Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, January 09, 1897, Image 2

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    The tWlccldtj,
Eliteud at tlm * ■ - 1 - JUt- ■ a' Conyers a«
* - m i Mi.-iil imt ev.
Sail pray, Em 1897.
Loc,Is 5 cents per )iu- foi hr>t inser
tion ; 2 14 cobu for eat b subsequent in
■*4brti<m Hcgn!«r »‘lv 5 V, per inch for
first insertion; 25c lor each subsequent
inseri ion.
\t ■ ifUBSCKIPriON KA I’E:
One year, in uiyanc 3,. ..|i oo
Six month?, h a*i\a-ce....... ....o c
Take this paper.
The New Year.
The Wekk'a' heartily con¬
gratulates the., people of Con¬
yers and' Rockdale upon their
general piosperity and liberal
enterprise during 1896, and
confidently expresses the belief
that still greater progress awaits
them in this, the new year.
The Weekly has enjoyed
some degree of prosperity along
with the people and is hopeful
to-day of the future. It sees
nothing to create discourage¬
ment and much to inspire with
It will strive to do all the
■good it can iu all the ways it
can to all the people it can dur¬
ing 1897, aud only ask at the
bands of the people the cordial
support accorded it in the past.
The evening Constitution is
to be a new evening paper in
A tlanta. If the Evening Con¬
stitution is to approach in point
of Journalistic excellence, the
morning Constitution, its suc¬
cess is already assured.
Mr.E, S. Steadman, Post¬
master at Lithonia and form¬
erly editor of the ^ '^’ le Decatifr*
*?zti. ‘ Col. , Steadman is an ex¬
perienced paper man and will
keep the'Eva iu the front rank.
The newspaper are saying
good many complimentary
tilings about Wallace P, Reed's
sketches in thg Chicago Times
e v;; Herald aud the Atlanta Journal
The Savanah Press says:
, Mr 1 Wallace P. Reek is writ¬
ing some excellent sketches for
■the Atlanta Journal. Henry
Grady said of Mr. Reed that he
considered him the best desk
man for a newspaper with
whom he had ever been thrown
in contact. ) 1
The government officials and
the filibustering boats have
been playing an interesting
uluff game for the past few
A negro rapist and wholesale
murderer, Simon Cooper, of
South Carolina, was shot down
by a sheriff’s posse Thursday.
He was the most desperate
character the state ever pro¬
,Tis said Gomez has hoisted
the black ilag and that he will
show no quarter to Spaniards
from this time on. He has been
long suffering and not until the
cowardly assassination of Ma
ceo,did he. yield to his desire
for revenge.
Edward Flanagan, the De
Kalb county double murderer,
is unquestionably the most con
suruate villain the country ever
knew. Jle is now in Fulton
.county jail making ready to
yplay the.cjazv dodge*.
Take this paper.
Highest of all in Leavening Strength—Latest U; S. Gov’t Report,
Royal ss
The Hissing Word.
We call the a'tention of our read
er« to the interesting details of our
clubbing proposition with The At
lanta Weekly Constitution, publish¬
ed in full elsewhere. As will be
setn, the joi«V price of our paper
and The Weekly Constitution for
one year is but Si,25. Every sub¬
scriber wil not only get the two pa¬
pers for little more than the price
of on'*, but will in addition, have a
chance to participate without cost
in the “Missing Word Contest, ’ the
premiums for whic i are offered by
both papers. Every subscriber i
en'itled to guess at the missiDg
word in the following sentence
AS INTIMATELY “...........”
and the one who supplies (he correct
word will be entitled to 10 per cent
of the amount received from sub
scriptions not only from The Con
stilution, but ail of the papers par¬
ticipating in this clubbing offer with
The Constitution between now and
the 1st of March- The Constitution
guarantees that at least five hu i
died dollars in cash will be distribu¬
ted, and probably the amount w ll
be between §1,000 and $2.0(10. If
moie than one person supplies cor¬
rectly the missing word, the cash
amount will bedistrlbuted among the
successful guessevs
A few months ago The Weekly
Oonstitutisn offered $1;000 in cash
to the subscriber gmsing the size
of the j ear's cotton crop as anounced
by the New Orleans exchange. The
successful guesser was Mr. R. T
Poole, of Rockingham. N. C., who
L^m e< ii ; enr5f 1; Ay V 4 f IT the" NAv
Orleans cotton exchange $1,000 in
cash from The Weekly Constitution
enab’ing him to buy (he farm
which he was (hen renting and pay
himself out of debt'
Every intelligent person should
subscribe to his home paper and
should take at least one goneral
newspaper which covers tue news
of iLe world. This the Cons itutmu
does better iban any southern week¬
ly newspaper, and the fact that it
has now the largest circ datio i of
any weekly newspaper published on
the western hemisphere attests <o
its popularity. It publishes 156,
000 copies every week and goes into
mote homes in ibe southern and
wesiera states thau any week y
newspaper published in America.
You want your Lome paper; and
when you can get it in connection
wi’li 'he Weekly Constitution for al
most, tae p ice of one and in addi¬
tion become a participant in the
great missing word contest, an
nounced elsewhere, you should take
prompt advantage of the combina¬
tion. Remi, (be combina’ion price
to us and send your guess of the
missing word aloDg with it, and we
will forward your name to The Con¬
stitution, and your guess will be du¬
ly recorded If vou are a’ready a
subscriber to our paper and want
The weekly Constitution forward us
one dollar with your gue-s of the
missing word and we will see ibat
it is sent to the Constitution.
The p oposiUoa is an a ractive
one, and it is to be hope ! tha'
■ome readers of this paper will sup
ply the correct missing word in the
above sentence.
Fits Si rrtf. douTtreated TT.S. w. Journal h. Peeke, of SSI and IfftJWn: cur- w«o ;
111 m rPfl J him ed Ho
III I I I e^%hicu
We advise nnv one wisBinar «. c\sre to address
IW.W. H. PEEKE, P. D., 4 Cedar St., Hew Tori
Justice Election.
The Justice election held last
Saturday resulted as follows in
the county;—
Sheffield District; P • L. Gra¬
ham, J. F. Constable: T.E.
Norton and T. R. Brooks.
Town District: Jno. W. Al
niand, J' P. Constables ; G • A.
Willingham and J. L. White.
Lorraine District; S. A.
Helms J. P. Constables B. F.
Helms and D. M Bentley.
Honey Creek District held no
The Ordinary, Judge A. M.
Helems, oppointed the follow¬
ing gentlemen Road Commis¬
sioners for the different districts
for the next two years, yester
day .
Lorraine District;—W* M.
Richardson, Jas. J. Mann and
J. F. Mitchell.
Honey Creek District; M. A.
Waldtop, Jno- J. Farmer and S.
F. Bohanan,
Town District: Edgar A.
Smith, Marshal W. Grenade jr,
and Henry A. Turner.
Sheffield District; Robt. L.
Oglesby, J H. Tucker and Will¬
iam. A. CostleY.
A New Jail.
The prospect for a new jail
for our county is growing bet¬
ter and better. The committee
appointed by the last
jury to aid the Ordinary in
in vt xf tnat ' 1 r F> ' TTt *-Vrt-^pjv prison. last
The meeting didn’t result in
any decisive action and the
committee adjourned to
again next Tuesday •
It is a settled fact, however,
tnat we are to have a new jail.
Now is the time to advertise
and we hope our merchants wil
so decide and keep our town,
from a business point of view,
at a record breaking pace. It is
the best investment a business
tuan can make and they are
waking up to the fact through¬
out the whole country.
In this connection we might
also suggest that you can place
your add in the homes of the
people of the county once each
week at a reasonable cost if you
avail yourse’f of the columns
of this paper.
Now is the time to advertise !
Tutt’s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Twenty Years Proof.
Tutt s Liver Pills keep the bow
els in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, j stomach, -
sour con
stI P at ton and kindred diseases.
“Can’t do without them”
R - P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va.
writes I don’t know how I could
do without them * 1 ^ve had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
Dissolution Notice.
By mutual consent we have
thl day dissolved copartnership
by I. C. Stephenson buyingC.
G* Turner’s entire interest in
theibusiness of Stephenson &
Turi^r. Stephenson & Turner.
underlie Tlf\ . business will continue C
firm name of John .
Stephlip on. I am thankful
::or theyavors and patronage of
our frieids and the people gen¬
erally shown us iu the past
and respectfully solicit a con¬
tinuance ot the same iu the fu
ture. I am prepared to accom¬
modate the people as hereto¬
fore. Will keep a general stock
of merchandise and will sell for
cash and on time. I will also
sell the celebrated Kennesaw
Guano’s' Be sure to call on me
when in town.
jRespt. Jno. G Stephenson.
Dissolution Notice.
The public is hereby notified
that the firm of Wood. Sigman
and Co. has been dissolved ac¬
cording to the contract of part¬
nership between them. And
Cannon & Wood Bros will col¬
lect the debts belonging to the
firm and assume the liabilities.
All persons indebted to said
firm of Wood, Sigman & Co. are
requested to call at once on our
Mr. M. L. Wood at the old
stand and settle same.
Cannon & Wood Bros.
Conyers Ga., Jan: 8, 1897
At the home of the bride’s
parents, Mr, and Mrs- Johnson
in Sheffield district, last Thurs¬
day evening Miss Mattie John¬
son was united in marriage to
Mr: Jas. Chandler. Mr, W- C.
Nowell officiating.
Ttio Wwkkby extends congrat¬
Two In Lorrairie.7—
Gn Monday of last week Mr.
James E. Ray and Miss Lutar
Browning, of Lorraine district
were united in marriage by Rev.
ff. H. Eakes.
On last Wednesday, in tbe
same district, Mr Ed Owens
and Miss Kate Kelley were
married by Rev. Mr. Ow T ens
The Weekly extends congrat¬
ulations and good wishes.
We print some new legal adds
in this issue.
The Fern
dale Rye or
Bourbon is
six years old
and is ship¬
fern dale from ped our direct Dis¬
RYE tillery to the
consu mere,
Bourbon thus absolute insuring pur¬
ity: We never sell to the whole¬
sale and retail dealer, thus sav¬
ing two profits to the consumer.
Feindale Rye or Bourbon is
highly recommended by phy¬
sicians as a typical whiskey for
medicinal and family uses.
A trial order will insure your
future patronage.
Ferndale Rye or Bourbon
$2.65 per gallon. No charge
for jugs or packing.
Money must accompany all
orders. Regarding our respon¬
sibility we refer you to the City
National and Citizens Savings
Ranks; of Paducah, Ky.
mands Awaiting your valued com¬
we remain,
Fery respectfully yours,
Paducah, Ky.
Old Goes Out.
Last Monday evening at two
o’clock the old ccuncel met and
wound up its affairs and ad¬
journed in about an hour.
At three o’clock the books
were turned over to the new
mayor, lion. P. G. l'ucker, who
assembled the new Councelmen
and proceeded to take the reins
of the city gorernment in for
raal manner. The old council
was diligent in looking after
the city’s interests aud went
out with the hearty thanks and
congratulation of Mayor Al
tnand’ The retiring mayor
leaves a record behind him of
which he may justley be proud,
He filled the position with dis¬
tinguished ability in every in
The new mayor will prove
equal to all emergencies, and
will be ably seconded by his
worthy and wise cabinet.
We predict a prosperous and
plesasant administration of the
city’s affairs for 1897
Happy Christmas At The
Poor Farm
From all accounts the Christ¬
mas dinner given the inmates
at the poor farm by Ordinary
A. M.Helms and Superintendent
W. A. Alinand and wife, was
the greatest success of any of
the Christmas events yet re¬
counted to us. It was a turkey
dinner with all the usual
issues and appetizing adjuncts.
The inmates were invited in¬
to Mrs. Almand's dining
where they were seated
waited upon by the
dent and his good lady so
tively that some of them
happy and shouted.
They were feasted
and manifested much
,‘ii i ■ •L Jr “ a
& . _____i -*—*»JS,
Dave Vaughn vvlis
street boss and will put in
year on the streets. lie
much good work in ’96,
will surpass his record
School opened Monday
a fair attendance.
Joe Hugh Reese has gone
Eaton ton 'o accept a position
tke Mesenger. Joe is au
round paper man and will suc¬
ceed easily. He has many
friends here who wish him well,
The little folkes enjoyed a
sociable at the Commercia
last night.
Coroner Farrill has moved
and is now a neighbor to r, N. m.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E- Bailey, of
Augusta, have, returned home
after a weeks visit to relatives
Miss Mary Turner, one Mc¬
Donough’s fairest daughters,
was the guest of Miss Sadie
•Hale last week.
After a pleasant visit to Mrs.
T. A. Elliott, Miss Sallie Elliott
has returned to her home in
Newton county.
Smith Miss|s Lou sick, aud Girtrude hope
or very we
they may soon get well.
Mr, Fletcher Stansell, of Cutli
bert spent Christmas with his
jarents here.
We learn that our old friend
Will A. Roberts has disposed
of • his busiuess interests at
Cuthbert and has accepted a
a traveling position with a
firm, we wish him
Pay your subscription while
is due and we need it.
[d N
GEORGIA RocKDtijf wav" C,t
To all whom it *
PeeV. guardian f, r «•' 5l leri1 !
liufus I,. Chri ia„ L I «
me for discharge 8 nan
a tv,. hu,J"j , k .
of sa ,1 warfl. !*
all n(>r«(,n. s A,
objection,,, hoes 50
’S wm ssapS^ {“Jp hi |s Big
w guardianship an') 0.
itness my hand * a' r.
ture, this So; 21, Utile
Adv. fee A - M Helm.
$G00.J , feslej,
GeoKCIA CotJ |e bet' the 6
RocKIUtE L t
pi w. A. < s. Veal \ eft! executoroSu, represent* a! j h ; D) a
m his petition . duly filed y iwl Barbu 1 ' &
fully ex. cute! tlie wil! 0 J7, 1 Icersbip
This is therefore to cite J* L
concerned, to show cause if eo e
why ,
discharged can, Loin executor shonid 1 I Lot Eeuga
his trust is J „ j
ccutor, and receive letters
sion on the first Monri.v .a? ' , Irbut will
Old lo’d
GeOKGIA, RoCKDALsCoraTT, ( jeks
Gee To has whom in due it may form concern’,' ’j
der*igDed for applied Sirs.
ministration permanent the letlertj [lighter,
on estate of
Gee, I will late pass of on said said county tpplicaS deceaj 1 Led
tirst under Monday mV hand in February,w and officials kt to
en linanA
this Dec-20. 1800. A. 51,Hag
Geokuia, To whom Kockda.i,e it consun concenl The
Brodnax has in dueforuufjiy may liaaiG it,
undersigned for permanent ir djl well.
administration on the. gaidcouaty.J estate |
Usher,eol, late of
and ( wilt pass upon saidappld Feimiaij] kited >
the first Monaay in
Given nooer my hand and oja Mr.
nature, tii is 22 day of Dec. 1JU Line
Adv’g H 3. A, M. Helm. Oris
II. P. Bryant et al ) Ayplie»iioi The
vs. I L’eiitiomM
John W. Aha flier Commisiil ApM [vent
et al. J lunual
In Rockdale Superior CoimJ
Term, ISOfi. It
By virtur of an order from It I
perior Court of Rockdale count) The
ca?e above stated the unieraij If the
commissioner*, will fell at pub! leld
cry for cash, before the Court
in Conyers Ga.. on the firstT
in February 1897, tbe follow)!
cel of land in tbe City of C
known as the j J.-ntere 1 .»*•*« I,
South yi R- ' 01MD S y he
- and others, contain!
c. Huson Imd
fourth of au acre, sold for put
dividing proceeds among thereo the
of said property, returns Mr.
made to the April Term 18SJ B.
perior Court of said county, ! Hr.
in possession notified. Thisft ding
T, l>. O KELLE
Coiutdirsio |He
I ■will
Fire insurants
I write property—country all kinds of city] da I
town e
ings, barns, gin houses
Good reliable companies
honest rates. See me.
A. M. Mctaffl
111 \i the
Did H ler
T have opened an office in (the
uiidmg formerly occupied I ds
Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solid
share o£ the patronage of i
people. Jones, Dentist
R. A,
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim —to please all.
Give me a call when you need«
I am prepared to do any kind
mechanics work on short
See me or call at 11 £ £K
office. —J. F. Wallis.
Attorney at Law.
Doe* a general Collections I’™***- a spe* ^(5!*"
turin &
Procures loans on
rate of interest.
Advertise your busiaess aad
bring renewed prosper: y
the town.