abmeut concerning the new
venture, in which it was announced;
This Courant will, as the tide shows
be published dailey, hems desi/na
ted to give all the Material N ews ns
soon as every Post arrives, and is
con fined to half the compass to save
fhepublicat last hnlfthe importances
of the ordinary Newspaper In des
eribmg this piouer of the dailey
press, th® ^* sW Orleans Picayune
sa.s: tilled almost
Its columns were foreign
exclusive by quotations from
papers, which it- projector,
douht classed as ™ateml jews
a " „d " that the pub^ ^ ..J PP
„ lte ,„ g est
( ^ that projectj had been
^ hereafter
‘ that
g euccc?iS f u i
F iJes mu be printed. The
7 ggae that gave publicity to
gtftteme nt also contained T *°
eolamno f advertisements
future of the h^ ai ^ “ ‘
' was assured- —^ •
A New Firm.
Messrs. G. W. & A. P. Cain,
who for a number of years
done a large mercantile
1 Easiness in Go». v r ■ „ »>»••
j~u. 6. A. Al
raand, with the business house
of Mr. Almand and his residence
in our town.
The parties have agreed on an
exchange of property, the firm
giving in exchange their prop¬
erty in Rockdale county for Mr.
A Inland’s in Gwinnett.
The parties began taking
stock last Saturday and were
busily engaged until to-day in
the transfer of stock
The business will be opened
at once by the new firm.
Mr. G. A. Almand, who has
for years been in the mercantile
business in our town, will make
his future home in Conyers.
Mr. A. P. Cain will have
charge of the business here for
the present but we are inform¬
ed that G. W, Cain, one of the
most successful merchants of
Conyers, will make Lawreuce
ville bis future home some
time during the summer or fall.
Mr. Pi.Gain, the junior mem¬
ber of (he firm, will establish
his residence here at once and
open up the new business.
Both of these gentlemen are
Gwinnett county men and they
will bean important accession
to the business interests of
It is understood that
Almand will mtice bis
] 10Iue i n Conyers and
ville will lose a good
w p 0 a q re g re t to see leave
we gain two other
^ ^ ^ make then
advan cing the material
teres, of The community
Lawreneeville Herald.
Potatoes aie said to be
j iu , at the North for 2 cent
buslu . 1 andi in sonie
i apples are sold at 10 cents
barrel This a!mo st, so to
takes our breath away.—Ex
Bib mm
AVegc table Preparation for As
slmilating ling liie Stomachs liiefood and and Bowels Reg ula- qC
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful¬
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Not Opiutn.Morphine nor Mineral.
Narc otic.
Recipe of Old TJrSAMUSLBWuBES.
Pumpkin Seed”
Alx.Srnna *
RochMe Salts —
Anise Seed *
}\pperrmnt CadonatsSadzr -
JJi +
Clarified JYorm Seed Sugar -
Vtiahrgnsen flavor.
A.perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬
tion, Sour .Feverish¬
Worms Convulsions
ness and LOSS OF S2.EEP.
lie Simile Signature of
m .} »
r:Acr ropy of wrappeb.
Oastorlfi is put r.p in cae-size bottles only. It
is not sold in balk. Don’t allow anyone to sell
yon “just anything el:o on tho "will plea or promise that it
is ws good" and answer every pur¬
pose." Tr- g co that yon got C-A-S-T-0-R-I-A.
Tho fis
siaile 5* si , is on
signature Jr.
And The Trail Grew Hot.
A man with a v ild eye and a
look of melancholy desperation
on bis face, says the Detroit
kVo© " a ' A ' A j i>to,aj}oUce
afam.’. tfr $>w days ago and said
to the sergent in charge -
"Have you a nice quite cell
t!iat you could lock a man up
in for a few hours?”
‘Plenty of them,’ said the
sergent. ‘What’s the trouble?’
It’s a case of desertion, di
vorce aud assault with intent
to kill. Are you sure you have
a cell where a man could get
way back in a corner where a
tall woman in a red shawl
couldn’t reach him 111 rough
the bars witli an umbrella?’
I guess so Who is the cell
*It,s for me. Put me in
right away, and if a woman
with ouo eye, about five feet
nine, chewing a match with a
pair of six-ounce woolen mitts
on comes in, just tell her that
you never saw me.’
‘I can’t lock you up without
some causo. Can’t you explain?’
The man tiptoed to the win¬
dow and after gazing anxiously
up and down the street, tiptoed
back. Ham
Did you ever hear of
ael Tidbald?’
•Never did.’
•Two months ago, sir Samuel
Tidbald was the possessor of a
happy home in this town, The
angel of peace had alighted
above the door of his bumble
but happy household, and nev
|er thought of coming trad oil its of
perch. But, alas! the
the serpent was soon to dbtroy
this Eden. His wife, whom he
adored with all the intensity of
strong, confiding man, mak
J i-g *2 50 per day, became iota,
uated with a reckless character
named T homas Gilkey and
abandoned her husband and
home, sir, to fly with the rash
adventurer- She went to Ok
lahoma and secured a divorce
j and married Thomas Gilkey.
.'Think of the agony and sorrow
of Samuel Tidbald, left alone
by his faithless wife, with his
househol t goods shatteied
around him, and his most deep
ly-rooted affections all busted
It was tough and no mistake,
said the sergent-, and I sympa¬
thize with you • What became
of the couple?
Two weeks after they were
married they quarrelled, and
Thomas Gilkey ran away from
her' He fled to this city, and
his wife pursued him. You can
imagine what I have suffered,
sir, if you have ever been a
husband. Lock me up right,
away in th i darkest cell you
have with spiders and mice in
it. or thete’ll be a case 0 ?
slaughter , , . , before P night. , .
Just then a woman’s shrill
voice was heard arguing
the , . policeman .. outside -1,11 the door,
and the man made a break for
p SE arc pleased to make an entirely nc.v offer to our subscribers, in
m which every one may have a chance to name the missing word in
1 v this sentence :
It is quoted from a prominent writer upon economic subjects. fwil
\n making your guess it is not necessary to write out the
sentence—simply write: “My guess for missing word for MARCH
is • »»
5 ^ OI *°' re - 7r ' L, ' l " iUN
B CQNKECTION WITH ' —«,rofl 20
fhe G° n y ers W ee HIy
And send your guess with it, and we will forward all for you and thus
o<3 Give You a Chance to Hake Good Kinney. !»
THE CONSTITUTION guarantees that the amount of the award
will not be less than $5Q3 in Cash, and it may be that as much as $2,QQQ. all the
It will be io per cent of all subscriptions we, and
other clubbing papers with The Constitution, secure for the months of
January and February. If the subscriptions keep up with the record of
last year, the sum to be given will Exceed f 2,000 cash. ]f the sub
scriptions are doubled, as they were in January, just past. The Consti¬
tution will pay out about $ 3,003 in cash premiums in this contest. If
more than one person name the proper word, the amount will be equally
divided between them.
The Weakly ConsliluHea is Iha Greatest Weekly N«wtpapar it* fits Wer!#,
with a circulation of 156 000 It covers the whole world in its news
, .
service, and covers the news of the United States in minute detail, with
12 pages, 7 columns to the page, ti \ Co UittilS Every equal Americ* ! its new*
AS A NEWSPAPER—The Weekly Constin-.tion 1ms no m
reports cover the world, and its corros()o,i<fatits attd agents are to be found in almost every
bailiwick in the Southern and Western Stales, ...... . ,
AS A MAGAZINE-It prints more such matter as ts ordinarily found in the great
magazines of tire country that, can be gotten from even the best of them.
AS AN EDUCATOR _It is a scbotdhouse within itself, and a years reading ol I tlr.
CONSTITUTION is a liberal education to anyone.
AS A FRIEND AND COMPANION—It brings cheer and comfort to the fireside every
week, it eagerly sought by the children, contains valuable information lor the mother, and is
an encyclopedia of instruction for every member of the household.
ITS - SPECIAL FEATURES— Are such as are not to le found in any other paper in
America. WOMANS
Arc all under able direction, and are specially attractive to those to Whom these department*
are addressed.
LET (11 HIVc YLJ 1 SJJS 31 !PTi 0 i* AT
And with it your guess—for the guess must, in every case, ac¬
company the yearly subscription sent in. You cannot do with¬
out your local newspaper, and you cannot do without a great,
general newspaper, in touch with your section. We cover the
local demand— THU CONSTITUTION covers the world. If you
arc already a subscriber to our paper and want The Constitution,
send u ; $ 1 00 and along with it your guess in the missing word
. ,
. contest. We will forward same and duly record your guess.
Send us your money and get both papers one year, and per
haus ’ get enough Vs money to clear you of debt, or buy you a good
home. Now the time to subscribe.
Address all orders to—
The Conyers Weekly,
Conyers, Ca«
NO. 1
the Window.
If I were you, Mr. Tidbald,
called the sergent, I would—
Tidbald, thunder! said the
man as lie dropped on the brick
wall outside. My name's
Thomas Gilkey.
I The census of Atlanta, just
shows a population
of 83,000.
flO VKA**'
i is
Anyone sending it aKetoh end ^oacrtntlon m ^7
1 quickly quickly ascertain, ascertain, frea, ire whether >t,Dcr nn nn Invention invention la ia
SSMffitfflfoidlS?; ....... Conte x» uni ‘ cations ---- -irtctly , _
afrenc cy Washington forBocurinir r*vtcnta o£1«».
i in America. We have 1 c. Kunn
especi^Tnotfcofut,’ t roUilb Co.
1 Cl.50 Six months, ^pooltnpn copies and Hand
book on patents aontfroe. Adams
301 Broadway. Now V.rK.