Newspaper Page Text
cerning People and
tl M
| ho es 50 cents a foot at Sum
gig Cash Store.
ir. C. W. Smith lias sold IPs
bauble business to Mr. B. D.
fesley, of Litboni*, who will
fe here in a few days and cou -
the same The WlEKLv ex
i welcome.
9 him a cordial
bot, & Reagan have dissolved
ar Wid th Marbut is
uership Mr.
go e proprietor bf the businetis
Reagan is engaged with the
, Almand & Co. Mr
10 fJ. H.
rbat will continue the business at
o’d stand.
lf r8 Arthur Dabney, of Wind
f .
has returned home after a
|eks L visit to her parents here.
s B. E. McDaniel aod
Lhter, ined . of Bowden, have re¬
[it home after a pleasant
to the family of Mr. W. V.
[The many friends of Miss Dallie
Inland hope that she may sxtn
i, well.
jfhs Claud Warren, of Litbonia.
sited relatives here last week.
Mr. J. H. Bentley is having
line repairs made upon his
The most pleasant social
vent of the holidays was the
Lnual festival of the Masons
It their Hall.
The Sunday school workers
f the town enjoyed the services
eld by Rev. Mr. Miller, field
worker of the Georgia State
uuday school Association, at
Methodist church Monday
,nd Tuesday night.
Mr. R. H. Brooks, father of
B. B. Brooks,has been spen¬
ding some time here.
Dr. T. J. McDonald is taking
r course of lectures in Atlanta,
,e went up last Monday and
rill return to-day.
Pay your subscription to the
Weekly now. It is due and
ive need it.
After the b : g fire in Cripple
"reek, I took a very severe cold and
ried many remedies without help,
he cold becoming more settled. Af
er using three small bottles oi
/bamberlaiu’s Cough Remedy, both
he cough and cold left me, and :rs
altitude it tikes a merito
ciiugh remedy to do any good
-G, B. Henderson, editor Daily
dvertiser. For sale by Dr. W. Hr
For Infants and Children.
It «
Don’t bolt your food, it iritates your
stomach. Choose digestible fond and
chew it. Indigestion is a dangerous
tifkness. Proper care prevents it
Shaker Digestive Cordial cures it
This is the long and short of indiges
tion. No, the question is; Have you
8°t indigestion? Yes. if you have
Pain or discomfort after eating, head
Jthe, breath,, dizziness, heartburn, langour, nausea, weakness offensive
JHundh e, flatulence, loss of appetite, indi¬
constipation, etc. Yes, you have
gestion. Te cure it. take Shaker Di¬
gestive Cordial- The medicinal herbs
*ntl Cordial* plants of wh ! ce Shaker Digestive tho
food composed, help to digest
ir your stomach ;help to strength¬
en your stomach. When your stomach
ttsiroiig, ora will keep it so. Shaker
Digestive t'ordial is for sale bv drug
price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle.
I have been a suflerer from chron
ic diarrhoea ever since the war (18G6
that has bee i a success as a cure,
and that is Chamber lain ’3 Colic,
Cholera and Dia rhoea R-medv.
T E. Grisham. Gaars Miffs, Laj
for Lee-
Ri-v J F. Walli - is on a visit, to
Mr J. T. Wallis, oi Farril], Ala.
We c.tfil your attention to the ad
cr'is<treat of .Mr. W. S Marbut in
his issue
Dkss Goods, Clo'Lirgard Under
wear at greatly reduced prices.
Chas B. HuU30N
Miss- s Kate Anderson and Lula
and Sarah Manning', of Manet'a.
were mteitained by relatives and
friends here last week and this.
We are disposing of winter goods
atthevu-y lowest p ices for cash
See us and buy bargains.
t ins. B. IT unsox.
Miss Sue Pittman, of Cedartowu.
a mug; amiab e young lady was the
guest of Mrs. D. M. A macd the
past week.
The Baptist church subscription
committee, created to serve during
the erection of the new Baptist
church, will get to work iu earnest
next week. It is hoped that the
foundaiio 1 for the new chuich will
be laid in a short time.
Tie fac¬ —'* Si e*
simile St every
slgsature g- vtippej.
Messis. Webb and Braswell now
occupy ibe house which the writer
vacated on Friday.
Clever and genial Chas. Nowell is
now with C. B. Hudson and wifi be
gkd to Lave bis friends call on him.
Miss Alma Caig e, of Li’-honia,
was the guest of Miss Ma’.tie Mc
Donald 'ast week.
Miss Lollie Posey has secured
a school at Jacksonville, in De
Kalb county. She took charge
last Monday.
The new council named the
city officials for the new year as
i'ojlows: Marshals, Sheriff Aus¬
tin and W. B. Smith, Street
overseer, D, T. "Vauglm. Clerk,
M, H. Plunkett. Treasurer. J.
C. Stephenson.
Since our last issue many
marriages have occured and
we are not sure of the dates
of some of them. Our friend,
Mr. Will Cowan, one of the
most- worthy- young men in the
county. was married to Miss
Ida Almand, the estimable
daughter of Judge Jno. W. Al
mand, Sunday, after Christmas
day, if we remember correctly.
We congratulate the young
people and extend our best
The little baby of Mr. and
Mrs. M.H. Plunket died last
Tuesday night after a few hours
suffering from membranous
croup- The remains were in
ter red i ti Rockdale cemetery
Wednesday evening.
The Weekly tenders siucere
sympathy to the sorrowing
parents in their sad affliction.
For years we have used Chamber
Iain’s Cough Remedy and always
keep it in the house. It is regarded
in our family as.a specific for cold
and croup, It is a’so invaluable for
whooping cough- No family where
there are children should be without
it.--R E B eet, Oiney, Mo For
sale by Dr. W. H. Lee.
Bargain Sesker’s Counter,
This is anew fea ure iu Conyers
mercantile business, in that it is a
nent fea tire in our store, it
perum constantly replenished, You
being useful things at gen¬
can find many gain
uine bargain price-son our ba
coun'er. B. Hudson.
a gold « oi
a clasp. Last on the evening
Masonic festival, at be hafi or on the
street, somewhere from Mr. i. •
Bryan.s home to the hall- Leave
this office and » e t reward
The firm of Stephenson k Turner
has di solved, by mutual consent
M , John C Stephenson suceeoyg
tlie old (itm and has bright prds
peels fordoing a good business
present, year. ...
Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Wood, of
Winder, visited relatives here
last week. Rev. Wood preach¬
ed at llio Christian churGh in
tins city last Sunday. He will
reside at Watkinsville in she
We reproduce a notice of the bus
iucss transaction of Messrs. G. W. A
A. P. Cain 1 f this place and Mr.
A. Almaed of Lawicneevtl e, fio.m
the Herat 1 , on another 1 age,' from
which it, will be seen ihat we are to
lose the form< r gentlemen and gain
the ’alter. We hope that the parties
(oncerned will meet with great su s*
cess in their new fields. We regret
to lose the Messrs. Cain and
gladly we’come Mr. Aluiand
Mr. Norman, mother of Mr Jo
seph Norman, has moved to our city
and occupies Di. Lewis A. Lee's
nice home on Decatur street.
We have changed our living quar¬
ters and are now' neighbors to the
Mayo 1 , Mr. W. N. Everiit and others
of that neighborhood. We occupi
Mr. L L. Johnson’s residence.
Mr. Tom Aubtin has turned b s
back upcD dry goods and eu'e ed
rebool. Tom is a good f a esmau
and a wise young man.
Mrs. Dukes lias gone on a
visit to relatives in Florida.
She was accompanied by her
daughter, Miss Nannie.
The marriage of Mr. Tom
White and Miss Emma Bailey,
both of this county, occurred last
Wednesday week, Rev. J. J.
Stephenson officiating. We ex¬
tend hearty greetings and good
wishes to the happy couple.
Mr. David Floyd, of Redan
and Miss Beatrice Cook, of our
city, were happily married at
the home of the brides mother,
last Wednesday,- Rev. Juo. ,F.
Almand officiating. The hap¬
py couple will make their future
homo at Redan.
Mr. Joseph Chatman, of Li clerking foi; Mr. B. D.
Miss Ola Christian is spend¬
ing some time with friends at
Bowden, Ga.
The Ordinary informs us that
he has passed the record in is¬
suing marriage license in 1896.
He sold one hundred and one.
In 1895 83 wete issued, and the
highest number issued up to
January 1st, 1896. was 90. The
Judge and county officers could
have increased the sale in ’96
but didn’t meet with the re¬
quisite encouragement.
A Happy New Year.
The big crowds and the big
business were ours. More pat
rons than could crowd into our
Big New Store, This was the
public answer to the weaklings
who tried to enact the role of
With the lieW year we extend
our thank, .0 the thousand, of
customers who chose our store
in preference to other ,, stores .___• in
Gonvers uonyeis. We vvo had expected 1 our
sales to be large but they ex
ceeded by far what « looked
forward to,
We are progressive . here- We
are every day looking to the
tle thing that other stores
lect; and building up a
on r lines Of our own.
We have just finished stock
taking and fiad a great many
remnants and odds and
that WO will sell at less
half price and a all it shoes an< „nrt
clothing ton ten
at f actor y cost for spot cash ;
We wll l “post no bills
one during this sale.
Allen D. Summers.
/? ■“ 1j on
K every
*■ 4 vrtppor.
V- - ,
i ' lU,e ordinary informs us that
ls kept quite busy of late
making out aphcatiors for pen
svons tor indigent so’d ms. lie
has received instructions in the'
last few days from lion. Rich
ard Johnson,Com. of Pensions,
that payments will begin as
early in January as is practica¬
ble; indigent, widows and inva
led being paid in (lie order
named. No new claims will
be considered . , , until ... enrolled .
claims are disposed of.
Mr. M. L Wood Las moved to
town. He occupies the house "aca
ted by Mr. W. R White, on Dec*
Lur street,
Mr aod M rs. A, J. Summers have
moved into their home on Mi 1 street
Dr. J. P. Rosser, of Atlanta, was
here a short, time this week looking
after business interests
Mr II C. Penn has moved into
Mr. Gus Alraand’s residence on
Rail.oad street.
Everybody will take in tho show
to-night and Monday night.
We regret to aunounce the serious
illness <>f Dr. W. H. Lee. Hope he
may soon recover.
TI 10 rew year changes have hem
many and the Weekly trusts, all for
the l>est.
Mr. E'isha Berry, of this place,
gays he never had any liing to do
him so much good and give such
quick relief from rheumatism as
Chambe'dain’s Paul Balm. Ite was
bothered greatlv with shooting Pains
f oui hip to knee until he used this
li' imenfc, which a!To;ded piompt re¬
bel — B. F. Bakec, druggist, St
Palis, Ohio. For sale by Dr. VV. H.
Miss Mildred Posey has sc¬
oured a position with the Bow¬
den High School. Miss Mildred
is a splendid teacher and will
meet with success in her new
Mr. T. A, Elliott’s barn, to¬
gether with a line horse, cow,
calf and a good quantity of
rufage, was consumed by fire
on last Monday night week.
Origen of fire unknown.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wardlow
of Atlanta, spent Christmas
with Mrs. Wardlow in this city .
A negro horse thief was
caught here last Sunday night.
It was not positively known
that he had stolen the horse
when he was first arrested, but
ho was detained at the court¬
house on suspicion over night.
As no one was asked to watch
him he walked out and oil' a
few moments before a gentle
man arrived in search of him.
He left the horse with the sher¬
iff and the owner secured it.
The negro has not been seen
reiitative at Washington. Endorsed by
$ 1 50 Big book, big commiseions
, . the only endorsed,
Everybody book. wants free Ore
re )j ab j e Outfit* it
given. Freight paid, prop a’I trash,
and make $300 a month with war in
Cuba, Address to day .THE NATION-
35M ’»
After meals you should have simply
a feeling of comfort ant satisfaction
a^tionls going on!’ 1 if
the fining of so many
diseases, that it is best to take it in
hand at once and treat it with Shaker
Digestive Cordial, For vou know that
i c 0r clial dees thtB by providing the di
L aestive materials in which the sick
toma cb is wanting. It also tones up
I and strengthens the digestive healthy. organs
ja i -d makes them perfectly method of
fbis is the rationale of it*
cure as the doctors would sav- Sold
, price lOeents $1 00
| i bottle. by di uggists, to per
Fxch'aRge ,, b&ugl’tar.d sold. Ccllccticns made all parts of the
Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
will het be her. ere d under, cry circritt
k stance?,
Office hours from 8 a. si. fill 4 1 \ m till further notice,
189? 189? 189?.
As successor to the firm of Marbut & Reagan I tender my
thanks to their many customers and kindly ask a continuance
of your patronage. I find I am overstocked on
(ilood Razors, Pocket
Knives, Scissors, Crock¬
ery and
Seme other goods that I will reduce regardless of value.
Yours very truly,
W. 8, Marbut.
W E arc pleased to make an entirely new offer to our subscribers, in
which every one may have a chance to name the missing Word in
this sentence;
It is quoted from a prominent writer upon economic stibjeoH. full
In making your guess it is not necessary to write out the
sentence—simply write: “ My guess for missing word for MARCH
. **
Subscribe for The Constitution
c ?he (jjonj/ers
. .
And send your guess with it, and wc will forward all for yon and #iu?
<x\ Give You a Chance to flake Good Money. t*>
THE CONSTITUTION guarantees that the amount of the award
will not be less than $5Q0 in Cash, and it may be as much as $2,000.
It will be io percent of all subscriptions that wo, and all the
other clubbing papers with The Constitution, secure for the months af
January and February. If the subscriptions keep up with fhe reeord of
last year, the sum to be given will Exceed $ 2,000 cash. If the sub¬
scriptions are doubled, as they were in January, just past. The Consti¬
tution will pay out about $3,000 in cash premiums in this contest. If
more than one person name the proper word, the amount will be eejoaily
divided between them.
The Weekly Constitut'on is iha Greatest Weekly Newspaper hi the World,
with a circulation of 156 000 . It covers the whole world in its news
service, and covers the news of the United States in minute detail, with
12 pages, 7 columns to the page, 64 Co'uEtins Every Week.
AS A NEWSPAPER—-The Weekly Constitution has n° equal in Amcriw ! Tl* news
reports cover the world, find its correspondents and agents aie to be fbnnd ift almrWt 4nrery
bailiwick in lire Southern and Western States,
AS A MAGAZINE—It prints more such matter ns ts ordinarily ftrnnd in flte (fr**t
magazines of the country than can he gotten from even the best of them.
AS AN EDUCATOK—It is a schoulhouse within itself, add a yem’a reading *1 TYTB
CONSTITUTION is a liberal education to anyone.
AS A FRIEND AND COMPANION—It brings cheer and ennfftrt to ttie ftreMiY* atverjr
week is eagerly sought by the children, contains valuable information for the mother, and is
an encyclopedia of in,(ruction for every member of the household.
ITS SPECIAL FEATURES—Are such as are not to I* found in any aOier paper m
Are all under aide direction, and are specially attractive to those t« whom these departments
are addressed.
And with it your guess—for the guess must, in every msne, ac¬
company the yearly subscription sent in. You cannot do with¬
out your local newspaper, and you cannot do without a
general newspaper, in touch with your section. We eover the
I local already demand— subscriber THE CONSTITUTION to paper and covers want the The world. Constitution, If you
are a our
send us $ 1 Op, and along with it your guess in the missing word
contest We will forward same and duly record your guess.
Send us your money and get both papers «ne year, and per¬
j haps get enough money to clear you of debt, or buy y*u a gnod
j home. Now is the time to subscribe.
) Address all orders tc—
j The Conyers Weekly,
j Ga,